prelude 5 quiz

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Which did NOT occur as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

Instruments became too expensive for middle class musicians to purchase.

Which of the following are Romantic-era composers?

Clara Wieck Schumann; Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel

Characteristics of nineteenth-century Romanticism reveal a self-conscious break from the past.


Musicians and composers achieved a higher social status during the Romantic era than they had in the Classical era.


The French Revolution fostered the rise of a middle-class society.


Which of these authors wrote during the Romantic era?

Walter Scott; Victor Hugo

Romantic composers rarely used dynamic markings and other expressive comments in their scores to communicate their intentions to musicians.


The Bohemian artist adhered to the social norms of the establishment.


Romantic artists emphasized

intense emotional expression.

Romantic-era melodies are best described as ____.

lyrical and singable

Which describes Romantic melodies?

marked lyricism, immediate appeal

The French Revolution signaled the transfer of power from the hereditary landholding aristocracy to the

middle class.

Which is true of nineteenth-century concert venues?

moved from palace and church to concert halls

Which of the following was NOT a new instrument added to the Romantic orchestra?


Which does NOT apply to Romantic-era orchestral works?

predictability of musical form and procedure

Which describes the Bohemian artist?

rejected dreamer

Which of the following are tenets of Romanticism?

self-conscious break from the ideals of the Enlightenment. artworks display creator's originality and self-expression artist struggling against

Composers of the Romantic era were interested in all of the following EXCEPT

smaller orchestras.

In the nineteenth century, new orchestral forms were developed including the one-movement -and the choral-----

symphonic poem symphony

Romantic poets and artists were drawn to

the fanciful, picturesque, and the passionate.

Which famous slogan is attributed to Jean-Jacques Rousseau?

"If I am not better, at least I am different."

Which of these Romantic-era works is considered to have an "exotic" narrative?

Aida; Madame Butterfly

An increasingly democratic character was reflected in

All possible answers.

Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel

All possible answers.

The addition of instruments to the Romantic orchestra meant new drama in music through

All possible answers.

The rising tide of nationalism in the Romantic era was expressed through

All possible answers.

During the Romantic era, the following women were significant as patrons and friends to composers except

Barbara Strozzi

Who of the following women was a successful composer?

Clara Wieck Schumann

Which of the following were new instruments added to the Romantic orchestra and which were already present in the Classical orchestra?

English horn; contrabassoon; piccolo

Novelist George Sand (pseudonym of Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin) played a key role in which composer's career?

Frederic Chopin

Romantic themes include all of these EXCEPT

Greek mythology.

German lyric poetry culminated in the art of _______, who was a favorite poet of Romantic composers.

Heinrich Heine

The ____ Revolution brought with it the means to create more ____ and responsive musical instruments as well as technical ____ that influenced the sound of Romantic music

Industrial; affordable; improvements

Which is NOT true of performers of the Romantic era?

Most performance opportunities took place in the palace or aristocratic salon.

What technique of setting music for instruments in various combinations developed in Romantic music?


Who of the following played a key role in Franz Liszt's career?

Princess Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein

How did women exert influence on the creation of music in the nineteenth century?

by supporting composers as patrons of the arts by hosting salon concerts by composing music

The larger size of the Romantic orchestra resulted in the need for a


In the later 1800s, the gap between "light music" for entertainment and "art music" for serious listening resulted in the categories of "popular" and "classical" music in the century to come.


Nationalistic feelings inspired composers to incorporate folk songs and dances from their native lands into their works.


Which of the following characterize Romanticism in music and which do not?

use of folk songs chromatic harmony expanded instrumental form

Romantic composers

used expressive terms like dolce, cantabile, and dolente.

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