PSY 312 Final Exam

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PGO waves are generated in what part of the CNS ? A occipital cortex B geniculate nucleus C pons


Tophat: Which hypothalamic nucleus is a master nucleus that regulates sleep and wakefulness? A) lateral B) arcuate C) suprachiasmatic D) Ventromedial


Click on SCN

(green dot)

REM deprivation leads to:

- cognitive decline - *procedural, spatial, emotional memory deficits* - affective disruption (anxiety, depression) - hormonal abnormalities - eventual death if continuous (animal studies)

________ found that emotions are innate, "hard-wired" in our brain because they are adaptive


___________'s activation-synthesis theory of sleep states that dreaming is just random firing of neurons, brain tries to make sense of firing by activating memory centers to create scenarios


the locus coeruleus makes ____ to wake us up


During sleep, ______ sleep happens every 90-120 minutes


On an EEG, ________ is the height of the wave. it tells us about the number of EPSP's that occur at the same point in time (# neurons firing in synchrony)


THE STRUCTURE MOST IMPORTANT FOR FEAR IS THE _________________ required to learn to be afraid of things - stimulates sympathetic nervous system when experiencing significant stimuli


the ___________ is a complex structure, consisting of about 10-12 distinct nuclei. it mediates both innate AND learned emotional responses


__________ is something bad in the FUTURE. Tension, limited/lack of response, occurs pre-stimulus. its pathological


sleep ______ is difficulty sleeping and breathing at same time (obstructive sleep apnea, CNS mediated sleep apnea)- more common in overweight men (5-7%)


____________ antipsychotics are Newer antipsychotics that have lesser effect on dopamine receptors and greater efficacy in the treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia compared with typical antipsychotics.


sleep-related eating disorders are _______-eating while sleeping with no recollection. more common than narcolepsy (2-5% adults)


circadian rhythms are endogenous cycles influenced by external and internal factors that work by setting/resetting ___________ clocks (last about a day)


main emotions are: happiness, contempt, surprise, disgust, anger, fear, and sadness. all other emotions result from a ______ and different intensities of these primary emotions


atypical Antipsychotics _________ both serotonin and dopamine receptors OR receptors of many neurotransmitters.


*the reticular activating system is in the _______ ______

brain stem

REM sleep is widespread in CNS, but generated by ________ ________ acetylcholine

brain stem

the optic _________ is a place in the diencephalon where the part of the optic nerves cross


The first sleep theory is _____________ rhythms which is an internal timing mechanism... we are programmed to sleep in the dark like all predatory animals


click on the brain scan of a patient with schizophrenia


Zeitgeber is a stimulus that resets the biological _________ to be in line with earths light/dark cycle


the study where people were shown a picture of a viper and then a house for a fraction of a second and shocked or not shocked showed that fear is a ______________ response


K complexes are important in suppressing ________ arousal and memory. they are generated in cortex and are synchronized with thalamic sleep spindles (timing=consistent)


Sleep spindles are important for the formation of __________ memories


Sleep spindles are very important for __________ memory formation. their density is correlated with the next day memory performance


delta waves are important in maintaining ________ sleep, important for releases of several hormones during sleep


The left eye sees a lot of the left visual field and a little bit of the right visual field, and vice versa- for __________ PERCEPTION


it was found that stimulants in reserpine ______________ antagonist triggered schizophrenic episodes in healthy people


the ____________ hypothesis says that schizophrenia is caused by excessive dopamine


there is a positive correlation between the ability of various antipsychotics to block D2 (____________ ) receptors in their clinical potency


dysynchronization of PGO waves is correlated with the oddity of ___________


On an EEG, __________ of the wave is the number of peaks per unit of time. it tells us about the number of cortical neurons generating EPSP's


EEGS tell us 2 things about electrical activity is brain these are:

frequency and amplitude

Phineas Gages injury happened in his __________ lobe, causing his personality and behavior to dramatically change (child-like, profane, disinhibited, inappropriate, inability to control anger). this is known as ______frontality

frontal, hypo

Low PFC activity __________ mesolimbic dopamine release


the __________ ring structure explain how newer medications that inhibit D2 dopamine receptors are less than typical antipsychotics and inhibit many other types of neurotransmitter receptors (atypical antipsychotics)


electroencephalograms (EEG) are the most ___________ measure for sleep (EPSPS's of cortical neurons


_________ is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep as long as desired, as a true sleep disorder it is not due to medical environment or psychiatric cause


Schachter and Singers second theory is that the ___________ of the physiological state (for example, the degree of the sympathetic system arousal) determines the intensity of the emotion, but not the type of emotion

intensity (degree of excitement determines level of emotion)

out of interpersonal, mortality, animals, and agoraphobia, which is our biggest fear??

interpersonal (rejection, ostracism, shaming, social isolation)

Light stimulates the SCN bc retinal ganglion cells containing _____________ are stimulated by light, then send excitatory projections to the SCN


Blue light suppresses the release of what sleep-inducing hormone?


Activity of the SCN turns ____ a lot of nuclei that promote sleep and activates nuclei involved in waking


click on occipital cortex


the _______-frontal cortex involves activity related to positive appraisal of a stimulus


*REM sleep= ____________ sleep*


MRI scans of subjects with schizophrenia and normal comparison subjects were taken while the people were performing a task that required concentration and focused attention. people with schizophrenia did not use their ______________ cortex


in monozygotic twins that are discordant for schizophrenia, the _____________ cortex was most discordant brain region (shrunk the most)


the __________ cortex receives a lot of input from the limbic system and sends lots of axons to limbic system. Its planning a response to emotion-provoking stumuli based on past experience and appropriateness


there is significant evidence that the _____________ cortex is important foe executive functioning, judgement, decision-making, interpreting stimuli


when people are asked what is most scary: tarantula, viper, rat , or volkswagon bug, most people say viper... this shows how ______________ is evidence of evolutionary basis for some fears


click on the geniculate nuclei

purple dot

Click on the pons

red dot

it has been found that phobic stimuli are ___________ to masking. there are individual differences in preparedness


Click on the picture that is REM sleep- one is awake one is REM


Twin- and Adoption studies demonstrate that the risk of having __________________ is the most heritable of ALL psychological disease


chlorpromazine was synthesized by a drug company to be used for allergies and pre-surgical sedation. Henri Laborit noticed that chlorpromazine calmed patients without sedation (sleep), Suggested that it might be used in psychiatry for __________________


the _____________ effect explains how there were more cases of schizophrenia in the colder months bc people huddled together to stay warm and spread diseases


the __________ detection theory shows our ability to discern between signal and noise or in other words, between important and unimportant


IF you lesion the SCN, _________ will not be at normal time because there is no signal to regulate it


the Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the main control center for ___________ and circadian rhythms


the raphe nucleus makes 5-HT to make us ________


Sleep _________ disorder is recurrent episodes of awakening with terror and screaming, autonomic arousal, unable to remember trigger (may be genetic)- more common in young children, more related to PTSD 2-3% adults


sleep spindles are generated in the ___________


in schacter and singers study of "vitamin supplement" people were injected with epinephrine. half of the people were told to expect effect and half weren't told anything. Which group reported that they felt a difference?

the ones not told anything

new world monkeys, great apes, and humans all respond to sweets similarly- with the ________ up


true or false: the optic nerves both carry information to/from the left and the right visual field


true or false: there is no definite cause for schizophrenia


REM sleep is actually very similar to _______ stages on an EEG. rapid eye movement, low muscle tone, brain energy equal or greater than it is when awake


the three findings from neuropsychological studies of emotion are:

-brain activity associated with each emotion is diffuse (different) -always activity in motor/sensory cortices -similar activity occurs if person experiences, imagines or sees someone else experiencing emotion

about __% of the world has schizophrenia 1


there is evidence of linkage for risk on ___ different chromosomes this means that we don't have a good idea of what is driving risk for schizophrenia


we sleep _________ hours in a lifetime


We usually spend __+ hours per night dreaming in REM sleep


in adolescent schizophrenic patients there is a 1-__% average loss of grey matter


Most studies suggest between a 25-__% concordance rate in identical twins for schizophrenia... high genetic risk


people with family history of narcolepsy are ____ times more likely to have it than families who don't have history . treatment= CNS stimulants


in human newborns, ____% of sleep is REM. in premies _____% of sleep in REM

50, 80

Ledoux found that the emergency route for neurons is:

SENSORY-> THALAMUS-> AMYGDALA no stop at the cortex= feeling before thinking

Ledoux found that the neural pathway for a standard route is:


The case of Phineas Gage shows how brain structures effect ____________


the facial feedback hypothesis states that facial expressions can influence our own __________


Schachter and Singers first theory is that Physiological arousal is interpreted different ways, producing different __________ at different times.

emotions (car wreck=high heart rate/getting in grad school= high heart rate)

Darwin found that all people share similar __________.

emotions (we have similar facial expressions)

linking out internal clock to the earths is called ___________


Social Fears- Fear of Rejection Humans prey on humans Mortality fears- Humans only species aware of its own mortality Animals- Predators Disease agents poisons Agoraphobia- Separation fears, lost in open space, lost in crowds , vulnerable to attack ? these all explain how there may be _______________ reasons for fear


electrooculograms (EOG) look at ____ movements during sleep by putting electrodes around eye


the more genetically related we are to primates, the more similar our ________ expressions are


All people lose cerebral gray matter with age (blue and orange lines) Schizophrenic patients lose cerebral gray matter at a ______ rate than controls But, these studies do not often control for medication history - typical antipsychotics have been shown to cause neuronal death in animals


with paternal age there is a small, but significant increase in likelihood of developing schizophrenia with increasing age of _________ - spermatocytes are rapidly dividing cells - with increasing age, more cycles of cell division - with more cycles of cell division, more random mutations that increase risk for developing schizophrenia.


________ is defined as something bad now or something that happened in the past. weak limbs, heart races, dry mouth, flee, desire to escape, occurs post-stimulus. its adaptive


there is evidence that there is an increased incidence of schizophrenia in offspring exposed to the _____ in the 2nd-3rd trimester


more than ____ of US adults in a given week will report episodes of insomnia 1-2 times per week. as a sleep disorder it is rare, it usually has to do with anxiety/depression


In stage 2 of sleep there is low frequency and _____ amplitude (delta waves)


In stages 3 and 4 of sleep, there is low frequency and _____ amplitude (delta waves)


evolutionary instincts we have inherited involves activating at a ______ of threat, not at certainty


the ______________ is VERY important for learning about stimuli that cause good or bad emotions


the second sleep theory is recuperation/restoration which is to restore _____________ and energy


the chimeric face study using pictures of the same guy cut in half and glued to the opposite picture and asking subjects which face looked happier shows us that there is _________________ of emotion


in the chimeric face study, 75% of right-handed people said the _____ picture was happier. left visual field important for emotion of others


the forebrain and _______ system are most active during REM sleep (fear, sex, memory, emotion)


Cycling through the 4 stages of sleep takes _______ as you sleep


if people are shown a scary picture for 30 ms and then a neutral pic, the unconscious phobia is still seen, this shows resistance to _____________


____________ is released with darkness and inhibited by blue light


in schacter and singers study of "vitamin supplement" the use of a confederate acting angry or joyful affected the ______ of subjects in the room


electromyograms (EMG) look at _________ tone during sleep and are usually electrodes on jaw or around neck


__________ is uncontrollable recurring sleep during daytime, 250,000 people in US have it


social withdrawal, lack of affect, and reduced motivation are all ______________ symptoms of schizophrenia- they are within the persons mind


Our context and environment provide cues about how to interpret ______________ arousal


melatonin is secreted by the _________ gland. increased levels of it make you sleepy and lower body temp, it acts widely through CNS


REM sleep starts and stops with ______-geniculo-occiptal waves (PGO)


1. Thoughts disorders 2. Delusions: faulty beliefs (persecution, grandeur, control) 3. Hallucinations: typically auditory (most rare) are all ____________ symptoms of schizophrenia- you can observe them


dopamine receptor antagonists are more effective at controlling ____________ symptoms


in schizophrenics, more dopamine release correlated with more ____________ symptoms


What is the term that explains how phineas gage eventually recovered and became a stagecoach driver?

social recovery with significant structure, coping support , social skills/personality can stabilize ---Basically teaching him how to control emotion

whats another name for schizophrenia that Eugen Bleur cam up with?


___________ dyskinesia: A movement disorder that can occur after prolonged treatment with dopaminergic antagonist antipsychotic medication for schizophrenics


The 3 things that stimulate the SCN are:

zeitgeber light melatonin

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