PowerPoint Review

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Sort the necessary steps to add a comments to the presentation properties. 1) On the ribbon, click the File tab 2) Click Show all properties 3) Type the title 4) Click add a title

1, 2, 4, 3

Sort the necessary steps to import Word document outlines. 1) On the ribbon, click the Home tab. 2) Double-click the word document 3) Click the Slides from Outline option 4) On the thumbnail pane, click the slide behind the one where you want to insert the outline. 5) Click new Slide 6) Locate the Word document

1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4

Sort the necessary steps to change the Slide master to the Integral theme. 1) Click Slide master 2) In the slide master tab, click themes 3) Select Integral 4) On the ribbon, click the View tab.

4, 1, 2, 3

Sort the necessary steps to add a footer to all the slides. 1) On the ribbon, click the Insert tab. 2) Click Apply To All 3) Mark the Footer option and type the text 4) Click Header and Footer

1, 4, 3, 2

Which is the advantage for creating embedded Excel tables within a PowerPoint presentation? A) Access the most Excel features B) Building a table is much quicker C) An Excel document is created at the same time and the information updates automatically D) Tables are more organized


Which is used to modify the slide order? A) Drag and drop B) Sort Slides button C) Outline Order button D) Section Sort button


All slides have to be some kind of transition. A) Yes B) No


An embedded Word table in PowerPoint can link back to the original source data. A) True B) False


Which button is used to convert an existing shape in your document to a different shape? A) Shape Styles B) Shape Effects C) Change Shape


Which of the following is an animated-like effect that occurs when you move from one slide during the next? A) Shape Style B) Text Effect C) Transition Effect D) SmartArt


Which of the following statements is correct regarding animation effects? A) The order in which animations play cannot be changed once the animation is created B) You cannot animate objects along a motion path C) You can specify a trigger event that defines when the animation will start D) Any object can only have one animation assigned to it


Changing the theme of a slide master can also alter which object? A) Filename B) Background music C) Background text D) Text


Click the tab that allows to create a section. A) Design B) File C) Insert D) Home E) Slide Show


Creating a handout in PowerPoint 2016 moves the presentation to which Microsoft Office application? A) Excel B) Access C) Outlook D) Word


Where can you find the option to advance slides in a show manually? A) Slides section B) Advanced Animation section C) Transition tab D) In the set up show dialog box


Which of the following is NOT an effect option that you can set for an animation? A) Set animation timing B) Hide the object after the animation is complete C) Adding Sound D) Edit animation frame by frame


Which of the following media types is NOT an option to insert under the Insert tab? A) Video B) Screen Recording C) Audio D) Photoshop Document File


Which option allows you to use slides from a different presentation document without having to recreate them? A) Copy Slide Section B) Duplicate Selected Slides C) Reset Slides D) Reuse Slides


You can apply the same transition to all slides. A) Yes B) No


Which options are available for formatting a shape? Choose three answers. A) Shape fill B) Shape Outline C) Shape text D) Shape effects

A, B, D

Which keys on the keyboard should one hold down while selecting objects in order to select multiple objects at once? A) Alt B) Windows C) Shift D) Ctrl


Which are two methods used to preserve presentation content? A) Initialize phase 3 B) Execute the file format C) Compress the file size D) embed the font styles

C, D

Which options are available for the inclusion of date and time in header or footer on a presentation? Choose two answers. A) Future B) Past C) Update automatically D) Fixed

C, D

Which tools will help a user align objects as they are added to a slide? Choose two answers. A) Align Objects B) Group Objects C) Guidelines D) Grids

C, D

Slide masters function as a ________ for a presentation. A) blueprint B) title page C) note page D) background


Which of the following objects is a pre-made, insertable graphic that can be used to display lists and charts? A) Picture B) Text Box C) Table D) SmartArt


A user has chosen a Two Column option for text inside of a placeholder, but the text is still in one column. What is the most likely reason for the text still showing in only one column? A) The placeholder is formatted to always show text in one column B) The placeholder needs to be resized so that the text spreads itself over two columns C) Text needs to be cut from one column and pasted into another column D) Text needs to be added so a second column will appear


By default, when audio has been added to a PowerPoint 2016 slide, the Audio icon and control buttons are hidden. A) True B) False


Color and Pure Black and White are the only tow options available for printing presentations. A) True B) False


On which ribbon tab will one find the ability to add a new slide with the Two Content format? A) Design B) Home C) Insert D) Slide Show


Which need to be applied in a Word document in order to best import a Word outline into a PowerPoint presentation? A) Character styles B) Numbered outline C) Word Art D) Heading styles


Which occurs when a section is removed? A) Slides are added to the Unidentified Section section. B) Slides are sent to the end of the presentation. C) Slides in the removed section are deleted. D) Slides are added to the previous section.


On which tab is the Insert Placeholder button found? A) Slide master B) Home C) Review D) Insert


Which button allows you to add more than one animation to an object? A) Add Animation B) Animation Options C) Duplicate Animation D) PowerPoint Options


Sort the necessary steps to modify the Format Background on all the slides to a Pattern Fill Solid diamond. 1) Click Apply To All 2) On the ribbon, click the design tab 3) Click Format Background 4) Check Pattern fill 5) Click Solid diamond

2, 3, 4, 5, 1

Sort the necessary steps to reply to the comment for slide 6 with the text Done. 1) Type "Done" 2) In the Thumbnails Pane, select the slide 6 3) On the ribbon, click the Review tab 4) Click the Reply box 5) Click Show Comments

2, 3, 5, 4, 1

Sort the necessary step to apply the WordArt Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Shadow to the text of the slide 3. 1) Select the Text placeholder of slide 3 2) Click the Fill - Blue Acent 1, Shadow option. 3) Select the thumbnail of the slide 3 4) Click More in WordArt Styles 5) On the ribbon, click the Format tab on the Drawings Tools.

3, 1, 5, 4, 2

The presentation has a slide in which a text and 2 pictures have applied an Entrance Animation so the text appears over images. Sort the necessary steps to the text appears last. 1) Click twice Move Later 2) In the slide, select the text with the animation 3) In the Thumbnails Pane, select the thumbnail of the slide 4) On the ribbon, click the Animations tab

3, 2, 4, 1

Which are valid methods used to resize an image once the image is selected? Choose two answers. A) Use a two-arrow cursor and click and drag a selection handle B) Use a four-arrow cursor and click and drag a selection handle C) Set the Shape Height and Shape Width on the Format tab D) Double-click the image and set the width and height

A, C

Which options can be changed on the Slide Master tab? Choose five answers. A) Effects B) Animations C) Fonts D) Transitions E) Colors F) Shapes G) Background styles H) Hide background graphics

A, C, E, G, H

Where can you choose how many columns to add to a block of text? A) In the shape styles dialog box B) With the add or remove columns button in the paragraph group C) In the WordArt Styles dialog box D) Using the Format painter


Changing information or themes on individual slides results in which action? A) All slides before the individual slide are updated B) All slides after the individual slide are updated C) Only the individual slide is updated D) Slide master is updated


On which ribbon tab is the Handout Master button located? A) Home B) Insert C) View D) Slide Master


When a user clears formatting for selected text in a placeholder, what does the formatting revert to? A) The Normal style B) The default font C) The theme format D) The previously applied format


When adding text to slides, where is the best location on the slide to add text? A) Near the bottom of the slide B) In the title bar C) In a placeholder D) Near the top of the slide


How many types of slide layout options are available when adding a new slide to a presentation? A) 5 B) 6 C) 8 D) 9


Which feature can be used to make sure your slide show isn't missing items such as slide titles, captions, or alternative text? A) Comments pane B) Document Compare C) Accept/Reject changes D) Accessibility Checker


Which statement is true about formatting changes to placeholders and text boxes when a presentation theme is changed? A) Changing the theme updates formatting on text boxes but not placeholders. B) Changing the theme updates formatting on both placeholders and text boxes. C) Changing the theme does not update formatting on text boxes and placeholders. D) Changing the theme updates formatting on placeholders but not text boxes.


Which option in the Presentation Views gallery will allow a user to view the bullet points under each slide? A) Slide B) Notes C) Normal D) Reading E) Outline


Which Slides Per Page option automatically inserts lines for note taking? A) 1 Slide B) 2 Slides C) Slide Outline D) 9 Slides E) 4 Slides F) 6 Slides G) 3 Slides


In which view does a presentation need to be for a hyperlink to work when it is clicked? A) Slide Show B) Normal C) Outline D) Notes Pages


Besides linking to an existing file or webpage, what other links can be created through a hyperlink? Choose three answers. A) Create a new document B) Place in the same document C) Link to another Office program D) Link to an email address

A, B, D

Which action ends the recording of the Rehearse Timings feature? A) Reaching the last slide in the presentation. B) A long pause from speaking. C) Pressing Esc D) Clicking the Stop Recording button


On which ribbon tab would one find the option to change a slide layout? A) Home B) Design C) Slide Show D) Transitions


Which tab on the ribbon contains the button which allows on to change a chart type? A) Transitions B) Chart Tools: Format C) Chart Tools: Design D) Design


Which are the two default slide size options? A) Center (4:4) B) Fit screen (5x4) C) Standard (4:3) D) Widescreen (16:9)

C, D

Which chart type best lends itself to plotting a single series of data? A) Column B) Pie C) Line D) Bar


Which action unhides a slide? A) right-click the hidden slide and clicking unhide B) Clicking the Unhide Slide button C) Clicking the selected Hide Slide button D) Pressing Ctrl + Shift + U


Which feature allows you to design where content will be in a slide layout before adding the content elements? A) Check Accessibility B) Hide Background graphics C) Insert Placeholder D) Edit themes


Which is a common problem for inserting pictures into placeholders? A) A picture distorts itself to fit in a placeholder. B) A picture cannot be adjusted if it is in a placeholder C) If the picture is too large for the placeholder, it will crop to the size of the placeholder. D) A picture will not resize as a placeholder resizes.


Which occurs when a section is added to a presentation? A) The added section is sent to the beginning of the presentation. B) The added section is sent to the end of the presentation C) All slides are placed into sections D) The added section is kept separate from the ungrouped sections


Which option found in the file tab will allow for the import of a Word outline to a PowerPoint presentation? A) New B) Export C) Open D) Import


Which ribbon tab is used to apply a style to a table? A) Home B) Table Tools: Layout C) Table Tools: Design D) Design


Sort the necessary steps to group three objects, and treat them as if they were a single object. 1) Click the Group option. 2) Click the Group objects command. 3) Hold pressed the Ctrl key, click on each of the 3 objects. 4) On the ribbon, click Format

3, 4, 2, 1

Sort the necessary steps to copy a table from a Word document to a PowerPoint slide. 1) Click Copy 2) Click Paste 3) In PowerPoint, select the slide and click the Home tab. 4) In Word, select the table and click the Home tab

4, 1, 3, 2

Sort the necessary steps to apply a Photocopy artistic effect and then metal Frame style. 1) Click Artistic Effects, and select the Photocopy option. 2) On the ribbon, click the Format tab. 3) Click More in the Quick Styles command, and select Metal Frame. 4) Select the picture in the slide.

4, 2, 1, 3

Sort the necessary steps to change the size of the slide to Banner, ensuring that it conforms to the new slide. 1) In slides sized for box, select banner. 2) Click ensure fit 3) Click ok 4) On the ribbon, click the Design tab. 5) Click Slide Size 6) Click Custom Slide Size

4, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2

Sort the necessary steps to create a hyperlink to www.piofficesuplies.com from the text Visit our website. 1) Click existing file or web page. 2) Right- click the selected text 3) In the Address box, type "www.piofficesupplies.com". 4) Click Ok 5) Select the text "Visit our website". 6) Click Hyperlink

5, 2, 6, 1, 3, 4

Sort the necessary steps to add a new column to the right of the table, and then delete the last row. 1) Click any cell in the last row 2) On the ribbon, click the Layout tab 3) Click Insert Right 4) Click delete 5) Click the Delete Rows option. 6) Click any cell in the last column.

6, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5

On which tab will one find alignment tools such as Grids and Guidelines? A) View B) Home C) Transitions D) Design


To see the name of a chart style, what should be done with the mouse? A) Hover the mouse over the style B) Double- click the style to see its properties C) Right- click the style and choose Name D) Click the style


What is the advantage of using copy and paste to duplicate a slide rather than the Duplicate Slide feature? A) One can control where the duplicate slide is created. B) The slide pastes right before the current slide. C) Copy and paste does not require a right-click D) The slide pastes right after the current slide.


What type of line, when showing around the placeholder, ensures that any formatting change will affect all of the placeholder text? A) Solid B) Dashed C) Striped D) Dotted


When a user types a website address as a bullet point on a slide, PowerPoint will automatically convert the text into a hyperlink when pressing the Enter key. A) True B) False


When choosing a picture style, how does a user see the name of the style? A) Hover the mouse over the style B) Click the style C) Right - click the style and click properties D) Double - click the style


When choosing a shape style, how does a user see the name of the style? A) Hover the mouse over the style B) Click the style C) Double - click the style D) Right- click the style and click Properties


When hiding a slide, from which view is the slide actually hidden? A) Slide Show B) Normal C) Outline D) Notes Pages


Which occurs when an edit is made to the first slide when working with slide masters? A) The change is carried to all of the other slides under that slide master. B) All slide masters in the presentation are updated. C) Only the first slide is affected. D) All slides in the presentation are updated.


You can associate a sound with a transition. A) Yes B) No


You can modify the duration of the transition. A) Yes B) No


Which two methods are available for inserting a table on a Title and Content slide? A) Clicking the Insert tab and then clicking Table B) Clicking the Table icon in the content placeholder C) Clicking the Design tab and then clicking Table D) Right-clicking the content placeholder and then clicking Table

A, B

Which methods can be used to create a presentation from backstage view? Choose three answers. A) Design Template B) Blank presentation C) Online Template D) Importing outline from Word

A, B, C

Which print options are available for slides in PowerPoint 2016? Choose four answers. A) Print Selection B) Print Current Slide C) Custom range D) Print Slide Masters Only E) Print all slides F) Print Slide type

A, B, C, E

How would one select a single object within a group? A) Ungroup the group first B) Click the object C) Deselect the Group option D) Double - click the object


On which tab is the Header & Footer button found? A) Review B) Insert C) View D) Slide Show


One always has to add a text box to a shape in order to add text to the shape. A) True B) False


The ____________ is used to look for features that are not supported in earlier versions of PowerPoint. A) Features Checker B) Compatibility Checker C) Accessibility Checker D) Document Inspector


The accessibility checker will primarily locate which item in a presentation? A) Comments B) Missing alternative text C) Annotations D) Incompatible features


When a mouse hovered over a text box and four arrows show, clicking and dragging the mouse will do what to the text box? A) Lock aspect ratio B) Move C) Shrink D) Expand


When a table is updated in PowerPoint, the correlating chart is also updated automatically. A) True B) False


When pasting an object which has been copied from a different slide, where on the slide does the object past, assuming nothing on the slide is selected? A) Where the user has clicked. B) In the same location from where is was copied. C) In the first available placeholder D) In the middle of the slide


When working in the Outline View, with a cursor on a slide title, what happens when a user presses the Enter key? A) A new placeholder appears B) A new slide appears C) A new blank line appears D) A new bullet point appears


Which is a requirement for searching for a template? A) Share permissions B) Internet C) Disabled firewall D) Microsoft Office VIP membership


Which of the following is NOT an option in the Video Options group under the Playback tab? A) Hide while not playing B) Add video intro C) loop until stopped D) play fullscreen


Which option is not available to add to slides? A) Footer B) Header C) Slide number D) Date and time


Which symbol should be used when printing a range of slides? A) Comma B) Hyphen C) Semicolon D) Colon


You can not include different transitions in the same presentation. A) Yes B) No


Which two actions will delete a slide? Choose two answers. A) Clicking the Delete button on the Slide Show tab. B) Right-clicking a slide and clicking delete slide. C) Selecting a slide and pressing the Delete key. D) Clicking the Delete button on the Review tab.

B, C

Which are the Presentation View options available in PowerPoint 2016? Choose five answers. A) Handout B) Notes Page C) Slide Shorter D) Reading View E) Outline View F) Preview H) Normal I) Review

B, C, D, E, H

Which tow items determine the table format in PowerPoint 2016? A) Master Slides B) Themes C) Master table template D) Color scheme

B, D

When formatting a slide background, which are choices for a background format? Choose three answers. A) No fill B) Pattern fill C) Color fill D) Solid fill E) Gradient fill

B, D, E

The notes master is typically used for which purpose? A) Dictates the order of slides presented. B) Exporting a presentation outline to Word. C) Used by the presenter for notes. D) Given to the audience for notes.


When a new slide is added to a PowerPoint presentation, where is the new slide added by default? A) To the beginning of the presentation B) To the end of the presentation C) After the currently selected slide D) Before the currently selected slide


A new hire has heard of WordArt, but is not sure what WordArt is. How would you best describe WordArt to this new hire? A) WordArt is text imported from Word B) WordArt is a picture of text C) WordArt is an art drawing of text D) WordArt is text with fancy formatting


A user has a rounded rectangle selected, and a yellow dot appears on the shape. When that yellow dot is moved, what changes on the rounded rectangle? A) Width B) Rotation point C) Height D) Corner radii


A user wants to be able to apply both a fill color and a contrasting text color to a shape at the same time. What should the user use to accomplish this? A) Shape effects B) Shape settings C) Shape fill D) Shape styles


In addition to packaging a presentation to a CD, users can package presentations to normal ____________. A) files B) websites C) hard drives D) folders


On which ribbon tab will one find the option to insert rows and columns into a table? A) Design B) Insert C) Transitions D) Layout


When creating a presentation, which presentation template type will have sample content added to the presentation? A) Importing outline from Word B) Blank presentation C) Design template D) Online template


Where can you choose the color mode used to print the document? A) Under the Design tab in the Customize group B) Under the home tab in the editing group C) Under the view tab in the Window group D) Under the file menu in the Print section


Which keyboard key will insert a row in a PowerPoint table? A) Shift B) Enter C) Ctrl D) Tab


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