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What statement is the BEST response about a scientific opinion on the use of polygraphic evidence? :

"Although they are used widely, polygraph results are not particularly reliable"

The most appropriate motto for someone with GAD is :

"Better safe than sorry"

Which risk percentage pattern BEST supports the influence of genetic factors in explaining bipolar disorder (1) in the general population, (2) among close relatives of people with bipolar disorder and (3)among identical twins of people with bipolar disorder?

1 %, 10%, 40%

At least _____ of manic patients treated with lithium improve


_____ % of Americans would NOT tell their employer if they were seeking mental health care treatment


A person receiving multicultural therapy could expect all of these effects EXCEPT a. greater sensitivity to cultural issues in therapy b. focus on the uniqueness of the issues faced c. focus on the healthy feelings and actions rather than on problems d. sensitivity to the traditions of that persons particular culture

A focus on the healthy feelings and actions rather than on problems

Which "new diagnosis" would a person experiencing overwhelming concern about computer crashes, as well as computer hoaxes and scams, MOST likely receive?

Cyber fear

In an ABAB reversal design study, a researcher is measuring level of depression with and without the addition of an exercise program. What is the first "A" in the study?


Which would be MOST likely to use skillful frustration as a part of therapy?

Fritz Perls

A clinical interviewer asks "How do you feel about yourself today? How do you feel about whats going on in your life? " MOST likely, the clinical interviewer's orientation is:


Biner and Simon are known for their work in creating an:

IQ test

The individual considered to be the founder of the modern study of psychopathology is:

Johann Weyer

If you had high blood pressure, you would want to be especially careful when using:

MAO inhibitors

Which test is a personality inventory?


In DSM-5 which diagnostic category is no longer considered an anxiety disorder?


Which statement is MOST accurate?:

The classification system Emil Kraepelin developed served as the model for the DSM.

Who is MOST at risk for misinterpreting a cultural response as pathology?

a dominant- culture assessor

Under the instructions of a psychologist, Tina's mother records the # times Tina hits her brother at home and what happens immediately before the hitting. In this situation, Tina's mother is:

a participant observer

A comprehensive approach that involves several techniques in treating anxiety disorders is called______

a stress management program

Which statement is MOST consistent with the use of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for depression?

accepting negative thoughts and working with them is preferable to rejecting them entirely.

Which behavior pattern is NOT listed in the DSM5 as an obsessive compulsive related disorder


According to Freud, OCD have their origin in the _____ development


Drugs designed to decrease extremely confused and distorted thinking are termed:


Determinists assume that abnormal behaviors:

are not accidental

Pierre feels terrible. He is sad, tired and depressed, but he refuses to show it. This is consistent with the:

artifact theory

In the DSM-5, Asperger's syndrome would now be classified under which new category ?

autism spectrum disorder

The DSM-5 task force and various work groups:

began their work in 2006

Jose is depressed. His therapist told him that reading a book each month would help. He should also visit friends, go bowling ,do the laundry , mow the lawn, and eat meals with his wife. In shorts, he should increase his positive activity. His therapist MOST likely reflect the _____ orientation.


Which model emphasizes the importance of conditioning in determine human actions?


Cognitive theorists have found that people who develop OCD also:

believe their thoughts are capable of causing harm to themselves or others.

Which medications work primarily by enhancing the effectiveness of GABA?


According to current research, using relaxation training to treat GAD is :

better than nothing and about as effective as medication

The strongest evidence for the cause of bipolar disorders BEST supports which theoretical perspective?


Apparently tricyclics work by:

blocking the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin

The most current research suggests that, among people with OCD, reductions in activity levels in the caudate nuclei result from:

both medications and cognitive- behavioral therapies

If you were treated the ECT, you would experience a :

brain seizure

Hippocrates believed that treatment for mental disorders should involve:

bringing the 4 body humors back into balance

Behavior Therapy:

can be tested in lab

Evidence in support of the psychodynamic model has come primarily from:

case studies

The clinical practitioner would be more likely than the clinical researcher to rely on which method of investigation?

case study with a single participant

An individual with depressive who is receiving therapy is told that many, even most of the negative thoughts that an individual experiences and records have no basis in fact. MOST likely, the therapist is:

challenging automatic thoughts

The view that religious views are defense mechanisms created by people to make life tolerable is MOST characteristic of :

classic Freudian psychotherapy

"Depressed people show an internal/global/stable pattern of attribution on a questionnaire" Which theoretical orientation does this research finding support?


Outcome studies on treatments for depression, comparing drug treatments with cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapies, show that:

cognitive therapies are better at preventing relapses unless the drug therapy is continued even after the patient has improved

If you are being encouraged to see the link between the way you interpret your experiences and the way you feel and to question the accuracy of your interpretations, you are probably receiving:

cognitive therapy

If your therapist concentrated on helping you recognize and change negative thoughts and thus improve your mood, your therapist would be using:

cognitive therapy

Conclusions from extensive studies of the effectiveness of various forms of treatment for depression shows that:

cognitive, cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal , and biological treatments are the best, and about equally effective.

A previously neutral environmental event that becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus is called a:

conditioned stimulus

The history, values, institutions, habits, skills, technology and arts of a society make up that society's


Despite popular misconceptions, most people with psychological problems are not:


the MOST accurate summary of the field of abnormal psychology at the present time is that clinical psychologist generally:

do not accept on definition of abnormality and practice more than one form of treatment

The form of correlational research that seeks to find how many new cases of a disorder occur in a group in a given time period is termed:

epidemiological (incidence)

Therapies that have received clear research support are called:

evidence- based

The MOST common cognitive description of someone exhibiting mania is that the person is:

excessively optimistic, with poor judgement.

A therapist who believes people often hide from their responsibilities and therefore often feel alienated, depressed and inauthentic- empty- would MOST likely be:


To obtain the clearest and most accurate picture of the physical anatomy of the brain to aid in the diagnosis of a psychological disorder, the method of choice would be:


Which is an example of a specific social anxiety?

fear of public speaking

Typical consumer of nutraceuticals:

have easy access to a variety of products

A feminist therapist would MOST likely focus on:

how prejudice and discrimination impact women.

According to ________, the self-actualization motive plays an important part in human functioning:


Which factor leads to increased respect for assessment and diagnosis?

increased assessment research

Which is an example of effective adjunctive therapy for bipolar disorder?

individual or group therapy

Evidence of the effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy:

is limited to case studies

What would be your BEST recommendation about behavioral therapy for someone experiences depression?

it is better than nothing, but thats about it.

The reliability concerns of the DSM-5 are MOST likely because of its:

lack of adequate field trials of new criteria and categories

According to Freud, another term for the symbolic meaning of dreams is:

latent content

A woman who was frequently but unpredictably beaten by her husband was finally taken to a shelter by the police. While there, she did not take advantage of educational and job training opportunities. How would cognitive theorists explain her behavior?:

learned hopelesseness

A college graduate is:

less likely than someone with a postgraduate degree to seek therapy

Depression is more common in women because they experience more taxing life situations, such as poverty and menial jobs, than men. This is the:

life-stress theory

Identifying which genes help cause various human disorders rests with the ability to:

map or sequence genes

The Ancient Greeks might find that a flash mob is MOST similar to :

mass madness

The basis for moral treatment of asylum patients was the belief that:

mental illness should be treated humanely and with respect

Standardizing and combining the findings of many different studies is called


To study the general effectiveness of treatment, Smith and Glass and their colleagues performed a(n):

meta-analysis of many studies

Harry is terrified of the snakes that his 8 year old son brings home. During his therapy, his therapist demonstrated how to handle them. This is a form of therapy based on:


Research now suggest that once someone has been successfully treated for depression, he or she:

needs some type of continuation or maintenance therapy

Cognitive theorists explain depression in terms of a person's :

negative interpretation of events

Lithium appears to affect :

neurons second messengers

People who engage in frenetic, manic activity may not experience distress. They are:

nevertheless considered to be abnormal

Experiments are consistent with the _____ approach:


clinical researchers are usually concerned with a _______ understanding of abnormality, while practitioners focus on a _________ understanding

nomothetic, idiographic

The stated and unstated rules for proper conduct that a society establishes are referred to as:


Which action would a clinician who is using naturalistic observation be MOST likely to take?

observe parent-child interactions in a family's home

In modeling, the client

observes the therapist confronting the feared object

The only time Timmy gets attention is when he misbehave in a bizarre way. This is an example of:

operant conditioning

A significant change in the type of care offered now compared to the time Freud was practicing is that:

people are more likely to receive treatment for "problems in living"

A woman experiences recurrent thoughts of suicide, great sadness, and sleep disturbance. These symptoms began a week after she gave birth and have lasted more than 6months. The woman is experiences:

postpartum depression

Which is MOST consistent with a contingency management approach?:

praising the person for engaging in non depressive activities

A test is constructed to identify people who will develop schizophrenia. Of the 100 people the test identifies, 93 show signs of developing schizophrenia within 5 years. The test may be said to have high:

predictive validity

A therapist using free association and dream interpretation discovers that as a small child her patient had been left alone by her mother on several occasions and concluded that the patient is experiencing unipolar depression. The therapist is MOST likely from which orientation?


If a therapist asked you to say whatever came to mind, then suggested interpretations designed to help you work through grief over real or imagines losses, your therapist would be using:


Which model is MOST likely to predict that transference will occur during therapy?


Randolph is the kind of person who breaks rules and laws with no feeling of guilt and is emotionally shallow. He would probably score high on the MMPI-2 scale called:

psychopathic deviate

A man has cheated on his wife and he feels very guilty, but soon he begins to make excuses, saying how his wife has nagged him for years. The defense mechanism that BEST explains his behavior:


The contingency management approach is an example of the application of _______ to the treatment of depression


Which method is the BEST way for clinicians to come to an understanding of abnormal behavior?

rely on findings that have been supported by multiple research methods

Interpersonal psychotherapist believe that therapy must address:

role transitions in relationships

Humanistics would say that an individual who cares about others, is spontaneous, courageous and independent is :

self actualizing

If you believe that you can master and perform needed behaviors whenever necessary, Bandura would say that you had a positive sense of :


If a patient chose a dynamic focus for therapy, the patient would MOST likely be receiving

short-term psychodynamic therapy

There are several factors related to unipolar-depression reduced positive reinforcers, gene abnormalities, and life stress, to name a few. How do these factors relate to depression? the MOST recent research shows that:

some factors may cause depression, while other factors may maintain depression

Which is NOT a goal of the cultural-sensitive therapy movement?

special cultural training for majority therapist

Which is a behavioral symptom of depression?

staying in bed for hours during the day

Which item is an analogue study? a. studying children in their classrooms b. studying the effects of stress in nonhumans c. studying the effects of metaphors on memory d. studying the elderly in nursing homes

studying the effects of stress in nonhumans

Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called:


Studies show that most therapists are MOST likely to learn about the latest info on treatment of psychological disorders from :

talking with professional colleagues

During the pre-clinical phase of a drug study, researchers are:

testing the drugs on animals

Recent research indicates that all of the following brain structures or regions are part of the brain circuits involved in unipolar depression EXCEPT:

the corpus callosum

Which would be LEAST appropriatley studied using a natural experiment ? a. the effects of premarital abstinence on later sexual functioning. b. the effects of war on children in Kosovo. c. the effects of a plat closing on community cohesiveness d. the effects of a particularly harsh blizzard on depression

the effects of premarital abstinence on later sexual functioning

A psychologist studies memory techniques in adult volunteers and learns how to facilitate memory and then applies the results to a new class of students in a course. This demonstrates faith in:

the external validity of the study

Correlation Coefficients indicate:

the magnitude and direction of the relationship between variables

The ethical concern about placebo drug studies such as the preceding study is that:

the placebo group gets no treatment at all

Which statement distinguishes a quasi-experimental study from a true experiment?

the quasi- experiment does not allow for manipulation of the independent variable

The difference between bipolar 1 and bipolar 2 is :

the severity of the manic episodes

While walking through a forest during a rainstorm, 5 year old Samir was almost struck by lightning. Today, as an adult, he is afraid of trees. What is the conditioned stimulus in the example?

the trees

A person suspected of having unipolar depression has a smaller-than normal hippocampus, although it produces a normal # of new neurons. This is :

unusual: those with unipolar depression usually have a smaller-than normal hippocampus, causing it to produce a low # of new neurons

How likely are Medicaid recipients to be prescribed antidepressant medication?

white americans more often than Hispanic Americans: Hispanic Americans more often that African Americans

One limitation of the sociocultural approach to understanding GAD is that it cannot explain:

why everyone who experiences danger doesn't experience generalized anxiety.

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