principles of management test 3

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hygiene factor

turnoffs found in job content, such as working conditions, interpersonal relations, organizational policies, and salary

halo effect

uses one attribute to develop an overall impression of a person or situation

behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

uses specific descriptions of behaviors to rate performance

family friendly benefits

help employees achieve better work-life balance


an unfulfilled physiological or psychological desire


assigns attributes commonly associated with a group to an individual


assigns personal attributes to other individuals

three core human resources management responsibilities

attracting a quality workforce, developing a quality workforce, maintaining a quality workforce

three decision options according to Vroom Jago Leader Participation Methd and decision making method

authority decision, consultative decision, group decision

four leadership styles

autocratic, human relations, democratic, laissez faire

merit pay

awards pay increases in proportion to performance contributions


brings together the resources to turn plans into action


builds the commitment and enthusiasm that allow people to apply their talents to accomplish goals


degree to which a person defers to authority and accepts status differences

Hersey-Blanchard Situational Model has four leadership style-follower matches

delegating, participating, selling, telling

growth needs

desires for continued psychological growth and development

existence needs

desires for physiological and material well-being

relatedness needs

desires for satisfying interpersonal relationships

four leadership styles according to Houses Path Goal Theory

directive leader, supportive leader, achievement-oriented leader, participative leader

transaction leadership

directs the efforts of others through tasks, rewards, and structures

cognitive dissonance

discomfort felt when attitude and behavior are inconsistent


discourages a behavior by making an unpleasant consequence contingent on its occurrence


discourages a behavior by making the removal of a desirable consequence contingent on its occurrence

laissez faire leader

disengaged, showing low task and people concerns

why modern organizations prefer employing independent contractors

easy to hire and fire, control costs, dont have to pay benefits, dont have to pay for sick/personal days

human relations leader

emphasizes people over tasks

Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications

employment criteria justified by capacity to perform a job

democratic leader

encourages participation with an emphasis on task and people


ensures things turn out right

work sampling

evaluates job candidates as they perform actual work tasks

three needs described in Alderfer's ERG theory

existence, relatedness, growth

according to Victor Vroom what isi the equation for motivation

expectancy * instrumentality * valence

three types of personal power

expert, reference, relationship

big 5 personality traits

extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experience

selective perception

focuses attention on things consistent with existing beliefs, needs, or actions

satisfier factors

found in job content, such as a sense of achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, or personal growth


generalized positive and negative states of mind

independent contractor

hired on temporary contracts and are not part of the organization's permanent workforce

job enrichment

increases job content by adding work planning and evaluating duties normally performed by the supervisor

socialization that helps integrate new employees into the organization

influences the expectations, behavior, and attitudes of new members of groups and organizations

participative leader

involves others in decision making. asks for and uses suggestions

transformational leadership

is inspirational and arouses extraordinary effort and performance

seven aspects of job satisfaction

job tasks, quality of supervision, coworkers, opportunities, pay, work conditions, security

leadership situations analyzed in Fred Fiedler's Contigency Model contigency variables

leader-member relations, task structure, position power

three types of position power

legitimate, reward, coercive

directive leader

lets others know what is expected. gives directions, maintains standards

order of needs according to Maslow

lower -> higher

consultative decision

made by a leader after receiving information, advice, or opinions from group members

group decision

made by group members themselves

authority decision

made by the leader and then communicated to the group

supportive leader

makes work more pleasant; treats others as equals, acts friendly, shows concern

internal locus of control

more self-confident and accept responsibility for their own actions. they tend to be more satisfied and less alienated from their work

job discrimination

occurs when someone is denied a job or job assignment for non-job-relevant reasons


occurs when we communicate extreme agitation in interpersonal relationships or electronic messages

job burnout

physical and mental exhaustion from work stress

two types of reinforcement by BF Skinner

positive, negative

flexible benefits

programs allow choice to personalize benefits within a set dollar allowance

external locus of contron

prone to blaming others and outside forces when bad things happen

realistic job preview

provide job candidates with all pertinent information about a job and organization

bonus pay plans

provide one-time payments based on performance accomplishments

two ways to eleminate undesireable behavior according to BF Skinner

punishment, extinction

two factors of motivation according to Herzberg Two-Factory Theory

satisfier, hygiene

four primary emotional intelligence competencies

self awareness, social awareness, self management, relationship management

higher order needs

self-actualization needs, esteem needs

servant leadership

serving others and helping them use their talents to help organizations benefit society

orientation that help integrate new employees into the organization

sessions for new hires communicate key information, set expectations, and answer questions

achievement-oriented leader

sets challenging goals; expects high performance, shows confidence


sets the direction and objectives

lower order needs

social needs, safety needs, physiological needs

mood contagion

the spillover of one's positive or negative moods onto others

impression management

tries to create desired perceptions in the eyes of others

legitimate power

achieves influence by formal authority

reward power

achieves influence by offering something of value

coercive power

achieves influence by punishment


Ability to understand our own moods and emotions, and understand their impact on our work and others

autocratic leader

acts in unilateral command-and-control way

three acquired needs according to David McClelland

achievement, power, affiliation

destructive stress

a negative influence on one's performance

constructive stress

a positive influence on effort, creativity, and diligence in work


a predisposition to act in a certain way


a set of activities designed to attract qualified job applicants

Thorndike's Law of Effect

states that behavior followed by pleasant consequences is likely to be repeated and behavior followed by unpleasant consequences is not

four common perceptual distortions

stereotype, halo effect, selective perception, projection

positive reinforcement

strengthens a behavior by making a desirable consequence contingent on its occurrence

negative reinforcement

strengthens a behavior by making the avoidance of an undesirable consequence contingent on its occurrence

according to Locke's goal-setting theory what can be highly motivating?

task goals but only if right goals, and are set in a good way

social awareness

the ability to empathize, to understand the emotions of others, and to use this understanding to better deal with them

relationship management

the ability to establish rapport with others to build good relationships and influence their emotions in positive ways

emotional intelligence

the ability to manage our emotions in leadership and social relationships


the ability to think before acting and to be in control disruptive impulses

job design

the allocation of specific work tasks to individuals and groups


the degree to which someone is able to adjust behavior in response to external factors


the degree to which someone uses power manipulatively

need for power

the desire to control, influence, or be responsible for other people

need for achievement

the desire to do something better, to solve problems, or to master complex tasks

need for affiliation

the desire to establish and maintain good relations with people

locus of control

the extent to which one believes what happens is within one's control

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