Property and casualty - Personal Auto Policy

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A leased auto is an eligible vehicle if the lease contract is for a continuous period of at least how many months?


Policyholder J hit a deer with his Honda. J has collision coverage with a $250.00 deductible and Other Than Collision coverage with a $50.00 deductible. The damage to J's car was $450.00. How much will the policy pay?

$400.00. Collision with a bird or animal is covered by Other Than Collision coverage. The $50.00 deductible would apply.

Claimant A has bodily injuries in the amount of $49,500; claimant B, $19,500; and claimant C; 14,000 arising out of a 4-car accident caused by the insured, whose PAP carries limits of 25/50/10. What will the insurer pay?

$50,000. Regardless of the individual claim amounts, because the total of the individual claims ($83,000) exceeds the per accident limit of $50,000, the insurer's liability is limited to $50,000 for all three claimants.

The limited Mexico coverage provides coverage for how many miles into mexico?


Which of the following will be paid by Supplementary Payments under Part A of the Personal Auto Policy?

A $250.00 jail bond.

Under the Personal Auto Policy, medical payments do not apply to passengers occupying which of the following?

A van used in the insured's business in the course of employment.

Which of the following vehicles is not considered an uninsured vehicle under part C of the PAP?

A vehicle owned by the government.

The Personal Auto Policy would not provide coverage for which of the following?

A vehicle with fewer than four wheels.

Which vehicle is covered under Part-B - Medical payments of the PAP?

A) A 3-wheel vehicle B) A vehicle used as a residence C) A vehicle used for car pools. D) A family member's company car C.

Which of these statements is not true regarding Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

A) A driver is considered uninsured when his/her insurer denies a claim. B) Bodily injury must be caused by another person who is legally responsible. C) Coverage is automatically provided for the damage to the insured vehicle. D) A hit and run driver is considered uninsured. C.

Which of the following is not an insured under a PAP?

A) A foreign exchange student living with the insured for the school year. B) The resident teenage son of the insured who drives the vehicle without a license. C) A spouse living in the same household. D) A thief involved in a high-speed police chase. D.

All of the following are excluded under Part A of the Personal Auto Policy except:

A) A vehicle driven by an unlicensed driver. B) Damage caused by a vehicle designed mainly for off road use. C) Use of non-owned vehicle without permission. D) Intentional damage caused by the insured. A.

All of the following are true of automobile physical damage Coverage D except:

A) Collision coverage usually is written with a deductible. B) It covers damage to the insured auto and to another auto with which it collided. C) Damage to the insured auto that is caused by colliding with a deer would be covered under the Other Than Collision coverage. D) It covers damage to the insured auto regardless of liability. B.

all of the following are true of automobile physical damage Coverage D, except:

A) Collision coverage usually is written with a deductible. B)It covers damage to the insured auto regardless of liability. C) Damage to the insured auto that is caused by colliding with a deer would be covered under Other Than Collision coverage. D) It covers damage to the insured auto and to another auto with which it collided. D.

Liability coverage under the PAP will cover which of the following?

A) Company car B) Motorcycle C) A van used to deliver newspapers D) Non-owned golf carts D.

Which of the following is false under the Personal Auto Policy?

A) Coverage for damage to an insured vehicle is provided without regard to liability. B) Medical payments may be provided for up to 3 years following an accident. C) Coverage is provided for theft under property damage liability. D) No fault coverage is provided in the states that require it. C.

Under Part A of the PAP, which of the following would be covered?

A) Damage to a neighbors lawn mower in the care of the insured. B) Damage to a parked car. C) Damage to property being transported by the insured. D) Damage to the home the insured owns. B.

Collision coverage under part D of the Personal Auto Policy would cover which of the following?

A) Damage to the auto caused by objects blown into it during a severe windstorm or tornado. B) Damage to the insured auto's bumper sustained when the auto crashed into a tree. C) Breakage of the windshield caused by collision with a stone or other missile. D) Damage to the auto caused by collision with an animal on the roadway. B.

All of the following are true about a newly acquired additional vehicle except:

A) It must be reported to the insurer within 14 days of purchase. B) It may be used on a farm. C) It can be used to transport goofs for hire if receipt is less than $10,000. D) Coverage is as broad as the broadest coverage on any vehicle under the policy. C.

Which of the following is true about the Insuring agreement of Part D under the PAP?

A) It outlines the insured's duties after a loss of accident. B) It sets forth the coverage of transportation expenses. C) It states that the Comprehensive coverage includes upset of a covered vehicle. D) It states that the policy will pay for direct and accidental physical loss to the covered auto regardless of fault. D.

Choose the physical damage claim that would be covered under PAP?

A) Loss due to war B) Loss due to radioactive contamination C) Malicious mischief to the tires D) Mechanical breakdown C.

Of the following, which is covered under Part D - Coverage for damage to your auto?

A) Road damage to tires. B) A newly acquired vehicle added to the policy within 14 days. D) Custom painting on a van. E) Radar and laser detection devices. B.

Which statement is not correct about the Right to Recover Payment under the PAP?

A) The inured must reimburse the insurance company if the insured is paid by the other party. B) The right to recover involves going after the negligent party to pay for the insured's loss. C) The right to Recover is an insured's right. D) The person who is paid a claim must give the insurance company the right to recover damages. C.

Under Uninsured Motorist Coverage of the Personal Auto Policy, which of the following would be an insured?

A) The owner of an uninsured motor vehicle involved in an accident with the insured. B) A family member occupying an uninsured auto. C) The operator of an uninsured motor vehicle involved in an accident with the insured. D) A family member, occupying an insured auto struck by an uninsured vehicle. D.

Which statement is not correct about the right to recover payment under PAP?

A) The right to recover involves going after the negligent party to pay for the insured's loss. B)The person who is paid a claim must give the insurance company the right to recover damages. C) The person who is paid a claim must give the insurance company the right to recover damages. D) The right to recover is an insured's right. D.

Which of the following is correct regarding Other Insurance under Part A of the Personal Auto Policy?

A) There is no coverage for non-owned vehicles if there is other coverage applicable to such vehicles. B) If there is other liability coverage applicable to the insured auto, the policy will pay the proportion that the limit of liability bears to the total of all limits. C) If there is other liability coverage applicable to the insured auto, the policy will share the loss with the other policy on an excess basis. D) The personal Auto Policy is the primary policy in all cases of duplicate coverage. B.

Under Part F of the PAP, which of the following is correct when there are two or more auto policies issued by the issuer on the same auto?

A) This policy will be excess if the other policy is in a different insurer. B) Each policy will pay the loss independently of the other. C) Each policy will share equally in the loss. D) The maximum that will be paid is equal to the limit of the policy with the higher limit of liability. D.

The miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement attached to a PAP allows eligibility for a motorcycle by:

Amending the definition of 'your covered auto' to include any miscellaneous type vehicle.

Physical damage to the insured auto that is not covered under collision, and is not otherwise excluded, would be covered under:


Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Coverage under Personal Auto Policy that protects the insured against drivers who do not have adequate auto liability insurance limits.

Which of the following damages would be covered under the liability coverage of the PAP?

Damage caused to a rented garage by the insured auto.

Which of the following best describes the Towing and Labor Costs endorsement to the PAP?

It provides payment for towing to a garage, or for labor that is performed at the site of a mechanical disablement.

The Legal Action Against Us under Part F - General Provisions of the PAP, states which of the following?

Legal action may not be brought against the insurer until the insured has complies with all the terms of the policy.

Which of the following claims would be insured under uninsured Motorist Coverage?

The insured's resident son suffered severe injuries after being rear-ended by an uninsured driver.

On the Personal Auto Policy, the collision coverage provides payment for losses:

To your car, regardless of liability.

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