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Which of the following statements represents the MOST effective feedback for helping a client correctly complete his first set of bench press exercise using a barbell?

"Great job of keeping your posture, now try widening your hand position slightly and you'll have better control of the bar."

You are working with a client who tells you that she has her greatest success with commitments when there is a reward for her to earn upon program completion. As such, you work together to create a behavioral contract with built-in rewards to enhance her program adherence. Which of the following sentences represents the MOST effective goal statement for the client's contract?

"I will lose 1 to 2 pounds per week for the next two months so I can buy a new outfit."

After several months of sticking to his exercise program, a client informs you that he is pleased with his progress and would like to enhance his rate of building muscle mass by incorporating creatine supplementation into his current program. Which of the following responses to this client's inquiry about creatine is the MOST appropriate?

"While some research shows that creatine may enhance muscular performance, it would be best for you to discuss supplementation with your physician prior to taking it."

Your new client, Sarah, is a strong believer in the practice of vitamin supplementation. After reviewing her three-day food diary, which includes her supplement schedule, you determine that Sarah is taking megadoses of vitamins B6, B12, and niacin. Which of the following statements would be MOST appropriate when addressing Sarah regarding her supplementation practice?

"Your food diary revealed that you are taking an amount of vitamins that could potentially lead to health problems. I encourage you to adopt the principles of the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and discuss your supplementation habits with your physician."

A client you are working with weighs 200 lb (91 kg) and has a primary focus on increasing muscular strength and hypertrophy through resistance training 5-6 days per week. He is unsure of how much protein he should be consuming to maximize results and asks you for help. According to the protein guidelines for strength-trained athletes from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and American College of Sports Medicine, what range for daily protein intake would be MOST appropriate for this client?

146 to 155 grams

A new client wants to lose weight and body fat, and agrees to have his body composition assessed during the initial session. He currently weighs 220 lb (100 kg) with 25% body fat (BF%). He wants to decrease his body-fat level to 15%. If he maintains his current lean body weight (LBW), what will his new weight be when he reaches his goal of 15% body fat?

194 lb

A client wants to quickly lose the 20 pounds (9.1 kg) he has gained during the past 10 years. Which of the following timeframes would be MOST appropriate for him to safely achieve his weight-loss goal?

3 to 5 months

Which of the following provides the BEST assessment of acceleration and speed?

40-yard dash

Your client has lost 10 pounds of body fat in 60 days. What was the daily average caloric deficit required for this client to lose weight at this rate?

583 kcal per day

Which of the following recommendations for fluid intake is CORRECT for a client who primarily exercises outside during hot weather?

7-10 fluid ounces of water every 10-20 minutes

Henry is a healthy, 29-year-old male with no prior exercise experience. After an initial muscle-conditioning program that focused first on stability and mobility, followed by movement training with 1-2 sets of 15 repetitions of light- to moderate-intensity exercises for all major movements. Henry is ready to progress to a program that will help him work toward his goal of increasing muscle mass. Which intensity range is MOST appropriate for causing muscle fatigue in an appropriate number of repetitions to facilitate muscle hypertrophy?

70 to 80% 1 RM

The "talk test" would be LEAST appropriate for which of the following clients?

A marathon runner trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon

During the initial interview, a new client claims, "I want to lose 15 lb. (6.8 kg) in the next month for my high school reunion." Which of the following responses would be MOST appropriate?

Acknowledge her enthusiasm and help her develop more realistic goals and a series of achievable steps work toward them.

Preston is a weightlifter who exercises multiple times per week at the facility where you work. You notice that in his regular standing position, he exhibits a posture in which his shoulders are rounded forward and the backs of his hands face forward when he is standing in a relaxed manner. What is the MOST likely cause of this postural deviation?

An exercise program that focuses mainly on building the pectorals and latissimus dorsi without proper stretching of those muscles

After three months of training, your client has achieved rapid weight loss and is now borderline underweight. She exhibits an intense fear of gaining weight and appears increasingly concerned with her appearance. Which of the following disorders is MOST likely to be associated with this type of behavior?

Anorexia nervosa

Mary is a healthy, 43-year-old female with no prior exercise experience. Which initial cardiorespiratory exercise program would be MOST appropriate for her?

Begin with continuous exercise as tolerated below the talk test threshold and work up to 30 continuous minutes performed 5 days per week

Your client has consistently performed 10 to 20 exercises per session, two to three times per week for six months. He is ready to be challenged with more advanced resistance-training program. You decided to introduce a program wherein her performs 10 repetitions to muscular fatigue and then immediately performs three to five more repetitions of the same exercise at a slighter lighter weight to complete the set without assistance. What is the advanced training technique called?

Breakdown training

Which of the following changes to a client's stance position would INCREASE the challenge during a balance exercise?

Bringing the feet from a hip-width stance to a narrow stance

When performing initial cardiorespiratory fitness assessments with a client who is taking a beta blocker, which of the following medication-related effects SHOULD be expected?

Decreased exercise heart rate and decreased resting heart rate

Your client with type 2 diabetes just received a six-month progress report from his physician. According to his physician, he has experienced many positive health changes due to his exercise program and diet modifications. Which of the following the MOST likely positive adaptations due to his lifestyle changes?

Decreased insulin resistance

Ryan is busy, young executive who works 60 hours per week. He has hired you to develop a realistic exercise program that will fit his hectic schedule and to help him adopt sensible eating habits to help facilitate weight loss. He has recorded a three-day food record at your request and the most notable trend is his choice of lunch entree. Ryan eats lunch at a local pizzeria at least four days per week and always orders the same thing- a mini pizza topped with several types of meat and vegetables, and a large iced tea. After an Internet search, you discover the following nutrition information about Ryan's favorite mini pizza:Calories: 940 Calories from fat: 378 Total fat: 42 g Saturated fat: 18 g Trans fat: 2 g Cholesterol: 175 mg Sodium: 2,145 mg Carbohydrate: 108 g Fiber: 8 g Sugars: 17 g Protein: 33 g Which of the following nutrients contributes the GREATEST amount of calories to the total calories found in this food item?


Cindy's first attempt at the incline bench press exercise appears shaky and uncoordinated. After the set, Cindy comments that she had a hard time feeling her chest muscles working and that it was challenging to move her arms in a controlled manner. Which stage of learning BEST correlates with Cindy's performance?


Larry is a client with whom you have been working for the past three months. During that time, he has cancelled or failed to show up for approximately 20% of scheduled workout sessions with you. Recently, Larry's work commitments have increased and he informs you that he will not be exercising until his work load decreases. In which stage of the transtheoretical model of behavioral change would Larry CURRENTLY be categorized?


A regular client says that he feels "good" and is "ready to exercise" during the warm-up portion of a training session. While performing a dumbbell shoulder press exercise with the same weight that he used during a training session three days prior, he groans in pain and drops the dumbbell, injuring his foot. Upon asking him what is wrong he shares that he hurt his shoulder yesterday and have been in pain ever since. Following the incident the client decides to file a claim against the trainer. This scenario is BEST defined as what type of negligence?

Contributory negligence

After working with a local celebrity for nine months, he expresses to you how pleased he is with the results of his exercise program and the weight he has lost. Because of his celebrity status in your community, you would like to use his testimonial in your advertising. Prior to using his testimonial, what should you do first?

Discuss with him your ideas and, if he approves, request that he sign an agreement stating that he grants you permission.

What type of contraction is performed by the latissimus dorsi during the downward (lowering) phase of the pull-up exercise?


A new client expresses her concerns about the fitness testing that is advertised in the personal training brochure from the facility where you train. She claims that the thought of being weighed and having her body composition assessed makes her uncomfortable. Which of the following statements is the BEST course of action at this time?

Explain that these assessments are only options, and are not required. Then have her complete a health-history form and only conduct assessments that facilitate program design, such as posture and basic movement.

When designing an INITIAL exercise program for a client who has postural instability and hip mobility issues, which exercise should be included because it improves core stability and hip mobility and stability?

Glue bridge

During a bend and lift screen (anterior view), you notice a client's knees moving inward. Based on this assessment, which muscles are MOST likely weak?

Gluteus medius and maximus

You are trying to implement forward lunges into a client's program, but he is having difficulty performing the exercise correctly. Which exercise would be MOST appropriate to include in his exercise program to help him eventually progress to a forward lunge?

Half-kneeling lunge rise

What is a diabetic client MOST likely to experience if he or she takes too much insulin prior to an exercise session?


Ryan is a busy, young executive who works 60 hours per week. He is hired you to develop a realistic exercise program that will fit his hectic schedule and to help him adopt sensible eating habits to help facilitate weight loss. He has recorded a three-day food record at your request and the most notable trend is his choice of lunch entree. Ryan eats lunch at a local pizzeria at least four days per week and always orders the same thing- a mini pizza topped with several types of meat and vegetables, and a large iced tea. After an Internet search, you discover the following nutrition information about Ryan's favorite mini pizza: Calories: 940 Calories from fat: 378 Total fat: 42 g Saturated fat: 18 g Trans fat: 2 g Cholesterol: 175 mg Sodium: 2,145 mg Carbohydrate: 108 g Fiber: 8 g Sugars: 17 g Protein: 33 g Which of the following statements is MOST accurate regarding the saturated and trans fat content of this pizza?

It has a high content of both saturated far and trans fat.

Postural screening conducted with a new client reveals that he has an exaggerated posterior curve in his thoracic spine and protracted shoulders, with the backs of his hands facing forward. What are this client's postural deviations?

Kyphosis posture with internal rotation of arms

Which of the following flexibility assessment results would indicate TIGHTNESS in the infraspinatus and teres minor?

Limited ROM during internal shoulder rotation

You are working with a new client who has been diagnosed as having borderline hypertension and has a physician's release for exercise. In addition to designing an appropriate exercise program for her, you ask her to complete a three-day record. Which of the following journal entrees would be MOST important to address given her elevated blood pressure?

Lunch: roast beef and cheddar cheese sandwich, chips, and 16 oz regular soda

Once a client is proficient at performing jumps in place and single linear jumps, which of the following plyometric drills would provide the MOST appropriate intensity progression?

Multiple linear jump

What is the PRIMARY goal of a resistance-training program consisting of three sets of 12 to 16 repetitions for all major muscle groups?

Muscular endurance

A small-group training participant who enjoys the camaraderie of the group environment finds herself feeling as though she cannot keep up with the conditioning level of the other participants. What is the BEST recommendation for the trainer to make for this client?

Offer her the opportunity to switch to another small-group training class that is better match for her level of conditioning

At your request, a client visits his physician regarding recurrent leg pain. The physician diagnoses him with sciatica and instructs him to complete physical therapy for his problem. Which muscle is MOST commonly involved with sciatica due to its location relative to the sciatic nerve?


A new client tells you that he has been jogging 3-4 days per week for the past six weeks following a program from a popular health magazine. He has worked his way up to jogging 30 continuous minutes at an intensity of 70% of his predicted maximal HR, which he calculated by subtracting his age from 220. As you design a new program for him, what method for monitoring cardiorespiratory exercise intensity should be used to provide the MOST individualized training program?

Programming above/below HR and VT 1 determined via the submaximal talk test for VT 1

What is the MOST appropriate method for correcting a client's form during an exercise in which the client demonstrates an undesirable forward-head posture?

Putting your hand where the client's head should be and instructing her to glide her head back to touch your hand

Which of the following stages of the client-trainer relationship involves the building of mutual trust and emotional affinity that begins at the initial meeting?


Randy is a client you have been working with for several months. During that time, he has reached a level of conditioning that allows him to perform 40 continuous minutes of cardiorespiratory exercise at an intensity of 75% MHR. During his annual check-up earlier this week, Randy's physician prescribed beta-blocker medication to help control mild hypertension, and gave him a written release to continue exercise as tolerated. Based on this information, how should Randy monitor his exercise intensity now that he is taking this new medication?

Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE)

Which of the following is OUTSIDE the scope of practice of an ACE-certified Personal Trainer?

Recommending an alternative therapy in place of a conventional therapy

Postural screening performed with a new client reveals that he has a posterior pelvic tilt and a decreased anterior curvature of the lower back. Based on this information, which muscles should be PRIMARY focus in this client's flexibility program?

Rectus abdominis and hamstrings

Six months have passed since you started training Claire. She has consistently attended all her scheduled workout sessions and shown significant improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. However, her body composition remains similar to her initial assessment values. Upon questioning Claire about her nutrition habits, she responds, "I have been trying to use the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans you gave me, but I find myself bringing on my favorite snacks every night. If you could just write out a diet telling me exactly what to eat and when, I know I could stick to it." Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate response to address Claire's nutritional concerns?

Refer Claire to a registered dietitian.

You are checking equipment in preparation for your next client to arrive for her training session and notice that an exercise bike is not functioning properly and may post a danger to your client and other gym members. What is the BEST plan of action to take concerning this piece of equipment?

Remove the exercise bike from the gym floor.

Which of the following actions is withing a personal trainer's scope of practice?

Reviewing a client's food journal to identify high-fat choices and providing education about lower-fat options

You have just completed McGill's torso muscular endurance test battery with a client. Which of the following results from this battery of assessments should be of PRIMARY focus when designing this client's exercise program, as it is indicative of a muscle imbalance that can lead to back pain?

Right-side bridge: Left-side bridge ratio = 1.09 (85 seconds: 78 seconds)

As you are assessing a new client's static posture from the posterior view, you observe that the medical borders and inferior angle of his scapulae protrude away from the posterior surface of his back. This postural deviation is commonly referred to as "scapular winging." Which of the following muscles should be of PRIMARY focus in his resistance-training program, as it is most likely weak and contributing to this postural deviation?

Serratus anterior

The initial assessment with a new client reveals that her waist circumference is 35 inches and her hip circumference is 34 inches. Which of the following statements about these measurements is MOST accurate?

She is at risk for health problems due to excess abdominal fat

Postural screening conducted with a new client reveals that he has an exaggerated posterior curve in his thoracic spine and forward, rounded shoulders, with the backs of his hands facing forward. Which of the following sets of muscles and muscle groups should be the PRIMARY focus of a flexibility program designed to address this client's postural deviations?

Shoulder adductors and serratus anterior

A new member of your health club has been cleared by her physician to begin an exercise program after recently celebrating her 65th birthday. Which of the following exercise parameters is MOST appropriate for her initial program?

Strength training utilizing low resistance and high repetitions

Julie has just completed an exercise confidence survey as part of her initial consultation. She indicated that she has low confidence in her ability to stick with an exercise program after a long, tiring day at work. Which of the following strategies would be the BEST option for enhancing Julie's adherence to her exercise program?

Suggest scheduling her workout sessions before work or during her lunch hour.

When teaching a client a new exercise, you should first describe the correct technique, then demonstrate the proper movement, and, lately, allow the client to perform the exercise. What type of teaching approach is this?

Tell-show-do method

On her health screening form, Carrie indicates that she has been diagnosed with "tennis elbow." Which of the following anatomical structures is MOST affected by this condition?

The lateral epicondyle of the humerus

A new client request to train online at local beaches, parks, and trails. What is the FIRST precaution to take when training clients outdoors in public places?

The trainer should check with the city or property manager to make sure that the areas of interest for training have been identified as "legal."

When performing a seated row exercise, you notice the client's shoulders rising up toward his ears during each repetition. What is the MOST likely causing this movement error?

Tight upper trapezius overpowering weakness in the middle and lower trapezius.

Which of the following documents may be presented in a lawsuit to release a fitness professional from liability related to a client's injury?


According to research conducted with elite endurance athletes, what percentage of training time should individuals training for pear performance in endurance events spend in zone 1(HR < VT 1), zone 2 (HR >_ VT 1 to HR < VT 2), and zone 3 (HR >_ VT2)?

Zone 1 = 70-80%, zone 2 = less than 10%, zone 3 = 10-20%

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