psy 200 chapter 4 (LearningCurve 4a) Emotional Development

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Stranger wariness is first noticeable at approximately _____ month(s) of age.


At about 1 year of age, a child's emerging sense of _____ and _____ leads to a new consciousness of others.

"me"; "mine"

Stranger wariness and separation anxiety are two fears that are evident in infants at about the age of:

9 months.

Disgust becomes apparent by the time an infant is about _____ months of age.


As early as _____ months of age, an infant's brain patterns and stress hormones appear to be affected by caregiver responsiveness.


Baby Rachel's stress hormones spike when her mother fails to respond to her distress. Baby Rachel is at LEAST _____ months of age.


By the age of _____ months, an infant's brain begins to respond to signs of fear in other people.


According to the text, families from _____ discourage pride and cultivate modesty and shame in their toddlers.


Zondra's 1-year-old nephew is looking out the window when a loud fire engine approaches with a screaming siren. Even after the truck passes, her nephew remains upset. Why?

Many 1-year-olds fear anything unexpected.

Parents in _____ encourage pride in their toddlers by saying such things as, "You did it yourself," even when it is untrue.

North America

_____ is expressed at 6 weeks, and _____ between 2 and 4 months.

The social smile; laughter

In responding to human faces, a 6-week-old infant may exhibit:

a social smile.

When an infant _____, he or she exhibits stranger wariness.

acts fearful of unfamiliar people

Research cited in your text suggests that of those infants with a fearful temperament at 4 months of age, _____ will still have a fearful temperament when they are 4 years of age.

almost half

Hayden is 7 months old. He is capable of:


First-time mother Caroline does not know what to do about her infant, who seems to cry nonstop no matter what soothing techniques she tries. She calls her doctor, who explains that uncontrollable crying is MOST likely due to _____, which is probably the result of immature digestion.


The parents of 3-year-old Kaylie have noticed that she is throwing tantrums less often and is able to better regulate her emotions. This is MOST likely the result of maturation of the:


In an infant, sadness is displayed as emotional withdrawal and is accompanied by an increase in the body's production of _____, a stress hormone.


The FIRST emotional expressions to emerge at birth are:

crying and contentment.

The textbook cites research indicating that when 4-month-old infants hear words that seem more staccato—such as "kiki"—they are more likely to look at an angular shape than a round one. The shape at which infants look is a(n) _____ variable in this research.


A 2-year-old boy is playing at the beach and comes upon an object washed up on the shore. It has many spines and appears dangerous to touch. The child's mother grabs his hand and quickly jerks him away from his discovery. What is the MOST likely emotional reaction the child has just been taught by his mother?


Eight-year-old Micah has a personality trait of dishonesty that is bothering his parents; his mother brings him in for therapy and describes his temperament as aggressive, unhappy, and impulsive. Of all these traits, the one that could be considered primarily learned would be:


Dr. Rojo conducted a longitudinal study on infant temperament, testing the same group of children at ages 4, 9, 14, 24, and 48 months. She found that exuberant infants did not change much, reacting the same way and having similar brain-wave patterns when confronted with frightening experiences every time they were tested. Inhibited, fearful infants, however, altered their responses as they grew older. This probably speaks to the influence of:


Longitudinal research suggests that from 4 months of age to 4 years of age, the temperament of _____ children is MOST likely to change, whereas the temperament of _____ children is LEAST likely to change.

fearful; exuberant

According to the textbook, the _____ emotional expressions to emerge at birth are pain and pleasure in the form of crying and contentment.


About one in _____infants cry excessively, defined as more than three hours a day, three or more days per week.


As adolescents, boys who were inhibited as young children are _____ likely to use drugs. Girls who were inhibited as young children are _____ likely to use drugs.

more; less

Which choice CORRECTLY matches a dimension of temperament with an example trait?

negative mood - angry

The three dimensions of temperament that are clearly present in early childhood include:

negative mood.

During toddlerhood, children develop social awareness, and they start to express new emotions, including:

pride, shame, and embarrassment.

Throughout the second year and beyond, _____, which require social awareness and emerge from family interactions, appear.

pride, shame, embarrassment, disgust, and guilt

Very young infants have no sense of _____, at least as most people define it.


An infant's distress when his or her caregiver leaves is called:

separation anxiety.

Uri has personality traits that could be described as honest, hardworking, and humble; his wife has described his chief temperamental trait to be shyness. Of all these traits, the one that could be considered primarily genetic would be:


Temperament is to personality as _____ is to _____.

shyness; humility

Happiness is expressed by the social smile, evoked by a human face at about 6 weeks of age. Because the social smile is affected by age since conception, preterm babies:

start to smile at people when they are a few weeks older.

When a 9-month-old infant shows fear of unfamiliar people, he or she is exhibiting:

stranger wariness.

In an infant, sadness appears as withdrawal and is accompanied by an increase in the body's production of cortisol, a _____ hormone.


Pride, shame, embarrassment, disgust, and guilt are emotions that take on new strength during a child's _____ and require social awareness, which emerge from family interactions and are influenced by culture.


The classic experiment in which babies looked into a mirror after a red dot was placed on their noses showed evidence of self-awareness if the babies:

touched their own noses.

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