PSY 280 - Exam #2

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The tendency for people living in conditions with a real threat of starvation to value food more than those living where food is abundant is an example of

The deprivation effect

When will you NOT see an adjustment phase after experiencing culture shock?

when the person has an interdependent self-construal

Based on the biases self-enhancers have, which of the following is someone who self-enhances most likely to say after failing a chemistry test?

"Even though I failed this chemistry test, I can still do well in physics."

As a member of his college debate team, Marvin's goal is the same as his teammate's goal: to win! In preparation for a major competition, Marvin's coach institutes several rules that will help the team members focus, including a rule to abstain from drinking alcohol the night before the competition. If Marvin is from a collectivist culture, how will he most likely respond to this rule?

"I don't mind following this rule since I know that what benefits the team ultimately benefits me too."

How do primary and secondary control among Japanese and Americans differ?

Americans and Japanese feel more powerful in primary control situations than they do in secondary control situations

What happens when people evaluate themselves while facing a mirror?

Americans view themselves more negatively, Japanese do not change

Cross-cultural studies on choice demonstrate which of the following?

Asian Americans prefer a task an ingroup chooses for them more than one that an outgroup chooses for them

How is creativity related to multicultural experiences?

Creative people are more likely to have adopted to life in more than one culture

Bjorn is a nonvisible minority member, while Trang is a member of a visible minority

Have a separation acculturation strategy

Which of the followings statements accurately describes the relationship between social class and individualism?

Higher social class is associated with interdependence in Western cultures and independence in Eastern cultures.

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Independence is positively associated with self-esteem

Research comparing the self-concepts of Americans and Kenyans has found

Kenyan undergraduate and tribal people (e.g. the Samburu) view the self in highly different ways

Research on messages in advertising in Korea and the U.S. has indicated that

Korean ads are more likely to send conformity messages than American ads

Which of the following people is taking an outside-in perspective on the self?

Lily, who perceives herself as smart after learning that her roommates saw her all-A's report card.

Based on research exploring gender comparisons of the self-concept, what statement below is true?

Men and women score similarly on agency

After examining surveys, you collected from culture X, you find that people's responses tend to cluster toward the center of your scale. This phenomenon is known as the ___________ bias.


A group-enhancing bias is

More common among Westerners than East Asians

In a study, five people are asked to taste test three dishes, one of which tastes like garbage. They must then judge which dish was the best. However, four of the people are confederates and are told to always say that the garbage dish is the best. The real participant (the fifth person) is then asked to give his or her judgment. This study is done in both an individualistic and a collectivistic culture. Based on the results obtained using Asch's paradigm across cultures, what do you expect to happen in this case?

No participants from either culture will say that the garbage dish is the best one.

Research on personality and acculturation reveals that

None of the above

Stereotype threat occurs for what reason?

People risk behaving in ways consistent with stereotypes, thereby proving the stereotype and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy

When reference group effects occur in cross-cultural research, what's the reason?

People use social comparison to evaluate themselves

The findings from acculturation research are less coherent than many other topics. Why?

People's circumstances vary so much that it's hard to identify common patterns

According to research on consistency, what would be an effective way to persuade an American friend to help you?

Remind her that she has helped you before

Which of the following is an advantage of experiments in cross-cultural psychological research?

The results can be generalized to more situations

Ambrose has an independent self, and Hayden has an interdependent self. Knowing only this, which of the following is probably true about Hayden?

The same brain regions will be activated when he's thinking about himself and his mother

What is a drawback to using back-translation?

The translation may sound very unnatural, and may contain idioms that are unintelligible

According to a culture of honor explanation, the U.S. South has historically been more violent that the North because

There were more herders in the South than in the North

Jee-Yeong is a bicultural Korean Canadian who has high bicultural identity integration. Compared with other bicultural Korean Canadians who have low bicultural identity integration, Jee-Yeong,

Will more likely adopt an assimilation strategy

The motivations of working-class Americans appear to differ from those of upper-middle class Americans in what way?

Working-Class Americans, but not upper-middle-class Americans, like a pen they didn't choose about as much as a pen they did choose.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a culture-level measure?

a journal entry

Your friend Pedram is planning to immigrate somewhere and wants to go to a place where he will have the best chance of adjusting to the new culture. Which of the following should you recommend as being the best place for him?

a society that espouses values that match Pedram's personality

The Human Relations Area Files

are a database of ethnographic data from small-scale societies.

Raquel recently did poorly on a sociology exam. Which of the following strategies should she AVOID if her goal is to engage in self-enhancement?

compare herself with how the best student in her class did

Which of the following is reliably associated with reduced acculturative stress?

cultural fit

The tendency for people who live in isolating conditions to report valuing social connection more than those living in close-knit communities is an example of

deprivation effects.

The Big Five Personality traits

do not cover the full extent of personality traits in all cultures, but they are still cross-culturally robust.

The research evidence for self-enhancement motivation shows that stronger self-enhancement motivations are associated with

high scores—above the midpoint—on self-esteem questionnaires.

Mia loves visiting foreign countries and travels every chance she gets, usually staying for up to a month in each country. "I don't think I will ever get tired of traveling," she says. "Every single culture I've experienced has been so amazing and exciting!" According to the acculturation curve, which stage has Mia experienced?

honeymoon stage

Dr. H wants to unpackage the cultural difference between Japanese and American horror movies. What is Dr. H trying to find out?

how much statistical power this difference has the underlying reasons for this difference

Jaden has a strong sense of his own identity and does not see a strong divide between strangers he has just met and his family members. What is this characteristic of?

independent theory of self

The acculturation strategy that predicts the most favorable outcomes is


Which of the following accurately lists the five personality traits that make up the five-factor model of personality?

openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

Regional similarities in personality are found when studying the different geographic regions of the United States. These similarities may occur because

people influence each other through their daily interactions.

Reference group effects in cross-cultural research occur because

people use social comparison to evaluate themselves

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