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Vertical prototype

Deep, but only some particular tasks/functions that are related

How to test prototype

1) Create 2 or 3 scenarios for a user 4) Put the homepage in front of the user

Horizontal prototype

Broad but only top level functionality of site

Core of the Problem

"The vast majority of usability problems comes from a single cause: the development team was lacking a key piece of information. If team members had known it earlier, they would have designed to accommodate it and the usability problem would never have occurred.


Has basic functionality, especially of interface Will uncover design errors Able to correct errors Repeat til clean design

Why prototype?

--Can't test til able to implement --Implementation is expensive --Design errors are built into the first thing we can test, and it's expensive to make changes --design errors may be left in the product

Stages in web development

1) Design 2) One or more prototypes, followed by testing and redesign 3) Implementation 4) Site goes live

Benefits of prototyping

1) Improves chance of creating a usable product b/c mistakes and omissions are flushed out early 2) higher user satisfaction 3) Users are good at criticizing an existing system, and much less able at imagining how things should be 4) Prototyping brings the users into the process at a much earlier stage

Two types of prototypes:

1) evolutionary: the prototype eventually becomes the product 2) Revolutionary: throwaway...the prototype is used to get specifications right and then discarded

Why use low-fideltiy prototypes?

1) inexpensive 2) No mistaking for a finished or almost finished product

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