PrepU Chapter 15: Patient Education and Health Promotion

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A client 36 years of age is able to understand the health education when given the opportunity to put the education into practice. The nurse helps the client to self-administer the medication dosage before the client is discharged from the health care facility. Which domain correctly identifies the client's learning style?


The nurse has provided education to a client about home care for an open surgical wound on the lower left extremity. When evaluating learning through the cognitive domain, what statement by the nurse would be appropriate?

"Tell me about what signs of infection you will report to the health care provider."

The nurse is visiting a client who was released from inpatient rehabilitation 6 weeks ago after a 5-month recovery from a motor vehicle accident that left the client immobile. As the nurse enters the home, the client braces hands on the arms of a chair to rise and uses crutches to walk across the room. What is the best response by the nurse?

"You have made an amazing recovery."

A nurse is counseling several clients for depression. Four of them do not seem to be improving, which leads the nurse to suggest a referral to a psychiatric nurse practitioner. Which of these clients would be most likely to attend the scheduled appointment?

A 28-year-old female who works nights, is willing to try, and asks about insurance coverage of the appointment

A nurse is designing an education program for individuals who have recently immigrated from Iraq. Which consideration is necessary for culturally competent client education?

Develop written materials in the client's native language.

As the nurse enters the room to teach the client about self-care at home, the client states, "I am glad you are here. I need some pain medicine. I can't stand it anymore." What is the best action of the nurse?

Have the client rate pain level, and reschedule the teaching session.

The nurse is educating a client regarding a new skill. When evaluating the client's knowledge about the topic covered, which best represents that the client has learned a new skill?

The client organizes materials needed and gives return demonstration.

A client informs the nurse about being committed to quitting smoking to improve health. During discussion, the nurse asks the client "on a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to attend a support group?" Which strategy of motivational interviewing is the nurse using with the client?

assessing importance

An experienced nurse is educating a client about the client's disease and how best to promote optimal health. The nurse is focusing the education on the cognitive domain of learning. Given this focus, the nurse would incorporate the client's:

critical thinking

A nurse is engaged in primary prevention activities as part of an education plan about heart disease for a client. Which activity would be most appropriate?

explaining the need for regular exercise and stress management

A school nurse is discussing bike and outdoor safety measures with a group of Boy Scouts. What type of health education and counseling is the nurse providing to this group of children?

preventing illness

A pediatric nurse provides education to numerous clients. Which group of children benefits most from being involved in the teaching-learning process?

school-age children

A nurse is educating a client with a new diagnosis of diabetes. Which example demonstrates cognitive learning by the client?

the client describes signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia

When a nurse is planning for learning, who must decide who should be included in the learning sessions?

the nurse and the client

Which response from the client enables the nurse to determine the effectiveness of a recent medication teaching session for an older adult client who is diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB)?

"I will be taking the TB medication for at least 6 months, because it takes a long time to kill the TB germs."

A client age 61 years has been admitted to a medical unit with a diagnosis of pancreatitis secondary to alcohol use. Which statement by the client suggests that the nurse's teaching has resulted in affective learning?

"I'm starting to see how my lifestyle has caused me to end up here."

Which statement describes the person who is likely the most motivated to learn?

A 70-year-old female who is the client's spouse and is learning the care so the client can come home

A nurse is educating a 4-year-old client about cast care following a tibia-fibula fracture. Which action is not developmentally appropriate to include in the nurse's teaching?

Blocking 30 minutes of time for skill teaching

The nurse has completed teaching. Which client behavior demonstrates understanding within the psychomotor domain?

Provides return demonstration of use of inhaler.

When caring for a client at a health care facility, the nurse discovers that the client is unable to read or write. Which of the following teaching approaches is most useful for the client?

use verbal and visual modes of communication

The nurse is caring for a client who demonstrates a health literacy concern. The nurse adjusts client teaching in which way?

uses videos, diagrams, and pictures rather than focusing on verbal teaching

Which documentation example best reflects the complexity of client teaching by the nurse?

"Client and spouse taught how to use phone app to count carbohydrates; client return demonstrated carb counting for a hypothetical meal."

The client reports to the clinic as ordered by the primary care provider for counseling on weight loss to improve overall health. The client received printed information in the mail to review before the session, and reports having read through it before the appointment. Which client statement alerts the nurse to a need for clarification and further education?

"I will be doing well if I lose between 5 and 10 lb (2.3 and 4.5 kg) per week."

The nurse must instruct a 35-year-old client with Down syndrome about the use of an albuterol rescue inhaler. Which documentation demonstrates appropriate individualization of the education plan for this client?

Assessed the client's understanding of illness; assessed motor skills and developmental stage; provided clarification

A client diagnosed with type 2 diabetes has been prescribed insulin therapy in conjunction with an oral agent because the client has been experiencing difficulty controlling blood sugar levels with an oral agent alone. The nurse is preparing a teaching plan for this client. Which intervention would the nurse include in the teaching plan to address the psychomotor domain?

Demonstrating the technique for insulin self-injection

Which strategy should the nurse use when providing education to the older adult client?

Remain calm and conduct the teaching session in a quiet environment.

A client is experiencing difficulty in adjusting to a new prosthesis despite conscientious client education by numerous members of the health care team. How should the team respond to the client's lack of learning to this point?

Revise the education plan that has guided education.

While applying dressings to a client's wound, the nurse teaches the client about wound care. To promote the most effective teaching-learning relationship with this client, what would be most important for the nurse to keep in mind?

The nurse and client relationship is based on mutual sharing and negotiation.

A parish nurse is preparing to provide a health promotion class to a group of adults in the parish. In preparing to meet the learning needs of this group, the nurse recognizes which as a characteristic of an adult learner?

Their readiness to learn is often related to a developmental task or social role.

A nurse is preparing a discharge education plan for a client who has had abdominal surgery. What would be most important for the nurse to include in this plan?

activity limitations

A client reads the nutritional chart and follows it accurately. The nurse also notes that the client understands the need for a balanced diet and its relationship with a quick recovery. In which domain is the client demonstrating successful learning?


A nurse instructs a client to tell the nurse about the side effects of a medication. What learning domain is the nurse evaluating?


When caring for a client, the nurse observes that the client enjoys reading books and magazines. In which learning domain does the client's learning style fall?


The nurse is conducting a teaching session regarding HIV/AIDS for adult clients in the community. What consideration(s) will the nurse make when teaching this type of session? Select all that apply.

identifying the length of the session beginning with basic concepts about HIV/AIDS providing adequate lighting and comfortable temperature identifying the time, place, and content for the next teaching session

A nurse evaluates whether a middle-age client with chronic back pain has been performing the different exercises and physiotherapy procedures recommended by the physician. What would the nurse most likely use to evaluate the client?

return demonstration

The nurse is conducting a community health promotion class and has developed scenarios that will involve active participation by the class attendees. What type of education strategy is the nurse incorporating into this class?


The nurse has been working with a client for several days during the client's recovery from a femoral head fracture. How should a nurse best evaluate whether client education regarding the prevention of falls in the home has been effective?

"What changes will you make around your house to reduce the chance of future falls?"

The nurse is teaching an 80-year-old client how to instill eye drops for glaucoma. The client's daughter asks, "How do you know that my mother understands what to do?" What is the appropriate nursing response?

"When 15 minutes have passed, I will ask your mother to show me how to instill the drops."

A nurse is working with the Red Cross to assist a family whose home was destroyed by fire. Which statement is most appropriate to assist with this situational crisis?

"You have had a tremendous loss. What are your plans for shelter tonight?"

The client is newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. After teaching the client about diabetes and how to self-administer insulin, the nurse identifies which client response as a need for additional education?

During the return demonstration, the client draws up insulin, leaving tiny bubbles in the syringe.

Which strategy might a nurse use to increase compliance with education?

include the client and family as partners

A nurse is discussing the benefits of smoking cessation with a client. The nurse informs the client that smoking cessation will reduce the client's risk for cancer, improve respiratory status, and enhance the quality of life. The nurse also shares a personal story of smoking cessation, provides information on other individuals who have successfully quit, and encourages the client to attend a support group for smoking cessation. The client discusses feelings on smoking cessation and verbalizes a desire to quit smoking. What type of counseling did the nurse provide to this client?


Which nursing action is applicable to the psychomotor domain of learning when conducting a teaching session for breastfeeding mothers?

observing a mother expressing the breast milk

An active, otherwise healthy, older adult client presents to the clinic with severe osteoarthritis in both knees. The nurse knows this client does not want to be a burden on the family, and the client remains stoic despite reporting the pain as severe. The client avoids the topic of surgery and attends church weekly. The client's family is supportive of any decisions the client makes regarding health. Which of the assessment data is most important to forming an individualized education plan for this client concerning treatment for osteoarthritis?

personal perception of health and aging

When caring for a diabetic client, the nurse notes that the client learns better when practicing the self-administration of the insulin injection alone. In which learning domain does this client's learning style fall?


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