PSY 200 inquizitive Ch 6

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Salivating at the sight of food is an example of (BLANK) response that is evolutionarily adaptive. However, evolution can also influence the acquisition of (BLANK) response. It is adaptive for animals to learn to avoid eating things that (BLANK). Moreover, many animals have a predisposition to fear specific objects. For example, monkeys more readily learn to fear(BLANK) than to fear (BLANK), presumably because the monkeys have, for evolutionary reasons, a natural disposition to fear the former but not the latter.

- an unconditioned - a conditioned - make them sick - snakes - flowers

Classical conditioning is a type of learning where an initially neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response after pairing with a stimulus that already produces the response. Match the classical conditioning terms with their definitions.

A stimulus that automatically elicits a response without any prior learning. - unconditioned stimulus (US) A response that is automatically produced by a stimulus, and does not have to be learned. - unconditioned response (UR) A stimulus that produces no response when presented - neutral stimulus A learned response to a conditioned stimulus. - conditioned response (CR) A stimulus that elicits a response after learning has taken place. - conditioned stimulus (CS)

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences about the essential difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

In classical conditioning, an association is made between events that the human or animal learner CANNOT control In operant conditioning, an association is made between events that the human or animal learner CAN control.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about recent developments in the theory of classical conditioning.

In contrast to behaviorism, more recent learning theory emphasizes the role of cognition. Rescorla and Wagner showed that when the unconditioned stimulus is surprising and the conditioned stimulus comes BEFORE it, the animal makes the connection between the stimuli especially EASILY: the conditioned stimulus helps an animal PREDICT the unconditioned one.

Watch this video of a student undergoing classical conditioning during a classroom demonstration.

In phase two (the conditioning phase) of the video clip, the student's reaction to being sprayed is the.. - unconditioned response (UR) In phase three (the post-conditioning phase) of the video, the word can is the... - Conditioned stimulus (CS)

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about gradual conditioning.

In the form of conditioning called SHAPING, a behavior is taught by reinforcing behaviors that INCREASINGLY RESEMBLE the desired behavior. B. F. Skinner invented what he called AN OPERANT CHAMBER to implement this kind of conditioning, and he coined the term REINFORCEMENT for the result that encourages the behavior to be repeated.

Fill in the missing information in the table relating to reinforcement and punishment in operant conditioning.

Increases likelihood of behavior/add a stimulus: - Positive reinforcement Increases likelihood of behavior/remove a stimulus: - negative reinforcement Decreases likelihood behavior/add a stimulus: - positive punishment Decreases likelihood of behavior/remove a stimulus: - negative punishment

We learn many behaviors not by doing them but by watching others do them. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences about the ways we learn by watching others.

OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING is when an individual acquires or changes a behavior after being exposed to another person performing that behavior. Learning the consequences of an action by watching others being rewarded or punished for performing the action is known as VICARIOUS CONDITIONING The imitation of an observed behavior is a learning process called MODELING

Continuous reinforcement is when behavior is reinforced every time it occurs. But in the real world, partial reinforcement—the occasional reinforcement of behavior—is more common. Fill in the blanks with the correct reinforcement schedules for the given situations.

Steve's Intro Psych instructor collects homework assignments after every class. There are periods when she awards extra credit after every assignment; at other times, five assignments will go by without extra credit. To increase his chances of getting the extra points, Steve consistently turns in the homework. Steve is reinforced on a VARIABLE RATIO schedule. Radio station WPYS gives prizes to listeners who call in as a promotion. WPYS makes a rule that the same person can win only once a month. This is an example of a FIXED INTERVAL schedule.

Match the terms with the corresponding scenarios. (Terms can be used more than once.)

Wes liked very scary movies. After an especially scary scene, he felt a tap on his shoulder and nearly jumped out of his seat. - sensitization Meena got a mild sunburn, but a couple of hours later she didn't notice the pain anymore. - habituation Lexi was outside when a loud clap of thunder occurred very close by. When her friend called her name immediately afterward, she was quite startled. - sensitization Owen got glasses a year ago. He wears them daily but has stopped noticing them. - habituation

Match the classical conditioning processes with their definitions.

a process in which an association between the CS and US is gradually formed - acquisition a process in which a previously extinguished response reemerges after re-exposure to the CS - spontaneous recovery learning that occurs when stimuli that are similar but not identical to the CS produce the CR - stimulus generalization a process in which the CR is weakened when the CS is repeated without being followed by the US - extinction a differentiation between two similar stimuli when only one of them is consistently associated with the US - stimulus discrimination

Which of the following statements about the influence of adaptation and cognition on classical or operant conditioning are accurate?

correct answers: - Certain pairings of stimuli, such as taste and illness, are more likely to become associated because they are evolutionarily adaptive. - Animals seem to be biologically prepared to fear specific objects that signal potential dangers. - The strength of an association between the CS and the US is determined by how well the CS predicts the US. incorrect answers: - Any object can be made into a CS when associated with any US, as long as the stimuli are intense enough.

Which of the following statements about the role of the neurotransmitter dopamine in operant conditioning are accurate?

correct answers: - Dopamine appears to be especially important for the craving of a reward, rather than being satisfied by the reward. - Dopamine determines the value of a reinforcer such as eating food to satisfy hunger: the greater the hunger, the greater the craving for food, and consequently the greater the dopamine release. - Drugs that block dopamine's effects disrupt operant conditioning. incorrect answers: - Dopamine has been strongly implicated in primary reinforcement, but not secondary reinforcement.

Identify the statements that correctly describe widely held beliefs by modern psychologists about learning.

correct answers: - Learning is a change in behavior that comes about through an individual's experience. -There are different types of learning. - Learning is crucial for all animals. incorrect answers: - Learning results from unconscious mental processes that must be studied by introspective methods.

Identify the statements that correctly describe how the brain changes during learning.

correct answers: - Learning reflects changes in the connections between synapses. - Sensitization involves changes in neurotransmitter release. incorrect answers: - Habituation does not involve changes in neurotransmitter release.

John Watson, the founder of behaviorism, had a strong influence on the study of psychology, including thinking about learning. Which of the following are behaviorist beliefs that Watson held?

correct answers: - Observable behavior is the only valid indicator of psychological activity. - Humans are born knowing nothing and have the potential to learn just about anything. incorrect answers: - Unconscious mental processes are the primary determinants of behavior. - Mental experiences cannot be studied scientifically, because they do not really exist.

Drag the three basic types of learning to the correct locations in the diagram.

non-associative: learning about a stimulus, such as a sight or sound, in the external world associative: learning the relationship between two pieces of information Observational: learning by watching how others behave

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