psy final

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A 10 year old knows that snakes are reptiles, all reptiles are animals, and all animals are living things. in this scenario the ten year old organizes concepts in __________


A 10n year old has a mental age (MA) of 12. Their intelligence quotient (IQ) calaculated using formula is ________ the

general intelligence

A child is skilled at probllem solving and possesses broad reasoning abilites. Accoridng to charles spearman his abilties are indicative of __________


Asch's research was focused on studying obedience.


Because psychologists have engaged in thousands of studies on intelligence, they unequivocally agree on defination of intelligence.

Writing and drawing

During elementary school, advances in fine motor development are especially evident in what area

Studied Development across the entire life span

Erik erikson

monozygotic twins

Studies with twins, as discussed in the book, found that ______ were more similar than fraternal twins in spatial memory, ability to categorize things, and word comprehension.

Health psychology

The field of psychology that studies the relationships between psychological factors and the prevention and treatment of physical illness is called ______

Tend and befriend response: fight or flight response

Under stress, females are likely to show the ________, whereas males are more likely to show the ________

1. Physiological 2. Cognitive 3. Behavioral

What are the three components of emotion? You do not need to write full sentences, just list the three components.

National Institute of Mental Health

What do the letters NIMH stand for?

Language acquistion device

What is the name of the concept, attributed to chomsky, that infants are born with the innate abiltiy to learn languge?

That contact comfort is important for attachment

You were asked to watch a video of the research Harlow did with wire and cloth mothers and baby monkeys. What did his research show?

Grit is a better predictor than intelligence for educational attainment

Your siblings are arguing about who will be more successful in school. Your brother says that he will, because he has more natural talent and intelligence. Your sister thinks that she will, because she has more motivation and works harder. You decide to settle the argument by telling them the latest research finding on which is more important in predicting success. What should you tell them?


__________is an unselfish concern for the welfare of others.

Both heredity and environment are important in determining intelligence.

in relation to the question of what determines intelligence most psychologists agree that:

Securely attached

According to Ainsworth's research using the strange situation procedure, which infants used the mother as a safe base from which to explore the environment?


According to research intellignet quotient (IQ) scores tend to increase during the summer vacation.


After exposure to a severe and prolonged stressor, illness and death may occur in the _____ phase of the general adaptation syndrome.


All stress is bad. We must find a way to eliminate it.


Health psychologists investigate how genetics, behaviors, and social support impact health. This approach of focusing on multiple areas to understand health and well-being is central to the ________ model.

Both of your parents have the disorder

Which of the following conditions would place you at the greatest risk of developing schizophrenia during your lifetime

Birth order

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a factor that is thought to influence the development of schizophrenia

External threat heightens the cohesiveness of the group

Which of the following statements is true of groupthink?

Babies babbling combines consonants and vowels.

Which of the following statements is true of prelinguistic vocalizations?


Which of the four parenting styles is high in warmth and high in control

Person A, who sees change as an opportunity to grow.

Who among the following exhibits a characteristic of psychological hardiness?


You have been invited by a friend to either go see a movie that you are not actually interested in or to a party where that you do not like the host. This is an example of ________ conflict.

Discrimination; prejudice

______ is a hostile behavior directed against people because of their group membership and _________ is an attitude toward a group that leads people to evaluate members of that group negatively.


___________ is a general mental capability that invloves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstracly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.

creative intelligence

___________ is defined by the ability to cope with novel situtations and generate many possible solutions to problems


_______________ are mental catergories used to group together objects, relations, events ,abstractions, or qualities that have common properties.

it reflecs the relationship between a childs mental age and his or her actual age

in the context of stanford binet intelligence scale (SBIS) which of the following is ture of intelligence quotient (IQ)?

ego integrity versus despair

A man is nearing the end of his life. He reflects on his past, focusing on how he spent his whole life working long hours at his job. As a result, he is struggling with whether his life has been well lived. Joe is most likely experiencing the ________ stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development.

Stimulating the output of endorphins

Humor helps people deal with stress by


If you have an internal locus of control, it means you feel you have control over the direction of your life.

when the side of his cheek is stroked, he turns towards it

Immediately after birth a full term baby displays the rooting reflex. When does this occur?

Assimilating new infomation into schemas

In Piaget's theory of cognitive development there are four stages. In this theory, at all stages, children learn by


In Piaget's theory, a ________ is an organized pattern of action or thought

They understand that certain basic properties of an object remain the same, even if the physical appearance changes

In Piaget's theory, when a child develops the concept of conservation, it means

Personal enjoyment

Intrinsic motivation comes from _____.

legal determination

Is Insanity a medical diagnosis or a legal determination?


Life changes that are positive can still be stressful because ____________ is required


Memory loss and confusion are part of normal aging, they happen to everyone

optimal levels of arousal

One person is a real risk taker. She loves to skydive, and she can party all night. Another dislikes risk taking and prefers quieter activities, such as reading and yoga. These contrasting preferences in the rate of physiological activation they experience suggest that they differ in their


People are said to __________ when they change their behavior to adhere to social norms.


Psychological states such as anxiety and depression can impair the functioning of the immune system.

diagnostic and statistical manual, now in the 5th edition

Psychologists and psychiatrists believe that classifying and grouping the symptoms of clients will enable them to make an accurate diagnosis. What is the name of the classification system that is widely used?


Some people seem to be resistant to the effects of stress because they are more capable of adapting to life changes and adversity. In Psychology, this trait is called

Death of a spouse

The life change that is associated with the highest number of "stress units"is _____

self-serving bias

The strong tendency to view one's successes as stemming from internal factors and one's failures as stemming from external factors is called the __________.

bystander effect

The tendency to avoid helping other people in emergencies when other people are also present and apparently capable of helping is known as the __________.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

The theory that some motives have to be satisfied before a person can advance to fufilling higher motives based on _____


The video that you watched with twins was demonstrating which of the following?

it is brief but grammatically correct

which of the following statements is true of telegraphic speech?

About two weeks after conception

A father knows that teratogens are environmental factors that can harm a child in many different ways and that the time to avoid them begins when?

Helps a person pysically deal with danger

A fight-or-flight response is helpful to humans because it

Chronis stress often is bad for your health

A general conclusion stemming from the research on health and stress is that

Begin to feel happy: Facial feedback hypothesis

A high school student does not like going to her sister's piano recitals, but she finds that if she forces herself to smile during the recital, she will ________, as predicted by the ________.


A man believes he is part of a secret spy organization that sends coded messages to its informants through television commercials. Based on this, he is most likely diagnosed with schizophrenia and is experiencing

hide his favortie toy underneath a couch cushion and see whether he looks for it

A mother believes that her nine-month-old, is still in Piaget's sensori-motor stage of cognitive development. To test this belief, which of the following could she try?

Low birth weight

A mother's smoking cigarettes during pregnancy increases her chances of having a newborn with which condition

babies need to be touched and held to develop normally.

A new mother keeps her baby boy well fed and clean. However, she does not want to spoil him, so she does not hold him or touch him too much. Based on the reading in the chapter and the video of the research by Harry Harlow, she should know that

Mental age

A six year old child takes an intellgence test. the results of the test show that the child is funcitoning intellectually like the average eight year old. in this scenario this has a _________________ of eight

internal motivation

A student has done so well in his economics class that he only needs 43 out of 100 points on the final exam to receive an "A" in the class. He still studies a lot because he wants to learn the material and do well on the final. His behavior is affected by

social facilitation

A student wants to be physically fit. As he cannot workout effectively at his home, he goes to a gym with his friends. At the gym, he works out better when his friends work out along with him. In the context of group behavior, this is the result of _________.


A three year old typically says thins like " i seed it" and "mommy sitted down". these examples illustrate ___________

Panic disorder

A woman finds herself experiencing episodes of sudden overpowering terror and worry that come out of nowhere, and make her short of breath with chest pains. She might be diagnosed with


A woman is at her regular prenatal checkup. The doctor tells her, "The organs are highly developed and now we mainly want the baby to grow and gain weight." Based on this, the baby is currently in the ________ stage of development.

Drive reduction

A woman is hiking around a lake to photograph it from a variety of angles, but she forgot to bring water with her. Soon, she cannot concentrate and goes back to her car to satisfy her thirst. Which of the following factors is most likely influencing her behavior in this situation?

Funcitonal fixedness

A young child has accidentally locked himself in his room. The mother is trying to figure out how to unlock the door. Unfortuantly, she dosent realize that her butter knife could be used to unlock the door. This illustrates__________

generalized anxiety disorder

A young man experiences nearly constant anxiety that is not associated with a specific thing. He is most likely to be diagnosed with


A young woman is feeling that no one cares about her, she has lost interest in activities she used to enjoy, she has withdrawn from her friends, and is having trouble sleeping. When she goes to talk with a mental health specialist, the therapist questions her, and determines that she has been feeling like this for several months. She is not hearing voices or having other hallucinations. She does indicate that she has thoughts of ending her life. It is most likely that she will be diagnosed with which of the following?

Yes, her behavior is dysfuntional and is getting in the way of her work and social relationships

A young woman refuses to eat, has stopped bathing, has quit going to work and paying her bills, and no longer talks to people that she knows. Should she be diagnosed with a mental disorder?

practical intelligence

Which of Sternbergs types of intelligence could be reffered to as "street smarts"?

The change in reaction time

As adults get older, reaction time generally decreases. An experiment is designed to determine if playing video games can improve reaction time in older adults. 100 older adults between the ages of 75 and 85 who participate in a community program are selected to participate in the study. Some have been to college, some have not. Half are female and half are male. Half are assigned to a group playing video games and half are assigned to a group watching videos. Each group will meet for one hour a day, three days a week, for eight weeks. At the beginning of the first week all participants will have their reaction time tested. At the end of the eighth week all participants will have their reaction time tested, and the beginning and ending reaction times will be compared for the two groups. What is the dependent variable of this study?

The effects of social conformity

Asch's study using line judgments was able to demonstrate __________.

12 months

At what age, on average, do young children begin to walk un-assisted

Struggling with trust issues

Erikson theorized that the primary challenge facing newborns was


Everyone has to deal with daily hassles all the time. Because they are so common we become accustomed to them, and they do not harm us

Learning theorists, such as B.F. Skinner, see language as developing according to the principles of operant conditioning

In the context of languge development, which of the following statements is true of learning theory?

alarm reaction

In the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) theory of stress, the initial response to a stressor occurs in the _____ phase


Mental disorders can be caused by a combination of a genetic pre-disposition to mental illness and environmental stress

Catastrophizing the extent of loss

Suppose a person is fired and he harbors beliefs such as: "This job was the most important thing in my life," "What a no-good failure I am," "My family will starve," "I'll never find a job as good," "There's nothing I can do about it." According to Albert Ellis, such irrational beliefs contribute to anxiety and depression by:

To know if their children are developing normally

Milestones of gross motor development help parents


Someone hears voices in his head that tell him to punch holes in the walls of his room. Because he is perceiving voices without an external auditory stimulus, he is experiencing

a manic episode

Someone recently quit their job, packed up the car and drove to Las Vegas, planning to turn their money into enough to fund a new business. After staying up all night, they gambled away their entire life savings in 24 hours. Based on this, the diagnosis may be

disorganized speech

Someone was recently diagnosed with schizophrenia. He frequently makes statements that are not logical and contain repeating rhyming words, such as "The train brain rained on me." In this example, he is displaying


Stanley Milgram was the lead investigator of the Stanford Prison Study

Easy going and accomodating

Studies have shown a difference in the risk of cardio-vascular problems in people with Type A and Type B behavior pattern. The Type B behavior pattern describes a person who is


What part of the face is likely to give the best cues as to someone's emotions?

an implicit social norm

When a student takes the elevator, she always faces the front. She does this even when there are no written rules or laws that require this behavior. This is an example of _________.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

When a woman leaves her home, she experiences unwelcome thoughts that make her nervous, so she engages in repetitive behavior that make her feel calmer. Based on this, she is most likely to be diagnosed with

Stabilizes conditons in the body

When explaining the purpse of homeostasis, a psychologist would most likely suggest that it

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