Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes

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Prefix: com, con, co, col

Meaning: with, together Examples: Combine- to bring together. Contact- to touch together. Collect-to bring together. Co-worker; Collaborate- to work together; Co-sign- means two people sign; con-flounce- the merging of two lakes; commerce-to trade with others.

Prefix: mis

Meaning: wrong, badly Examples: Mistreat- to treat badly; mistake- to get wrong; misplace-to put in wrong place; misinterpret-to not understand

Prefix: un,uni

Meaning: one Examples: unidirectional- having one direction; unanimous- sharing one view; unilateral- having one side; unicycle- a cycle with one wheel

Prefix: Mono

Meaning: one, alone, single Examples: Monopoly- one ownership; monotone- one note; monologue- speech by one person; monosyllable- one syllable; monotheism-belief in one god

Prefix: ex, e, and ef

Meaning: out, from Examples: Exit- to go out; eject- to throw out; exhale-to breathe out; effect-the outcome; excerpt- a piece of song taken out of a song; effort- to attempt

Prefix: Super

Meaning: over, above, greater Examples: superstar- a start greater than other stars; superimpose- to put over something else; superman- great than all human beings

Prefix: per

Meaning: through Examples: pervade- to pass through, to spread through; perceive- to become aware through sight; perspective- to think through

Prefix: ad, a, ac, af, ag, an, ar, at, as

Meaning: to, toward Examples: Adapt-to fit into; Adhere- to stick to; Annex-to add or join. Attract-to draw near.;accuracy- to aim towards a position; affect ;accelerate- to increase speed; ascend-to rise to the top.

Prefix: bi, bis

Meaning: two Examples: Bicycle-two wheeled cycle;Biannual-twice each year. Biennial-every two years; Bisect- to split into two; Bicultural- a person who form part of two cultures.

Prefix: sub

Meaning: under, less than Examples: submarine- under water; subway- a path or way to move under ground; subliminal- below the level of consciousness; subside- to go under

Prefix: Inter

Meaning :between, among Examples: international-among nations; interpose-to put between; intertwine-to blend between two things.

Prefix: poly

Meaning many Examples: polysyllable- many syllables; polygon- figure with many sides; polytheism-belief of many gods

Prefix: anti

Meaning: Against Examples: Antifreeze-a substance to prevent freezing; Antisocial-refers to someone who's not social; Anti-American- against America.

Prefix: dis, dif, di

Meaning: Apart Examples: Dislike- not to like; dishonest-not honest; distant-means away; differentiate- to tell the difference between two or more things; diffuse- to spread apart.

Prefix: de

Meaning: Away from, down, the opposite Examples: Depart- to go away from; decline-to turn down; descend- to go down; decelerate- is the opposite of accelerate.

Prefix: in,il,ig,im,ir

Meaning: Not Examples: Inactive-not active; ignoble-not noble; irreversible-not reversible; irritate- to put into discomfort;

Prefix: epi

Meaning: Upon, on top of Examples: Epitaph-writing upon a tombstone; epilogue- speech at the end , on top of the rest; Episode- a series of stories that build up on each other.

Prefix: trans

Meaning: across Examples: transcontinental- across the continent ; transverse- to lie or go across; translocate- to locate something across something

Prefix: post

Meaning: after Examples: postpone- to do after; postmortem- after death; post-classical- after the classical era

Prefix: re

Meaning: again, back Examples: retell- to tell again; recall- to call back; recede- to go back; reaccept- to accept again

Prefix: se

Meaning: apart Examples: secede- to withdraw, become apart; seclude- to stay apart from others; secret- somebody's thought that is apart from everybody else

Prefix: circum, cir

Meaning: around Examples: Circumscribe-to draw around; Circle-a figure that goes all around; Circumvent- to go around something or someone; Circulate- to pass around.

Prefix: a, ab, abs

Meaning: away from Examples: absent-not to be present; away abscond-abscond - to run away; abdicate- The king or queen gives up their throne; abduct-to take away or kidnap.

Prefix: mal, male

Meaning: bad, ill, wrong Examples: malpractice- bad practice; malfunction- fail to function, bad function; malabsorption-Imperfect absorption; malevolent-evil

Prefix: pre

Meaning: before, earlier than Examples: preview- a viewing earlier than another; prehistoric- before written history; preface- a statement before an article or book; prepare- to get ready for something

Prefix: equ, equi

Meaning: equal Example: Equalize- to make equal; equitable- fair abd equal; equivalent-equal; equality-equal rights


Meaning: everywhere, all Examples: omnipresent- always present, everywhere; omnipotent- all powerful; Omniana-bits of information everywhere

Prefix: pro

Meaning: forward, going ahead of, supporting Examples: proceed- to go forward; prowar- supporting the war; promote- to raise or move forward; pro-slavery- people who are for slavery

Prefix: ob

Meaning: in front, against, in front of , in the way of Examples: obstacle-something that stands in the way of, obvious- right in front of, apparent; obviate- to do away with, make unnecessary; obstruct- a passage in front of something else

Prefix: in,il, im, en

Meaning: in, into Examples: inject- to put into; impose-to force into; intrusion-a person invades; ill-somebody is sick; imagine- think into; enjoy- to be happy internally.


Meaning: not Examples: uninterested- having one direction; unanimous- sharing one view; unilateral- having one side;unforeseen- not seeing one vision

Prefix: Non

Meaning: not, the reverse of Examples: nonsense-not making sense; nonprofit- not making a profit; non-efficient- not working correct

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