PowerPoint Final
Picture Tools
- Align - Crop - Size
Background Formatting Features
- Background Fill Options - Background Color - Background Transparency
Paragraph Formatting Features
- Bullets - Numbering - Decrease/Increase Indent - Line and paragraph Indent - Alignment - Align Text
Chart Design Features
- Chart Elements - Chart Styles Gallery - Select Data - Edit Data - Change Chart Type
Picture Styles and Effects
- Corrections - Picture Styles Gallery - Picture Border - Artistic Effects - Picture Effects
Table Layout Tools
- Delete Rows/Columns - Insert Rows/Columns - Cell Size - Cell Alignment
Font Features
- Font - Font Style - Font Effects - Font Size - Font Case - Font Color - Clear All Formatting - Text Placeholder
Slide Master Features
- Insert Slide Master - Insert Layout - Insert Placeholder - Themes - Close Master View - Slide Master - Title and Content Layout - Title Slide Layout - Master Slide Text Style
Decrease/Increase Indent
- Left Indent: the entire paragraph is indented a specified distance from the left of the page - First Line: Only the first line of the paragraph is indented - Hanging: All but the first line f the paragraph is indented a specified distance from the left of the page
Basic Presentation Features
- Paste Options - Slides Tabs - Duplicate Slide - Delete Slide - Cut - Undo/Redo - Copy - Create New Slide - Add Section - Slide Pane - Hide Slide
Images and Media Features
- Pictures - Online Pictures - Video - Audio
Slide Design Features
- Presentation Themes - Theme Variants - Slide Size - Format Background - Theme Colors - Theme Fonts
Shape Formatting Features
- Quick Styles - Fill Color - Outline Color - Stacking Order - Alignment Options - Grouping Options
Text Insertion Features
- Shapes - Text Box - Header and Footer - Date and Time - Slide Number
Table and Illustration Features
- Table - Shapes - SmartArt - Chart
Table Design Features
- Table Style Options - Table Style Gallery - Cell Borders
AutoFit and Text Alignment Features
- Text Box Margins - Vertical Alignment - AutoFit Settings
Slide Layout Options in Slides Group on Home Tab
- Title Slide Layout - Title and Content Layout - Two Content Layout - Blank Layout
Video Formatting Features
- Video Start Options - Video Editing - Other Playback Options
- draw attention to important information summarized as key points - the default bullet style is a solid black circle - the drop down gallery offers more bullet style options - if you want to use a bullet style that is not listed in the "Bullet" gallery - you can reformat existing paragraphs into a bulleted list by selecting the desired paragraphs and clicking the bullets button
Merge/Split Cells
- merging takes two or more cells and combines them into one - splitting cells takes a selections of cells and divides them into multiple columns or rows
File Tab Features
- new - open - save/save as -properties
Theme Colors
Additional theme color palette options are available for each theme in the Color drop down - you can preview the color options by resting your pointer on one of the options
Background Trasnsparency
Background styles an significantly add to the visual appeal of a slide, but they can also take away from the design of a slide by distracting from content or making the content harder to read - one of the most effective ways to assure readability is to increase the transparency of the background image
Font Size
Fonts can be set to a particular size through the font size drop down list - they can be increased or decreased incrementally - the unit of measurement used for font sizes if the point
Occasionally, rather than for professional or educational purposes, a PowerPoint presentation is created for entertainment - such types of presentations may call for music - additionally, some teachers will record their lecture over a presentation so that it may be listened to along with the slides at a later time - you can add music or narration to a presentation by clicking Audio
Save/Save As
PowerPoint presentations can be saved as a number of different files - default is .pptx file - save as allows you select a file type to save as from the "Save As Type" drop down - you can save as a pdf, an image, JPG, PNG, or video - you can either save your files on your local machine, or if you have a OneDrive account you can save your files to Microsoft's cloud storage service
AutoFit Settings
Select one of the AutoFit options to change how text interacts with the text box options include: - Do not AutoFit - Shrink Text on Overflow - Resize Shape To Fit Text
Close Master View
Slide Master is contextual, meaning that the Slide Master tab doesn't appear unless you've clicked Slide Master on the View tab - to close the Slide Master and return to the default view, click Close Master View
Quick Styles
Use the Shape Outline drop down to change the outline color of an illustration or table
Text Box
Used to add text in an area with no content placeholder
Text Placeholder
a box with a dotted border - while there are several different kinds of placeholders-including placeholders for tables, pictures, online pictures, and SmartArt - can only hold text - apart from the blank layout, default slide layouts already contain text placeholders - click inside the placeholder to enter the text or to edit existing text - to delete a placeholder, click the dotted border and press backspace and delete
Theme Variants
a preformatted design that changes the color, font and background of the theme - when a theme is selected, the variations available for that particular theme appear in the Variants gallery on the Design tab
Title and Content Layout
a slide layout contains a title placeholder and a content placeholder by default
a theme may be applied outside of the Slide view, but applying it inside has a few advantages - you have more control over any additional formatting of the theme inside the Slide Master than you would outside - it also much easier to add additional themes to the presentation in the view - click Themes in the Edit Themes group and rest your cursor on a theme thumb nail to preview how it looks - to select a theme, click a theme thumbnail - click Browse for Themes on the drop down to search for additional themes
a way to visually organize data - shows trends, patterns, relationships - found in the Illustrations Group of the Insert Tab
allows you to insert media such as video, into your presentations - click video to insert a video saved on your computer or a video from the internet - when inserting an online video, you can either search for it on YouTube or paste its embed code
also called typeface or font family, font refers to a character set that is designed with a particular appearance
Master Slide Text Style
any style changes made to a Master Slide text style while the Slide Master tab is open will be applied to the entire PowerPoint presentation
Picture Styles Gallery
are additonal visual formatting option that you can add to an object, such as borders, shadows, reflections, and even 3-D effects. - click one of the thumbnails in the picture styles gallery to apply that style - picture styles override each other, meaning you can only have one style type applied to a picture
Insert Placeholder
are already fixed in place on default slide layout, but they can be easily moved, deleted, or inserted - insert content, text, picture, chart, table, SmartArt, video, or online picture placeholder by clicking Insert Placeholder
Chart Elements
are the pieces of a chart such as the title, axis labels, and error bars - using this menu, you can add, customize and remove elements from your chart
automatically starts a numbered list with the number 1 followed by a period or a closed parenthesis and then a space - you can also use the numbering button and its drop down gallery to manually create and format a numbered list - the drop down gallery offers a variety of number formatting options - if the number format you need is not listed, click the Bullet, Number to find more options - you can reformat exisisting paragraphs into a numbered list by selecting the desired paragraphs and clicking the numbering button
Other Playback Options
beyond Start On Click in the Video Options for example - Play Full Screen - Hide While Not Playing - Loop Until Stopped - Rewind After Playing
can add emphasis to a selection of text by adding a shadow, reflection, or 3-D effect - when a piece of text is converted to WordArt it is still editable
Artistic Effects
can make an image look like a painting, a drawing, or another art style - only one artistic effect can be added to a picture at a time - rest your cursor on an artistic effect thumbnail in the Artistic Effects drop down to preview it, and click the thumbnail to apply it
Font Case
case is the typographical term that distinguishes lowercase letters from UPPERCASE letter - word provides other standard capitalization schemes: "sentence case" capitalizes only the first word of a sentence and "title case" capitalizes the principal words in names or titles
Clear All Formatting
clears all formatting from selected text and paragraphs, returning them to their default formatting
click this to insert an image saved on your computer - once you have located the graphic that you want to insert, select it and click Insert - the graphic will appear in the current slide
Title Slide Layout
contains a prominent title place holder and a subtitle placeholder
Title and Content Layout
contains a title placeholder and a content placeholder - a picture, video, table, chart, SmartArt, or text can be inserted into the content placeholder
Two Content Layout
contains a title placeholder and two content placeholders - a picture, video, table, chart, SmartArt, or text can be inserted into each of the content placeholder
Blank Layout
contains no placeholder - useful for when you want to customize the placement of each placeholder
Create New Slide
create an addition slide by clicking the "New Slide" button - use the new slide drop down to select a slide layout
Text Box Margins
determine how far the text is spaced from the sides, top, and bottom of the text box - the smaller the margin, the more room for text
dictates how the body of the paragraph appears in relation to the left sides of a text box or place holder. - Align Left: aligns content with the left side - Center: aligns the test with the center - Align Right: aligns text with the right side - Justify: aligns text with both the left and right sides
Slides Tab
displays a thumbnail of each slide in your presentation - this tab makes it easy to scroll quickly through your presentation and edit a particular
Slide Pane
displays the currently selected and allows you to edit the text and other side elements
Vertical Alignment
found on the Text Options tab in the Format Shape pane or the Align Text drop down on the Home Tab to align text vertically to the top, bottom, and middle of the page
Video Editing
generate a fade effect for a video by using the Fade In and Fade Out buttons in the Editing group
Grouping Options
grouping objects allows you to rotate, move, or resize all objects as if they were one shape - can be useful if you have a set of objects that have been perfectly aligned in relation to each other but need to be moved to a different part of the slide without changing their alignment
Chart Styles Gallery
has a variety of performatted Styles you can apply to your chart - these styles will automatically update to match the current theme of your presentation
Header and Footer
hold information placed at the top or bottom of a slide - if date is in the header or footer, the date will be automatically updated when the presentation is opened at a later date or if additional slides are created
Delete Slide
if you are certain that you do not need the content of a slide, right click the slide and click "Delete Slide" - if there is a possibility that you may need the content later, consider hiding the slide instead
Online Pictures
if you don't have the picture you need on your computer, you can insert a picture from the Internet by clicking this button, which opens a window where you can search for a specific type of picture - you can either search the Internet or Microsoft's Online ClipArt library - when you find a suitable picture, select it and click Insert
Alignment Options
in addition to the left, right, or horizontal center of a slide, a place holder may be aligned to the top, bottom, or vertical center of a slide - use the align drop down in the Arrange group to accomplish this
Slide Master
is located at the left-handed side of the window - when you make changes to a slide master, its thumbnail will reflect those changes - listed by layout and group - clicking a slide thumbnail on the left will allow you to edit its content
Add section
longer presentation may need to be divided into sections - a section is a group of slides within a presentation - sections can be expanded or collapsed in the "Slides" tab which makes working with longer presentations much easier - to add a new section to a presentation, click the "Section" drop down and click the "Add section"
Stacking Order
objects are each placed on their own level, or layer, and as objects are added, those layers build upwards from the bottom - this behavior causes illustrations and graphics as well as pictures to overlap each other - you may overlap objects on purpose - to reorder, select the object you wish to move and click Bring Forward or Send Backward in the Arrange group
often used to point out or draw attention to specific information
one of the best ways to visually represent ideas - commonly used to show steps in a process, to demonstrate connections, or to visually organize information that isn't organized sequentially - found in the Illustrations group on the Insert Tab
Format Background
opens a pane where you can modify the background of one or more slides in your presentations
organize data into more readable and easier to comprehend format - located on the Insert Tab and provides easy-to-use grit to define the initial table dimensions - you can also add additional rows and columns later
Picture Effects
picture effects are additional visual formatting option that can be applied to an object, such as outer glow, beveled edges, or 3-D rotation - click this button to view the available effects you can add to an image
Font Style
refers to formatting such as italic, bold, and bold italic - regular font styles do not include additional formatting - to apply or remove a font style, simply select the text you wish to change and then click either the bold or italic button
Duplicate Slide
right click the slide and click "Duplicate Slide" - the duplicate slide will be inserted below the original
Presentation Themes
sets of design components that include background color and pattern, font styles, and placeholder layouts - applying a theme to a presentation, the design process is significantly simplified - if needed, the formatting of a theme can be adjusted on the Design tab
slides themselves, or slide elements can be deleted and moved to the "Clipboard" using the "Cut" command - the content can then be pasted somewhere else in the presentation, or even into another presentation - when using this command the slide or slide element is deleted from its original place in the presentation - the keyboard shortcut is "Ctrl+X"
sometimes photos are taken in poor lighting conditions or have other imperfections - luckily this drop down allows you to change the sharpness, brightness, and contrast of a picture - Sharpen/Soften can help make a photo stand out more - Brightness/Contrast can help make a picture easier to see if it is under or over exposed
Table Styles Gallery
tables are formatted plainly by default, but many different table styles are available here - to preview how a style will change the appearance of your table, hover the cursor over the style
Align Text
text can be aligned to the top, bottom, and vertical middle
Table Style Options
the check boxes in this group can be used to modify the appearance of tables
Cell Borders
the default border style of a table is single black line, but a border's color, thickness, and line style can all be changed - table styles usually apply their own borders styles
Font Color
the default color for documents is black - to apply a different color, select one from the drop down color gallery
Theme Fonts
the default font of a theme can be changed in the Font drop down - rest your pointer on one of the font options to preview it
Slide Size
the default proportions of a PowerPoint slide are 16:9, Widescreen, which is perfectly sized to a wide presentation screen - Change the slide size to Standard, 4:3, to fit a smaller, narrower screen - you can further customize slide dimensions by using the Slide Size dialog box - Its important to make sure that slide size in a presentation is formatted to the size of the screen it will be presented on, or else the presentation won't display properly and some information may be cut off from view
Cell Size
the easiest way to resize a row or column is by dragging its border - however if you want to resize them to an exact measurement, you can do that using these boxes
Slide Number
the format and position of the slide number on each slide is determined by the layout of the chosen Slide Master
the keyboard command for copy "Ctrl+C"
Background Fill Options
the pane presents a large variety of background fill options, including solid, gradient, picture, texture, and pattern fills - if using a texture, pattern or picture, be sure to check that you can still read the slide content - when using pictures make sure that the resolution of the image is high enough so the picture doesn't look distorted
the properties of a presentation provide metadata-information that describes the document - this information includes the presentation file, author name, tags, categories, and slide numbers, all of which identify the contents of the file - to modify a document's properties, go to the "Info" tab of the "Backstage view" and click on the property you want to edit
Line and Paragraph Spacing
the vertical distance between lines of text in a paragraph - single and double spacing are the most common settings - 1.25 is another standard spacing option - 1.80 is an example of custom line space - paragraph spacing is additional spacing before or after a paragraph
Cell Alignment
these six buttons determine where in the cell you text will appear
Video Start Options
this allows your presentation to run without clicking on each slide or needing a remote/clicker
Edit Data
this button opens the spreadsheet that holds your data - the bottom half of the button has the option to open and edit the data in Excel
Picture Border
to change the default border style on a picture, click Picture Border and select a new border style from the drop down
to create a new presentation, click "New" taab - you can create a new presentation using either a blank presentation or one of the pre-designed templates that best suits your needs
Insert Rows/Columns
use this to add new rows or columns to your table
Change Chart Type
use this to change to your chart into a different type - remember to always use an appropriate chart type for your data
Insert Slide Master
used when a presentation will use more than one theme or style - to add another Slide Master, click Insert Slide Master - when the second Slide Master is added to a presentation, it will appear below the first Slide Master in the Slides Pane
Paste Options
when you copy content to the "Clipboard", you can paste it elsewhere in your presentation by clicking the "Paste" button or using the keyboard short cup "Ctrl+V" - most likely, text will brin its formatting (font size, font styles, and links) with it when it's pasted - to insert content from the "Clipboard" without any previous formatting, paste it as usual, and the click "Paste Options", which will appear next to the pasted text - click "Keep Text Only" and paste options will be found by clicking the drop down arrow below the "Paste" button in the "Clipboard" group
Insert Layout
you can always create your own custom layout inside of the Slide Master - by doing this, you'll only have to create custom layout once - once you've inserted the new layout into the Slide Master by clicking Insert Layout, you can format the new layout to your liking
Select Data
you can choose which data to include or exclude, switch rows and columns, and customize which data are used as labels
Handout/Note Masters
you can customize the formatting of printed handouts and speaker notes pages - some of the formatting choices you can make are page orientation; whether to include headers, footer, and page numbers; background styles; and colors, fonts, and effects
you can open a recently saved presentation, or you can browse your computer to find and open a previously saved presentation
Delete Rows/Columns
you can't delete a row or column by selecting it and pressing Delete - this will clear the cell contents but leave the cells intact - to delete a whole row or column, use this button
Hide Slide
you may have a presentation that's longer than the time you have available to present; rather than deleting slides to shorten the presentation, you can simply hide unessential slides, preventing them from displaying during a presentation - to hide a slide, right-click the slide and click "Hide Slide" - to unhide a slide, right click and click "Hide Slide" again - a hidden slide has a faded thumbnail and a slash through its number