PSY 121 Final

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Saul backed into a car in a parking lot when no one was around. He debates about whether to leave a note or not. Which of the following suggests that Saul is at the conventional level of moral reasoning?

"It's against the law to leave the scene of an accident so I'll leave a note."

Imagine that Kerry goes to an ATM and requests 100 dollars but the machine gives her 1,000 dollars instead. The question is whether or not she should she inform the bank. Which of the following suggests that Kerry is in the preconventional level of moral reasoning?

"What are the chances that I'll get caught if I keep the money?"

Nightmares are to ____ as night terrors are to ___

(A.) REM sleep; N3 Sleep

A 7-year-old has the ability to read recipes and measure ingredients.

(C) scaffolding

A researcher studying cognitive development uses the analogy of a Childs brain working like a computer to encode, store, and trannsfom

(D) Information processing model

At 1:00 am Luis gets out of bed and begins to sleepwalk. An EEG of his brain activity is most likely to indicate the presence of:

(D.) Delta waves

Cal was worried because of how much his newborn son was sleeping. He called the doctor to check how many hours a typical 2-month-old sleeps. The doctor told him newborns are supposed to sleep _____ hours each day.


Quincy notices that he feels much more focused and aware later in the day and struggles to concentrate in his 8 a.m. meeting at work. Based on his circadian rhythm, Quincy is most likely in what age group?


During the second trimester, a fetus creates ________neurons a minute.


Jaebok stayed up studying most of the night for his calculus final. He only slept about 4 hours. According to research, his memory and cognitive functioning will be decreased by approximately what percentage?


Rina works hard all week long. On the weekend, she engages in binge drinking with her friends. How many drinks must she have in one night for it to be considered binge drinking?


Adolescents need _____ hours of sleep each night but on average only get ______ hours of sleep each night.

8-10; 7

In a study on inattentional blindness, what percentage of radiologists failed to detect the intentional insertion of the image of a gorilla in CT scans?


The first time that 4-year old Sarah saw her older brother play a flue, she thought it was simply a large whistle. Sarah's initial understanding of the flute best ill


Which of the following statements is not accurate?


Which of the following can lead to a decreased level of consciousness


Which of the following suggests that a person's moral reasoning and their moral actions are in alignment?

Andrietta gives a speech on campus about the importance of academic honesty. On her walk back to her dorm, a friend offers to tell her what is on the exam the next day but she tells the friend she does not want to know the information.

People commonly dream of their teeth falling out; if you ascribe to the idea that dreams have hidden meanings, what is a way to interpret this dream

Anxiety about self-image and appearance

Keesha grew up in a home where there were guidelines and rules. She was expected to complete chores, do her best in school, and be respectful. Her parents also gave her praise when she did well, hugged her before she left for school, and told her they loved her. She was able to talk to them about her ideas and offer her own opinions, even if they differed from her parents. This is an example of what type of parenting?


Dominique put on his mother's,, high heels and necklaces and walked into the living room. His father said "you look silly- why don't you put on my boots instead?" According to_____

B. Social learning theory

One of the many reasons psychologists believe we need to sleep is that our bodies tire during the day, and sleep helps the body recuperate and function at maximum capacity. This is a description of which theory?

Body restoration

Ritalin, a stimulant drug, is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. How does a stimulant help people who already have difficulties with distraction and hyperactivity?

By providing internal stimulation of neurotransmitters within the brain instead of the person seeking external stimulation

Gender identity is _____ while sexual orientation is ______


Despite huge legal costs and social disapproval, mrs

C postconventioanl

What is the most widely used stimulant drug in the world?


which of the following statements are true

D both sex and center identity exist on a continuim

The brain waves with the highest amplitude are referred to as _________ waves.


Which neurotransmitter receptors does methamphetamine destroy in the brain?


During which stage of pregnancy is the developing baby most susceptible to damage from harmful agents like drugs or alcohol?

Embryonic period

People first experience impairment when their blood alcohol level reaches 0.08 percent.


People who have a low percentage of body fat will become intoxicated faster than those with a higher level of body fat.


Alex strongly adopts his parents' political and religious beliefs without exploration or question.


Billy is having trouble with insomnia. He has difficulty going to sleep and wakes up numerous times throughout the night. Based on what you know about sleep hygiene, what should you recommend he start doing?

Go to bed and get up at the same time each day

2. Renae drifted through high school and ended up in college with no idea about a major or future goals

Identity diffusion

Janel goes to sleep at night around 11 p.m. and usually drifts off quickly. She wakes up every morning at 3:45 and tosses and turns for 2 hours until she falls into a restless sleep to wake up at 6:30 feeling tired and groggy. She struggles throughout her day to stay awake and concentrate. Janel most likely suffers from which sleep disorder?


In order to study sleep in natural conditions, researchers took people out to camp in the woods for one week. What did they discover about the influence of natural light on the participant's biological clocks?

It shifted the increase and decrease of melatonin in their bodies to 2 hours earlier to correspond with the natural light-dark conditions.

Drew is an 18-year-old senior in high school. He has been using marijuana for 2 years on a daily basis and believes it has no long-term side effects. What does the research show as a potential side effect for Drew?

Lower IQ score

This altered state of consciousness involves training the mind by using focused and regulated breathing, minimization of distractions, and mental imagery.


Tabby's friend asked her if she would honestly tell her if she liked her new outfit and Tabby responded "of course I'll tell you the truth." However, the same friend got a new haircut that Tabby did not like but Tabby told her friend she thought it looked great. This example highlights the difference between:

Moral reasoning and moral action

Despite being raised in a religious family, Tanya took her first world religion class and is now questioning everything she previously believed.


The American Academy of Sleep Medicine changed the sleep cycle system in 2012 and now recognizes which stage of sleep as the deepest stage?


This disorder involves excessive daytime sleepiness and periodic, uncontrolled sleep attacks that may leave the sufferer falling asleep at odd and inconvenient times.


women became frustrated during a committee

Narcolepsy (c.)

This type of meditation trains a person to become a nonjudgmental observer of all their thoughts and emotions.

Open monitoring meditation

Harry Harlow's famous study in the 1950s about infant attachment could be summarized in these few words:

Physical contact from a caregiver is more important than nourishment or food when attachments are being formed.

Markita promised her parents she would stop smoking marijuana. Every time she worried about school and bills, she would remember how marijuana relaxed her and made her feel good. She ended up smoking again and again, even though she hated disappointing her parents. This is an example of what type of dependence?


In which stage of sleep do vivid dreams typically occur?


At 3 o'clock in the morning., John has already slept for four hours. As long as his sleep continues, we can expect an increased occurrence of:

REM Sleep (C.)

Sasha has her laptop open in class and is watching funny cat videos while the professor talks. After class is over, she hears the other students talking about the quiz they are having Friday. Which phenomenon explains why Sasha didn't hear her professor talk about the quiz?

Selective inattention

Which of the following correctly identifies the two postconventional stages of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

Social Contract; Universal Ethical Principles

Choose the correct pairing of characteristic brain waves with their stages of sleep.

Stage W || Beta Waves Stage N1 || Alpha Waves Stage N2 || Theta Waves Stage N3 || Delta Waves

_________ perception is an example of awareness without attention.


This small part of the hypothalamus controls the circadian clock and is responsive to light.

Suprachiasmatic nucleus

____________ waves emerge in sleep Stage N1 and continue into Stage N2.


Heavier people can drink more alcohol before feeling its effects and becoming impaired.


Mia gets so drunk at college parties that she passes out and wakes up in a different location. She is not concerned about her behavior; however, her actions would fit into which diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder

Using the substance in risky situations

What is one of the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepines on college campuses?


Sam has been taking opioids she buys from her friend for more than a year. She has spent all her savings on buying these pills and is considering dropping out of school so she can work more to make more money to buy drugs. If she goes too long without taking a pill, she begins to sweat and feel nauseated. Sam is experiencing ______________.

a substance use disorder and physiological dependence

Beta waves are associated with ___________, while theta waves are characteristic of the __________ stage.

alert wakefulness; N2

Darrin started using drugs when he was 15 . He started by taking morphine that was given to him by his friend. Now, at age 20, Darrin shoots heroin as often as he can. He does not have a job, lives on the street most of the time, and spends his days trying to get money to buy drugs. If he is unable to get any heroin for a day or two, he gets very sick. His entire body hurts, he has diarrhea, and he sweats uncontrollably. Which of the following is Darrin experiencing?

all of the answers are correct

Petra feels really alive and an overwhelming sense of well-being after her 4-mile morning run. We could say Petra has entered a(n) __________state of consciousness after exercise.


DeShawn learned to call his father "Daddy" and then began calling other men "Daddy," including the police officer, mail carrier, and nurse. This is an example of Piaget's process of ____________.


Select the correct order of brain waves from actively awake to deep sleep.

beta, alpha, theta, delta

The brain of a person who is actively awake consists of _________ waves, followed by _________ waves, where the person is still awake, but relaxed. The earliest stages of sleep are characterized by ____________ waves, whereas the deepest sleep is represented by __________ waves.

beta, alpha, theta, delta

The different sleep stages are characterized by particular brain waves. Wakefulness is associated with ___________ waves, whereas delta waves occur during __________. Theta waves are typical of the ________ stage of sleep

beta; N3; N2

Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant. Alcohol is a _______________. Other drugs that have similar effects to alcohol include _____________ and ___________.

central nervous system depressant; barbiturates; benzodiazepines

Tyrone is a 12-month-old who, like most other children, was able to hold his head up, roll over, and sit up before he could walk. This sequence of motor skill development follows the ________.

cephalocaudal rule

Our ___________is a biological clock responsible for the regulation of body temperature and levels of arousal during our sleep and wake cycle.

circadian rhythm

Syed is sitting in a bustling restaurant listening to his friend talk about the test he just took. Syed is interested in the conversation because he is taking the test tomorrow but all of a sudden his interest is drawn across the room because he heard his name spoken. This is called ___________________.

cocktail party phenomenon

Justin installed a blue tooth device in his car. He now believes he will be safe from distracted driving because he does not have to use his hands to hold his phone. Justin doesn't understand that distracted driving stems from impaired _______ caused by redirection of ________.

cognition; attention

Depressants _____________ the functioning of the central nervous system. Some examples of these drugs include alcohol, __________, and ____________.

decrease; barbiturates; benzodiazepines

Brain waves that are lowest in frequency and highest in amplitude are called _____________ waves.


Narcotics are a type of __________that work by stimulating the body's internal pain management system or ___________.

depressant; endorphins

Which of the following correctly pairs the class of drugs with specific drugs from that category?

depressants = Xanax stimulants = Methamphetamine narcotics = Oxycodone hallucinogens = LSD

Benzodiazepines come from the class of drugs called _______________, which ______________ the functioning of the central nervous system.

depressants; decrease

For traits with a high environmental component, would you expect identical twins raised apart to be highly similar or different on that trait when compared to identical twins raised together?


According to the video, Altered States of Consciousness, you just watched, which neurotransmitter is very active in the brain as a result of sensation-seeking behavior?


Which neurotransmitter is responsible for the "runner's high" after an intense period of exercise?


There are many things a person can do to speed up the rate of alcohol metabolism (i.e., how quickly a person can become sober).


Four year old Evan gets a ride on toy tractor for his birthday

gender schema theory

Andre sometimes will wake himself up because his body jerks as he is drifting off to sleep and he says it feels like he is falling. Researchers refer to this bodily sensation as a _______________.

hypnagogic jerk

For conditions with a large genetic component, which would be higher: the concordance rate between identical twins or fraternal twins?


The theory that cognitive development is like a computer model where the environment provides the input and the human mind is a "computer processor" that encodes, stores, and transforms information to produce some output is called ___________.

information processing

Most psychologists define consciousness as the awareness of our ______ and __________ environment.

internal; external

The information-processing perspective on dreaming suggests dreams allow us to consolidate experiences from the day into ___________.


Heroin is classified as a ________ and directly _______ stress-related emotions.

narcotic; decreases

Kirsten started taking her mother's prescription for Vicodin. While this drug use doesn't appear to be significantly affecting her life in any way, she has noticed over the past few months that she needs to take more Vicodin to feel its effects. Kirsten is experiencing ____________.

physiological dependence

Drugs that alter brain functions resulting in changes in consciousness, perception, and/or mood are called ___________ drugs.


A person can be diagnosed with a substance use disorder when the pattern of drug use causes _________ impairment or ___________ in the person's life.

significant; distress

Katie who is 10 years old will occasionally find herself asleep at the foot of her parents' bed in the morning, even though she went to sleep in her own bed. She never remembers leaving her room and walking to her parents' room. Katie is experiencing _______, which tends to occur during ______ sleep.

sleepwalking; NREM

Brittany is 12 weeks pregnant and has been drinking a few beers followed by a glass or two of wine a night. She hasn't told her doctor, but she knows from looking online that alcohol is considered a(n) _________ that can have an extremely negative impact on the development of her baby.


Cyan told her friend that she believes her dreams are just random neural

the activation-synthesis hypothesis.

Multiple studies have shown that when students multitask during class or studying

they do not learn effectively, which leads to lower grades.

Physiological dependence on a substance typically includes __________ and __________

tolerance; withdrawal

The more alcohol you drink, the more dehydrated you become.


Women become intoxicated more quickly than men


According to Freud, the latent content of our dreams is __________ and contains the repressed _______ and drives of the dreamer.

unconscious; wishes

Forty-year-old Lance insists that he never dreams. Research suggests that he probably:

would report a vivid dream if he were awakened during REM sleep

A 5-year-old may struggle to complete a puzzle by himself, but when his mother helps him he is able to accomplish the task. This is an example of what Vygotsky called _____________.

zone of proximal development

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