PSY 3327 Study Guide #3

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The ________ of the primordial gonads develop into testes


If you wanted to conduct a study to determine whether rats find a particular drug pleasurable, the conditioned ________________ paradigm would be a good test to use.


A ________ vein is any vein that connects one capillary network with another


Addicts who have stopped taking their drug of abuse often relapse if they take their drug just once. This effect is called drug __________.


Many addicts manage to stop taking the drug to which they are addicted, sometimes for several months, but they usually __________.


The best animal mode of human drug addiction is the drug _________ paradigm


Rats will press a lever to administer electrical brain stimulation to sites in their own brains. This phenomenon is called intracranial __________.


Recent research suggests that in addicts dopamine release in the nucleus accumbent may be related more to the __________ of a drug than the liking of the drug


Egg and sperm cells combine to form a cell called a _____________


The pituitary dangles from a stalk connected to the __________


The longer that an addict remains abstinent, the greater craving response to drug-related cues. This is called ________ of drug craving


Describe two theoretical perspectives of sleep. Which perspective is supported by comparative studies of sleep?

1.) Recuperation theories of sleep: sleep restores homeostasis of body; sleepiness is triggered by deviation; 2.) adaption theories of sleep: sleep is a result of an internal 24 hour circadian rythym

Normally, the fifth stage of sleep EEG to be reached after a person falls asleep at night is stage _____________


Somnambulism usually occurs during stage ___________ sleep


All of the steroid hormone is released by the gonads are also released by the _________ cortex


Convulsions can be triggered by the sudden withdrawal of this widely used drug abuse: ___________


Delirium tremens is a symptom of _________ withdrawal


Dementia, liver cirrhosis, and gastritis are often experienced by people addicted to __________.


____________ waves are the 8 to 12-Hz EEG waves that are often associated with relaxed wakefulness


Describe the symptoms and mechanism of the androgenic insensitivity syndrome. Explain the hormonal mechanism underlying the development of these symptoms

Androgen insensitivity syndrome is a condition that affects sexual development before birth and during puberty. People with this condition are genetically male, with one X chromosome and one Y chromosome in each cell. Because their bodies are unable to respond to certain male sex hormones (called androgens), they may have mostly female external sex characteristics or signs of both male and female sexual development. Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome occurs when the body cannot use androgens at all. People with this form of the condition have the external sex characteristics of females, but do not have a uterus and therefore do not menstruate and are unable to conceive a child (infertile). They are typically raised as females and have a female gender identity. Affected individuals have male internal sex organs (testes) that are undescended, which means they are abnormally located in the pelvis or abdomen. Undescended testes have a small chance of becoming cancerous later in life if they are not surgically removed. People with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome also have sparse or absent hair in the pubic area and under the arms. The partial and mild forms of androgen insensitivity syndrome result when the body's tissues are partially sensitive to the effects of androgens. People with partial androgen insensitivity (also called Reifenstein syndrome) can have genitalia that look typically female, genitalia that have both male and female characteristics, or genitalia that look typically male. They may be raised as males or as females and may have a male or a female gender identity. People with mild androgen insensitivity are born with male sex characteristics, but they are often infertile and tend to experience breast enlargement at puberty.

Although there are serious problems associated with the chronic use of this class of drugs, ______ are commonly prescribed for difficulties in sleeping


_____________ disease is a condition experienced by tobacco users; it is associated with the constriction of the blood vessels of the periphery, particularly the feet.


The ___________ apparatus has been used to study the effects of sleep deprivation in rats


The __________ theory of REM sleep suggests that REM sleep and wakefulness serve similar functions


Describe the major results of sleep-deprivation research. Compare these results with the predictions of recuperation theories of sleep. Reach a conclusion.

Deprivation of REM sleep -> REM rebounded: more than usual REM sleep; sleep deprivation has large effect on executive function; 3-4 hours deprivation: mood changes, vigilance decreases, and sleepiness increase; 2-3 days: micro sleeps: *recuperation theory: wakefulness disrupts homeostasis, sleep returns body to homeostasis

___________ glands are ductless glands, which release hormones into the circulatory system

Endocrine Glands

___________ steroid hormone is released by the ovaries and not by the testes


Withdrawal from morphine or heroin triggers a syndrome that is much like a bad case of the __________


Many cases of insomnia are caused by drugs prescribed to treat them. Disorders caused by medical treatment are termed ____________


Explain how the neuroendocrine system regulates the release of hormones from the gonads. Illustrate with a diagram of the regulatory model

In the anterior pituitary, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone stimulates the release of gonadotropins, which are carried by the circulatory system to the gonads. In response to the gonadotropins, the gonads release hormones which feed back into the pituitary and hypothalamus to regulate subsequent gonadal hormone release

Discuss the case of David Reimer, the twin who lost his penis. How was his condition treated? Was the treatment effective?

In the mid-1960s, psychologist John Money encouraged the gender reassignment of David Reimer, who was born a biological male but suffered irreparable damage to his penis as an infant. Born in 1965 as Bruce Reimer, his penis was irreparably damaged during infancy due to a failed circumcision. After encouragement from Money, Reimer's parents decided to raise Reimer as a girl. Reimer underwent surgery as an infant to construct rudimentary female genitals, and was given female hormones during puberty. During childhood, Reimer was never told he was biologically male and regularly visited Money, who tracked the progress of his gender reassignment. Reimer unknowingly acted as an experimental subject in Money's controversial investigation, which he called the John/Joan case. The case provided results that were used to justify thousands of sex reassignment surgeries for cases of children with reproductive abnormalities. Despite his upbringing, Reimer rejected the female identity as a young teenager and began living as a male. He suffered severe depression throughout his life, which culminated in his suicide at thirty-eight years old. Reimer, and his public statements about the trauma of his transition, brought attention to gender identity and called into question the sex reassignment of infants and children.

The feeling of grogginess that is sometimes experience upon awaking is called sleep ____________


___________ is an opiate that is often prescribed for the treatment of heroin and morphine addiction


Sleep-deprived people sometimes experience _________ brief periods during which their eyelids droop, and they become less responsive to external stimuli, even though they remain sitting or standing


___________ hormones are short chains of amino acids


Some antidepressant drugs can block __________ sleep for months at a time without having obvious adverse effects


When narcoleptics fall asleep, they often go directly into _________

REM sleep

Describe the physiological correlates of dreaming. What has the study of these correlates taught us about dreaming?

REM sleep: Kleitman's study of sleep: woke people up during REM sleep and had vivid dream recall; Spraying water on people in REM, water was in dream; external stimuli can be incorporated into real dreams and they are concurrent with real time.

____________ theories of sleep presume that being awake somehow disrupts the homeostasis of the body, and sleep is required to restore it


Drug tolerance can be defined as a shift in the dose-response curve to the _____________


A state of increased sensitivity to a drug as a result of previous exposure to it is called drug __________


A condition in which sleep is continually disrupted by a cessation of breathing is __________

Sleep apnea

Describe the physiological and behavioral changes that occur during a typical night's sleep. Be sure to describe their typical time course

Stage 1 sleep is characterized by low-voltage, high frequency EEG signal that is similar to, but slower than alert wakefulness.As a person progresses from stage 1 through stages 2, 3 and 4, the EEG amplitude increases and the frequency decreases.Stage 2 sleep also has k-complexes and sleep spindles in the EEG. Sleep typically cycles through stages 1-4 and back to stage 1.In emergent stage 1 sleep, REM sleep occurs, which is characterized by a lack of muscle tone but wake-like EEG patterns. Cycles between the different stages of sleep tend to be about 90 minutes. As sleep progresses through the night, more and more time is spent in emergent stage 1 (REM) sleep and less is spent in slow-wave (stages 3 & 4) sleep

The dopaminergic brain nucleus that has been linked more than any other to the effects of addictive drugs is the nucleus _____________


Sparse pubic and axillary hair is a symptom of ____________

androgenic insensitivity syndrome

The growth of human axillary hair at puberty is stimulated by the hormone _____________


In some species, testosterone is thought to be converted to estradiol, which then masculinizes the brain. This is called the __________ hypothesis


Stage 3 sleep EEG is characterized by a predominance of ___________ waves


REMs are associated with __________ stage 1 EEG


Sweat glands are ________ glands


Modern theories of addiction recognize that in addicts there is often a major difference between the positive incentive value of a drug and its __________ value


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