Procedures Final

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movement of an extremity toward the midline of the body is termed:


the shin is medically known as:

anterior crest of the tibia

the hip joint is which type of joint (think about the motion of this joint)?

ball and socket

this bone projects posteriorly and medially at the distal portion of the foot:


which of the following tarsal bones is considered both the largest and the strongest of the tarsal bones?


where is the central ray directed for the tangential projection (sunrise method) of the patella?

through the patellofemoral joint space

if on a single radiograph, i can see slight overlap of the tibia on the proximal fibular head, and the distal portion of the fibula is superimposed over the posterior half of the tibia. i am looking at a radiograph of the ________.


what are the bones that make up the pelvis?

two hip bones, sacrum and coccyx

how many degrees is the central ray angled for an AP oblique, medial rotation, of the ankle?

0 degrees

when the distance between the tabletop and the ASIS measure between 19 and 24 cm, the central ray angulation for the AP knee is:

0 degrees

which of the following is the central ray angulation for a PA projection of the patella?

0 degrees

the centering point for the lateral os calsis is ______ inches below the medial malleolus


what control panels for the x-ray rooms are the same?

1 and 2

according to bontrager, where is the central ray placed on an AP view of the shoulder, external rotation?

1" below coracoid

where is the center of the cassette placed for the AP projection of the knee?

1/2 inch below the patellar apex

the tibial plateaus slope posteriorly at an angle of:

10-20 degrees

how many phalanges are located in the foot?


in order to properly open the interphalangeal joint spaces of the toes on an AP axial projection, the central ray should be angled no more than _____ cephalic.

15 degrees

the leg and foot must be rotated how many degrees on the medial oblique position, mortise view, of the ankle?


how much do we rotate the limb internally for an AP femur to include the hip?

15-20 degrees

according to bontrager, what is the direction and degree of CR angulation for an AP axial clavicle?

15-30 cephalic

how many degrees is the leg to be flexed for the lateral projection of the knee, when there is no suspicion of a fracture?


the tangential projection of the wrist for the carpal canals also referred to as the Gaynor-Hart method requires a CR angle of:

25-30 degrees to the long axis of the hand

the foot contains a total of how many bones?


if on an AP oblique, medial rotation of the knee, i angled 3 to 5 degrees cephalic. the patient probably measures _______.

26 cm

how many bones are found in one hand/wrist?


to obtain a radiograph of a lateral extended hand, the CR should enter the:

2nd MCP

the hip bone is made up of _____ separate bones


according to bontrager, the plantar surface of the foot should be correctly placed in what degree of obliquity for the AP oblique projection, medial rotation of the foot?


the long axis to the calcaneous projects inferiorly and forms an angle of:

30 degrees

to which of the following is the central ray directed for the AP axial projection of the toes?

3rd metatarsophalangeal joint

when the leg is angled 40 degrees for the PA axial intercondylar fossa (camp-coventry) projection, the central ray will be angled how many degrees?


what is the tube angulation for a camp-coventry?

40 or 50 degree caudal

what is the recommended SID for radiography of the elbow?

40-44 inches

how much is the limb rotated on the AP oblique projection, medial rotation, of the knee?

45 degrees

how much rotation should be used for an AP oblique projection of the elbow, no matter which oblique you perform:

45 degrees

how much is the patient's body rotated for the scapula Y view?

45-60 degrees

how many degrees is the central ray angled for an AP projection of the knee in which the ASIS to table measurement is 27 cm?

5 degrees cephalic

how much is the knee flexed for a properly positioned lateral patella?

5-10 degrees

to correctly demonstrate a PA patella the heel must be rotated ____ laterally.

5-10 degrees

according to bontrager, which of the following is a common site of fractures in the foot?

5th metatarsal tuberosity

how much should the foot be flexed for a lateral foot projection?

90 degrees

which of the following examinations must be performed at a 72 inch SID?

AC joints

entire clavicle centered on the image, uniform density, lateral half of the clavicle above the scapula with the medial half superimposing the scapula. describes what evaluation criteria for what position?

AP clavicle

coronoid process in profile; trochlea elongated medial humeral epicondyle; ulna superimposed by the radial head/neck; olecranon process within the olecranon fossa. describes what evaluation criteria for what position?

AP oblique elbow, medial rotation

which projection most clearly demonstrates the joint space between the talus and BOTH malleoli?

AP oblique with 15-20 degree internal rotation

on which view of the elbow are the radial head, neck, tuberosity projected for of the ulna?

AP oblique, lateral rotation

what projection of the knee would separate the tibia and fibula at their proximal articulation?

AP oblique, medial rotation

which of the following projections will best demonstrate the cuboid bone?

AP oblique, medial rotation

what state is referred to in the mnemonic to help remember the tarsal bones?


what is the CR placement for the 1st toe?


which of the following describes correct IR/CR positioning for the stetcher?

IR angled 20 degrees, perpendicular CR

to demonstrate the patella with sharper detail, place the area of interest in the:

PA position

where is the central ray directed on the PA projection of the right 3rd digit?


which of the following structures arises from the end of the crest of scapular spine?


placing the forearm across the lower back will best demonstrate which scapular structure(s)?

acromion and coracoid

the wing of the ileum is medically know as:


according to bontrager, which of the following evaluation criteria indicated you have a diagnostic view of a lateral forearm?

all of the above

according to bontrager, which of the following should be seen on the lateral wrist?

all of the above

along with the inferior surface of the tibia, which of the following structures formally forms the ankle mortise?

all of the above

identify the evaluation criteria below that help you determine if acromioclavicular joints are diagnostic.

all of the above

film badges (TLDs) may not leave the lab for which of the following reasons?

all of the reasons are valid

which of the following best describes the entering point of the central ray on an AP projection of the ankle?

ankle joint, midway between the malleoli

which of the following structures is NOT clearly demonstrated on an AP projection of the ankle?

ankle mortise


articulates with the radius proximally

the top of the IR for a lateral proximal femur goes:

at the ASIS

for the axial calcaneous, the CR should enter:

at the base of the 3rd metatarsal

where is the top of the IR placed to obtain and AP of the proximal femur?

at the level of the ASIS

which skeletal area consist of approximately 80 bones?


to which of the following is the central ray directed for the AP or AP axial projection of the foot?

base of the 3rd metatarsal

proper collimation of the lateral calcaneous includes which of the following structures?

base of the 5th metatarsal

structures and interspaces free of superimposition demonstrated on the AP oblique medial rotation projection of the foot will include all of the following except:

bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsals

why should you perform an AP radiograph of the 1st digit instead of a PA radiograph of the 1st digit?

because you want the part to be close to the IR

a 10 degree angulation for the AP axial foot will:

better demonstrate the TMT joint

which of the following bones form 2/5 of the acetabulum superiorly?

body of the ilium

according to bontrager, which of the following is the proper breathing instruction for the transthoracic lateral (for the shoulder)?

breathe gently

technique charts are generally found:

built into the control panel

one of the evaluation criteria for the axial projection of the calcaneous is to clearly demonstrate the:

calcaneous and talus

the cuboid lies between:

calcaneous and the 4th and 5th metatarsals

the "tunnel" view is a common term for:


on page 129 of your textbook, there is a radiograph of a PA wrist. the letter "G" corresponds to the carpal bone that articulates with the 3rd metacarpal. this would be the:


according to bontrager, which of the following indicate a true lateral of the 2-5 digits?

concave anterior surfaces, no obstruction of proximal phalanx or MCP joint by adjacent digits

another term for the axiolateral (cross-table lateral) projection of the hip is:


you have called Mr. Morrison for his exam. which of the following should you use to verify his identity?

date of birth

which anatomical part is more inferior?

deltoid tuberosity

joint that is said to be freely moveable is termed:


the top of the foot is also termed the:

dorsal surface

the 10 day rule should be applied to non-emergency radiographic examinations of the abdomen on women of child bearing age:

during the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle

(TRUE/FALSE) according to bontrager, you must include the entire clavicle for an AP shoulder, external rotation


(TRUE/FALSE) for an AP radiograph of the forearm, the hand is pronated


(TRUE/FALSE) for the lateral ankle, dorsiflexion is necessary to prevent medial rotation of the ankle


(TRUE/FALSE) real people can be x-rayed in our lab.


(TRUE/FALSE) the correct anatomical position refers to the body standing erect, face and eyes forward, arms extended by the side with palms facing forward, heels together, and toes pointing inferiorly


(TRUE/FALSE) the intermediate cuneiform (2nd) articulates with the medial, lateral, cuneiforms, 2nd metatarsal and the cuboid


(TRUE/FALSE) the interphalangeal joints are hinge joints that are freely moveable but not synovial


(TRUE/FALSE) the pelvic inlet for the male is more round in shape than oval


(TRUE/FALSE) the phalanges of the hand and foot are numbered exactly the same in the normal anatomical position


(TRUE/FALSE) visualization of fat pads on an AP elbow may be the only evidence of injury


the AP oblique, lateral rotation, of the knee demonstrates?

fibula superimposed over the lateral half of the tibia

according to the text, in which position do you place the elbow when positioning the patient for a lateral view of the wrist?

flexed 90 degrees

the humerus and ulna articulation and the humerus and radius articulations allow for what type of movement?


the interphalangeal joints of the foot allow for what motion?


which of the following are considered to be the 4 parts of the lower limb or extremity

foot,leg, thigh, hip

which of the following is true with relation to the lateral angle of the scapula?

found at the thickest part of the scapular body

the ligamentum capitis femoris attaches to the femur at the:

fovea capitis

what must be projected in profile for an AP projection of the hip?

greater trochanter

the external rotation of the AP shoulder best demonstrates:

greater tubercle


growth line


has a smaller surface anteriorly than posteriorly; 4-sided

which of the following is necessary for proper AP presentation of the humerus?

have the humeral epicondyles parallel with the IR

which is more distal:

head of the 3rd proximal phalanx

the five ______ of the metatarsals form the ball of the foot


what bones comprise the pelvic girdle?

hip bones

the lateral hip demonstrates:

hip joint, acetabulum, and femoral head

which of the following best describes the correct patient position for a lateral forearm?

humerus and forearm 90 degrees, in the same plane

which bones of the pelvis join to form the acetabulum?

ilium, ischium, and pubis



the hip bone is also known as the os comas or the __________.

innominate bone

what other term refers to the tibial spine?

intercondylar eminence

what is the AP AC joints, with weights, used for:

it is used to demonstrate function of the joints

what type of fracture is sometimes confused with an epiphysis?


flexing the fingers with the hand in the PA position places the thumb in the _____ position.


visitation of fat pads on the _______ elbow may be the only evidence of injury


with reference to the body of the scapula, where is the coracoid process located?

lateral and superior

superimposed humeral epicondyles; radial tuberosity facing anteriorly; olecranon process seen in profile; radial head partially superimposing the coronoid process. this evaluation criteria describes which of the following positions?

lateral elbow

soft tissues and bony trebeculae, both joints on the radiograph, and the elbow flexed 90 degrees. describes what evaluation criteria for what position?

lateral forearm

if the central ray is directed 5 to 7 degrees cephalic entering 1" distal to the medial epicondyle. i am probably taking a radiograph of the ______.

lateral knee

if the radial tuberosity is facing anteriorly and the radial head partially superimposes on the coronoid process, the elbow is in the:

lateral position

for which of the projection of an individual hip should the unaffected hip be flexed and the thigh be raised out of the way of the CR?

lateral projection, danelius-miller

which of the following should you see on an AP shoulder, internal rotation?

lesser tubercle in profile

phalanges are classified as what type of bone?


to adequately visualize the ankle mortise, the leg is rotated (lateral, medial) _______ degrees.

medial, 15-20 degrees

to which of the following is the central ray directed for a PA oblique projection of the 1st digit?

metacarpal phalangeal joint space

what bones form the instep?



moves freely

the astragalus articulates with the tibia, fibula, os calsis, and the _______.


which of the following is NOT included in the evaluation criteria for the beclere method?

no superimposition of the fossa by the base of the patella

according to bontrager, what is the tube angulation (rotation) on the inferosuperior axial projection of the shoulder?

none of the above

which of the following structures is located on the posterior surface of the distal humerus?

olecranon fossa

the most proximal part of the ulna is the:

olecranon process

which bony processes are located on the proximal end of the ulna?

olecranon process and coronoid process

in lab, which room(s) has automatic tracking on the collimator:

only 3

which of the following is part of the evaluation criteria for a PA oblique 2nd-5th digits?

open IP and MCP joint spaces

which of the following best describes the relationship of the femoral condyles to the IR when the leg is properly positioned for the AP projection of the distal femur?


according to bontrager, how should the humeral epicondyles be placed for an AP shoulder, external rotation?

parallel to the IR

according to bontrager, only the 2 hip bones combine to form?

pelvic girdle

when a patient cannot fully extend the forearm for an AP elbow due to trauma, you have to:

perform flexion of the distal humerus and flexion of the proximal forearm

according to bontrager, how should the humeral epicondyles be placed for an lateral humerus?

perpendicular to the IR

why do we rotate the leg for an AP projection of the femur to include the hip?

places femoral neck in profile and not foreshortened

pointing the toes downward while extending the ankle joint from the normal anatomical position, is termed:

plantar flexion

which term is used to identify the inferior surface of the foot?

plantar surface

the direction of the x-ray beam as it enters the body, passes through, and finally exits the body, is known as:


which of the following terms is defined as a rotation of the forearm so that the palm is down?


the AC joints allow for what type of movement?


the body of this bone forms 1/5 of the acetabulum anteriorly.


the AP oblique elbow, lateral rotation is a good view to show fractures of the:

radial head

an AP oblique, lateral rotation, of the elbow, will result in what anatomic feature being projected free from superimposition?

radial head and radial tuberosity

the proximal head of the radius articulates with the _____ notch of the ulna on the ________ side.

radial; lateral

if the intercarpal joints of the wrist are gliding type joint, then the 1st carpometacarpal joint is a synovial ______ type joint.


the plane that divides the body into right and left sides is the:


on which of the following examinations is the cassette placed in the bucky tray in the lengthwise position?

scapula Y

the shoulder girdle is formed by the:

scapula and clavicle

all of the following are evaluation criteria for the AP scapula except:

scapula is horizontal and oblique




slightly moveable

in lab, rooms 3 and 4 when the light is on for the focal spot; is it large or small focal spot?


which of the following is evaluation criteria for ulnar deviation of the wrist?

soft tissue and bony trabeculation; scaphoid and adjacent articulations open

if a fracture of the scaphoid is suspected, which of the following positions should you perform?


the scapula Y projection for the shoulder requires the patient's arm to be:

straight down along the side of the thorax

according to bontrager, which of the following must be seen on a lateral wrist?

superimposed metacarpals; distal radius, ulna, carpals, proximal half of metacarpals

which 2 borders of the scapula unite to form the lateral angle?

superior and lateral

which fat pad in the elbow lies parallel with the anterior proximal radius?

supinator fat pad

where is the central ray placed on the transthoracic lateral projection (lawrence method) of the proximal humerus?

surgical neck

a thick, yellow, viscous, lubricating fluid found in some joints is termed?


the second largest tarsal bone is the:


evaluation criteria for the AP projection of the ankle will NOT include:

talus slightly overlapping the distal tibia

in lab, when room 3 or 4 does not detent, the most probable cause would be:

the incorrect bucky is selected

the humerus is considered a long bone, what must you include on a lateral humerus for it be diagnostic?

the shoulder and elbow joint

which of the following does NOT identify a characteristic of metacarpals?

they convex slightly anteriorly

which of the following is most clearly demonstrated on an AP oblique projection of the knee in medial rotation?

tibiofibular joint space

for a lateral projection of the foot, the CR should be perpendicular

to the base of the 3rd metatarsal

according to bontrager, which way do you angle the central ray (CR) for the stretcher (PA Axial) when the patient's wrist and image receptor are flat?

toward the elbow

which bone of the wrist must be included on any view of the 1st digit?


which carpal bones must be included when imaging the 1st digit?


which carpal bones are best demonstrated on the PA oblique (lateral rotation) of the wrist?

trapezium -- scaphoid

the wrist is comprised of 8 carpal bones. which of the following is the correct order of the distal row of the carpal bones from lateral to medial?

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

distal humerus without rotation or distortion; proximal radius superimposed over the ulna; closed elbow joint; foreshortened proximal forearm. this evaluation criteria describes which of the following positions?

trauma, flexion distal humerus

(TRUE/FALSE) a jones fracture is a fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal


(TRUE/FALSE) for a lateral ankle, the CR enters at the medial malleolus


(TRUE/FALSE) for an AP oblique foot, medial rotation, the central ray is perpendicular


(TRUE/FALSE) if done correctly, one of the evaluation criteria for the inferosuperior axial projection of the shoulder will demonstrate the corocoid process pointing anteriorly and in profile


(TRUE/FALSE) the camp-coventry is a method of radiographing the intercondylar fossa


(TRUE/FALSE) the female pelvis is wider and shallower than the male pelvis


(TRUE/FALSE) the intertrochanteric line is anterior on the femur


(TRUE/FALSE) the largest bone in the proximal row of the carpal bones is the scaphoid:


(TRUE/FALSE) the pubic symphysis is a cartilaginous, slight moveable joint


(TRUE/FALSE) the pubis consist of a body, superior ramus, an the inferior ramus


(TRUE/FALSE) the radiocarpal joint is a synovial, ellipsoidal freely moveable joint


(TRUE/FALSE) the union of the clavicle with the manubrium is the only bony union between the upper limb and the trunk.


(TRUE/FALSE) to correctly position a PA patella, the heel should be rotated laterally


(TRUE/FALSE) to radiograph the distal femur, the IR should extend 2" below the knee


(TRUE/FALSE) when doing a frontal projection of the patella, the knee is placed PA


(TRUE/FALSE) when evaluating AP oblique toes, one side of the phalanges should demonstrate more mid shaft concavity than the other


(TRUE/FALSE) with reference to the medial malleolus; the lateral malleolus lies more posterior


(TRUE/FALSE) you have to include the toes on a lateral foot


(true/false) for an AP radiograph of the forearm, the hand is supinated


the term that is used to describe the body part seen by the IR is:



wedge-shaped; prominent density on its anterior surface

short bones are located in the feet/ankle and the ______.


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