prep U: ch 2

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A nurse is collecting data on a client's chief complaint, which is a spell of numbness and tingling on her left side. Which of the following questions would be best for eliciting information related to associated factors?

"what other symptoms occurred during the spell?"

Which observation would cause the nurse to suspect an abusive situation?

A child is persistent in trying to please a parent. A caregiver of a cognitively intact older adult dominates the interview. A pre-schooler rubs her perineum and complains of it hurting.

A nurse is interviewing an adult client who had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago. The woman is crying and is having difficulty talking. The nurse moves closer and places a hand on the woman's hand. What type of communication is this?

Active listening

The nurse is preparing to conduct an interview with a hospitalized patient. What nursing intervention can best ensure a confidential and comfortable environment for the patient?

Asking permission to draw the client's privacy curtain.

The nurse uses the mnemonic OLD CART when assessing a client's symptoms. Which letter represents the area of the symptom and if it radiates?


During an interview, the patient begins to talk about the frequency of being abused by a spouse. What can the nurse do at this time to acknowledge the sensitivity of the information the patient is providing?

Stop documenting in order to maintain eye contact with the patient.

open-ended questions to encourage the client to tell his or her story

Stop documenting in order to maintain eye contact with the patient.

Which of the following describes how the health history interview differs from a social conversation?

The interview allows more time for the client to demonstrate self-awareness.

An elderly client with Parkinson's disease and his wife, who appears to be much younger than he, are being interviewed by the nurse to update the client's health history. The nurse also has the client's electronic health record on her tablet computer. Earlier in the day, the nurse had spoken with the client's primary care physician, who had relayed some concerns to the nurse regarding the progression of the client's disease. Which source of biographic information should the nurse view as primary?


The nurse is focusing an interview on a patient's respiratory status. Which question should the nurse ask first to begin this interview?

describe how you breathe for me

A client reports a weight loss and fatigue during the review of systems. In which area should the nurse document this information?


The nurse is assessing the seven attributes of a client's symptom using the mnemonic OLD CART. In which section of the comprehensive health history will the nurse document this information?

history of present illness

Which action should a nurse implement when assessing a non-native client to facilitate collection of subjective data?

maintain a professional distance fro client

Ability to perform self-care activities (or activities of daily living; ADLs) is a component of the health history that reveals the patient's quality of life. When assessing ADLs, the nurse asks if the patient can grasp small objects and open jars. This is an example of assessing the patient's:


Which type of question is asked first by the nurse in order to attain a full description of the client's symptoms and to generate and test diagnostic hypotheses?

open-ended questions to encourage the client to tell his or her story

A client admitted to the health care facility for new onset of abdominal pain expresses to the nurse that she was treated for gastroesophageal reflux disease in the past. In which section of the comprehensive health assessment should the nurse document this information?

personal health history The chief complaint is the abdominal pain. Any associated symptoms would be a part of the history of present illness. The information provided by the client about a past illness would be part of the personal health history. Review of systems provides specific questions about past illnesses that might still be impacting the client.

A patient with abdominal pain has just been admitted to the floor. The nurse completes the health history and at that time the patient states, "The pain is sharp; I start to sweat each time I feel it." This is an example of which of the following elements of assessing pain:


When recording the client's chief concerns during the health history, it is recommended that the interviewer do which of the following?

quote the clients words

During the review of systems, a client reports having difficulty with urination and with establishing an erection. Which additional information should the nurse recognize as the highest priority to assess at this time?

sexual history

The nurse is assessing functional health patterns. Which question should be used to determine a client's role-relationships?

whats your job?

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