Promise and a Blessing New Testament Survey

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What is the probable date of Luke's gospel?

A.D. 58-60 from Cesara

What was the date of Matthew's gospel?

About A.D. 65-71

How were the Saducees influential?

All of the high priests were Sadducee They were educated and held prominent positions Sophisticated urban class held the majority influence in Sanhedrin

To what does the term synoptic problem reffer?

Does not mean gospel has a problem. Just means scholars had a hard time discerning and trying to answer the question of the gospels

At what location did Jesus encounter the Samaritan woman?

Jacob's well

Which "James" was most likely the author of the book of James?

James half brother of Jesus

What is the main point of the lost parables?

Jesus will find his lost sheep

What were Satan's temptations and Jesus' responses?

Turn stones into bread- doubt God's care -spiritual nourishment is more necessary than physical nourishment Jump down the pinnacle of the Temple to prove he was Messiah. -he refused to test the faithfulness of God Worship Satan and recieve the earthly kingdom - opportunity to seize kingdom and avoid the cross

What led Mary Joseph and Jesus to eventually move to Nazareth

death of Herod

When accused by the Pharisees of hypocrisy and following human tradition, what practice did Jesus accuse them of committing?

denounced their practice of corban


derived from Epicurus antireligious atoms coming together


derived from Plato dualistic view of world invisible world and visible matter

Who were the members of the diadochoi who succeeded Alexander?

generals who corrupted gov. until successor was old enough to heir

What does Gospel mean?

good news

While in the synagogue at Nazareth, Jesus read from the scroll. What did he do immediately after reading the scroll?

he was rejected from Nazareth because he wouldn't finish the scroll and moved to Capernaum


height of virtue to have no want at all sought to demolish desire itself

What was the purpose of the temptation of Jesus

in order to help those who are tempted b/c he has been through the same thing to demonstrate that a man can resist Satan


joined in plot to kill Jesus ask Jesus about taxes Jews who wanted Rome to have great authority

Beliefs of the the Pharisees

strongly monotheistic accepted all OT as authoritative affirmed reality of angels and demons firm belief in life after death and ressurection missionaries seeking conversion of Gentiles God was concerned for the person but also he/she had a choice


syncristic religious philosophy based on platonism matter is evil, spiritual is good

What three actions best summarize Jesus' Galilean ministry?

teaching in their synagogue preaching good news of the kingdom healing every sickness/ disease among people

Who was reading the 53rd chapter of Isaiah when Phillip met him?

the Eunoch

What is the only miracle mentioned in all four gospels?

the feeding of 5,000

How did some attempt to explain the miracle of Pentecost

the men were drunk

Pharisees means

the seperate ones

What is the general purpose of John's gospel?

to counter the Jews correct a "baptist" cult promote faith in Jesus

Why did Jesus tell John the Baptist he wanted to be Baptize

to fufill all righteousness so Israel could claim their place with God.

What was the purpose of Jesus's first miracle

to manifest his glory

What was the purpose of Mark's gospel?

to present Jesus to a Gentile audience

The Maccabees

took revenge on Antiochus "Hannukuh"- converted everyone to Judaism forcibly

Where did Mary, Joseph, and Jesus flee to avoid Herod

went to Egypt

Rulers of Syria

Seleculus Antiochus 3rd Seleculus 4th (Philaptor) Antiochus 4th (Insane) - was extremely cruel to Jewish people

Who was the tanner in Joppa with whom Peter visited


Who sought to buy the gift of imparting the Holy spirit from Peter?

Simon Magus

Who were the 12 disciples

Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Nathaniel, Thomas, Matthew, James, Simon, Judas Iscariot, Thaddeus

What does Synoptic mean?

seen together, seen with same eyes

What is the general purpose of Luke's gospel?

show Jesus as a savior for all the world

What did Jesus instruct his disciples to do after he was gone?

Go and make disciples of all nations.

On what occassion do we have Jesus's first recorded works?

3 days after 12th birthday

Purposes/dates of Jewish return to Jerusalem

536 B.C. to rebuild Jewish Temple 458 B.C. to enforce Mosaic Law 444 B.C. to rebuild the Jerusalem city walls and to lead social reform

In what year was Jesus born

6 or 5 B.C.

For the Jews, when did the Sabbath begin and when did it end?

6pm Friday-6pm Saturday

Who baptized Saul?


What were the events surrounding the birth of Christ?

Angel appeared to Zacharius and told him he would have a son (John) angel appeared to Mary and told of the virgin birth angel appeared to Joseph and told him the baby was of the holy spirit Mary gave birth in Bethlehem Jesus means "one who saves" Angels announced birth to shepherds near Bethlehem Magi from the East following a star circumcised on the 8th day. Go down to Egypt rather than Bethelehem

Members of diadochoi

Antigonus- took northern Syria and Babyllon Cussander- ruled Macedonia Ptolemy- controlled S. Syria and Egypt lysimachus- Controlled Thrace and W. Asia Minor

At what location were believers in Christ first called Christians?


What super natural events occurred with the coming of the Holy Spirit?

Audible manifestation- sound of coming wind Visible manifestation- saw what looked like tongues of fire Communication manifestation

Who accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey


Who served as a character reference to Saul in Jerusalem?


In what city did four men bring a paralytic?



Collection of books found between OT and NT

Who was the Roman officer who was directed by God to send for Peter?


What are some disagreements of Synoptic Gospels?

Each gospel contains material peculiar to it Marked differences in parallel accounts Some episodes of transposed and related in different context

What are the names of the NT books that are written in the form of a letter?

Epistles- letters from apostles, Jesus, and others

What is evidence for Jesus's resurrection?

Existence of the Christian church celebration of Sunday rather than Jewish Saturday change of disciples existence of New Testament filled witness to the OT logical parts of Christianity


Fanatical revolutionaries who tried to overthrow Roman power by all means Only God had rule of Jews

On what occasion was an adulteress brought to Jesus?

Feast of Tabernacle teaching at the temple

What location during the first missionary journey did Paul and Barnabas face opposition from the Jews?

Galatia (Roman Provinces)

What was Matthew's Jewish name?

Gift of Yaweh

Who was the tetrarch of Galilee and Perea during the death of John the Baptist?

Herod Antipus (4 B.C.- A.D. 37)

What were the two great theological schools and their views on divorce?

Hillel -took liberal side divorce should be granted with even most trivial offense regarded incompatibility was sufficient grounds for divorce Shammai -conservative view on divorce unfaithfulness was only ground for divorce

On what occasion did Paul accompany Paul and Barnabus?

Ist missionary trip to Perga


Jewish writings excluded from OT

What desciples were also known as Boanerges, "the son of thunder?"

John, James

What are the Synoptic Gospels

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

What Greek word describes Jesus Christ


Which of the gospel writers was both a gentile and physician?


At what location did Paul meet Timothy?


At what location was Paul stoned?


What location were Paul and Barnabas refereed to as Gods?


Who was Mark's mother?

Mary Related to Barnabus

To whom did Jesus appear after his death but before ascension?

Mary Magdaline- On Sunday morning after the resurrection Other women on Sunday morning 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus Peter Sunday evening 10 disciples with only Thomas absent 11 disciples the next Sunday 7 disciples beside the sea of Galilee disciples on an appointed mountain in Galilee more than 500 people at one time James the brother of Jesus Occasion that he predicted the baptism of the holy spirit

Who was named to fill Judas's roll as disciple?


What two old testament men appeared at the transfiguration of Christ?

Moses and Elijah

What are the different views regarding the unpardonable sin?

National sin of Israel. They're rejecting their king. People who reject that Jesus is lord and continue until death

Who was the member of the Sanhedrin who had a discourse with Jesus on how to be born again?

Nicodemus- needed to be baptized

What is the probable date of John's gospel?

Not said

Who was the Roman Emporer when Christ was born?


What location during the first missionary journey did John Mark abandoned the missionary team?


What location in the missionary journey are we introduced to Sergius Paulus and Elymas Barjesus?


Four periods of Intertestamental period?

Persian (539-333 B.C.) Grecian (333-167 B.C.) a. Ptolemaic Period (320-198 B.C.) b. Seleucid Period ( Syrian period 198-167 B.C.) Maccabean (167-63 B.C.) Roman ( 63 B.C.- A.D. 135)

Who was the first missionary outside of Jerusalem?


Who was the rabbi that interceded prior to Sanhedrin arresting apostles?

Rabbi Gamaliel

Where was Mark's gospel written?


What is the name of the Jewish Supreme Court?


By what name is the Sea of Galilee known?

Sea of Kinnereth Lake of Genesseret Sea of Tiberius "The sea" "The Lake"

To whom did Jesus appear after ascension?

Stephen when he dies Paul on the road to Damascus Apostle Paul in Arabia Apostle John on the island of Patmos

Who were two men chosen to serve the Hellenistic that eventually became famous?

Stephen- the first martyr Phillip- the first missionary outside of Jerusalem


Study/ teaching by recitation

Who were the women named in the geneology of Jesus?

Tamar- adultress Rahab- harlot Ruth- Moabtiss Bathsheba- Cheater

What three actions summarize Jesus's Galilean ministry?

Teaching in their synagogues preaching the good news of the kingdom healing every disease/ sickness among people

To what does the term Talmud refer

Teaching/ learning

NT letters are generally divided into what three parts?

The address the body Conclusion

What were the visible and audible commendations God gave in approving Jesus' baptism?

The spirit descended from Heaven in the form of a dove "You are my beloved son with whom I am well pleased." Jesus was already God's son prior to baptism. His baptism did not solidify his part as Gods son

What is another term for Peter's answer to Jesus' question "Who do you say I am?"

You re the Christ the son of the living God.

Who were the parents of John the Baptist

Zacharias and Elizabeth

What does the term Logos imply?

as far as the mind can reach in the very beginning it existed

On what occasion did Jesus become a child of the Law

age of 12

What are the basic agreements of the Synoptic Gospels?

agree with overall selection materials Jesus' story in the same outline period of preparation ministry in Galilee ministry to the way of Jerusalem Ministry in way of culminating Jesus' resurrection and death

What activities were going on that caused Jesus o cleanse the Temple?

animals were offered for sale in the temple area for sacrifices. rackateers charged people way too much to buy sacrifices

What location was Saul's name changed to Paul?

city of Paphos

What were the reasons Jesus began to withdraw from the multitude?

did most things in region of Philip because he wasn't hostile

To what Old Testament account did Jesus' claim to be the light of the world refer?

exodus 13:21-22

What is the key concept of the book of James?

faith without works is dead

What two principle events occurred during Jesus' third withdrawal?

fed another multitude Pharisees and Saducees tempted him

At what event did Jesus perform his first miracle?

marriage ceremony

When did the Holy Spirit indwell the believers in Christ?

not until the Christian church was set up


opposite of Epicureanism Universe controlled by absolute reason not good Conformity to reason was highest good.

What is the meaning of the Greek term, Synagogue?

originated shortly after exile greek term "gathering place" small building made by Jews to teach the law

Where was Saul when he heard the voice of God calling him?

outside Demascus


pulled out fo community and centered themselves around a leader of righteousness lived in wilderness no evidence of Jesus/ John related to Quran

Beliefs of Saducees

rejected resurrection and after life did not believe in angels and demons rejected election of God accepted only the first five books of OT as scripture denied the concern of God for human affairs

What was the purpose of Matthew's gospel?

wrote gospel to present Jesus as Messiah, mainly to the Jews

What was the general purpose of the book of James?

wrote to explain nature of trials and tribulations

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