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What should be changed to make the following sentence true? In classical conditioning, the initial period of learning is known as latent.

The word "latent" should be changed to the word "acquisition."

In Bandura's Bobo doll study, when the children who watched the aggressive model were placed in a room with the doll and other toys, they ________.

kicked and threw the doll

Which of the following is not an example of a primary reinforcer?


Getting fired from your job because you show up late to work is an example of ___________.

negative punishment

________ is when you take away a pleasant stimulus to stop a behavior.

negative punishment

Brie cleans her room, and her mother stops nagging. Brie's mother may not realize she is using ________ to modify Brie's behavior.

negative reinforcement

Every time you smoke a cigarette, your anxiety is reduced; you begin to smoke more. This is an example of _______

negative reinforcement

Taking an aspirin relieves a headache. Next time you have a headache, you take an aspirin. This is an example of ________.

negative reinforcement

A stimulus that does not initially elicit a response in an organism is a(n) ________.

neutral stimulus

You earn an "A" on an exam after you studied. This is an example of _________.

positive reinforcement

Which of the following is an example of a reflex: an unlearned, automatic response by an organism to a stimulus in the environment?

the pupil of your eye contracting in the presence of bright light

Birds migrating, cats chasing prey, sea turtles moving toward the ocean immediately after birth, and joeys moving to the mother's pouch immediately after birth are all examples of ________.


Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?

when a dog plays dead she gets a treat in order to encourage her to repeat the behavior

Which of the following is an example of instinct: unlearned knowledge that involves complex patterns of behavior?

baby seeking food by rooting and suckling

Which of the following experiments involves the use of social learning theory?

determining how long it takes a person to learn how to knit if she is only allowed to watch YouTube videos of people knitting

Dave's boss told him that he doesn't have to attend the company picnic (which everybody dislikes) if Dave meets his sales quota this month. Dave's boss is using ________.

negative reinforcement

Which of the following is an example of latent learning?

remembering where the nearest gas station is when you unexpectedly run out of gas during your morning commute

Which of the following experiments involves the use of operant conditioning?

rewarding a child for finishing his oatmeal mush and counting how many times the child needs to be rewarded before he finishes his oatmeal voluntarily

Sometimes the mall is delivered at 1:00, sometimes at 3:00. This is an example of a ________ schedule.

variable interval

Gambling at a slot machine is an example of which reinforcement schedule?

variable ratio

Slot machines at casinos pay off after an unpredictable number of plays. This is an example of a _______ schedule.

variable ratio

Slot machines reward gamblers with money according to which reinforcement schedule?

variable ratio

You get a nickel for every soda can that you return. This is a _______ schedule.

Fixed ratio.

Which is the correct order of steps in the modeling process?

attention, retention, reproduction, motivation

Which of the following statements about Ivan Pavlov is true?

He is known for establishing the principles of classical conditioning.

Grace whistles while tickling Khaleel with a feather. Eventually, Khaleel starts to squirm and giggle every time Grace whistles, even when he is not being tickled. In this example, squirming and giggling is a(n) ________.

conditioned response

In Pavlov's work with dogs, salivation in response to a bell were ________.

conditioned responses

Getting a pay check is an example of ________

positive reinforcement

Your mother is embarrassed that you are throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store, so she gives you a piece of candy to hopefully calm you down. This is an example of ________

positive reinforcement

In operant conditioning, what describes adding something to decrease the likelihood of behavior?


In ________ conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus unconditionally elicits a reaction. For example, a bit of black pepper blown into the eye produces a blinking response.


In ________ conditioning, an established conditioned stimulus is paired with a new neutral stimulus.

higher order

Hideki tells a lie and is grounded. He does this several times, finally learning that his behavior (lying) is associated with a consequence (being grounded). Which kind of learning is this?

operant conditioning

The teacher embarrasses a student for giving a wrong answer. This is an example of _______

positive punishment

Jamie spanks his child for playing in the street. This is an example of __________.

positive punishment (PP)

The annoying student jumps up and down, hand raised, yelling "me, me, me!" until the teacher calls on her. The child jumps and yells even more in the future. The teacher's response is an example of __________.

positive reinforcement

Kicking your leg when your knee is tapped and quickly pulling your hand back when you accidently touch a hot stove are both examples of ________.


In Watson and Rayner's experiments, Little Albert was conditioned to fear a white rat, and then he began to be afraid of other furry white objects. This demonstrates ________.

stimulus generalization

Which of the following is an example of observational learning?

teaching yourself yoga by watching a yoga group in the park

Rewarding successive approximations toward a target behavior is ________.


Which experiment involves the use of classical conditioning?

knowing that a student fears exams, the instructor wears a bright red shirt only on exam day, every exam day, to see how long it is before the red shirt becomes an object of fear to the student

Which of the following is an example of fixed ratio reinforcement schedule?

knowing you will get to play miniature golf as soon as you collect 10 gold stars for your reward chart

The person who performs a behavior that serves as an example is called a ________.


Who proposed observational learning?

Albert Bandura

Which of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement?

Babs saw Martin receive a candy bar for completing his reading list. She is careful to complete her reading list because she saw Martin get a reward for doing it.

What is the main idea of operant conditioning?

Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments.

What is the primary conclusion John B. Watson's made after working with Little Albert?

Emotions can be a conditioned response.

Which of the following is false about John B. Watson?

He is considered the founder of behaviorism.

Identify the major flaw with John B. Watson's Little Albert experiment.

It is unethical for a researcher to induce fear in a child, since it is harmful to induce fear.

Which of the following is an example of vicarious punishment?

Jeong observes Bronwyn getting spanked for spitting out her carrots. Because he saw his friend punished, he does not spit out his carrots.

________ is known for using Little Albert in his studies on human emotion.

John B. Watson

According to Albert Bandura, ________.

Learning can occur by watching others and modeling what they do or say.

What was the main point of Ivan Pavlov's experiment with dogs?

Learning can occur when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus.

What is the main idea of social learning theory?

One can learn new behaviors by observing others.

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? In operant conditioning, organisms learn to associate events that repeatedly happen together.

The word "operant" should be changed to the word "classical."

Jemma wants to teach her son to say thank you. Every time he says thank you, Jemma praises him and gives him a hug. Which reinforcement schedule is this?


Gus receives a paycheck every week. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

fixed interval

You get paid once every weeks. This is a ________ schedule.

fixed interval

You receive a small increase in your hourly wage every 6 months. This is a _________ schedule.

fixed interval

If a stimulus plus a response results in a satisfying outcome, the probability of that response occurring again ________.


Which of the following is an example of a reflex that occurs at some point in the development of a human being?

infant suckling on a nipple

Dymesha watches her older sister do headstands. Dymesha falls over when she attempts to do a headstand herself. She watches her older sister more carefully, and she notices that her sister leans backward slightly to complete her headstand. Dymesha is then able to do headstands herself. Which type of learning is this?


Learning is best defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior that ________.

occurs as a result of experience

Which term best describes rewarding successive approximations of a target behavior?


Mia is taught to go to sleep when the light is turned off. However, for many months Mia no longer falls asleep when the light is turned off. Later, Mia begins to fall asleep when the light is turned off again. This is an example of ________.

spontaneous recovery

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