PR Final

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Deliver Services

Coordinate Activities Link Organization To/With Stakeholders Almost Always Involves Fundraising

Lindsay Lohan

Drunk Driving Convictions Probation Violations Drug Charges Felony Theft Charges Rehab

Sometimes Lies Cause Crises...

Duke University Lacrosse Team 2006 University of Virginia 2014

Transformers 2007

Spinning the Production: Story Line: Comics/Toys Executive Producer- Stephen Spielberg Producer: Michael Bay (Armageddon, Pearl Harbor) Product Placement GM Chevrolet- Camaro Pontiac- Solstice Hummer Rumor: Did Not Pay, but featured movie in Vehicle Ad's

Star Wars (Episodes I-III)

Star Wars (Lucas Films) Is A Brand! 25 Years Of Merchandising & Marketing Clothing, Games, Books, Toys World Of Star Wars Secrecy Used To Generate Publicity Extensive Use Of Talk Shows & Publicity Charity Release (Episode III) World Wide Media Interviews Global Coordinated Release Shaping Expectations

A.I.- Artificial Intelligence (2001)

Steven Spielberg Film Stanley Kubrick Pre-Movie Publicity Producers & Directors Actors A.I.Topic On-Line Game (AI) Extensive Web Sites Spanned 35-50 Websites Phone Calls, Emails, Chat Rooms Game Used Rallies in Large Cities To End Game Getting Clues From Cell Phones

Functions in Travel PR

Stimulating Interest & Awareness Building Programs To Get Travelers There Assuring Comfort & Great Treatment Guest Relations

Long Term Brand Goals & Objectives: Marketing & Management Complexity

Strategies- Planning, Release, DVD/Video Release Sequels: Movies Can Be Long Lasting Brands! Merchandising, Copyrights, Trademarks, Licensing Products/Services (Toys, Clothing, Games, Collectables) Extended Marketing- Example Fast Food Industry Release To Pay Per View, On Demand Video, DVD Release, CD Audio Commemorative, Collectors, Special Editions Computer Games, Web Sites Games Can Generate As Much Money As Movies!

Non-Profits: Membership Organizations

Trade Associations National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) American Bar Association (ABA) Labor Unions United Auto Workers California State Faculty Association Professional/Membership Associations Public Relations Society of America

Advocacy Groups: Fundraising

Basic Tools Direct mail Email Internet Events Publicity campaigns Internet Email Ad's Protests

the issues management process

w. howard chase and barrie l jones step 1. issue id step 2. issue analysis step 3. strategy options step 4. action plan step 5. evaluation 262

PR job in colleges and universities

- colleges and universities hire communication professionals in multiple offices, including: -presidents office - the president (or chancellor) is actually the chief public relations

Hospital Public Relations

2 Roles of Public Relations Staffs To strengthen and maintain the public perceptions in the community Visibility Communicate Value To help market the hospitals proliferating array of services Competition

Celebrity: Michael Richards 2006

2006- Racial Slurs and Hatred Towards Hecklers At LA's Laugh Factory Apology: LOS ANGELES (AP) - Michael Richards said Monday he spewed racial epithets during a stand-up comedy routine because he lost his cool while being heckled and not because he's a bigot. "For me to be at a comedy club and flip out and say this crap, I'm deeply, deeply sorry," the former "Seinfeld" co-star said during a satellite appearance for David Letterman's "Late Show." "I'm not a racist. That's what's so insane about this," Richards said, his tone becoming angry and frustrated as he defended himself. A clip from the show played on CBS before "Late Show" aired Monday night.

Don Imus MSNBC Radio

2007- Racial Slur about Rutgers Women's Basketball Team. .."Nappy headed ho's"Calls for his firing by Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson NAACP . Apology: "It was completely inappropriate and we can understand why people were offended. Our characterization was thoughtless and stupid and we are sorry"

LA USD (Miramonte) Sex Scandal 2012

2011-2012 Several Teachers Accused of Abuse Lewd Acts on Young Children Bondage Photos Blindfolded "Tasting Game". 20+ Children Claims of Cover-up Other Teachers Knew All Teachers & Admin's Re-Assigned To Different Schools "Despite our efforts to improve instruction and survive massive budget cuts our first responsibility is to protect the children in our care," he said, adding, "It is important that our communities continue to feel safe in our schools. As you know, better than any, often our schools serve as a refuge for families." LAUSD Supt. John Deasy

University Crises: VTU Massacre 2007

23 Yr Old Cho Seung- Hui Goes On Shooting Spree Pre-meditated 2 Weapons (100's of rounds) Kills 2 In Dorm 31 In Classroom Building Reports: Depressed Mentally Ill Writings & Behavior The Result: 33 Students Killed Several Professors Hero 30 + Wounded Many Severely 3 Shots Per Victim Questions Why No Warning? Containment of Threat? Thought he left campus

social media plays crucial role after tornado


changing corporate culture helps toyota turn the corner

272/273 recall 9 million cars, including 2.3 milling in the US due to safety defects

wal-mart scandal highlights role of investor activists

447/448 bribery scandal in mexico bribed local government to speed up zoning permissions

study finds trust in leaders is low

451 fewer than 1/5 people beleive that business or government leaders will tell the truth when faced with a difficult issue

Duke energy uses social media to tell its story

455 duke sent thousands of employees to help with power resoration during superstorm sandy

boycotts come from all direction

458 between china and japan

nudist group makes pitch for corporate sponsors


A royal birth generates record coverage


wanted: press coordinator for a network


how to promote play


the super bowl: an economic engine of steroids


chinese tourists flood the world


Fifty shades of travel promotion

486 edgewater hotel, seatlle tourism austrialia velas resorts, mexico visit britain

How many "freebies" to accept


Poop on the deck: carnival cruise line had a crisis


Election campaign team turns policy campaign team after Obama's re-election


Centers for disease control and prevention get help from zombies

502 japan zombie preparedness

google flexes its muscles in washington

508 8th largest spender susan moinari

Student loan industry engages in "aggressive" lobbying

510 sarita gupta

Global stratgeic communication helps african females avoid brutality

547/548 bogaletch gebre

chamber of commerce tempers its position on global climate change


need info about sex?: text a question


universities tap alumni through social media


Charitable donations top $361 billion


A new fund-raisning technique: crowdfunding


Gunman Walks Into Lecture Hall 19 Shot

6 Students Killed The Gunman Stephen Kazmierczak Stopped Taking Anti-Depression Meds Response 90 Seconds for Police To Respond Luck was an element Campus Lockdown (within Minutes) Told Students To Call Parents To Let Them Know They Were Ok NIU Was Prepared They Had A Plan NIU Had Practiced It

Non-Profits: Social Organizations

7 Categories Social Service agencies Health agencies Hospitals Religious organizations Welfare agencies Cultural organizations Foundations

Earthquake Strikes Japan 2011

9.0 Earthquake Strikes off of Northern Japan Quake Causes 186 mile 50 ft rip in sea floor. Moves island 13 ft. Generates Tsunami's) that hit Japan, North America. Tokyo Other Cities Receive Some Warning Quake Damages multiple Nuclear Facilities 10,000+ Killed

Tsunami December 2004

9.1 Magnitude Earthquake in Indian Ocean Creates Large Tsunami Giant Wave of up to 100ft Hits Thailand (Phu Ket) Indonesia Sri Lanka India Kills 230000 people Tourist Areas Fishing Villages 2006 New Buoy Mounted Warning System Deployed

other educational initiatives

A wide range of other nonprofit organizations involved in education have public relations concerns as well. Foundations or Charities: provide funds to existing schools, colleges and universities and support scholarship through grants to students or programs. Consortiums (Like Charter School Companies) or companies such as DeVry operate schools or training programs directly.

Why IMC Works

Advertising no longer works as effectively " The Fall Of Advertising and the Rise of PR". Audiences are busy...and distracted!!!!! Third Party Credibility/Objectivity "Consumers are likely to be 5 times more influenced by a positive PR article than by an advertisement." - Phil Kotler Marketing Management Increased Reach More Opportunities & Messages To Reach Targets Lowered Costs Publicity is Free More Effective Targeting

Public relations programs does/must affect marketing programs

Alignment With Values

Problem/Issue vs. Crisis

Almost Any Issue Can Be Called A Crisis Crises Are Sudden Bring Outside Scrutiny Media Government Require Immediate Attention Time Compression

September 11 2001

America Responds Grounded Planes Increased Security Communicated with each other Communications were limited The first job was to assess the human toll Immediate Victims Those that emerged Transit & Port Authority . Letting key stakeholders know what was happening was another priority. To communicate what had happened To reduce fear Even in the face of crises life goes on. Communicate Hope

Celebrity Mel Gibson

Anti-Semitic Comments Comments to police officer after DUI arrest: Blames "Jews" for world problems Asks officer.."Are you a Jew" The APOLOGY: "There is no excuse nor should there be any tolerance for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of anti-Semitic remark" Gibson said in a statement issued by his publicist. "I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a DUI charge." In the statement Gibson said "Please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot."

What is a Crisis?

Any Event That Threatens The Normal..Operations Productivity Procedures of an Organization And Threatens Negative Consequences such as: The loss injury or death of stakeholders Loss of Financial Standing Marketing Standing Damage to Image/Reputation

A New "Day of Infamy"

Approximately 3000 died in the attacks of September 11 2001. That day should be remembered what went wrong and for what went right. Crisis plans played a critical role.

Media proliferation

Audience fragmentation (So many channels & media!) New uncontrolled media replacing older mass media Internet On-Demand Television/ TIVO/DVR's Especially media that target individuals with personalized messages

Strategies: Apology

Bolstering Took 4 Days to Apologize...much too long Result: Fired BY MSNBC

California Fires- 2007

Burned 28400 Acres Destroyed Homes- Led To Evacuation of Over 4100 Created Crises For Many Organizations Businesses Schools Governments Non-Profits Hard Questions Where Were The Planes & Helicopters? Why Was There Such Poor Coordination? Why Were We Not Better Prepared? FEMA caught "Fire" for Fake Press Conference Journalists could only listen on call-in line.

PR Jobs in Colleges and Universities

Colleges and Universities Hire Communication Professionals in Multiple Offices, Including: Presidents Office- The president (or chancellor) is actually the chief public relations officer of a college or university. Media Relations Public Affairs Sports Information Alumni Relations Development (Fundraising) Student Affairs Employee Relations

PR in Non-Profit Settings

Communicate Mission & Value Communicate Identity Communicate Need

Non-Profit Basic PR Needs

Communications Communicating Mission & Identity Communicating Value Communicating Need Campaigns Fundraising Special Events To raise awareness To raise funds Development Staff Recruiting Volunteers Trade Associations National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) American Bar Association (ABA) Labor Unions United Auto Workers California State Faculty Association Professional/Membership Associations Public Relations Society of America

Difficulties In Making IMC Work

Competition for Control Who is on Top? AD? PR? Marketing Increasing complexity and cost of technology Growing concerns for consumer privacy Excessive focus on consumer values At expense of company values?

Crisis Planning

Crisis planning is critical for 21st century organizations. It Is Now Expected (Especially after 911 and the Earthquakes in Thailand, Chile, Haiti & Japan.

Step Two: Developing The Plan

Define what constitutes a crisis. What is the Threshold? The point where you call it a crisis. Build a Crisis Management Team (CMT). Identify the Stakeholders. Identify the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Identify the Media Information Center (MIC). Train Team & Employees.

Today's Complex Environment

Difficult Global Environment. Competing Agendas!!! Aggressive Media Environment The Age of "The Citizen Reporter" with a cell phone camera Complex Legal & Regulatory Environment Expectations- Social Responsibility Aggressive Activist Environment

Batman- "The Dark Knight" 2008

Early web sites & Tactics to create "Buzz" "I Believe in Harvey Dent" Posters & Website "See you in December Website" Joker Cards with "I believe in Harvey Dent" in Book Stores Heath Ledger Casting Death Posters Placed Around Los Angeles- 6 Months Before Release "Defaced" Posters 48-72hrs later Remove Pixels 1 at a Time To Reveal The Joker I Believe in Harvey Dent Too.. website error & mouse over

Non-Profits Advocacy Groups

Environmental Groups Green Peace Activist Groups PETA

The Cult of "Celebrity"

Fascination with Celebrities by: Fans Media Requires Management Through PR Management Monitoring Aggressive Media

Communication With Stakeholders

Feedback & Response

Entertainment PR

Functions Promote Awareness Build Desire & Intention Build/Manage/Maintain Reputations Manage Media Relations & Publicity Plan Events or Attendance at Events Issue/Crisis Management

Issue Management Versus Crisis Management

Good Crisis Management Begins With: Issue Detection Issue Analysis Preparation Example Y2k- The "Millennium Bug" Was Predicted To Cause Global Chaos....It Did Not. Why? Because Organizations: Changed Standards Up-graded Code Up-graded equipment Communicated The Threat. In others words...they identified and managed the issue before it became a crisis.

Public Official: Rod Blagojevich

Governor of Illinois Accused of soliciting favors to name replacement of Barack Obama's Senate Seat. Claims of political extortion of contracts & for support of non-profits. FBI wiretaps capture discussions on tape. Paralyzed State Government. Impeached January 2009 2010: Federal Trial & Conviction Strategy: Accuse Others Stating That They Wanted To Get Rid Of Him So That They Could Raise Taxes......This was very unsuccessful!

Crises Can Bring Opportunity

Heroes are born- People Are Changed Change is accelerated. Latent problems are fixed. New strategies evolve. Early warning systems develop. New competitive edges appear.

Pearl Harbor (2001)

Historical "Docudrama" 60th Anniversary Of The Attack Publicity Cast Talking Points: "Commitment To Historical Accuracy" Special Effects Documentaries Screening/Release Deck of Aircraft Carrier Pearl Harbor Survivors of Pearl Harbor Attack Media

Charlie Sheen

Hotel Incident 911 Call Drunk/Drugs Drug Issues Alcohol Abuse Rehab 2 ½ Men on Hiatus

What is IMC?

IMC is a mix of: Traditional Advertising Pay For Placement, Control of Content, & Timing Marketing Works on Distribution Networks & Promotions (often Point of Sale) Public Relations Publicity, Media Relations, Events Uses Mainly Uncontrolled Media How is it different? Includes More Publicity Based Tactics More Customer Focused Heavy Use of Research & Databases

PR and Crisis In Education

In A Crisis Your Job Will Be To: Communicate What Has Happened Tell Your Side of The Story Calm Fears, Anxieties Express Sympathy or Concern To Take Action or Corrective Action Help Rebuild Perceptions of Safety or Trust in the Aftermath of a Crisis.

Technology To Make A Movie and Promote It: Avatar's Interactive Website & Trailer

Interactive Website Interactive Trailer with Links To Social Media (Allows You To Send It To Your Friends Instantly!)

Step One: Risk Assessment

Involves identification of threats. Identify Key Vulnerabilities Example: Universities in Southern CA 1. Natural Disaster: Earthquake 2. Acts of Violence: Shooter on campus 3. Crisis Related To Student Actions. Sports Teams: USC & Reggie Bush Seeks to eliminate or minimize those threats. Can be done by a consultant or a Crisis Planning Team.

Issue Management

Issues Are: Potential Factors, Problems, and Events That Can Impact Your Organization Issue Management Is Like Radar Detect The Issue Before It Hits Minimize the Impact Good Issue Management is Irreplaceable Your Actions Often Determine If An Issue Becomes A Crisis

Today's Marketing Needs To Build Relationships

It Cost 7X as Much To Get A New Customer Than Retain One

managing conflict; Benetton balances humanities and business ideals

Italian clothing company known for it's support of humanitarian creates press coverage but also holds the retailer to a higher standard raise awareness for racism, world hunger, and unemployment 253

Lord of The Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)

J.R.R. Tolkien Trilogy New Line Cinema Website Launch Includes: Maps, folklore, forums 1.7 million hits first day, 6.6 million 1st week 400 other websites dedicated to movie trilogy Movie producers "adopted 40" providing clips, images, sounds. Partnership with American Film Institute Get Tolkien discussed in schools Web materials and support 2nd, 7th, 14th highest grossing movies

Eathquake Strikes Haiti 2010

Jan 12th 2010- 7.0 Earthquake Strikes Haiti Massive Destruction 1000's of buildings collapse 200,000 estimated killed Infrastructure Destroyed Roads, Bridges, Cell Towers, Govt Buildings Delays & Prevents Response Aid Group Efforts Also Impacted UN Headquarters Collapses Killing Key Leaders Red Cross Headquarters Collapses


Lobbying Litigation Mass demonstrations Boycotts Reconciliation

Caterpillar Responds on 911

Loss of Communications Communicator Conference in Peoria Planes Were Grounded Caterpillar Response to Tragedy CAT People Experts in Equipment & Excavation CAT Power Powered Lower Manhattan CAT Machines Dealers from the Northeast sent equipment


Many organizations are not prepared. Fewer After 911 Is Key To The Survival Of An Organization When Crisis Hits: Loss Of Decision Making Ability Loss of Resources

Examples of PR In Entertainment?

Media Relations Press Releases Bookings & Talk Shows Special Events Industry Relations Trade Shows (NAB) Film Festivals (Cannes) Event Planning Releases & Release Support Philanthropy Brand Management Integrated Marketing Communications

Communication To Stakeholders

Mission Values Services Value For Membership Organizational Structure

The Matrix Trilogy (1999-2005)

Movies The Matrix The Matrix Reloaded Matrix Revolutions Games Enter The Matrix Path of Neo Xbox, PS2, Gamecube Comics Art

Marketing Movies In 2015

Movies In 2015 Younger Demographics Spend More On Entertainment Enjoy Movies Have Greater Expectations Movie Release Complexity "Hype From Media" Expectations e.g. Extensive Web Sites Fears of Piracy & Release on the Web

Example: Carnival Cruise Lines

Multiple Engine Fires from 2009-2013 Stranding Passengers Long Delays At Sea No Power Little Food Overflowing Toilets "Red Baggies"

University Crises: NIU MASSACRE 2008

NIU Massacre- Feb 14th 2008

The Role of Public Relations

Nonprofits face an unending task: Communicating their identity & value Raising money for expenses and projects Delivering value to their stakeholders

Penn State Pedophilia Scandals 2011

Penn State Defensive Coach Jerry Sandusky. Alleged Sex with Young Boys On Campus Allowed Him To Use Campus Even After Reported Actions Grad Student Claimed He Saw Sex Acts & Reported Them To The Coach Joe Paterno & University AD & Paterno Fired Charges Filed Sandusky Convicted

Crises Can Happen To Anyone

On 911... 2775 Tenants, employees, visitors died at the WTC Cantor-Fitzgerald Lost 658 employees 343 NYC Firefighters died at the WTC Including Senior Staff 60 NYC Police Officers were killed Including Senior Staff United and American Airlines Lost 193 Employees & Passengers NYC Lost $4 billion dollars in tourism dollars in the aftermath of 911 Hotel Occupancy rates dropped by 60% Hundreds of Cities Across The US Mobilized to meet landing aircraft Activated Police, Security, & Emergency Personnel

Tiger Woods

One of America's Most Successful Athletes Married To Swedish Model. Est. $1Billion in Endorsements Police Called To His Home Tiger Drove SUV into Fire Hydrant Affairs with 10+ Women Come To Light Sexting & VoiceMails Are Released . Impact Leaves PGA Tour Loses Major Endorsements Golf Digest Column Strategies Apology (but came late at a press conference that he did not take questions. Apology where he did take questions.

Pen State Child Abuse 2011

Pen State Defensive Coach Charged With Sexual Assault of up to perhaps 15 young boys Sex act was witnessed in 2002 in shower by grad assistant Coach Joe Paterno was told and reported it to athletic director..but did not contact police. Pattern of cover-up has emerged. School President & 38 year Football Coach Paterno have been fired and many face charges.

Travel Public Relations

Positions in Travel PR: Chamber of Commerce/ Visitor's/ Tourism Bureau Large Travel/Entertainment Based Organizations Hotels, Theme Parks, Cruise Lines, Casino's.

The First Step: "Spinning Expectations"

Pre-Production Publicity Story Lines- "Saving Private Ryan" Casting- "Titanic" Leonardo DiCaprio Directors & Producers Steven Spielberg, Kubric, Cameron Settings: "Behind The Scenes" Special Effects-(ILM) Industrial Lights & Magic Cost: Avatar $300 Million+ Within Industry Release Film Festivals, Private Screenings Advertising Generating Awareness & Interest: "Coming Soon" Avatar, Star Wars, Matrix Trailers

Titanic (1997)

Pre-Release Publicity Directors, Actors, Special Effects History of The Titanic Focus On The Tragedy Blockbuster Video Rental Release 12:00 AM Sale Release Commemorative Tickets Special Parties At 5, 6, 10, &11pm (Top Rated News Slots) Employees Dressed In Costumes

The Matrix of Marketing

Product Placement & Tie-In's: Trailer with Quicktime Coca-Cola-Powerade Cadillac CTS & Escalade The Vehicles Were Not Ready But Were Specially Produced For The Movie!

Social Organizations

Public Relations Goals Develop awareness of their Mission Communicate Value Induce individuals to use services Create education materials Recruit and train volunteers Obtain funds to operate

Blair Witch Project (1999)

Publicity Is It Real? "DocuDrama" Format "Special Released Documentary" "The History Of The Blair Witch" Created A Legend Featured Sundance Film Festival 1999

Sports PR

Publicity & Media Relations Community Relations Programs Fan Development Crisis/Issue Management

IMC & Movies: A Mix Of Advertising, Marketing & PR

Publicity (PR) Production, Pre-Release, Release, Video/DVD Release Trade Media, Trade Shows, Film Festivals, Print Media, Internet Media, Talk Shows Tie-Ins & Events Advertising Pre-Release, Release, DVD/Video Release Print, Radio, Television, Internet, Trailers (Theater & Video, Image Placement Marketing Licensing & Trade Promotions Distribution Rights & Promotional Offers Merchandising

Step Four: Recovery

Rebuild Operations/Processes Change Processes/Products/Systems To Reduce Vulnerability Reduce Impact Heal Relationships Image Restoration with Stakeholders Some Questions What aspects of the crisis did we anticipate/fail to anticipate? How well did our employees perform What are the lingering effects of the crisis? Have stakeholders' views of us changed Monitor These

Entertainment, Sports, & Travel PR

Share Common Functions Publicity Getting Attention Managing Issues 2 words....Charlie Sheen Serving Needs of the Media Promotions Advertising, Marketing, PR (IMC) Events Sponsorships Managing Relationships Developing/Maintaining Relationships E.g. Facebook, Myspace (for the under 18 crowd) Community Programs Issue/Crisis Management


Social Issue Organizations focus on social and behavioral goals. Mothers against drunk driving (MADD)-Focuses on eliminating drunk driving. Change Policy: Enforcement Check Points Penalties Mandatory Sentences Laws Decrease Limit To .08 Blood Alcohol Level Change Attitudes & Behavior

Disasters: Hurricane Katrina

Struck Gulf Coast in 2005 Category 4 & 5 Winds (175 MPH+) Devastated New Orleans Questions about Response Damaged Their Reputation: Why wasn't New Orleans Better Prepared? Why was FEMA not prepared Where was FEMA?

Bigger Issues In Travel PR

Targeting Specific Segments Retirees Foreigners from specific locations Identifying what they want & prefer Families Issue/Crisis Management: Acts of Crime/Terrorism (e.g. Mexico) Disaster Illness/Disease Disruption E.g. The eruption of the Icelandic Volcano

Avatar in 3D 2009

The Buzz The Cost: $300 Million The Director: James Cameron The 3D Digital Marketing August 20, 2009 4 Million Views of Teaser on Itunes August 21, 2009 100 IMAX 3D Theatres 16 Minute Avatar Trailer Social Media Facebook- 1.3 Million Fans Myspace- 800,000+ Friends Twitter 25,000+ Followers #1 Tweet Jan 2010 Video Youtube- 11 Million Video Views Flickr- Over 1 Million Photo Views The Bottom Line Box Office Results US $745 Million (Dec 2010) Intl: $2.1 Billion DVD Sales: $148 mil

A Closer Look at IMC

The Fifth "P" Phillip Kotler-Product,Price, Place, Promotion....& PR Replacement of the Four P's by the Four C's: Product has become Consumer wants and needs; Price has become Consumer's Cost; Place has become Convenience to buy; and Promotion has become Communication.

PR In Elementary and Secondary Schools

The strategic planning and skillful execution of public relations programs have created positive relationships with parents and communities for school systems in the U.S Public relations has greatly affected the outcome of issues ranging from parental support for learning initiatives to voting for property tax increases to support schools. Funding Initiatives Are Now Occurring in Most OC Cities.

Step Three: Response

This is the stage in which the crisis plan is executed. Crisis Systems Activated Crisis Team Activates Takes Action Organizational Response You enact all the steps of your crisis plan. Like any other plan, a crisis communications plan must be flexible.

IMC is on the Rise...Advertising on the Decline

Traditional PR- Builds, Maintains, & Monitors Traditionally Uses Non-Controlled Media Publicity or Direct Communications Generates Discussion & Buzz Seen as More Objective Than Advertising Traditional Advertising Uses Mass Media Controlled Media- Pay for timing, content, control. Becoming Less Effective Overall Audiences Are Too Bombarded...Distracted Are You Busy?...Do You Filter Email...Mail. Audiences Filter or Avoid Messages

Advocacy On Behalf Of Stakeholders

e.g. Nike vs. Kasky & PRSA (delivered briefs to the supreme court) AARP on behalf of seniors and healthcare.

"Partnership" stretches federal funds

national drug control policy 499

Colleges and universities have several key publics

such as:, Faculty and staff Students Alumni and other donors Government The community around the university Prospective students They also have communications professionals that need to manage relationships with all of these important publics.

The primary publics of a school system are:

teachers and staff children parents the community

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