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Ms. Nelson wants to ensure she is reaching all of her third-grade students and stimulating higher-order thinking skills. Which of the following is the least appropriate method to accomplish her goal?

Allow students to use any internet site for an independent research project.

Justine is a first grade student in a resource room. She has multiple disabilities and is an auditory learner. Which of the following instructional strategies best supports Justine's preferred learning style?

Allowing Justine to listen to stories and directions read aloud by the teacher.

Mr. Cates notices that his students are timid during group problem-solving activities. He wants to encourage his students to take more risks and demonstrate more creativity. Which of the following statements could he use that would best encourage this?

"There is no single correct answer to this problem, and every group could have a different, correct answer." correct If students are made aware that the teacher does not expect a single correct answer, they are more likely to take a risk with the understanding that their answer will not be automatically chastised for being incorrect. This is a positive way to encourage student involvement.

The human body has many parts that work together as a person develops. Which of these examples correctly expresses a delay in one area that impacts growth in another?

A child with developmental delays is socially delayed because he struggles to relate to peers. This is often true as children with developmental delays will have interests different than typical peers

Mr. Hampton, a sixth-grade science teacher, is beginning an instructional unit and has planned the following instructional activities: two slideshow presentations followed by a group discussion and a worksheet, a classroom discussion, two experiments, and one field trip. The wide variety of instructional activities best demonstrates Mr. Hampton's understanding of which of the following principles?

A sixth-grade class represents a wide range of cognitive developmental levels. Mr. Hampton's wide variety of instructional activities demonstrates his knowledge that the sixth-grade class will require a wide variety of instructional activities due to the cognitive diversity in the classroom.

Conner is a sixth-grade student who consistently forgets to bring his homework and the necessary school supplies (paper, notebook, pen or pencil) to his classes. Repeated reminders and grade penalties have not changed his organizational skills, but he readily admits that he needs to get organized. His language arts teacher meets with him to develop a system and checklist for keeping track of his assignments. She has him report to her, at first daily and then weekly. What is the best reason that this plan would likely help Conner?

A system will help him learn how to monitor his own progress and performance more effectively. correct Establishing a system that will help the student learn to monitor his own progress and performance over time is the best option to help Conner.

During a heated debate in Mr. Martinez's twelfth-grade government class, a student declares that the problem with government spending is that the Congress spends so much money on themselves that they became unaware of the value of a dollar. Mr. Martinez then addresses the class in a calm voice saying: "It has been suggested that the incentives of Congress voting themselves pay raises and benefits results in a problem of fiscal irresponsibility of the government. Who agrees or disagrees with this statement?" Mr. Martinez's rephrasing of the student's declaration is most helpful because:

He is encouraging students to apply higher-order thinking to real-world problems.

A third-grade teacher plans to integrate writing, speaking, and the arts with reading instruction. Students select a favorite character from a book or story, write a few lines of dialogue that demonstrate what the character is like, design or bring a simple prop, and present their character to their classmates. What is the best reason for this instructional design?

It provides integrated, active learning and play that support development. While all four choices are good reasons to engage third-grade students in this manner, validating their own lives and interests in an active, meaningful, integrated "play" experience is the best answer.

What is the greatest benefit of teachers collaborating to share various instructional strategies that have been demonstrated to be effective for various learning styles and abilities?

It provides teachers with additional instructional strategies to accommodate for different learning styles. correct This is the best answer option, as the purpose of the collaboration of various teaching strategies is to gain knowledge in how to better engage students.

A seventh-grade teaching team plans instruction that could involve language arts, math, science, and social studies objectives. They decide to have students collect data related to school and community recycling and design and implement a plan to address identified needs. What is the best developmental reason for selecting this approach?

It recognizes students' increasing ability to develop abstract thinking and focus on the world beyond the school setting. All four choices have instructional merit in supporting middle school interdisciplinary instruction. Having students involved in collecting data and designing and implementing an action plan demonstrates a supportive attitude toward students' ideas, provides a real-world context for core instructional objectives, and provides students an opportunity to serve their school and community. However, focusing on the world beyond the school setting targets middle school students' increasing ability to develop abstract thinking and focus on the world outside their own experience.

What is the primary benefit of a teacher working with a student to think about the step-by-step causes of a problem and the possible solutions?

It sets an example for problem-solving strategies that the student can use in multiple situations. correct Having students think through problems and their causes allows the students to develop problem-solving strategies. These strategies can apply to multiple situations.

A kindergarten teacher wants to demonstrate the concept of centrifugal force. The best instructional approach would be to:

Kindergarten students learn best when they can see the concept or academic idea. At this developmental level, students would not be able to grasp a lecture of the concept as the students assume all things that are upside down will fall. This is how they have interacted with most objects thus far in their lives. By demonstrating the concept, the students can understand why the water did not fall out.

A middle school teacher has noticed many students in her classroom have formed cliques and several students are being excluded from these social groups. The excluded students have demonstrated a decrease in their willingness to participate in classroom activities and group discussions. Which of the following strategies would be the best first step in rebuilding a positive learning environment for all of the students?

Lead a group discussion about cliques and how it feels to be included and excluded from activities. Allowing students to voice their support or opposition to cliques is the best strategy because it does not alienate the students and allows each student to voice a perspective on the situation.

Mr. Buffett is a high school home economics teacher. He wants his students to become familiar with household budgets. Which would be the most appropriate software method to use for this assignment?


Which of the following is a factor in students from diverse cultural backgrounds' education that is not influenced by a teacher's own cultural values, beliefs, and attitudes?

standards and curriculum

An elementary science teacher is starting a new unit on the solar system. He is introducing the concept of planets and space and wants to ensure that all of his English-language learners (ELLs) are able to follow along.

using pictures and diagrams; speaking slowly

After an informal observation, Mr. Miller receives written feedback from an assistant principal, Ms. Hill. Most of the feedback is positive, but Ms. Hill said that the end of the lesson needed improvement. What would be an appropriate response from Mr. Miller to this observation?

"Can we work together to develop a better method for ending a lesson?"

A middle school science teacher regularly holds class discussions, and the teacher is incorporating more higher-order thinking questions to promote students' critical thinking skills. Which of the following questions is the best question for the teacher to include in a class discussion about genetics?

"Describe the impact of sequencing the human genome and how this discovery continues to impact modern science."

A fourth-grade parent walks with their child to the classroom at the beginning of the day. The parent is concerned about a grade on a project and asks the teacher to meet right then. Which of the following responses would be the most appropriate for the situation?

"I can see that you are concerned, but now is not the appropriate time to discuss this. I will contact you today to set a meeting time."

A math teacher is reviewing homework assignments and notices that one student is consistently making errors with the order of operations. Which of the following types of feedback would be most appropriate?

"It looks like you divided before you added. The order of operations is to solve for addition/subtraction before solving for multiplication/division. Let's try one together."

Mr. House is a first-grade teacher and wants to convey high expectations to a student who has significant academic needs. Which of the following approaches would be the best way to achieve this?

Sit down with the student and work to help set challenging learning goals. Then, follow up and provide assistance to the child to help in achieving the goals.

Reasoning and Planning

Solving problems and making decisions Create a model, demonstrate a method, make up a game

Students in Mr. Miller's class are given stickers for high grades and positive behavior, while they lose recess time and must redo poor work or practice better behavior if needed. This is an example of which theorist's ideas?


A third grade teacher is planning a new geometry unit based on the state curriculum. Which of the following questions should the teacher ask to ensure an effective first lesson?

What is the extent of the students' prior knowledge of geometry?

Prior to a first-grade teacher reading a story about the zoo to his class, he tells his students that he wants them to learn which animals live at the zoo because they will be going on a field trip to the local zoo next week. By telling the students the objective of the reading material, the teacher best demonstrates knowledge of which teaching principle?

When students are aware of the focus and expectations of an activity, their comprehension of the material increases.

Which question below would help fourth-grade students to use metacognition when completing reading comprehension questions on a standardized practice test?

Which learning strategies have you used for this question?

After each lesson, a teacher reflects on the lesson in order to consider formative assessment needs. Which of the following questions would be best for the teacher to consider?

Which objectives from today's lesson do my students still need to master?

In order to develop relationships with families, the teacher invites families to attend open house at the beginning of the school year. At this event, the teacher should provide:

an email and phone number for contacting the teacher.

After her students have learned the names and descriptions of various volcanoes, Ms. Garcia asks her class to read some scientific research on volcanoes followed by a discussion on why we study volcanoes. By extending her lesson this way, Ms. Garcia most likely intended to move her students beyond the knowledge level of Bloom's taxonomy to:

analysis and synthesis.

A fifth-grade science teacher has students read several articles about renewable and non-renewable resources. After reading, the students create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the energy sources. This follow-up activity is likely to be most effective in helping students:

analyze information from the articles.

Which of the following social studies activities would require higher-order thinking skills?

analyzing the checks and balances system in the three branches of government

The Texas Education Code (TEC) sets legal standards for all schools in the state of Texas. What schools are required to abide by these laws?

any public school that receives taxpayer funds

A teacher is creating an end-of-unit test for an elementary classroom. The teacher must ensure that the test questions:

are aligned with the instructional objectives.

A first-grade teacher schedules time every day to read aloud to her class. She wants to promote an understanding of books and a love of reading. In selecting stories to read, the teacher should focus on choosing books that:

are engaging and enjoyable for the students.

A second-grade teacher uses a portion of each day to have students read silently by themselves while she walks around the classroom assessing their reading abilities. The goal of the silent reading is to promote each student's appreciation of and interest in reading. When selecting books for the students to read, it is most important for the teacher to choose books that:

are engaging and interesting to the students.

A seventh-grade science teacher regularly quizzes students during class time using dry erase boards and markers. After the teacher provides direct instruction on a new concept, students take out their boards and markers to respond to a brief series of oral questions. Students have 1-2 minutes to record their responses and all hold up their boards at the same time to review answers. During a unit on cells, the teacher quizzed students on several important cell parts. Below are two students' responses to a question that asked them to describe the function of the nucleus of a cell. Student 1: The nucleus is like the "command center" or "brain" of a cell. Student 2: The nucleus contains very important information about the genome. Which of the following describes the best way to use students' responses on the dry erase boards?

as an informal assessment to find out if students understand the material

Which of the following exceptionalities may qualify a student for special education services under the category of an emotional/behavioral disability?

conduct disorder

An elementary teacher is beginning a unit on citizenship and democratic responsibility. In order to promote successful learning, the teacher should begin with a lesson that:

connects previously learned concepts to the new material.

Which of the following is the best way for a high school teacher to promote an inclusive classroom setting?

consider bias and stereotypes in any recommended texts and identify alternative texts or a method to address bias in a culturally sensitive manner

In a diverse classroom, a teacher can create a positive learning environment that provides all students the opportunity to reach their potential by:

considering individual strengths and needs when planning the curriculum.

As a social studies teacher, Mr. Ray strives to return daily work the next day with markings to indicate areas in which students can improve their performance. The greatest benefit to Mr. Ray's practice is:

giving students immediate feedback to increase their motivation and ability to continually improve their performance.

Which of the following best promotes professional collaboration and mutual support?

grade-level teachers meeting with elective teachers to integrate curriculum

The primary function of a formative assessment is to:

guide ongoing instruction.

Francisco, an ELL student from Paraguay, has just entered Mr. Warren's sixth-grade class. From his record, Mr. Warren learns that Francisco comes from a poor socioeconomic background. Mr. Warren is aware that students like Francisco are likely to:

have experienced less access to English language education as students from more privileged backgrounds.

A social studies class has several students who are classified as English language learners. As the teacher reviews the class' homework, he notices the English language learners have the lowest grades in the class. The most appropriate response to this information would be to:

have the teacher ensure that the homework demonstrates the students' academic abilities and not their limitations of the English language.

In order to promote independent learning, a teacher must begin instruction:

in the zone of proximal development.

In planning instructional units with a large group of both male and female students, it is important for the teacher to:

incorporate activities into the instruction that appeal to the interests and strengths of both male and female students.

Which of the following would be appropriate for a general education teacher to do to assist an intermediate-level ELL who has been struggling to understand the content?

incorporate more visuals, charts, and graphic organizers into the lessons

A teacher sends home a monthly communication that reviews projects and topics covered during the past month, upcoming units of study, and supplemental resources that can be used for remediation and enrichment. At the end of the communication is a survey that allows parents to request a conference, sign up to attend a "homework help" night for parents/guardians, volunteer at school events, or donate supplies for upcoming projects. Which of the following describes the greatest benefit of this survey?

increased parent involvement

Mr. Keeve has a significant population of English Language Learners in his class this year. He has made it a goal to be culturally responsive and aware of the effects of his attitude on his students. Which is not an effective practice for Mr. Keeve to use to meet his goal?

direct the students' focus to content, not culture

A social studies teacher has students work together to create a "smart" city. As part of the assignment, students must interview someone from City Hall and the teacher helps make arrangements. This approach to learning is considered:

discovery learning.

A social studies teacher wants to create a living museum in which students dress up as historical characters and give mini-presentations when visitors approach their station. The teacher would like to invite the community and parents. Which of the following should be the first task to complete on an action plan for implementing this project?

discussing plans with campus administrators

Technology is best utilized in the classroom when it can accomplish which of the following?

makes the lesson to more accessible to students of all abilities

The best way that schools can provide one-on-one assistance for new teachers is through:

matching new teachers with mentors.

Which of the following are examples of a point at which an informal assessment is appropriate?

during a lesson; after introducing a new topic at the beginning of a unit

Which of the following exceptionalities does Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974 not protect?


According to Jean Piaget's periods of cognitive development, students in upper elementary begin to apply which of the following?

logical interpretations

When creating learning centers for a school's early education students, which of the following locations would be most appropriate for an animal-learning center?

next to the science lab

Of the following methods, which is not useful in helping students participate in whole-class discussions?

Offer responses when no students speak quickly. Some classes will refrain from speaking if they expect the teacher to answer her own question. Make sure to give ample time for students to respond.

Rti Process

Response To Intervention process is used by educators to help students struggling in a particular area. All teachers working with the student will use interventions with student. This does not apply only to students with special needs or learning disability. Having a student sit close to the teacher in each class.

Rachel is more physically developed than her sixth-grade peers in a heterogeneous class of computer literacy. As part of a daily routine, students are given five websites they can choose to explore individually. Although she does not disrupt the class, Rachel never selects a website and often ignores directions, opting instead to write angry messages. Based on this information, what is the best assessment of Rachel's behavior?

She is responding to personal, physical, or social changes and interactions. correct This is the correct answer. The need to be given an assignment is not indicated, since students are given limited choices in keeping with the middle school students' expectation to begin more independent decision-making. In fact, directives and limitations might provoke rebellion in Rachel. There is no information given to assume that she has cognitive limitations, and while she may have limited access to technology outside of school, any limitation would likely be irrelevant in this situation. She is responding to personal changes and interactions with her environment.

Students in an eighth-grade math class represent a wide range of skill acquisition and cognitive development, from concrete operational to formal operational thought. What is the teacher's best strategy for planning instruction of a geometry unit for this degree of cognitive variation among students?

Take students on campus to identify concrete examples and construct models of various geometric shapes, in order to illustrate abstract content. This is the best option because it allows for application from concrete to abstract with their peers.

Mr. Ivin's algebra class is learning the pythagorean theorem. He has two students that are auditory learners and are struggling with the concept. What activity would best help them learn the theorem?

Teach the class a short song that has the key components of the pythagorean theorem. correct This is best suited for auditory learners to retain information.

Mrs. Sims wants to teach her first-grade science class how parts work together to allow systems to work, and without all the parts, systems may not work properly. Which of the following instructional strategies is the best way to convey this concept?

Use a system the students are familiar with as an example, such as demonstrating that a computer does not work without a power cord.

Which of the following activities would be most effective for a tactile learner to learn about the phases of mitosis?

Use color-coded pieces of yarn to represent the chromosomes. The yarn acts as a manipulative the student can use to represent the phases of mitosis. correct This activity would benefit a tactile learner the most, because it involves physical activity on the part of the student in order to represent the phases.

A ninth-grade social studies teacher is planning an instructional unit on the separation of powers in the United States government. With the different levels of cognitive development in a ninth-grade class, what is the teacher's best strategy to convey the instruction?

Use hands-on activities with examples from the students' lives to convey the abstract concept. In a ninth-grade class, there is a wide variety of cognitive development and some students may not be able to grasp abstract concepts as easily as other students. To accommodate the varying levels of development, the teacher should use hands-on activities to help the students in the concrete developmental stage. In high school classes, it is important to incorporate instruction that caters to a wide variety of developmental levels.

Which is the best way to help elementary students learn the scientific method?

Use ideas from the scientific method, with explicit instruction, in all investigations throughout the year. Enabling students to repeatedly follow the scientific method, along with explicit instruction focusing on what they are doing and what they could do next, leads to real student understanding about the process of doing science.

Abstract Thinking

Using numbers or letter variables in an equation 13x = y

Concrete Representations

Using physical pieces to represent mathematical problems Manipulatives

Spectator Play

Watching others play without engaging; ages 2-2.5 years

An teacher is teaching a class that all of our food comes from the sun through a series of energy transfers. Which of the following supports would best enhance a visual learner's ability to explain the energy transfers that occur during this process?

a pictorial diagram using arrows to indicate the series of energy transfers correct A pictorial diagram is a visual support that helps visual learners make sense of material.

Parallel Play

activity in which children play side by side without interacting 2.5-3 yr.

When instructing students to look through primary and secondary sources, the most important reason for offering as wide a variety of research media as possible is to:

allow each student to use the medium that best suits their learning style. correct Some students may be more comfortable and better suited to reading books than reading online. By allowing students to be comfortable in their research, it increases the possibility of enjoyment and productivity from the students.

Students in the age range of 3 to 4 years can be observed playing in cooperation with other children in a loosely organized manner. At this stage a child might also develop preferences for playing with certain children. This stage of play is called:

associative play correct When students are playing in a loosely organized way together, this is associative play.

Students read a passage about common mistakes made when writing a formal letter. After a period of silent reading, the teacher asks students to answer the following question: "What is a common error made when writing a letter?" The primary purpose of this question is to:

check for understanding.

Ms. Flannigan surveyed her students on their preferred method of learning. After seeing the wide range of response, she offered students the choice of creating a presentation, taking a written test, or writing an essay for the unit assessment. This is an example of which of the following?


A senior high school teacher notices a student's grades are falling. The teacher pulls the student aside after class to address the issue. The student informs the teacher that he plays in a band that performs at local restaurants, he has not had time to study, and he even might drop out of school because he is making a significant amount of money. The teacher is best able to discuss the situation if he realizes many high school students:

do not think about the long-term consequences of their actions. High school students tend not to think about the long-term consequences of decisions. Thus, at this age, they are more prone to make brash decisions based on short-term gains rather than well-thought-out decisions.

Mr. Luther plans a field trip to the local park for his science class. During the morning, they will observe various animals and plants and record their observations. At lunch, Mr. Luther will gather the class to discuss their observations using predetermined questions. Which of the following instructional activities would most benefit the students and increase the chance for success of the field trip?

eview the questions before allowing the students to begin their observations. correct It is best for students to be aware of what they should be trying to observe. By presenting the questions, Mr. Luther lets the students know what they should be looking for, and what information they will be responsible for on the assessments.

When learning about normal distribution in a bell curve, Mrs. Conway had students create a bell-shaped graph. She wanted to encourage students to be self-motivated in their work, so she offered prizes for the most creative subject matter displayed. Why was this incentive method wrong?

ewards decrease intrinsic motivation. correct Students need to be intrinsically motivated, as there will not always be prizes for doing work.

Developmentally appropriate traits of five year old children include the ability to

express feelings, follow three-step commands, and copy basic shapes correct By age five, a child is typically able to express feelings, follow three-step commands, and copy basic shapes.

Which of the following would be a developmentally-appropriate activity for typical students?

first-grade students using manipulatives to understand addition and subtraction This is developmentally appropriate and students of various levels can be given questions with more or less difficulty.

As the second-grade teachers are planning their next unit, they focus on differentiation for individual students. What is the best method for reaching students?

having centers with different level activities and each child works on their level This allows each student to succeed and meet individual goals.

When teaching social studies, Ms. Linder is hoping to encourage self-directed learning. What result is she hoping to achieve with this focus?

increased student ownership of learning correct One of the by products of self-directed learning is students beginning to take responsibility for their own education and developing a sense of ownership in their learning. Students will most likely have a better learning experience and become lifelong learners if they have ownership in their education.

Providing students choices in their learning promotes which of the following?

intrinsic motivation

Sara is a student who reads above grade-level and discusses ideas at a high level, but has been known to neglect class work and leave assignments unfinished when she does not see the point. She is not motivated by grades and her participation depends mostly on the subject being studied. Which of the following best describes Sara?

intrinsically motivated by interest in the content

During a heated debate in Mr. Martinez's government class, a student declares that the problem with government spending is that the Congress spends so much money on themselves that they become unaware of the value of a dollar. Mr. Martinez then addresses the class in a calm voice saying, "It has been suggested that the incentives of Congress voting themselves pay raises and benefits results in a problem of fiscal irresponsibility of the government. Who agrees or disagrees with this statement?" Mr. Martinez's rephrasing of the student's declaration is most helpful because:

it focuses the class on a single topic of debate while providing a framework for response. correct During a heated debate, the students' attention needs to be focused on a specific issue. The teacher facilitates the debate by focusing the attention of the class on a student's statement about a real-world problem.

external motivation

means that the motive for the activity comes from outside the individual Earning a good grade

Which activity would best help a kinesthetic learner understand the model of an atom?

n a large open space, have students hold signs with "+", "-", or "0" on them. Group students so all "+" and "0" signs are clustered together in one place. Have all students with "-" signs run randomly around the central group. correct A kinesthetic learner learns best when they use their body or hands to form, move, or manipulate objects.

Self-directed learning

student takes responsibility/initiative for their own learning

Ms. Hanson, an eighth-grade science teacher, notices one of her students has begun to talk frequently to her friends while conducting an experiment and is not fulfilling her responsibilities. In addressing the situation with the student, Ms. Hanson should keep in mind that:

students at this age are concerned about their peers' perceptions of themselves, and they have an overwhelming desire to conform to their classmates. The eighth-grade student places high importance on peer acceptance and may care more about talking with friends than the experiment. By having this understanding of the problem, Ms. Hanson has a better ability to address the problem.

A preschooler has two breakable graham crackers. The child states that when he breaks the two into four separate but equal crackers, he now has more graham crackers. The best assessment of this child's thinking is:

that he has not grasped the concept of a whole and its parts. This is the best answer because the parts-to-whole concept is very abstract. Perhaps he is an only child who never went to preschool before and never used the concept with friends, classmates, or siblings. Because the student may have never had any active experience with this concept, it is difficult for him to comprehend.

Memory / Recall

the ability to provide facts from given information Recite a poem, make a timeline, list main events

When asking a student a question, which of the following should be the primary consideration of the teacher for response time by a student?

the difficulty level of the question

Teacher Wait Time

the silence that often comes after a question has been asked but before students have finished considering their answer and/or find the courage to speak up

A preschool class has one bucket of water. After pouring the water into four smaller buckets, many students say that they now have more water. The teacher's best assessment of the incident would be:

the students are not familiar with the conservation of volume. correct It is common for students to have difficulty understanding abstract concepts at such a young age. Their cognitive development is at the level that they have difficulty with inductive and deductive logic. From the students' viewpoint, they see four cups of water and therefore have four times more water.

Mr. Hamilton places a high respect on critical-thinking skills in his class. He wants to encourage his students to think through their answers with more care and consideration, and to increase student participation in content discussions. Mr. Hamilton decides to increase the amount of time he waits after asking a question, before providing more information and/or answering the question himself. When this strategy is used effectively, Mr. Hamilton will use an increased wait time:

when asking a question to the entire class and waiting for a volunteer correct It is important to use the increased wait time when asking the entire class a question because it gives them additional time to think critically through the question and response. B when asking the students complex cognitive questions correct Increased wait time is necessary when asking more complex questions. C when discussing class content one on one with a student correct It is important to use wait time when discussing one on one because it is still beneficial for students to evaluate and consider possibilities themselves, and not simply listen to the answer the teacher provides. Similarly to how you would wait for an answer in a whole-class setting, you would want to give the student time to process in a discussion.

The fifth-grade students at an elementary school host an annual cultural fair in the spring. Students present a project that displays various aspects of a chosen culture, including food, holidays, religion, and traditions. This project is more challenging than those students have completed in the past, and at the beginning of the year they have many questions and concerns. Which of the following comments from the teacher communicates high expectations for student performance?

"This seems overwhelming now, but we will work on the skills needed to help you create a successful project."

A fourth-grade science teacher plans an experiment where students can freely manipulate the material, compare progress, and share their conclusions with their classmates. Which of the following is best demonstrated in the teacher's instructional strategy?

Active engagement in the instructional activities greatly increases students' learning ability.


Active learning activity in which the teacher provides a prompt, the students consider it individually (THINK), then pair up and brainstorm responses or solutions (PAIR), and then the students then share their results with the class (SHARE).

Aida is an ELL student from Iran. Mr. Bruno, her ESL teacher, is bothered by the fact that Aida looks down and doesn't make eye contact with him when he is giving her feedback. He noticed that eye contact doesn't seem to be a problem with her classmates.

Aida's culture might believe it's impolite to make eye contact with a person of authority.

Mrs. Randall is planning to introduce a unit on weather to her science class. She has several English-language learners in her classroom, and she wants to use inclusive strategies that will best help them learn the new vocabulary terms. Which of the following strategies would be beneficial for her students?

All of the above are effective strategies for teaching English-language learners.

Mrs. Turner is aware that the family and cultural backgrounds of her middle school students are very diverse and are often different from her own cultural background. She wants to create a positive, supportive classroom for all of her students. She also wants to promote her belief that all students and their respective home cultures are respected, even though her students' backgrounds are very different than her own.

All students are self-conscious and need encouragement, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status.


Asking questions to gather information Troubleshoot an issue, design a questionnaire

A middle school English language arts teacher regularly uses the instructional reading strategy K-W-L when introducing a new unit of study. Students have a section of their notebooks dedicated to K-W-L responses, and the teacher collects the notebooks once a month to review their entries. Below are K-W-L entries for two students following an introductory lesson on poetry. Student 1: I know that poems usually rhyme. I want to know how to understand a poem, especially if it has new words. I learned that haikus and limericks are two types of poems. Student 2: I know that poems use imagery and vocabulary words to help the reader understand the poem. I want to know how to write poetry that others want to read. I learned what stanzas are. The teacher would like to expand upon the K-W-L strategy in a way that would be most beneficial to the group of students. Which of the following would be the best way for the teacher to achieve this goal?

Collecting notebooks more often and adding comments in response to the students, then providing students with small group learning activities that focus on areas in which they want to learn more.

Mr. Williams is using backwards design to plan the research unit. Which of the following would be the most logical first step in this planning process?

Creating a rubric for the final project that corresponds to the state standards.

Social Development

Interactions with people or the environment

A new student, Julia, has started at Monett Elementary and the teacher is concerned about her social development. Which of the behaviors below are causing concern?

Julia sits alone at lunch and plays by herself at recess even when invited to join a game with others. Self-imposed isolation is concerning for an elementary student.

Mrs. Buff receives a letter from the mother of one of her fourth-grade science students about the amount of time it is taking to do the homework for her class. Mrs. Buff has been working with all her students on developing appropriate study skills, including setting timelines for homework. Mrs. Buff responds to the letter from the parent with an invitation to the mother and her husband to meet with her concerning this issue. Which of the following would be the best strategy for Mrs. Buff to begin the conference?

Listen to the parents' concerns and then explain the study skills that have been taught and discussed in her classroom.

A school counselor has arranged a parent-teacher conference for a student who is experiencing an increase in behavioral difficulties. After introductions from the teachers, the parents are given an opportunity to express their concerns. The parents list a series of events in which they feel that their child has been unfairly targeted by school staff. Which of the following describes the most appropriate way for the staff to address the concerns of the parents?

Listening patiently as parents share their concerns and have a member of the team summarize the concerns of the parents.

Mr. Martin is planning an instructional unit and wants to adjust the lesson to meet the needs of the English language learners in his class. Each student has a varying level of English proficiency. What is the best strategy to adjust the instructional unit to meet the students' needs?

Make dictionaries accessible to the students and allow for additional time to complete the assignments while other students work independently.

Which of the following accurately compares qualitative and quantitative assessments?

Quantitative assessments are objectively measured and qualitative assessments measure attitudes, perspective, and observations.

Which of the following is not necessary when creating a positive classroom environment?

Teachers should be nice to students and always show a positive demeanor.

Mrs. Glass, a new teacher, notices the literature that the English language learners are required to read has many difficult words. She discusses the situation with her mentor teacher, who has been teaching English language learners for many years and is experienced with the laws and requirements for English language learner education. Of the following, what is the most appropriate response by the mentor teacher?

The teacher should work with the students to help explain the meaning of the words so the students are exposed to a wide vocabulary.

In explaining a group problem-solving task, the teacher should always be sure to motivate and encourage students to be risk takers and use their creative thinking abilities. Which of the following lesson elements would be the most effective in achieving this goal?

The teacher states that in this scenario, there may be many good answers. There would not be one specific correct answer, but each group's creative response to the scenario must be grounded in facts as well as evaluated with the rubric by the whole team. correct This is the best element to address the stated need. It allows for risk-taking and creativity as the teacher states there is more than one good solution and no one correct answer exists. The rubric lets the students know what is expected in team collaboration.

Which of the following strategies is most likely to improve a teacher's communication with parents/guardians?

The teacher uses common terms that all parents can understand rather than relying on pedagogical terms.

Mr. Jones has a diverse class of English language learners. He thinks that it would be a great idea to have each student prepare a 5-minute oral presentation about his/her hobbies. The students are all encouraged to use visuals to aid their presentation. What would be the main benefit of this activity?

The teacher will learn more about the personality, strengths, and needs of the students.

Which of the following is the greatest educational benefit of using collaborative learning groups and active learning activities in the classroom?

These methods address a variety of learning styles and allow students to take ownership of their learning.

A rural middle school has a student population with a significant number of transient students. Students who enroll often have frequent absences, and often enroll or withdraw mid-year due to a change in housing. Which of the following is accurate about students facing these challenges?

These students are likely to have gaps in knowledge and would benefit from reteaching and remediation.

True or False: The transition plan for a high school student is reviewed and updated every year during the annual Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee meeting.

True, this is a requirement of the IDEA and the Texas Education Code

Order of stages of play

Unoccupied Play (Birth-3 Months): . Solitary Play (Birth-2 Years): Spectator/Onlooker Behavior (2 Years): When a child plays alongside or near others but does not play with them this stage is referred to as parallel play. Associate Play (3-4 Years): When a child starts to interact with others during play, but there is not a large amount of interaction at this stage. Cooperative Play (4+ years):

Mr. Harris wants to create a writing assignment that allows students to write with an authentic and meaningful purpose. Which one of the following assignments would best accomplish Mr. Harris' goal?

Use Word to type a letter to an elected official about a student-chosen need in the community. Print and send the letters.

Mr. Appleton is considering providing some material for his students from the internet. Which of the following is Mr. Appleton legally permitted to do under fair use guidelines?

Use pictures and information from various websites in a class presentation.

Mr. Ray typically begins each day with direct-teaching instruction where he uses the whiteboard and lecture notes to teach the students. Many times, he has turned around from writing on the whiteboard to find students distracting each other. Of the following, what would be the most effective technique to maintain the students' interest?

Use short multimedia presentations such as PowerPoint to deliver content that is accompanied by pictures or short videos.

A seventh-grade science teacher is introducing DNA to students. Which of the following will best help students with understanding this abstract concept?

a 3-D model of DNA

In the middle of a lesson on plant systems, a teacher asks students to raise their hand if a statement she says about roots is true. She reads four statements and notes how accurate the class is for each statement. This exercise is an example of:

a formative assessment.

Which of the following is a norm-referenced test?

a multiple-choice test that evaluates basic reading skills

A new middle school science teacher is planning lessons and units for the semester. Which of the following resources would be most useful for developing these types of plans?

a pacing guide for the district that aligns with state standards

A middle school teacher wants to assess the proficiency level of her students with a specific word-processing software. Which of the following assessment procedures would be most appropriate for this purpose?

a performance assessment in the word-processing software

A test given at the end of a unit on weather and climate is an example of:

a summative assessment.

During the first week of school, which of the following is the best assessment a new eighth-grade science teacher can use to determine students' knowledge and understanding retained over the summer?

a teacher-made test on vocabulary and concepts that will be covered during the first grading period

A science teacher would like to determine students' understanding at the end of a unit. Which of the following activities would be best suited for this purpose?

a test featuring a variety of questioning methods

Mrs. Hogan is wrapping up a unit on homeostasis. She would like to assess student knowledge before she moves on. Which of the following would be the best summative assessment?

a test over homeostasis and the processes involved

A teacher gives a sticker to a second-grade student with an emotional disability each time he uses polite words or raises his hand. At the end of the day, he can trade in his stickers for a prize. What behavioral strategy is the teacher using?

a token-reward system

An eighth-grade teacher is trying to help her intermediate English-language learners meet the reading objective of understanding words and language structures necessary for constructing meaning in English.

a two-sentence cloze-format question with strong visual support and simple vocabulary

Which of the following behaviors is not common for a seven-year-old student?

able to write paragraphs This is a skill that is more often developed at age nine.

A student reports that a family member has been touching her inappropriately. The teacher is required by law to report this information to the:

abuse hotline.

Sarah has Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and needs extra time on homework and tests. Giving Sarah extra time is an example of what?


The math teachers on a campus are trying a new method of teaching variables. As they implement the new method, each teacher collects data to determine the effectiveness. What type of research methodology are the teachers using?

action research

Mr. Popov's students are building circuits. The ends of the conducting wires have alligator clips that students use when making connections. Mr. Popov notices that several students are connecting the alligator clips to the plastic that coats each of the conducting wires instead of connecting the metal clips to metal. What did Mr. Popov specifically forget to include in his lesson plans?

activating students' prior knowledge about conductors and insulators

Mrs. Fields is creating a lesson plan for her third-grade inclusion class. Which of the following should Mrs. Fields include in the lesson plan to ensure that all students receive quality instruction?

additional time at the end of each instructional activity to re-teach and address the needs-based instruction modifications where necessary

Mrs. Fields is creating a lesson plan for her third-grade inclusion class. Which of the following should Mrs. Fields include in the lesson plan to ensure that all students receive quality instruction?

additional time at the end of each instructional activity to reteach and address the needs-based instruction modifications where necessary

Mrs. Brunson notices many of her English language learner students understand the beginning of what she says, but they become lost as she progresses in her lectures. She decides it will be helpful to pause as she speaks. What is the most appropriate time to pause during her instruction?

after every complete thought

A science teacher uses labs to reinforce concepts taught in class. Students must read the lab as they participate, then turn in a written conclusion that has at least one illustration and one graph. Then, they will receive points for a class discussion about data at the end. What type of learner is the teacher targeting?

all of the above

The Texas education system is made up of primarily independent school districts. This means that each district maintains their own rules and governing board, while also:

all of the above

The purpose of a learning log is:

all of the above

Which of the following outlines goals of feedback for assessments?

all of the above

Intrinsically Motivated

behavior that is performed for its own sake

Which of the following is the least important to consider when planning differentiated instruction?


At which of the following phases do children begin to think abstractly?

concrete operations

Standardized tests, IQ tests, end-of-unit exams, norm-referenced tests, and achievement tests are all examples of:

formal assessments.

One advantage of using portfolio assessment over traditional quizzes and tests is that:

it provides a reliable composite of progress over time.

Ms. Smith follows a particular theory of child management. In her classroom, you will see: Ms. Smith does not discipline students often. She does not want to punish or impede a student's natural desire to improve. Students manage their own behaviors with subtle guidance from Ms. Smith, such as eye contact or a gentle pat on the shoulder when misbehaving. What theory of child management does Ms. Smith employ?


During a lesson on variables with exponents, Ms. Wiley notices two students whispering and passing notes back and forth. Without interrupting the lesson, she moves and stands near these students. This action can be classified as:

non-verbal communication.

A teacher is concerned about a student who seems to be behind peers in reading. Which of the following types of tests will provide the most accurate and relevant information about the student in comparison to peers?


A teacher wants to accurately assess students who have diverse backgrounds, strengths, and needs. Which of the following should be considered when assessing them?

observations; tests and quizzes; class discussions

A fifth-grade teacher is concerned about the lack of academic achievement for one of her students. The teacher requests that the special education teacher observe and conference with her regarding appropriate instructional strategies. What is the best response that the special education teacher can offer?

observe and recommend the RtI process

Bobby was a hardworking, respectful tenth grader until a few weeks ago when his teacher began noticing his grades were slipping, he was having trouble concentrating during class, and he was easily irritated by other students. Out of concern, the teacher asks Bobby to stay after class one day to discuss his slipping performance. Bobby confides in the teacher that he has to work two part-time jobs because his father was recently laid-off and he knows the stress is hurting his academic performance. Later in the week, Bobby's mother calls and reveals to the teacher she is at a loss of how to alleviate the pressure Bobby feels. The teacher can best respond to Bobby's mother by:

offering to meet with her to discuss how the two can work together to balance Bobby's school work and his after-school obligations.

Which of the following is the most effective way to report student progress?

online gradebook with individual logins for each student

Mr. House has a behavior board in his second-grade class. At the end of the day, students get a 1-5 (5 being the best) score based on their behavior for the day. If the student has 23 points or higher at the end of the week, they will earn a reward; if they have less than 23 points, they will not. Which of the following theories does this technique reflect?

operant conditioning

In order to increase students' motivation to learn math concepts, a teacher could implement:

peer tutoring in which every student has the opportunity to tutor and be tutored.

A teacher needs to assess mastery at the end of a social studies unit. Rather than giving a multiple choice test, she has students create a newspaper that covers the major events from the unit. What type of assessment is the teacher using?

performance assessment

Which of the following assessments would be best for measuring a student's ability to apply concepts learned in a unit to the outside world?


Family Education Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) gives parents access to all of the following except:

personal notes from teachers.

At the end of a unit, the teacher has students turn in all of their lab write-ups and work related to the unit. What type of assessment does this represent?


In which of the following situations is a teacher using proximity as a preventative measure for classroom management?

preferential seating assignments for students easily distracted or off-task

Which of the following responses would be best to manage minor incidents of inappropriate classroom behavior in a ninth grade classroom?

preventing problems before they occur, if possible, and immediately addressing any incidents

Which accomodation is most appropriate for a beginner ELL student when a teacher plans to give information through a lecture with skeleton notes?

printed notes to highlight

A small group of students has been scoring below average on math benchmarks. The teacher pulls this group for small group remediation. Which of the following assessments would be most appropriate for this group of students?

progress monitoring

Which is the most likely way to engage a class of elementary students in a lesson on the wave properties of frequency, wavelength, and amplitude while still presenting the best learning opportunity? After giving a few examples:

project pictures of transverse waves of different wavelength and amplitude, while for each, students wiggle fast or slow to indicate frequency, and with large wiggles or small wiggles to indicate amplitude. correct Students must individually process and apply the information, which allows the teacher to check for understanding and allows immediate reteaching if needed. Elementary students also tend to do well with connecting movements to ideas.

Angela is an English-language learner (ELL) from Mexico. She has been in the United States for five years and has an advanced-high speaking proficiency level, but she occasionally makes grammar mistakes when speaking that she doesn't make when writing. What can the teacher do to help Angela?

promote self-corrective techniques

Mrs. Parker, an elementary teacher, designs an instructional activity where she will write a common word on the board and a student will think of a synonym of the word. The student will then lead the class in a game of "hangman" with the chosen synonym. In designing this instructional activity, the teacher most likely wanted to:

provide students with an opportunity to be actively engaged in the learning process.

Formative assessments provide information that can be used for which of the following?

to change and improve instruction

he purpose of a learning log i

to connect previous learning to current concepts. B to maintain a continuous record of personal knowledge. C to allow students to evaluate their individual learning style.

What is the primary reason for administering an aptitude test?

to determine strengths and interests of an individual

The purpose of handing out a course syllabus at the beginning of the semester is:

to inform all students of the course curriculum, expectations, and assignment due dates.

What is the primary reason for administering an achievement test?

to measure skills gained over a period of time

Ms. Klein has several advanced level English-language learners (ELLs) in her science class. Every day when the students enter the classroom, she has them take out their journals and respond to a writing prompt. Today's prompt is, "What is gravity?" Ms. Klein circulates around the room to view the responses. Juan, an intermediate ELL from Mexico, writes, "Gravity is the force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth." Ms. Klein thinks that Juan has memorized the definition. To ensure that he understands the concept, what can she ask him to do? Select all answers that apply.

to provide an example; to elaborate on his response

Mrs. Vazquez is a seventh-grade history teacher with students from a wide geographic area. For a class project, she has her students write their state representatives asking them to come visit and speak at their school. Out of the three representatives contacted, two wrote a letter thanking the students for their time but declined the request, and one representative made a visit to the campus. The most likely benefit for the students in writing the letters is:

to show the students that they were taken seriously by elected officials, which could encourage them to engage in political activity in the future.

Students who are taught to tie their own shoes can then tie any pair of shoes without being retaught. This cognitive ability is known as:


Mrs. Crow provides her students a self-assessment rubric to complete after a semester-long group research project. Which of the following does a self-assessment rubric best promote among students?

understanding and taking responsibility for their learning

Which of the following is the explanation of learning theory?

understanding how people learn and incorporate new information into their schema

During lunch, there are four teachers in the lounge eating. One teacher begins discussing a student's academic issues, which she believes are affected by the student's home life. This discussion is considered:

unethical because it breaches privacy laws.

Which of the following is the most appropriate professional development activity for teachers?

university classes or professional workshops relating to the field they teach

Which of the following curriculum responsibilities would most likely be primarily the responsibility of the classroom teacher?

use of supplemental materials to address course objectives aligned with state standards

As Mrs. Matthews, an ELAR teacher, grades a required composition, she writes a note concerning each of her students' work. According to research on instructional feedback, which elements would be the best method for providing feedback to students?

using an established rubric with further notes of the specific positives and informing the student about the specific errors that need to be addressed

Which of these is a verbal communication strategy being used by a teacher?

using different voices to convey characters in a story

Which of the following best describes the degree to which an assessment accurately measures what it intends to measure?


Which of these choices is NOT an important consideration in increasing the effectiveness of feedback?

verbal vs. non-verbal

A third-grade ELL student notices the focus on being a winner in a competition. He may be uncomfortable acting independently because in his culture, actions are based on:

what is good for the whole.

A new teacher is planning a unit of study. Which of the following should the teacher first consider when planning for instruction?

what will be the main concepts or skills addressed during the unit

One advantage of posting the learning objectives for the day on the board is that students:

will know the topic of class and what they are to learn about it.

Which of the following classroom strategies would best show sensitivities to ELL language challenges?

word wall with pictures of vocabulary words

Mr. Bruin has noticed that a few of his ELL students have not been completing their classwork or homework assignments. He thinks they are unmotivated, but he's not sure how to increase their motivation. His colleague, Mr. Frank, suggests using a technique to increase their intrinsic motivation. Which of the following is NOT likely to be Mr. Frank's suggestion?

"Reward them with a prize, such as a class party, if all the students complete the homework assignments for a certain amount of time."

A group of high school students is taking a standardized reading achievement test. After the students receive their scores, the teacher meets with students to discuss how to interpret the results. One student in the class receives a score in the 80th percentile. How can the teacher explain this score to the student?

"Scoring in the 80th percentile means that you have performed as well as or better than 80 percent of high school students who also took this assessment."

Ms. Burnett is leading her biology class in a discussion on genetics. Ms. Burnett poses a question to Silvia, an intermediate English-language learner from Mexico. Ms. Burnett: Why is it important to understand genetics? Silvia: Well, some disease are genetic. So, if we know a disease that our family have, we can make less risk. Which of the following is the best way for Ms. Burnett to respond to Silvia?

"That's right. If we know that a disease is in our family genes, we can change our behaviors to lower our risk."

Which of the following teacher statements is an example of effective, positive feedback?

"This was a challenge, and you worked hard until you solved it!"

Which of the following assignments would be the most appropriate for a class of diverse English learners?

"Write a short essay about the things you like best about your hometown. Share selections from your essay with the class."

Which of the following is a diagnostic formative assessment?

students take a pre-test on Ancient Greece

Which of the following is an example of plagiarism?

An artist reproduces another artist's work and resells prints on a popular website.

Which of the following does not accurately reflect the 504 designation?

A 504 plan is the same as an IEP and they can be used interchangeably.

Which activity would be most beneficial for students learning the structure and functions human body systems?

A project in which students run an election campaign for their assigned body system. Students write campaign speeches about why their body system is the most essential, make posters, and have a vote at the end of the project.

Which of the following would not be considered protected speech in an educational setting?

A senior history teacher discusses presidential candidates during class to attempt to persuade a newly 18-year-old student to vote for the candidate the teacher supports.

In which of the following situations would it be appropriate to add an enrichment activity?

A small group of students shows consistent mastery of the current concept being taught.

Which of the following is not part of the fair use guideline concerning copyright laws?

A song may be used in its entirety, but cannot be edited or shortened.

According to Piaget's theory on stages of cognitive development, which of the following thought processes best distinguishes a student at the formal operational stage?

A student creates a story about how winter would be better if snow were green and not white.

Which of the following would not be a concern for a first grade student?

A student regularly reverses certain letters when writing.

The Code of Ethics of Texas Educators summarizes expectations for teachers personally and professionally. According to the code, can a teacher be held accountable for material posted on personal social media?

A teacher can be held accountable because the code refers to conduct both inside and outside of school.

Which of the following would show effective collaboration between a parent and teacher?

A teacher creates a behavior chart for a struggling student and the teacher and parent both sign it each day.

A sixth-grade science teacher has assigned each student a scientist to write a report on. The following is an excerpt from the writing of Fernando, an English-language learner from Mexico. "Isaac Newton is one of the most important scientists in history. He developed the theory of gravity and some laws of motion. Moreover, he created a new type of mathematics, which today calls calculus! He has had large impact in the world." Fernando's writing primarily shows features of which of the following ELPS writing proficiency levels?


A teacher plays an excerpt from an audiobook for her English Language Arts class. The excerpt begins with the following: "The trees were swinging uncontrollably outside Ben's window as he lay in bed. He was just about to close his eyes when a bolt of light lit up the sky." In order to implicitly understand that a thunderstorm is keeping Ben awake, an English-language learner should have at least which of the following listening proficiency levels?


Franco is a third-grade English-language learner from France. He occasionally mispronounces words, but he is usually understood by his teachers and native English-speaking peers. What ELPS speaking proficiency level does Franco have?


Ms. Casper is trying to determine the reading proficiency level of Jose, an English-language learner in her ninth-grade class. Jose can understand the main points of grade-appropriate text, with the help of linguistic support. However, he struggles when it comes to understanding low-frequency vocabulary. The other day when reading a text in class, Jose surprised Ms. Casper when he demonstrated understanding of a word used beyond its literal meaning in the text. Based on this information, what is Jose's reading proficiency level?


Adriana is a second-grade English-language learner from Mexico. Her teacher, Ms. Jacobs, asks her to write about her weekend. She writes the following: "On Satrday my family and me went to the zoo. We saw lots of animals there. I even fed the monkys! The zookeeper said "your doing a great job." I felt very happy. We ate lunch at the zoo. My mom packed peanut butter sandwichs and after lunch, we had some ice cream with choclate sprinkels. Yum! It was a great day. I hope we will go back again soon!" Based on her writing, what is Adriana's most likely proficiency level?

Advanced High

Arturo moved to the US from Mexico two years ago, and his teacher has noticed major progress in his reading. In fact, on his progress report, his teacher notes that Arturo can read grade-level texts with appropriate rate, speed, intonation, and expression. This is a characteristic of which reading proficiency level?

Advanced High

A ninth-grade social studies teacher is reading about Ancient Egypt with her students. In a writing assignment about the Nile River, Marta, an English-language learner (ELL) from Brazil, writes the following: "Flowing 4000 miles north from the heart of Africa to the Mediterranean Sea, the Nile River was very important to the ancient Egyptians. Because Egypt gets a little rainfall, Egyptians relied on the Nile River for water. During the summer, the Nile River overflowed and left a layer of mud that was perfect to farming." This passage suggests that she is at which of the following ELPS writing proficiency levels?


Mrs. Brunson notices that many of her English language learner students understand the beginning of what she says but become lost as she progresses in her lectures. She decides it will be helpful to pause as she speaks. What is the most appropriate time to pause during her instruction?

After every complete thought

Mr. Johns gave a test last week and Ginny missed one question. She answered that 14.5 people would ride on each bus rather than 15. Her parents would like a conference because she did the math problem correctly and should receive credit even though her answer was not reasonable. How should Mr. Johns handle this situation?

Agree to meet, listen to their concerns, and then explain that one component of math is understanding reasonable answers.

Which of the following is not a requirement when developing cooperative group work?

All students must have their own supplies.

Mrs. Dobbs is teaching students to skip-count by 2s, 5s, and 10s in her second-grade class. Earlier in the year, she evaluated her students learning style and assigns them one task based on this evaluation. Visual learners have been given a number line and they are to draw the hops across the top. Auditory learners have been given a list of the even number to 20, numbers divisible by 5 to 50 and numbers ending in 0 up to 100. They are told to say them over and over aloud to memorize the skips. Kinesthetic learners have been given a large number line on the floor. They are jumping to the next number as they skip-count. What can Mrs. Dobbs do to improve her teaching?

Allow all students to participate in all three activities by rotating through them.

Which of the following strategies best ensures a teacher will establish clear behavior guidelines?

Allow students to participate in the creation of classroom guidelines.

Ms. Winski, a second-grade teacher, notices that her newest English language learner is struggling to communicate with his peers. Which option below would best encourage her new student to practice speaking to and interacting with his classmates?

Allow time before and after activities for students to chat with their deskmates.

A high school history teacher has just finished a unit of study and plans to assign an essay as students' final assessment grade for the unit. Which of the following best describes the reason an essay is the appropriate assessment instrument in this situation?

An essay allows students to organize their thoughts and demonstrate understanding of the topics addressed in the course.

Mrs. Jones wants to use a website in her presentation. Which of the following is the most important for her to do first?

Analyze the website and its content to ensure it is appropriate.

Ms. Wilson is having difficulty with new software introduced by the district. Which of the following is the best way to address this issue?

Any of the above.

A new teacher is setting up her classroom and wants to ensure the space is ideal for learning. Which of the following is the least important question this teacher should ask when determining the layout of the room?

Are the colors matching in the space and does it look appealing?

Mrs. Clark finds that some of her students are not engaged in class discussion. Which of the following would be the most effective way to set up the space to encourage student engagement in class discussions?

Arrange desks in a circle so all students face each other.

During class, some students are assigned to work at centers, others independently at desks, and the remaining students that need remediation are in a small group. The teacher wants to ensure that all students are on task and able to complete work in the complex learning environment. How can the teacher set up the classroom to best accomplish this goal?

Arrange the small group in a corner with the teacher so that the teacher is facing the classroom and can periodically scan the room.

To encourage an appreciation for diversity, a teacher wants to design a cultural activity. Which of the following will best help students appreciate their own culture and those of others?

Ask each student to research a family or cultural tradition they celebrate and then present the findings to the class.

Mr. Huff is a teacher in Florida. He would like to show his students how their daily activities have an impact on the ecosystem. Which of the following activities would be most appropriate to achieve this goal?

Ask students to choose a product they use every day and research the impact of this product on the ecosystem. Ask them to explain how production, use, and disposal of the product affects wildlife, habitats, and the wetlands around them. Have them create a brief presentation to show the class.

After a quiz over plant systems, Mr. Wyatt sees that most of his students believe that all plants cells have chloroplasts and chlorophyll. Which of the following activities would best correct this misconception?

Ask students to identify the function of chloroplasts and chlorophyll and whether all cells in the plant carry out this function. Have students view root cells under a microscope and tell whether or not these structures are present. Ask students to reflect on why.

Which of the following activities would be most suitable for an auditory learner during a unit on animal behavior?

Ask students to write a song or rap about different social systems and make a music video to go along with it.

Mrs. Fischer would like to be sure her students know the implications of biotechnology and how it will affect society. Which of the following activities would be most appropriate for exposing students to a variety of perspectives?

Ask students who owns a cloned sheep: the owners of the sheep who provided the DNA, the scientists who created it, or the owner of the new incubating sheep? Lead students on a structured debate about this topic.

At the year's beginning, a new teacher becomes unsure about all of her responsibilities, including instruction and required documentation and record keeping. Which of the following would be the most effective way for this teacher to secure help?

Ask the department head or team leader for advice and request a mentor teacher with whom to work.

An at-risk student has had multiple absences and tardies over the past month. What is the most appropriate way to help this student?

Ask the student if there is something preventing them from being at school and offer resources to overcome the obstacle.

An elementary special education student complains to his P.E. coach that the work in his social studies class is too hard and that he just can't keep up. What is the best procedure for the coach to follow in order to advocate for this student?

Ask the student's special education teacher to intervene.

Mrs. Clark has tasked her English students to write a poem about a memorable time in their life. Of the following, which is the most important assessment principle Mrs. Clark should implement?

Assessments should be objective and concrete.

A teacher notices that fewer students are completing their homework over the course of the semester and that average test scores have decreased. She has confirmed that the homework is congruent with instruction and would benefit the students. In an effort to help raise course grades, she would like to change the grading method of homework from completion grades to another method. Which of the following approaches will be most effective for encouraging students to complete their homework?

Assign 5-7 specific questions and grade while providing written feedback.

Which of the following should be the first step of a teacher who wants to establish a relationship with parents where both the teacher and parent can initiate a conversation to discuss the student's progress?

At the beginning of the year, set up a meeting with each parent to discuss mutual goals for their student.

A math teacher has a class of students with mixed performance levels and abilities. Every week, the teacher hosts a math competition at the end of class that requires students to compete against each other. The teacher then ranks the students from highest to lowest performance, with the top performers winning a prize. Which of the following describes a likely consequence of this activity?

Average to below-average students will experience a decrease in motivation.

Which of the following is not a best practice for teachers to follow when communicating via email with all of the parents of a class?

Avoid using BCC because it can be seen by parents as a method of keeping information secret. It is best to be open about who is getting the email.

A group of seventh-grade teachers at a middle school are discussing the need to help their students to increase self-advocacy skills. The teachers have noticed that while working on independent assignments in class, students who are struggling often shut down and stop working until teachers come to assist individual students. Which of the following strategies would be most effective in building self-advocacy skills?

Before beginning independent work time, teachers remind students that they may ask for help by raising their hands or flipping a card on their desks from red to green to indicate that they are stuck.

The fifth-grade ELA teacher informs the special education teacher that RtI is a means to place students into special education. All of the following are appropriate responses except:

RtI is the first step to the special education referral process.

Leticia, a new student from Mexico, recently joined Ms. Kramer's class. Ms. Kramer has been struggling to communicate with Leticia in English. Leticia struggles to understand basic conversations, even with familiar topics. Occasionally Leticia can understand when Ms. Kramer greatly modifies her speech and uses pictures for support.


Use the conversation between Jorge, an English-language learner from Mexico, and his teacher to answer the question that follows. Mr. Darcy: Jorge, can I see your completed homework? Jorge: No have. Home. Mr. Darcy: Well, I'm sorry Jorge, but I have to give you an incomplete for today. Jorge: Understand, es no problem. Mr. Darcy: If you can show it to me tomorrow, then I will change your mark. Jorge: OK. I bring you tomorrow! Jorge's speech can best be described as being at which of the following English-language proficiency levels?


The LEA has the responsibility to identify, locate, and evaluate all students who reside in the state of Texas who are in need of special education or related services, including students enrolling in private schools. At what age can children begin receiving services?


A teacher creates an assessment that includes questions at varying levels of understanding from basic memorization and recall to analysis and synthesis. Which of the following individuals researched these varying levels of understanding?


Mrs. Greak just received her roster of second-grade students for the new school year. There is a "Back to School" event in two days, where students and families may come and meet their teacher. The principal has sent out an email to the school community informing them about the event and has asked her teachers to contact families as well. What is the best way for Mrs. Greak to reach out to her families?

Call each family to introduce herself and invite them to the event.

A teacher would like to increase student participation during a review activity. Which of the following strategies would best accomplish this?

Calling on students at random after providing ample wait time, and allowing peers to expand upon answers.

Many concepts transfer from one language to another, such as distinguishing fruits from toys. Of the following, which is the most likely reason a newly arrived English language learner would not able to identify the picture of a fruit in front of him?

Certain fruits do not grow in his homeland.

Which of the following best describes Piaget's formal operations phase?

Children in this phase can think abstractly.

Mrs. Miller, a sixth-grade science teacher, is striving to create a classroom environment that encourages learning and academic effort. She does not want to have a classroom culture that causes stress and anxiety in the students. Which of the following would best accomplish Mrs. Miller's goal?

Clearly outline expectations for student behavior and performance.

Which of the following best describes the benefits of ending each class period with a closure activity turned in as students leave the room?

Closure activities help the teacher to reinforce key concepts from the lesson and identify any gaps.

Mr. Williams is planning a research unit. He remembers feeling disappointed in the revision step of the writing portion the previous year. The first draft was due just a few days before the final draft, and very little revision was actually completed by the students. This year, he wants to prioritize completing a rough draft of the essay early enough to provide plenty of opportunity for revision. Which of the following would be the most logical way to achieve this goal?

Consider which topics and skills could be taught after the rough draft is completed, to then be used during the revision process to improve the essay.

A middle school English language arts teacher uses a strategy called "double-entry journal" with students. Students have a dedicated notebook to use for double entry journal activities, and the teacher prompts them to make entries as they read and reflect on fiction and non-fiction works. Students divide a page into two columns and place short quotes or summaries on the left side and use the right side of the page to write thoughts about how they are connecting to the literary work. They may make a personal connection to the text, or they may make the connection between the text and another literary work or media. Below are two journal entries written by two students after reading a chapter from Laurie Halse Anderson's novel Speak.

Consult with the English Learner (EL) teacher who provides direct instruction to the students to discuss their needs and strategies to support the students during this assignment.

Mary Ann is an exemplary student in all of her classes. Her English teacher, Mr. Ray, requires his students to journal every week about a new topic, with the most recent assignment being to journal about an event that has shaped the way the student views the world. As Mr. Ray reviews Mary Ann's journal entries, he is astonished to find Mary Ann discussing being molested by a friend of her parents. Which of the following is the best next step for Mr. Ray to respond to Mary Ann's journal entries?

Contact law enforcement officials about the journal entries.

Which statement below falls within the highest category of Bloom's taxonomy?

Create a commercial advertising your favorite figure of speech.

Wilmer Middle School has invited more parent volunteers to help the classroom teachers. By increasing the number of parent volunteers present in the school's classrooms, the school is most likely to achieve which of the following?

Create a greater awareness in the school community to help achieve important student goals.

A first-grade student frequently disrupts class discussion, has an unorganized desk, misplaces his classroom materials, and has a hard time maintaining eye contact with whom he is speaking. His teacher becomes concerned, as these behaviors are causing him to struggle in his academic studies. Before she contacts the student's parents to schedule a meeting, which of the following is the most appropriate first step?

Create and gather documentation about specific instances of the student's behavior.

Mr. Oden would like to develop a set of classroom behavior standards to create a positive environment. Which of the following strategies would be the best way for Mr. Oden to accomplish this goal?

Create classroom rules during a group discussion with students, where they can provide their input and opinions for behavioral consequences.

Students in Mr. Clark's classroom have a wide range of academic ability levels. Mr. Clark wants to regularly use group activities to support the classroom learning objectives. Which of the following strategies is most likely to help promote the success of all students during these group activities?

Create heterogeneous groups with a defined goal, where all students have a specific, unique role in achieving the goal.

An elementary classroom has a new student. The teacher realizes it can be a slow process for the new student to be accepted and feel welcomed in a new classroom. Which of the following strategies would best promote the class's acceptance of the new student?

Create teams of students and assign each team to help the new student learn a classroom activity and daily routine.

A teacher uses simple sentences and familiar vocabulary to instruct the class. Which type of students would particularly benefit from this style of instruction?

English language learners (ELL)

Mr. James plans to assess his students' knowledge during a unit on linear functions and would like feedback from the students on how well they feel they are learning the concepts. Which of the following assessment would be the most appropriate for Mr. James to use during the unit?

Daily open-ended formative assessment in which the students complete a problem, with justification and any questions they still have about the material from that day.

A middle school has included a goal within the school improvement plan that focuses on increasing the use of technology across all curriculums. The math department is discussing ways to meet this goal. Which of the following strategies would be most appropriate in this situation?

Designating days when students can bring a device or borrow a school device to use in class during independent or partner work.

A middle school has recently decided to implement a change in the bell schedule which will allow students a 30 minute "free period" two days per week. During this period, students must be in a classroom but may work on enrichment activities, participate in remediation or study skills, make up tests and assignments, or participate in other activities at teachers' recommendations. Department leads are working with school administrators to create guidelines for the new program. Which of the following is the first step that they should take to ensure the success of this program?

Develop a set of goals for the program and determine how they will track progress toward meeting these goals.

A high school teacher has a class that includes students with disabilities as well as English Language Learners. The teacher is preparing to begin a unit of study on a novel and has outlined the following activities: Activity 1: Review common fiction genres and take the students through a review of the novel's title, cover page, and summary to identify the genre. Activity 2: Review elements of plot and characterization. Provide the students with graphic organizers to use while reading the novel. Activity 3: Have students begin reading the first three chapters independently while using a graphic organizer to identify main characters and elements of characterization. Activity 4: Have students work in pairs to discuss what they have learned about the characters and plot during the first three chapters of the novel. The teacher wants to ensure that all students are grasping key concepts while reading the novel. Which of the following describes the best way to accomplish this?

Developing regular check points in which the teacher assesses students' understanding and adjusts instruction accordingly.

The teacher wants to ensure that all students are grasping key concepts while reading the novel. Which of the following describes the best way to accomplish this?

Developing regular check points in which the teacher assesses students' understanding and adjusts instruction accordingly.

If Mr. Melton desires to evaluate the learning environment in his classroom, which of the following would be the most important question to ask himself?

Do I consistently address all my students' intellectual involvement and active learning preferences when I design my lessons?

A teacher is setting up the classroom at the beginning of the school. The teacher will have two students with physical impairments. Which of the following questions is the most important point for the teacher to consider?

Does the classroom layout allow students to easily navigate the room?

All students in Ms. Hopping's fifth-grade class are having trouble distinguishing between atomic number and atomic mass on the periodic table. The ELLs are particularly confused. She is not sure how to reteach the difference. What should she first find out before she tries to reteach?

Does the problem lie in the vocabulary or in understanding the concept?

Mr. Sanchez's sixth-grade class is currently working on a research project about world cultures. Each student has been assigned a different culture to research and present their findings to the class. Mr. Sanchez notices many of his students, who are classified as English language learners, are nervous about their upcoming presentations because they are uncomfortable speaking in front of the class. Which of the following recommendations would be most appropriate for Mr. Sanchez to the students?

Each student practices in a small group and uses the feedback from the small group to improve their presentation.

Which of the following appropriately identifies the teacher's role in understanding and using technology?

Effective teachers should understand basic terms and concepts related to current technology. Most classrooms have technology for teacher and student use and should be utilized appropriately.

Megan, a seventh-grade student at Wilmore Middle School, consistently has trouble remembering and completing assignments. Her teacher, Mr. Johansson, schedules a parent-teacher conference to discuss Megan's situation. Mr. Johansson outlines the class routines, discusses how they help students remember classroom assignments, and explains how he can help support Megan by helping her remember assignments. Mr. Johansson then asks Megan's parents for support at home. Which of the following would be the best action for Megan's parents to help Megan at home?

Encourage Megan to find a consistent, quiet place and time to study. They can check with her daily to monitor how well she is writing down and remembering assignments.

Carmen is a third-grade student who routinely answers the teacher's questions without being called upon by the teacher. This is detrimental, as other students are not given the ability to participate because of Carmen speaking out of turn. Of the following, which is the best option to ensure Carmen develops the patience to wait to be called upon by the teacher?

Establish a consequence for each time Carmen speaks without being called upon and consistently enforce the consequence.

Mrs. Hill notices her students have a hard time staying focused as she walks around the room answering the students' questions. She knows the students need to stay focused to maximize their learning. Which of the following would be the best strategy for Mrs. Hill to implement?

Establish and maintain classroom procedures for student behavior.

An English teacher has her ELL students write a persuasive paper on a school policy they feel should be changed. The students choose to offer more juice options in the school vending machine. In writing the essay, which of the following strategies would be the most effective for supporting their argument?

Explain how other schools have implemented similar changes and highlight the positive effects in those specific campuses.

A third-grade teacher is planning a small project during social studies. There are multiple steps that must be completed in order. How can the teacher best communicate the steps to the students?

Explain one or two steps at a time and help students complete those steps before going on.

Mr. Ortiz is a paraprofessional that provides in-class support for sixth-grade students with emotional disabilities. The students will receive five minutes of free choice time if they complete work independently. Mr. Ortiz often prompts the students to begin working and reminds them of their free choice activities, but he doesn't consistently follow through with providing free choice options before moving onto the next activity. How can his supervisor help with the implementation?

Explain the effects of assigning consequences and not following through on them, especially with students who have behavior concerns.

Mr. Muldoon is teaching about converting between metric and English units. One of his students refuses to engage in the activity and states "I am never leaving America so I don't need to learn this." How should he respond?

Explain the many ways in which people in America use the metric system.

Which of the following requires that schools keep student information and records confidential?


Which of the following statements best describes a formative assessment?

Formative assessments measure what students know along the way.

The following characteristics are elements of which component of IDEA? Instructional services designed to address the educational needs of students with disabilities as comparable to nondisabled students Instructional services to the maximum extent possible as to meet the educational needs with nondisabled students Standardized and established due process procedures Evaluation, placement, and reevaluation established procedures to ensure appropriate placement and classification of student with disabilities

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

Mr. Washington is teaching a new mathematics concept to his ninth grade class. He observes that some students have already mastered the concept while other students are having difficulty understanding the new concept. Which of the following would be the best option to help students struggling with the new concept while keeping the entire class engaged?

Group students into cooperative learning groups, and then those students who have mastered the concept will be able to help those students who do not understand the respective concept.

Haruka is an ELL student from Japan. Mr. Laserna, her English literature teacher, was very impressed by her essay and read a portion to the class, pointing out all the things that she had done well. While he was reading, Haruka became visibly uncomfortable and looked down toward the floor. What could be the reason for this?

Haruka is used to a collectivistic culture, where modesty is valued.

A teacher is reflecting on their practices and wants to evaluate how well they have ensured educational equity for all students. Which of the following questions should they ask themselves?

Have all of my students been able to access all parts of the curriculum?

Before the start of her first year of teaching, a sixth-grade teacher with multiple class periods decides to survey her peer teachers for ways to organize her classes so that appropriate routines and procedures are effective during group work. The experienced teachers offered several suggestions. Which of the following would be the best way to address this important need?

Have desks put together in groups of six, and provide labeled color-coded baskets in which each class period is to submit their assignments.

Which of the following would be the most effective assessment of the students' understanding of scientific method?

Have students design and implement a hands-on experiment.

Weather maps can be quite complex, often showing wind speed, isobars, fronts, and precipitation. Which technique is most likely to enable upper elementary students to begin to learn to read weather maps?

Have students interpret several maps, one at a time, which each show only one type of weather symbol.

Ms. Babu feels her class has a good understanding of the definitions and theories associated with physical and chemical changes, but she wants them to apply the concepts. Which homework assignment would best help students connect the concepts to their everyday lives?

Have students look for a chemical or physical change they see after they leave school, and then tell the class about it the next day.

Some of Mr. Lynn's students are struggling to differentiate between the embryo and the fetus. Which of the following activities will best help the students clarify this information?

Have students pair up, research the differences, and make a Venn diagram or other graphic organizer of the information. Have them share their findings with the class.

A teacher would like to assess students' understanding of the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis. Which of the following would be the most effective way to do this?

Have students partner up and create a Venn diagram for mitosis and meiosis.

Mrs. Hurd is teaching a unit on the skeletomuscular system to a class that consists mostly of athletes and students who enjoy being active. Which of the following activities would most help them draw connections between the course material and their daily lives?

Have students perform a fitness test and review how the skeletomuscular system helps them perform each task in the test.

Halfway through the school year, Mr. Hernandez's fourth-grade class has a new student join the class. The student is from Argentina and, although he can speak English, does not appear to be making friends with his classmates. Which of the following classroom activities would be the most likely to promote an understanding and appreciation of different cultures among the students?

Have students research their own backgrounds and give a class presentation about their ancestors' cultures.

Which of the following is a learner-centered method of explaining a game to a student?

Have students try each step of the game as the teacher explains.

Mr. Jeffords would like to show his students that all living things grow and develop and that metamorphosis is a process some animals go through as they grow and develop.. He knows that he has several kinesthetic learners in his class. Which of the following activities would best address the needs of these students?

Have students write and perform a play to act out the process of a caterpillar changing to a butterfly.

Mr. Gwynn finds that only one or two students answer when he asks the class questions about the effects of land on climate. Which of the following is the best technique for getting more students to respond?

Have the students pair up, ask the question, let students discuss the answer with their partner, then ask the question again of the entire class.

Which of the following is the most appropriate assignment for helping early elementary students begin to consider their own effect on the environment?

Have them look for and talk about ways they and their family pollute the land, water, or air in everyday life.

Marcos, an ELL from Colombia, is struggling to read and write at the same level as his peers. One reason for this could be:

He is lacking oral language skills, which are necessary to develop his literacy skills.

Mr. Watson's seventh-grade Language Arts class is completing the unit on grammar, and he has noticed that several students in the class who normally excel are not completing homework. In order to encourage them to complete the unit with the same engagement as the beginning, he offers classes with 100% homework completion a reward. Why would Mr. Watt make this decision?

He knows that incentives can help students who have lost motivation to complete tasks they find less interesting, and he strives to create a positive classroom assignment.

Mr. Geller's students are studying earthworm responses to soil moisture content. They set up an experiment where they place earthworms in the middle of a pan of soil, with half the soil moistened and half dry. Mr. Geller hears some of his students discussing how the earthworms must be heading toward the wetter soil because they are thirsty. What should Mr. Geller's response be in order to support critical thinking?

He should ask the students leading questions to get them thinking about how earthworms breathe, which stimulus they are responding to, and why they need an environment with more moisture.

A third-grade teacher wants to develop a positive attitude towards education in her classroom of diverse learners. Which of the following strategies would best achieve this goal?

Highlight each student's academic progress and their increasing ability to learn new ideas and concepts.

During an instructional unit, Mr. Ramirez gives a pop quiz to his students. The results of the quiz are upsetting to Mr. Ramirez, as over half the students do not pass. Mr. Ramirez consults with his mentor teacher and they decide the questions are clear and that they properly address the material that has been taught. Which of the following is the best question for Mr. Ramirez to ask himself?

How did the previous instructional technique not adequately ensure material retention, and what changes can I make in the future to increase the students' understanding?

During the summer, a teacher obtains the standardized test results of the previous year for her upcoming students. This information can be best used to:

Identify the instructional needs of each student and plan instruction to address gaps.

The parents of a student with disabilities have complained that their student is not getting the services they need. Which of the following statements accurately describes the rights of students and parents in a dispute with the school?

If they cannot reach an agreement with the school or school district, they are guaranteed due process to resolve the dispute.

Xiao, an ELL student from China, has recently joined Mr. Bernstein's history class. Whenever Mr. Bernstein calls on Xiao, Xiao stands up to answer the question.

In China, students treat teachers with much authority and respect.

During a math lesson, a teacher notices that many students are doodling on their notes page or fidgeting in their seats. Which of the following is the best instructional approach to the situation?

Incorporate a small group activity that requires students to move.

Mr. Newton, an elementary teacher, is organizing his classroom resources for the upcoming school year. One of his goals for the year is to help students appreciate and understand cultural diversity. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for meeting this goal?

Incorporate books and other resources that represent a variety of cultural perspectives into classroom learning lessons.

Mrs. Worthington, the parent of a first-grade student, approaches her child's teacher because she is unhappy with the instructional methods of the teacher. Mrs. Worthington believes the class needs more rigorous standards in assessment and that there is a lack of structured learning in the classroom. Mrs. Worthington is concerned the students are not being adequately prepared for the higher grades. How can the teacher best respond to Mrs. Worthington's concerns?

Inform Mrs. Worthington of how the class activities promote the learning objectives while preparing the children for the more structured environment that they will experience in the higher grades. Allow her to observe the class and discuss with you any concerns she has thereafter.

Which of the following is the most effective way to increase participation from students who are reluctant to volunteer to answer questions?

Inform students that everyone will be asked to answer a question, and then randomly call on students after sufficient wait time has elapsed.

As a warm up, a teacher has asked students to work in pairs to fill-in the states onto a blank map of the U.S. While they work, the teacher walks around the room, observing student progress. Which of the following describes what the teacher most likely trying to do?

Informally assess student mastery of the state names, and use the data as a formative assessment to guide instruction.

In planning a morning schedule for kindergarten students, which of the following guidelines should the teacher take into account?

Instructional activities should be balanced between allowing students to be active during instruction and requiring students to be still and listen.

Mr. Germaine has some English-language learners in his 8th-grade history class. When responding to a prompt about western expansion, Maria, an English-learner from Mexico, writes the following: "In 1803, the Louisiana Purchase made the US twice more big than before. The American people was interesting in new land. Everyone want land to farm, you know? So, many people moved west." Her writing style is characteristic of a student at which of the following levels of writing proficiency?


Mr. Samson, a sixth-grade science teacher, is trying to determine the speaking proficiency level of Roberto, an English-language learner from Mexico. Last week in a small group discussion, Roberto was able to express himself using academic vocabulary in short phrases to explain the food chain and then to talk about animals in Mexico. He had some long pauses and some pronunciation errors, which made it hard for his classmates to understand him. When asked to elaborate, he made some errors as he tried to use less familiar vocabulary. Later in the class, Roberto participated in some small talk with his group about his weekend plans using simple, original statements. What speaking proficiency level is Roberto demonstrating characteristics of?


Ricardo is an English-language learner (ELL) from Brazil. On his progress report, his teacher, Mr. Carlson, writes the following: "Ricardo has made much improvement in listening. He can usually understand simple, short discussions on familiar topics. He still needs a lot of help with unfamiliar topics, which is typical of students at his level. We will work on this more in the coming months." Based on this description, what listening proficiency level is Ricardo most likely at?


Use the conversation between Paulo, a high school English-language learner (ELL), and his teacher to answer the question that follows. Ms. Jones: Paulo, I like your soccer jersey! Do you play soccer? Paulo: Yes, I played soccer since four years old. Ms. Jones: Oh, wow, you have been playing for a long time! Who is your favorite player? Paulo: Messi. He is the better player in the world. Ms. Jones: I agree! Are you planning to play soccer this weekend? Paulo: Yes, I will play with some friends. I cannot to wait! Based on the conversation, Paulo's speech can be best classified as:


A six-year-old kindergartener has shown difficulty raising her hand to share responses during direct instruction. The student's teacher has chosen to reward the student for raising her hand but does not provide a reward on each occasion when the student raises her hand. This is an example of

Intermittent reinforcement

Mr. Marks wants to create a class-wide research project for his third-grade class about the school's water usage and how the school can conserve their resources. As he discusses the project, the students become excited about being able to research various aspects of the school. Mr. Marks decides to split the class into small groups with each group coming up with ideas to implement the research.

It allows students to help structure and determine their own learning.

A fourth-grade teacher plans a science unit that includes two experiments, one class project, a teacher presentation, and a field trip. Which of the following is the most important advantage of the teacher's instructional unit?

It allows students with varied learning styles to process the information using multiple sources.

Mrs. Ling, a sixth-grade English teacher, is introducing an instructional assignment to promote her students' writing skills. Before she provides the writing assignment, she asks each student to think of a person they view as a role model and then list five characteristics they like about their role model. Once each student has completed the activity, she instructs her students to construct a three-paragraph essay about what makes a good role model. Which of the following is the most beneficial reason for the teacher to ask each student to list five characteristics of their role model?

It allows the teacher to identify a foundation to help the students begin their writing activity.

A third-grade classroom contains students from diverse backgrounds and varied skills. The teacher plans to have students contribute individually to a class book that features each student with a page for pictures and brief information about each student to share with others. What is the best reason for selecting this instructional activity?

It demonstrates acceptance of diversity and its value in enriching students' learning.

Mrs. Adams is preparing a lesson in which she will ask students to compare a portion of a book they are reading with a clip from the film version of the book. The clip has been chosen because of its unexpected interpretation of the text. On the board, in the section dedicated to the day's agenda, Mrs. Adams writes, "Determine the success of a film clip in interpreting the author's depiction of setting and characterization." Which of the following best describes the purpose of this sentence in the lesson?

It describes the learning objective for the lesson.

A new teacher and a mentor teacher agree to meet every other week. The meetings begin with the new teacher sharing one thing that is going well in the classroom and one thing that they would like to improve upon. Which of the following is the greatest benefit of beginning the meeting this way?

It ensures the meetings are as productive as possible.

Mr. O'Leary is establishing the classroom rules and procedures for his eighth-grade class. The first day of school, he posts the rules and procedures and invites students to comment, question, or propose new rules and procedures for the class. Which of the following describes the primary benefit of this activity?

It helps students feel a sense of responsibility and ownership in the rules.

Mrs. Kirsten is an eighth-grade language arts teacher at McNabb Middle School. Each day at the end of class, she has students spend ten minutes journaling about their views of the characters and situations of the current book they are reading. Which of the following describes the greatest benefit of journal writing for students?

It helps students reflect on new concepts and evaluate their ideas on what they are reading.

According to research, why is increased wait time after a teacher asks a question an effective instructional tool?

It improves student responses and questions.

Mr. Klement's seventh-grade class is studying renewable and nonrenewable resources. He would like to encourage the students to apply their knowledge of resources to a real-world scenario and make an ethical judgment. Which of the following activities would best allow him to do this?

Lead students in a debate about whether individuals should be required by law to use renewable energy sources.

Auditory Learning

Learning by hearing and listening

A high school world history teacher has students use journals several times a week to answer reflection questions, either at the beginning or end of class. The following are sample questions students are asked respond to in their journal. What was the main concept in the news clip we watched at the beginning of class? How is that news story related to what we studied today? What were the two best ideas that came from your discussion group? Which of the following learning principles best reflect the teacher's use of these questions?

Learning is reinforced when students have opportunities to actively process and reflect on new information.

Which of the following expresses how a behavioral theorist views learning?

Learning occurs as a result of processing information and making associations between stimuli and responses.

Mr. Martin is planning an instructional unit and wants to adjust the lesson to meet the needs of the English Language Learners (ELL) in his class. Each student has a varying level of English proficiency. What is the best strategy to adjust the instructional unit to meet the student's needs?

Make dictionaries accessible to the students and allow for additional time to complete the assignments while other students can work independently.

Mr. Brown is teaching his kindergarten students the difference between a solid, a liquid, and a gas. He finds that two English Language Learners don't seem to understand. Mr. Brown has four ideas to try. Which of the following is the least effective component of a lesson to help students learn the terminology and concepts?

Make up a worksheet in the students' native language and have them work solely in their language.

An elementary school noticed students were coming to school hungry and having difficulty focusing on classroom activities before lunch. The school put in place free breakfast for all students at the beginning of each day and saw a great improvement in student ability as a result. Which of the following learning theorist's ideas does this example best reflect?

Maslow (hierarchy of needs)

When Mr. Troutner introduces scientific notation to his math class, Jerome asks why they are learning about science during math class. What is the best answer to his question?

Math and other academic subjects work together in the real world.

Mrs. Smithers teaches language arts and is beginning a nonfiction unit. Which of the following should she consider when planning this unit, in order to link instruction with other content areas?

Meet with the social studies and science teachers to see if there is any content she could support with her nonfiction instruction.

Some schools assign a new teacher with a mentor teacher for the first year at the school. Which of the following is not a responsibility of this mentor teacher?

Mentor teachers will create lessons for the new teacher to use in the classroom.

Ms. Venegas is teaching her students how to use Punnett squares to predict the offspring of a genetic cross. Her students pick up on this topic more quickly than she anticipated, and they finished their activity in one day instead of two. What would be the best course of action for Ms. Venegas to follow?

Move on with the unit and use the extra day for a challenging activity later on in the year.

A middle school teacher, Ms. Andrews, notices that during her lesson many students are not paying attention and a few students are beginning to fall asleep. Which of the following would be the most appropriate action for the teacher to take?

Move to another instructional activity that engages students' interests and reflect on how she can make the lesson more effective.

Mr. Brown notices students chatting with peers in his tenth-grade history class while a group is presenting a final project. What is the best way to respond to this behavior?

Mr. Brown should walk over to the group that is chatting and put a hand on the table of the chatting students.

Mr. Herrera takes his English class to the library to begin research on the recently-assigned research project. He has sixteen students and divides them into two groups. He takes one group to the computer section of the library to teach them researching techniques using the Internet; the librarian takes the other group to the periodical section to learn how to research using periodicals. After a brief lesson, the groups will switch to learn the other method of research. What is the greatest benefit in dividing the class into two groups?

Mr. Herrera maximizes class time and incorporates the expertise of fellow educators in classroom instruction.

Mr. Keyes makes an effort to learn about the heritage and cultural background of each student at the beginning of each year. Which of the following describes the most likely benefit of this practice?

Mr. Keyes can better adapt instruction to be relevant to the unique experiences of each student.

Mr. Ramirez has overheard several students complain about the current instructional activity. One student said to another, "I am just bored with stuff. I don't understand why it's important and I don't care to know." Mr. Ramirez admits to himself that he has the same feelings toward the material and decides to get through the instructional unit as quickly as possible. Of the following, what is the most likely cause of the students' lack of interest in the material?

Mr. Ramirez does not exhibit an excitement and enthusiasm for the material and his students have adopted his attitude towards the instructional activities.

Mr. Smith notices that one of his students, Andrew, is having trouble sitting down and constantly shifts his weight during class. He asks Andrew if something is wrong and he replies that his thigh is bruised because his father hit him, but he asks Mr. Smith not to tell anyone because he is embarrassed. Mr. Smith suspects the student might be abused. Which of the following is the best response to the suspicion?

Mr. Smith should contact the campus administrator about the situation, as well as Child Protective Services.

Teachers are allowed to use some copyrighted material in the classroom using the fair use exceptions. Which of the descriptions below would not be covered under the fair use guideline?

Mr. Swanson makes 100 copies of a novel for students to use in class and at home.

Ms. Abel gave her tenth-grade biology students an exit ticket with five questions and found that 27 out of 30 students did not respond correctly. What is the best next step for Ms. Abel in this situation?

Ms. Abel should revisit this content with the entire class, using a different method to communicate the content to the students.

Ms. Prabha and Mr. Tsai are teaching their students about the requirements of life. Ms. Prabha plans to give the students 10 unknown specimens and ask them to make observations and then, with a partner, classify them as living or nonliving and give reasons why. Mr. Tsai plans to ask his students to go home and write down the names of 10 living things and 10 non-living things around their house. Which teacher's plan will be more effective?

Ms. Prabha's, because it provides an opportunity for collaborative, student-driven learning. Ms. Prabha can also catch students' misconceptions in real time and gauge student understanding.

Ms. Romero is planning a new collaborative unit in her ninth-grade English class on the Renaissance period, that requires the coordination of history, music, and theatre teachers. She is friends with each of these teachers and they are excited about the cross-curricular project. Which of the following is the best first step for Ms. Romero in planning this unit?

Ms. Romero should meet with school administrators to discuss the parameters of the project and ensure this type of project can be facilitated properly.

Which activity below is an example of the effective teaching practice of activating prior knowledge?

Ms. Simms uses a KWL chart through a lesson on a new concept to have students write what they "Know" what they "Want to know" and "what they have Learned" during a new lesson.

Ms. Swick is a technology guru and uses online tools, rubrics, and communication daily in class. She is the campus resource for teachers with new questions. Her students and parents appreciate how easy it is to find resources in and out of class. Which of the following is probably not a method that Ms. Swick uses in her class?

Ms. Swick schedules downtime into her classes so she can implement these resources.

Mr. Tomlin is a first-year teacher who wants to improve his classroom management. Which of the following would be the best strategy for Mr. Tomlin to improve his classroom management skills?

Observe experienced teachers in the classroom and discuss classroom management skills when students leave the class.

Mr. Franco has noticed that Sandra, an ELL student in his class, is always doing something with her pen, whether doodling, making a list or taking notes. From this information, Mr. Franco might infer that:

Sandra is a visual learner.

A high school social studies teacher shows a documentary about the role of women during the Civil War. The teacher hands out a worksheet to be completed during the video which asks students several questions about the ideas conveyed in the video, and how the role of women during wartime has changed. This worksheet best reflects the following learning principle:

New ideas and concepts are better reinforced when students are allowed to actively process the new information.

After a long day at school, Miss Jackson gets home and opens up Facebook. She is frustrated because a parent has been complaining about her teaching methods and behavior management. Which of the following is acceptable to post as a status update on her social media page?

Nothing. As a teacher, it is unprofessional to post negative comments about education.

An elementary school just developed a new science activity center for its first- and second-grade classes. The principal wants to ensure the science center is effective. Which is the best method of evaluation for the principal to use in assessing the center's effectiveness?

Observe the first- and second-graders as they work with the materials and use the resources provided by the center.

In an effort to promote language arts skills in mathematics, Mrs. Downs has decided to require all her students to answer questions in a complete sentence. Some of her students are English Language Learners (ELLs) and others have disabilities in reading and writing.

Offer a sentence stem such as: The expanded form of 749 is...

A teacher is scheduled to meet with the parents of a student who is identified as an English Language Learner (ELL). The parents have previously indicated that English is not their first language. Which of the following strategies would be most effective to follow when meeting with the parents?

Offering to invite an interpreter who speaks the parents' native language.

Mr. Johnson has prepared a presentation for his 10th grade social studies class about World War II. He is concerned some of the presentation might be difficult for his English language learner students. Which of the following would be the best strategy to promote understanding among English language learners during the presentation?

Pause after complete thoughts while using visual images to represent the content of the presentation.

A seventh-grade math teacher is teaching a lesson that involves creating graphs to chart data from word problems in order to find sums and averages. The teacher has provided direct instruction, and now students are working independently to create graphs. While circulating in the room, the teacher notices that many students are not charting data on their graphs correctly. Which of the following is the best way for the teacher to address this?

Pause the class from independent work and demonstrate how to identify key information and chart data points on the graph.

A tenth-grade English teacher wants her class to use a wide variety of resources and technology in their end-of-year project. She asks each student to use three online sources and two written sources and incorporate a multimedia presentation to show the class. After class, four students who have limited opportunities and technological resources outside of school approach her and express their concern that they may not be able to fulfill all the project requirements because of their limited means. The teacher can best respond and meet the needs of the students using which of the following strategies?

Place students into small groups that consist of students of varying means and abilities while also structuring class time so all students have equal access to the school's equipment. It will be important to let each student know the after-school hours available to access the school resources.

Ms. Williams has been communicating with a local-area museum and is working to develop ways to integrate their exhibits and expertise into her lesson plans. Which of the following would be a reasonable way to make use of this resource in her language arts classroom?

Plan a field trip to occur during the upcoming poetry unit. Require students to use an image from the photography exhibit as inspiration for a poem.; Use a lesson plan created by the curator of the museum that is related to the current exhibit during a related unit. Encourage students to try to visit the museum and see the related exhibit.

Mr. Estrada's class is learning about genetics. He first has his students observe the traits of their classmates and take note of which traits are more common. Then, the students practice using Punnett squares and observe patterns of inheritance in the offspring. Last, Mr. Estrada asks the students to predict the most likely phenotypes of offspring without drawing a Punnett square. Which of the activities listed above would be the most likely to elicit critical thinking from the students?

Predicting phenotypes of offspring

Mr. Michaels typically uses direct instruction as his primary means of teaching. At the beginning of the school year, his principal informs Mr. Michaels he will have four English language learners in his class. Of the following, which is the best adjustment Mr. Michaels can make to enhance his teaching style for the English language learners?

Prepare multimedia presentations with visual images to coincide with his lectures.

Mr. Maher has implemented a new behavioral management program. Soon after the program is implemented, a student demonstrates an unacceptable behavior, and Mr. Maher schedules a parent-teacher conference with the student's parents. Which of the following would be the actions that Mr. Maher should take to begin the meeting on a positive note?

Prepare notes about the student's academic achievements to present to the parents and encourage the parents to discuss their observations of the student's academic performance and behavior.

Mrs. Cates has assigned a group project that requires students to create multimedia presentations about a historical event that was an effect of the Civil War. The students' presentations contain many graphics and large fonts but lack quality content. Mrs. Cates decides that for future projects she will need to make an adjustment to the project requirements and expectations. Of the following, which would be the most effective strategy to promote quality content among student projects?

Provide a rubric with clear expectations and requirements.

Mrs. Williams is worried about her students' ability to stay caught up on an upcoming multi-week research project. There will be grades taken throughout the process as well as a grade on the final project. Which of the following would be the best way for Mrs. Williams to support the students' time management skills with this project?

Provide each student with a blank calendar for them to fill in, with teacher guidance, the project due dates and progress goals for the longer term aspects of the project. Refer to these calendars regularly.

Students in a music theory class have been assigned to use the internet to complete a research project. Which of the following describes how the teacher can best prepare the class to conduct their research?

Provide instruction that guides students through the process of evaluating internet sources for validity and accuracy.

Current studies have shown that which of the following methods of language arts instruction is most appropriate for English language learners?

Provide language arts instruction to English language learners with accommodations as needed.

A ninth-grade English teacher has an inclusion class that includes English Learners, students with disabilities, and students who are reading at a variety of levels. The teacher assigns a writing project. Which of the following is the most effective way for the teacher to accommodate the needs of the students in the class?

Provide students with a graphic organizer for outlining their reports and a list of approved sources.

A high school English teacher is preparing a unit of instruction on poetry. The teacher's class consists of students with varying levels of achievement. Many of the students in the class have IEPs, Section 504 plans, or are identified as English Learners. Below is an outline of the teacher's plan for this unit.

Provide students with a series of questions to consider when reading the poem and making annotations.

A high school English teacher has an inclusion classroom in which several of the students have IEPs. The teacher is preparing to give the first assessment and would like to make adjustments to the assessment for the students with IEPs. What would be the most appropriate first step for the teacher to take?

Review the students' IEPs to determine what types of accommodations and modifications are recommended.

Ms. Simpson is doing a lesson on peer editing and wants to set the room up in a manner to best facilitate the activity. Which of the following should be her focus?

Put desks in small groups so students can pass papers and have discussions on their work.

Which of the following is an appropriate curriculum accommodation for a child with an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

Questions on a test are read aloud to a student.

A middle school parent of a student with disabilities confides in the special education teacher. Her perception is that there is a negative rapport between the English Language Arts teacher and her daughter, and this impacts her daughter's academic and social progress.

Report the conversation to the Human Resources department.

Mrs. Sims notices that Sally is having difficulty remembering assignments and turning in her homework. Mrs. Sims contacts Sally's parents for a parent-teacher conference. At the conference, Sally's parents ask how they can help ensure that Sally remembers her homework assignments. Of the following, what is the best recommendation for Mrs. Sims to make?

Review Sally's homework list each night and then help her find a quiet place for her to study.

Which of the following would be the most effective way to organize a classroom to help a first-grade student with a hearing impairment participate in daily classroom activities?

Seat the student close to instruction so that he can look at the teacher when she is speaking.

Martin is a fourth-grade student who has Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and needs to be in a quiet space while taking tests. Which of the following pieces of legislation is best used to ensure Martin is able to get the accommodation for testing that he requires?

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

Which of the following federal mandates helps remove barriers to education by ensuring a free appropriate public education (FAPE)?

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

Mr. Hampton, a seventh-grade mathematics teacher, receives an email from a parent, Mrs. Anderson. She is complaining about the amount of homework required of her child each night, arguing that the workload is too extensive for any middle school student. Mrs. Anderson requests a parent-teacher conference with Mr. Hampton to discuss the situation. Which of the following strategies is the best option for Mr. Hampton to ensure a productive meeting with Mrs. Anderson?

Seek to understand Mrs. Anderson's concern with the workload and offer the reason for requiring such work.

Mr. Maher wants to create contact with the parents to gain their support for a behavior management program at the beginning of the school year. Which of the following would be the best approach to gaining the support of the parents?

Send a letter home with the students after the first day of school letting the parents know about the behavior program and requesting a parent-teacher conference to discuss the program further.

A kindergarten teacher would like for parents and guardians to feel welcome and involved in the classroom. Which of the following would best communicate these ideas?

Send a survey to parents with a variety of ways they can contribute to the classroom.

Mrs. Jones sends emails to the parents and guardians of her students almost daily with reminders and updates on curriculum and homework. She is frustrated because parents continue to miss deadlines for forms and students will have missing work which is listed in the emails. What can Mrs. Jones do to improve her communication?

Send a weekly email with all important information and only send additional emails if there is a specific concern with an individual child.

A middle school science teacher is planning an intensive lab and would like to have volunteers help. What is the best method to handle sign ups?

Send all parents an invitation to volunteer and take names on a first-come, first-served basis.

Mr. Brown and Mr. Gates decide to split teaching a new social studies program at Yosemite High School. Which of the following is the most important step to take at the beginning of the program to ensure the effectiveness of the program?

Set aside time each week to discuss the next week's activities and the current needs of the students.

Which of the following is an effective way to promote a student's sense of belonging in a cooperative classroom community?

Set aside time for a weekly classroom meeting that addresses issues and focuses on solutions.

Which of the following would be the best strategy to help students work efficiently and effectively while using school resources over an extended amount of time?

Share resources with students and allow them to edit and update the information so all are able to utilize the online tools.

Mr. Baker's school is located in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Most of his students have never been to the ocean, nor have they experienced tides. Still, he is supposed to teach his students about tides. In this situation, which of the following activities is likely to be the most helpful when starting the unit on tides?

Show a movie that clearly illustrates the phenomenon of tides.

Mr. Kane, an elementary science teacher, is about to begin a unit on dinosaurs. Which of the following would be an effective way to present the new content to beginning English students for the first time?

Show the students a video introducing the topic.

Which of the following classroom practices best models Eric Erikson's behavioral theory?

Students are given differentiated assignments that allow them to succeed often.

What is the greatest benefit in teaching English language learners' new vocabulary with interconnected communication rather than in an isolated format?

Students can use context clues to decipher meanings of words, providing them a context for the new word.

Ms. Marcel is reading a short story with her middle school English class. The class contains several English as a Second Language students who are struggling with the vocabulary being presented. Which of the following is a strategy that Ms. Marcel could use to help these students better comprehend the reading material?

Students create a pictorial vocabulary journal of the most challenging words and use the journal to fill in sentence stems about the story.

Which of the following situations is an example of students using their First Amendment rights in the classroom?

Students debate the use of stem cells in medicine and research.

An elementary teacher uses peer editing during writing assignments. Students provide specific written feedback to each other that must include three positive comments and one comment that the student can improve or expand upon. Which of the following is the primary benefit of this practice?

Students feel ownership and pride in their work.

Which of the following learning goals is most appropriate when teaching an eighth-grade class about cultural contributions to mathematics?

Students will be able to explain how various cultures have contributed to the development of mathematics throughout history.

Which of the following best identifies an observable and measurable instructional objective for a unit of study on poetry?

Students will compare and contrast haikus and cinquain poems using a Venn diagram.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an appropriate professional development goal?


Mr. Sanders is preparing a lesson for the following TEKS History standard: The student understands how individuals, events, and issues shaped the history of Texas during the 20th and early 21st centuries. The student is expected to: (A) explain the political, economic, and social impact of the oil industry on the industrialization of Texas. Which of the following would be an example of a learning goal to support this TEKS standard?

Students will differentiate between the Texas economy before and after the rise of the oil industry.

Which of the following describes a significant problem that will result from a teacher failing to establish a classroom routine at the start of each class?

Students will have difficulty focusing on learning at the beginning of class.

Which of the following is the best rationale for using formative assessment?

Students will show what skills they have mastered and what skills still need to be practiced.

When working with students with learning disabilities, it is important to remember which of the following?

Students with disabilities should be treated with the fewest accommodations needed to ensure success and be included in classroom activities as much as possible.

Ms. Kingly is rather unsure about the cause of the Coriolis effect, so she decides to show a movie about it to her class instead of trying to teach it to them directly. What else should Ms. Kingly do in order to prepare for the lesson?

Study up on the Coriolis effect so she can confidently answer student questions and guide further exploration.

A seventh-grade language arts classroom includes students who visit the school's resource room for assistance with their disabilities several times a week. What is most important for the teacher to remember to do in planning instruction for these students?

Take steps to assure that they do not feel isolated socially from their peers.

A new teacher is giving her first social studies test and needs to modify it for her students with an IEP. She is unsure of how to change the questions so she just spaces them out and removes one answer choice. Overall, the students who take this test do poorly. What should the special education teacher do?

Talk with the new teacher and offer to modify the test together next time so that it is aligned with the IEP goals.

A high school teacher is looking to make changes in the classroom to promote a more inclusive environment that will increase social and emotional learning (SEL). Which of the following changes is likely to have the most positive impact?

Talking to students about personal interests and sharing similar experiences.

Which of the following examples would best help students to improve their skills of metacognition?

Teach learning strategies and have students pinpoint which work best with new assignments.

Mr. Barrios is teaching a unit on multiplication to his fifth-grade class. On the very first day he gives an exit slip with the following problem on it: 123.456 x 789 = _______ Every single student gets the question correct. How should he adjust his teaching?

Teach more advanced multiplication content to challenge his students.

Mr. Johnson, a middle school teacher, is planning a unit on WWII for the spring. He has curated a list of useful websites for students to use in the research portion of the unit. What would be the most reasonable approach to students wanting to use other sources in their research?

Teach students how to determine the validity of a source and give them the opportunity to have their source approved by explaining to the teacher how they know it is a trustworthy source.

Carl is a hardworking, respectful tenth grader until his teacher notices his grades are slipping, that he is having trouble concentrating during class, and that he is easily agitated by other students. Out of concern, the teacher asks Carl to stay after class to discuss his slipping performance. He confides in the teacher that he has been working two part-time jobs because his mother was recently laid-off, and he knows the stress is hurting his academic performance. Of the following principles, which of these is best illustrated in the example?

Teachers should be aware of a student's circumstances outside of school that could adversely affect learning.

Which of the following is not an expectation of teachers to develop open communication with parents/guardians?

Teachers should email parents weekly with an update about their child's progress.

A new student began at Spring Memorial Middle School a month ago and has qualified for special education services for a specific learning disability in reading and writing. She recently moved from Mexico and her special education testing was done in Spanish. During the initial ARD committee meeting, they address accommodations for the classroom and STAAR test. What other test should be included in the IEP documents for accommodations?

Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)

An elementary school ESL teacher is leading a discussion about photosynthesis with Beginning-level English language learners. At the end of the lesson, a student asks the following question: Student: We kill trees -- we will die? No oxygen? Which of the following responses validates the student's question and provides scaffolding to make it more comprehensible?

That's a good question. We know that plants remove carbon dioxide and make oxygen. So, if we cut down too many trees, will we have enough oxygen to live?

Ms. Bruno is playing a trivia game with her science class in preparation for their upcoming exam. She puts the students into small groups and gives each group a bell to ring. She prepares a series of questions. The first group to ring their bell and answer each question correctly gets a point. The group with the most points at the end of the class receives a prize. There are some advanced level ELLs in her class, and she notices that the groups with the ELLs don't have nearly as many points as the groups composed of their native English-speaking peers. What is most likely to be causing this?

The ELLs require more time to process information.

In discussing the state assessment, State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR), the parent wants to understand how it would be supported in the IEP. Which response should the ARD committee chair offer the parent?

The IEP objectives closely align with the STAAR assessment for all students.

How should the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) be reflected in a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

The IEP objectives should try to align as closely as possible with the appropriate TEKS.

Mrs. Archer is planning the first unit for her upcoming school year. Which of the following best describes the role of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) in her planning process?

The TEKS should be used as a guide to determine instructional goals.

What role do teachers and parents/guardians play in the academic success of elementary students?

The adults set high expectations, which help students succeed.

A middle school English language arts teacher starts each class period with a grammar warm-up. Questions are posted on the board, and students respond in a section of their notebooks while the teacher takes attendance, passes out materials, and checks in with students who are returning from an absence. Which of the following describes the most significant benefit of this warm-up?

The assignment allows the teacher to save class time by addressing administrative tasks such as attendance while students are engaged.

Of the following, which is the most important feature of an instructional assessment?

The learning objectives are assessed and do not vary significantly from the material the students were taught.

A teacher wants to introduce a new concept to the students. During the student's first experience in working with the new concept, which of the following should be the main focus of the teacher?

The main focus should be analyzing the students' understanding of the concept and providing constructive feedback.

Which of the following factors is likely to have the most positive effect on student learning in a middle school classroom?

The methods in which the teacher demonstrates investment in students' learning and growth.

A middle school has recently adjusted the lunch schedule to provide one hour for lunch. Students are provided with thirty minutes to eat and thirty minutes to participate in an organized club or activity. Clubs and activities include topics such as coding, knitting, agriculture, theater, and fencing. Which of the following best explains the benefits of this type of schedule?

The new schedule allows students to develop existing abilities and explore new skills.

A department meeting with fifth-grade and sixth-grade language arts teachers is held to discuss a lack of student ability to recognize and understand the use of root words and affixes in the vocabulary-building process. A new teacher states that at the elementary school, a big emphasis is made to align different roots and affixes by each grade level so that a logical progression can be made from one grade to the next. The intermediate teachers decide to meet with the teachers at the elementary feeder school to see what approaches have been used successfully in the fourth grade to reinforce these concepts. In addition, the teachers thought it might be beneficial to meet with the seventh-grade LA teachers to determine if there is any pattern in student reading or writing skills that would indicate a lack of a quality foundation that they could be reinforcing at the intermediate level.

The new teacher is asked by the department head to help present the idea to their principal and solicit his help by discussing it with the middle school principal.

Research has shown that ELL students benefit from formative assessments. All of the following are benefits that formative assessments provide to ELL students except:

They provide students with a grade that can be compared to peers.

A parent disagrees with a school's decision regarding a disciplinary violation of a student which has resulted in a 10-day suspension. Which of the following correctly describes a parental right?

The parent has the right to request to examine the student's educational records.

When beginning a parent-teacher conference, who should start the conversation?

The person who requested the conference should, so they can share all of their concerns and focus the meeting.

Which of the following is the best reason a teacher should mindfully include science practices and interdisciplinary connections when planning a science lesson?

The practices and connections will be useful in the students' future studies and careers.

Mrs. Gruntle is planning a health unit on substance abuse. Before beginning the unit, Mrs. Gruntle prepares a pretest to give the students. Which of the following is the most important advantage of the pretest?

The pretest will help Mrs. Gruntle recognize misconceptions students have about substance abuse

Which of the following is an accurate statement concerning the guidelines for record keeping?

The rules concerning records can vary by state, but accuracy and confidentiality are universal.

Ms. Green has a new student join her third-grade class mid-year from a homeschool environment. She notices the student does not participate in discussions or ask questions during the lessons. Which of the following should Ms. Green first consider when approaching this classroom issue?

The student could be adjusting to the new environment and not be aware of the cultural norms of a public school setting.

Which of the following situations may prompt a teacher to consider whether a student may be exhibiting signs of a specific learning disability?

The student has been identified as having average intelligence on a standardized assessment but consistently receives low scores on assignments and assessments.

An eighth-grade student is having difficulty writing down homework and staying organized when gathering materials to transition to the next class period. Which of the following strategies would be most effective in helping the student to become better organized and implement these strategies when preparing to transition between classes?

The student uses a self-monitoring chart that lists steps to take to record homework and organize materials before leaving the classroom.

A sixth-grade ELL student, Marta, routinely approaches the teacher's desk to ask questions and maintains proximity to the teacher while asking the questions. The teacher becomes uncomfortable with such proximity. What is the best explanation for the student's behavior?

The student's native culture uses proximity in personal conversation.

A language arts class has been working on correctly constructing and identifying the components of simple sentences. At the beginning of the following class period, the students complete a warm-up designed to assess their knowledge of simple sentences. After turning in their warm up, the teacher immediately transitions into instruction on compound and complex sentences. The teacher plans to provide feedback on all three skills after grading all the assessments over the weekend. Which of the following best describes the problem with this plan?

The students and the teacher need to know the results of the simple sentences assessment before moving on to more complex sentence structure.

A new freshmen teacher plans to place her class in instructional groups by their achievement scores of last year. She announces that each group will have different assignments based on their level of past performance. Which of the following would best predict her students' attitudes and behavior using this practice?

The students would feel that the teacher does not have very high learning expectations of all of the groups and would feel marginalized.

Mrs. Ling, a math teacher, has as a goal to grade and return the daily assignments to her students within one or two days. The greatest benefit of this commitment would be:

The students would receive quick feedback on their assignments and be able to learn from their mistakes before focusing on a new concept.

Mr. Banner is a teacher that utilizes a variety of instructional activities, such as lectures, group projects, videos, and research projects in his classroom. Which of the following describes the greatest benefit of using a variety of instructional activities in a classroom?

The teacher addresses the different learning styles of the students.

A new teacher is preparing to begin a unit of study in which students will read a novel whose main character has a disability. The teacher's class includes several students with IEPs and Section 504 plans. The teacher would like to introduce the topic in a way that is sensitive to all students in the class. Which of the following describes is the best way to approach this situation?

The teacher can introduce important topics and concepts from the novel which may include a discussion of the character's disability. Offer to have all students ask questions or share their knowledge about these topics.

Which of the following best explains the reason for using homogeneous grouping in the classroom?

The teacher can provide direct instruction to small groups that meet their current instructional needs.

How can a teacher use informal assessment to guide instruction?

The teacher can target students' specific problem areas and adapt instruction to address those areas.

In which of the following situations would it be most important for a high school English teacher to consult with a school administrator or school counselor before proceeding with a lesson plan?

The teacher is planning to have students read a book that includes traumatic events, and several students in the class were personally impacted by this type of trauma.

Which of the following is not a useful, non-verbal method of communication to encourage students to refocus their attention on their classroom work?

The teacher leaves the classroom to go into his private office when students are talking out of turn.

Which of the following is the best method for a teacher to improve the divergent thinking skills of students?

The teacher poses a problem and prompts students to explore potential solutions using a concept map.

A third-grade student informs the teacher that he is constantly being called inappropriate names by other students in the classroom. He feels that he does not belong to any group of students in the class. The teacher monitors the behaviors of the students and agrees that the student is frequently excluded from activities. How should the teacher respond to this situation?

The teacher should design collaborative group and team building activities to promote a learning environment inclusion for all students so they feel a sense of belonging and safety.

A new teacher will be working at a school that has many types of professionals on the staff, including paraprofessionals, speech/language therapists, and school psychologists. Due to the nature of the student population, many of these professionals will be in and out of classrooms on a regular basis. What is the best way for the new teacher to form relationships with these professionals?

The teacher should meet with professionals who will regularly be in his/her classroom to learn more about their roles and how to collaborate effectively to support student learning.

Mrs. Johnson has previously taught seventh-grade science and now has been assigned to teach science in the eighth grade. She introduces the topic of pollution by carefully crafting the following lesson using a DVD. Students are told that the DVD's objective is to cover critical information concerning water and air pollution in the US. Then, they are directed to work in groups at their tables and write five questions per group that they expect to be answered while viewing the DVD. She sets the timer for seven minutes to work. When the timer goes off, each group states two questions they wrote, trying not to duplicate responses. The teacher then explains that they will actively watch and listen to see if their questions get answered. The portion of the DVD they view takes 14 minutes. She then asks them to individually reflect on what they thought was the most interesting thing they viewed in the DVD and if their questions were answered. After a full minute of wait time, a teacher-facilitated discussion takes place concerning the students' interests and the answers to their questions. Mrs. Johnson then requests that the class members personally write in their science journals, rating the DVD on a scale of one to five, explaining why they rated the video with this score and their reflections about what they learned by its viewing. Which of the following statements would be the most accurate evaluation of this entire lesson?

The teacher used a variety of appropriate motivational, individual, and group activities and allocated adequate time for self-assessment and closure.

Before introducing a new concept, a middle school teacher always uses a K-W-L activity. Which of the following is the primary reason for the teacher to use this activity at the start of each lesson?

This activity provides a baseline for students' current knowledge so that instruction can be planned accordingly.

What is the purpose of a scope and sequence document?

This document, usually provided by the district, gives a high level view of information and skills that students are expected to learn over the course of the year in a reasonable and useful order.

While reviewing the syllabus at the beginning of the school year, a science teacher informs students that the course will have weighted grades in which 40% of the grade will be made up of assessment items, and 60% of the grade will be made up of classwork, homework, and participation grades. What is the advantage of this assessment practice?

This ensures the student will be graded fairly and that the teacher will have information about students who are falling behind.

A teacher wants to improve student interest in social studies. During the next unit, which is historical, the teacher plans to read personal narratives about key people that describes parts of their childhood and personal triumphs while achieving success. How does this practice increase student engagement?

This practice makes the content concrete and relevant to students' lives.

Which of the following strategies would be most effective if a teacher were attempting to increase parents' involvement with their children's education?

Using a variety of communication methods and being flexible when scheduling conferences.

Mr. Daniels has assigned his class a group project and wants to ensure the students understand the project as they complete it. Which of the following would be the best strategy to monitor student understanding during the project?

Walk from group to group while observing the students.

Mr. Blanson is planning a unit on land formations. Which of the following would serve as an effective introduction activity to activate prior knowledge?

With students in pairs, provide a list of land formations and ask the students to sketch a picture of each from memory.

The third-grade teachers at Treasure Forest Elementary School are planning a unit on Thomas Jefferson. They want to challenge their students using higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy, so they are brainstorming ideas to replace their current activities. Which of these requires the highest level of thinking?

Write an essay about the best character traits of Jefferson.

Mr. Frango is teaching his ELL students how to write persuasive essays, but they are still struggling to correctly use subordinate conjunctions to express their ideas. Is it necessary for him to reteach his students?

Yes, if they are high-intermediate students and understand the concept at a minimal level.

A teacher is teaching an early elementary class that all animals grow and develop overtime. Which of the following supports would best enhance a visual learner's ability to explain the changes during the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly?

a pictorial diagram of using labeled arrows to indicate the changes

A teacher is teaching a class that all of our food comes from the sun through a series of energy transfers. Which of the following supports would best enhance a visual learner's ability to explain the energy transfers that occur during this process?

a pictorial diagram using arrows to indicate the series of energy transfers

A teacher is planning an introductory lesson for a new unit on potential and kinetic energy. The teacher wants to increase interest and motivate student learning. The teacher should include which of the following in the first lesson?

a real-world example that many students have encountered

According to B.F. Skinner, which of the following is an example of a positive reinforcement?

a reward is offered; a desirable behavior increases

Mr. Dickens is an advanced placement English teacher. To help students prepare for the AP English exams, he provides frequent essay assignments on the literature read by the class. He outlines the grading requirements for the essays in terms of grammar, punctuation, usage, logic, the organization of ideas, etc. Which of the following would be most appropriate to provide to the students to convey Mr. Dickens' grading requirements?

a rubric

Mr. Mahoney teaches science in a public school and is working over the summer to plan experiments for the upcoming school year. What guiding document from the school or district will he need before beginning his planning process?

a scope and sequence

Which of the following represents a criterion-referenced score?

a score that indicates how well a student understands the specific content on a project

Ms. McManus has purposefully set a climate of high expectations in her classroom. Which of the following are NOT likely to be seen in her class?

a sign that says "good students are A students"

In which of the following situations might a student's culture affect their ability to learn?

a student who recently moved from South Korea is asked to work independently

A test given at the end of a unit on evolution is an example of:

a summative assessment.

One method teachers can implement to increase self-motivation is:\

allowing choice for some assignments.

The Dalton School District has access to a short exciting, personal, eye-witness story about a tornado that struck across their state and killed 36 people. The author describes how she felt during the approach, destruction, and aftermath of the tornado. Of the following choices, which is the best place in the lesson plan for the science teacher to read the story to the class?

as an introduction to the unit

On the first day of school, a teacher wants her students to feel welcome and know that they are important members of the classroom. Which of the following methods is best to greet students when she first meets them?

ask students how they would like to be greeted with a visual menu by the door

During a science lab, students are misusing materials intentionally. To determine if the behavior is content-related, the teacher should:

ask the students questions to connect the lab to concepts taught in class.

A middle school English language arts teacher would like to incorporate problem-solving strategies that require the use of different perspectives. Which of the following strategies would be most beneficial?

asking students to explain both a character's perspective and why the character holds that perspective

Which of the following demonstrates a teacher helping students to develop metacognitive skills for learning?

asking students to self-assess a project prior to turning it in

Mr. Drew's English Language Arts class has a few ELLs with an intermediate reading proficiency level. Mr. Drew puts them into small groups to read the story aloud. After reading the story, which of the following is an appropriate performance-based assessment tool that Mr. Drew can use to assess their comprehension?

asking the students to communicate their thoughts in a reading-response journal; asking the students to draw pictures to show understanding

Which of the following activities for studying cell organelles would best serve a kinesthetic learner?

assigning each student an organelle and acting out a play about them

What type of assistive technology could help a third-grade student who has dyslexia and, therefore, difficulty reading?

audiobooks; optical character recognition; text-to-speech

Henri is an ELL student from France. Henri's teacher has observed that he likes to read out loud to himself and he often repeats what she says in his own voice. He isn't afraid to speak up in class and always performs well on listening tasks. According to these details, Henri's teacher can infer that he is a(n):

auditory learner.

An elementary teacher wants to be sure the lessons offered are presented in a logical manner that enhances student understanding. The teacher sets learning goals and then plans the unit around these goals. This method is often referred to as:

backwards planning.

Choose the answer below that best completes the idea. Within a classroom, a teacher is planning to use ability-grouping for math instruction. To minimize potential negative effects, the teacher should:

be willing to rearrange groups based on their specific learning needs.

A student is having difficulty using appropriate language and regulating emotions. The student frequently argues with the teacher and peers and starts conversations that are not appropriate for class. The teacher works with the student to develop a plan that outlines expected language and behaviors, consequences for inappropriate language and behaviors, and rewards for demonstrating appropriate language and behavior. The plan that is developed is individualized for this student. This strategy is an example of

behavior contract

Kindergarten students are doing a unit on measurement. The teacher sets up three stations: length: students measure length using different materials, such as paper clips and crayons, to determine length; e.g., how many paper clips long is a piece of paper) mass: students use a balance and blocks to determine the mass of different objects volume: students use different-sized cups to see how much water can fit in a bucket According to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, students that are most engaged with these centers and find them useful for learning are likely to demonstrate a strength in which area?


Jackson is a student who has displayed higher-than-average intelligence and a desire to succeed; however, his classroom performance and participation do not reflect this. Which of the following would be most effective for encouraging Jackson?

breaking tasks into smaller steps and providing immediate feedback

At the beginning of the school year, a middle school teacher gives students note cards and asks students to write one thing they would like to share about themselves and one question they have for the teacher. The teacher responds to one question from the note cards at the end of each class period without sharing any of the personal information of the students. Which of the following describes the primary purpose of this activity?

building a sense of community

Which of the following is the correct definition of scaffolding?

building on skills that a student already has

A student asks his teacher to help him become better organized. After discussing the situation with the student and offering strategies to improve the student's organization, the teacher offers to meet with him once a week for a few weeks. This is most likely to benefit the student in which way?

by helping him understand and be able to monitor his progress in implementing the new organizational strategies

A teacher has requested a parent conference after a typically high-achieving student has not been completing work. How should the teacher begin the conference?

by sharing positive attributes of the child

Students in the fourth grade are studying the Civil War. The class briefly discussed the causes of the war, including the viewpoints of the North and the South. The teacher would like for students to gain a deeper understanding of how the opposing sides felt and how this led to war. The teacher decides to use technology to have students explore and respond to these ideas. In selecting websites for the students, the teacher's primary goal should be to select websites with which of the following characteristics?

can be read and understood by students with various abilities

An elementary teacher is rearranging the classroom for an upcoming activity. She would like to group students in a new way. The greatest emphasis should be placed on grouping students in a way that allows for:

challenging and supporting all students.

An English Language Arts teacher is planning a unit on literary genres. During a lesson on prose and poetry, the teacher guides students to complete a Venn diagram. This diagram enhances student learning by:

clarifying complex ideas.

Which of the following can be communicated through an open forum where all students, parents, and teachers can view the information?

classroom-specific homework assignments and due dates

A view held by _______________ is that children do not learn language through stimulus-response connection, such as how the eye blinks when a puff of air hits it. Instead, this viewpoint would place importance on allowing for processing of language before producing it.

cognitive scientists.

The English and social studies teachers at Calhoun Middle School developed an interdisciplinary instructional unit where students will create a multimedia presentation on literary works by wartime soldiers. The teachers are concerned that many students will focus on the aesthetics of the presentation and not the quality of its content. The most effective strategy to address the concern would be to:

collaborate with the students to design a rubric of expectations upon which the students will be graded that defines the weight of the design in the grading process.

Mrs. Hanson wants to create a classroom environment that fosters learning. She decides to rearrange the students' desks and begins to draw up two separate diagrams for how she can organize the desks throughout the classroom.

collaborative learning projects among groups

Fill in the blanks that best complete the statement below: An effective teacher provides instruction in a manner that is linguistically accommodated (____________, ___________, and _________) to the student's level of English-language proficiency to ensure that the student learns the knowledge and skills across content areas.

communicated, sequenced, scaffolded

Teachers should reflect and address areas of improvement throughout their career. Which of the following is the least helpful in guiding a teacher's focus when clarifying areas of improvement?

comparing the grades of one year to the next

Which of the following is not an example of transfer of learning?

completing a science lab experiment to prove a hypothesis

Which of the following is the best example of a teacher scaffolding the process of annotating a writing piece?

completing an example of an annotated newspaper article with the class

Which of the following describes a skill which may prove difficult to master for a student with a specific learning disability in the area of reading?

comprehending grade-level text read independently

Mrs. Lilly, a fifth-grade teacher, is explaining to her students how the moon influences ocean tides. She uses a visual aid of a ball and two buckets of water to highlight the differences and causes of a high and low tide. Mrs. Lilly uses the visual aid to enhance student learning because her students are probably at what stage of development in terms of Piaget's theory?

concrete operational

Students in a science class make observations prior to beginning a lab. They record 2 to 3 observations and then write a hypothesis to test. Some students struggle with writing a testable hypothesis. Which stage from Piaget's theory of cognitive development best explains where these students are functioning?

concrete operational

Which of the following best describes Piaget's cognitive stage in which children begin to classify ideas and objects and understand conservation?

concrete operational

A 10th-grade social studies teacher is teaching a unit on the Industrial Revolution. As she is reading an excerpt from the text about factories and the development of the assembly lines, she uses a think-aloud strategy. This strategy is typically used to assist English-language learners with which of the following?

constructing meaning from a text

The best way for a first-year third-grade teacher to familiarize themselves with the curriculum they will be teaching is to:

consult with other experienced third-grade teachers at the school.

Johnny has documented learning disabilities and he receives special education and related services in the regular classroom. His teacher, Ms. Spencer, has been following the accommodations and modifications noted in Johnny's IEP, but she is concerned that the accommodations and modifications of Johnny's IEP are not appropriate for him. The annual meeting of the ARD Committee is not scheduled for another three months; however, in consideration of Ms. Spencer's concerns about what she considers inappropriate accommodations and modifications, she should:

continue to use the accommodations and modifications required by the IEP but also request for the ARD Committee to meet before the scheduled annual meeting. Then, the committee will have the opportunity to reevaluate Johnny's IEP.

English Language Learners benefit most from comprehensive reading instruction rather than learning aspects of reading in isolation. Which of the following is an example of comprehensive instruction?

continuing a reading lesson with a writing activity

In summarizing an instructional unit, it is most important for the teacher to:

convey the importance of the information and content being taught, as well as help the students see the content as a coherent whole.

A teacher has chosen an interdisciplinary unit on hot air balloons. Students will study volume in relation to diameter, the role of hot air balloons in history, the impact of temperature on air density, and read non-fiction texts. Which of the following is allowed under copyright law?

copying a short story to be distributed and used in class

What is the highest level of Bloom's taxonomy that a teacher could use?


The seventh-grade teachers at Malcolm Middle School have a collaborative meeting each summer to discuss how best to implement the interdisciplinary units for the upcoming school year. The first step the teachers should take in planning the units should be to:

create a clear, overarching outline to identify skills, themes, or concepts that overlap between subject areas.

Which of the following is the highest level of thinking according to the modern Bloom's Taxonomy?

create: the ability to produce original thoughts or ideas

An elementary teacher would like to assign a cultural heritage project, but realizes that not all of her students live with their biological family. Others may live with their family of origin, but their heritage includes difficult subjects such as slavery or ownership of slaves. The teacher can be responsive to these concerns by doing which of the following?

creating a new project that meets the same learning goals

A new teacher has received an information form for each student that states the family's preferred method of contact and their availability. With this in mind, how should the teacher go about scheduling parent-teacher conferences?

creating a schedule and then offering each parent a day and time that falls into their preferred schedule

Students tend to socialize and interact with classmates from their own cultural or linguistic background. This behavioral pattern has the greatest impact on which of the following?

creating an inclusive learning environment

Mr. Omar wants to create a research project for his third-grade class about the school's water usage and how the school can better conserve its resources. As he discusses the project, the students become excited about being able to research various aspects of the school. Mr. Omar decides to split the class into small groups, with each group coming up with ideas to implement the research. One of the groups would like to write the principal and superintendent, detailing their findings and offering a recommendation to conserve resources. Writing a letter to school officials is most likely a way to promote the development of the students by:

creating and promoting a responsibility and commitment to their community.

A seventh-grade student has difficulties with math computation. What assessment would be most appropriate to determine his needs?

criterion-referenced assessment

What type of assessment compares a student's knowledge or skills against a predetermined standard or learning goal?

criterion-referenced assessment

Which of the following describes the practice of a teacher having the students of a class with many Latino students study Latino traditions of oral storytelling and give their own presentations of stories to the class?

culturally responsive pedagogy

A student with disabilities is enrolling in a new school. In order to prepare for this new student, the school should understand the legal rights of the student and the responsibility of the school to:

deliver instruction to the student in the least restrictive environment.

Mr. Scott is teaching his class about weather and climate. Which of the following activities would be the most likely to encourage his students' critical thinking skills?

designing a travel brochure for a landmark, including climate-appropriate attire and activities

The primary function of a summative assessment is to:

determine student mastery of standards.

An upper elementary teacher is giving a test that includes an essay question. One student will receive an accommodation of providing an oral answer to the essay question rather than a written one. Which of the following learning challenges might this student have?

difficulty with written expression

To ensure consistent personal communication among stakeholders, teachers should create:

digital portfolios.

Mrs. Clark wants to divide her class into eight sections with each section having an activity center where her students can do a hands-on science experiment to correlate with the current science instructional unit. When designing the activity centers, it is most important for Mrs. Clark to ensure that:

each activity clearly relates to and supports a specific concept from the instructional unit.

A virus is most likely to enter the school's network through a(n)

email attachment.

Which of the following is not a strategy for externally motivating students?

encouraging students to enjoy learning about new concepts

Which of the following best describes the goal of using portfolios as part of assessment?

encouraging students to evaluate and reflect on their own work

A positive learning environment requires the teachers to have high academic expectations, students that are developmentally responsive, and which of the following to perform successfully?

equitable resources

Which assessment format is likely to create the most issues for a student with language differences?


In an effort to adjust instruction according to feedback, a teacher uses informal assessments throughout a unit. Which of the following would provide an individual check of a student's understanding of a lesson during the unit?

exit ticket

Which of the following involves students writing a brief response to a prompt about the day's topic before leaving the classroom?

exit ticket

A new teacher wants to observe experienced teachers and their instructional methods. Which of the following would be the greatest benefit of this practice?

expanding their knowledge of classroom management skills and how to implement them

A seventh-grade student completes all of the homework assignments during a unit and studies for the test. She makes an A on the test. Reflecting on her grade earned, she decides to continue this work pattern for the next unit. What type of reward system is at play?

extrinsic motivation

Mr. Valdez planned a revision lesson where he shows the class before and after examples of the rough and final draft of an essay. He then provides class time for students to begin revising their work, but many students are emphatic that their essay is done and want to turn it in as is. Mr. Valdez backs up and models the process of revision, and writes a list on the board, specifying what to look for as they revise. What does Mr. Valdez demonstrate in this scenario?

flexibility and the ability to adjust a lesson that is not working as intended

A middle school teacher has found a published lesson plan with activities and quizzes online and plans to use these materials for an upcoming lesson on weather patterns. When planning to use published materials for instruction, it is important for the teacher to:

follow copyright requirements for the use of published materials.

A teacher uses round robin charts, and each chart has one question written at the top. Students move in groups to each chart and write their answers or elaborate on other groups' answers. What type of assessment is this?


After giving a lesson on simple sentences, Mr. Hummel posts a single review question and he asks the students to answer this question on an exit slip before heading off to lunch. What form of assessment is Mr. Hummel using?


Students are working to solve the following question: ½ - x = ¼. The teacher then gives the following as an example: "If you are sharing a pizza with somebody and there is half a pizza left, how much must the other person eat so that you only have one quarter of the pizza left?" As the teacher engages with several students, the teacher observes students are still having difficulty understanding the concept of fractions. The teacher then uses a pie chart to help explain the concept. Which of the following types of assessments has the teacher used?


In the middle of a unit on lunar cycles, Mr. Rice hands out drawing paper and gives his students the following task: A new moon is always high in the sky at noon. Use what you know about the positions of the sun, moon, and Earth during a new moon to draw a diagram to show why a new moon is in the sky at noon. After the students finished their drawings, Mr. Rice looked at them before he planned the next unit in the lesson. Mr. Rice used this activity as which of the following?

formative assessment

Which of the following assessments is formal and formative?

fourth-grade science test on the water cycle

Which of the following would be the best tip for having positive communication with parents and families?

frequent communication is key

Research shows that de-emphasizing grades can increase student motivation, participation, and confidence. Which of the following best demonstrates this practice?

having students answer questions on mini wipe boards to check for understanding

Students in third grade are studying 2-D and 3-D shapes. The teacher wants to use technology to support students' understanding of geometry. Which of the following is the most appropriate and effective use of technology for this purpose?

having students explore a website that allows users to construct and deconstruct 3-D figures using 2-D figures

According to Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs, a person cannot achieve a sense of belonging without first:

having their safety needs met.

Mr. Martin's sixth-grade class includes some emergent readers who are new to the country. He reads to them a story with many pictures, stopping frequently to discuss what is happening. In which way could this activity best increase the reading comprehension development of these emergent readers?

help students identify story elements and vocabulary

Mr. Ortega has assigned his students a research paper. He wants to ensure students do not plagiarize their work and that they give proper credit to their sources. Which of the following would be a good discussion topic to address Mr. Ortega's concern?

how to properly cite sources

While giving a lecture, a teacher has stopping points where she asks multiple-choice questions and all students respond through the use of a clicker. This immediate feedback allows the teacher to:

identify misconceptions and address them.

Which of the following is the primary reason that teachers administer formative assessments?

identifying mastered skills and skills in need of further development

A teacher is having individual conferences with students to discuss progress on their Lewis and Clark project. During each conference, the teacher will identify errors and provide specific feedback as to how they can improve. Which of the following should the teacher also incorporate into the conferences?

identifying positive aspects of the student's work

Which of the following is the primary reason for increasing the amount of time between asking a question and calling on a student to respond?

improving responses and increasing the number of students participating

Specific, teacher-assigned roles would be most effective for elementary students working:

in lab groups.

A mathematics teacher gives her class a two-question clicker quiz at the end of each class period and tabulates their answers according to their mathematical understanding, misconceptions, and error patterns. If her goal is improvement in her students' mathematical proficiency, her best use of the data would be to use it to:

inform upcoming instructional strategies.

A teacher is monitoring her class while the students are involved in a group activity exploring the size of angles in a set of triangles. She moves from group to group, pausing and watching the group dynamics. What the teacher is doing can best be described as:

informal formative assessment.

Which of the following activities requires students to use reasoning skills and higher-level thinking?

inquiry-based activities

In a very diverse class, the teacher notices that some students from the same culture are eager to help others before ensuring they have finished their work. This may be due to cultural impact on:


An ESOL teacher has read a writing sample from a new ELL. The student can present his thoughts in an organized manner that is easily understood. He can use the most common grammar structures, but some errors are present. The ESOL teacher may deduce that the student is at what stage of writing?


Ms. Driscoll has just finished reading a story aloud to her Grade 1 students. The story was about a young boy who builds a birdhouse with his dad. The storyline is not highly familiar, but is somewhat predictable and has some illustrations to support understanding. After reading the story, the teacher asks, "What does the boy build with his dad? What color is it? What shape is it? Where do they put it when they are finished?"


Providing specific feedback about individual student's improvements and progress in the writing curriculum is likely to increase the student's:

intrinsic motivation.

Which of the following activities best promotes family-centered programming with the school?

inviting students to share a family tradition or custom and allowing all students to participate in it during a school day festival

Mr. Ray's seventh-grade class continually disrupts instruction and is proving difficult to manage. Mr. Ray decides to create a system where each disciplinary infraction results in the class earning a checkmark. If, at the end of the week, the class has below a certain number of checkmarks, they receive a class-wide reward. This classroom management strategy is likely to be a success because:

it creates an incentive for students to behave to meet the approval of their peers.

A first-year ninth-grade teacher, Ms. Simpson, is planning learning goals for an upcoming instructional unit. One of the goals is that students will be able to enjoy music from various cultures. The most significant problem with this learning goal is that:

it is difficult to objectively assess a student's progress or achievement.

The main purpose of educational journals and publications is to:

keep educators aware of current trends and research relating to instructional techniques and best practices.

Your classroom receives a new female student from Pakistan. Which types of diversities should you be aware of when getting to know the student and planning lessons for her?

language background; culture

Which of the following terms best describes a cognitive process that uses indirect and creative approaches to solve problems?

lateral thinking

Which of the following describes the best strategy to establish behavioral expectations at the beginning of the year for a class?

leading students in a discussion in which they develop a mutual list of class behavior expectations with examples for each item on the list

A science teacher wants to try a new educational social app for students to engage and help each other with concepts. They can post questions to a private board and respond to others. The teacher will monitor exchanges. Which of these people on campus would be most helpful in planning the use of this app?

library media specialist

A first-grade teacher spends much of the first week practicing routines and procedures. Part of the practice is learning specific behaviors for transitioning between activities. Which of the following is the primary goal for this routine?

maximizing time on-task for the class throughout the year

Which of the following describes the best use of an achievement test?

measuring performance in a particular area in comparison to same-aged peers

What is the primary goal of summative assessments?

measuring student achievement

Mr. Jones is creating an assessment for his seventh-grade English class, and he wants to utilize all levels of Bloom's taxonomy within the assessment. Which of the following assessments should he choose?

multiple choice test with varying levels of rigor in the questions

A science teacher is planning an instructional unit on the laws of physics. The teacher identifies five afterschool activities that students most commonly participate in and designs learning experiences that correlate to each after school activity. The teacher allows each student to choose from the five learning experiences based on their interest in the activities. This instructional design best reflects the following learning principle:

new ideas and concepts are better reinforced when students process information in the context of previously known information and experiences.

A teacher is preparing a lesson for a small group of students with moderate-to-severe physical disabilities. The students will sequence events from a short reading passage. Which of the following instructional activities would be most appropriate for this group of students?

oral discussion

In science class, a student rarely remembers to complete homework and earns a low average grade on quizzes and tests. During discussion, the student asks thoughtful questions and participates eagerly. Which of the following assessment formats would allow the science teacher to fully evaluate the student's mastery of content?

oral questioning

A third-grade classroom includes several students who are English Language Learners (ELLs). The students are reading a novel, and the teacher has introduced a list of vocabulary words on a bulletin board. The ELL students are not currently reading on grade level. Which of the following strategies could help them to learn the vocabulary words?

pair the vocabulary word with a picture and simple definition; provide translated versions of the vocabulary words

Students maintain a writing journal throughout the semester. They keep graphic organizers, rough drafts, and final drafts in it. At the end of the grading period, the teacher uses the journal to evaluate growth. What type of assessment is the teacher using?


A third-grade teacher asks students to document their learning throughout the school year by choosing exemplary samples of their work. At the end of the year, they are compiled, along with teacher feedback, self-evaluations, and other assessment information. This is an example of a(an):


A high school elective teacher has an inclusion class in which the students have significant variations in abilities and needs, including two students who attend class with a 1:1 instructional assistant. When assigning small group activities, the teacher regularly arranges mixed groups which include students with and without disabilities. Which of the following describes the most important benefit of grouping students in this manner?

promoting positive relationships between all students by allowing them to collaborate and connect

Ms. Samson has recently started a new unit with her fifth-grade science class on the plant life cycle. During class, the students were introduced to several new vocabulary words. For homework, she asks the students to complete a writing prompt describing the process of photosynthesis. What can Ms. Samson do to assist her intermediate-level English-language learners (ELLs) with this task?

provide them with sentence frames

At the beginning of the year, an elementary teacher learns that her class roster includes two students with mild autism. Which of the following teacher actions would be most effective in addressing the social and academic needs of the students?

providing a quiet space in the classroom for students to calm down when overstimulated

MeiLin is an eighth-grade student at the intermediate level as an English-language learner (ELL). She is struggling to follow a classroom lecture on the Civil War. Specifically, she has trouble keeping track of the names of the battles and important figures. Which of the following would be an appropriate accommodation for MeiLin?

providing a timeline to be filled in with a word bank during lectures

A fourth-grade teacher is introducing a new option for book reports. Students may write an email to the author detailing favorite aspects of the book and asking follow-up questions about the story line. The email must be sent from the school account for the student to receive credit. Which of the following goals is met through this use of technology?

providing an authentic context for developing written communication skills

Mr. MacArthur is about to assign a major project to his students. Which of the following strategies would help promote students' understanding of the project's expectations?

providing and discussing the rubric that will be used to grade the project with the students

A sixth grade teacher is planning to introduce physical and chemical changes to a class that includes some English Language Learner (ELL) students at various levels of language usage. Which of the following lessons is most responsive to their needs?

providing hands-on experiments that reinforce the concepts as they are taught

Which of the following tasks would be appropriate to ask of a paraeducator in a classroom?

providing one-on-one tutoring during independent practice time

A teacher overhears several students talking about an algebra class that they are taking. Here are some of the comments made by the students:

providing real-world examples and scenarios when introducing new concepts in class

A student was recently dismissed from the English as a Second Language (ESL) program after showing proficient skills in everyday spoken English. The student is continuing to struggle with academic language and needs assistance when answering vocabulary-intense questions in class. Which of the following would be an appropriate accommodation for the student?

providing sentence stems to help with answering questions

An upper elementary teacher is introducing new content to the class. The lesson is given as direct instruction and follows this sequence: activate prior knowledge introduce new concepts guided practice with feedback assign independent practice During guided practice, students are making consistent errors. The teacher can best respond by:

providing simpler questions that students can correctly answer and then gradually increasing the difficulty level

Mr. Kirby is working with his team to develop a lesson for his eighth-grade language arts class. One colleague recommends using scaffolding to help students better access the information. Which of the following strategies best uses this approach?

providing students with a graphic organizer to fill in as they read material and listen to lectures

A teacher believes that when students encounter words that aren't real, they are forced to rely on their knowledge of the alphabetic code, rather than memorization, to read the words. Based on this belief, she gives students a worksheet with the following poem to read aloud.


During independent work time, a teacher has book chats at the conference table in the room. In order to be available to all students without interrupting the book chat, the teacher should:

put out a sheet where students can write questions that will be addressed between chats.

A student is struggling with behaviors despite multiple interventions. A special education teacher observes the student in various classroom settings over the course of a week. What type of assessment is being conducted?


Before reading a science text written in English, a teacher asks her English-language learners (ELLs) to predict what the article is about by reading the title and subtitles and looking at the images and charts. Which of the following skills does this activity develop?

reading comprehension

A second grade teacher is planning a language arts lesson to introduce elements of fairy tales. An appropriate lesson to begin the unit would include which of the following?

reading familiar fairy tales aloud and pointing out key features

Which of the following should be discussed with students on the first day of starting a new unit?

real-world applications of the unit's concepts

A third-grade student with learning disabilities requires constant redirection when working in collaborative groups. The teacher requests the special education teacher begin the initial evaluation process. What is the best response to provide the general education teacher?

refer the teacher to the RtI process

As part of her professional development plan, A teacher creates a survey for her students about learning styles. This survey is likely to be:

relevant because it focuses on student needs.

Which of the following terms means that a test produces the same scores when given in the same conditions?


A teacher observes that a student has his arm in a cast and has a bruise on his face. When the teacher asks the student what happened, the student admits that his parents became angry after an argument at home resulted in a physical altercation. Which of the following must the teacher do in response to the student's claim?

report the student's injuries to local authorities

Mr. Henry has a diverse class of students from different socioeconomic backgrounds. In preparing for the school year, he has created a list of things he can do to make his students of low socioeconomic status feel comfortable in his classroom. He will include these details in a syllabus, which will be provided to students on the first day. Which of the following ideas should not be included in his syllabus?

require each student to introduce themselves to the class at the start of the course and describe their educational background

Mr. Driscoll is worried about Kai, an English-language learner (ELL) from Brazil. Kai is at the beginning level of language proficiency in speaking and doesn't participate in classroom conversations. Even when Mr. Driscoll asks him a question directly, Kai doesn't say anything. What should Mr. Driscoll do?

respect Kai's silent period

A high school ESL teacher is struggling to find new ways for her advanced English-language learners (ELLs) to demonstrate their comprehension of increasingly complex English texts. After every reading assignment, she asks them to independently respond to questions about the reading. What's another way the students can demonstrate their comprehension?

retelling or summarizing text

What is the best procedure for providing personalized feedback after giving a quiz?

return graded quizzes with an area of weakness identified

The fourth grade team would like to plan an interdisciplinary unit themed around urban areas. Which of the following would be the most appropriate first step in planning?

reviewing relevant content standards for each subject area

During a math unit, a teacher plans a weekly quiz as a formative assessment. One week, most students miss the same two questions. The teacher can best respond to this by using which of the following approaches?

reviewing the concept covered on these questions and adding a relevant question to the next quiz

Each day, as second-grade students enter their classroom, they place their homework folder in an assigned cubby. As students begin morning work, the teacher notes absences by checking the cubbies. Which of the following statements explains the reason behind this practice?

routines prevent wasted time

Which best describes a showcase portfolio?

samples of a student's best work are chosen and compiled with teacher input

A middle school has three feeder elementary schools. To ensure that all students feel connected on their first day of school, the science teacher plans small group activities in her classroom. What is the best method to seat students?

seat students in groups of three that include a student from each school

A beginning teacher is struggling with classroom management. A few students consistently disrupt the learning process. What should the teacher do first?

seek advice from a mentor teacher

Which of these is the least reliable means of communication between teachers and parents?

sending home information with students

A student has been acting silly and disrupting class lately. She needs frequent reminders to be on task and it is impacting her academic progress. What is the most appropriate first action in response to these behaviors?

setting up a student-teacher conference

Which of the following question formats would be most appropriate for assessing student mastery of the following objective?

short answer

In order to make speech into a comprehensible input for students, the ESL teacher may:

show pictures that correspond to the message.; make gestures to clarify certain actions mentioned.; slow down the rate of delivery.

Mr. Keogh, a high-school chemistry teacher, notices that his ELLs are having trouble understanding what to do in an experiment. Which of the following strategies would be an effective way to help the students?

showing the students a diagram depicting the steps they need to perform

A teacher wants students to access a password-protected website at home for an assignment. Before giving out login credentials, the teacher should consult the:

site license guidelines.

A second-grade teacher is computing grades. Rather than working for typical letter grades, students are working for mastery of each concept. Each subject is broken into small tasks identified as learning goals. Students are given a grade for each task on a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 representing little understanding of the concept and 4 representing an understanding greater than expected. What type of grading is the teacher implementing?

standards-based grading

An elementary teacher just received her roster for the new school year. She would like to know her new students' current levels of performance in math. Which of the following should she consult?

statewide achievement test item data

A language arts teacher wants to use the library for her students to do research. Prior to visiting the library, the teacher and librarian meet. What should be the primary focus of their meeting?

student learning goals for the project

A teacher has identified the state standards associated with a unit of study. Of the following, what is the most important consideration to make as she now plans activities for the unit?

student needs, interests, and abilities

An ESL teacher frequently checks on her students listening and speaking skills. After her history lesson, she pairs students to discuss what was taught and takes the time to do an informal check. While walking around she overhears an ELL student speak with some language errors to his group. Which practice would benefit the student while making sure the student keeps taking risks in speaking?

student-led conference

Which of the following is the best approach to target individual skills that a student needs to develop?

student-teacher conference

Mrs. Langston is an English teacher and requires her students to keep a portfolio of their writing assignments, which includes drafts and final copies. The greatest benefit to the portfolios is that:

students can view how their writing has improved over time.

Which of the following would be considered a summative assessment in a social studies classroom?

students creating a travel brochure for a city after studying the culture of Germany

Mr. Lopez is introducing an instructional unit on World War II to his students. Before he begins an instructional activity, he asks each student to write five questions they have about World War II. At the end of the instructional unit, he returns the five questions and has the students provide answers to their questions. A primary reason for Mr. Lopez utilizing this instructional strategy is to help:

students gain ownership of the learning material, and maintain student interest in the instructional concepts.

As a first-year teacher, Mr. Kramer is being observed in his classroom by his principal. One of the observations the principal makes is that Mr. Kramer demonstrates higher expectations to higher achieving students and has lower expectations for lower achieving students. This observation has the greatest effect on the students in that:

students respond to expectations, and low expectations will reinforce to low achieving students that they are less able to achieve.

Mr. Jameson believes that student self-evaluations are important as they encourage students to monitor their own learning needs and serve as an additional source of information on student learning. As an additional way to monitor ELL students, he uses "exit slips" in which:

students write a response to a teacher prompt or question on a card or slip of paper at the end of class.

The semester exam administered to students at the end of the term is considered to be a:

summative assessment.

A teacher sends home a weekly newsletter on Friday about the upcoming week. Each student writes on the newsletter one thing they learned and one thing they did well. The teacher also writes a note about accomplishments and concerns. The newsletter is returned signed on Monday. The primary reason to send this newsletter is:

supporting communication between home and school.

A teacher is developing an assessment to determine what students have learned during the semester. Which of the following is the most important for the teacher to consider as she develops this test?

that the test is carefully aligned to the material taught throughout the semester

An elective teacher has concerns about a student and asks the school counselor to see the child's file. The school counselor checks that this student is in the teacher's class and asks the teacher to sign an access log. Which of the following federal mandates protects the child's file?

the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974

On the first day of class, Mrs. Patterson wants to ensure she creates the best classroom environment for her third-grade students. One of the first things she should convey to the students is:

the classroom rules and procedures, letting them know she expects each student to follow the rules.

Mr. Shaf is known as a great technical building teacher at Pawnee High School. He has decades of experience and his knowledge surpases any other instructors in the district. He is know as a difficult teacher and students claim that he does not like for students to ask questions. A new assistant principal (AP) reviews one of his classes and states that he needs to improve his listening skills with students and should evaluate the way he responds to questions. This critique most likely means:

the new AP is trying to help Mr. Shaf improve the climate of the classroom to allow students to feel emotionally safe enough to ask questions and improve their access to learning.

A high school biology teacher, Mrs. Adams, wants to work with the school groundskeeper to coordinate a project for her students that promotes environmental awareness. In working with the groundskeeper, it is most important for Mrs. Adams to be able to identify:

the objectives and goals of the project and how the groundskeeper can help achieve these goals.

Mrs. Love is a seventh-grade mathematics teacher. Her students continue to ask how the material on determining slope will apply to their lives outside of school. Of the following, what would be the most effective resource to teach about the practical uses of mathematics outside the classroom?

the stock market page from the local newspaper

A fifth grade inclusion class has a student with a visual impairment. In planning a small group activity, what is the most important consideration the teacher should make with regard to the exceptional student?

the student's ability to fully participate in the activity

In this modern day of nontraditional households, the IEP committee must fully understand and interpret the meaning of the word "parent." A parent can be considered any of the following except:

the student's long-term babysitter or nanny

A science teacher has a classroom that includes English Language Learners and students who are receiving special education services. When introducing a unit of study on photosynthesis, the teacher uses plants in the classroom to demonstrate the effects of photosynthesis. As an extension to this activity, students are encouraged to observe plants on their own and discuss what they have learned about photosynthesis at the beginning of the next class. Which of the following strategies would be most beneficial to all of the diverse learners in the class?

the teacher using concrete examples to teach and reinforce an abstract concept

Mrs. Baldor promotes learning when introducing her eighth-grade English class to a short story about fear by asking her students to brainstorm their thoughts on the word "fear." She then lists all their responses on the board. Her reasoning for using this open-ended strategy can best be explained by:

the use of a motivational technique promoting engagement due to common knowledge and experiences, plus the acceptance of all responses.

Use the conversation between Daniel, a high school English-language learner (ELL), and his teacher to answer the questions that follow.

the use of modal verbs

Use the conversation between Daniel, a high school English-language learner (ELL), and his teacher to answer the questions that follow. Mr. Jedson: What are some ways we can stay healthy? Daniel: We can to exercise and eat healthy foods. Mr. Jedson: Yes, and what else? Daniel: Well, we shouldn't smoking or drinking too much alcohol. Based on the grammatical errors that Daniel makes in the conversation, which of the following topics would he most benefit from a lesson on?

the use of modal verbs

A student's understanding of values, ethics and relationships is greatly influenced by their culture and society. This is important to remember in working with English Language Learners because:

their native culture might place different emphasis on values, ethics, and relationships than the American culture.

In order to help students integrate information and make it easily available for recall, teachers should plan:

thematic units that include all core subjects.

As a social studies teacher, one activity Mr. Howell asks of his English language learner students is they write a familiar historical event in their native language, translate what they wrote to English, and then read the English description aloud. The greatest benefit of this activity for the student is that:

they increase their ability to translate their native language to English.

Mrs. Chain is a tenth-grade English teacher. As she is planning the summer reading list, she makes sure to include the following authors: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Elizabeth Stanton, Langston Hughes, Salvador Elizondo, Juan Rulfo, J.D. Salinger, and Ray Bradbury. The greatest benefit to having such a wide variety of authors is:

they promote students' knowledge of various cultures through themselves as literary writers.

After attending a classroom management workshop, a teacher realizes that her current strategies are not effective. Her most appropriate next step is:

to ask an administrator for help in reforming her classroom strategies.

What is the primary reason for administering a diagnostic test?

to assess a student's strengths and needs

At the beginning of the year, Ms. Wright sends home a letter and a soft-copy via email to parents, detailing the classroom expectations, academic overview, and the best means of communicating with her through the year. What is the purpose of this document?

to begin the year with positive and clear communication and to begin building a relationship with parents

At the beginning of the year, a teacher leads various icebreaker activities and keeps notes on students' hobbies and interests. The main purpose of keeping these notes is:

to incorporate their interests into lessons.

Ms. Johnson has implemented small, homogeneous, intervention groups in her class to provide instruction to students who have similar needs. This allows Ms. Johnson to invite individual students to join the group to work on a specific set of skills. Which of the following would be the best use of these intervention groups by Ms. Johnson?

to provide instruction to a minority of students who have not demonstrated mastery of a specific content objective

Mr. Prince teaches fourth-grade math. He records his lessons and posts them online for students to watch when they need to review. He explains verbally and writes down instruction. He also offers manipulatives for the class to use when needed. Mr. Prince's way of teaching is a great example of:

using varied strategies and adjusting communication to reach all students.

Which of the following terms means that a test measures what it is supposed to measure?


An elementary teacher can generally assume that students from different socioeconomic backgrounds will differ most in regard to which of the following?

written and spoken language

Which would be the recommended sequence to follow when asking questions in the classroom?

A ask the question, wait 5-10 seconds, and then call on a specific student to answer correct The recommended sequence is to ask the question, wait for 5-10 seconds, and then call on a specific student to answer.

Critical Thinking

Analysis and judgement Design an experiment, determine important part of a word problem, make a flowchart

Which of the following interventions would be most beneficial for a visual learner who is struggling to differentiate between DNA and RNA?

Ask the student to color a picture of the DNA molecule and RNA molecule. Ask the student to highlight the differences. correct This intervention will give the student a visual product that they can reference in the future to easily see the differences between DNA and RNA.

Middle school students are at a crossroads and may behave like children and teenagers at the same time. Which of these is not an advantage of cooperative learning for a middle school student?

Cooperative learning improves independent work skills while working alongside others. correct The goal of group work is to improve on collaboration skills, not working alone.

A high school English teacher gives students 15 minutes to read at the beginning of each class period. After reading, students respond to short prompts in a writing journal. Many of the students are reluctant readers and often struggle to start the activity. Which of the following describes the best way a teacher can encourage participation?

Encourage students to choose texts that interest them including short stories, magazines, or graphic novels.

Of the following, which would be most beneficial to students using the Internet for research purposes?

Demonstrate the most efficient ways to search for topics, identifying the best words to use and how punctuation can influence search results.

Physical Development

Development of the body and coordinated movement

Middle school students are regularly at at different cognitive stages, and instruction should be varied to meet the learning needs of each student. Which of the following is not an appropriate method of instruction for a middle school class?

Direct instruction, or lecturing, cannot be a stand-alone form of teaching. These students do not understand abstract content and all lessons must be paired with experiments and activities to reinforce instruction. While pairing direct instruction with experiments and activities is helpful, students in the concrete operations phase are able to understand some abstract content and these reinforcements are not always required.

Mrs. Pontian is concerned about Julio because his fine motor skills seem to be lacking compared to the other students in her class. He struggles with using scissors and holds a pencil with an odd grip. What should be her first step in addressing this issue?

Discuss the concerns with Julio's parent. This is the first step to take, as the parent must give permission prior to an evaluation.

Symbolic Stage / Representational Stage

Drawing pictures or symbols to represent numbers in an equation Squares

Which of the following is the best way to help students understand the scientific process when they are learning about potentially controversial topics such as the origin of the universe?

Give students time to discuss and form opinions from evidence.

Mr. Popov is teaching his second-grade class about the benefits of the metric system. Which of the following activities is the most effective way to convey its ease of use to second graders, as compared with the U.S. customary system of measurement?

Hand out objects of varying length and ask students to measure the lengths in centimeters and in inches. Discuss the results. Measuring length with rulers is an appropriate task for second grade students. Second grade students can learn to use a metric ruler to measure and record tenths of a centimeter, and quickly accomplish this task on their own. Measuring and reporting lengths that are not multiples of ½ inch will be more difficult with the U.S customary system.

A teacher wants her fifth-grade students to learn that some tasks require persistence to complete, and to experience the joy from working hard and accomplishing a goal. Which of the following would be the best strategy for accomplishing this?

Have each student work on a research project with various checkpoints throughout the assignment to monitor their progress. This is a great strategy to accomplish the goal because students have a long-term project where the teacher can help the student see tangible progress. The checkpoints will keep the students motivated and allow the teacher to adjust instruction as necessary as each student works towards a long-term goal.

Ms. Pepper is using discussion to stimulate higher-order thinking skills after the class has read a story. Which of the following questions would be the best choice to accomplish this goal?

In the book Hatchet, Brian has one tool that helps him survive the wilderness. What is one item you would bring in a similar survival situation and why?

A high school history teacher has noticed that her students are showing a lack of interest in the subject. They enjoy debating why historical things take place, but the students seem to believe that the past has little bearing on their current lives. What could the teacher incorporate to increase student interest?

Include a current events question at the beginning of class that can be tied into the material. This helps students see the significance of the material they are studying.

Creative Thinking

Looking from a new perspective Brainstorm, have a debate

s. Prabha and Mr. Tsai are teaching their students about the requirements of life. Ms. Prabha plans to give the students 10 unknown specimens and ask them to make observations and then, with a partner, classify them as living or nonliving and give reasons why. Mr. Tsai plans to ask his students to go home and write down the names of 10 living things and 10 non-living things around their house. Which teacher's plan will be more effective?

Ms. Prabha's, because it provides an opportunity for collaborative, student-driven learning. Ms. Prabha can also catch students' misconceptions in real time and gauge student understanding. Ms. Prabha's lab activity allows students with diverse learning styles to benefit. Students can talk to each other about the requirements of life and handle the specimens in order to deepen their understanding. Ms. Prabha can catch misunderstandings quickly and have an immediate formative assessment of student knowledge.

Solitary Play

Playing independently or alone; ages 0-2 years

Cooperative Play

Playing with peers by creating rules or guidelines for the activity together; ages 4 and up

Associate Play

Playing with peers in an loosely-organized manner; ages 3-4 years

Mr. Graham is introducing a lesson about the US Constitution to his students. He periodically calls upon students to assess their knowledge as he lectures. When a student cannot answer a question after an appropriate amount of time, what strategy should Mr. Graham use to best support the student's learning?

Provide the student a brief prompt to help them remember the correct answer. correct Frequently, students need a hint to provide the correct answer. This allows the student to demonstrate their knowledge without feeling embarrassed.

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

public funding to support appropriate educational programs for all students, no matter what their needs

Emotional Development

Processing and understanding feelings

Rather than give a unit test, Mrs. Kirby decides to assign a major project to her students. They are provided a rubric that sets the expectations and guidelines. Students will be given 2 class periods to work on it and the rest must be completed at home. Students will then present their projects in class. What is the main advantage to giving a project rather than a test?

Projects require higher level thinking and can demonstrate greater concept mastery than tests. correct Projects with clear guidelines require students to think on a higher level and display mastery in a variety of ways.

Which of the following would most help students develop time-management skills while working on a multi-step project that extends across many weeks?

Provide calendars to the students with the project due date marked, then ask them to create a plan for when each part of the project should be completed along the way. correct Providing calendars and giving students the responsibility of setting a timetable within the project will encourage time-management skills and give students more ownership over their learning.

Second-grade students, Bryan and Alexander, are working together to count money raised by the school's student council. They know the value of the penny, quarter, and dollar, but they consistently confuse the value of the nickel and dime. How can the teacher address this?

Provide hands-on examples where they act out different scenarios using nickels and dimes. Concrete examples where they handle and practice using the value of the money will help them master identifying the value of coins.

Which of the following is the most effective way for a teacher to help a tactile learner understand the consistency of Earth's mantle?

Provide students with modeling clay to touch and squish while the teacher describes the mantle. correct A tactile, or kinesthetic, learner learns best through physical activities. Feeling the texture of the modeling clay, which is solid yet pliable, is more effective for a tactile learner than a verbal description, a picture, or a demonstration.

An English teacher is assessing the effectiveness of a class discussion on a recent reading topic. Of the following features, which should be cause for the most concern?

Students were not responding to other students' comments but rather repeating their own. correct If students are not responding to other comments, there is a strong indication they are not actively listening to the other comments in the discussion, or are more concerned about being heard than understanding differing viewpoints.

Which of the following statements correctly describes how social development can impact learning?

Students who learn appropriate social skills tend to have great academic success and graduate from college at a higher rate. Research shows that social skills impact a student's ability to succeed in the classroom. Being able to collaborate with peers and follow expected social norms is integral to future success

Children develop language skills as they grow. Which of the following represents age appropriate language skills for a child when is seven years old?

The child expresses opinions and holds conversations. Between the ages of 5 and 8, children learn to express opinions and hold detailed conversations.

Which of the following describes a preschool student who needs additional support in their social development?

The student avoids others and you have seen him rocking back and forth during free times. correct This is concerning behavior by a preschool student and could indicate delayed social development.

Cognitive Development

Thinking or learning

Maria is a kindergarten student who likes to sit next to other students and perform similar activities. The teacher wants to help Maria transition into the next stage of play development. Which of the following would be the best strategy to facilitate the transition?

This would reflect an activity of associative play, which is where students perform the same activity but not in collaboration. This is the fourth stage of play development and the next stage of Maria's play development.

Which of the following is not a useful method for motivating students?

offering intrinsic rewards for completing work correct Intrinsic rewards are those that the student feels from taking part in an activity and cannot be given to a student by a teacher or another party. Students who are intrinsically motivated enjoy the process of learning and do not require any extrinsic rewards (rewards given by an outside source).

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