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Police supporting a neighborhood watch program is an example of

Encourage community participation in police-related matters

When are leaking vehicle liquids important?

Getaway vehicles may be in disrepair and leave clues


Going door to door looking for witnesses

What are also included in flammable liquids?

Greases and gases

Media Broadcast

Greatly increases public awareness by utilizing radio or TV

Bias crimes have a higher degree of

emotional and physical trauma to the victims.

What are the 3 aspects of survival?

emotional, mental, physical

Disjointed conversation is behavior associated with person who is

emotionally unstable

What does the ATF offer in terms of organized crime?

enforcement powers over certain weapons, explosives and prohibited possessors at the federal level. They regulate the sale and transfer of weapons in the United States.

Police catching and arresting a burglary in progress is an example of

enforcing the law

What does the FBI offer in regard to organized crime?

enormous resources that can be relied on to gain information on organized crime families across the nation. The local office has a section dedicated to traditional "O/C" members. NGIC - National Gang Intelligence Center

Trigger points are

events that cause a community crisis

If detective will be responding to the scene

obtain only enough information to complete documentation and establish the elements

Marijuana leaves grow in _____ numbers


if there is probable cause to believe domestic violence has occurred

officers shall arrest

Witness statements in a 1 on 1 should be

recorded verbatim in the report

Indicators of confrontational/hostile person

red, flushed face

In traditional policing law enforcement is _____ to share information with the community


When dealing with a mentally ill individual it is important to

remain calm and non-confrontational

Community policing is not a program to ______ traditional policing activities


What is the advantage of foot patrol?

provides closer contact with the public

What type of approach for a suspicious vehicle in a park?

quick, silent approach

How ____ we respond to calls, affects our image


Patrol patterns should be ____


The acid from cocaine eating away at the septum of the nose is called

rat nose

Wearing a seatbelt during a collision allows you to keep _______ control


What does VIN stand for?

Vehicle Identification Number

What is the first phase of DUI detection?

Vehicle in motion

After officer presence, what are the next 2 levels of control?

Verbal direction Empty Hand control

What is the 10th character of the VIN mean?


Hazard Class 7 - Radioactives - Color and Symbol

Yellow and White with a black trifoil

Hazard Class 5 - Oxidizers and Organic Peroxide - Color and Symbol

Yellow with a burning prill

Avondale Police CAT Team served a warrant and located multiple stolen laptops and electronics inside of the suspects room belonging to multiple additional Goodyear residents. Avondale Police CAT Team contacted Goodyear Police Net Team and they exchange information, reports, linked recovered property to the victims of these crimes, returned the property, and charged the suspect. Is this a good example of communicating with another agency to determine if this recovered property was linked to a crime?


Is it important to specifically hear what the suspect is saying during an interview to help with establishing M.O.?


Should a victim in crisis be allowed to talk to others?


Fire is

a self-sustained, rapid oxidation process, accompanied by the evolution of heat and light in varying intensities.

Community policing is an approach that _____ traditional policing practiced


When responding to a suspicious device, you should _____

avoid touching and/or moving the device

The victim should be interviewed here in regards to the abuser and witnesses

away from

Sex trafficking of children

b. A person commits sex trafficking by knowingly enticing, recruiting, harboring, providing, transporting or otherwise obtaining another person who is under eighteen (18) years of age with either: i. The intent to cause the other person to engage in any prostitution or sexually explicit performance by deception, force or coercion; or ii. The knowledge that the other person will engage in any prostitution or sexually explicit performance by deception, coercion or force.

What is done during the response phase?

develop long-term, creative, and customized solutions to the problem.

Active listening should be used for ___ situations


Behavior _____ use of force incidents, affects our image

during and after

What does MO stand for?

modus operandi

Hazard Class 7 - Radioactives - Concerns

external and internal tissue damage contamination from smoke steam run-off fire may damage lead shielding

What is the drag factor equation?


When pulling over a larger vehicle keep your patrol vehicle

farther away so you can see all exits of the vehicle

What are the 2 main evidence gathering tasks of phase 3?

field sobriety testing preliminary breath testing

Community policing is not a program just for

foot patrol, bicycle, or single youth programs

In traditional policing we do it ____ the community


A follow up officer may use a ____ to get information about a prior call


What is a simple divided attention test that can be dine during phase 2?

request license, registration, and insurance simultaneously

Hash is the

resinous secretion from marijuana

What should the officer NOT ASK when interviewing a child about abuse?

"Why" as it will make the child feel they are at fault

What are the damage amounts for reportable collisions?

$1000 and $5000 on private property

The Arizona Supreme Court has indicated the following 4 factors are strongly indicative of custody

(1) whether the objective indicia of arrest are present; (2) the site of the interrogation; (3) the length and form of the investigation; and, (4) whether the investigation had focused on the accused.

What is the peak BAC for 1 standard drink in a male and a female?


Super Extreme DUI is

.20 or more

How many witnesses can do a 1 on 1 at a time?


Out of 10 women how many report DV?


What is the whistle signal for stop?

1 long loud blast

What is driveway access?

1. A roadway by which motor vehicles may enter or leave a trafficway and limited to the portion that is entirely within the confines of the trafficway. 2. Includes driveways and entrances to, and exits from, property adjacent to the trafficway.

What is the Rocky Mountain Information Network?

1. A federal project designed to give assistance to law enforcement in the form of networking with other intelligence units across the nation. 2. They provide enhanced analytical services, intelligence databases and sophisticated equipment that can be borrow.

Under what percent of oxygen can a flame not exist?


How much space should be left between your patrol car and a stopped vehicle?


Always meet with an informant with ____ officers


How quickly does a sex assault kit need to be refrigerated?

2 hours

If a person invokes their right to remain silent how long must an officer wait before re-approaching the person?

2 hours

What is the time window to do a one-on-one show up after a crime?

2 hours

What is the whistle signal for go?

2 quick loud blasts

What is the minimum amount of photos that should be taken?

2, 1 with scale, 1 without

What is the name of the rule used to reduce accidents?


What percent of alcohol is absorbed through the stomach?


What percent of air is oxygen?


How many more times is carbon monoxide's affinity for hemoglobin than oxygen?


When petition is issued, LEO must respond within

24 hours

What percent of collisions are fraudulent?


What is the size of the label?


In 2004 there were how many DV homicides?


What percent of alcohol is absorbed through the small intestine?


What is the size of the placard?


What percent of people believe in police and their mission?


What is required for Aggravated Domestic Violence?

A 3rd DV conviction

What is an important feature to look for in a padlock?

A 5 pin tumbler

What class of crime is 13-1406A sexual assault?

A Class 2 felony

Statement; Incriminating statement.

A declaration of a matter of fact. May be made by a suspect, victim or witness.

C. Real or physical

A gun or bloody knife used in a homicide. Clothing worn by the defendant (the "bloody glove"). What type of evidence is this? A. Direct B. Circumstantial C. Real or physical

What is operation identification?

A program where citizens check out engravers from their local police department to engrave valuables with a unique number (normally their driver's license number) and their state.

What is an operational report?

A report used to document a criminal or civil investigation

When building rapport with a victim, what is an important style of listening?

Active listening and avoiding jumping to conclusions

Adulterants, cutting, or "stepped on" refer to

Adding things to bulk up products and increase profits

B. accused

Admissions, confessions or alibi evidence attributed to an ________. A. objection B. accused C. agency

C. Demonstrative

Aerial maps, crime scene diagrams, composite sketches, photographs, tapes, video recordings, etc. What type of evidence is this? A. Testimonial B. Documentary C. Demonstrative

Hazard Class 3 - Flammable/Combustible Liquid - Concerns

BLEVE Fire Combustion Reactivity Toxicity Vapor Travel

Hazard Class 2 - Gases - Concerns

BLEVE combustion/explosion asphyxiation toxicity/corrosivess frostbite vapor trail reactive

When collecting a weapon for evidence, how should it be packaged?

Bag and tag it with your info

When investigating a commercial robbery (especially banks) what should officers inquire into the existence of?

Bait, bills, or traceable currency

What are the 4 components of the force matrix?

Balance Accuracy Power Speed

When giving verbal warnings

Be polite and firm

What is firearm rule #4

Be sure of your target and surroundings

The gender of the photographer should

Be the same as the victim

Why is an effective law enforcement response to DV important?

Because of the impact it has on the victims, children, and batterers.

What is the officers role as a first responded? - Identification

Beginning identification

DV is a learned


What 3 ways does stress effect the body?

Behavioral, Physiological, Mental

What is the kill zone?

Being able to reach out and touch the officer without having to take a step to do so

An officer that is overly biased against a certain race or sex is what stereotype

Biased against racial and ethic groups, gays, and women

Which is not a direct source of DNA?

Bite Marks

What color is the center of time fuse?


Hazard Class 8 - Corrosives - Color and Symbol

Black and White - Acid burning through a hand and a bar

Hazard Class 1 - Explosives - Concerns

Blast overpressure and shock hazard Scattering of fragments fires

What does a carotid hold cut off?

Blood flow

C. Real or Physical

Blooding knife, glove, gun, crowbar are examples of what type of evidence? A. Circumstantial B. Direct C. Real or Physical

Illegal control of an enterprise 13-2312

Businesses obtained through, working for, or hiring for a racketeering business.

Where should a pistol be touched at a crime scene?

By the grip

B. Relevant and Have Probative Value

Determining evidence to be admitted into court evidence must be: A. Accurate and True B. Relevant and Have Probative Value C. Relevant and Accurate

What is the officers role as a first responded? - Evacuation

Determining the need for and extent of evacuation

What are the questions regarding a motor vehicle?

Did it involve 1 or more motor vehicles and was at least 1 in transport?

What is the question regarding injury, death, or damage?

Did the incident involve 1 or more occurrence of injury, death, damage that was not a direct result of cataclysm?

What is the question regarding an "unstabalized situation?"

Did the unstabalized situation originate on a trafficway or did injury or damage occur on a trafficway?

What is the chemical abbreviation for beverage alcohol?


What is a junction?

Either an intersection or the connection between the driveway access and the roadway other than the driveway access.

What can a OoP grant that a IAH can't?

Exclusive use of home

Primary reason for sex crimes?

Exercising Power over the victim

If any or all signs of a Clandestine lab are found

Exit and secure the premises and call for a trained lab team

What do terrorists commonly use?


What are some dangers of combustible metals?

Extremely High heat Water application may cause rapid acceleration or explosion.

B. Direct & Testimonial

Eye witness testimony of a crime is what type of evidence? A. Circumstantial B. Direct & Testimonial C. Real or Physical

What are NOT areas typically scoped for trafficking victims?

Family gatherings and bus stops

What are some reasons victims stay?

Fear/Danger Economic Dependency Belief the accuser will change Isolation Situation isn't taken seriously Cultural awareness Immigration Status Religion Low self-esteem For the Children Love Failure of the System Lack of Resources Social Image Pets

When deploying less lethal force on suicidal subject, it is important that

Have a cover officer ready with a lethal force option

Psilocybin aka

Magic Mushrooms

What are some examples of combustible metals?

Magnesium, titanium and zirconium.

What is one way to establish rapport with a child?

Maintain a non threatening posture and tone of voice

What is an example of CPTED?

Maintaining bushes and hedges below the bottom of windows and away from entryways.

Police managing a protest to prevent riots or disturbances is an example of

Maintaining order

Community partnerships: provice a _______ assistance, guidance, and techincal support for problem solving

Network for

When can an officer stand between their patrol vehicle and a stopped vehicle?


What are methods to improve observational skills?

Relax and slow down

Gap Skid

Release and reapplication of brakes. Measure the skid only.

What is important when speaking with passengers/witnesses?

Remember they don't have to talk to you or provide any information. Separate witnesses. Remember memory can be faulty

What is done if blood is on a material cannot be sent directly to the lab?

Scrape the dry blood onto a piece of paper with a new razor blade

What are indicators of high anxiety or emotional shock?

Screaming, Crying, or hysterical outbursts and Contradictory Behavior


Tearing of soft body tissue

What is the neutralization phase?

Techniques to stop, control, and neutralize an attacker by deploying armed and unarmed counter measuresq

What are the parts of the cycle of violence?

Tension Building Explosion Honeymoon

When interviewing victims what is a good way to help find an MO of the suspect?

The exact words spoken by the offender

ABS Skid marks

The tire mark visible on the pavement is considerably lighter than a typical skid mark and resembles a skip skid.

What is the road?

The traveled portion and the shoulder

How is command presence maintained?

Through good verbal skills and effective vocabulary in an appropriate manner and tone

How long is an Emergency OoP valid?

Through the close of the next business day

What is a method of slowing a vehicle without braking?

Turn braking

An officer ignoring petty calls or civil disputes is what stereotype

Uncaring and apathetic toward the needs of the community

Juvenile age?

Under 18

An officer stealing from a wallet of an arrest person is what stereo type


Nearly half of all stolen vehicles are


How, and in what shape does fire burn?

Up and out, in a "V"

Traditional policing is ________ mentality

Us vs Them

Meth is cooked with

bunsen burners, glassware, beakers, funnels

How can the swivel of a handcuff be broken?

by stabilizing the outer portion and applying pressure through the use of leverage

Traditional policing officers focus on _______

call responses and arrests

Reports ____ be used to refresh your memory for court


Weapons with blood -

carefully put them in paper bags or envelopes

In community policing we are trying to treat the ____


Skip skid marks

caused by rough road or poor shocks. Measure the entire distance including the gaps.

When arriving to an alarm call always ____

check the surrounding area first

What are the 3 types of blasting caps?

electric, non-electric, and shock tube

Any time evidence is handled or moved

chain of custody must be maintained

What effect does OC spray have on skin?

Intense burning

What is the highest level of control?

Lethal force

What is an advantage of using a chemical agent?

Limited damage to the suspects and property

What organ metabolizes alcohol?


What are sources of specialized assistance?

Local Fire Dept DPS Hazmat team Dept of Environmental Quality Representative from Industry

What is the 2nd responsibility of a responding officer at a crime scene?

Locate, identify, and interview witnesses, victims, and suspects

What are the 2 primary ways to approach home firearm safety?

Lock it up Education

What is the #1 issue with handcuffs?

Loose or faulty application

What is the first level of control?

Officer presence

What is the primary focus of a traffic stop?

Officer safety

What is the primary concern during building searches?

Officer safety and survival

A.R.S. §28-872.

Officers authorized to remove illegally stopped vehicles.

Right to assemble doesn't apply to

Private Property

What standard is needed for a DUI?

Probable cause

What does the cover officer do?

Keeps hands free and keeps the situation safe

What are the 3 ranges of interpersonal combat?

Kill zone Attack zone Danger zone

Who can fill out a citation?

Only an officer

When can a citizen be used for traffic control?

Only when absolutely necessary

What is a trafficway?

Property line to property line

5th responsibility?

Protecting Crime scene

What is the officers role as a first responded? - Protection

Protecting personnel and reducing contamination.

Hazard Class 2 - Gases - Flammable Color and Symbol

Red with a campfire

PCP cigarette aka

Sherm or Sherman

What is the consistency of C-4?

Similar to white playdough

What is a flashover?

Simultaneous ignition of all fuel in a room

Extreme DUI is

.15 or more

Adult age?


NFPA - Red


NFPA - Blue


Smoke and flame color can sometimes indicate

What is burning

What is the average age that people become involved in trafficking?


SARA model

scanning analysis response assessment

If a victim is screaming bloody murder

they may be in a crisis

What is the desired space required for a helicopter landing?

100' x 100'

What is presumed with a BAC of .05 or less?

". . .it may be presumed that the defendant was not under the influence of intoxicating liquor."

What is presumed with a BAC of .08 or more?

". . .it may be presumed that the defendant was under the influence of intoxicating liquor."

When writing reports marijuana is described as

"A green leafy substance believed to be marijuana."

A.R.S. §4-251(A)(1)

"Consumption of liquor while operating or riding in vehicle."

A.R.S. §28-1381(A)(2):

"If a person has an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more within two hours of driving or being in actual physical control of the vehicle and the alcohol concentration results from alcohol consumed either before or while driving or being in actual physical control of the vehicle."

A.R.S. §28-1381(A)(4):

"If the vehicle is a commercial motor vehicle and the person has an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or more."

A.R.S. §4-244.34

"It is unlawful for a person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to drive or be in physical control of a motor vehicle while there is any spirituous liquor in the person's body."

A.R.S. §4-251(A)(2)

"Possession of open container of liquor within the passenger compartment."

A.R.S. §28-1381(A)(3):

"While there is any drug defined in Section 13-3401 or its metabolite in the person's body."

A.R.S. §28-1381(A)(1):

"While under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, a vapor releasing substance containing a toxic substance or any combination of liquor, drugs or vapor releasing substance if the person is impaired to the slightest degree."

How long is an OoP valid?

12 Months

What type of info is contained in a "rap sheet?"

1. Arrest history. 2. Conviction history. 3. Henry and/or NCIC fingerprint classification. 4. FBI number. 5. Arrest number. 6. Demographics on the suspect (age, race, sex, etc.). 7. Type(s) of charges. 8. Driver's License numbers. 9. AKA - Also Known As (alias).

What things are taken in to consideration when determining if a juvenile's confession is voluntary

1. Chronological age. 2. Mental age. P.O. 5.4.11B 3. Level of education. P.O. 5.4.11C 4. Previous dealings with the criminal justice system. P.O. 5.4.11D 5. Whether the juvenile's rights were explained. P.O. 5.4.11E 6. Any language barrier. P.O. 5.4.11F 7. Physical condition. P.O. 5.4.11G 8. Method of interrogation. P.O. 5.4.11H 9. Length of interrogation. P.O. 5.4.11I 10. Time in custody. P.O. 5.4.11J 11. Whether there was proper sight/sound separation. P.O. 5.4.11K 12. Whether the juvenile had an opportunity to consult with an adult. P.O. 5.4.11L 13. Understanding of the charges. P.O. 5.4.11M 14. Whether or not the juvenile was warned about the case being remanded to adult court. P.O. 5.4.11N 15. Whether the juvenile later tried to repudiate prior statements.

What is the officers role as a first responded?

1. Detecting the presence of hazardous materials. 2. Establishing command/control (scene management). 3. Beginning identification. 4. Determining the need for and extent of evacuation. 5. Protecting personnel and reducing contamination. 6. Isolating the incident and identifying zones of activity. 7. Containing incident, if possible, from an isolated position without risk of exposure. 8. Seeking additional appropriate resources.

What are some dangers of electrical fires?

1. Electrocution. 2. Flash burn.

What are some risk factors that imply higher probability of lethality?

1. Frequency and severity of violence escalates. 2. Frequent drug and alcohol intoxication. 3. Threatens to harm children. 4. Threatens to kill partner. 5. Threats or actual acts which force sex. 6. Suicide threats and/or attempts. 7. Weapons possession. 8. Psychiatric impairment - either partner. 9. Proximity of couple (access). 10. Control of contact with children.

What are some dangers of flammable liquids?

1. High heat. 2. Rapid spread/explosions. 3. Water alone may increase fire.

What are liability issues to consider when acting on a vehicle fire?

1. Increased damage to vehicle. 2. Carelessness, injury to persons.

What are benefits of increased community support from enhancing police/community relations?

1. Increased law enforcement funding. 2. The passage of new laws/ordinances. 3. Improved media relations. 4. Increased support for enforcement of existing laws and ordinances. 5. Peaceful resolution of potential sources of conflict

What local law enforcement sources can be used in monitoring gang activity?

1. Information from field officers. 2. Information from parole and probation officers. 3. Criminal activity statistics may lead to information on active gangs in the area and trends

What peer pressure influences are there in joining a gang?

1. Intimidation: Family members, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. 2. Some members are forced into joining by peer group pressure (non-family).

What are DV relationships?

1. Living together or lived together. 2. Child in common or pregnant or adopted through the courts. 3. Marriage or former marriage. 4. Related by marriage-victim is related as: Spouse, parent-in-law, step- child, brother and sister-in-law, step-parent and step grandparents. 5. Related by blood; parent, child, grandparent, brother, sister, etc. 6. Current or previous romantic or sexual relationship (teens or adults who are dating),

What acceptance does joining a gang offer?

1. Looking to replace family structure that is otherwise non-existent a. Many older brothers/sisters and relatives belong to a gang or have belonged in the past, thus encouraging the younger ones to join. 2. Sense of belonging to something more than themselves

What does in transport mean?

1. Means in motion or on a roadway when applied to motor vehicles. 2. "In transport" includes: Motor vehicles in traffic on a highway, driverless motor vehicles in motion and motionless motor vehicles abandoned on a roadway. 3. On roadway lanes used for travel during such hours and parked during off-peak hours, a parked motor vehicle is in transport during periods when parking is forbidden.

What networking systems can be used for monitoring gang activity?

1. Multi-agency tasks force (GIITEM). 2. Intelligence system networking. a. PACE. b. CARNAC. c. GREAT.

What types of informants are there?

1. Paid. 2. Unpaid. 3. One (1)-time use. 4. Continuing use.

What social identity bonuses does joining a gang offer?

1. Prospective gang members see the opportunity to socialize and have easy access to drugs, alcohol, opposite sex, and parties 2. Gang members often identify with the "warrior mentality" and see themselves as warriors for their race or neighborhood.

What personal health hazards are there when entering a fire?

1. Smoke inhalation 2. Exposure to toxic fumes 3. Presence of explosive materials. 4. Structural integrity, possible collapse 5. Burns, puncture wounds, etc. 6. Opening a window fuels the fire

What perceived excitement does joining a gang offer?

1. Some members get an emotional "high" from committing crimes or being involved in gang activity 2. Some gang members gain a sense of power and importance from the activity in which they are involved

What monetary gain does joining a gang offer?

1. Some members join because the gang is a means of financial support through criminal activity. 2. Some gangs begin or are based on the ability to profit from gang associations through activity

What does joining a gang offer on terms of protection?

1. They join because they live in the gang area and are subject to violence by rival gangs, whether they are members or not. 2. Joining guarantees support in case of attack or retaliation.

Incised Wound

A clean sharp cut caused by an object

Why is it important to carefully identify the M.O. and document it in a police report?

A commercial robbery suspect is more likely to have a criminal record and the M.O. heightens the possibility of developing information.

What is an inference?

A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning

Drag Factor

A numeric ratio that gives an indication of the frictional properties between the road and surface and tires of a vehicle.

13-3210 Transporting persons for purpose of prostitution or other immoral purpose

A person knowingly transporting by any means of conveyance, through or across this state, any other person for the purposes of prostitution or concubinage, or for any other immoral purposes,


A statement that provides evidence or proof of a person's involvement in crime, including all elements of the crime.

What is a controlled final position?

A vehicle that is moved or driven after the collision

B. Circumstantial

A witness saw the defendant's car leave the scene of a shooting. What type of evidence is this? A. Direct B. Circumstantial C. Real or physical

Identify the following principles for conducting custodial interviews:

A. Adopt comfortable interview style. B. Avoid coercive acts that would cause an otherwise innocent person to confess (A.R.S. §13-3902). C. Ensure that a valid Miranda waiver is obtained prior to beginning the interview. D. Cease questioning if suspect requests his/her attorney.

Identify the following procedures for verifying the reliability and credibility of persons being interviewed:

A. Gather information from other sources before and after the interview. B. Keep persons being interviewed separated. C. Explore relationships between witnesses, suspects and victims.

Identify the following with regard to interviewing juvenile suspects:

A. Prior to the interview, the juvenile must be advised of, and understand, his/her Miranda rights. B. The juvenile's parents may be present during the interview. C. If there is a possibility that the matter may be adjudicated in adult court, this must be explained and understood by the juvenile.

Identify the following steps for preparing for an interview:

A. Review any information about the case and the person to be interviewed. B. Select an appropriate setting to conduct the interview. C. Assess whether Miranda warnings are required. D. Develop a basic strategy for conducting the interview. E. Make arrangements to record the interview, if appropriate.

Identify the following as factors that are considered by the courts in determining the admissibility of information obtained from juvenile suspects:

A. The juvenile's chronological age. B. The juvenile's mental age. C. The juvenile's level of education. D. Previous dealings with the criminal justice system. E. Whether the juvenile's rights were explained to him/her. F. Whether there was a language barrier. G. The juvenile's physical condition. H. Method of interrogation. I. Length of interrogation. J. Length of time in custody. K. Whether or not the juvenile was properly detained (sight/sound separation) L. Whether the juvenile was given the opportunity to consult with an adult. M. The juvenile's understanding of the charge. N. Whether or not the juvenile was warned. O. Whether or not the juvenile later tried to repudiate prior statements.

What factors should be considered when securing a fire scene?

A. Access by fire vehicles/ambulances. B. Access to fire hydrants, including placement of hoses across roadways. C. Potential for explosions. D. Spread of toxic vapors (i.e., wind direction). E. Need to redirect traffic for extended periods of time. F. Potential structure collapse. G. Live utilities (e.g., electrical, natural gas, etc.).

What can be done in a DV scenario where probable cause doesn't exist?

A. Act as referee for a peace disturbance and de-escalate the situation. B. Ask a party to leave. C. Write the appropriate report with written statements. D. Make the appropriate referrals/provide parties with resource information.

What should be noted upon the arrival of a fire in case and arson investigation is started?

A. Any suspicious person/vehicle in the area. B. Volume and color of smoke. C. Distinctive fumes. D. Environmental conditions.

What are the 4 major classes of fire?

A. Class A - ordinary combustibles. B. Class B - flammable liquids. C. Class C - electrical. D. Class D - combustible metals.

What are indicators of a burning building being unsafe to enter?

A. Placards, signs or other indicators of the presence of toxic or explosive materials. B. Puffing smoke, rattling windows, heat transfer or other indicators that the building is charged with heat and smoke. C. Minor explosions and the sounds of escaping gas. D. Structural integrity. E. Fire department tells you NOT to go in.

Why do we seperate parties in DV incidents?

A. Provides independent statements from involved parties. B. Prevents involved parties from attacking each other. C. Allows the officer to compare the parties' statements. D. Increases officer safety. E. Decreases abuser's attempt to intimidate victim.

When searching a burning building, follow these tips

A. Stay close to the floor. B. Leave windows closed as you go. C. Remain calm and work at a deliberate pace. D. Always work in pairs.

What is the second best option for driving up to someone pointing a firearm at you?

Abandon your vehicle and find cover

Categories of missing persons:

Abduction Involuntary Juveniles Disability Catastrophic Event

What are the 4 elements of force?

Ability, Opportunity, Jeopardy, Preclusion

Some chemicals used in making meth

Acetone, red devil lye, kerosene, hydrogen peroxide, red phosphorus, ephedrine tablets

What are verbal techniques for helping those in crisis?

Acknowledge their emotion and restate what they've told

Factors that influence response?

Age, mental health, physical condition Exigency Suspicious circumstances

A synagogue has graffiti of a cartoon character on a building, what crime?

Aggravated criminal damage

What is the preliminary responsibility of a responding officer at a crime scene?

Aiding the injured/Protect life

What should be done with a material wet with blood?

Air dry the stained material on a piece of clean dry paper at room temperature

What is a DUI arrest based on?

All evidence accumulated during the phases

What is firearm rule #1

All guns are loaded

How should a minor be interviewed when investigating child abuse?

Alone so they can feel free to tell officers the details of the offense.

What is the first phase of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program?

An 8 hour training class that provides management with the tools needed to properly run a multi-housing community.

A. Non- Hearsay Rule

An admission or *confession* made by a defendant or a statement by a co-conspirator made in furtherance of a conspiracy. A. Non- Hearsay Rule B. The Rule C. Hearsay Rule

Interview definition

An attempt to gain information from a person that may be relevant to an investigation. Usually an exchange of information.

What are the types of formations?

Column Skirmish Line/Crowd Movement Formation Wedge Diagonal


An incriminating statement that includes admissions of guilt or involvement in criminal activity (an admission of one or more elements of the crime), but is not complete and full confessions (all elements of the crime).

Human Smuggling definition

An offense against the integrity of the US borders

When ordering to disperse what must be provided?

An outlet of escape for peaceful surrender

What is a reference point?

An unmoving point that is measured from

What are some examples of psychological/emotional injuries?

Anger, Denial, Helplessness/Lack of Control, Self Blaming or Blaming Another, and Fear.

What is a motor vehicle?

Any mechanically- or electrically-powered device not operated on rails, upon which, or by which, any person or property may be transported upon a roadway.

What is a Hazardous Material?

Any substance that when it leaks from it's container, when something goes wrong, that hurts or harms the things it touches or impinges upon.

B. Evidence

Anything presented to a judge or jury that is offered to prove the existence of a fact is? A. Exclusionary Rule B. Evidence C. Burden of Proof


Areas common for acts of prostitution

What is ALETS?

Arizona Law Enforcement Tracking System

4th responsibility?

Arrest suspects

How long can a traffic stop take?

As long as reasonably necessary

In pursuit and emergency driving an officer must balance _____ and _____ styles


Undercover officers will have fake ID's

Assess everything and slow it down

What is the goal of crime prevention?

Assessing and anticipating criminal activity. Recognizing Crime/Risk Opportunities.

Where should your spotlight be pointed?

At the rear-view mirror

Prejudice is the


How should interviews be recorded?

Audio and video

What should be used with all statements from all parties when interviewing?

Audio recorder

Whats the best way to document interviews of witnesses?

Audio recorder

3rd responsibility?

Determine if a crime has been commited

What is the oldest type of Chemical agent?


Marijuana ____ be ingested orally


When deciding to act on a vehicle fire, what should be considered?

Can you put it out with a hand extinguisher? Consider the wind, and focus on safety.

Opiates have the following effects

Central nervous system depressants Physically Addicting

B. True

Certain types of information, if released to the public during an investigation, or prior to trial, can *jeopardize the investigation and/or prejudice the rights of the suspect/arrestee.* A. False B. True

Street terms for heroine

Chiva, Negra, Smack

In what order does alcohol impair the human body?

Cognitive processing Perception/reaction time Vasodilation effects fine motor skills gross motor skills

What is the purpose of traffic control?

Communicate to people how, when, and where they may move

What is the most important trait the community wants from police officers?



Communications between a patient and his/her physician are privileged unless waived by the _____.


Communications between lawyer and client are privileged unless waived by the _____.

What are some uses of police reports?

Compiling statistics Court Proceedings

7th responsibility?

Complete reports

Hazard Class 8 - Corrosives - Concerns

Contact or Inhalation destroys tissue Violent Ruptures Splatter on contact with water Often act as an oxidizer Toxic or Toxic Vapors Can be thermally unstable

What is one of the best ways to reach out to the community to influence the public's view of police?

Contacts with community service organizations, groups, or businesses

What are the principals of crowd control?

Contain Isolate Dispersal

What is the officers role as a first responded? - Containment

Containing incident, if possible, from an isolated position without risk of exposure.

What is CPTED?

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

What are the 3 parts of community policing?

Crime prevention Community partnerships and engagement problem solving

What types of gangs are found in Arizona?

Criminal Street Gangs Extremist Groups Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMG) Prison Gangs/Security Threat Groups

What needs to be checked before using an informant?

Criminal history and for outstanding warrants

What are some examples of criminal traffic offenses?

Criminal speeding, reckless driving

Skirmish Line aka

Crowd Movement Formation

What is done during the assessment phase?

Determine if the problem was eliminated, moved, or reduced

What does the Department of Homeland Security consist of?

Customs, Border Protection, Immigration, FEMA, Coast Guard, TSA and several others

Orders of protection are for this relationship type


What is contact damage?

Damage from direct contact with an object that is not part of the vehicle

What is the pre-contact phase?

Dealing in all variables in the control and use of distance, range, and positions of advantage

What is a disadvantage of using chemical agents?

Decontamination may be difficult

Barbiturates have the following effect

Depresses the central nervous system and slow down body functions

What is the officers role as a first responded? - Detection

Detecting the presence of hazardous materials

Where should a vehicle or other fire be attacked to be put out?

Directly at its source, at the base

What process produces high concentration alcohol?


What is the primary question in phase 3?

Do I have PC to arrest the driver for DUI?

What is the primary question in phase 1?

Do I have RS to stop the vehicle?

What is the primary question in phase 2?

Do I have sufficient reason to have the driver exit the vehicle?

What is firearm rule #2

Do not point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy

You have developed probable cause and made an arrest on a burglary suspect and transported him to jail. While you are at jail you conduct a post Miranda interview with him. The suspect opens up to you and tells you he typically dresses as a landscaper, drives his friends' truck with a latter in the back, and goes from house to house offering business as a ruse to case potential houses to target. Would it be appropriate to document this as M.O. purposes or not document it at all.

Document it

When using light sources around other officers what is important?

Don't back light/silhouette

If you drive up to someone who raises a firearm at you, what is the best course of action?

Drive through and past the threat

What are the 2 top money making operations for gangs?

Drug trafficking and human trafficking

What must always be followed while driving under emergency conditions?

Due regard

The field test for marijuana is the

Duquenois-Levine test

What should be done with shoulder weapons?

Dust for prints, unload and dust the ammo

What's is important when interviewing a child?

Establish Rapport

What is the officers role as a first responded? - Scene Management

Establishing command/control

What type of alcohol is intended for human consumption?


What are the 3 types of alcohol?

Ethanol Methanol Isopropyl

What is the most basic and important factor when responding to a bombing or threat situation?

Evacuate and render first aid

How often should you let traffic flow?

Every 1 1/2 to 2 min

A. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

Evidence which flows from illegally obtained evidence may not be used at trial (another exclusionary rule doctrine) is: A. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree B. Exclusionary Rule C. Willits Instruction (Az vs Willits)

C. Record Recollection

Exceptions to Hearsay: A letter about the details of a commercial transaction written by one (1) party to the other; the recipient (adverse party) could have it received into evidence, but the author will not be able to get it admitted over the recipient's objection. A. Present Sense Impression B. Excited Utterance C. Record Recollection

A. Present Sense Impression

Exceptions to Hearsay: Statement describing or explaining an event or condition made while the person was perceiving the event or condition, or immediately after. A. Present Sense Impression B. Excited Utterance C. RecordedRecollection

B. Excited Utterance

Exceptions to Hearsay: Statement relating to a startling event or condition made while the person was under the stress of excitement caused by the event or condition. A. Present Sense Impression B. Excited Utterance C. Recorded Recollection

An officer that continues to beat a subdued handcuffed subject is what stereotype?

Excessively violent in the use of authority

Buck Savage would tell you to look here first if the vehicles vin on the dashboard is covered up and there is no license plate

Federal emissions sticker on the inside of driver door panel.

Define racketeering per 13-2301(D)(4)

Felonies committed for financial gain

Enhanced sentencing is only applicable for

Felony Hate Crimes

What is the natural process that produces alcohol?


What are the 3 main types of victim injuries?

Financial, Physical, and Psychological/Emotional

What item wouldn't be collected in a forensic exam

Fingerprints of the victim

A. Circumstantial

Fingerprints, Blood, and DNA in a crime scene are examples of what type of evidence? A. Circumstantial B. Direct C. Real or Physical

What are some of the most important pieces of evidence?

Fingerprints, palm prints, and footprints

What are the major safety components of a semi automatic?

Firing Pin Block Hammer Block Trigger Blocks

Automatic weapons leave the following on a spent cartridge case

Firing pin impression, extractor marks, ejector marks, breach face/bolt marks

What is the first harmful event?

First occurrence of damage, injury, or death in the series of events that constitute an accident

How do human traffickers often control their victims?

Force, fraud, or coercion

You respond to the Fry's Grocery Store in your beat regarding someone trying to pass a forged check to the Wells Fargo Bank telling inside of the grocery store. Wells Fargo advised the subject fled without the check and never obtained money once police were called. You locate the suspect half a block away hiding from you and you arrest him. What are you going to charge him with?


What information may be communicated with graffiti?

Gang Identification Nicknames of members Impending inter-gang violence claims of responsibility for past criminal acts territorial boundries

Interrogation definition

Generally, an attempt by the government to elicit an incriminating response from a subject. Interrogation includes direct questioning and conduct intended to elicit an incriminating response. Tends to be a one-way flow of information.

When interviewing drivers what is important?

Get license, registration, and insurance. Listen and verify the information said to you. Understand drivers will rationalize their reaction to try to lessen fault.

Hazard Class 2 - Gases - Non-Flammable Color and Symbol

Green with a cylinder

Don't ___ undercover officers in public

Greet or acknowledge

What are the fundamentals of marksmanship?

Grip Stance Sight picture/alignment Trigger Control Follow Through Breathing

What are the validated SFST?

HGN walk and turn one leg stand

What are the standardized field sobriety tests?

HGN walk and turn one leg stand finger to nose modified romberg finger count

What should never be struck with a baton?

Head and neck

ou stop a motorcycle for speeding in a school zone and for not having a license plate. After contacting the driver he states he was just taking the motorcycle for a spin to see if he wants to buy it. Where would you look for the VIN?


B. Dying Declaration

Hearsay Exceptions: Statement under belief of impending death. A. Statements against interests B. Dying Declaration

A. Statements against interests

Hearsay Exceptions: Statement which, at the time it is made, is so contrary to the interests of the person making the statement, that a reasonable person would not have made the statement unless believing it to be true. A. Statements against interests B. Dying Declaration

Sex assault kit should not be stored in a patrol car because?

Heat may destroy it

What 3 things do explosives react to?

Heat, Shocl, and Friction

Why are body fluid samples important?

Help identify and tie suspects to the crime scene

How can interpreting gang graffiti help monitor gang activity?

Helps in Identifying gangs, gang members, gang strengths or ongoing feuds.

Examples of opiates

Heroine, Oxycodone, Fentanyl

What are the 2 types of explosives?

High and low

What is inside a blasting cap?

High explosive

Why should suspected narcotics/drugs be sent to the lab?

Identify the type and if it is a usable quantitiy

What are the DO's of a Skirmish Line?

Identify those needing to be removed/arrested Open the line for arrest squads when told Move the line forward to recover the arrest squad, once arrest is made.

What is the physicians desk reference used for?

Identifying medication or unknown pills

B. inadmissible, not competent

If a witness/evidence has been ruled by judge to be relevant but not be competent. Is this evidence/witness admissible or inadmissible? A. admissible, its relevant B. inadmissible, not competent C. I don't know, I am going to fail.

What can a seatbelt tell you after a collision?

If it was on or not

C. Willits Instruction (Az vs Willits)

If the state destroys or loses evidence in a criminal case, the defense is entitled to have a jury instruction that tells the jury that the evidence may be considered favorable to the defense is? A. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree B. Exclusionary Rule C. Willits Instruction (Az vs Willits)

Why are fingerprint checks important?

If they have been printed before for another reason there will be a matching record

What should be asked of a juvenile before beginning questioning?

If they want a parent present

Hazard Class 4 - Flammable Solids - Concerns

Ignites easily and burn explosively air reactive water reactive spontaneously combustible toxic

When should FI's be completed?


What are the 2 phases of the walk and turn?

Instruction phase walking phase

How are hairs or fibers collected?

In a glass or plastic vial and sealed

When can an Emergency OoP be issued?

In cases of imminent and present danger.

When are miranda warnings required?

In custody and being interrogated

What are the 3 stages of fire?

Incipient, Freeburn, and Smoldering

What does learning other cultures do for our safety?


An officer that responds very slowly to calls is an example of what stereotype

Ineffective in delivering services and combating crime

Hazard Class 9 - Other Regulated Materials - Concerns

Inhalation Absorption Ingestion Environmental Damage Placard NOT required to be on loads

How is heroine used

Injected or smoked

A common cutting agent for cocaine is

Inositol - a white powder form of vitamin B

Deena is a know transient in your beat. You respond to the Circle K in your city for a delayed fraud call for service. The clerk pulls up video surveillance and shows you a picture of Deena presenting a counterfeit $20.00 bill to purchase smokes and lottery tickets. The clerk denied the transaction and kept the $20.00 because that is (K) policy. The clerk said she told Deena the bill was a fake and Deena said, "I didn't know that, I got it from a friend" and left the business casually. What is the most challenging thing about charging this case?

Intent to defraud.

What are the methods of discharging a firearm?

Intentional Unintentional Accidental

What are hollow doors for?

Interior Use only

What level of control is directly below lethal force?

Intermediate weapons

What effect does OC spray have on eyes?

Involuntary Closing

Balance disruption is an example of

Involuntary Discharge

Startle Reaction is an example of

Involuntary Discharge

Sympathetic Grip is an example of

Involuntary Discharge

36-520 anybody can refer someone to be evaluated

Involuntary commital

Human Trafficking definition

Involves the exploitation of a person or persons for commercial sex or forced labor.

C. Hearsay exception- admissible

Is public records hearsay or an hearsay exception? A. Hearsay- inadmissible B. Neither C. Hearsay exception- admissible

A. Exception under Rule 804- admissible

Is statement against interest admissible or inadmissible A. Exception under Rule 804- admissible B. Neither C. Hearsay- inadmissible

B. yes except for compensation or restitution information.

Is there a Crime Victim Advocate/ victims privilege? A. No need all information for compensation B. yes except for compensation or restitution information. C. hmmm. i like cheese

B. No

Is there a parent/ child privilege? A. yes B. No C. Depends

A. yes

Is there a patient/ client privilege? A. yes B. No C. Depends

What is the officers role as a first responded? - Isolation

Isolating the incident and identifying zones of activity.

What is the power of an arrest in a DV situation?

It can break the cycle of violence.

What is the general rule regarding firearms at a crime scene?

It should be left untouched if the area can be secured

How can you tell a blasting cap is electric?

It will have wires

When is a confession lawful?

It's an incriminating statement, voluntarily given, without coercion or improper inducement.

What skill is tested most while driving in a pursuit?


Ketamine is known as

K or Special K

What is firearm rule #3

Keep your finger straight along the frame until your sights are on the target and you have decided to fire

What is the main priority in assisting the victim?

Keeping them safe

Peyote effects are similar to


What are example of "compassion fatigue" or vicarious victimization?

Lack of control, nightmares

What should be aimed at when using the baton?

Large muscle groups

What is the Criminal Justice Information Service (CJIS)?

Largest division of the FBI and includes: i. NCIC - National Crime Information Center ii. UCR - Uniform Crime Reporting iii. IAFIS - Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System iv. NIBRS - National Incident-Based Reporting System

What are the DON'Ts of a skirmish line

Leave the line to make an arrest Open the line before being told to do so Allow gaps in the line for long periods

You and your FTO conducted a traffic stop for failure to stop at a stop sign located at W. Wiemers Ln. and S. Simpson Rd. in Goodyear, Az. Upon contact with the driver she is identified via Arizona drivers license as Ann Huskey. Ann is cooperative and explained she has a Glock 43 under her seat and claims it is not hers though and she is just borrowing the car. You run the gun through NCIC via dispatch by giving them the serial number to check to see if its stolen. Dispatch advised they need what two additional pieces of information due to obtaining a sound alike.

Make and model.

What is the Lautenberg Amendment?

Makes it a felony for those convicted of domestic violence to ship, transport, possess or receive firearms or ammo

What is an example of a cultural awareness influence?

Male Dominance

How does a force move to an area?

Marching in columns of 2

What is the field test for heroine

Marquis re-agent

B. Direct

Match the definition to the correct term: An eyewitness identification. A. Circumstantial B. Direct C. Real or physical

A. Direct

Match the definition to the correct term: Evidence which, if believed, resolves a matter in issue; Evidence that ties a defendant directly to the commission of a crime. A. Direct B. Circumstantial C. Real or physical

C. Circumstantial

Match the definition to the correct term: Facts inferred from circumstances. A. Real or physical B. Direct C. Circumstantial

What are special considerations when military equipment is involved?

May involve weapons, chemicals, and high explosives military can take command of any scene involving their materials No one except the military may authorize entry

What is the active ingredient in a button of peyote?


Why is a thorough search for children important?

Might be sleeping or hiding in a the home

What's an example of behavior in an abusive relationship?

Minimizing, denying and blaming.

What does M.O. stand for?

Modus Operandi

Confidential witness programs

Monetary rewards for information leading to arrests

Aggravated assault - what degree of phsysical injury

Must be serious

What information must be exchanged between drivers?

Name, contact info, and registration Upon request must show license

The drug used to revive opiate overdose victims is


Are aunts, uncles, or cousins a Domestic Violence relationship?


Can a suspect be offered things to try to elicit confessions or admissions?


Can a victim break their own OoP?


Is a segway a motor vehicle?


Is it your responsibility to decontaminate the scene?


Is self defense DV?


Should witnesses be allowed to discuss the crime and suspects together?


How should a one-on-one with a witness be done?

No leading statements to witness, person may or may not be involved with the incident. No acknowledgment after an identification

What is a voluntary reason victims get involved in trafficking?

No other marketable life skills and/or can't get a legitimate job.

You are on field training and you respond to a theft of a vehicle call for service. Upon your arrival, the victim tells you their 2007 Ford F150 was stolen from their driveway. The victim does not know the license plate number, but provided you with a VIN number that is 6 digits long. Is that possible?

No, VIN is 17 digits

What type of relationship is an IAH for?

Non DV

The medical use for heroine is


What is a weakness of a K-9 unit?

Not good for tracking vehicles

Do traffic offenses receive victim's rights info?

Not if they are civil

Marijuana seeds are ____ to possess.

Not illegal

What is the first step in writing a report?

Note taking

ARS 28-622

Obedience to police officers

When are OoP and IAH valid?

Only after being served

Hazard Class 1 - Explosives - Color and Symbol

Orange with an exploding cannonball

Racketeering Civil Remedies 13-2314.01-13-2314.04

Outlines judicial powers and additional liens in racketeering cases.

Stereotyping is

Over-generalizing a group.

A fat officer eating donuts is what stereotype?

Overweight and out of shape

Fire tetrahedron:

Oxygen, heat, fuel, and an uninhibited chain reaction.

Who has the greatest potential to find trafficking victims?

Patrol officers?

What do you think is more valuable to monitor for stolen product? Pawn store with logs of transactions or Offer-Up / Criagslist.

Pawn Shop

What are symptoms of a rabid animal?

Personality reversal Foam around mouth Partial paralysis

B. Documentary

Phone records or bank statements, certified copy of MVD record showing a driver's license suspension. What type of evidence is this? A. Testimonial B. Documentary C. Demonstrative

What is important evidence to collect which corroborate child abuse charges

Photographs of injuries and surroundings

What are the 2 types of evidence?

Physical and testimonial

Examples of marijuana paraphernalia

Pipe, bongs, grinders, rolling papers

Methods for identifying presence of hazardous materials

Placard + Labeling Packaging Shipping Papers Senses NFPA Marking Location

You respond to a delayed burglary to a residence at 1414 S. Del Rio Ln. in Tempe, Az. Upon your arrival, you meet with the victim who tells you they left home at 0500 hours for work and everything was okay. The victim advised they returned home at 1900 hours and noticed their house was broken into from a back window and they used a rock. The victim advised they stole only an X-Box and two games. You are allowed into the home and notice the southeast corner sliding back door had been shattered with a rock and the glass door was still slid open. The victim said he did not touch that door after he got home. You do notice a trail of blood that leads out the front door from the back door. What do you think is important to document in your report regarding M.O.?

Point of Entry / exit point.

What is the single necessary measurement for the the ADOT collision form?

Point of impact

What type of searching involves searching from 1 point to another?

Point to point

What is the contact phase?

Positional training designed to help survive a force-on-force collision and defend against a physical assault

What are the 3 phases of a physical encounter?

Pre-contact Contact Neutralization

What is the primary concern in a hostage situation?

Preservation of life

Who is responsible for providing safety to hospital staff

Primary Disposition officer

An officer covering up crimes of another officer is what stereotype?

Protective of each other by concealing, protecting and/or ignoring inappropriate conduct by fellow officers

Why is a pre shift vehicle inspection important?

Provides a sense of safety and security Help prevent collisions by making sure everything is in good working order

Police putting on a class about "target hardening" is an example of

Providing education and information

Right to assemble is only applicable in

Public Forums

Preventing the introduction of evidence: 1.*irrelevant or unreliable*. 2. *unfairly prejudicial*. 3. *unduly time consuming to present.*

Purposes of Evidentiary Rules (P.O. 2.4.2)

What can be done with lights to help harden a target while you are out of town?

Put some on timers to turn on and off.

When the speed doubles, the stop distance _____


1. Information prohibited from disclosure by agency policy. 2. Statements as to the character or reputation of an accused person or prospected witness. 3. Admissions, confessions or alibi evidence attributed to an accused. 4. Refusal of a suspect or witness to take any tests. 5. The believed credibility of an accused person or witness. 6. The probability of the accused entering a guilty plea. 7. The opinionated value of evidence against an accused.


NFPA - Yellow


What standard is needed for a traffic stop?

Reasonable suspicion

6th responsibility?

Record conditions and events in notes

Hazard Class 4 - Flammable Solids - Color and Symbol

Red and white stripes with a black flame

Hazard Class 3 - Flammable/Combustible Liquid - Color and Symbol

Red with a flame

What is a benefit of focusing on crime victims?

Reduces the likelihood that a victim will become a repeat victim.

Racketeering Investigation of records 13-2315

References the subpoena of financial records for racketeering investigations

What are the procedures for controlling a potentially dangerous crowd?

Remove or isolate individuals who are involved in the incident. Break the crowd into small, isolated groups. Remove the crowd leader.

what is the problem with exposed exterior door hinges?

Removing the pins, you can lift the door off.

What is an administrative report?

Reports made in agency for agency use

What is the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC)?

Representatives from several agencies that provide intelligence related to border crime.

If a person invokes their right to silence and then changes their mind

Reread them thier miranda warnings.

What is an important example of a basic communication technique?

Restatement - checking for accuracy and clarifying semantics

Baby jars, pans, and other glass jars could be paraphernalia of

Rock cocaine manufacturing

Smoked cocaine is called

Rock or Crack Cocaine

During a fire, what is an officer's #1 priority?

Safety of self and others

What is the order of priority?

Safety, then people, then property

Field test for cocaine

Scott Reagent

What is the officers role as a first responded? - Other Resources

Seeking additional appropriate resources.

If you think you're too good to wreck you are showing ______ qualities

Self righteous

What should be done after an explosive device goes off?

Set up a perimeter, render first aid, and don't talk to the media

An lgbt bar is targeted by a group of individuals making claim to rid the community of gays and lesbians threatening to beat up anyone who frequents the bar. What investigation?

Sexual oriented bias

What are some trafficking outreach and education resources?

Shared Hope International Polaris Project National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Outreach from local civic groups

What are the primary components of a semi-automatic weapon?

Slide Frame Barrel Recoil Spring

How is hash used?

Smoked or eaten

What does it mean to protect evidence from the elements?

Sometimes physical evidence may need protection from rain, wind, cold, heat, or snow

NFPA - White

Special Instruction

Note taking should be:

Specific, Clear and Legible and in chronological order

What are the 3 types of searches?

Standing Kneeling Prone

What is important when setting the size of a crime scene perimeter?

Start it bigger than necessary, it can be made smaller

Hazard Class 5 - Oxidizers and Organic Peroxide - Concerns

Supply Oxygen highly flammable water reactive may be toxic

In the United States, what is the most visible sign of government and power?


What explosive are others measured by?


You are on patrol and are stopped behind a black newer Dodge Ram 1500 bearing Arizona plate HVWHY. You conduct the random inquiry using MVD and run the license plate. MVD returns stating the vehicle license registration returns with expired registration to a 1902 Ford Model T. You and back up officers stop the vehicle for the fictious license plate display. Besides interviewing the driver. What is something you want to look at from plain view to help determine if the car is stolen.

Tampered ignition.

What should be done with all interviews?

Tape record

What can be used to help identify a person is in a gang?

Tattoos Attire and accessories Monikers Hand Signals (throwing a sign)

What is something the victim should be assured of when you are managing a scene?

That you are there to help and they are safe

What is command presence?

The act of displaying confidence and professionalism

What is loiding?

The act of slipping and shimming

What is an intersection?

The area contained within the extension of the curb lines or lateral roadway boundary lines.

Does the very first digit have a meaning on a VIN?

The country it was manufactured in

What is full faith and credit?

The courts of one state must recognize court judgments and other public actions of other states.

Who makes the evacuation order of a private business?

The manager or owner

C. Burden of Proof

The obligation of a party to establish a fact or issue in dispute by producing evidence which persuades the trier of fact as to its existence is? A. Exclusionary Rule B. Evidence C. Burden of Proof

Who's responsibility is it to educate our family about firearm safety?

The officer's

A. True

The privilege is waived by mutual consent of husband and wife (even after marriage is over, spouse cannot testify about private communications during the marriage). A. True B. False

C. Privilege

The protection of interest and relationships that, rightly or wrongly, are regarded of sufficient social importance to justify some sacrifice of availability of evidence relevant to the administration of justice. A. Common Law and Statutory. B. Constitutional. C. Privilege

A. true

The state has the burden of proof in criminal trials. A. true B. false

What creates a secondary victim?

The system

The officer / investigator should consider what facts that suggest an M.O.?

The target of the robbery / burg. Weapons. The type of property taken. The exact words spoken by the perpetrator. The number of suspects and the tasks they performed. Needless or vicious force and similar elements.

After receiving victims rights who's responsibility is it to maintain an updated phone number and address?

The victim

When a weapon is returned to an abuser after a DV incident

The victim must be notified (13-3601.E)

What is important when doing a 1 on 1?

The witness must come to the suspect as detained persons can't be moved

For a one-on-one who should be taken to who?

The witness to the suspect

What are some effects of low self esteem that a victim will feel?

They cannot care for themselves

Why are fingerprints important?

They display individual characterists and can only be traced back to 1 person.

What if someone refuses to sign a criminal traffic citation?

They go straight to a judge.

What is an officer's responsibility regarding Victim's Rights?

They must complete and distribute the form

Why is it important to let a victim "vent" and receive validation?

They need a chance to tell their story in their words and own way

Why are photographs important?

They provide a permanent record of spatial relationships of items at a crime scene

Why are special interviewing techniques needed when dealing with the abuser?

They will try to portray themselves in a positive light, blame the victim, and/or manipulate you.

What is Target Hardening?

Things citizens can do to help prevent crimes.

What is the purpose of crowd control?

To move crowds away from a particular area

Why should DNA be collected in separate packages?

To prevent cross-contamination

Why must a crime scene be closed to unauthorized access?

To prevent destruction and contamination

Why are FI's important?

Today's victim could be tomorrow's suspect

What does TACT stand for?

Tone, Atmosphere, Communication, Time

What is the danger zone?

Touch distance plus 2 or more steps

How might a scent be used at a crime scene?

Tracking dogs may be used to track it

What is the primary purpose of your off hand flashlight in a traffic stop?

Tracking movement in a vehicle

How is trafficking different from smuggling?

Traffickers maintain ongoing control over victims, even after the border is crossed.

How is blood helpful in a crime scene?

Trails are helpful in following suspects

What is the roadway?

Traveled portion only

1. as an item of proof (tends to prove a fact at issue) 2. ***Impeach a witness*** (prior inconsistent statements) 3. ***Rehabilitate a witness*** (prior consistent statements) 4. ***Assist in determining sentence*** facts or circumstances which might aggravate or mitigate the situation)

Uses of Evidentiary Rules (P.O. 2.4.3)

You and your field training officer respond to the report of a vehicle burglary that occurred at 1911 S. Peterson Ln. Gilbert, Az. that occurred within the past three hours. Upon your arrival, the victim tells you he works for the Arizona Diamondbacks and makes $100,000 dollars a year. The victim says he pays your salary and you need to catch this perp! During your investigation you learn $1,500.00 worth of baby formula. When you ask the victim if he had his car locked, he says no and this was his first time every leaving it unlocked. When documenting your report, what do you think is not as important to list based on the information given?

Victim salary.

A. Testimonial

Victim takes the stand and recounts the details of the crime. What type of evidence is this? A. Testimonial B. Documentary C. Demonstrative

What sense does fatigue have the greatest effect on?


What types of unintentional discharge are there?

Voluntary Invonluntary

You respond to an alarm call for service at 525 S. Farkas St. Avondale, Az. where there is indication of front door intruder alarm, living room motion, and bedroom motion inside of the residence. Upon your arrival you notice the front door has been forced in. The door jam has fresh damage and the door is completely off its hinges. The victim is also calling police indicating no one is supposed to be at the residence, but you can hear someone's voice inside. The victim is willing to aid in prosecution. What should you do next?

Wait for back up, K9, helicopter.

If you are alone, you should do this before attempting to secure a scene

Wait for backup

How can blood be legally taken?

Warrant Consent

What is the question regarding trains?

Was the collision at or near a grade crossing?

What formation protects the side of the field force


A. facts or circumstances which might aggravate or mitigate the situation

What are some ways that we can assist in determining sentence? A. facts or circumstances which might aggravate or mitigate the situation B. prior consistent statements C. prior inconsistent statements

C. prior inconsistent statements

What are some ways that we can impeach a witness? A. facts or circumstances which might aggravate or mitigate the situation B. prior consistent statements C. prior inconsistent statements

B. prior consistent statements

What are some ways that we can rehabilitate a witness? A. facts or circumstances which might aggravate or mitigate the situation B. prior consistent statements C. prior inconsistent statements

1. *Direct* 2. *Circumstantial* 3. Real or Physical 4. Testimonial 5. Documentary 6. Demonstrative

What are the 6 types of evidence?

1. Present Sense Impression (time is important) 2. Excited Utterance/ Spontaneous Statement (time is important) 3. Recorded Recollections 4. Public Records & Reports 5. Vital Statistics 6. Previous Convictions 7. Learned Treatises

What are the Exceptions to Hearsay: (JFYI)

1. reasonable 2. preponderance

What are the standards for Burden of Proof for following terms: 1. Criminal - beyond a _______ doubt. 2. Civil - _________ of the evidence. (51%)

C. Impeach of witness, rehabilitate a witness, & to assist in determining sentence

What are the valid uses or purposes of evidence? A. Law of evidence B. Hearsay exceptions C. Impeach of witness, rehabilitate a witness, & to assist in determining sentence

C. Probative Value

What general criteria for admission for evidence of court is: Tendency of the evidence to establish the proposition that it is offered to prove. A. Relevance B. Materiality C. Probative Value

A. Relevance

What general criteria for admission for evidence of court is: any tendency to make the existence of any material fact more or less probable than it would be without such evidence. A. Relevance B. Materiality C. Probative Value

B. Materiality

What general criteria for admission for evidence of court is: strong relation between evidence and case issue. A. Relevance B. Materiality C. Probative Value

C. disclose it, it tells the jury that the evidence may be considered favorable to the defense

What if you lose or destroy evidence prior to trial? A. nothing, you suck! B. tell the jury and create new evidence C. disclose it, it tells the jury that the evidence may be considered favorable to the defense

A. Exclusionary Rule

What is evidence illegally obtained that cannot be used at trial? A. Exclusionary Rule B. Evidence C. Burden of Proof

C. Hearsay Rule

What is that term that matches the example: witness testifies that her neighbor told her that the defendant committed a robbery. A. Non- Hearsay Rule B. The Rule C. Hearsay Rule

A. Hearsay Rule

What is the correct term for the definition: an out of court statement offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted. A. Hearsay Rule B. Declarant C. Statement

B. Privilege

What is the term that encourages communication between certain people? A. Martial Communication B. Privilege C. Common Law

Is this a Missing Person Situation? What things should be looked at?

When Did this happen? Time is a key factor First Action - Contacting Friends/Family Weather Conditions may influence Response Are there any exigent circumstances? Are they in a mental or physical emergency?

When can firearms be seized during DV situations?

When The officer believes there is a risk of serious bodily injury or death.

When is strangulation Aggravated Assault?

When it is a domestic violence incident.

When is threatening and intimidating a felony?

When it is gang related

When can an officer remove or have removed a vehicle?

When the person in charge of such vehicle is unable to provide for its custody or removal

What is an interchange?

Where a freeway meets city streets

What is an uncontrolled final position?

Where a vehicle came to rest naturally after a collision

What is the point of rest?

Where a vehicle stops after a collision on its own

What is the point of impact?

Where the cars or objects collide

B. Hearsay Rule

Which of the following is not an use of evidentiary rules? A. Impeach A Witness B. Hearsay Rule C. Assist in determining sentence

Hazard Class 6 - Poisons - Color and Symbol

White background with skull and crossbones

What color is the center of detonation cord?

White or pink

Hazard Class 9 - Other Regulated Materials - Color

White with stripes on top half

How do you establish the predominant aggressor?

Who used the most significant force

How should the scene and injuries be recorded?

With photographs

What are kinetics?

Wordless communications

What should be done with spent bullets?

Wrap in cotton or filter paper and place in a plastic or glass vial. Seal with a gummed label

Should the relationship between the suspect, witness, and victims be explored?


A. Exclusionary Rule- fruit of the poisonous tree

You obtain evidence illegal, what doctrine does this bad evidence come from? A. Exclusionary Rule- fruit of the poisonous tree B. Exclusionary Rule- fruit of the loom C. Willits instruction

C. Circumstantial

You respond to a sexual assault, you speak to the neighbor who said they heard screaming, saw someone run out of house and leave in a white Toyota Camry. What type of evidence is this? A. Testimonial B. Documentary C. Circumstantial

B. inadmissible

You stop a vehicle illegally, while searching the vehicle you obtain evidence. Is this evidence admissible or inadmissible? A. admissible B. inadmissible C. I don't know, I am going to fail.

How is DV charged?

You write DV at the end of the actual crime charged

B. Confession

______ is an acknowledgement of involvement in the crime charged including all elements and intent. A. Conspiracy B. Confession C. Compromise

Tape is

a good source of fingerprints

What amount of time must be allowed for phone calls if requested?

a reasonable

Webster's defines partnerships as

a relationship involving cost cooperation between parties having specific and joint rights and responsibilities

What makes the biggest impact on stopping distance

a wet street

For the purposes of Miranda, a person is in custody when

a) the person has been actually placed under arrest or b) the person's freedom of movement has been restrained to the degree associated with a formal arrest

What constitutes a reportable collision?

a. Did the incident involve one (1) or more occurrences of injury, death or damage? b. Was there at least one (1) occurrence of injury, death or damage that was not a direct result of cataclysm? c. Was the bodily death or damage to the property of any person in excess of $1,000? (See A.R.S. §28-667.) d. Did the incident involve one (1) or more motor vehicles? e. Of the motor vehicles involved, was at least one (1) in transport? f. Was the incident an unstabilized situation? g. Did the unstabilized situation originate on a trafficway or did injury or damage occur on a trafficway? h. If collision involves train, was collision at or near grade crossing.

Obedience to police officers

a. No person shall willfully fail, or refuse to comply with, any lawful order or direction of any police officer invested by law with authority to direct, control or regulate traffic. b. A person who fails to act as provided by this section is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.

Sex trafficking for adults definition:

a. A person commits sex trafficking by knowingly enticing, recruiting, harboring, providing, transporting or otherwise obtaining another person with either: i. The intent to cause the other person to engage in any prostitution or sexually explicit performance by deception, force or coercion; or ii. The knowledge that the other person will engage in any prostitution or sexually explicit performance by deception, coercion or force.

What are some of the facts behind myths about DV?

a. Affects everyone regardlessof race or economic status. b. Alcohol/drugs increase the frequency and severity of the abuse, but no causal relationship exists. c. No one deserves it. Victims stay for a variety of reasons - Relationship commitment, no place to go, lack of resources, low self-esteem and fear play a strong role. d. The most dangerous time for a victim is when they leave the relationship or seek intervention. e. D.V. is a learned behavior and is a crime. It is a community problem which impacts everyone and without intervention, it will repeat itself and be learned by the next generation. f. Eighty percent (80%) of abusers are not violent towards anyone else but their families. g. D.V. is not anger driven, it is power and control over another individual.

What are some myths about DV?

a. Affects only minorities/low income areas. b. Alcohol/drugs cause domestic violence. c. Victims deserve to be abused if they stay. d. Violence is a private matter so others should not intervene. e. Abusers are violent in all relationships. f. The abuse is a result of an anger problem.

What are the 3 types of heat transfer?

a. Conduction: Direct contact. b. Convection: Changes in density of gases. c. Radiation: Infrared radiation.

What are some dangers of ordinary combustible materials?

a. Heat. b. Carbon monoxide. c. Toxic gases. d. Smoke-decreased visibility.

What must officers provide to DV victims?

a. National hotline phone number (1-800-799-SAFE). b. Local Shelter Number c. Provide safety plan and information, if appropriate. d. Explain Orders of Protection.

What are the 7 gang member identification criteria?

a. Self-Proclamation b. Witness Testimony / Official Statement c. Paraphernalia or Photographs d. Tattoos e. Clothing or Colors f. Written or Electronic Correspondence g. Any other indicia of Street Gang membership

What are the elements of A2?

a. To drive or be in actual physical control of a vehicle. b. Within this state. c. 0.08 or more alcohol concentration within two (2) hours of driving.

While you can't guarantee a victim safety forever you should reassure they

are safe right now

What are the elements of A1?

a. To drive or be in actual physical control of a vehicle. b. Within this state. c. Under the influence of intoxicating liquor, drugs, toxic vapors or any combination

What are the elements of A4?

a. To drive or be in actual physical control. b. A commercial motor vehicle. c. Within the state. d. Have an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or more.

What are the elements of A3?

a. Within this state. b. With any of the specified drugs or their metabolites in their body.

What are examples of ordinary combustible materials?

a. Wood. b. Cloth. c. Paper. d. Rubber. e. Plastics.

The officer's ____ to successfully resolve problems, affects our image


Searching a burning building should be done only when

absolutely necessary


actions deliberately undertaken with the aim of befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, to lower the child's inhibitions in order to sexually abuse them or lure them into prostitution.

Following an arrest a subject must be read the ______ to remind them of their requirement to submit to tests

admin per se

Clues you might smell in phase 2?

alcohol cover-up odors unusual odors

What is the definition of evidence?

all the means by which any alleged crime, the truth of which is submitted to invest, is established or proven


allows the victim to recover damages from an individual or governmental entities that violate the Victims' Rights Act.

Community policing is _______ policy

an Organization wide

If PC exists for DUI _____ will be made

an arrest

What is the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit (LEIU)?

an association of participating law enforcement agencies and provided intelligence resources

Community policing is _______ approach to decision making

an inclusive

What does DPS offer in terms of Organized Crime?

an intelligence unit and computer systems which join several police departments together to share information on local criminals including criminal gangs. Arizona's governing user of ACIC and NCIC Managing user of GangNet database Host agency for GIITEM: Gang and Immigration Intelligence Team Enforcement Mission - GIITEM is a multi-agency, state gang task force.

What are some emotional responses to victimization?

anger, lack of control, unhappy

A white male is walking past a group of Hispanic males. The Hispanic males threatened the white male along with shouting racial slurs. The motivation is

anti racial

Treat an undercover officer like

any other contact

For misdemeanor or felony traffic crimes victim's rights

are required

What plays a big role in crime reduction


In traditional policing _____ is the primary tool


What type of criminal activity is associated with Extremist Groups?

arson, vandalism, assaults, intimidation, bombings, homicides, etc.

Its Friday the 13th and you are working swing shift. At about 1400 hours, the Bank of America is robbed at gun point and the suspect flees via unknown vehicle with an undisclosed amount of money. First officers on scene advise the suspect fled and left with bait bills / traceable currency. Officers attempted to locate the suspect, but were met with negative results. About 45 minutes later you respond to a priority vehicle theft call for service where the victims vehicle was just stolen. You respond to the victims location and notice there is a black duffel bag of money laying next to the scene of the crime that has spewed out and there is money blowing all over in the wind. What's the most efficient way to determine if this money is linked to the robbery?

bait bills / traceable currency

Which is true regarding officers referring agencies

be aware of agencies in the area to use as resource

When taking photographs of a victim, officers must

be sensitive to the embarrassment/privacy of the victim

The entire patrol vehicle should be searched at the beginning and end of your shift and ____

before and after transporting anyone in the prisoner area of the vehicle

The officer's _____ when responding to calls for service, at accident or crime scenes, etc., affects our image

behavior and demeanor

What is the benefit of high police visibility?

believed to reduce crime

If someone in crisis is unable to accept responsibility they may

blame others

What are the options for testing BAC?

blood breath urine

What are some clues an officer might see in phase 2?

bloodshot/watery eyes soiled clothing fumbling fingers

Behavior _____, affects our image

both on and off duty.

What is a neighborhood or block watch?

brings neighbors together to discuss neighborhood issues and crime prevention topics.

To which agency should violations of public health statutes be reported

city or county health dept

Understanding differences assists us in understanding a different point of view, which enables us to

communicate more effectively in positive and adverse conditions

A person in crisis may show ___ behavir


Community partnerships: ______ and marshal resources


Meth aka

crank, speed, ice

Community partnerships: Impact _____, ______, and perceptions of quality of life issues`

crime fear

Community policing is _____ oriented


What is induced damage?

damage caused by the shock of the collision

Trigger points: _____, ______, natural disaster or community victimization

death serious injury

Fatigue affects your _____

decision/reaction time

Community engagement principals: trust from _____

deeds, not words

Trigger points: events caused by ______

deep seated distrust, the original reason may be unknown

Safe driving demands the ability to _____ among simultaneous tasks

divide attention

When swabbing a scene

do as much as reasonably possible

Opinions ____ belong in reports


Drinking while taking barbiturates

doubles the affect

Driving on a gravel road vs a paved street is a change in

driving conditions

What type of criminal activity is associated with Prison Gangs?

drug trafficking, extortion, inter-gang violence, murder for hire, stolen property, etc.

What type of criminal activity is associated with Outlaw Motorcycle Groups?

drug trafficking, prostitution, stolen property, weapons offenses, murder for hire, intimidation, etc.

What type of criminal activity is associated with Criminal street/Ethnic Gangs?

drug trafficking, vandalism, intergang violence, murder for hire, stolen property, assaults, etc.

The alkaloid codeine is

found in raw opium, but usually made from morphine

Approach a helicopter from the ____


During initial interview with victim, you should

get a thorough description of the suspect and broadcast it to other units

When handling bio evidence always wear, at minimum,


Clothing with blood

hang up or lay out to dry.

Your sergeant may use reports to

help evaluate how we work

What are some police interactions where trafficking victims may be found?

i. Traffic Stops ii. Collision Investigations iii. Commercial Vehicle Inspections iv. Truck Stops v. Border Checkpoints vi. Ports of Entry vii. Whisper Stops viii. Search Warrants ix. Motorist Assists x. Concerned Citizen Reports

What are methods for a patrol officer to record gang related information?

i. Documented in field interview cards. (FI cards) ii. Documented in criminal reports. iii. Documented in gang intelligence forms. (GMIC)

Consumption of alcohol does not automatically =


Where should ammunition be stored when doing dry fire practice?

in a separate room

What is a "Rap sheet?"

info concerning a suspect's arrest record

FI cards are for

informal information gathering

Hazard Class 6 - Poisons - Concerns

inhalation absorption ingestion may be flammable contamination of water table

What are the phase 1 tasks?

initial observation stopping sequence

what are the 2 phases of the one-leg stand?

instruction phase counting + balancing

What are the 2 tasks of Phase 2?

interview/observation of the driver observation of the exit

An officer that improperly fires his weapon _____ _____ for criminal/civil charges

is liable

Morphine is obtained from opium through a process which

isolates the principal opium alkaloid

The officer's _____, particularly with regard to the use of force, affects our image


What does the DEA offer in terms of organized crime?

jurisdiction over drugs in the United States, both legal and illegal. Frequently works with local police agencies on drug investigations and provides money, manpower and equipment.

74% of murdered kidnapped children are

killed within 3 hours

Bias Incidents

lack the criminal elements

What is done during the analysis phase?

learn about and verify the problem and identify the cause

Paradigms are the ____ from which we view the world


What is done during the scanning phase?

look for patterns or persistent problems in your beat

Verbal/nonverbal violence indicators

loud voice and hyperventilation

What should be done if a bomb threat is received?

maintain contact with dispatch, send updates

When speaking with a victim it is important to not

make promises you can't keep

Important for officers to bear in mind that suicidal person

may pose a threat to the officers

The more serious the collision the ___

more info, measurements, photographs should be taken

For potentially dangerous crowds, first

move to a safe position away from the crowd and monitor the size, age, weaponry, and criminal acts

What is true of liquid blood obtained from a victim or suspect?

must be placed in color coded vials or tubes

Heroine paraphernalia includes:

needles, spoon, cotton ball

If the victim is murdered the next of kin

needs to be notified and given victims rights

When providing crowd control officers must remain ____


____ transport people in the front seat of the patrol vehicle


The value of a car has ___ bearing on victim's rights


Crack Cocaine is ____ water soluble


Part of preserving crime scene of sexual assault is

not allowing the victim to shower or drink anything

Cocaine smells like

nothing, however it can take on smells depending on the cutting agent

THC is found in marijuana and

nowhere else in nature

Traditional policing is _______ driven

numbers and incident driven

What is the purpose of the implied consent law?

operating a vehicle gives consent to a chemical test to determine alcohol/drug content when arrested

If a subject appears to be "on the nod" they are likely using

opiates or heroine

PCP is ingested


Arguing with a supervisor about a discipline given over a pursuit related incident leads to a suspension without pay, this is from _____

over confidence

While driving in a pursuit or in a code 3 situation, an officer must have the ______ attitude


While driving, what should remain constant

perception/reaction time

Emergency petition may be obtained if danger to themselves/others or

person is gravely disabled

Never tell an informant ____ information


What is phase 2 of DUI detection?

personal contact

Sometimes the victim doesn't want an arrest, they just want

police to stop the violence

Cocaine aka

powder, white, blow

What is phase 3 of DUI detection?

pre-arrest screening

Police patrolling a known high crime area is an example of

preventing crime

DUI applies to vehicles both on the roadway and on _____

private property

Community policing is a philosophy that permeates the agency and the _____

proactive community

What is the equation for combining speeds?

s= square root of (s1*2+s2*2+s3*2)

What is the equation for skid speed?

s= square root of 30df

The majority of DUI evidence is _____ in nature


Community engagement principals: there must be _____ responsibility


Maintains file of petitions served and results of those services

sheriff's office

Community policing goals can be ____ term

short and long term

Heroine withdrawal symptoms are

similar to flu symptoms. Cramps, nausea

If using a citizen give ____ instructions

simple and specific

Discrimination is

the behavior

Community policing is not ______ initiating block watch programs


Community engagement principals: Communication must be _____

sincere and honest

Clues you might hear in phase 2 are?

slurring thick speech admission

Trigger points: may seem ____ in scope, but the reaction may be ______

small harsh

When updating a victim about the accused it should be done in

small bits so they understand what's going on, it's more important to relate with them

Marijuana is usually used this way


Community policing is not _____ on crime


Traditional policing is when the shift is over it is ____ problem

someone else's

What is a fact?

something that can be proven

Community policing is not a _____ unit


Photos and sketches should start general and move toward _____


When providing safe passage for emergency vehicles

stop all traffic

Community policing is thinking _____ and acting ______

strategically preventatively

Community partnerships: _______ organizational support


What type of search involves lining up in a straight line and slowly moving forward?

strip/grid search

PCP has a ___ odor

strong ether

During the response phase you must define ____


What is presumed with a BAC of .05 but less than .08?

such fact shall not give rise to any presumption that the defendant was, or was not, under the influence of intoxicating liquor.

PCP can give

superhuman strength and numbness to pain

What does the contact officer do?

talking, writing, warrant checks, etc

As the responding officer to a local merchant regarding a bad check incident, you should

tell the merchant to contact the county attorney office.

What is the synopsis?

tells what the report is about

If a mentally ill person has injuries where do you take them

the closest hospital

Rohypnol is known as

the date rape drug. Roofies, and wallbangers. Popular with rave parties

The main effect of hallucinogens is

the distortion of perception of reality, large doses can produce hallucinations

DUI detection is defined as

the entire process of identifying and gathering evidence to determine if a suspect should be arrested for DUI

If officer has to serve court order petition and wants to research, should check all except

the judge issuing the petition

The more times the cycle of violence completes

the less time and more severe it takes/becomes

What is the advantage of motorized patrol?

the most economical method

When approaching a hit and run location be on the look out for

the run vehicle

If an arrest in made for a DV situation notify

the victim and, later, write it in the report

If the wife and beneficiary are different

the wife still is notified and given victim's rights

If someone invokes their right to an attorney they can't be re-approached unless

there is a break in custody lasting at least 14 days.

Robbery and Panic alarms are different than other alarms in that

they are intentionally triggered to summon the police

Another issue with standard handcuffs is

they are susceptible to being shimmied or picked

Why should 1 person describe the chain of custody?

to eliminate possibility of conflicting descriptions

Signed by President Bush in 1990 the hate crime Statistics act was intended

to record statistical data used to confront hate crimes.

What is the attack zone?

touch plus 1 step

What needs to be excluded from foot/tire impression evidence?

tracks made by the person that discovered the crime

What should take priority over incarceration of mentally ill


Truth =


Community partnerships: Increase _____ and _______ between community and the police

trust understanding

If dealing with suicidal person in a n apartment with a weapon, set up perimeter and

try to negotiate subject out of the apartment

The hate crimes statistic act mandated the US attorney general to establish and collect data under the

uniform crime reporting program.

When transporting a suicidal person

use adequate and reasonable restraints

Long after hallucinogens are eliminated from the body

users may experience flashbacks, the reason is unknown

PCP is usually in ___ form

usually liquid

Driving a car until it breaks is an example of abusing

vehicle capabilites

What is phase 1 of DUI detection?

vehicle in motion

____ should have dotted lines at point of impact and solid lines at point of rest


What is the purpose of the preliminary breath test?

verify presence of alcohol on the breath

Standardized signals and gestures are ____

very important

Heroine smells like


Bias crimes are uniquely

violent and assaultive.

What are some driving behaviors associated with impaired drivers?

weaving drifting slow speed varying speed

What is the +1 theory

where there is 1, there is 2

Paradigms are

widely agreed-upon patterns or assumptions that form the basis of our actions and decisions

In what time frame must blood be taken?

within 2 hours of driving

Designer drugs are a way of

working around an explicit legal definition of a drug.

Can information gained while field interviewing a suspected or known gang member be used to monitor gang activity?


At peak BAC at what rate will it drop per hour?


How much pure ethanol does a standard drink contain?


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