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Qu: What criteria do we use to ascertain if a power is 'super'/ 'great'/ regional/ emergin

Military strength - USA very strong; Russia - strong; China - getting stronger Nuclear weapons? Economic strength - GDP/capita , no of TNC'S, TNC HQ's (where taxes are paid and profit is generated) give a sense of a global reach of the country - russia interesting with there gas co's but beyond that russian brands struggling , type of economy Film industries- Entertainment industry Language Diplomacy Population Poverty level Brands Aid given Military bases around the world

multipolarity realist vs liberals

Neorealist argue multi =anarchical polarity even a small increase in power has the potential to make states a great power this creates higher levels of uncertainty intensifying the security dilemma Liberals optimistic argued promotes multilateralism cooperation integration equals interdependent polarity states realize the futility of competition and conflict because the potential gains are relatively small whereas Cooperation produces benefit for all NEOREALIST, ANARCHICAL POLARITY,SMALL INCREASE =HEGEMONY=INSECURITY=SD LIBERAL= MULTILATERALISM,COOPERATION,CONFLICT NOT BENEFIT, INTERDEPENDENT POLARITY

smart power example

Nye uses the example of the Taliban government in Afghanistan which aided and supported the terrorist group al Qaeda that perpetrated the 9/11 attacks Simply employing soft power resources to change the hearts and minds of the members of the regime would have been ineffective force required to remove the regime and isolate al Qaeda However in developing relationships with the mainstream Muslim world such as Saudi and Libya the use of hard power would alienate them in these cases soft power would be a more fruitful strategy AL QAEDA SUPPORTED BY TALIBAN GOVT FORCE REQUIRED TO ATTACK REGIME SOFT POWER TO DEVELOP RELATION WITH MAINSTREAM MUSLIM WORLD SAUDI AND LIBYA OTHERWISE ALIENATION

consideration of changing world order since 2000

start of millenium hope for new world order replace tension and suspicion of cold war era two main obstacles to promtoing this peace and co-operation how the un should be strengthened and how to promote partnership between USA and russia

Brazil economic

strength 1)one of the BRICS=an emerging economic power 2)9th largest economy in world 3)rich in natural resources 4)large population of 200 million BRICS,9TH ECON,200MN,NAT RESOURCES B,9,200M,NR NR,B,9,200 nora belongs 18 (9x2) weakness 1)lots of social inequality and poverty 2)poor education and below average literacy rates 3)poor infrastructure esp. roads and ports SOC INEQ,POV,EDU,LIT,INFRA SI,P,I,E,L

russia military

strength 1)is challenging the USA's military might both in global reach and weaponry 2)more nuclear warheads than the USA and is the only power in the world that could destroy the USA 3)only Saudi Arabia has higher spending on its military as a % of GDP 4)has the 4th largest army 5)2016 announced that it has the worlds most lethal nuke--->RS:28 Sarmat 6)Crimea/Ukraine/Syria/Georgia=R's military power has been dominant in recent yrs CHALLENGE US,WARHEADS,ONLY SAUDI BEATS %GDP ME, 4ARMY,SARMAT ,DOM POWER C/U/S/G CHALLENGE US,WH,4A,SAGDP,LNSARMAT,C/U/S/G CU,LNS,SA,CSUG,4A weakness 1)total military spending lags behind USA and China 2)much of its equipment is quite old 3)its extensive and exposed borders make Russia strategically vulnerable 4)nothing like the military superpower it was in the days of the cold war CHINAUS SPENDING,OLD,BIG BORDER, CUS,BB,O CUSOBB

military power effectiveness

(1- china increase but still us bases every where around it in the region (CON) 2- russia invasion over SO has left the area in limbo (CON) but georgia hasnt been able to suppress RNS movement (PRO)) 3- military power is declining as a method of pursuing a states interest. interstate conflict is decreasing and economic interdependence is on rise. states are more likely to resort to economic sanctions or trade agreements to exert their influence. eg in ukraine 2016, although nato increased its presence in eastern european states bordering russia, european states chose to use economic sanctions as their main tool in persuading russia to withdraw its support from russian seperatists. there was no immediate prospect of military intervention on behalf of ukraine against its hostile neighbour NATO IN EE STILL CHOSE SANCTIONS TO PERSUADE RUSSIA GET OUT OF UKRAINE (remmeber earlier japan and usa froze assets in eu held by entities and individuals associated with putin and govt because their military support of RNS in ukraine, well now nato came to ee to pressure but still chose economic method to persuade = because economic interdependence)

emerging powers

(Countries with rising political and economic capabilities and influence that seek a more assertive role in international affairs.) no single agreed definition because it's new however generally key characteristic is a growing economy which gives the state the potential to be important global actor might have been no emerging powers without globalization growing volume of international trade requires the management of trading relations through international organizations which brings states into closer contact with each other providing opportunities to exert influence economically and politically BRICS Brazil Russia India China and South Africa also the G20 and G7 is considered

Smart Power

(The use of soft power backed up by the possible use of hard power.) using a combination of coercion (hard power) with persuasion and attraction (soft power) joseph nye coined term in 2004 book 'soft power- the means to success in world politics' . nye argues most effective foreign policy employs a combo of hard and soft power strategies. relying on one inadequate soft core hard core = smart couple coercion and persuasion (bad cop good cop) NYEn'sp mtsiwp) only one inadequate bill nye and bad dude are like listen we are better together, if u dont listen to me my gf will bust your ass

Great Powers

(old empires) Great powers combatants of Napoleonic wars no single agreed definition e.g. UK/France/Russia/China1)represent the most important states in global relations 2)they possess significant military influence and global interests and play a key role in IGOs 3)BUT none of them maintains anywhere close to the military and diplomatic outreach of the (mehhUSe.g. China could be seen to be a big dog in its backyard, while US is the big dog everywhere)


(the ability of one person to get another person to act in accordance with the first person's intentions) dominate, force, influence them to do what you want to do

effectiveness in human rights

+sanctions in south africa over apartheid long running sanctions against SA (1986-94) BY usa,japan and EEC in attempt to end racist apartheid regime. this prevented trade in certain commodities and financial services EEEEK commodities and financial services are sick but 86-94 HELLO, KONICHIWA , RACISM NO MORE. +eu and usa clauses on workers conditions and human rights The EU and USA =the first to insert clauses into their trade agreements protecting human rights and workers conditions more and more countries are using trade agreements to further their political objectives EU USA CLAUSE HR+WC=TA=PO 1- countries seeking to make trade agreements are usually already on the path to democratisation and the adoption of rule of law and protection of rights 2- western states promote human rights but turn a blind eye when important trading partners have lower standards then they would like eg china chinese representatives lectured by western leaders but no concrete action even tho the treatment of political prisoners and critics of the regime is not improving

case study soft power uk

- ENGLISH LINGUA FRANCA = 1BN PPL (cuz british imperialism in the 19th ce and global influence of US in 20 and 21 ce ) etc etc COME BACK TO THIS ENGLISH LINGUA FRANCA BN IMP 19 US2021

specific examples of economic hard power list


how to promote partnership between USA and Russia

- russia became capitalist economy but not liberal democracy -elections in which a range of parties and candidates may stand, but there is a taint of ballot rigging in presidential elections -ideological conflict of conflict seems to have dissapeared, but doesnt mean cooperation has materialised COME BACK TO THIS CAP X LIB DEM BALLOT RIGGING IDEALOGICAL CONFLICT DISSOLVED COOPERATION NOT MATERIALISED

Case Study: European Union

- signigicant soft power evn tho not state economic power single market removes all non tarrif barriers to trade in goods and most restrictions on trade in services, free movement of labour and capital SINGLE MARKET, NON TARRIF BARRIERS, RESTRICTION NO SERVICE, LABOUR CAPITAL, SINGLE CURRENCE 19/28 EU share currency expanded in 2008 when eastern europe democratised creation of a high rep= 'foreign representative'= speak w/ one voice in IMF,G7,620 EU has huge power but virtually no military power (some economic strength) HAS POWER CUZ PPL WANNA BE A PART OF THEM for their market etc it's also a lore shining. Diplomacy. SIGSOFTXSTATE/SING MARK REMOVES= ntb,rns,lc,sc 19/28 share currency ee democratised creation of a high rep= speak one voice NO MIL POWER STATE/SM/NTB/RS/LC/19,28/1V/MP

China's economic strengths

1)=big challenge to the US economy, 2nd largest 2)in the next 20 years is expected to overtake USA in terms of GDP 3)Has overtaken US as largest investor in Africa and S. America 4)1978-2015 had 8-10% growth, since 2015=6% (still strong!) 5)2009 became the worlds largest exporter 6)huge domestic consumer market 7)USA has debt of over 1 trillion dollars to China 8)2013 launched belt and road initiative/invests globally 9)is a world leader in drone technology and computer hardware and is now even in the space race 2 econ, largest exp,hdm,17world gdp, us 1 trill debt,belt and roads scheme,space race,8-10% growth in 78-2015, SA AF INVESTOR , NXT 20 YRS BEAT US GDP 2e,be,mdm,brs,isaa,20gdp,1trill,8-10%,17%gdp,exp,invest in drone tech+space race


1)China and Russia are challenging US military might in both terms of their global reach and weaponry sophistication CHINA:-has worlds largest army= 2 million strong- has nuclear weapons- is the military force in the south china sea- 2nd largest military spending RUSSIA-have more nuclear war heads than USA-is the only power in the world atm that could destroy the USA-2016 announced that it has the worlds most lethal Nuke- Crimea/Ukraine/Syria/Georgia=Russia's military power=dominant in recent years INDIA- 2nd largest army in the world USA=failed militarily in Somalia/Iraq/Afghanistan + weak in Syria/Georgia/Ukraine/Crimea

USA=no longer dominant world power CULTURAL

1)China has opened Confucius institutes across the globe to promote Chinese values 2)football=the global sport 3)rise of terror groups is a significant rejection of cultural values and ideas 4)global news networks such as Russia today and AlJazeera challenge the US' media dominance KOREAN WAVE LIBERAL DEMOCRACY IS ON RETREAT polarisation? confuscious, football, terror,russia today aljazeerachallenge us media dom, korean wave, lib democracy on retreat,polarisation

China's Belt and Road Initiative

1)China started it in 2013 to strengthen trade, infrastructure and there are now investment links between China and 65 countries 2)focus us to build a massive amount of infrastructure to connect China to countries around the world e.g. ports in Pakistan and bridges in Bangladesh 3)it is the largest infrastructure connectivity project in history 4)it covers 65% of the worlds population and is due for completion in 2049 when China will be much better connected to Africa and Europe along 6 economic corridors 2013 STRENGTHEN TRADE AND INFRASTRUCTURE CONNECT CHINA AROUND WORLD, PORTS IN PAKIS, BRIDGES BANGLA, 65% WORLDS POPULATION, BIGGEST CONNECT INFRA PROJECT EVER, 6 ECONOMIC CORRIDORS 2013SI+CONNECT, BB,FBP,6EC,BICPIH,AFREU,65

USA=no longer dominant world power ECONOMIC

1)China=big challenge to USA (2nd largest economy in the world) in the next 20 years is expected to take over USA in terms of GPD, has had 6% growth in 2016 2)China has overtaken the USA as the biggest investor in Africa and south America 3)2009 China became the worlds largest exporter and has a huge domestic consumer market (1.3 bill)4)USA has debt to china of 1 trillion dollars 5)3/10 of the wealthiest companies in the world=chinese 6)Chinese belt and road initiative 7)2007 financial crash damaged the USA and its economic model 8)India has been predicted by some to take over the US economy eventually 9)EU has a huge single market and combined GDP of all its states of $16 trillion CHINA SECOND BIGGEST ECON, 6 % GROWTH ECON EXPECT OVERTAKE IN NXT 20, BIGGEST INVESTER SA + A, 3/10 TOP TNC'S, USA OWES DEBT 1 TRILL, DOM CON MA 1.3 BN , LARGEST EXPORTER, US DAMAGED 2007/8 , INDIA INCOMING, EU GDP 16 TRILL COMBINED 2E,6%,3/10,B+R,EX,1.8BN DOM, 1TRILL,2008,IND,EU 16TRILL,SA+ A,

How else can the world be seen as multipolar? not imp

1)EU=largest single market in the world and combined GDP of all its members of $16 trillion 2)Rise of terror groups=sig. rejection of US cultural values 3)growing significance of cyber technology--->any power with sophisticated computer skills could make the USA's hegemonic status redundant

chinas military weaknesses

1)Military spending is only 1/3 of USA's 2)China spends approx. 1/2 of what the USA does on its military as a % of GDP 3)China does not have the global reach of the USA 4)=USA is still the sole power that can intervene militarily in any part of the world and sustain multiple military operations only a 1/3 ,reach and simultaneity, spend half as much of their gdp, usa anywhere

USA=still dominant world power POLITICAL/STRUCTURAL

1)USA has huge amount of structural power in important organs of global governance e.g. WTO/IMF/World bank... 2)is the most proactive member of the UNSC 3)has huge amounts of soft power-->diplomatic/cultural wto/imf/wb proactive unsc soft power

China's cultural weaknesses

1)USA still dominates TV/film/hollywood on a global scale 2)USA has corporate brands=global cultural power 3)English=most widely spoken 2nd language (driven by USA's ec. development and entertainment industry) 4)US democratic values are more appealing than China's authoritarianism (has faced lots of condemnation for its treatment of its Uyghur population) 5)no asian universities in the worlds top 10 USA DOM, USA LF,BRAND,DEM VALUES ATTRACTIVE>AUTHORITARIANISM, UGHYUR CONDEMN, NO ASIAN UNI

USA=still the dominant world power CULTURAL

1)USA's culture dominates on a global scale e.g. Hollywood 2)US has global brands such as Cocacola and MacDonalds, apple, facebook3 )English is the most spoken language in the world and this can be seen to have been driven by US economic development and entertainment 4)American values-->liberal democracy, neoliberalism, human rights are embraced/inspired to all over the world COMMODITY FETISHISATION, EXPORT OF IDEOLOGIES , BRAND FETISHISATION, ENGLISH LINGUA FRANCA,

hard power overall effectiveness con

1)critics say there are limits to what it can achieve as there are many examples of superior power not achieving what it wanted e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan VAI LIMITS 2)the Iraq war in 2003 actually reduced the USA's power in the Middle East and gave rise to more instability in the region e.g. isis IRAQ RED US ME P,INSTABILITY=ISIS 3)military action/power is declining in the last decade esp. after disasters such as Iraq 2003 MIL ACT DECL DEC I3 4)=atm states are more likely to resort to economic sanctions as global economic inter-dependance is on the rise RUSSIA NATO EU +US SANCTIONS -------- 1) LIMITS ACHIVE, SUPER POWERS NO GET VIETNAM,AFGHAN IRAA 2)IRAQ RED POWER,INSTA,ISIS 3)MIL RED 10 YRS I2003 4)ECON PREFER

russia cultural COME BACK HERE

1)global network Russia today=v influential 2)BUT has significant societal problems such as alcohol abuse and corruption

classifications of state power

1)great powers2)superpower3)emerging powers

China's cultural strengths

1)has opened Confucius institutes all around the world to spread Chinese values

China's military strengths

1)has the largest actual army in the world 2)has nuclear weapons and nuclear powered subs. 3)China is the military face in the South China Sea 4)2nd largest total military spending after the USA=$200 billion LA,NW,NPS,SCS,2LMS200BN,

USA=still the global dominant power ECONOMIC alternatively , a unipolar world order?

1)is the worlds largest economy 2)population is large (320 million) and highly educated (80% live in Urban areas) 3)pop. estimated to be 440m by 2050=young work force with taxes and ability to support elderly 4)US dollar is the main force of international currency and Wall Street=worlds central trading hub 5)huge amount of economic structural power e.g. IMF/WTO/G7/G20/world bank=leading role in formulating response to the 2007-8 crisis 6)USA accounts for 1/3 of world spending on research and development=a world leader in artificial intelligence 7)no one is close to challenging the USA in global decision making LARGEST ECON 320 MN 80%URBAN 440MN BY 2050 US DOLLAR INT CURRENCY +WALL STREET CENTRAL TH ESP=IMF WTO WB G7 G20 (RESPONSE 2008 CRISIS) 1/3 SPEND RSRCH ON DEVELOPMENT (LEAD AI) NO ONE CLOSE TO THEM IN DEC LE, 330 MN 80% URBAN, 440MN 2050,1/3SPN RD,AI,WTO WB IMF G7 G20 2008, DOLLAR WALL STREET

e.g.s of cultural soft power

1)one of the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union was that its communist ideology could not compete with the attractions of capitalist materialism KENNEDY IS SEXIER THAN MARX 2)China is extending its international influence by opening Confucius institutes globally which are designed to promote an understanding of Chinese values esp. among the young is it propoganda tho, isnt everything lmao CHINA CONFUSING

USA=no longer dominant world power POLITICAL/Structural

1)others sit on the UNSC and other global bodies 2)USA's soft power has been damaged--->by wars e.g. Iraq/Somalia/Afghanistan and crimes such as Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib in Iraq--->also damaged by association with corporate power and widening inequality and resentments against Americanisation 3)USA needs china to influence North Korea 4)EU diplomacy=important in doing a deal with Iran on its nuclear development 5)China and Russia are largely immune from US diplomatic pressures 6)Trump was much more isolationist and withdrew from Paris climate change agreement=China has sized global leadership here

why is China implementing the belt and road initiative?

1)to boost its economic growth=trade increases with greater connectivity 2)will ensure more markets for Chinese goods and China will be able to more easily export 3)low cost loans encourage countries accept China's investmenT 4)aims to reshape the way the world trades and travels=creating a system where all the best transport links to china ECON GROWTH, CHEAP LOANS CONNECTION, RESHAPE TRADE TRAVEL, MORE MARKETS FOR EXPORT. clbc, mmex,links,econgrw

why is the 'carrot' of trade agreements effectiveness in promoting human rights debatable

1- countries seeking to make trade agreements are usually already on the path to democratisation and the adoption of rule of law and protection of rights 2- western states promote human rights but turn a blind eye when important trading partners have lower standards then they would like eg china chinese representatives lectured by western leaders but no concrete action even tho the treatment of political prisoners and critics of the regime is not improving

soft power effectiveness

1- iran YES Began negotiations with Iran in 2013 for the International Atomic Energy agency's inspectors to have access to its nuclear weapons program culminating in the 2015 joint comprehensive plan of action signed by 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany the EU and Iran something the USA had failed to achieve alone through sanctions and breaking off diplomatic relations The rules would argue you success over Iran is testament two superiority of soft power over hard power BUT NO 2- LIBERAL ARGUMENT INT ORGS LIBERALS would also argue that the increase in the number of international organizations and the growth in the World Trade means that soft power has the potential to be more effectively states to promote their interests then military force or economic penalties 3--Diplomacy is long over 12 years in the case of Iran but in the long run achieves --- THIS IS WHAT U NEED TO REMEMBER DOWN Liberals maintain that soft power is less risky, cheaper and more effective than hard power e.g. Iran 2013BUTsoft power alone may not be enough to ultimately achieve a states goals (e.g. Soft power would not remove Hussein from Kuwait-force had to be used)


1- is the sole power that can intervene in any part of the world and sustain multiple military operations + is a nuclear power 2- 2019 had the worlds largest military budget of $700 Billion (3.5% of GDP spent on defence)China only spent $200 billion and 2% of GDP 3- USA unrivalled in hi-tech AirPower and weapons 4- USA has 800 bases in 100 countries-->only in 2016 did China open its 1st overseas military base 5-USA is dominant force in NATO 6- USA has 13 operational aircraft carriers (China and Russia=only one each) INTERVENE ANYWHERE SIMULATANEOUSLY, NUCLEAR POWER, 700 BN DOLLARS 4% GDP, HI TECH AIR POWER AND WEAPONS, LEADER IN NATO, 800 BASES 100 COUNTRIES, 13 AIRCRAFT CARRIERS (CHINA AND RUSSIA ONLY 1 EACH) INTERVENE NUKE 700 AIRPOWER WEAPONS 100 COUNTRIES 800 BASES 13 AIRCRAFT

the world is multi polar discuss ask nick how i would answer

1- no US overhwelming cultural influence 2- yes emergence of brics 3- yes, china economic or do cultural economic military

Security Dilemma

A dilemma that arises when efforts that states make to defend themselves cause other states to feel less secure. This dilemma can lead to arms races and war due to fear of being attacked.

Semi-democratic State

A stable state that combines Democratic and authoritarian elements Some states considered semi Democratic have many characteristics Democratic such as elections representation elections may not be free and fair and representation may be skewed to allow one party to dominate the representative assembly there will be a constitution and rule of law but the judiciary may not be independent and the constitution may be subverted in whole or in part next line in theory maybe freedom of speech and pressure groups may be allowed along with a range of political parties But the main media outlets maybe state controlled and political protests may be suppressed Combo elements, elections not free fair, representation skewed one party dominate, in theory freedom of Speech but media controlled, political protest pressed

how to strengthen UN

Any strengthening Of the UN's remit or powers threaten states sovereignty behavior of the permanent members of the UN Security Council particularly the USA and Russia's use of the veto demonstrates how it is often difficult to reach agreement because states seek to protect their national interests Peacekeeping has a mixed record and is often Hampered by the disagreements between the permanent members and the need to gain permission of sovereign states before peacekeeping missions can be deployed to them impossible reform of the UN (particularly UNSC) IE fundamentally flawed STRENGTHEN UN= THREATEN STATE SOVEREIGNTY PERM MEM UNSC ESP RU+US VETO = DISAGREEMENT CUZ NATIONAL INTEREST. PEACEKEEPING MIXED HAMPERED DISAGREEEMENTS AND PERMISSION FOR MISSIONS . NO REFORM

Brazils military ]

Brazils military strengths 1)has a large 300,000 strong army 2)has been modernising its army since 2007 300k modernised army 07 Brazil's military weaknesses 1)only 14th largest army in world 2)not in the top 10 countries for military spending (is 11th) 3)no nuclear weapons 14th,11th spend,no nukes

Great power redubbed

Britain has huge old power, this sort of rejuvenates the term great power cuz theyre a second class of power. Services are hugely important. NGO's like save the children and red cross. Britain real leader in development industry. It is a way of projecting power and UK does an awesome job. Japan, germany , france similar situations.





china soft power

China quite robust in their diplomacy thing, offered to hold talks between palestinian and israel which is v different theyre getting more involved around the world because global economic interest. Got involved in ethiopia . there has been a shift over last 20-30 years = because better benefits, economic globalisation and ideas and stuff. If u go to war with a trading partner your hurting not just them but yourself. PVI, EI,ETH,20-30,GLOB

Arms Race

Cold war competition between the U.S. and Soviet Union to build up their respective armed forces and weapons August 1945 began an arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. This lasted until the signing of the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty of November 1990.

Bipolarity realist vs liberal argument

For realists bipolarity is a natural tendency in the world order state seek to establish such a balance to curb hegemonic ambitions of all states by establishing a balance of power states are less likely to seek hegemony because they anticipate being countered by other states equilibrium is achieved leading to peace and stability for liberals bipolarity does not curb the ambition of states although the hegemonic conditions of both are being curbed in the short term may come circumstances allow one to emerge as the dominant power in anticipation of this the two power blocks by with each other often during arms race leading to tension and insecurity as with the USSR and USA REALISTS , NATURAL, BALANCE OF POWER, LESS LIKE SEEK HEGEMON CUZ HUGE TEAM ATTACK LIBERAL ONLY SHORT TERM CURB HEGEMONIC AMBITIONS, CIRCUMSTANCE ALLOW DOMINANCE, WHILST ANTICIPATING VIE FOR POWER ARMS RACE USA USSR COLD WAR TENSIONS HOSTILITY ETC

semi dem state example

RUSSIA Russian Federation elections subject to allegations of ballot rigging and intimidation 2012 many surprised when Putin was elected next time 'cause opinion polls suggested that most Russians had voted for his opponents Putin already served two terms as president between 2000 and 2008 and the constitution stipulates a two term limit for the presidency Putin circumvented the rules by serving Prime Minister to his protoge Medvedev then sought election as president in 2012 Putin presidencies dogged by accusations of Preston seership brutal repression of protests and claims that orders for the assassinations of political opponents came from the highest level of government There is a range of political parties but putin's United Russia party dominates the Duma next line in 2016 at one 343 seats 76% of the available seats Russian Federation ballot rigging intimidation Putin opinion polls no 2000 2008 constitution no but did the Prime Minister think accusations of brutal repression of protests sassa nation in highest level of government Putin United Russia party dominates Duma 76% of available seats Ballot rigging intimidation opinion polls two presidencies constitution protests assassination 76%

Unipolarity/Hegemony realist liberal fr argument

Realists and in particular neo realists unipolarity or hegemony as a natural consequence of states seeking power and security in an Anarchic system The surest way to protect the state from threats is to become the dominant power or hegemony unipolarity also can have benefits for wider international system the dominant power can act as the world's police officer intervening in conflicts between other states that threaten peace and security or preventing human rights abuses and civil conflicts the hegemon can be the guarantee of economic and financial stability by setting obtaining the ground rules for economic behavior. the term pax britannicus and pax Americana refer to the roles played by Britain and the United states at different points in their history and acting as the guardians of the world order liberals by contrast argue that unipolarity does not lead to the emergence of benign force that promotes global peace rather they fear an emergence of a predatory hegemon that desires power at all costs other powers come to fear the megalomania of the dominant power leading to the security dilemma very process of achieving dominance creates insecurity and hostility which inevitably leads to conflict REALISTS NATURAL, SEEK POWER, GUARDIAN OF WORLD ORDER PAX - FINANCIAL STABILITY W/ GROUND RULES FOR ECON BEHAVIOUR HUMINATARIAN, CIVIL CONFLICT POLICE OFFICER. LIBERALS PREDATORY HEGEMON. MEGALOMANIAC= FEAR=SECURITY DILEMME=CREATES INSECURITY HOSTILITY AND CONFLICT

India's military strengths

STRENGTH 1)is a nuclear power 2)3rd largest military expenditure in the world 3)2nd largest army in the world in terms of size NUKE,2ND BIG ARMY,3RD EXPEND NUKE,2A,3E NUKE,2A,3E N,2A,3E WEAKNESS 1)2/3 of its military equipment is antiquated e.g. out out date soviet made jets 2)India has therefore been described as a paper elephant in military terms 3)India also not so interested in projecting itself militarily in global terms 2/3ANTIQUATED SOVIET JETS,PAPAER ELEPHANT,DISINTEREST 2/3A,PE,D P,E,D,2/3A

dem state example

THE UK First modern democracy evolved from monarchal system of government Representation emerged in the 13th century with creation of English parliament Not until 19th century that parliament represented a significant portion of the people took until 1928 for universal suffrage somewhat later than many other democracies such as the USA Monarchy ,representation 13th century 19th century ,universal suffrage 1928 M/R1319/US1928 magna carta 1215 recognition of rights and governments respect a rule of law Political parties emerged in late 18th century with whigs and Tories which became modern day Liberal Democrats and Conservatives Join in 1900 by Labour Party Labour Party stood for working class Conservatives stood for middle class British citizens enjoy protection of their rights through Supreme Court and European Convention on human rights elections are competitive and there is regular alternation of parties in government There are thousands of pressure groups representing many different interests and viewpoints governments frequently changed their policies under pressure from these groups MC1215 GRROL,PP18CE,1900L,SC,ECHR,EC,PG,CP MAGNA CARTA 1215, POLITICAL PARTIES 18,1900LABOUR, SUPREME COURT,ECHR, ELECTIONS COMPETITIVE,PRESSURE GROUPS,CHANGE POLICEIS MC1215 GRROL,PP18CE,1900L,SC,ECHR,EC,PG,CP M/R1319/US1928

Economic hard power example USA and EU

The EU and USA =the first to insert clauses into their trade agreements protecting human rights and workers conditions more and more countries are using trade agreements to further their political objectives EU USA CLAUSE HR+WC=TA=PO


The EU has been involved in 30 missions and operations since 2003 help states with security, police training, customs, piracy and border management as well as providing support and delivering humanitarian aid Began negotiations with Iran in 2013 for the International Atomic Energy agency's inspectors to have access to its nuclear weapons program culminating in the 2015 joint comprehensive plan of action signed by 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany the EU and Iran something the USA had failed to achieve alone through sanctions and breaking off diplomatic relations The rules would argue you success over Iran is testament two superiority of soft power over hard power -Diplomacy is long over 12 years in the case of Iran but in the long run achieves LIBERALS would also argue that the increase in the number of international organizations and the growth in the World Trade means that soft power has the potential to be more effectively states to promote their interests then military force Recon ahmic penalties 30 MISSIONS 03 s,pt,c,p,bm,ha has ptc bm pc please child, has peniel taken care of bm EU NEG IRAN 2013 IAEA NWP 2015 CPA 5UNSC +G+EU+I something us has failed to achieve alone thru sanctions and breaking off diplomatic relations soft power>hp -LONG 12 BUT ACHIEVE -LIB INT ORG WT SP PROMOTE INTERESTS EFFECTIVELY

Hard Power

The reliance on economic and military strength to solve international problems. military strength, how much are you perceived to use it , how effective are you at using it. Economic strength;sanctions . UNITED STATES, UNDER TRUMP, BASH OVER IRANIANS . INVASION OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES , CUTTING OFF AID TO PALESTINIANS, RUSSIAN MISSILES INTO SYRIA.--

realist vs liberals polar world examples

UNI POLAR US promotes free market capitalism) US invasion of Iraq in 2003 BIPOLAR the huge number of nuclear weapons nuclear weapons possessed by both superpowers meant that war would be suicide for both--->MAD onstant jockeying for influence by both sides which resulted in numerous proxy wars such as Vietnam and Korea >Cuban missile crisis Oct. 1962 came so close to provoking nuclear war MULTIPOLAR e.g. WW1 and WW2 are good examples of problems when there is a multipolar world prepared to accept the authority of IGOs (thus not making alliances independently which could break down and lead to war) FMC US IRAQ 2003 ---- WW1 AND WW2 CMC 62 ---- WW1 WW2 IGO, BREAK DOWN LEAD TO WAR

different types of polarity

Unipolarity = hegemony Bipolarity = two powers Multipolarity = multiple

democratic states

a state that allows the people to have input into government decisions and permits the people to elect and dismiss leaders Many states claim to be democracies but only half of world's countries satisfy all necessary requirements true democracy iwhere government is elected by citizens and elections that Are free and fair Are free from intimidation Count each person's vote the same Have a choice of candidates parties representing the range of interesting ideas in society Democratic states abide by rule of law give various rights and freedoms which can be exercised without state interference EG freedom of Speech allows criticism like pressure groups helps hold in power to account citizen should enjoy protection of their human and civil rights thru independent judiciary

Hard power MILITARY examples china AN

as chinas economic power has grown (now second richest state in the world ) it has been building up its military capability. 2009 their military spending was about 70 bn 2016 it was about 150 bn dollars 2009 70-> 2016 150 = china is nifty from 70 to 150, 09 to 16 china is pristine lmo effectiveness of hard power? ASK NICK china may have increased military capability but it hasn't been able to assert its legal claims over the south china sea or establish military superiority in the region US bases in japan, south korea, Guam , Philipinnes, Australia and Malacca straits has effectively encircled China.

soft power diplomatic and cultural

based on attraction and identification. sharing common values and ideas or 'cultural power,'. UK and EU widely recognised as leading 'soft powers' in the international system IDENTIFY ATTRACT COMMON VALUES + IDEAS CULT POWER UK EU how do ppl get into kpop,id,att,comm id,cult,im in uk ,eu


capabilities= resources= population,wealth,military capability or geography. poor country smol population never military power never excercise hard power in meaningful sense relationships= relational power . right strategic alliances/ joining int inst confer power of state beyond its resources structures= establishment of control of knowledge, financial, security and production networks. US singnificant structural power because its the architect and leading power of msny political /econ org

hard power examples list MILITARY (come back as a quiz)

china 0 russia iraq war HARD POWER that MAKES U CRI

types of govt

democratic sem-democratic non-democratic autocratic rogue failed


describes distribution of power and authority among states

soft power cultural

due to the expansion of the internet and globalisation the opportunity for advancing cultural values has never been greaterthe attractions of your culture and through political and social systems encourage others to emulate you=liberals focus on soft power as it emphasises for global co-operation based upon shared interests

economic hard power general examples

economic sanctions are commercial and financial penalties applied by 1/more countries against a targeted country, i including trade barriers, tarrifs and restriction on financial transactions. TBTFI racist guy with money says to be totally fair riyals only feed track stars


especially since the market reforms of Deng Xiaoping in 1978, in 2015 the IMF ranked China as the number one economic superpower in the world and has asserted that China produced 17% of the world gross domestic product (GDP) in 2014 exceeding U.SA's GDP. Moreover, annual growth rates for China have been 8-10% a year for almost 30 years which is twice the levels of Western economies. This represents the long lasting and stable economy that China has managed to maintain which is encouraged in order to be classified as a superpower. Additionally, Realists (such as Mearsheimer) would argue that this clear power shift to China due to the immediate economic growth would show China as a competitive superpower as there is tension with the US to remain the sole superpower in a unipolar world. Therefore, China's grand economic strength seems to show that China is certainly an economic superpower. On the other hand, China's economic rise faces problems which destructs its strance as a global superpower. For example, a deeper look into China's economy shows that the People's Republic of China's economic strength is far smaller and poorer than the US. China's average income (GDP) is $3,738 and America's is $48,153. Also, oil imports (in million barrels per day) in China is 4.3% and the US has a rate of 9.6%. This shows that China still remains a weak competition against the US as it has not been able to overthrow the USA's economic strength. Moreover, tensions between the free-market economic system and the Stalinist- communist political system may erupt into widespread social protest which could drastically affect China's economy. For realists, tension is inevitable with amoral states and many use the example of the 'melian dialogue' which shows a likely consequence to the tensions between the free market economic system and the Stalinist-communist political system. Therefore China cannot be viewed as a superpower with potential destructive tension that can be easily erupted. 4K DOLLARS VS 48 K OIL BARRELS IN MN B/D= 4.3% VS 9.6% 4KVS48K,4.3 VS9.6 DEN XIAOPING REFORMS 1978 17%GDP MELIAN DIALOGUE = LIKELY CONS FREE MARKET VS STALINIST COMM POL SYS


five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa carolina , elisa, shivani, jackson, taj


hegemony world police officer, pax, economic e.g. 1991 First gulf war USA used its superpower status to lead a UN backed coalition to free Kuwait )the dominant power can guarantee economic stability by setting the ground rules for economic behaviour (e.g. US promotes free market capitalism) megalomanic force, instability , conflict 3)a hegemon can act in defiance of international laws and treaties and so can do whatever they like e.g. US invasion of Iraq in 2003=liberals are very concerned about this balance of power bipolarity natural tendency balance of power, teams will attack so less likely to seek hegemony the huge number of nuclear weapons nuclear weapons possessed by both superpowers meant that war would be suicide for both--->MAD context allow dominance, anticipation = arms race only a short term curb to hegemonic ambitions 1)critics argue that this is a simplistic interpretation of Cold War power-->there was constant jockeying for influence by both sides which resulted in numerous proxy wars such as Vietnam and Korea 2)bipolarity also encourages mistrust and suspicion-->Cuban missile crisis Oct. 1962 came so close to provoking nuclear war multipolarity little increase=great power constant tensions and fight = anarchic polarity e.g. WW1 and WW2 are good examples of problems when there is a multipolar world multilateralism,cooperation, conflict futile, interdependent polarity BUT for a multipolar world to be peaceful nation states need to be prepared to accept the authority of IGOs (thus not making alliances independently which could break down and lead to war)

Economic hard power example Russia

since 2014 , EU impose sanctions against Russia over its military support for Russian nationalist separatists (seriously again) in Ukraine. includes freezing assets held in eu by individuals and entities associated with Putin and his government, and a ban on certain exports to Russia 2014 SANCTIONS RUSSIA MILITARY SUPPORT RNS in UKRAINE= FREEZE ASS AND EXPORTS to russia

why might a growth in world trade lead to greater co operation between states

i just winged this 1- economic interdependence, gives rise to institutions such as the EU with their emphasis on a free market, single currency , unified voice . attraction rooted in cooperation . they also promote liberal lets be friends cooperative interconnectedness , humanitarian aid, 30 peace keeping missions. etc etc 2- economic interdependence also providesa threat of isolation. sanction sgaainst south africa and russia show that involvement in the global marketstipulates some degree of conformity to the values of these organisations. forces cooperation 3- collective interests and involvement also means collective challenges. 2008 financial crash etc u need groups and isntitutions to fight this./ 4- no ,

military hard power iraq war

iraq war 2003 was fought to achieve a number of foreign policy objectives for the USA, but principillay its intention was to subdue americas enemies in the middle east in other parts of the world

Economic hard power example SA

long running sanctions against SA (1986-94) BY usa,japan and EEC in attempt to end racist apartheid regime. this prevented trade in certain commodities and financial services EEEEK commodities and financial services are sick but 86-94 HELLO, KONICHIWA , RACISM NO MORE.

non democratic state

non Democratic state a state that lacks the central characteristics of a Democratic state Hard to find states no Democratic qualities spread of liberal democracy and the promotion of Democratic ideals by international organizations and social movements and pressure groups as meant the vast majority of states pay lip service to the idea of democracy even if they do not practice it in full non Democratic nothing Democratic hard to find Lib Dem spread by int organizations social movements pressure groups majority linked to idea of democracy even if they don't really practice Non demo nothing demo hard to find Lib Dem int organizations soc move pressure groups linked

liberals polars

ove multipolarity = cooperation, interconnectedness, pooled sovereignty , u have to work together Hate bipolarity because 2 powers usually ignore global constitution, un when nothing got done post ww2 cuz too busy vetoing each other Hella lot of conflict around world due to cold war With unipolarity depends, who is the hegemon? If they're defending liberal order we stan, if they are a crazy rogue superpower we hate them


pooled sovereignty, interconnectedness

hard power overall effectiveness pro

realists favour hard power .g. 1991 first gulf war USA led coalition of forces to remove Saddam Hussein (Leader of Iraq) from Kuwait that he had invaded in 1990

India's economic COME BACK HERE

strength 1)A big emerging economic power-->one of the BRICS 2)high economic growth rate since economic reforms of the 1990s 3)Price wate rhousecooper says that by 2050, India will have overtaken the USA in terms of the size of its economy 4)currently India is the 7th largest economy in the world5 )has a fast growing population and middle class to buy consumer goods weakness 1)a lot of poverty and social inequality which hinders growth 2)corruption is rife and has a lacking quality of infrastructure e.g. 40% of Indian fruit rots before it reaches the market 3)poor literacy rates (over 50% of Indian women are illiterate)

russia economic COME BACK HERE

strength 1)collapse of USSR in 1990-91 has allowed ec. to grow as communism abandoned 2)lots of natural resources makes Russia an energy superpower 3)oil and gas expansion has led to a recent economic boom weakness 1)has recently fallen out of the top 10 global economies=12th in 2018 2)too reliant on gas and oil for economic growth esp. as the world is moving towards renewable energy 3)economic stagnation after fall of USSR hindered growth 1990-2000

india cultural

strength Bollywood films are popular across the globe weakness but has a very average education system and the caste system is still a problem, dividing Hindus into a rigid social hierarchy BOLLYWOOD VS CASTE,EDU B CE

Brazil cultural

strengths 1)held the 2014 World Cup and is well known for its football excellence 2014 WC weaknesses 1)its education is poor 2)organised crime is a great problem there 3)women are still treated very much a 2nd class citizens there EDU,ORGCRI,WM 2CC E,OC,W WOCE vs2014wc

super powers

the United States and the Soviet Union became 2 most powerful military forces in the world during the Cold War. Emerged in aftermath of World War Two to describe 2 main protagonists of the Cold War USA and USSR dominated international order in ways in which Great Britain as a great power in the 19th century had not they had created spheres of influence re-eminent amongst great powers and characterised by its unparalleled ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale

it has been claimed that the contemporary world is increasingly multipolar

this is because no one power can dominate all others as was the case at the end of the Cold War when the USA was the unchallenged HegemonToday power is much more evenly distributed between states, IGOs and NGOs and there are so many more constraints on a states freedom of action that even the USA cannot make its presence felt everywhere in the world

a unipolar world order?

usa to be hegemon would have to be vastly stronger than its rivals economically, poltiically,culturally,militarily?

Hard power MILITARY examples russia

used its 6 day invasion of Georgia in 2008 to retaliate against Georgia's suppression of Russia nationalist separatists in south Ossetia russia attack georgia cuz georgia held down russian nationalist seperatists in SO RETALIATION effectiveness russias intervention over SO has left area in limbo but georgia hasnt been able to supress RNS movement there

realists polars

would also like unipolarity Or bipolarity = balance of power is okay u know, security dilemma Obvs hate multipolarity

Power In terms of realists and liberals

zero-sum game , anarchic , limited amount of power. Losing sovereignty or gaining sovereignty.

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