psy mid 3

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sensory memory briefly holds perceptions, making them seem connected

When we look at a visual stimulus, our impressions of it may seem fluid enough. This is because _____.

It is a way of mentally representing the world that can influence perceptions.

Which of the following statements is true about a schema?

Proneness to fantasy

Which of the following characterizes hypnotic suggestibility?

A level of arousal similar to that of a person's waking state

Which of the following characterizes rapid eye movement (REM) sleep?

Clara gets a chocolate bar from her father every time she completes a household chore

Which of the following illustrates continuous reinforcement?

Texture gradient

Which of the following monocular cues is based on the perception that closer objects appear to have rougher surfaces?

Visual illusion

Which of the following terms denotes a trick of perceptual constancies on the eye?


. _________ is the quality of language in which words are used as symbols for objects, events, or ideas

transcendental meditation

Elly attends a spiritual therapy session once a week. During these sessions, she concentrates on specific sounds or words known as "mantras". Through these sessions, Elly wishes to attain an altered state of consciousness which includes spiritual experiences. Elly is most likely to be practicing _________.

Pain is usually sharpest where nerve endings are densely packed.

In the context of pain, which of the following statements is true?


A(n) _________ is a partial similarity among things that are different in other ways.


According to behaviorists, _____ is a relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior that arises from practice or experience.

Systematic random search

Dave cannot remember the last digit in his friend's telephone number. In order to reach him, he keeps trying different numbers until he finds the right one. In this context, which of the following methods is Dave using?

Wernicke's aphasia

John recently suffered a blow to the head. Since then, he has found it quite difficult to express his thoughts. Although his ability to think has not been impaired, he cannot find the right words to say what he wants to say. However, he speaks freely and with proper syntax. John most likely suffers from _____

creative intelligence

Mozart was a child prodigy. By the age of 12, he had composed several musical pieces.According to Sternberg's model of intelligence, Mozart can be said to have demonstrated a high level of _____.

determine whether and for how long information is retained in memory

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of stages of memory intends to _____.

To confine seizures to one hemisphere of the cerebral cortex

What is the purpose of a split brain operation?

They feel tired and sluggish and may put on weight.

Which of the following is a likely consequence of low thyroxin secretion in adults?


_____ psychologists define learning as the process by which organisms change the way they represent the environment because of experience.


_________ is the stimulation of sensory receptors and transmission of sensory information to the central nervous system.


_________ refers to the tendency to perceive a broken figure as being complete or whole.

Glial cells

_________ remove dead neurons and waste products from the nervous system, nourish and insulate neurons, and form myelin.

Continuous reinforcement

_________is a schedule of reinforcement in whichevery correct response is reinforced.

Observational learning

_________is the acquisition ofknowledge and skills by watching others rather thanby means of direct experience.

eidetic imagery

At a painting exhibition, Martha had admired a painting that depicted a farm. Half an hour later, when she was having lunch with a friend, Martha was able to recall several details depicted in the painting. She remembered correctly the colors that were used, the animals that were drawn, and even the number of trees in the painting. Martha's ability to remember these details would be known as _____.


. Despite being blind, Brian has never had a problem understanding how to use his limbs. He has been able to accurately judge the position and motion of his body parts, and thus, he is able perform activities such as walking and eating quite normally. Which of the following senses is illustrated in the scenario?


A _____ is a complete group of interest to researchers, from which a sample is drawn.

afferent neurons

Bobby was standing in line to purchase a movie ticket. All of a sudden, the man in front of him took a few steps back and stepped on Bobby's foot. Bobby had an immediate sensation of pain. This sensation was transmitted via the spinal cord to the brain through _____.

successive approximations

Carl is teaching his dogs to jump through a hoop. At the onset of training, Carl gives the dogs treats for each movement toward the hoop. Then, he gives them treats as they near the hoop. Eventually he gives them treats only when they jump through the hoop. In this scenario, Carl reinforces_____of the goal.

conditioned stimulus

Christine uses an electric can opener to open cans of dog food. Her dog starts to salivate just at the sound of the electric can opener in anticipation of the food. According to the principles of classical conditioning, the electric can opener has become an effective _____ for the dog.

functional magnetic resonance imaging

Dr. Kennett is a neurologist who is conducting research using brain imaging techniques. He wants to study pictures of his subjects' brain while they are speaking or using a language. The pictures will help Dr. Kennett understand the parts of the brain that are being used to speak and other processes that occur simultaneously in the brain. Based on the nature of study, the most suitable technique for Dr. Kennett's research would be to use _____.


Emily suffers from insomnia. When she went to see a doctor, she was told that her sleeplessness was caused by the deficiency of a particular hormone. The doctor then gave her sleeping pills containing the same. Which is the hormone in question?


Hailey is teaching her dog to roll over on its back. She starts by givingit a treat every time it performs an action close to rolling over. At first, she gives it a treat for lying on its stomach, then for lying on its back, and eventually for rolling over. This procedure used by Hailey to teach her dog to roll over on its back is known as _____.


In the terminology of observational learning, a person who engages in a response that is imitated is a _________.

the front

Michelle is walking on the road when she suddenly hears an intermittent ringing of church bells. She is unable to detect the source of the sound and looks around. She continues to walk ahead and slightly turns her head to the right. The intensity suddenly increases in her left ear. In this case, the sound of the church bells is most likely coming from _____.


Shana is a young girl who met with a car accident a few years ago. Since her accident, Shana is only able to remember her family members and instances from her childhood. However, she is unable to remember people she met recently or events that are currently happening in her life. She is often introduced to the same people whom she has met earlier. She reads the same newspaper for several days without realizing that she has read it before. The accident has disabled Shana's ability to permanently store new information because she sustained an injury to her _____.

It is vital in the functions of attention, sleep, and arousal.

Which of the following is a function of the reticular formation?

People choose whether or not to imitate aggressive behaviors they observe.

Which of the following is a suggestion by cognitive psychologists about the behavior of people?

It involves extending the semantic meaning of the letters that need to be remembered.

Which of the following is true about elaborative rehearsal?

Behaviorists define psychology as the scientific study of behavior, not of behavior and mental processes.

Which of the following is true of behaviorism?

They increase the probability that a behavior will occur when the reinforcers are removed.

Which of the following is true of negative reinforcers?

It refers to mentally manipulating or moving objects.

Which of the following is true of psychokinesis?


Which of the following refers to a process by which people suspend thinking and allow the world to fade away

. A refractory period

Which of the following refers to a time when a neuron is insensitive to messages from other neurons and does not fire?

In an experiment, an audio track was played at such low volume that the participants were not even conscious of it.

Which of the following scenarios illustrates subliminal stimulation?

Brightness constancy

Which of the following terms best describes the tendency to perceive an object as being just as luminous even though lighting conditions change its intensity?

feature detectors

While looking at a painting in an art gallery, many of Jinan's brain cells fire in response to lines presented at various angles, while others fire in response to specific colors. These brain cells are termed _____.

selective attention

While on a bus on the way back home, Jenny overheard a father telling his young son an interesting story to Jenny found the story to be so captivating that she found herself listening intently to it. In fact, she was listening to the story so intently that she missed her stop. This is an example of _____.


While sitting in class, Paul heard two people whispering about an upcoming college event. Since this sounded more interesting to him than the lecture that was going on, Paul started listening intently to what the two people were talking about, while completely ignoring the lecture. This is an example of _________.

Operant conditioning

_________is defined as a form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behavior because of the effects of that behavior.

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