PSY 234 - Practice Exam 2

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Research suggests that exposure to sexual media most clearly affects adolescents' a. sexual behavior. b. relationships with friends. c. attitudes and beliefs. d. school performance.


Differential treatment by parents, peer relationships, and experiences at school reflect ___________________, non-genetic influences in adolescents' lives that make them different from people they live with.

nonshared environmental influences

Maria, a 10-year-old preadolescent, is going to enter junior high next year. Based on your knowledge of adolescent development, what are three specific predictions about how Maria's relationships with her friends will change throughout junior high and high school?

(These are just examples, there are plenty of correct answers.) -Maria is likely to spend more time with peers throughout development -Maria is likely to experience less supervision over time -Her peer group is more likely to include males over time. -She's likely to spend more time in larger social groups -Crowd structure gets more differentiated, more permeable, less hierarchical

Imagine that you (an adolescent development expert!) have been asked to talk to city council members about the No Child Left Behind Act. The council wants to know the history of the act, including a discussion of why it was signed into law, and the intended, as well as unintended, effects.

- history involved disparities based on socioeconomic status and race - goal was to make sure all students achieve academic proficiency - had consequences of cutting subjects not tested and setting low standards

Discuss each of the four parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, disengaged). Describe a parent displaying each of them.

-Authoritative: characterized by warmth, issue-oriented discipline, and an emphasis on developing self-direction ex: a parent might engage their child in a discussion over the reason a rule exists. -Authoritarian: characterized by forceful disciple and an emphasis on obedience ex: a parent sets a rule and gives harsh punishments if the rule is not followed -Indulgent/permissive: characterized by lack of rules and an emphasis on child's happiness ex: a parent doesn't set rules about a curfew so that child can have fun. -Indifferent/disengaged: characterized by lack of rules and lack of interest ex: parent fails to display discipline or warmth

_________ is a psychological disorder characterized by impulsivity, inattentiveness, and restlessness, often in school situations.


________ are public schools that have been given the autonomy to establish their own curricula and teaching practices

Charter schools

______________ refers to the idea that the same genetic tendencies make an individual both especially susceptible to develop problems when exposed to adverse environmental influences and especially likely to thrive when exposed to positive environmental influences.

Differential susceptibility theory

_____________ are educational institution in which 7th and8th graders are schooled separately from older adolescents

Junior high schools

_________ is a perspective on adolescence that views unstructured, unsupervised time with peers as a main cause of misbehavior.

Routine activity theory

Research suggests that working more than 20 hours a week is associated with worse school performance. What are two different explanations for this relationship?

Students working longer hours may be absent from school more often, spend less time on homework, etc. -Students may choose to work longer hours because they aren't enjoying school. The worse school performance may be the cause of working more.

__________ is the practice of separating students into ability groups, so that they take classes with peers at the same skill level.


___________ is a perspective on media use that emphasizes the active role users play in selecting the media to which they are exposed.

Uses and gratifications approach

The use of social networking websites, such as Snapchat and Instagram, has become extremely prevalent among teenagers (as well as among adults). a) Analyze whether 15-year-old Calvin, who is popular at school and has many friends, is likely to be positively or negatively affected by social media use and explain why. b) Then explain how his less popular peers' experiences might differ.

a) Calvin, who already has lots of friends, is likely to be positive impacted by social media. He will be able to maintain those relationships to communication with them. b) Less popular peers are more likely to have negative experiences. They might experience FOMO.

You are a genetics researcher interested in depression. a) What is a study that you could run that would suggest that depression has a biological basis? b) How would the diathesis-stress model apply to this situation?

a) twin study: MZ twins should show higher concordance rate than DZ twins if it's genetic or adoption study: kids should show similar depressive symptoms as biological parents, rather than adoptive parents if it's genetic b) The genetic predisposition is the diathesis. The stress, a life event, is also necessary to lead to depression.

Adolescents tend to report their least positive moods when they are a. with friends. b. working. c. with their family. d. alone.


At school, Jamila is perceived as high-status, yet rude and abrupt. A psychologist would say that she a. has perceived popularity but not sociometric popularity. b. has sociometric popularity but not perceived popularity. c. has both perceived and sociometric popularity. d. is not popular


Compared with their counterparts from previous decades, today's American adolescents a. spend more days per year in school. b. have a shorter school day. c. are absent from school more often. d. are less likely to continue their schooling beyond the 12th grade.


Even though it was clear that another student, Raul, accidentally pushed Noah, Noah insisted that Raul did it on purpose. What phenomenon is this? a. hostile attributional bias b. status bias c. in-group vs. out-group d. iatrogenic effect


In contrast to crowds, cliques a. are settings for adolescents' intimate interactions. b. help adolescents locate themselves within the broadest social structure of their school. c. are based on reputation rather than shared social activity. d. allow some adolescents to belong to several groups at once based on what others believe about them.


Mallory and Malakai are sister and brother. They have grown up together in the same family, just one year apart in age, but they have very different personalities. Which of the following offers the best explanation for this? a. They have had different perceptions of similar experiences. b. As a girl, Mallory has a closer relationship with her parents. c. Genetically, they have very little in common. d. Second children, like Malakai, harbor resentment toward their family members.


One tremendous problem in interpreting studies of media use and adolescent development is that a. it is extremely difficult to disentangle cause and effect. b. media is difficult to define. c. the type of media that adolescents use changes rapidly. d. adolescents are very secretive about their media use.


Studies in many countries have found a link between higher rates of bullying and a. greater income inequality. b. less ethnic and racial diversity. c. greater parental involvement in students' lives. d. authoritative educational systems.


The fact that more than 25% of young people today will spend some time in a step family by the time they reach age 18 reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents' family lives over the past 50 years? a. Rise in the divorce rate b. Rise in the rate of single-parent households c. Rise in the rate of dual-earner families d. Rise in the rate of custodial parents who are mothers


The identity changes of adolescence may interact with the ________ to increase family conflict. a. hormonal surges of puberty b. family systems theory c. generational gap d. midlife crisis of adults


The school year is longer than it was in the past, a. and adolescents remain in school for more years than they used to. b. but adolescents remain in school for fewer years than they used to. c. but adolescents have more absences (both excused and unexcused) than before. d. and a smaller percentage of adolescents actually complete compulsory education.


Which aspect of the school climate is the least important in influencing psychosocial development during adolescence? a. class size b. teacher-student interactions c. use of classroom time d. standards and expectations


Which of the following adolescents is most at risk of mental health problems? a. Mason, a 13-year-old homeless boy b. Angelica, a 15-year-old girl living with a single mother c. Uri, a 12-year-old boy living with his mother and stepfather d. Ji-woo, a 14-year-old girl whose parents are having financial difficulties


Which of the following best summarizes research findings on the proportion of time youth in developed countries spend with friends and family during adolescence? a. Findings indicate that youth spend increasingly less time with their parents and increasingly more time with their peers, especially other-sex peers, during adolescence b. Findings indicate that youth spend increasingly less time with their parents and increasingly more time with their peers, especially same-sex peers, during adolescence c. Findings indicate that youth spend increasingly more time with their parents and increasingly less time with their peers, especially other-sex peers, during adolescence d. Findings indicate that youth spend increasingly more time with their parents and increasingly less time with their peers, especially same-sex peers, during adolescence


Which of the following examples best represents a typical relationship between an adolescent and their parents? a. Although Noelia fights often with her mother, she confides in her when she has issues with her friends. She is not as close to her father and mostly talks to him about her soccer team. b. Connor is closest with his father and goes to him for advice about his girlfriend. He doesn't spend much time with his mother, who tends to rely on his father for information. c. Bao is close to both her parents and divides her time equally between them. She is just as likely to talk about emotional matters with one of her parents as with the other. d. Lishan is distant from both his parents. He does not confide in either parent and spends little time at home. Lishan is most likely to talk to his peers about emotional matters.


Among adolescents, placement into a foster care group home is associated with a. an easier transition to independence. b. greater delinquency. c. more stable living arrangements. d. a lengthier stay in the foster care system


Benjamin and his father tend to argue more and more lately. Benjamin is 16 years old. What are he and his father most likely to be arguing about? a. the way Ben's dad and mother interact b. curfews and Ben's choice in music c. who Ben will marry when he reaches the age of consent d. the importance of a post-secondary education


Over the last 50 years, the amount of time adolescents devote to ________ has declined significantly. a. school b. paid jobs c. using media d. leisure activities


Which of the following contributed to the rise of age segregation in contemporary society? a. increasing number of college graduates b. rise of secondary education c. decrease in family values d. prejudice against young people


Which of the following is a reason that after-school jobs became less attractive to teenagers during the recession of the first decade of the twenty-first century? a. Teenagers already had enough money to purchase the things that interested them. b. New technologies increased the number of attractive and inexpensive leisure options available. c. Teenagers preferred to spend more time with friends and going out on dates. d. Teenagers began spending longer hours in school.


Which of these is the most accurate statement about teachers' expectations of students? a. Teacher expectations can affect student performance for as long as a year. b. Teacher expectations have a long-term effect on student achievement. c. Students' expectations of teachers matter more than teachers' expectation of students. d. Children from wealthy families are the most susceptible to the weight of teacher expectations.


Approximately ________ of high school graduates enroll in either a two- or four-year college immediately after graduation. a. 30% b. 50% c. 70% d. 90%


As Alex enters adolescence, he and his parents are experiencing severe relationship problems. The most likely explanation is that a. adolescence is a period of "storm and stress." b. the generation gap is a major issue for parents and their adolescents. c. their problematic relationship has existed since Alex's childhood. d. Alex has been negatively affected by his entrance into the high school system


Dawn has always enjoyed school and excelled in her classes. In middle school, she has connected with a group of friends who also enjoy school, and her grades have continued to improve. They often spend time studying together. This is an example of a. sociometric popularity and perceived popularity. b. postfigurative culture and cofigurative culture. c. selection and socialization. d. youth culture and adult culture.


Ivan, a teenager, is most likely to experience high levels of concentration and interest when he is a. with his friends. b. in school. c. playing sports. d. watching television.


Many studies find that rates of smoking, drinking, and drug use are higher among teenage workers than nonworkers, especially among students who a. make less money than their peers. b. also participate in athletics. c. work long hours. d. are involved in many extracurricular activities.


President George W. Bush's 2002 mandate that all children, regardless of economic circumstance, achieve academic proficiency was called the a. All Children Learn Together Act. b. Stay in Public School Act. c. No Child Left Behind Act. d. Race to the Top Act.


Ryan did a survey at his high school of the most common after-school jobs for the senior class (which would be made up of older adolescents). What are his results likely to say? a. movie theater usher and nurses' aide b. babysitting and lawn work c. fast-food worker and clothing store d. manager and teacher


A(n) _______________ is a small group of friends who know each other well, do things together, and form a regular social group


In _____________ high schools, general education, college preparation, and vocational education are all housed under one roof


According to research, which statement is true about the signs that a student will commit an act of lethal violence? a. Depression, frequent absences, and disengagement are the most common signs. b. Isolation and rage are the most important signs. c. Impulsivity and technical know-how are the most common signs. d. The tendency toward lethal violence is almost impossible to detect in adolescents.


Comparisons of large and small schools reveal that a. small schools offer more varied curricula. b. students in large schools are more likely to participate in school activities. c. small schools have more material resources. d. students in small schools are more likely to participate in school activities.


Drawing on research that shows that certain extracurricular activities benefit adolescents and research showing the potential dangers of leaving adolescents unsupervised after school, some experts have argued that well-designed programs will not only deter problem behavior but also encourage youth to develop strengths. This emphasis on developing strengths is known as a. pro-bono youth development. b. preventative youth development. c. cultivating decent youths. d. positive youth development.


In contrast to merely studying rates of divorce, researchers interested in the psychological effects of divorce need to focus on a. the declining birth rate in industrialized nations. b. the cultural beliefs of the larger society. c. the lack of extended family relationships. d. exposure to conflict between parents.


The process of separating students into different levels of classes within the same school is called a. mainstreaming. b. desegregation. c. acceleration. d. tracking.


Which of these is the most accurate way to describe the psychosocial impact of a peer group on adolescents? a. Teenagers' psychological problems are fully formed before any interaction with peer groups, so these groups do not cause psychological problems. b. Teenagers' psychological problems can cause problems when interacting with peers, but the problems do not come from peer interaction. c. Teenagers' psychological problems come from interactions with peers rather than from other sources. d. Teenagers' psychological problems can come from problems with peers and can cause problems with peers.


Your parents need to choose a school for your younger sibling. They ask you, "What have you learned in psychology class about the characteristics of good schools?" Which of these responses would be the most accurate answer to this question? a. "Good schools tend to keep themselves separate from the communities around them to provide a safe and happy space for students." b. "Schools vary so much in structure and philosophy that it's impossible to say that certain characteristics are present in most good schools." c. "Good schools are likely to treat athletics and other extracurricular activities with the same importance that they treat academics." d. "Good schools have committed teachers who have a high degree of autonomy within their classrooms."


Adolescents self-report on their moods and activities multiple times during the day in a technique called the _______.

experience sampling method

The divergence of views between adolescents and parents that is common between immigrant parents and American-born adolescents is called ______

generational dissonance

In ________ cultures, society is changing so quickly that adults are frequently socialized by young people, rather than the reverse


_________ harms others by damaging their relationships. ex: by excluding them socially or spreading rumors about them

relational aggression

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