PSSI - Chapter 2 Reading Check Quiz

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A hockey puck is set in motion across a frozen pond. If ice friction and air resistance are neglected, the force required to keep the puck sliding at constant velocity is

0 N

Action and reaction forces comprise the parts of

A single interaction

If the mass of an object does not change, a constant net force on the object produces constant


A heavy object and a light object are dropped at the same time from rest in a vacuum. The heavier object reaches the ground

At the same time as the lighter object

Earth pulls on the Moon. Similarly the Moon pulls on Earth, evidence that - Earth and the Moon are simply pulling on each other - Both of these - Earth's and Moon's pulls comprise an action-reaction pair

Both of these

A skydiver jumps from a high-flying plane. As her velocity of fall increases, her acceleration


A bullet is fired straight down from the top of a high cliff. Neglecting air resistance, the acceleration of the bullet in meters per second per second is


A math book and a physics book are tied together with a length of string. With the string taut, one book is pushed off the edge of a table. As it falls, the other book is dragged horizontally across the table surface. With no friction, acceleration of the books is

A value between zero and g

If an object falls with constant acceleration, the velocity of the object must

Continually change by the same amount each second

When an object falls through the air, its velocity increases and its acceleration


A ball tossed vertically upward rises, reaches its highest point, and then falls back to its starting point. During this time the acceleration of the ball is always

Directed downward

An object is propelled along a straight-line path by a force. If the net force were doubled, its acceleration would


A truck is moving at constant velocity. Inside the storage compartment, a rock is dropped from the midpoint of the ceiling and strikes the floor below. The rock hits the floor

Exactly below the midpoint of the ceiling

A player hits a ball with a bat. The action force is the impact of the bat against the ball. The reaction to this force is the

Force of the ball against the bat

A player catches a ball. Consider the action force to be the impact of the ball against the player's glove. The reaction to this force is the

Force the glove exerts on the ball

A large and a small person wish to parachute at equal terminal velocities. The larger person will have to

Get a larger parachute

Consider drops of water that leak from a dipping faucet. As the drops fall, they

Get farther apart

Consider drops of water that leak from a dripping faucet. As the drops fall, they

Get farther apart

If a freely falling object were somehow equipped with an odometer to measure the distance it travels, then the amount of distance it travels each succeeding second would be

Greater than the second before

An object following a straight-line path at constant speed

Has zero acceleration

A heavy block at rest is suspended by a vertical rope. When the block is accelerated upward by the rope, the rope tension


If an object's mass is decreasing while a constant force is applied to the object, the acceleration


In each second of fall, the distance a freely falling object will fall is


If you are carrying a heavy bag of groceries and bang your hand against the wall, the concept that most explains why you are hurt is


A bullet is dropped into a river from a very high bridge. At the same time, another bullet is fired from a gun, straight down towards the water. Neglecting air resistance, the acceleration just before striking the water

Is the same for each bullet

A rock is thrown vertically into the air. At the very top fo its trajectory the net force on it is

Its weight

A rock is thrown vertically into the air. At the very top of its trajectory the net force on it is

Its weight

A ball is thrown upwards and caught when it comes back down. In the presence of air resistance, the speed with which it is caught is

Less than the speed it had when thrown upwards

A force is a vector quantity because it has both

Magnitude and direction

A ball is thrown vertically into the air. Because of air resistance, its time coming down compared to its time going up is


While a car travels around a circular track at constant speed its - Get a larger parachute - None of these - Jump lightly - Jump first from the plane

None of these

While a car travels around a circular track at constant speed, its - Acceleration is zero - Both of these - Velocity is zero - None of these

None of these

While a car travels around a circular track at constant speed, its - None of these - Velocity is zero - Both of these - Acceleration is zero

None of these

A heavy rock and a light rock in free fall have the same acceleration. The reason the heavy rock doesn't have a greater acceleration is that the

Ratio of force to mass is the same

The force exerted on the tires of a car to directly accelerate it along a road is exerted by the


Two factors that greatly affect air resistance on falling objects are the size and

Speed of the object

A light woman and a heavy man jump from an airplane at the same time and open their same-size parachutes at the same time. Which person will get to a state of zero acceleration first?

The light woman

A rocket becomes progressively easier to accelerate as it travels upward from the ground mainly because

The mass of the rocket decreases as fuel is burned

A sheet of paper can be withdrawn from under a container of milk without toppling it if the paper is jerked quickly. This best demonstrates that

The milk carton has inertia

Neglecting friction, a large block of ice and a small block of ice start sliding down an incline together. The heavier block will get to the bottom

The same time as the light block

Someone standing at the edge of a cliff throws one ball straight up and another ball straight down at the same initial speed. Neglecting air resistance, the ball to hit the ground below the cliff with the greatest speed will be the one initially thrown

They will both hit with the same speed

A Mack truck and a Volkswagen traveling at the same speed have a head-on collision. The vehicle to undergo the greatest change in velocity will be the


The force required to maintain an object at a constant velocity in free space is equal to


When a falling object has reached its terminal velocity, its acceleration is


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