Primerica Chapter 2

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Substandard (High Exposure) Risk

applicants are not acceptable at standard rates because of physical condition, personal or family history of disease, occupation, or dangerous habits.

Declined Risks

applicants who are rejected

Retirement Fund

as a source of retirement income

Unconditional (binding) receipt

if a premium is paid, coverage will begin immediately for a specific length of time (such as 30-60 days) regardless of whether the applicant is approved by the insurer. Mostly for businesses.


leaving funds to insureds, church,school, charity

Whole life Insurance

life insurance that pays a benefit on the death of the insured and also accumulates a cash value.

Medical Information Bureau (MIB)

A nonprofit association that maintains medical data on applicants for life insurance

Provider - Viatical Settlements

A person ,other than a viator ,that enters into a the contract

Buy sell Agreement

A legal contact that determines what will be done with a business in the event that an owner dies or becomes disable.


A person who receives the benefits of an insurance policy


A persons net worth

Delivery Receipt

Agent hand delivers an individual policy or annuity to the policyowner,must recieved a signed

Viatical Settlements

Allows someone living with a life-threatening condition to sell their existing life insurance policy and used the proceeds when they are most needed, before death. Sold to third parties using separate contracts.

Lump Sum Needs Debt Canellation

An alternative to estate liquidation-paying off debt

Solicitation of Insurance

An attempt to persuade a person to buy an insurance policy, and it can be done orally or in writing

Life Insurance surrender cost index

An index that determines the policy's guaranteed cash surrender value available to the policy owner at the end of the 10th and 20th policy years,accounting for the annual cash dividends at 5% interest.


Any transaction in which new life insurance or a new annuity is purchased and,as a result,the existing life insurance or annuity has been

Needs Approach

Based on the predicted needs of a family after the premature death of the insured. Need income,amount of debt,morgage,investments,expenses.

Life Insurance

Coverage on human lives

Cash value

Equity amount accumulated in pernament life insurance


Frequency the policyowner pays the premium

Human Life Value Approach

Gives the insured an estimate of what would be lost to the family in an event of the premature death of the insured. ex: insureds wages,inflation,years till retirement, time value of money

Preffered Risk

Individuals who meet certain requirements and qualify for lower premiums than the standard risk

Time value of money

Investment return on the insurance premium had it been invested elsewhere by applying an interest adjustment to yearly premiums and dividends.


Is the process in which an insurance company determines whether or not a particular applicant is insurable ,and,if so, what premium to charge.

Conditional Receipt

Is used only when the applicant submits a prepaid application. It will say that coverage will be effective either on the date of the application or the date of the medical exam, whichever occurs last, as long as the applicant is found insurable as a standard risk, and policy is issued exactly as applied for.

Industrial /Home Service Insurance

LIfe insurance in small amounts,premiums are weekly/monthly and collected by represenative,no medical exam

Ordinary Life Insurance

Life Insurance in larger amounts, annually premium,paid directly to insurance, physical exam needed

Stranger-originated Life insurance -SOLI

Life insurance arrangemnet in which a person with no relationship to the insured (Stranger) purchases a life policy on the insured's life with the intent of selling the policy to an investor and profiting financially when the insured dies.

Key person Insurance

Life insurance that protects a firm against losses due to the death of a key employee

Lump Sum Needs emergency reserve funds

Paying for unexpected expenses


Payment of the entire benefit in one sum

Lump Sum Needs Education funds

Pays children schooling or spouse


Person under legal age

Standard Risk

Persons who are average.

Executive Bonus

Plan allows a business to provide life and/or disability income insurance to key executives using tax deductible dollars. Insurance policies are owned by the executives and are paid for through cash bonuses to the executives


Presentation or deception of nonguaranteed elements of a life insurance policy

Business LIfe Insurance

Provide business owners and their survivors, and even protect the business itself. Funding business continuation agreements , compensating executives, protect against financial loss resulting from death or disability of key employees.

Agents report

Provides the agents personal observations concerning the proposed insured

Life Settlement

Refers to any financial transaction in which the owner of a life insurance policy sells a policy that is no longer that is no longer needed to a third party for some form of compensation, usually cash.

Survivor Protection

The funds necessary for the survivors of the insured to be able to maintain their lifestyle in the event of the insured's death

Viatical Broker

Represent the insureds

Viatical Producers

Represent the providers


Selling assets in order to raise capital

Mortality Tables

Tables help the insurers predict the expectation of life and the probability of death for a given group

Lumps Sum Needs Cost associated with death

Taking into account the final medical expense, funeral

Field Underwriting

The agent is the companys frontline to the potential client

Death benefit

The amount paid upon the death of the insured in a life insurance policy

Viators -Viatical Settlements

The insureds


The policy's cash values can be borrowed against at any time and used for immediate needs.

Comparative Interest Rate ( CIR )

The rate of return that must be earned on a "side fund" in a buy term invest the difference plan so that the value of the side fund will be equal to the surrender value of the higher premium policy at a designated point in time


The ratio of the number of deaths in a specific population over a certain amount of time versus living people in that population

The Application

The starting Point and basic info used by the company in the risk selection process Part 1 - General Info Part 2 - Medical Information- If small amount of coverage no medical examination needed

Replacing Insured's Salary or Lost services

The surviving spouse have to train for job market , caregiver

Social Security Income "Blackout Period"

The time during which the surviving spouse/children do not receive any social security survivor benefits

Insurable Interest

To purchase insurance,the policy owner must face the possibility of losing money or something of value in the event of loss. In life insurance ,insurable interest must exist between the policyowner and the insured at the time of application;however, once a life insurance policy has been issued,the insurer must pay the policy benefit,whether or not an insurable interest exist.

Liquidation vs Retention of Capital

Under the retention of capital approach, enough insurance is purchased so that when added to other liquid assets, there is enough to pay income benefits without jeopardizing the insured's principal asset - such as a home.

Stock Purchase

Used by privately owned corporations when each stockholder buys a policy on each of the others

Cross Purchases

Used in partnerships when each partner buys a policy on the other

Stock Redemption

Used when the corporation buys one policy on each shareholder

Entity Purchase

Used when the partnership buys the policies on the partner

Premium Reciept

Whenever the agent collects premiums the agent mus first issue this


ability to meet financial obligations

Rating Classification

used in deciding whether or not the applicant should pay a higher or lower premium

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