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In general, at what grade level should materials be written to account for the health literacy of most adults?

8th grade

A physical fitness assessment was given after a physical activity and exercise intervention was conducted with upper elementary, middle, and high school student groups. To determine if there was a statistically significant difference between the groups, which type of bivariate data analysis should be conducted?


A health education specialist is developing health literature about symptoms of stroke and what steps are necessary to take action for adults in the community. What is the most valid source of information to use?

American Heart Association

Which of the following is an example of a correctly written learning objective?

"Individuals participating in the health education program will be able to identify 3 ways to protect their skin from the sun by the end of the program."

In planning a health education/promotion program, a health education specialist needs to develop a timeline for delivery of the intervention. Which of the following accomplishes this task?

Gantt chart

The intervention program has been adopted, and the priority population is ready to participate. The implementation team needs to know their tasks and associated due dates, and the health education specialist needs a relatively simple way to track the team's projected and actual task completion progress. To meet both needs, as well as to identify and prioritize all of tasks needed for full implementation, the health education specialist creates a:

Gantt chart

A health education specialist needs to find an instrument to measure program impact. Which database is best for this?


A health education specialist wants to collect ratio data on smoking rates. Which of the following questions would achieve this level measurement?

How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

A health education specialist receives four requests for training. Company One is a large company where employee health is relatively good. Company Two is a smaller company that has high health care costs and high absenteeism among employees. Company Three wants a training seminar on any health topic in order to fulfill policy requirements for employee training. Company Four wants to train three employees to do breast cancer screenings. Based on the urgency of the need for education and the potential impact on the organization, which company should be top priority for training from the health education specialist?

Company Two

A university health education specialist is implementing a program for females on campus about the HPV vaccine. Which statement would be reflective of Preparation in the Stages of Change?

I have decided to get the vaccine next week

If a health education specialist is designing an intervention to be delivered using an emerging technology, which preliminary planning question is most important?

Does the priority population of interest use this type of technology?

A health education specialist is asked to find school health resources for physical activity. The most appropriate bibliographic database to search is:


Which of the following is a common way to illustrate alignment of programs with an organization's mission and goals?

Logic Model

A health education specialist is searching for a valid information source specifically addressing a population's health status, health questionnaires, and health care delivery trends. The best source to use would be:


A health education specialist is trying to find data on emergency room visits and hospitalization in the community. Which of the following secondary sources is the best source of this data?


A process to ensure the readability of intervention materials and items used to collect data is:


A local health agency matches senior staff to new hires during their first year. A health education specialist is considering ways to mentor new staff. Which of the following mentoring strategies is most likely to help new hires adjust to the job?

The health education specialist has a new hire join an ongoing project to see how it is currently being handled.

A health education specialist has a request to develop a worksite training to be implemented with a company that focuses on technology security. Management within the company is trying to find a time to schedule a series of training sessions that may change dietary behaviors, but one common meeting time for all employees is not feasible. What is the health education specialist's best opinion, based upon the content and needs of the company?

create an interactive distance learning module that employees can complete as they have time

A health education specialist finds a Web site called The Teen Pregnancy Place, which provides a discussion board where pregnant and parenting teens can obtain advice and make friends on-line. It is unclear who developed the material or sponsors the site. A fact sheet regarding the weekly development of a fetus is provided, but no references are cited for the information it contains. A links page directs visitors to other Web sites for resources, services, and products related to pregnancy and parenting. Visitors to the Web site should assume that:

all of the information could be inaccurate

Goals, organizational considerations, constituents, allies, opponents, targets, and tactics are all elements of:

an advocacy plan

In order for partnerships to be effective, their composition needs to reflect members that are knowledgeable about the populations they serve, reflect multiple domains in consideration of relative risks and protective factors, and possess a diverse representation. A model that facilitates this selection process is:

an ecological model of health

A hospital would like to post information throughout the facility to increase awareness of the potential dangers, spread, and prevention of influenza. Which format would best accomplish this?

an infographic with data and short messages

When establishing the reliability and validity of an existing measurement tool, the evaluator should conduct:

an item analysis

When forming coalitions, which of the following should occur first?

analyze the issue or problem that will be the focus of the coalition

Among program participants, smoking rates will decrease by 35 percent in 12 months is an example of a/an:

behavioral objective

If a health education specialist wishes to use online surveys because of the ease of the data collection, but the priority population struggles with technology. This is a breach of which ethical principle in managing technology?


When presenting data to stakeholders or superiors in an organization, which of the following would best represent how percentages relate to each other as a whole?


Newsletters, community meetings, public service announcements, and social networking sites are examples of:

communication channels

When the results of a second survey instrument reinforce the findings of the first survey instrument, the second is said to have:

construct validity

The health department notices a spike in drug use of high school students in the county and wishes to predict which students could be at high risk in order to target an intervention program. They would like to determine the relationship between drug-use and demographic, as well as health behavior variables, and then determine which of these variables or combination of these variables best predicts drug use risk. They would conduct which two types of studies?

correlational and then multiple regression

Which analysis measure assesses the economic efficiency of health education programs when the health outcomes are disparate?

cost benefit analysis

A weight management intervention was delivered as a face-to-face class and as an online module. To compare costs for all program materials, trainings and staff time between the two delivery methods, which type of analysis should be conducted?


Print material was selected as the appropriate way to provide a take-home message to reinforce concepts presented during a behavior change intervention. The first step in planning the specific materials to be developed is to:

define the audience for the material

If a health education specialist wished to use the application level of Bloom's taxonomy in an intervention aimed at decreasing saturated fat consumption, what might the health education specialist have the priority population do?

demonstrate how to prepare a healthy meal

An agency needs volunteers at a local health awareness event. Before the recruitment campaign can begin, the best first step is to:

develop a volunteer job description

A health education specialist schedules a panel to discuss issues with program staff related to an emerging disease. This is an example of what kind of strategy?


When planning a smoking prevention program following the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model, data regarding self-efficacy to avoid smoking in an adolescent population would fall into which assessment phase?

educational and ecological assessment

Which of the following is true about successful partnerships:

effective communications should include feedback loops through which intentions, ideas, and information can be exchanged

Following the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model, assessing if community members have adequate access to oral health care services is which type of factor in the educational and ecological assessment?


Following the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model, which type of factor in the educational and ecological assessment would assess whether community members have adequate access to oral health care:


A health education specialist is serving as a consultant to a local community-based organization. The client's needs have been identified. What should his next step be?


An afterschool program was developed to help overweight and obese adolescents lose weight. In developing the program, the health education specialist considered the adolescents' attitude, beliefs, and values regarding diet and physical activity. Knowing this information, the health education specialist helped to:

ensure the program was culturally appropriate and relevant

What is an important purpose of a pilot test for data collection instruments?

ensuring the consistency of measures

When identifying root causes of health issues, it is important to consider multiple factors. If a community would rather ignore a drug problem than address it, this is an example of which type of factor?


The school wellness committee placed speed bumps on all school parking lots bordering school playgrounds. This is an example of which type of intervention strategy?

environmental change

The health education specialist would use a prioritization matrix in which phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model?

epidemiological assessment

When planning a cardiovascular disease prevention program following the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model, data on high fatty acid intake would fall into which assessment phase?

epidemiological assessment

A health education specialist finds there are more people requesting a smoking cessation program that can be accommodated. This is an example of which type of need?

expressed need

A community coalition is seeking more information to understand the complexities of promoting the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine among teenagers to prevent cervical cancer. The health education specialist should refer them to which type of source for the most accurate information that is also relevant and useful to the coalition?

fact sheets from a federal health agency

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Framework for Program Evaluation, being "realistic, prudent, diplomatic and frugal" is part of which standard for effective evaluation?


During delivery of a health promotion, it becomes apparent the amount of time allotted to each lesson or activity is not sufficient. The person delivering the program decides to delete some content to make the lesson fit. This action could result in a lack of:


A national health education organization has developed a broad, long-term economic strategy to ensure program sustainability and expansion. What term best describes this strategy?

financial plan

A health education specialist has been asked to collect qualitative data from participants. Given a short time period to collect data, which method takes the least amount of time?

focus groups

Performance appraisals and staff members and volunteers will normally:

focus on strengths and areas for improvement

The health education specialist signed a consulting contract to work with a 350-employee health care facility located in a large suburban location. Administrators requested an analysis of the high turnover among allied health professionals. Employee burnout may be related, and a program for employee stress management may be needed. The type of consultation the health education specialist has entered into would be defined as which of the following?

formal consultation

The grantor has requested a grant process report from the grantee agency. The health education specialist was assigned the task of report preparation to maintain support for this project. Which of the following is the best first step in report preparation?

gathering the data

The most critical step in the implementation process is to:

get the priority population to accept the program

The healthy hearts coalition emails all PTA/PTO members and asks them to contact their district school board members to vote for the healthy snacks in school policy. This appeal is considered:

grassroots lobbying

The health education manager in charge of career development wishes to provide career development activities and resources to employees. Of the following, which are the most appropriate activities for career development?

having an assigned mentor

According to which theory or model do people assess the threat of an emerging disease by assessing their perceived susceptibility against the severity of the disease?

health belief model

For people with less than 12 years of education, the infant mortality rate and overall death rate is almost twice as high as people with 13 or more years of education. These are examples of:

health disparities

In a priority population, the infant mortality rate and overall death rate for mothers with less than a high school education is almost twice as high as mothers with 13 or more years of education. These are examples of:

health disparities

Health risk appraisals are which type of intervention strategy?

health related community service strategy

When choosing a policy or issue to advocate on with a legislator, which criteria should be considered first?

how receptive the community or target population is to the proposed policy or advocacy effort

A foodborne outbreak has closed three local restaurants, and epidemiologists and food safety staff are hoping to identify the outbreak source. Health education specialists and communication specialists plan to use earned media and social media to educate local community members about the outbreak. What should the health education specialists and communication specialists do first?

identify the audience

In the study of acute diseases, which morbidity rate is important to calculate?

incidence rate

A researcher is studying the effects of a health education intervention on reducing obesity rates of employees at Company X. The researcher requires employees have a BMI of 30 or higher to participate in the study. The researcher is applying which type of criteria to restrict enrollment?


Communication aimed at patients with non-life threatening medical conditions is primarily developed to:

increase awareness of the potential effects of the condition

In an urban area with high childhood obesity rates, first and second grade children were not able to identify more than five of ten fruits and vegetables. Many were from lower income families, where one or more adults in the household worked multiple jobs. There are no grocery stores in the area, and most families shopped for food at convenience stores. Though no one strategy is going to decrease obesity rates by itself, which would likely be most efficacious in decreasing rates of childhood obesity?

increasing fresh fruits and vegetable options at the convenience store

Informing participants in a training program of both the benefits and risks associated with training typically occurs within which procedure?

informed consent

Data storage is an example of which type of technology need?


A health education specialist is identifying the types of activities included in a health education/promotion program. In a logic model, these activities would be included in:


In the social ecological model, a school or worksite would fall under which factor or level?


Using a socio-ecological model in a school setting, the school would be considered as which level?


When applying the ecological perspective to behavior change, the health education specialist bases his/her smoking cessation intervention on the Precaution Adoption Process Model. At what level of influence is this intervention addressing?


Which of the following statements about informed consent is correct?

it explains the benefits, risks, and participation is voluntary and may be terminated at any time

For this objective, "women in the program will increase their physical activity rates by the 4th week of the program," what is missing?

it is neither specific nor measurable

A health educator has just begun his career after graduation. He is trying to make contacts with other professionals so that he can network and share ideas. Which of the following ways is the best way to achieve this?

join a professional health education organization

Which of the following is an example of a targeted law?

laws regarding child safety seats, specifically rear-facing infant seats

From a fiscal perspective, which funds represent the portion of a project the applicant's agency or organization is providing?

matching funds

A health education specialist is interested in attempting to change norms which encourage teenage pregnancy. What strategy should the health education specialty employ?

media advocacy

One of the first considerations when determining the potential appropriateness of an external organization for collaboration is an alignment of:

mission, vision and values

Forgetting to inform participants about the risks associated with physical activity before having the participants begin a program is an example of:


When a researcher is conducting a study, it is important to remain ____________ to reduce ____________.

neutral; error

A health education specialist needs to determine specific alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use prevention needs and immediately prioritize those needs with a few experts from the priority population. Which primary data collection technique would be the best to use in this scenario?

nominal group process

A researcher is coding data to categorize individuals based on sex, race, and political party affiliation. What type of scale is the researcher using?

nominal scale

A health education specialist is asked to measure actual use of a walking trail in a local community. Which of the following methods is best to measure actual use of the trail over a period of a week?


After his partner was diagnosed with breast cancer, an older citizen of a community is overwhelmed by the amount of information on the topic on the Internet. He asks how to sort through the information to find reputable sources?

only visit sites that end in .gov, .org, or .edu

The health education specialist is working with a local community to institute a smoke free environment in local businesses, agencies, and restaurant throughout the entire community. What type of health strategy would the health education specialist implement in the community?


A health education specialist conducted an evaluation of the impact of a non-smoking policy on the smoking rate in a county using a pretest, posttest, comparison group design. If the smoking rate were lower in the intervention group and there were a statistical significance between the groups, which level of probability would indicate the results were least likely due to chance?


A health education specialist needs to conduct training for individuals who will be delivering the intervention. Which of the following is a critical consideration when conducting trainings?

personal characteristics of the instructor

A community agency is targeting a variety of social ecological levels to help reduce drug use in the community. Some of the levels will take substantially more time to target. Rather than wait for all aspects of the intervention to be ready, the agency looks to begin with one level and then will add in other levels over time. This is an example of:

phasing in

Administrative support was secured and a program planning committee was formed for a school-based health promotion program. Which of the following should the committee members identify next before advancing the needs assessment process?

planning parameters

Because a budget is aligned to resources and elements of the strategic plan, the health education specialist must develop the budget during the:

planning process

In a community, twice as many people died over the course of one year in house fires than in car crashes. Community members demand the health education specialist immediately create a fire prevention intervention. Before planning the fire prevention intervention, the health education specialist should first determine the:

population at risk

A health education specialist has been charged to develop a comprehensive childhood obesity intervention in a community identified as having a high prevalence of childhood obesity. What planning model would best assist the health education specialist in developing the program?

precede-proceed model

A health education specialist is planning a comprehensive community-based strategy to promote physical activity. In the planning process, the health education specialist would like to use the Social Marketing Model. If he/she takes into account the physiological impact of exercise for a sedentary person (such as muscle soreness), which of the 4 Ps is the health education specialist addressing?


Before implementing a program, a health education specialist should develop "how-to" materials for implementing the program. This is called a:

procedural manual

Advocacy evaluation is typically an ongoing activity, given social and political environments are constantly changing. What type of health program evaluation is this similar to?


By 2018, volunteers will distribute informational fliers to at least 50% of program participants. This is an example of which type of objective?


During a health education program, questions about whether the participants like the instructional materials and if instructors find them easy to use are examples of:

process evaluation

Working as a health coach to increase a client's physical fitness level, the health education specialist uses an intervention based on the Transtheoretical Model. He/she emphasizes behavioral activities including counter-conditioning and reinforcement using which core construct?

processes of change

A health education specialist wants to raise awareness among a general audience of the dangers of second-hand smoke. Which delivery method would reach a broader audience?

producing a public service announcement for local radio

Using a written questionnaire, a cross-sectional survey about personal alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use behaviors was administered to a priority population. The priority population for the survey did not respond. The health education specialist would then need to find other evidence that the behaviors occurred or did not occur using:

proxy measures

Which method represents a secondary source for a needs assessment?

published data in a CDC article

A researcher is analyzing a data set. The researcher computes the absolute difference between the highest and lowest score on a particular variable in the sample. The researcher has computed which statistic for this data set?


According to a 4-level training evaluation, during which level does the evaluator measure participant satisfaction with the training?


In a behavior change intervention for weight management following social cognitive theory, participants are asked to list both positive and negative environment influences on their snacking behavior. The concept applied in this type of exercise is called:

reciprocal determinism

A current problem faced by organizations relying on volunteers is retention rate. In order to increase retention of volunteers, an organization might focus on which of the following?


A health education specialist visits elected officials to advocate for an evidence-based nutrition program. The health education specialist prepares a packet that summarizes the position statement that will be given during the visit. This is an example of influencing public policy in what way?

reinforcing the message

The health education specialist is directing a local youth health advisory group and a statewide youth coalition. In this role, the health education specialist is acting as a:

resource person

An organization is undergoing restructuring because of budgetary cuts, which in turn impacts health promotion efforts. Which approach to organizational change is occurring?


A researcher did not select a random sample of high school students across 3 high schools in a district, but instead selected only intact classrooms in one high school. The researcher is concerned that the results of the anti-drug intervention the research will be used for cannot be generalized to other high schools in the district. The researcher is concerned about which threat to external validity?

selection treatment interaction

During a teen pregnancy program, the health education specialist discusses confidence so participants can talk to their partners about using a condom. The construct he/she is focusing on is:

self efficacy

A health education specialist is collaborating with the state health department on a training effort to implement effective physical activity programs. The training team has completed the first step, which was to determine training needs. What is the next step to advance the training?

set objectives

A health education specialist is assessing which resources to use in a smoking prevention campaign for a community. Because the health education specialist wishes to focus on primary prevention, which strategy is likely to reach the intended audience?

social media

Health illiteracy, economics, and poverty are considered which type of factors that cause racial and ethnic health disparities?


In a meeting, community members offer suggestions for curbing the community's obesity problem. They focus on the behaviors of individuals in the community, thinking if community members change their dietary behaviors, then the obesity problem will be solved. A health education specialist explains the solution is not this simple because:

sometimes peoples behaviors are influenced by other factors, such as lack of access to health food, that are out of a persons control

Which of the following is an example of grassroots advocacy?

starting a community petition drive

When implementing well designed health education class lessons for adult learners, the health education specialist should incorporate which of the following adult learning principles?

stating the purpose of the lesson

The questions, "What steps are necessary to move the organization towards the desired future? What progress is being made?" are used during what process?

strategic planning

An informal channel for communicating information about smoking policies at the work site could include

support groups for smokers in a cessation program

Which of the following is an effective strategy for a health education specialist to determine the training needs of parents of preschool children regarding infectious disease prevention?

survey parents of preschool aged children regarding their knowledge of infectious disease prevention

A health educator is trying to decide how to collect data for program evaluation in a program to improve nutrition in a low-income community sample. The health educator is looking to randomly select a small number of participants and assess their individual attitudes toward dietary behavior change and their dietary behavior. Which of the following data collection methods would be best to get the largest response rate in this sample?

surveys administered in person

The researcher needs to select a probability sample of smokers and nonsmokers and wishes to randomize participant selection. He/she divides the population by those two characteristics and then randomly selects subjects from the two groups. This type of sampling procedure is called:


Which type of literature review typically identifies current gaps in the literature after comprehensively reviewing the literature on a topic?

systematic review

The health education specialist must analyze the meaning of the data collected during the assessment and determine health education/promotion needs. If the health education specialist aggregates the data, which cognitive process of qualitative research is he/she focusing on?


In a health education program, participants are asked about their readiness for change so that content in a message can be personalized. This is an example of:

tailoring a message

A health education specialist working in the medical clinic has just demonstrated how to correctly use a peak flow meter to staff. Which technique should be used to ensure the client understands the demonstration?

teach back

Which of the following provides direct support which builds capacity to complete prevention tasks?

technical assistance

A health education specialist serves as a patient educator at a hospital. Part of his/her job is to work with patients who have recently suffered a heart attack. This is an example of:

tertiary prevention

Which type of reliability is important for ensuring any changes detected at the end of an intervention are due to the intervention itself, and not random fluctuation?

test-retest reliability

What would a health education specialist need to know to calculate age-specific death rates from cardiovascular disease?

the breakdown of deaths by age group and the midyear population by age

A local group was interested in identifying evidence-based interventions to guide the development of a community wide effort to increase physical activities. Participants would be included in decision-making. Which of the following tools might be most useful?

the community guide to community preventive services

The health department administrator just returned from a meeting where someone used a focus group to gather data and now has a great idea. The administrator tasks the health education specialist with conducting a focus group of low income citizens from the south side of town to answer questions about which heart disease intervention the department should offer city wide. Knowing the limitations of this strategy, the health education specialist is rightfully concerned about:

the generalizability of the findings

Reach, recall, and media impressions are common metrics used to evaluate:

the impact of messages

A health education specialist is meeting with a college campus community to try to make the campus smoke free. In order to gain support from key stakeholders in the first meeting, which of the following should be the focus of the health education specialist's message?

the necessity for the change in policy

When reporting a program's evaluation results to community members, the most important aspect to highlight is:

the participants' perceived benefits of the program

After the end of a year-long program, a partnership is being evaluated. The evaluation reveals that the results of the program are minimal, and the expense high for both partners. However, the community supports the partnership, and both agencies enjoy working together on the program. What is likely to be the finding of the evaluation report?

the partnership is not cost effective, and should be re-examined

The health education specialist chose the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model as the organizational framework for the needs assessment of a childhood obesity intervention. Which of the following best represents the Behavioral and Environmental Factors phase?

the school districts are institutions with agents that can make change

Which of the following contains the correct steps in the generalized model of program planning and evaluation?

understand and engage the population, create a needs assessment, write goals and objectives, create intervention, implement the program, and evaluate the intervention

Although the mortality rates of children have declined over the years, the leading cause of mortality in children is:

unintentional injury

If a health education specialist is trying to gain support for a program within an organization, which is one way to illustrate a rationale for the program to key stakeholders?

use a logic model to show how the program aligns with the organization's mission

One of the ways to comprehensively engage the priority population in the program planning, implementation, and evaluation process is to:

use community-based participatory research

Which of the following statements contains accurate principles to address low health literacy?

use graphs or charts, rather than tables or numbers, to show rates of illness or injury

During flu season, health education specialists often try to promote the flu vaccine to the general public. According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, a person who does not feel susceptible to the flu might not pay close attention to messages promoting the vaccine. How might a health education specialist craft a message in order to target this person?

use peripheral stimuli, such as pictures or video to increase attention

Understanding why participants drop out a program is important for establishing:


The health education specialist is measuring the incidence of breast cancer in Texas in January 2015, which women would be counted for the numerator of the incidence measure?

women in Texas diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2015

The organization that accredits undergraduate teacher preparation programs is:


Which question would be the most appropriate for the health education specialist to ask in the formative evaluation level of a consulting relationship?

What progress has been made to-date?

When developing advocacy plans, which questions would be considered last?

What tactics should be used to influence people?

Which question below would help a health education specialist with policy development?

What were the sources of the policy content?

When calculating mortality statistics in a population, the health education specialist needs to weigh deaths of the very young more than the deaths of the very old. Which of the following would he/she calculate?


A practicing health education specialist has entered into a helping process initiated by a client in order to establish an assistive relationship. This relationship is considered:

a consultation

When starting the advocacy process, the health education should develop:

a fact sheet about the issue

A health education specialist has collected some resources on drug use and prevention for various audiences. The CEO of a company would like to see information regarding prescription drug abuse. What is the best way to present this information to the CEO?

a formal presentation

The executive director of an organization has returned the health education department's annual budget request. The director is asking for additional information about the proposal. All of the following information should be included in the responding budget justification except:

a literature review verifying the importance of the program and proposed budget

Healthy Children in Healthy Communities is an example of:

a vision statement

A health education specialist does not have additional staff to assist with data collection, data entry, or analysis, and has a tight timeline for data collection and analysis. Which of the following is a feasible method for a health education specialist to collect data on attitudes toward antismoking legislation in a region?

a web-based quantitative survey

A nonprofit health association would like to hire the health education specialist in a formal consulting arrangement to implement and deliver direct services. The next step in the consulting project that the health education specialist needs to perform is:


When planning an adult audience training, the health education specialist should include adult learning theory principles. Which of the following is an example of an adult learning principle to use when planning the training?

adults should be actively involved in planning an evaluation

A large group of tourists traveled on an ocean liner to a tropical island and developed an acute, flu-like illness. The suspected cause of illness is associated with cruising on this ocean liner. Health authorities need to know the number of all passengers who became ill, as well as those who traveled on the ocean liner. Which rate should the health education specialist calculate to provide information to health authorities?

attack rate

When creating a marketing plan for a program, which of the following should be identified first?


A health education specialist was asked to provide a school district with accurate Web-based resources for their sexuality education program. What key items would a health education specialist assess?

author's credentials, web site's purpose, and references

Which level of training evaluation is the extent to which participants are employing the skills on the job?


A local health department has decided to adopt an evidence-based program for obesity prevention with educational materials that are not completely compatible with the community it serves. In the process of adopting the materials to make them more suitable for the population, the health education specialist should be cautious not too:

change the core elements that make the program effective

Which of the following are considered "safe" changes to materials or program activities when using a packaged health education program

changing text size or statistics

The sequence for pretesting health education messages focused on knowledge is:

concept development, partially completed materials testing, alternative materials testing, and final product

An evaluation of a program has been conducted, and a health education specialist is preparing a report in a very tight timeline. Though all sections of the report are important for clarity and content, on which section should the health education specialist spend the most time since it likely will be read more closely by stakeholders?


Prior to meeting with a legislator or policy maker, what would be the likely first step?

conduct research on the legislator

When inferring needs of a priority population, the health education specialist:

considers feedback from the priority population along with data collected on health issues in the population

When creating a partnership, which of the following tasks should be completed first?

creating partnership mission, goals and outcomes

A process that is used in organizations, similar to a needs assessment, assesses assumptions and values related to health education/promotion. This is a:

cultural audit

In working with a community that has a large Spanish-speaking population, a health educator engages a lay-health worker early in the planning process to be sure that the program is planned, implemented, and evaluated appropriately. An advisory group is formed to assess the relevance of the program activities. These important steps are a way to help improve:

cultural competency

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