Pro Selling Final Exam- CH 13-17

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1) Buyers trained in price negotiation use all of the following tactics EXCEPT: A) product compromise B) split the difference C) budget limitation D) take it or leave it E) if...then


1) Difficulties closing the sale are most likely to arise when: A) the salesperson is not strategically prepared for the close B) the "magic moment" has elapsed before the close has been attempted C) verbal and nonverbal clues contradict each other D) the customer responds positively to the trial close E) the salesperson has full confidence in the close


1) Quick & Reilly, a financial services company, was able to increase sales by 35 percent by implementing which of the following programs? A) cross selling B) customer service C) full-line selling D) extranet E) upselling


1) The two major methods for salespeople to increase their sales volume are by improving selling effectiveness (becoming a more effective salesperson) and: A) spending more time in actual selling situations B) dispensing with tedious record keeping C) saving time with telephone calls D) developing a series of personal goals E) increasing prospecting activities


11) According to Ted Levitt, author of The Marketing Imagination, people: A) buy the expectations of the benefits you promised B) buy the specific product you offer C) buy the promise of a long-term relationship D) buy products that offer a "no hassle" guarantee E) buy the image of the product


11) All of the following are major steps to be followed when using the multiple options close, EXCEPT: A) review methods of payment B) configure more than one product solution C) remove products that the prospect does not seem genuinely interested in D) cease discussing or showing new products E) concentrate on the options the prospect seems to be interested in


11) Which of the following is an acceptable way to cope with the loyalty objection? A) Work on recruiting internal champions to build more support for your message. B) Point out, in specific terms, the weak points of the competing product. C) Point out how dependence on just one supplier can be risky. D) Encourage the prospect to quit the present supplier. E) Undermine confidence in the current supplier by intimating that the company is having financial troubles.


16) Once the customer buys your product, expectations: A) increase B) stay the same C) decrease D) are fulfilled E) become less important


16) To close a sale more effectively, it helps to look at the value proposition: A) from the customer's point of view B) from the competition's point of view C) as a made-up concept D) as the objective to reach for E) to determine which type of close to use


16) Working to reach an agreement that is mutually satisfactory to both buyer and seller is also called: A) negotiation B) agreement C) practice theory D) tactics E) strategy


21) All of the following are nonverbal buying clues EXCEPT: A) The prospect asks about the terms of the sale. B) The prospect's facial expression changes. C) The prospect begins showing agreement by nodding. D) The prospect leans forward and appears to be intent on hearing your message. E) The prospect begins to examine the product or study the sales literature intently.


21) Reducing the price by unbundling some items is an effective technique a salesperson can use with a buyer who uses which of the following tactics? A) budget limitation tactic B) take-it-or-leave-it tactic C) let-us-split-the-difference tactic D) "if...then" tactic E) "sell low now, make profits later" tactic


21) Value reinforcement means: A) getting credit for the value you create for the customer B) showing the customer the specific benefits of the product C) using bridge statements D) using the assumptive method to close a sale E) reiterating the features the customer will get for the purchase price


26) Salespeople can deal with all of the notes they take on sales calls and other negotiations most effectively by: A) entering the notes into a searchable CRM system B) putting the notes into folders, one for each account C) copying the notes and putting them into a three-ring binder D) scanning the notes in to a computer and saving them as PDF files E) giving them to support staff to organize and archive


26) Salespeople should persist if the first effort to close is rejected, as this type of buyer admires persistence. Which communication style does this buyer have? A) directive B) rational C) supportive D) emotive E) reflective


26) The effort to sell better-quality products is called: A) upselling B) cross-selling C) full-line selling D) logrolling E) leveraging


6) A salesperson who says, "If you will sign the order today, I can guarantee delivery within five days," is using which of the following closing methods? A) direct appeal B) assumption C) limited choice D) summary-of-benefits E) combination


6) Bradley Wholesale Foods purchased a new computer system for the personnel department. All of the equipment was delivered on time, installed properly, and the employees at Bradley were given effective systems training. The new equipment and the post-sale service surpassed the customer's expectations. The staff at Bradley Wholesale Foods has experienced a(n): A) moment of magic B) moment of truth C) moment of misery D) level of service that is typical of all computer service companies E) epiphany


6) The "feel-felt-found" method is used in conjunction with which of the following? A) indirect denial B) direct denial C) trial offer D) superior benefit E) demonstration


6) The primary objective of a sales routing and scheduling plan is to: A) increase actual selling time by reducing travel time B) have a written record of where you have been and where you are going C) determine the geographical distribution of customers D) initiate new contacts with potential customers E) visualize your territory on a map


12) A professional buyer says, "My final offer is $9,500, take it or leave it." A good way to cope with this type of resistance is to: A) lower your price, but make sure the sale still results in a profit for your company B) confidently review the superior benefits of your product and make another closing attempt C) make a counteroffer that is about 10 percent under your first price quote D) review the benefits of buying from your company E) agree to lower prices for the first year but increase prices for subsequent years


12) Expansion selling encompasses all of the following EXCEPT: A) full-line selling B) reselling C) suggestion selling D) cross-selling E) upselling


12) Michael LeBoeuf, author of How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life, says that a surprising number of yes responses come: A) before the salesperson even asks for the order B) on the fourth or fifth closing attempt C) after the salesperson asks for the order D) after the salesperson asks for the order twice E) after the salesperson gives up the sale as lost


17) A salesperson should consider reviewing the benefits of the product before making price concessions to a buyer who engages in which of the following tactics? A) budget limitation tactic B) take-it-or-leave-it tactic C) let-us-split-the-difference tactic D) "if...then" tactic E) "sell low now, make profits later" tactic


17) Incremental closes are especially appropriate for products: A) with a direct sales cycle B) with a long, complex sales cycle C) that are extremely expensive D) requiring more than one decision-maker to purchase E) that are complex technically


17) Of the customers that leave companies each year, which percentage leave because of bad customer service? A) 70-80 B) 50-70 C) 35-50 D) 12-15 E) 8-10


2) Customer complaints are information that should be viewed as: A) a short-term problem that should not be viewed as a major concern B) a source of important information and an opportunity to prove the firm's commitment to service C) a long-term problem that will require attention in the future D) a problem that may have a negative impact on the salesperson's earnings E) a serious problem with the company culture


2) Which of the following is NOT one of the buying anxieties that make customers reluctant to commit, according to Gene Bedell, author of 3 Steps to Yes? A) loss of options B) lack of loyalty C) fear of making a mistake D) social pressure E) peer pressure


2) Which of the following is a guiding principle used in establishing a sales routing and scheduling plan? A) Develop a routing plan that gives equal attention to each customer. B) If your territory is quite large, consider organizing it into two smaller zones. C) Develop a schedule that best accommodates your personal and professional needs. D) Avoid scheduling tentative calls, which may be distracting. E) Ask for assistance from other salespeople if you cannot complete your route.


2) Which of the following is an acceptable method of negotiating the price objection? A) Make price the focal point of your presentation. B) Explain and demonstrate the difference between price and cost. C) Focus your comments on an individual product feature. D) Apologize for high prices. E) Lower the price if the customer balks.


22) A way in which salespeople can use technology to strengthen relationships with customers is by: A) allowing customers to cancel orders without having to talk to a person B) sending email confirmations of appointments or agreements C) sending letters through the mail D) placing automated prerecorded phone calls to customers on a programmed schedule E) faxing large numbers of sales letters to potential leads


22) If a company uses a low-price strategy, the company may need to consider which of the following to be able to make effective price concessions? A) selling at the cost of manufacturing the product B) eliminating features that contribute to a higher price C) increasing the number of features of the product D) matching competitors' prices E) changing branding


22) The best closing method is: A) the one the sales manager prefers B) the one that is appropriate to the customer C) the one the salesperson has rehearsed most often D) either the assumptive or the summary-of-benefits close E) the multiple options close


27) Indirect denial is often more effective in combatting prospect concerns than direct denial is because: A) indirect denial is a technique that needs to be practiced B) indirect denial sounds more positive than direct denial does C) indirect denial uses transition words such as "but" and "however" D) direct denial resolves the issue conclusively E) direct denial provides no out for the customer


27) Salespeople can add value to the sales process by doing all of the following EXCEPT: A) making the purchase painless B) hurrying the close process C) making the purchase convenient D) making the purchase hassle-free E) showing customers how to install and use the product


13) When your customer says, "I would rather not tie up my money in a large order," the resistance falls into which category? A) time B) product C) price D) source E) process


27) The confirmation step is important because it: A) assures that the customer can not back out of the purchase B) reassures the buyer that they made the right decision C) means that the salesperson can collect the commission on the sale D) leads into the service step E) signals to the shipper to ship the product


7) A group of people who recommend customer-driven organizations to others could be called: A) disgruntled customers B) "auxiliary" salespeople C) a secondary salesforce D) missionary salespeople E) evangelist salespeople


7) One of the most effective methods of dealing with stress is to: A) choose the "fight" or "flight" response B) maintain an optimistic outlook C) initiate a crusade to alleviate all sources of stress D) throw yourself with renewed vigor into your job E) set up a home office so you can work from home


7) When a customer raises a valid objection that cannot be answered with a denial, the salesperson should consider using any of the following methods, EXCEPT: A) questions B) the back-pedal C) a combination approach D) a demonstration E) superior benefit


7) Which is NOT true of doing sales work in Latin America? A) You might receive a hug and pat on the back as part of the greeting process. B) Your interactions with decision makers will be direct and efficient. C) Lunch with the client could last for many hours. D) You will offend a Brazilian client by attempting to speak Spanish with them. E) Latin Americans do not value professional credentials or titles.


13) A closing clue can be described as a(n): A) indication that the customer is undecided about the buying decision B) indication you should speed up the sales presentation C) verbal or nonverbal form of feedback from the customer D) indication that the prospect fully understands the merits of your product E) request from the customer for more information


13) Which of the following is a major guideline that should be considered when using suggestion selling? A) Don't waste time suggesting low-profit items. B) Don't hesitate to make suggestions before closing the sale. C) Don't make suggestions until you have first satisfied the customer's primary need. D) Show the suggested item only if the customer seems interested. E) Suggestion selling should be used to generated half again as much revenue as the primary product does.


18) Diligence, an essential service behavior, combines responsiveness and: A) service B) trust C) reliability D) persuasiveness E) precision


18) The salesperson may find which of the following tactics used by a buyer a fair deal? A) budget limitation tactic B) take-it-or-leave-it tactic C) let-us-split-the-difference tactic D) "if...then" tactic E) "sell low now, make profits later" tactic


18) Withholding information from customers to reveal at the close is a bad idea because springing new information could: A) be a violation of federal "truth in advertising" laws B) cause the customer to buy more units C) jeopardize the sale and cause bad feelings D) be considered an assumptive close E) benefit a rival salesperson


23) Cost represents the: A) relationship between price and amortization B) initial amount the buyer pays for the product C) amount the buyer pays for a product as it is used over a period of time D) true value of the product in non-financial terms E) buyer's contribution to the negotiations


23) One important reason for salespeople to make follow-up telephone calls to customers is: A) company policy asks salespeople to make follow-up calls B) sales managers cannot make all the calls themselves C) the customer may place repeat orders during a phone call D) customer service representatives cannot be trusted to make the calls E) the customers are certain to have complaints and issues that need to be addressed


23) Salespeople should never put pressure on a buyer with this communication style, and must understand the buyer's perceived risks to overcome them. Which communication style does this buyer have? A) directive B) rational C) supportive D) emotive E) reflective


28) An emotional response that can take various forms such as feelings of regret, fear, or anxiety is: A) Saturday-morning syndrome B) buyer's high C) buyer's remorse D) closing reluctance E) closing reserve


28) The best action to take to resolve a customer complaint is: A) one that compensates the customer B) one that pacifies the customer C) one that delights the customer D) one that costs the company little or nothing E) one that is performed in person


28) The difference between a misunderstanding and a disagreement is that: A) a misunderstanding and a disagreement are essentially the same thing, and any differences are largely semantic B) a misunderstanding is a failure to agree even when both sides understand each other, while a disagreement is a failure to accurately understand the other person's point C) a misunderstanding is a failure to accurately understand the other person's point, while a disagreement is a failure to agree even when both sides understand each other D) a misunderstanding compounds a disagreement by adding another level of complication, such as communication style or language barrier E) a misunderstanding is a less severe form of a disagreement


3) Adding value with a cluster of satisfactions would be an effective way to deal with: A) time and product resistance B) need and product resistance C) price resistance D) time and need resistance E) need resistance


3) During the close, attention should be focused on: A) a more detailed analysis of customer objections B) introducing the customer to associated products and services C) the one specific benefit that generates the most excitement D) the ceremonial aspect of the presentation E) the features the product has that set it apart from the competition


3) Opportunity management consists of the following areas EXCEPT: A) time management B) territory management C) talent management D) records management E) stress management


3) When dealing with customer complaints, the salesperson should: A) determine if the complaint is real or imagined B) point out the fallacy in the customer's argument C) decide what action must be taken to remedy the problem D) avoid telling the customer his/her point of view about the cause of the problem E) blame the problem on other departments in the company


8) All of the following are current developments in customer service, EXCEPT: A) Salespeople are spending more time monitoring customer satisfaction. B) Customer knowledge is viewed by sales and sales support personnel as an important key to improving customer service. C) The personal follow-up visit has proven to be the only effective follow-up method. D) Customer friendly computer-based systems will frequently be used to enhance customer service. E) Salespeople will display higher rates of sportsmanship in the face of disappointments.


8) The best way to overcome a sincere need objection by a business prospect is to: A) instruct the prospect in comparison shopping B) make the price the major selling point of the sales presentation C) prove that your product will help ensure company profits D) point out the superior qualities of your product compared to others on the market E) reiterate all the features of your product


8) The sales manager takes information from the routing and scheduling plan to develop: A) a to-do list B) a weekly sales report C) a sales call plan D) a customer contact card E) a call record


8) You have covered the major points of the sales presentation and detected considerable buyer interest, but you feel that the prospect will not be able to put the entire picture together without help. Which type of closing would be most appropriate? A) balance sheet close B) management close C) summary-of-benefits close D) trial close E) assumptive close


14) A form that serves a communications link with persons who can assist with customer service is called a: A) service card B) follow-up card C) product service card D) call report E) product service report


14) If a customer says to a sales representative from Johnson Supply, "I've always purchased my supplies from the Ralston Company," this person is raising an objection to: A) product B) time C) need D) source E) price


14) The statement, "We have always wanted to own a travel trailer like this one," is a closing clue that falls into which of the following categories? A) benefits B) requirements C) questions D) recognitions E) assumptions


19) According to sales trainer Tony Alessandra, there are three possible service outcomes. Which one should salespeople strive for? A) The moment of happiness B) The moment of truth C) The moment of misery D) The moment of magic E) The moment of expectation


19) Balance of power is the issue a salesperson must take into consideration when deciding how to respond to which of the following tactics? A) budget limitation tactic B) take-it-or-leave-it tactic C) let-us-split-the-difference tactic D) "if...then" tactic E) "sell low now, make profits later" tactic


19) Salespeople should be confident at the time of the close if they can answer "yes" to all of the following questions EXCEPT: A) Do you believe in your product? B) Do you believe in your company? C) Do you believe in yourself? D) Are you ready to give discounts if they are needed? E) Have you identified a solution to the customer's problem?


24) Full-line selling is also known as: A) approach selling B) upselling C) cross-selling D) suggestion selling E) expansion selling


24) Salespeople should provide support for this type of buyer's opinions and ideas, as this buyer needs social acceptance. Which communication style does this buyer have? A) directive B) rational C) supportive D) emotive E) reflective


24) Which of the following is an important consideration that buyers should keep in mind if they are searching for the lowest price on a product? A) Transactional buying does not lead to relationships with the seller. B) Features and benefits are not always related to price. C) Lower prices may also mean lower costs. D) The highest quality can never be obtained at the lowest price. E) Paying too much is worse than paying too little.


29) An unhappy customer is most likely to complain to: A) the salesperson B) the sales manager C) the decision-maker D) potential customers E) the competition


29) Logrolling refers to: A) selling customers products they have never purchased before from your company B) shifting customers form one salesperson to another to resolve personality conflicts C) asking customers to pay full price for the first year in exchange for lowered prices in future years D) an extremely alternate solution to a negotiation problem E) an increased sales volume on an old product when a newer product is released to the market at a slightly higher price


29) When a sale is lost, it is important to review the chain of events because: A) a client that has been lost once will be lost again B) the sales manager can take appropriate disciplinary action against the salesperson C) this will help the salesperson to determine how to retaliate against the competition D) this will enable the salesperson to learn from his or her mistakes E) this will determine if the client signed a letter of agreement or not


4) A salesperson who says, "As I described earlier, we have two financing methods available; Which of them do you prefer?" is using which of the following closing methods? A) negotiate the single problem B) special concession C) direct appeal close D) multiple options E) combination method


4) Resistance to the product is usually caused by all of the following EXCEPT: A) the product is not well established B) the present product is satisfactory C) friends or acquaintances did not like the product D) the product has been given a low rating by the competition E) the price is higher than competing products


4) The purpose of the follow-up communication between customer and salesperson is to express thanks for the order and to: A) introduce related products and services B) complete the call card form C) request referrals of other prospects D) determine if the customer is satisfied with the purchase E) ask for payment


4) When drawing up a daily "to do" list, a salesperson should: A) refer to the previous day's log for unaccomplished activities B) avoid listing more than five items C) record approximately twice as many activities as you realistically expect to accomplish D) list activities in priority order of importance E) rank items by chronology instead of importance


9) A good policy concerning record keeping is to: A) retain all receipts and records for three years before discarding them B) require written responses instead of substituting checkmarks C) record only those details that cannot be committed to memory D) never require a record that does not provide positive benefits to someone in the sales process E) require records on all details and processes as a way of maintaining sales process discipline


9) After closing a sale, the salesperson should do all of the following, EXCEPT: A) congratulate the customer on making a wise decision B) describe the satisfaction that will come from owning the product C) ask for names of new prospects (referrals) D) initiate a general conversation E) resell the buyer emotionally to prevent buyer's remorse


9) Customer complaints can provide the firm with great value. How? A) They give customer service representatives work to do. B) Resolving them ties up important resources. C) They offer an opportunity to shed bad customers. D) They can be a source of information that is difficult to obtain by other means. E) They provide a chance to prove the company is right.


9) One of the most common forms of buyer resistance and one of the most common excuses is: A) lack of recognition of need for the product B) personality conflict with the salesperson C) loyalty to another firm D) resistance to price E) dispute about payment terms


10) If you are familiar with your product as well as your competition's product, which method of negotiating buyer resistance is one of the most convincing ways to overcome buyer skepticism? A) defamation B) trial offer C) third-party testimony D) indirect denial E) demonstration


10) Prior to the introduction of consultative selling and the partnering era, closing was often presented as: A) not necessary if the product was quality B) a game that could be won with strong persuasion C) a battle between salesperson and buyer D) the only thing a salesperson needed to practice E) the most important aspect of the sales process


10) Sometimes customer expectations aren't met. When this happens it is referred to as a: A) moment of happiness B) moment of magic C) moment of truth D) moment of consequences E) moment of misery


10) Time management systems will not work for salespeople unless the salespeople have: A) the desire to consider making positive change B) the self-discipline to manage their time properly C) the organizational skills to create them D) the time to use them properly E) the commitment to use them consistently


15) All of the following are tips to keep in mind when designing and using the business card, EXCEPT: A) make sure all the information on the card is current B) use eye-catching items such as raised letters or company logo C) the card should feature all current contact information D) give your cards generously to anyone who might need to contact you later E) print information only on one side of the card


15) If the prospect says "no," which of the following should the salesperson avoid? A) Thank the prospect sincerely. B) Prepare the prospect to evaluate competing products. C) Review the chain of events. D) Make sure the deal is really dead. E) Display open disappointment and indicate that you would like to return later and present the proposal a second time.


15) Which of the following is NOT true with respect to negotiations in foreign cultures? A) Different cultural expectations can cause miscommunication. B) It is a bad idea to become antagonistic during negotiations. C) You should get involved in native business rituals. D) German buyers are likely to look you in the eye. E) In China, negotiations are less straightforward than in Japan.


20) An agreement to keep the same price but reduce prices in the future is often a successful response to which of the following tactics used by buyers? A) budget limitation tactic B) take-it-or-leave-it tactic C) let-us-split-the-difference tactic D) "if...then" tactic E) "sell low now, make profits later" tactic


20) An indication, either verbal or nonverbal, that the prospect is preparing to make a buying decision is called: A) an assumptive close B) a trial close C) a verbal clue D) a non-verbal clue E) a closing clue


20) Salespeople should do all of the following when product is delivered to customers EXCEPT: A) be present during delivery B) monitor installation C) offer training in the use or care of the product D) provide price change information E) unpack the product by hand


25) Cross-selling is most effective in those situations in which: A) the purchase is product-based B) the sales type is transactional C) the products are similar D) the relationship is not well-established enough to be jeopardized by an incorrect approach E) the salesperson and customer have an established relationship


25) Salespeople should never put pressure on a buyer with this communication style, and will not get anywhere by appealing to emotions. Which communication style does this buyer have? A) directive B) rational C) supportive D) emotive E) reflective


25) The iceberg metaphor shows that many customers try to negotiate on price because: A) price is often inflated to attempt to maximize profits for the company B) price is the most easily quantifiable characteristic of any product C) they were trained to negotiate on price and price alone D) they feel that they are not fulfilling their duties as buyers if they do not attempt to get lower prices E) they do not realize that other factors, such as service and terms, can be more important to satisfaction in the long-haul


30) Complaints from a customer should be viewed as: A) a serious failure of the salesperson B) a serious failure of customer service C) an issue that should be dealt with at the executive level D) a problem to be fixed by discounting future orders E) an opportunity to strengthen the relationship


30) Determining your BATNA and ZOPA will help you in negotiations because: A) the process will be delayed and you may be able to wear the buyer down B) you will have a leg up on buyers, who are restricted from performing these assessments C) you will only make the sale if your BATNA determination matches your buyer's exactly D) they determine the best fair price for a product E) they tell you what you will be willing to accept before you walk away from the negotiation


30) Once a salesperson has lost a deal, the salesperson should: A) remove the client's records from the CRM system B) send the client an email expressing displeasure with the negotiation process C) avoid contact with the client D) make sure the client knows about the weaknesses of the competitor E) keep the door open for future sales


5) Sales territories should, in most cases, be established on the basis of: A) seniority of salespeople B) prospects for new accounts C) geographical considerations D) number of customers E) sales potential


5) The major advantage of a telephone call over written correspondence is that: A) it is cheaper B) less time is involved C) it offers spontaneity D) the buyer is a "captive audience" E) two-way communication is involved


5) When a prospect has finished voicing an objection, it is a good idea for the salesperson to: A) suggest postponing the negotiations B) divert attention to a product feature C) point out the relationship between price and quality D) agree that the objection is true and accurate E) be certain both parties are clear about the true nature of the problem


5) When you are working on a large, complex sale you should try to achieve: A) partnership B) synergy C) immediate commitment D) total commitment E) incremental commitment


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