About __________ children are severely physically abused every year.
A) 100,000 B) 500,000 C) 3 million D) 5 million
Which of the following statements about the definition of deviance is TRUE?
A) Almost all persons in a society will agree on the nature of deviant behavior. B) Definitions of deviant behavior are determined by a nation's economy. C) There is usually a great deal of disagreement among people as to what they consider deviant. D) Few persons in a society are concerned about the definition of deviance.
Which statement about the definition of deviance is TRUE?
A) Deviance should include only important violations of the norms. B) All sociologists agree that deviance includes mundane, routine, and normal violations of the norms. C) Deviance is not an important subject anymore. D) Sociologists cannot agree on a precise definition of deviance.
When it comes to family violence, all of the following are false EXCEPT which one?
A) Family violence hits the poor only. B) Family violence and love cannot happen together. C) Alcohol and drugs are involved in almost all cases of family violence. D) The majority of child abuse victims do not grow up to abuse their children.
Which of the following is NOT a theory that attempts to explain genocide?
A) Genocide is based on the physical and psychological separation between perpetrators and victims. B) genocide is based on obedience to authority. C) genocide is based on power. D) genocide is based on personal prejudice.
Which of the following statements about marital rape is true?
A) It is not a form of family violence. B) It is considered a crime in most states. C) It rarely causes harm to victims. D) Many victims blame themselves for the rape.
Which of the following statements about those who abuse the elderly is NOT true?
A) The abusers have severe personal problems such as drug addiction or alcoholism. B) They are beset with money problems. C) They are largely male. D) They are stressed by the need to care for both children and an elderly parent.
Which of the following is an important reason why sociologists have a difficult time when studying family violence?
A) The family is the most cherished and intimate social institution in our lives. B) Too few people today belong to formal families. C) The great diversity of family life makes studying family violence too difficult. D) The family is too private to study sociologically.
Which of the following is an important reason why sociologists have a difficult time when studying family violence?
A) The family is the most cherished and intimate social institution in our lives. B) Too few people today belong to formal families. C) The great diversity of family life makes studying family violence too difficult. D) The family is too private to study sociologically.
Which of the following traits is part of the traditional masculine social role that leads to rape?
A) The male should take an active part in achieving social and sexual relations with females. B) The male should share in housekeeping and in the rearing of children. C) The male should see sexuality as a form of a wider relationship with women who are the male's sexual equals. D) The male should exercise in order to keep in shape and have a desirable body.
Which of the following is NOT a way poverty causes homicide?
A) The poor are more likely to have financial, marital, and other stressful problems. B) Genetic factors cause both poverty and homicidal tendencies. C) Poverty causes more interpersonal conflict. D)The poor tend more to resort to physical violence to deal with interpersonal conflict.
Which of the following is a reason why most of the women who continue to live with abusive husbands do not leave?
A) They are pressured by religious and other groups to which they belong to stay. B) They are waiting for the right moment to seek revenge against their husbands. C) They fear their husbands will retaliate. D) They fear leaving will harm their prospects for getting a good job.
To say that deviance is a subjective experience means that the deviant person is
A) a determined subject. B) a morally degenerate person. C) a secret deviant. D) a conscious, feeling, thinking subject.
If you believe that deviant behavior has characteristics that distinguish it from conforming behavior, you believe deviance is
A) a label. B) a biased concept. C) biologically determined. D) intrinsically real.
All of the following are assumptions of the constructionist perspective on deviance, EXCEPT that deviance should be seen as
A) a label. B) an objective fact. C) subjective experience. D) a voluntary act.
The positivist perspective assumes that deviance is
A) a matter of choice. B) relativistic. C) determined behavior. D) unimportant behavior.
According to a study undertaken by Chappel and his associates, which of the following kinds of sexual environments might most hurt a man's failures to win sexual favors?
A) a religious environment B) an alcoholic environment C) a permissive environment D) a restrictive environment
Which of the following is most likely to be a victim of same-sex rape in prison?
A) a strong black man B) a weak but husky black man C) a slightly built young white man D) a slightly built old white man
Which of the following types of children would be at the highest risk for child abuse?
A) a teenage child B) a very young child C) a child in an upper-income family D) an adult child
In the U.S., ______parents physically discipline their children.
A) about one-fourth of all B) nearly all C) approximately half of all D) very few
From the constructionist perspective, deviants are
A) actively seeking meaning in the deviant activities. B) totally different from normal people. C) biologically defective. D) propelled by well-defined social forces.
In general, when abuse is committed against children in the U.S.
A) all family members are viewed as suspects. B) the abuse is more likely to take place in adoptive families. C) abusive grandparents fall under the laws of elder abuse. D) abusive strangers are punished more severely than family members who abuse.
Millions of people at one time or another have smoked marijuana. If sociologists asked a sample of U.S. citizens about this behavior, they would most likely discover that
A) almost everyone agreed that smoking marijuana is deviant. B) many people disagreed about the deviant status of marijuana. C) almost everyone did not really care about whether smoking marijuana is deviant or not. D) almost everyone in the sample had smoked marijuana.
Some men can be raped by some women because rape is basically
A) an expression of sexual desire. B) an expression of power. C) a crime of opportunity. D) deviant.
According to the labeling theory, deviance is
A) an objective reality. B) a property inherent in the actor. C) a label created by the person who commits a deviant act. D) a label imposed by others upon a given behavior
According to research, children who have been abused
A) are unlikely to suffer continual problems later in life. B) may or may not suffer continual problems, based on the individual. C) are likely to suffer severe problems later in life. D) seem predestined to become child abusers themselves.
Child molesters are likely to
A) be strangers to their victims. B) be their victim's relatives or neighbors. C) be dangerously violent to their victims. D) always resort to actual acts of sexual intercourse.
One of the outcomes of same-sex rape is that the male victim
A) breaks down and cries. B) experiences trauma for many years. C) feels a loss of masculinity. D) experiences a sense of femininity.
Most rapes are
A) committed on impulse. B) committed explosively. C) premeditated. D) determined by strong sexual desires before a rape.
Early in the twentieth century, criminologists believed that
A) criminals are made, not born. B) criminals are born, not made. C) criminal status varies within time and space. D) crime is determined by the social environment
According to a famous study of a sample of the elderly in Boston, __________ of elder persons are more likely to become elder abusers.
A) daughters B) spouses C) institutional caregivers D) social workers
According to Marvin Wolfgang's subculture of violence theory, the subculture upholds all of the following practices, EXCEPT for
A) defining personal assaults as proper and justified. B) approving quick resort to physically aggression. C) providing strong external restraints leading to homicide. D) treating violence as a familiar and often deadly partner in life's struggles.
According to the constructionist perspective, deviant behavior is
A) determined behavior. B) an expression of human violation. C) robot-like behavior. D) passive reaction to social forces.
The main purpose of the positivist approach to deviance is
A) developing empathy with deviant persons. B) seeking out the causes of deviant behavior. C) to make moral judgments about deviant behavior. D) to study biases toward persons seen as deviant.
After committing the violence, most abusive husbands
A) do not admit guilt. B) freely admit guilt. C) undergo counseling. D) go to jail.
The criminal justice system
A) does nothing to protect women. B) does not punish elder abusers. C) requires some abusers to go to counseling. D) only incarcerates male abusers.
The two types of services that seem most useful to abused elders are medical services and
A) extra funds for food and shelter. B) social services. C) legal services. D) marital counseling.
To say that deviance is determined behavior implies that humans
A) gain benefits from deviant behavior. B) can choose to be good or bad. C) have free will. D) cannot choose between good and bad.
The wholesale killing of members of a racial or ethnic group is the definition of
A) hate killing. B) genocide. C) terrorism. D) mission killing.
Many child abusers see abusive behavior as good and proper because they
A) have watched much violence on TV. B) are among many who accept the rightness of physical punishment. C) are victims of child abuse themselves. D) are totally out of control.
Which of the following kinds of deviance is best understood through a positivist perspective?
A) higher-consensus deviance. B) lower-consensus deviance. C) immoral deviance. D) criminal deviance.
Sociologists think that the homicide-suicide type of murder is "normal" because, after the killing, the murderer is
A) in a psychotic state. B) able to feel remorse. C) able to feel a sense of moral superiority. D) anticipating an after-life reunion with the victim.
Older people are more likely to be abused if they live
A) in group homes. B) alone. C) with relatives. D) in nursing homes.
Deviance as an "observable object" means that deviance
A) is largely a subjective phenomenon. B) can be studied in a factual way. C) is behavior that at least a few people agree is deviant. D) actually exists in the minds of the beholder.
Regarding the racial backgrounds of offender and victim, murder
A) is mostly intraracial B) is mostly interracial. C) is equally intraracial and interracial. D) does not have any observable racial patters.
Murder is an especially serious type of deviance because
A) it is the type of deviance most involving strangers. B) it totally disgusts most Americans. C) its cost to the victim is forever irreparable. D) it is a widespread form of deviance.
According to the author, one reason why people advocate the death penalty, even though it does not act as a deterrent, is because
A) it prevents the murderer from doing harm to others again. B) it helps distract people from other kinds of deviance. C) americans have developed civilized ways of killing people.
All of the following are ways men learn to play the "masculinity game," except for
A) learning dehumanizing images of women. B) learning basic pointers about how to play the game. C) experiencing social pressures to play the game. D) experiencing the absence of referees to manage the game.
All of the following are factors that lead to more rape-prone campuses, except for
A) mandatory membership in fraternities. B) a tradition of heavy drinking. C) not seriously dealing with sexual assault. D) rampant homophobia.
This type of killing is done to save the "face" and "name" of the family.
A) mercy killing B) honor killing. C) family killing. D) communal killing.
The perpetrators of genocide are
A) monsters, psychopaths, and sadists. B) mostly normal people. C) strong resisted by their country's average citizens. D) never upset about what they were doing.
John experienced family violence as he was growing up. According to social learning theory, he is
A) more likely not to get married and have children. B) more likely to experience stressful family relationships. C) less likely to engage in family violence. D) more likely to engage in family violence.
If guns were less available, many heated arguments would result in
A) more murders as take place at the present time. B) more murders rather than aggravated assaults. C) the use of weapons more deadly than guns. D) aggravated assaults rather than murders.
The terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, were
A) most likely insane. B) loyal members of a religious group. C) purely evil persons. D) psychologically frustrated men.
Among sociologists, there is
A) much involvement in illegal deviant behavior. B) little interest in the study of deviance. C) widespread agreement about what behavior should be considered deviant. D) a lack of consensus about what behavior should be seen as deviant.
All of the following are types of mass murderers, EXCEPT for
A) murders who stalk and torture their victims. B) pseudocommondos. C) team members under the direction of the charismatic leader. D) disgruntled employees
The __________ perspective is more pertinent for studying less serious kinds of deviance.
A) objective. B) constructionist. C) deterministic. D) psychological.
All of the following are true about female genital mutilation, EXCEPT that it is
A) often called female circumcision. B) usually done by ritual leaders, or respected women in the community. C) relatively accepted today in most Western cultures. D) often accepted by the victims of the mutilation.
All of the following are reasons why large numbers of children are abused in American society, EXCEPT for
A) past experiences of being abused as a child. B) the widespread acceptance of spouse abuse. C) many parents' lack of education and parenting skills. D) the social acceptance of physical punishment to discipline children.
The real extent of family violence may be much higher than the reported figures because
A) people are generally reluctant to reveal their family problems to researchers. B) the number of people experiencing abuse runs into the millions, despite the small percentages. C) other types of violence such as financial exploitation, slapping and verbal abuse, widely occur. D) all of the above is true.
Hate-motivated killers
A) personally know their victims. B) are very common in the U.S. today. C) are more likely to belong to an organized hate group. D) mostly attack members of their own racial or religious groups.
With acquaintance rape, the rapist mostly uses
A) physical threats. B) actual violence. C) verbal coercion. D) a weapon.
For feminists, a major cause of wife beating is
A) poor economic and social conditions. B) the sexist, patriarchal nature of society. C) some men's lack of self-esteem. D) men's greater access to the means of violence such as guns.
Murders committed by people who are poor are often
A) premeditated. B) committed on impulse. C) accidental. D) self-inflicted
The "feeling of being raped again" refers to the woman victim's
A) recollection of the rape. B) encounter with her assailant. C) feelings if her rapist is released from custody. D) encounter with the police.
The fact that the same behavior can be seen as normal by some and as deviant by others is called the
A) relativist view. B) deviance principle. C) positivist D) subjectivist
Today's positivist sociologists now recognize the importance of __________ for understanding deviant behavior.
A) religion. B) psychological traits. C) heredity. D) social factors.
One serious consequence of marital rape is
A) self-blame and guilt by the victim. B) the furthering of the norms of matriarchy. C) the culture's condemnation of marital rape. D) the sensitive involvement of the police.
The factor most commonly associated with murder is
A) sex. B) race. C) age. D) poverty.
Pursuing someone in a way that creates fear of being assaulted or killed is called
A) stalking.' B) aggravated assault. C) domestic terrorism. D) harassment.
All of the following are true about incest, EXCEPT that
A) stepfathers are much more likely than biological fathers to commit incest. B) incestuous fathers are more isolated from others outside of the home. C) there is no significant difference in incest rates among social classes or racial and ethnic groups. D) young victims of incest usually forget about the past and lead normal sexual lives as adults.
Feelings of depression, anxiety, and helplessness such as those suffered by U.S. soldiers who served in Vietnam and victims of physical injury, are called
A) stress-induced mental illness. B) posttraumatic stress disorder. C) poststress syndrome. D) stress depression.
The author of the text points to recent studies that suggest the cause of higher violence rates among poor African Americans is
A) the culture of violence. B) violent media programs and video games. C) rapid social change. D) poverty and social inequality.
The author argues that an integrated definition of deviant behavior must focus on
A) the deviant behavior itself. B) the deviant label C) the methods of sociologists. D) both deviant behavior and the deviant label.
Which of the following is not a cause of rape listed in the text?
A) the husband's use of rape to control his wife B) the husband's belief that he is entitled to any kind of sex with his wife C) the existence of patriarchy D) improper behavior on the part of the victim
One reason why more poor people commit murders over very trivial acts is
A) the impact of economic and social oppression on one's sense of honor. B) the poor are more deeply involved in trivial behavior. C) the poor have more verbal rather than written or analytic skills and talk themselves into murder. D) the role of women in the family, which causes more tension and hardship.
According to some sociologists, the extremely high rate of homicide in parts of the South is a striking example of
A) the massive oppression of the poor. B) the power of the drug cartels. C) a deep distrust of strangers. D) a widespread culture of violence.
The most prevalent form of forced sex is
A) the rape of a woman by her husband. B) the rape of a woman by a stranger. C) rapes occurring in college fraternities. D) rapes occurring along with a felony.
Which of the following is a problem psychologists feel can lead men to become rapists?
A) the threats created by the existence of sexual equality B) the culture of rape C) being raised in a sexually permissive community D) feelings of sexual inadequacy
Which of the following conditions separates the positivist and constructionist perspectives on deviance?
A) the variety and type of religious attitudes toward deviant behavior. B) the amount of private consensus about what is deviant behavior C) the number of persons involved in deviant behavior D) the amount of public consensus about what type of behavior is deviant
Which of the following conditions separates the positivist and constructionist perspectives on deviance?
A) the variety and type of religious attitudes toward deviant behavior. B) the amount of private consensus about what is deviant behavior. C) the number of persons involved in deviant behavior. D) the amount of public consensus about what type of behavior is deviant.
Which one of the following variables is MOST likely to be the greatest contributing factor toward murder?
A) the weather. B) one's geographical location. C) accessibility to handguns. D) one's socio-economic status.
Homicides occur most frequently during
A) the weekdays. B) the afternoons. C) the morning. D) the weekends.
Which of the following is NOT a type of hate killer?
A) thrill hate killers B) defensive hate killers. C) mission hate killers. D) racist hate killers.
According to the social profile of molesters, which of the following traits is most likely associated with a child molester rather than a rapist?
A) toughness and aggressiveness B) old age C) gentleness and passivity D) having a way with adult women
All of the following are ways that pornography is implicated in the problem of rape, EXCEPT that it
A) trivializes the problem of rape. B) tends to incite violent, angry men to rape. C) provides an erotic sexual outlet. D) treats women as men's sex objects.
Deviant behavior is any behavior that
A) violates the law. B) violates the norms. C) is considered deviant by public consensus, which may range from maximum to minimum. D) is considered deviant by the police and officials of society, which may range from high to low.
A type of murder involving killing a number of people one at a time is called
A) warm-blooded murder. B) mass murder. C) serial murder. D) an adjunct to suicide.
The external restraint theory holds that
A) weak external restraint leads to homicide. B) strong external restraint leads to homicide. C) strong external restraint leads to suicide. D) weak internal restraint leads to weak external restraints.
Which ONE of the following questions reflects the constructionist and labeling perspective on deviance?
A) why do people become deviant? B) why is a given act defined by society as deviant. C) why are so many sociologist seen as deviant? D) why is deviance an objective fact?
In order to win the "masculinity contest," men tend to see women as
A) worthy of deep respect. B) equal to men. C) fellow participants in the contest. D) if they were objects.