Pragji Bhakta Parichay

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Name any two sadhus from the group of Bhagatji Maharaj's disciples.

Swami Vijnandasji, Swami Mahapurushdas, Yagnapurushdasji

What did Pragji Bhakta reply when Pavitranand Swami lost his temper?

"There is no alternative except to understand Gunatitanand Swami as the manifestation of Akshar."

After how many days did Pragji get Shriji Maharaj's darshan

10 days

For how many years did Pragji Bhakta serve Gunatitanand Swami?

3 1/2 years

For how long was Pragji first excommunicated?

3 years

How many buckets of water did each mango tree get?

4 pots for 300 trees

For nearly six months Pragji Bhakta did the barber's job.

A barber named Karsan used to shave the sadhus at Junagadh mandir every month. He increased his rates by one paise per person. Gunatitanand Swami refused to pay him the increased rates. But soon the sadhus felt uncomfortable without the monthly shave and tonsure. Swami asked Pragji Bhakta to do the barber's job. He was always eager to obey his guru. He bought the necessary instruments from the market and served Swami first. barber without feeling belittled by what he was doing. He also served as a torch-bearer, which also was the job of the barber. Swami deeply loved him and always offered him food from his own wooden eating bowl.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Is God a ghost that He possesses you?"

A jealous sadhu to Bhagatji Maharaj. The sadhus who could not tolerate the increasing fame of Bhagatji started protesting. They wanted to put a ban on Bhagatji's movements in the Satsang. Bhagatji often said, "I am possessed by Swaminarayan."

Who was possessed by Bhagatji Maharaj in Khandesh?

A woman devotee was possessed by an evil spirit. As soon as she saw the murti of Bhagatji, the evil spirit left her and she became possessed by Bhagatji. She started behaving like Bhagatji and brought happiness to innumerable people.

Where was Yagnapurushdasji during the jnan yagna in Ahmedabad?

At this time Yagnapurushdasji was in Mahemdavad

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Gunatit, please wake up."

Balmukunddasji to Pragji Bhakta Once, Swami asked Balmukunddasji to call Pragji Bhakta, who was fast asleep. Balmukunddasji called him thrice, "Wake up, Pragji Bhakta. Swami is calling you." But Pragji did not wake up. So, he returned to Swami and said, "Pragji Bhakta is fast asleep. I called him by his name but he did not wake up. Swami smiled and told him to go back and say,

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Stay away, can't you see we are passing?"

Barot devotee to harijan woman Once, Bhagatji was going to the mandir in Nadiad.He was accompanied by a Barot devotee. When they were passing through a narrow lane, a harijan woman approached them. The devotee lost his temper at the sight of the harijan woman and shouted. Bhagatji did not like this. He felt sorry and told the devotee, "Isn't there God in the heart of this woman?"

Who is speaking to whom? When? "This shirt will cover your body but I can prepare a shirt for your soul, too. But, for that you will have to come to my seat."

Bhagatiji Maharaj to Kothari Becher Bhagat Kothari Bechar Bhagat assisted Gordhanbhai in his work at Vartal. Once, he asked Bhagatji to stitch a shirt for him. To his surprise, even though Bhagatji had not taken any measurements, the shirt was a perfect fit. Bechar Bhagat was pleased with Bhagatji's skill.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "I see in them the murti of Brahman."

Bhagatiji Maharaj to Mana Bhagat Once, Bhagatji was sitting with Mana Bhagat who advised Bhagatji, "Life is short so you should not become attached to your babula-like disciples, otherwise you will have to take them to Dham.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "I will give him the maker of the footprints - Shriji Maharaj!"

Bhagatji Maharaj to Acharya Maharaj Ramratandasji and Yagnapurushdasji were companion sadhus. Once Ramratandasji requested Bhagatji Maharaj to get him the pair of footprints of Shriji Maharaj Yagnapurushdasji had. Yagnapurushdasji acted according to the wishes of Bhagatji and parted with the holy treasure. When Acharya Maharaj came to know about this he became angry and reprimanded Bhagatji. He told Bhagatji that as Yagnapurushdasji was the leader of the group of sadhus, he was required to have the footprints of Shriji Maharaj with him. Bhagatji Maharaj replied instantly,

Who is speaking to whom? When? "I see in them the murti of Brahman."

Bhagatji Maharaj to Mana Bhagat Once, Bhagatji was sitting with Mana Bhagat who advised Bhagatji, "Life is short so you should not become attached to your babula-like disciples, otherwise you will have to take them to Dham." Bhagatji replied, "How can such devotees be called babula?

Who is speaking to whom? When? "A jnani has innumerable eyes."

Bhagatji Maharaj to Shastri Yagnapurushdasji

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Scold these sadhus as they are always pestering me."

Bhagatji Maharaj to the Bodyguard of Roa Saheb Once, Bhagatji was the guest of Rao Saheb of Petlad. Rao Saheb's bodyguard was a Muslim. He was a genuine aspirant of God and came to offer his respects to Bhagatji. Bhagatji intuitively read his thoughts and talked to him about the four types of satpurush as described in the Koran. The bodyguard experienced divine peace in his presence. Vignandasji and other sadhus were also present. Bhagatji pointed towards the sadhus and said,

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Scold these sadhus as they are always pestering me."

Bhagatji Maharaj to the bodyguard of Rao Saheb. Once, Bhagatji was the guest of Rao Saheb of Petlad. Rao Saheb's bodyguard was a Muslim. He was a genuine aspirant of God and came to offer his respects to Bhagatji. Bhagatji intuitively read his thoughts and talked to him about the four types of satpurush as described in the Koran. The bodyguard experienced divine peace in his presence.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Keep faith in Pragji Bhakta and accept Swami as Mul Akshar."

Dama Sheth to Vagha Khacher Vagha Khachar saw that all the devotees of Swami at Junagadh were cheerful and happy. But he was wondering why he did not experience that joy. Once, he talked to Dama Sheth of Mahuva about it. Dama Sheth told him,

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Swami, instead of giving all your spiritual powers to some Brahmin, sadhu or scholar, why have you given it to this tailor?"

Darbars to Gunatitanand Swami Swami smiled and replied, "I was reluctant to give it to him. But he overpowered me by his selfless, sincere service, love and devotion. In fact, I could not help giving it to him." "Then withdraw it," said the Darbars. Swami retorted sternly, "It is not possible to withdraw it because its foundation run deep down."

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Swami, what will happen to us when you will be no more! Who will help us attain ekantik dharma? Who will be our support?"

Devotees of Upleta to Gunatitanand Swami. After the festival was over, Swami set out on a tour of Sorath. He arrived at Upleta. Here the devotees asked him... To which Gunatitanand Swami responded " "Once a gardener presented some bitter gourds filled with sweet pomegranate seeds. Everyone laughed at the gardener. The king ordered his servants to break the gourds. On breaking them they saw the sweet pomegranate seeds. Everyone was pleased to eat sweet pomegranate seeds. Everyone was wonder struck to find sweet pomegranate seeds in the gourds. In the same manner, I, too, have prepared a man who will hold the reins of ekantik dharma. He, too, is as sweet as the pomegranate seeds. But only those people who are humble at heart and who have earned merits over many birth will be able to recognise my divine heir." Thus Swami explained the greatness of Pragji Bhakta.?

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Go to Junagadh. All my promises to you shall be fulfilled there."

Gopalanand Swami to Pragji Bhakta Overwhelmed by his love, once, Gopalanand Swami told Pragji Bhakta,

Who is speaking to whom? When? "The Jogi of Junagadh is himself the manifestation of Akshardham, the dwelling place of Shriji Maharaj. He is not even an atom's width away from Shriji Maharaj."

Gopalanand Swami to Pragji Bhakta Pragji Bhakta requested Swami to explain the significance of his reply. (Above) So saying Gopalanand Swami passed away to Akshardham on the fourth day of the dark half of Vaishakh.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "One who accepts Shriji Maharaj as the incarnation of all incarnations and becomes attached to Gunatitanand Swami, remains constantly in communion with Shriji Maharaj and me -whether such a devotee is a renunciant or a householder."

Gopalanand Swami to Pragji Bhakta Pragji Bhakta's love and devotion towards Gopalanand Swami became deeper and more intense. He longed for more and more satsang. He desired to stay in the service of Swami all the time.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "He is very great and will inspire thousands of people to worship God."

Gopalanand Swami to the congregation. After watching Pragji do pujan of Acharya Maharaj and sadhus, then performing arti and prostrating before them.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "This child is a born devotee."

Gopalanand Swami to the congregation. After watching Pragji to pujan of Acharya Maharaj and sadhus, then performing arti and prostrating before them.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Now my attention is towards Maharaj in Akshardham or towards the Jogi of Junagadh."

Gopalanand Swami to the devotees of Varodra. In V.S. 1908 (1852 CE) Gopalanand Swami was taken ill at Vartal. The devotees of Vadodara wanted him to spend his last days with them. But Swami promptly replied...

What was Pragji Bhakta's father's name?


Gunatitanand Swami left Junagadh and came to Gondal.

Gunatitanand Swami left for Vanthali. From there he went to Upleta, Panchala and Gondal. The Maharaja of Gondal had sent a special invitation to him. He was accorded a royal welcome to the palace. He blessed young Bhagwatsinhji and offered him vartman. He visited the homes of Ganod Darbar and Madhavji Karbhari at eleven o'clock at night. Then on Aso sud 12 V.S. 1923 (21 October 1867) at 12.45 a.m. he, of his own free will, independently left his mortal body and returned to Akshardham - the divine abode - to serve Shriji Maharaj. The pangs of separation from his divine master was unbearable for Pragji Bhakta. The entire Satsang mourned the death of Gunatitanand Swami and experienced a great spiritual loss.

In Vartal Gunatitanand Swami spoke for how long? About what? In what year?

Gunatitanand Swami spoke for 7 months. About swarupnishtha and ekantik dharma. The year was V.S. 1911.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Darbar, you must have seen bananas growing on a banana tree, but here we find bananas growing on a cactus.

Gunatitanand Swami to Abhesinh Bapa of Ganod When Pragji was grinding the mortar. Gunatitanand Swami said, "That boy, who is pounding mortar, is the son of an ordinary tailor but he has attained the yoga which even the yogis find difficult to attain. He remains engrossed in devotion exercising complete control over his mind and senses in all the three states."

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Amaidas, do not worry. The keys of the mandir are here with me, but I have handed over the key to Akshardham to Pragji."

Gunatitanand Swami to Amaidas Kothari Amaidas was shocked to hear this. He suspected that perhaps Swami had handed over the mandir keys to Pragji. Gunatitanand Swami instantly read his mind and

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Kothari, I have retired and handed over all the keys to Pragji Bhakta."

Gunatitanand Swami to Amidas Kothari Once, Amaidas Kothari, Bechar Bhagat Kothari and some five to seven parshads came there from Vartal to listen to Swami's discourses and to visit some pilgrim places. Swami spent a great deal of time talking to them and said...

Who is speaking to whom? When? "He will become a sadhu and spread the glory of Shriji Maharaj's supreme form. And through spiritual discourses he will promote and expand the Sampraday."

Gunatitanand Swami to Dhoribhai While returning to Junagadh, Swami arrived at

Who is speaking to whom? When? "If you attain jnan from the sadhus, then even while leading the life of a householder you will not be able to forget God and His holy Sadhu."

Gunatitanand Swami to Pragji Bhakta As he had great attachment for Gopalanand Swami, Pragji Bhakta often became sad when, in the course of his work, he forgot him. Seeing this, Gunatitanand Swami used to tell him...

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Pragji, I am overflowing with jnan but I have yet to find a worthy person to receive it."

Gunatitanand Swami to Pragji Bhakta At Narayankund, on the outskirts of Sarangpur, Swami got down from his cart to answer a call of nature and perform ablutions. Pragji Bhakta was pouring water to help Swami wash his hands when Swami told him his inner thought,

Who is speaking to whom? When? "You will earn lots of money, so associate with the sadhus while leading the life of a householder."

Gunatitanand Swami to Pragji Bhakta In preperation Fuldol festival at Junagadh. Swami asked Pragji Bhakta to prepare an artistic canopy to cover the huge assembly area. Once, Swami came to observe the work in progress. He was so happy to see Pragji Bhakta singing devotional hymns while working.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Pragji, where can one find all the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage?"

Gunatitanand Swami to Pragji Bhakta Once, after the annakut festival, Pragji was washing the vessels. There was a pit in which dirty water was collected. Swami came there and put his foot on the edge of the pit. The dirty water touched his toes. Instantly Swami asked,

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Where does this forest deer come from?"

Gunatitanand Swami to Pragji Bhakta Upon arriving in Junagadh with Siddhanand Swami...

Who is speaking to whom? When? "It can only be given to a valiant soul who has total control over all his senses and body and is prepared to surrender himself completely to me."

Gunatitanand Swami to Pragji Bhakta At Narayankund, on the outskirts of Sarangpur, Swami got down from his cart to answer a call of nature and perform ablutions. Pragji Bhakta was pouring water to help Swami wash his hands when Swami told him his inner thought, "Pragji, I am overflowing with jnan but I have yet to find a worthy person to receive it." Pragji said, ""Swami, will you give that jnan to me?"

Who is speaking to whom? When? "This time Pragji will face trouble, but I have made his armour so carefully that nothing will harm him."

Gunatitanand Swami to devotees Before leaving for Vartal to participate in the Chaitra Punam festival of V.S. 1922 (1866 CE), Swami remarked...

Who is speaking to whom? When? "For what crime has he been excommunicated. Those who excommunicated him are themselves excommunicated."

Gunatitanand Swami to the assembly Thousands of devotees had thronged to the Junagadh mandir on the occasion of the Bhim Ekadashi festival. As soon as Swami saw the assembly hall canopy, he remembered Pragji Bhakta. He could not control his tears and said,

What has Gunatitanand Swami's response to Pragji's question, "I know all the worldly crafts but please teach me the path to saintliness."

Gunatitanand Swami's response... The craft of saintliness is very tough. To look upon insults and honours with equanimity, to bear no ill-will towards anyone, to overcome the pleasures of the five senses, to realize the atma and remain constantly in communion with the murti of Shriji Maharaj is the craft of sainthood. One who has attained this is never separated from God. Such a devotee becomes capable of helping countless people to overcome their shortcomings and leading them to God."

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Pragji speaks very highly of Swami's greatness, so he must be excommunicated."

Hariswarupdas to Gunatitanand Swami On his way back from the mandir, a gardener garlanded Swami with a garland of roses. With that garland Swami honoured Sadhu Hariswarupdasji who was the attendant of Shukmuni and had insulted Swami in the assembly. With a smile Swami said, Haldi jardi nav taje, khatras taje na ãm, Gunijan gunku nav taje, avgun na taje gulãm. (Even turmeric does not leave its colour, nor mango its flavour, nor a base man his demerits, how can a great man leave his goodness!) Hariswarupdas was completely disarmed by the tolerance and saintliness of Swami. All those, including senior sadgurus, regretted what they had done and offered an apology. But, at the same time they decided...

Bhagatji Maharaj, who was covered with chandan embraced all the sadhus

He blessed them and sent them all to Bhadrod. There they stayed at the mandir of Bhadreshwar Mahadev. Then the sadhus desired to apply chandan on Bhagatji's body. They prepared a lot of chandan paste and applied it on Bhagatji's body. They had a rare darshan of Bhagatji with sandalwood paste all over his body. Then, as desired by Yagnapurushdasji and the other sadhus, he embraced them all, besmearing them with chandan.

Who did Bhagatiji Maharaj accompany on vichran?

He started accompanying the senior sadhus, Pavitranand Swami, Bhumanand Swami and Shuk Swami on their vicharan.

With whom did Pragji travel on his way to Vartal to see Gopalanand Swami?

He was always accompanied by the elderly Jinabhai Rathod of Mahuva, whom he served during their journey.

What did Motibhai of Pij do when he saw Shriji Maharaj in his dream?

He wrote letters to each and every town about this revelation. Thus, the glory of Bhagatji spread. Certain jealous sadhus could not tolerate this. They managed to get Bhagatji's disciple-sadhus excommunicated from the Satsang.

Bhagatji Maharaj, who was covered with chandan embraced all the sadhus.

In Bhadrod They prepared a lot of chandan paste and applied it on Bhagatji's body. They had a rare darshan of Bhagatji with sandalwood paste all over his body. Then, as desired by Yagnapurushdasji and the other sadhus, he embraced them all, besmearing them with chandan.

Where did Pragji do pujan of Acharya Maharaj?

In Pithvadi near Mahuva, when the Rathods of Pithvadi invited Pragji to do so.

Gunatitanand Swami gave discourses at Vartal.

In V.S. 1911 (1855 CE) Swami gave discourses on swarupnishtha and ekantik dharma for seven months at Vartal. All the words of Swamiji were recorded in Pragji Bhakta's mind and he would daily repeat them before the learned sadhus and devotees. Besides this he would reveal to them that Gunatitanand Swami was himself the manifestation of Akshar, the heavenly abode of Maharaj.

In what year was the murti of Harikrishna Maharaj installed in Gadhpur and Junagadh?

In V.S. 1916

Who is speaking to whom? What?

Maharaj to Girdahbhai Kothari Girdharbhai, a nephew of Kothari Gordhanbhai of Vartal was a genuine aspirant for salvation. With a view to attaining the brahmic state in this life, he searched within Satsang for the Satpurush described in the Vachanamrut. He lived in the company of renowned sadhus but none could quench his spiritual thirst. Finally, he returned to Vartal and stood on one leg before the murti of Shri Harikrishna Maharaj and started praying for divine enlightenment. After one month, Maharaj was pleased, gave him darshan and said,

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Ask forgiveness from Pragji Bhakta."

Maharaj to Kama Sheth of Una because he had lost his temper and slapped Pragji Bhakta because he was explaining the greatness of Swami. Kama Sheth apologized after Maharaj came in his dreams and then bowed and offer Pragji Bhakta a dhoti.

Where and when was Pragji Bhakta born?

Mahuva; full moon day of the bright half of Fagan in V.S. 1885 (1829 CE)

Who is speaking to whom? When? "This poor Pragji has left everything to learn meditation from you. But instead, you make him lift big stones. You are extracting work beyond his capacity."

Mana Bhagat to Gunatitanand Swami Mana Bhagat failed to see the divine flame that burnt in Pragji Bhakta's heart. Swami replied, "I will make him lift stones and realize God."

"Satsang with the Diwan of Vansda."

Memorize page 48

'Recipient worthy of Akshar Jnan'

Memorize page 7

When and where to Gunatitanand Swami revert back to Akshardham?

On Aso sud 12 V.S. 1923 (21 October 1867) at 12.45 a.m in Gondal.

Whom did Gunatitanand Swami honour with the garland of roses?

On his way back from the mandir, a gardener garlanded Swami with a garland of roses. With that garland Swami honoured Sadhu Hariswarupdasji who was the attendant of Shukmuni and had insulted Swami in the assembly. With a smile Swami said, Haldi jardi nav taje, khatras taje na ãm, Gunijan gunku nav taje, avgun na taje gulãm. (Even turmeric does not leave its colour, nor mango its flavour, nor a base man his demerits, how can a great man leave his goodness!)

When was Pragji Bhakta born? (Samvat, Year and Tithi)

On the full moon day of the bright half of Fagan in V.S. 1885 (1829 CE).

Amaidas Kothari was shocked.

Once, Amaidas Kothari, Bechar Bhagat Kothari and some five to seven parshads came there from Vartal to listen to Swami's discourses and to visit some pilgrim places. Swami spent a great deal of time talking to them and said, "Kothari, I have retired and handed over all the keys to Pragji Bhakta." Amaidas was shocked to hear this. He suspected that perhaps Swami had handed over the mandir keys to Pragji. Gunatitanand Swami instantly read his mind and said, "Amaidas, do not worry. The keys of the mandir are here with me, but I have handed over the key to Akshardham to Pragji."

God and sadhus do not look at one's caste, creed or ashram in society.

Once, some Darbars asked Swami, "Swami, instead of giving all your spiritual powers to some Brahmin, sadhu or scholar, why have you given it to this tailor?" Swami smiled and replied, "I was reluctant to give it to him. But he overpowered me by his selfless, sincere service, love and devotion. In fact, I could not help giving it to him." "Then withdraw it," said the Darbars. Swami retorted sternly, "It is not possible to withdraw it because its foundation run deep down."

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Who are you to teach me? You are unduly overestimating yourself. I will see to it that you are excommunicated from the Satsang,"

Pavitranand Swami to Pragji Bhakta After Pragji said "There is no alternative except to understand Gunatitanand Swami as the manifestation of Akshar." to him in Junagadh then Pragji said, "Swami, now even if Shriji Maharaj wishes He cannot excommunicate me. Iron transformed by a paras into gold cannot be converted back into iron even by a paras."

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Pragji has been excommunicated but not his rice and pulses. Accept his foodstuff."

Pavitranand Swami to devotees The devotees of Mahuva had arranged a grand reception for them. Pragji Bhakta had reserved special foodstuff for the guests. The foodstuff which was offered by others was not fit for the sadhus. It was getting late.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "There is no alternative except to understand Gunatitanand Swami as the manifestation of Akshar."

Pragji Bhakata to Pravitranand Swami Pragji Bhakta discoursed to thousands of devotees during this festival and satisfied them. The talks and discourses continued till late at night, near where Pavitranand Swami had kept his seat. Pavitranand Swami lost his temper when he heard Pragji Bhakta talking about the glory of Akshar. Pragji Bhakta went to him and whispered,

How did Pragji Bhakta please Acharya Raghuvirji Maharaj when Harikrishna Maharaj's murti was installed in Gadhpur?

Pragji Bhakta pleased Acharya Raghuvirji Maharaj by preparing beautiful garments for the murtis of Gopinathji Maharaj and Harikrishna Maharaj.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Yes, I am pleased with you,"

Pragji Bhakta to Gunatitanand Swami During the Hutashani (Holi) festival assembly Swami talked to the thousands of sadhus and devotees about the divine teachings of Shriji Maharaj and the need for associating with the holy Sadhu. Then he gave the fagva prasad of grams, popcorn and dates to everyone. Swami did not see Pragji Bhakta there, so he sent for him. When Pragji came, Swami offered him what was left - the un-popped popcorn kernels. Pragji Bhakta became very very happy to receive the prasad. Manji Thakkar, who was present at that time, thought to himself that Swami is ready to bestow everything upon him, but instead of asking for sanctified hair, nails and other items of value, he is pleased with the leftover prasad. In order to make other people realize how precious the prasad received from Gunatitanand Swami's own hands was, Pragji Bhakta approached Swami and said, "Swami, is this prasad a token of your divine favour?" While putting one kernel in his mouth Pragji Bhakta asked, "Swami, have I overcome lust?" Swami said, "Yes, indeed." Then, one after another, he put the unpopped kernels in his mouth and asked "Swami, am I purged of all flaws?" Swami smiled and said, "Yes, they have been reduced to ashes." Then Swami continued, "From half a sesame seed sanctified by Vitthalnathaji, eighty-four Vaishnavs arose, but this is mahaprasad. Pragji is pure at heart and has full knowledge of the glory of those who associate with the great Sadhu."

Who is speaking to whom? When? "I have learnt by associating with you and Gopalanand Swami that there is no happiness in wealth and women. Please bless me with your knowledge, show me your dwelling place and make me a true satsangi."

Pragji Bhakta to Gunatitanand Swami In response to Gunatitanand Swami saying, "You will earn lots of money, so associate with the sadhus while leading the life of a householder."

Who is speaking to whom? When? "I know all the worldly crafts but please teach me the path to saintliness."

Pragji Bhakta to Gunatitanand Swami Swami was nearing the end of his discourse. He wanted to make everybody understand that he could be pleased by devout service. Pleased with Pragji's devout service Swami said, "Pragji! Ask a question." After this question answer period Pragji remained engrossed in devotion in all three states.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "The sadhus from Vartal have resolved to reprimand me. And as you are spreading my glory, they have decided to excommunicate you from the Satsang. But they will not succeed at all in this region. Moreover, I can't tolerate you being insulted in my presence." Pragji Bhakta requested Swami, "Let any trouble come to me. But you should not feel despondent with this world."

Pragji Bhakta to Gunatitanand Swami The popularity and importance of Gunatitanand Swami in the Satsang was increasing. Certain sadhus and Acharya Bhagwatprasad Maharaj decided to reprimand Swami and so asked him to see them at Una. When Swami received the message from Acharya Maharaj, he said, Bhu ko bhãr haru santan hit, karu chhãyã kar doi, Jo mere Santko rati ek duve, tehi jad dãru me khoi, Nãrad mere Sant se adhik na koi... (I bear the burden of the earth for the benefit of the Sadhu. I protect him. If somebody harms my Sadhu even a bit, I shall uproot him. Oh Narad, there is none greater than my Sadhu...)

Who is speaking to whom? When? "I will do your manual work in the mandir. You sit in the assembly and deliver spiritual discourses."

Pragji Bhakta to Gunatitanand Swami Though he was a mahant of the mandir, Gunatitanand Swami did not spare himself from certain manual work in the mandir. This did not allow him to devote much time to delivering discourses. He felt sorry that he could not concentrate much on preaching. Pragji Bhakta realized Swami's difficulty and said humbly...

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Swami, will you give that jnan to me?"

Pragji Bhakta to Gunatitanand Swami At Narayankund, on the outskirts of Sarangpur, Swami got down from his cart to answer a call of nature and perform ablutions. Pragji Bhakta was pouring water to help Swami wash his hands when Swami told him his inner thought, "Pragji, I am overflowing with jnan but I have yet to find a worthy person to receive it."

Who is speaking to whom? When? "You have made me fulfilled."

Pragji Bhakta to Shriji Maharaj On the tenth evening of his meditation, he saw an intense light in which he had the darshan of the graceful divine murti of Shriji Maharaj. He was dressed in saffron robes. Pragji Bhakta's joy at the sight of the divine figure of Shriji Maharaj was boundless. Tears overflowed from his eyes. He enjoyed this darshan. Pragji Bhakta was completely overwhelmed by this divine experience. He offered his prayers and said to Maharaj, "O Master! O Maharaj!

Who is speaking to whom? When? "I have studied everything. I have come to worship God and make others worship God."

Pragji Bhakta to his childhood friends. While sitting on the banks of the Malan river on the edge of Mahuva after running from school.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Mother, I am terribly hungry. Please give me something to eat."

Pragji Bhakta to his mother After saying this to his mother he ate 3.5 kg of sweets that his mother prepared and went out to do some work. His mother was dumbfounded when the sweets were all gone, thinking a dog ate it all, Pragji exclaimed I ate them all. When is elder brother tried to catch him he jumped onto the veranda and escaped.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Look, there goes Akshar."

Pragji Bhakta to the devotees At the insistence of Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj, Swami celebrated the Ram Navmi festival at Ahmedabad and talked to the devotees and sadhus about the supremacy of Shriji Maharaj. Acharya Maharaj and other sadgurus had also arrived from Vartal. Pragji Bhakta had also come there with a desire for the darshan of Swami and had put up outside the mandir. Occasionally, when Swami went out, Pragji would have his darshan and would tell all,

Who is speaking to whom? When? "I want to please Swami. I have dedicated my life in the service of Swami."

Pragji Bhakta to the devotees doing seva with him When Pragji began to mix the lime for the foundation of the Haveli being build in Junagadh.

Which three boons did Pragji Bhakta request from Swami?

Pragji asked Please bless me with your knowledge, show me your dwelling place and make me a true satsangi."

Who is speaking to whom? When? "You are all fakirs of Khuda and here is Khuda himself. Therefore even if he beats you with a stick or with shoes, you should follow him wherever he leads you."

Rao Saheb's bodyguard to the sadhu's When Bhagatji Maharaj told the bodyguard to scold these sadhu's as they are always pestering me.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "He has become God and is being worshiped."

Sadhu's and devotee's towards Gunatitanand Swami On the auspicious day of the Ram Navmi festival in Vartal Then Swami said, "Shriji Maharaj is the only God," and talked about the supremacy of Maharaj as Purushottam

Who is speaking to whom? When? "We can understand your excommunicating a person who is unrighteous, but we fail to understand why you should excommunicate such a great devotee like Pragji Bhakta."

Senior Devotees to Acharya Maharaj In the assembly after PRagji gave his reserved food for the guests.

Ganpatbhai of Bharuch wished to return by rail from Mahuva.

Shri Ganpatbhai, a wealthy resident of Bharuch was an authority on the Vachanamrut. He realized the greatness of Bhagatji. Accompanied by Shri Jethabhai of Pij he left Valsad for Mahuva by boat. Their boat was caught in a storm but Bhagatji protected them all. They reached Mahuva safely. Ganpatbhai was immensely satisfied by Bhagatji's darshan. He understood that the Satpurush was the gateway to moksha. Bhagatji also explained to him the deeper meanings of the Vachanamrut. He revealed his own experiences which convinced Ganpatbhai further. Bhagatji saw in him a sincere seeker. So he blessed him and asked him to maintain satsang. Ganpatbhai wished to return by rail, but by the wish of Bhagatji he went by boat. There was no trouble during their voyage and they reached home in one day.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "I manifest in Satsang through Pragji Bhakta."

Shriji Maharaj to Motilal of Pij Bhagatji's spiritual tours comforted innumerable devotees in Gujarat. Motilalbhai of Pij used to chant bhajans incessantly. Once Maharaj appeared in his dream...

Who is speaking to whom? "Swami has earned you this merit"

Shriji Maharaj to Pragji Bhakta When Pragji had the darshan of Shriji Maharaj in saffron robes his tears of joy knew know bounds

Who took Pragji Bhakta to Junagadh to meet Gunatitanand Swami?

Siddhanand Swami as Pragji Bhakta adored Gopalanand Swami very much, he found the pangs of separation unbearable. He felt sad and unhappy and left Vartal and reached Gadhada.

What was Kothari Becher Bhagat's sadhu name?

Swami Mahapurushdas

Who is speaking to whom? When? "You swallowed all the nectar offered by Swami."

The beloved Nagar devotees of Gunatitanand Swami - Chakubhai, Sadashankarbhai to Bhagatji Maharaj In V.S. 1953 (1897 CE) on the occasion of the Janmashtami festival at Junagadh the beloved Nagar devotees of Gunatitanand Swami - Chakubhai, Sadashankarbhai and others were overwhelmed with joy at the sight of Bhagatji. They recalled the old memories of their days together...

What did the bhandari give to Pragji Bhakta?

The bhandari had given him some ladus for his journey. After travelling for some time he broke his journey to eat a little. As soon as he put a piece of ladu in his mouth, he felt a terrible burning sensation in his body. He realized that the sweets contained poison, so he buried them deep in the ground and, with great difficulty reached Mahuva.

What did Maharaj tell Pragji to eat to cure him of the poison?

Then Maharaj gave him darshan, touched his whole body with His hand and advised him to take some soup of black beans. With this remedy he was completely cured within a short time.

To please Swami, Pragji Bhakta served:

To please Swami, Pragji Bhakta served as barber, tailor, stone-mason, carpenter, blacksmith and a woodcutter. There used to be continuous reading of the scriptures in the presence of Swami. Pragji Bhakta was responsible for reading the last recitation at night. He served Swami till late in the night. He helped him to sleep by massaging his legs. Even in the middle of the night if Swami got up to answer a call of nature, Pragji would hold the lamp to help Swami wash his hands and escort him back to his bed. Although he remembered his guru in his heart incessantly, he always longed to serve him in person.

What seva's did Pragji Bhakta do?

To please Swami, Pragji Bhakta served as barber, tailor, stone-mason, carpenter, blacksmith and a woodcutter. There used to be continuous reading of the scriptures in the presence of Swami. Pragji Bhakta was responsible for reading the last recitation at night. He served Swami till late in the night. He helped him to sleep by massaging his legs. Even in the middle of the night if Swami got up to answer a call of nature, Pragji would hold the lamp to help Swami wash his hands and escort him back to his bed.

Who is speaking to whom? When? "Keep faith in Pragji Bhakta and accept Swami as Mul Akshar."

Vaga Khachar Dama Sheth Vagha Khachar saw that all the devotees of Swami at Junagadh were cheerful and happy. But he was wondering why he did not experience that joy. Once, he talked to Dama Sheth of Mahuva about it...

What was Girdarbhai Kothari's Sadhu name?


Who is speaking to whom? When? "How did you come to know about these divine qualities of Bhagatji?"

Vittalbhai to Yagnapurushdasji Many devotees came to the mandir to listen to the religious discourses. Once, in the mandir at Mahuva, Yagnapurushdasji told the assembly of devotees and sadhus from Gadhada, citing the Vachanamrut, that Bhagatji was the Param Ekantik Sadhu and described his glory.

Who gave Pragji Bhakta vartman?

Yoganand Swami

Who is speaking to whom? When? "He will be a great devotee."

Yoganand Swami to himself. After Pragji sold his mothers precious lace from her sari to feed the sadhus

Kalyan lies in these three things

atmabuddhi, anuvrutti, and seva towards the great Sadhu.

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