Pre/Post Test

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Which prediction does not make sense in terms of what the book will be about? SEE PICTURE

This book is about racing cars. b. NASCAR is a popular sport in America. c. The book will tell about the NASCAR races. d. The book will tell about Indy car races.

It's different in here in general, different from the row. You have a little more freedom. That's not always so good. There are legitimately, seriously mentally ill people here. And then there's people pretending to be mentally ill. And then there are just straight bulldog monsters. And then there's people just doing their time till they can go home.

What is the structure of this text? a. compare and contrast b. description c. sequence d. expository

Petty was much more than a talented driver. He walked around the garage with a regal air—usually wearing a cowboy hat with a feather, wraparound glasses, a Western shirt, and blue jeans. But he had a reputation for being approachable and unfailingly friendly.

What text structure is used in this passage? a. description b. sequence c. cause and effect d. compare and contrast


Your Question

The speaker's actions were incongruent with his words.

a. (noun) the part of a sentence that expresses what is said about the subject b. (adjective) completing the meaning of a linking verb c. (verb) affirm or declare d. (verb) establish or base

You must predicate your argument on sound and logical judgment.

a. (noun) the part of a sentence that expresses what is said about the subject b. (adjective) completing the meaning of a linking verb c. (verb) affirm or declare d. (verb) establish or base

Noting, Organizing, and Retrieving Information 1. When taking notes, which of the following is most important to write?

a. All of the important sentences b. Answers to the questions in the margin or the back of the book c. Whatever the teacher tells you to d. Words and phrases you think are important

Which of the following would a good reader most likely do to monitor comprehension?

a. Avoid text that is too difficult. b. Multi-task during reading. c. Visualize scenes and events in the text. d. Take notes from every paragraph of the text.

If you have to determine the meaning of the word precede, and you know that pre- means before, and cede means to go, how are you able to determine the meaning of the word?

a. By using the dictionary b. By using your knowledge of prefixes and roots c. By using the thesaurus d. By using your knowledge of grammar

Read the following book title. Chew On This When previewing this text by reading the title, a reader might ask any of the following questions except

a. Does chew mean eat? b. What's being chewed on or chewed over? c. Is the title figurative or literal? d. What title would I write for this book?

How can asking questions help improve your writing?

a. It can help improve the grammar of your writing. b. It can help you edit your paper. c. It can help you make sure you've included enough details for the reader. d. It can help you predict what grade your teacher will give you for each piece of writing.

How can questioning help you understand what you are reading?

a. It can help you challenge the teacher. b. It can show you what you don't know. c. It can help you focus. d. It can help you create a quiz.

Which of the following is the best way that knowing the text structure can help you as a reader?

a. It can help you draw conclusions from the text. b. It can help you ask questions of the text. c. It can help you make predictions. d. It can help you identify text features.

It is helpful to rephrase titles and subtitles into question form for all of the following reasons except

a. It helps you identify the point of view being used. b. It helps you look for main ideas while you are reading. c. It helps you set a purpose for reading. d. It helps you anticipate content.

How does questioning help you make predictions?

a. It helps you talk to your teacher more. b. It helps you talk to your friends more. c. It helps you think more about the vocabulary in the book. d. It helps you think about what might happen next in the book.

When previewing nonfiction, which of the following would best help you understand the big ideas?

a. Looking at pictures b. Reading headings and subheadings c. Skimming the first paragraph d. Looking at the length of the text

Which of the following is not a strategy you can use to improve reading comprehension?

a. Make questions out of the headings and subheadings. b. Think about something similar that you have heard about or experienced. c. Discuss what you are reading with a peer. d. Take a test on the text.

Which of the following describes the best reviewing or studying habits?

a. Not all students need to review—neither books nor the notes—to learn material. b. Most students benefit from reviewing books or notes. c. If students take good notes, they won't have to review or read the book. d. Reviewing notes once a week is all the brain needs to aid memory.

Which of the following shows the most organized system for keeping notes?

a. Notes are put into folders. b. Notes are organized in folders or binder by class, date, or topic. c. Notes are kept all together. d. Notes are kept in a backpack.

Which of the following is not something you look for when previewing the text?

a. Pictures that will help you understand the text b. Headings and subheadings that will focus your reading c. The type of text structures in place d. The number of pages

You want to research teenage prison sentences for your criminal justice inquiry project. What is the best strategy to use before researching?

a. Predict why teenagers go to prison. b. Ask a teacher what you should do next. c. Develop a list of possible questions that you want answered. d. Complete a survey.

Which of the following is not a task you do before you read?

a. Preview the text. b. Summarize. c. Ask questions. d. Make predictions.

While reading independently, what three types of questions would you ask?

a. Question the text, question the author, question yourself b. Question the teacher, question your peers, question yourself c. Question the dictionary, question the Internet, question the thesaurus d. Avoid any questions because if it's in print, it's the truth.

Which statement best shows the usefulness of notes?

a. Simply taking notes in class helps you learn. b. Writing down notes in an organized fashion makes you remember everything. c. Reviewing your notes after taking them and before tests keeps the material in your mind. d. Kinesthetic learners do not need to take notes to learn information.

Which of the following statements is true about notetaking?

a. The teacher always tells you what to write in your notes. b. It does not matter what you write in your notes. c. You should take notes about important things you want to remember. d. Notetaking is only important for nonfiction books.

Which of the following is not a function of bold words in helping you understand text?

a. They may indicate unimportant information. b. They may point out specialized vocabulary. c. They may emphasize a word or concept. d. They may give a definition.

What is the purpose of a movie poster?

a. To review the performance b. To entertain you with humor c. To make you want to see the movie d. To narrate the entire movie in a blurb

Which statement below best reflects the purpose of cause-and-effect writing?

a. To show how subjects are alike or different b. To describe an event c. To analyze situations d. To explain why something happens or exists

One way to reflect on and express opinions is to think about statements that challenge or confirm our beliefs.

a. True b. False

Looking at a list of vocabulary words before you begin reading can help you determine what you already know about the subject.

a. True b. False

You will always have some background knowledge about everything you read.

a. True b. False

Which of the following would be least helpful once you realize that you do not fully understand what you are reading?

a. Try to write down notes and ideas about the text. b. Keep reading. c. Look up unknown words. d. Ask questions.

Which of the following is a question that would help you synthesize what you are reading?

a. What does that word mean? b. How many pages should I read a day? c. What does the main idea of this book have to do with my life? d. When should I finish reading this book?

Which of the following questions is a way to question the author?

a. What does that word mean? b. When am I supposed to finish reading this book? c. What is the purpose of this book? d. What is the theme of this book?

Which of the following questions would help you make personal connections to what you are reading?

a. What is going to happen next in this book? b. What does this word mean? c. What is the theme of this book? d. Where have I seen or heard something like this before?

Which of the following questions is a way to question the text?

a. Why did the author make the story end that way? b. What does that word mean? c. Where have I read this before? d. Who else has read this book?

Read the following passage. The man is bleeding, and they will admit him in just a moment. He must wait until a doctor can be called, but the doctor will see him immediately, not to worry. He sits down in the waiting room. Each of the following questions would help you make an inference about this passage except

a. Why is the man bleeding? b. Who is the man? c. Why will the doctor see him immediately? d. Where did he sit down?

Which text below is most likely to follow the question/answer text structure?

a. a FAQ file b. a memo c. a computer program manual d. an introduction

Which of the following text features would most help you understand the main topic of a chapter?

a. a parenthetical statement b. words in italics c. a subheading d. the title

The title is an example of

a. a summary. b. a text support. c. personification. d. a metaphor.

SCUBA stands for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. SCUBA is an example of

a. an antonym. b. a synonym. c. a homonym. d. an acronym.

Strategies you can use when you do not understand something you have just read include all of the following except

a. ask questions about the text or the author. b. determine the text structure. c. visualize or draw something from the text. d. read it again.

One strategy a reader can use to get ready to read is

a. asking questions. b. drawing conclusions. c. making presumptions. d. answering questions.

Which of the following lists text features that you can use to quickly find information?

a. author's notes, subtitles, footnotes b. glossary, index, table of contents c. footnotes, illustrations, table of contents d. index, table of contents, beginning chapter

For good readers, monitoring comprehension and using reading strategies are

a. automatic. b. unnatural. c. not something that can be learned. d. difficult.

Each of the following is an effective method for organizing your notes except

a. bulleted lists b. alphabetizing c. headings d. a chart

The following definition best describes which text structure? The writer explains an order of events.

a. compare and contrast b. description c. sequence d. persuasion

The following definition best fits which text structure? The writer explains phenomenon and processes by listing examples and unique characteristics.

a. compare and contrast b. description c. sequence d. persuasion

The cue words initially, not long after, meanwhile, finally signal what type of text structure?

a. compare and contrast b. description c. sequence d. problem and solution

Accordingly, consequently, for this reason, and leads to are cue words for which text structure?

a. description b. sequence c. cause and effect d. compare and contrast

When making predictions, good readers

a. determine what they know, ask questions, and look for clues. b. read the book and ask questions at the end. c. wait for the teacher to ask them questions. d. only ask questions they have to answer for an assignment.

Which of the following resources would best assist in determining the synonyms and antonyms of any word?

a. dictionary b. atlas c. almanac d. thesaurus

Which of the following is not an appropriate use for italics?

a. foreign language words b. titles c. emphasis d. proper nouns

Good readers preview the text in order to

a. get an idea of what the book is about, so they don't have to read it all. b. find out what happens at the end before they read. c. predict and make a plan for reading. d. do what the teacher asks.

Monitoring comprehension means

a. getting at least an 80% on a reading quiz. b. only reading what you understand. c. using strategies to know when you do or do not understand what you read. d. writing a report about what you read.

Text features are

a. helpful only in school reading. b. helpful in all types of reading. c. helpful only with scientific writing. d. not helpful with content-area reading.

Activating background knowledge is an important prereading tool for all of the following reasons except

a. helps the reader predict. b. helps the author know what to include in a text. c. helps connect new information to known information. d. helps to set a purpose for reading.

The title of a book can help you

a. make predictions about what you will read. b. describe a character's personality. c. tell if a book will be easy or difficult to read. d. none of the above

Text features help you prepare for reading in each of the following ways except

a. making predictions. b. previewing text. c. conducting an analysis. d. activating background knowledge.

Which of the following is not considered an expository text structure?

a. narrative b. problem and solution c. cause and effect d. sequence

Activating background knowledge leads to

a. predicting and explaining. b. questioning and predicting. c. planning and filing. d. summarizing and synthesizing.

Taking notes the Cornell way means that you should include ___________ in your notes.

a. predictions b. outlines c. questions d. headings

Which of the following strategies can be used to anticipate text or access background knowledge?

a. previewing b. summarizing c. analyzing unknown words d. picture walk e. monitoring comprehension

Which type of information is not included in a typical college dictionary entry?

a. pronunciation b. etymology c. example sentence d. different forms of the word

Each of the following are strategies for monitoring comprehension while you read except

a. questioning. b. testing. c. using text features. d. annotating.

Good readers monitor their understanding of a text by doing all of the following except

a. recognizing important details in the text. b. recognizing the use of figurative language. c. noting the illustrations to help make sense of the text. d. skipping anything that is difficult to understand.

Maps, medical diagrams, and framed text boxes are considered effective examples of

a. secondary sources. b. prior knowledge. c. text supports. d. doctors' research practices.

Asking questions before reading helps you in each of the following ways except

a. set a purpose for reading. b. activate what you know. c. see what you still need to know. d. determine the text structure being implemented.

Which of the following text features is not used to highlight specialized vocabulary words in a text?

a. sidebars b. bibliography c. glossary d. bold and italic fonts

You can use your notes to help you with each of the following except

a. study for a test. b. write a paragraph. c. plagiarize. d. summarize the text.

The purpose of pictures in a nonfiction text is to

a. support the reader's understanding of the text. b. confuse the reader. c. allow the reader to skip sections of text. d. summarize everything that has happened in the text.

. Which of the following is not an example of a text feature?

a. table of contents b. subheading c. map, chart, and diagram d. metaphor

Which of the following is a homophone for the word weather?

a. temperature b. feather c. whether d. weathers

Active readers connect to the text while reading in each of the following ways except

a. text-to-text. b. text-to-author. c. text-to-self. d. text-to-world.

Which part of a book would be least helpful to you when previewing a book in order to see what it is about?

a. the back cover b. the bibliography c. the front cover d. the illustrations

The most effective text feature for retrieving information from a book is

a. the page numbers. b. the table of contents. c. the title pages. d. the index

What is most helpful to you when identifying which information in a text is important enough to write down?

a. the title of the book b. the epilogue c. the author's note d. headings and subheadings

If you are unfamiliar with a newspaper article's content, the captions, graphs, and pictures can help you in each of the following ways except

a. they provide visuals that help connect you to the information. b. they help you decide if you want to read the article or not. c. they ask you to remember what the article was about. d. they demonstrate concepts outlined in the text.

Ana, a shy student, sat in the back of the room and remained elusive during the class discussion.

a. unreachable b. determined c. angry d. curious

Strategies for identifying the meaning of unfamiliar words while reading include:

a. use context clues and background knowledge. b. structural analysis (break words down into parts). c. literary analysis d. use references like the dictionary and thesaurus.

All of the following are synonyms for the word excursion except

a. voyage. b. conference. c. journey. d. trip.

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