PSY201 Quiz Answers

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Jeremiah is recovering from Covid and his temp rarely lost his sense of smell and taste these two conditions are known as _________ and ________

anosmia , aguesia

Which of these is the type of emotional support that provides feedback from others about how one is doing?


Sam wants to be a clinical psychologist. He has been accepted at two different graduate schools. Both schools are equally prestigious and will provide him with an outstanding education. However, he is finding it difficult to choose between the two. According to Neal E. Miller, this type of conflict is known as a(n):

approach-approach conflict

Systematic desensitization involves

associating a pleasant relaxed state with anxiety-arousing stimuli

Episodic memory is also referred to as

autobiographical memory

In order for Tonya to stop smoking, her therapist laced her cigarettes with incense that smelled horrifically. What is the name of the technique that Tonya's therapist is using?

aversive conditioning

if you encoded and properly stored the list of words Professor Schwiesow had you remember in class, they should now be in your long-term memory you should be able to retrieve them. Identify word that was not included in the list.


When you're training a pet, you are most likely relying on which of the following psychological perspectives?


Sergei is having disturbing thoughts. His therapist suggests doing blood work to measure the level of hormones. Which perspective is Sergie's therapist using?


pathogens, injuries, age, gender, and a family history of disease may strike us as the most obvious causes of illnesses are examples of which of the following?

biological factors

George composed an entire symphony during three weeks of intense, creative energy. During that time, his speech was unusually rapid, he didn't seem to need much sleep, and he thought his symphony would be one of the greatest ever written. This pattern of behavior suggest that George may suffer from

bipolar disorder

when you moved an index card close to your eyes, one of the marks on the card appeared to disappear. This is due to what portion of your retina?


which part of the brain is responsible for involuntary functions of the body such as heartbeat and breathing and if severely injured will likely result in death?

brain stem

which brain imaging technology takes several x-rays to reveal deformities in shape and structure that are connected with blood clots, tumors, and other health problems?

computerized axial tomography scan (CAT scan)

Visual acuity is highest when images are focused on the fovea because of the high concentration of _____ in the region


Which of the following is the feeling of being pulled into two or more directions by opposing motives?


Misu attains high grades in her college courses and is always very organized with her materials and time. Using the Big Five Model of personality, on which trait would Misu likely score high?


During a sobriety test, individuals are asked to walk a straight line. This test evaluates of alcohol has impaired the part of the brain associated with balance. This is the


After a single presentation, Megan can recall her friend's long-distance telephone number and five-digit extension even though the sequence contains 15 digits. One reason for her ease of recall is that she combined the digits into smaller groups. This process is called


Which best characterizes Howard Gardners view of intelligence

"There are multiple intelligences which are influenced by different areas in the brain."

What percentage of jeans are shared by monozygotic twins?


The average amount of time it takes to complete each cycle through the stages of NREM sleep and REM sleep last about

90 minutes

Which theory related to dream states that acetyl choline in the pons stimulates responses that lead to dreaming

Activation synthesis model

Eddie is a person with addiction. After 11 years sober, he became addicted to painkillers. He tried to hide it from his friends and family, but eventually he admitted his problem and took responsibility. Which process did Eddie use in the situation?

Active coping

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and her colleagues have studied how childhood stressors can lead to physical and psychological problems well into adulthood. The stressors are known as

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Aki was beginning to panic as a store began to become crowded with shoppers. Aki most likely has symptoms of


Your friend Adalina tells you that she is red-green color blind. This means that she sees things in

All colors except either red or green

when conducting research with children what procedural safeguards must be considered?

All of these should be considered

The progressive form of mental deterioration characterized by loss of memory, language, problem-solving, and other cognitive functions is indicative of

Alzheimer's disease

Sheryl is suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. Her doctor prescribed her a drug. Which of the following drugs is she most likely taking?

An antidepressant

Jalal is a person with schizophrenia. If his doctor chooses a biological approach, which class of drugs will Jalal most likely be prescribed?


Piaget described human thought, or intelligence, in terms of the concepts of accommodation and


Most antianxiety drugs belong to the chemical class known as


Which of the following statements is true of approach-approach conflicts?

Both goals involved in these conflicts are attainable

Bettina has schizophrenia and exhibit symptoms of hallucinations, delusions, lack of emotional expression, and social withdrawal. Bettina exhibits

Both positive and negative symptoms

Cochlear implants help individuals "here" by what process

Bypassing damage hair cells and directly stimulating the auditory nerve

Which of the following statements is true of the nativist theory of language development?

Children bring neurological prewiring to language learning.

Masha, a 13-year-old girl, is poor at math. Mrs. Kobes, Masha's math teacher, shares with Masha a list of math tips and tricks that she can use to become more proficient in the subject. In the context of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, Ms. Cobys is using what concept to help the child?

Cognitive scaffolding

Mirrin would spank her daughter when she would chew food with her mouth open. after several instances of poor table manners, her daughter starts avoiding the kitchen table. In this example, the table is a(n)

Condition stimulus

Fried theorized that the human mind is composed of three parts, namely the

Conscious, preconscious, and unconscious

in the classic scenario, a child is presented with two glasses of the same size and each is filled with the same amount of water. The child says both glasses have the same amount of water. One of the glass's contents is then poured into a thinner taller glass. The child then states thatat this new glass has more water in it than the other glass. This child likes the concept of


After living in France for many years, Laura returned for a visit to the United States. As she walked around the small town she had grown up in, her mind flooded with memories of her childhood. The environmental cues that help trigger Laura's memories illustrate

Context dependent memory

what is a schedule of reinforcement in which every correct response is reinforced?

Continuous reinforcement

_________ ________ is defined as a way of evaluating the claims and comments of other people that involved skepticism and examination of evidence

Critical thinking

kyra, a history major, likes to talk with her grandfather often. She calls him her human dictionary because he knows the meaning of almost every word he asks him about. She is also surprised at how well-versed he is in domestic and international current affairs and how easily he can talk about historical events. In the scenario, Kyra's grandfather is best displaying

Crystallized intelligence

Delmar believes that he has been sent to earth to save mankind. He believes that women are evil and any male who speaks to females is doomed to be a slave. He often tells people of his grand plan to save males from the influence of females. Nothing one says or does can convince him that his ideas are absurd. DelMar's behavior best exemplifies


Steve's physician has prescribed him Valium for his anxiety attacks. This drug will

Depress the activity of the central nervous system

____________ ______________ study how humans grow and change from conception to death

Developmental psychologists

A person with antisocial personality disorder would exhibit which of the following behaviors?

Do something to hurt someone's feelings and not feel any regret for their actions

The personal fable and imaginary audience both stem from


using the phrase "Elvis's guitar broke down on Friday" to remember the lines EGBDF in a musical treble clef is an example of

Elaborative rehearsal

Slaine and Angus make a point of taking a nature walk every day when they get home from their stressful jobs. Which type of coping are they using?


Abe and Rose, who have been married for 13 years, are discussing the events that lead to their very first date. Rose distinctly remembers giving Abe her telephone number at a party, but Abe is certain that he got her number from her best friend, Linda. Abe and Rose have different _______ of the event

Episodic memories

Christopher is skilled at problem solving and possesses is broad reasoning abilities. According to Charles spearman, Christopher is abilities are indicative of

General intelligence

Three-year-old Esteban watches the children's television show "SpongeBob SquarePants". At first, Estevan became really excited whenever he saw SpongeBob doll. Now Esteban gets excited whenever he sees any yellow Spanish. Esteban is displaying stimulus


According to Arnett, which of the following is not a contributing factor to the relatively new concept of emerging adulthood?

Global economy

Branimira has been sober for 14 years. When she shares her story in her group therapy session, what advantage of group therapy benefits the other members?

Her improvement gives them hope.

The phrase, "Everything psychological is biological" implies that

Human behavior, thinking and emotion is based on what happens in the body

What kind of visual stimuli do two month olds have the largest preference for

Human faces

Professor Schwiesow ends up driving to creighton without consciously remembering how she got there and on a day she doesn't teach! This may be due to which type of memory?

Implicit memory

In America, it is common for people focus on their personal goals rather than a goal that would benefit the group. What type of perspective is exhibited here?


______ Is the inability to recall events that occupy prior to the age of three or so

Infantile amnesia

Which of the following is a principle of critical thinking?

Insist on evidence

Which of these is a general mental capacity that involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience?


If you tend to believe that you can influence when you receive reinforcers, where is your locus of control?


Pavel a loves to play the violin. He feels best when he has played to the best of his ability. What kind of incentive makes Pavel practice so he can do his best?


Which of the following statements is true in the context of classical conditioning?

It always involves reflexes and demonstrates that reflexes can be learned by association

Which of the following statements is true of applied research?

It is designed to find solutions to "real life" personal or social problems

Which of the following statements is true of the absolute threshold?

It is determined by exposing individuals to progressively stronger stimuli until the minimum stimuli the person can detect is found.

Which of the following is not true about an individual's sense of taste?

It is pretty set by the time of birth

Which of the following statements is true about retroactive interference?

It is the interference of new learning with the ability to retrieve material learned previously.

In the context of the different behavior therapy methods, which of the following is true of modeling?

It relies on observational learning.

Which of the following is true of the immune system?

It remembers how to battle antigens, often for years.

According to Freud, which of the following is true of the ego?

It stands for rational ways of coping with frustration

Which of the following statements is true of language?

Language makes it possible for one person to communicate knowledge to another.

Cognitive therapy is

Likely to focus on changing the beliefs and attitudes that create and compound people's problems

To remember the names of all the countries in Asia, Jennifer is mentally repeating all the name several times. This scenario illustrates

Maintenance rehearsal

The purpose of the Human Genome Project was to

Map out the DNA sequences found in the human body

Which of the following is an illustration of the defense mechanism of repression?

Mina witnessed the death of her sister when she was young but cannot remember it now.

which of the following statements is true in the context of the effects of Violent video games?

Moderating variables such as social connectedness figure into the effects of media violence.

Which set of twins will have the greatest correlation in their IQ scores?

Monozygotic twins raised together

Which of the following statements about suicide is correct?

Most people who died by suicide do give warnings about their intentions

In the context of the five-factor model, which of the following traits are characteristic of neuroticism?

Nervousness, moodiness, and sensitivity to negative stimuli

according to weber's law, the absolute threshold for all senses is

Not the same for everyone

Rashon's caretaker is playing peekaboo with him. Every time the caretaker hides their face, Rashon loses interest but a surprise when their faces reappear. Peekaboo is so entertaining because Rashon lacks

Object permanence

Hoarding is most closely related to which disorder?

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Loredo is Possessed by the thought that he might develop a severe disease do to germs. He tries to put these disturbing thoughts out of his mind by washing his hands several times a day. Loredo demonstrates

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Biofeedback training, behavior modification, and program learning are all applications of

Operant conditioning

Which type of conditioning is defined as a simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behavior because of the effects of that behavior?

Operant conditioning

Two-year-old Paris got excited when "gooses" crossed the sidewalk in front of her family on a walk. Her effort to regular is the irregular plural of geese is an example of


After a long day teaching classes online, Alessio decides to relax and eat dinner on the couch. Which part of Alessio's nervous system helps restore energy?

Parasympathetic nervous system

Barry contracted COVID-19 from a party where no one more facemasks. The virus that attacks Barry would be classified as which of these?


Which of the following statements is true of hypnosis?

People who are easily hypnotized are said to have hypnotic suggestibility.

Which of the following is true of cancer?

People whose immune system is damaged may be more likely to develop cancer.

In the context of the brain's language functions, identify the correct statement.

People with Wernicke's aphasia usually speak freely and with proper syntax.

The reasonably stable patterns of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another is the definition of


Who led humanitarian reforms in France to unchain patients in mental hospitals?

Philippe Pinel

A parent buys her child a toy in order to stop the temper tantrum they are throwing. Next time they go to the store, the child throws another tantrum in the parent buy some another toy so they stop throwing a fit. The parents behavior of buying the child a toy has been

Positively reinforced

Kata and her family were involved in a road accident. Kata was the only survivor. Her son and her husband were declared dead. When Kata returned home she started having dreams about people die in tragic accidents. These nightmares left Kata with a rapid heart rate and feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Kata is most likely suffering from

Post traumatic stress disorder

which of Sternberg's types of intelligence could be referred to as street smarts?

Practical intelligence

Behavior therapist rely heavily on

Principles of conditioning an observational learning

marci would describe almost a perfect person whenever her friends would ask her who she thought was her ideal life partner. This "perfect" person would be a(n)


Which methods are based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud?

Psychodynamic therapies

Which of the following statements is true of the scientific method?

Psychologists are guided by principles of critical thinking as they try to draw conclusions from research evidence collected through the scientific method.

The practice of mindful meditation has been shown to do all except which of the following

Raise one's IQ

Each kind of Neuro transmitter has a unique chemical structure, and each can fit into a specifically tailored Harbor, also known as a

Receptor site

Who among the following exhibit a characteristic of psychological hardiness?

Roanne, who sees changes an opportunity to grow.

When a person focus is there consciousness on a particular stimulus, they are utilizing

Selective attention

What is the term used to describe beliefs that we can accomplish certain things?

Self-efficacy expectations

Lula is an infant and constantly explores her universe by putting everything in her mouth. What stage would Piaget say she is in?


Which neurotransmitter is most clearly implicated in depression?


In the context of altered consciousness through drugs, which disorder is characterized by loss of control over consumption, social impairment, risky use, and tolerance and withdrawal symptoms?

Substance use disorder

Which part of the nervous system activates the adrenal medulla, causing it to release a mixture of adrenaline and noradrenaline during the alarm reaction stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

Sympathetic nervous system

Silas is recovering from Covid which has caused him to have a stuffy nose. Besides not being able to smell, what other sense may be affected?


Which of Jeffrey Arnett's five features of emerging adulthood is characterized by people having an optimistic believe that the world by is open before them?

The age of possibilities

The fact that a young child objects to certain tastes may be due to

The fact that young children's taste buds are more plentiful and sensitive to tastes that fade over time

Prior to conditioning, Kofi salivates in response to lasagna being placed in his mouth. Using classical conditioning terms, which is the correct labeling of stimuli and responses in the situation?

The food is the unconditioned stimulus; Kofi salivating is the unconditioned response

Which of the following causes down syndrome?

The presence of an extra chromosome on the 21st pair

Which of the following is a drawback of case studies?

The results cannot be generalized to a large population of oeople

According to the humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers, he defines this as the center of experience

The self

Samantha cries every time she hears a song on the radio that she and her ex-boyfriend used to enjoy. Hearing this song brings back memories of the good times they had before he broke off the relationship. How come Samantha cries when she hears the song?

The song is a condition stimulus that she still associates with the good times that she now misses

Mary Ainsworth use this infamous experiment to assess attachment styles between infants and caregivers

The strange situation

In the classic story of Pinocchio, Jiminy cricket acts as Pinocchios conscience. He helps tell him what he should and shouldn't do, guiding him in positive moral decisions. what part of the Freudian psyche does Jiminy cricket represent?

The superego

According the American Psychological Association's Handbooks of Ethics in Psychology, which of the following criteria must be met for psychologists to use deception in their experiments?

There is no other way to conduct the research to support the hypothesis and participants are debriefed afterwards

When effective, Alcoholics Anonymous is characterized by which of the following?

They heighten their confidence so they can face challenges without drinking

Derris's mom used to give him gold stars in the refrigerator whenever he would help out around the house. If Derris earned enough gold stars, then he could have some ice cream after dinner. This type of reward system is called

Token economy

In a study by Elizabeth Loftus, subjects watched a film of an automobile accident, then answered a series of questions, including one asking them to estimate the speed of the cars. What factor affected the subjects' estimate of how fast the cars in the film were traveling?

Whether the words used in the question suggested greater speeds (e.g. contacted vs. smashed).

Jason meets a psychotherapist for the first time. During their session, the therapist tells him that she believes that humans have a natural tendency toward health and growth and that they are free to make choices and control their destinies. She also tells him that therapy is intended to help people get in touch with their genuine feelings. In this case, Jason's therapist is using __________.

client-centered therapy

Which of the following substances is a stimulant?


We are generally more likely to appreciate what we must work to obtain. Which theory best explains his behavior?

cognitive dissonance

A girl with turner syndrome either has a missing or partial

X chromosome

Charles Whitman was called the Texas Tower murderer. he was a student who went to the university of Texas at Austin in the late 1960s. One day for unexplained reasons, he climbed the tower in the middle of the campus and begin randomly shooting people. He had to be killed. Upon autopsy, it was found that there was an evidence of abnormal activity in his


Nicotine, alcohol, and many other drugs are pleasurable because they heighten levels of _____.


Which neurotransmitter has been implicated in depression and schizophrenia?


Derris is a research assistant in Dr. Smith's psychology lab. When the participant asked him what the conditions of the study were, Derris replied, "I do not know.' This is an example of a ________ study.


_________ Is the sensory register that briefly holds mental representations of auditory stimuli

echoic memory

Mr. Rupp's memory has always been spectacular. He can see an image, like a painting or a page in a book, and recall exactly all of the details of either one. Mr. Rupp's ability to remember these specific details is known as _________.

eidetic imagery

Feeling states with physiological, cognitive, and behavioral components are defined as _____.


Julio is a great athlete, he plays better one under the stress of a strong opponent. What is the term for the good stress that Julio uses?


Dasha developed an intense fear of flying 10 years ago when she was in a plane crash. Now she can fly again without fear which indicates that her condition fear response has undergone


Identify the factors that make up the big five factor model

extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness

People woken up during non-rem are more likely to report which of the following?

fewer dreams than those awakened during REM sleep?

Mindfulness meditation (MM) provides clients with techniques they can use to

focus on the present

Jane is a practicing psychologist who assesses the mental status of people charged with crimes and shares her findings with the courts. Jane is a(n) _____ psychologist.​

forensic psychologist

When compared to Hypnosis, Sigmund Freud found _______ to be a more gradual method of breaking through the walls of defense I block a client insight into unconscious processes

free association

Phineas Gage was injured when a metal pole he was using to tamp down explosives on a railroad construction project was driven through his eye and out the top of his skull when the explosive detonated. Gage survived a permanent form of which procedure?

frontal lobotomy

Which of the following represents your full genetic potential?


Due to repeated exposure to media violence, viewers sensitivity to violence may decrease. This is called __


being left-handed appears to provide a somewhat greater than average probability of

having dyslexia

A mental shortcut, or rule of thumb, for solving problems is called a(n)


Alicia was recently in a car accident. Since then, she cannot retain memories of events that occurred after the accident. However, she can recall events that took place before the accident. She recognizes her family and friends and important dates, such as her birthday and her marriage anniversary, but has to be constantly re-introduced to the new people in her life. Alicia has most likely sustained damage to her


In order to form new memories, you must have a fully functioning _________.


Riley is obsessed with collecting chocolate wrappers. He picks up rappers from the road and stacks them at his house. Over the years, these rappers have piled up to such an extent that Riley is left with only a narrow pathway that leads from the entrance of his house to his bedroom. Although Riley has been advised by Manning to get rid of the clutter, he refuses to do so. Riley is most likely suffering from

hoarding disorder

The flow of visual information seems smooth and continuous because of ______ memory, which can hold visual stimuli for up to a second.


Which of these is an object, a person, or situation that can satisfy a need or is desirable for its own sake?


Rachel came across a question she did not know while taking her psychology exam. She skipped it and moved on, returning to it when she recalled the answer. Which strategy did Rachel use?


Motives are

inferred from behavior

Ava, a four-year-old girl, combines words to form her own sentences. In this scenario, Ava is demonstrating __________.

infinite creativity

Ophelia is in high school. She enjoys studying and does well in school. Her parents encourage her to think and act independently. Whenever she does well in an exam, she feels a sense of self-satisfaction. In this scenario, Ophelia's achievement motivation stems from a(n) ________.

intrinsic goal

Which structure in the front of the eye dilates and constricts to determine how much light will be allowed to get into the eye?


The case of Phineas gage is important in understanding how the brain works for which of the following reasons?

it demonstrated the localization of various functions within the brain

People deprived of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep:

learn more slowly

As we age and reach our late 30's to mid-40's, what structure in our eyes tends to have difficulty accommodating?


Which of the following can be positive or negative, occur at irregular intervals, and create stress?

life changes

Since the 1960's, most people suffering from extreme psychological disorders ___________.

live in community

Fila has a poor appetite and has lost a severe amount of weight in the past few months. She is unable to concentrate or make decisions. She no longer wants to live and wishes to die. Psychologists are most likely to diagnose Fila with __________.

major depressive disorder

People with mood disorders:

may become severely depressed when things are going well or when they encounter mildly upsetting events.

Tom was trying to increase his fitness so that he could join some friends on a long-distance hiking trip. He is trying to determine the best exercise plan to get him to that goal. This is an example of ________.

means-end analysis

Sanchez, an eight-year-old boy, suffers from unpredictable panic attacks and constantly talks to his imaginary friends. His mother confesses to the family doctor, "I probably drank too much alcohol during pregnancy and caused damage to Sanchez's brain." Which model of psychological disorders is forwarded by this statement?

medical model

which of the following is an alteres state of consciousness?


Which hormone promotes sleep?


What are the possible explanations for why we yawn when we see others yawn is related to which of the following?

mirror neurons

Dzianis has a client with a phobia of dogs. he shows his client how to safely interact with dogs in a controlled setting to help reduce his fear. Which method did Dzianis use?


which of the following is a secondary reinforcer?


The Heinz dilemma is used to determine what level of development you are in


which of these is best defined as a sudden variation in an inheritable characteristic, as distinguished from a variation that results from generations of gradual selection?


On his first day as a school psychologist, Daniel took a trip to the school ground and quietly sat in the corner watching the children play. He noticed several patterns in the way children behaved with each other, especially when they were playing games. Daniel is most likely using the method of

naturalistic observation

Which of the following hassles is an example of environmental hassles?


How many pairings of the unconditioned stimuli and condition stimuli are needed for taste aversion to occur?


The _________ conducts sensory input to the brain, where it is relayed to the visual area of the occipital lobe.

optic nerve

Which of the following is a risk factor for coronary heart disease?


Patricia, a three-year-old girl, is having dinner. She looks at her father and says, "I eated food." In this scenario, Patricia is exhibiting _____.


One of the problems associated with the accuracy of surveys is

participants may inaccurately represent their true beliefs or behaviors

The speed with which one can compare figures and symbols is known as

perceptual speed

Mariana, a 14-year-old girl, is dating a 19-year-old boy. Her parents disapprove of this behavior and forbid her from meeting the boy. Marina fights with her parents because of this as she believes that she loves him. She also believes that she is unique and is destined to get married to the love of her life at an early age. This scenario best represents the concept of the _____.

personal fable

The core of generalized anxiety disorder appears to be:

pervasive worrying about numerous stressors.

What is often suggested as the root cause for the development of dissociative disorders?

physical and sexual abuse during childhood

According to your text, older adults sleep less because

physical discomfort

When a patient insists on having a medical cure but a physician does not believe that medicine is necessary, the physician may prescribe sugar pills. Such fake pills are called


traits such as sociability and aggressiveness are thought to be _____


Implicit memories involve methods and skills, cognitive and physical, and are also referred to as

procedural memories

Professor Schwiesow has her class engage in discussion, both in class and online, which encourages them to apply information and generate examples based on individual experiences. using levels of processing terminology, professor Schwiesow is encouraging her students to

process the information at a "deep" level so that is more likely to be encoded into long-term memory

In his clinical practice, Dr. Lee believes that the draw-a-person test (DAP) is an excellent way to discover some of his patients' mental health issues. The DAP requires you to draw a person, for instance, your mother or significant other. This type of test would be considered a(n) __________.

projective test

Because of her poor health, your Aunt B had to take a lot of medication. She usually does a good job remembering to take it but sometimes forgets to do so. This forgetting is a failure of what type of memory?

prospective memory

in the context of the human eye (as well as little kitties), the size of the _________ is activated by the sympathetic nervous system and is sensitive to emotions


according to your text, children watching violence in the media are potentially impacted by all of the following except:

reduced probability of aggressive behavior

In the context of operant conditioning, when you keep posting comments and social media to receive more "likes", this is an example of


What are defined as stimuli that increase the frequency of behavior?


according to Selye's theory, if the alarm reaction mobilizes the body and the related stressor is not removed, which stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS)?


After telling the police officer everything she could recall about when she went into the bank, lucas got to the point that he no longer could recall any more information. At that point, lucas was most likely experiencing

retrieval cue failure

Stephen was recently involved in a car accident in which he was critically injured. He is unable to recall the events that led to the accident. Stephen is suffering from _____.

retrograde amnesia

Jiro is 54 years old and is at a point in his life where he is trying to help take care of his aging parents while also assisting his own children. Jiro is part of the

sandwich generation

Professor Schwiesow is trained as which of the following?

school psychologist

The reshaping of one's life to concentrate on what one finds to be important and meaningful in the face of physical decline impossible cognitive impairment is known as

selective optimization with compensation

In humanistic theory, that innate tendency to strive to realize one's potential is called

self actualization

The fact that you were able to smell in essential oil is because of your olfactory _______ while your ability to identify as an a lavender scent is due to your brain's ability to ________ it has lavender.

sense, perceive

Exposure to very loud sounds can lead to damage of the auditory nerve or hair cells, resulting in__________.

sensorineural deafness

After moving to Nebraska, Bobby did not notice any distracting sounds. As time passed she became more and more aware of the lab chirping of cicadas in her backyard. What is this an example of?

sensory (positive) adaptation

According to behaviorists, personality is formed by

situational or environmental influences

A sleep disorder in which the person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep is called

sleep apnea

One night when Denzel was four years old he was sleeping soundly in his bed when he started screaming and thrashing about. his parents rush suicide but could never fully wake him up. The next day he had no recollection of the event. Denzel most likely experienced a(n)

sleep terror

Which of the following is a focus of Ericksons theory of personality and development?

social relationships

Janie has been having severe epileptic seizures since a very young age. His seizures have become less frequent since he underwent an operation. However he has problems expressing what he feels. When he feels happy, his facial expressions often show anger. Labib has most likely undergone a(n) _______ operation


When are brainwave slow down from the alpha rhythm and enter a pattern of theta waves, which stage of sleep have we entered?

stage 1 sleep

A newborn infant displays the following reflexes except which of the following?

startle in response to the sight of a balloon

A hypothesis is a:

statement about behavior or mental processes that is testable through research

Humor helps people cope with stress by __________.

stimulating the output of endorphins

Visual stimuli can be flash to briefly, below are absolute threshold for conscious perception, to enable us to process them. This is an example of

subliminal stimulation

Ray, a five-year-old, wakes up at night saying that he saw monsters chasing him in his dreams. His parents should do all except the following:

take him to see a psychiatrist since this is highly unusual behavior for a five year old

Anaya is a teenager who has just started wearing braces. She hates going to school anymore because she thinks that everyone is looking at her and laughing. She believes that she must look her best at all times. Which concept of Piaget's adolescent egocentrism is best depicted in this scenario?

the concept of the imaginary audience

Which of the following is one of Selye three stages in the general adaptation syndrome?

the exhaustion stage

As she was listening to her psychology professor discuss ways to improve memory, Ebony thought of different ways she could apply the suggestions to herself. Later that day she was trying to recall the different techniques, but she could only recall the first couple. This reflects ___________.

the serial-position effect

Julie's research work requires her to interview a sample of 200 people within two months. She needs to gather data about the sample group's attitude towards certain situations through a questionnaire, but she has limited time to gather the information. Which of the following methods should Julie use to gather the required information?

the survey method

The reasonably stable elements of personality that are inferred from behavior can be called


Sean's client, Jacob, has quickly become unusually close to him, almost as if they were brothers. The term for this according to psychoanalytic theory is what?


A person with normal color vision is labeled a


Cochlear implants contain microphones that sense sounds an electronic equipment that transmits sounds past damage hair cells to stimulate the auditory nerve


Bobby spilled water accidentally on his father's computer, but contrary to expectations, Bobby did not get grounded. His father acknowledged that it was a mistake and assuredBobby that he still loved him, despite the unfortunate incident. Bobby's father's response is an example of _____.​

unconditional positive regard

Obsessions are

unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person

Which term refers to the degree to which a test measures what is supposed to measure?


Which of the following senses is dominant in human beings?


which of the following terms denotes a trick of perceptual constancies on the eye?

visual illusion

The fact that you stop smelling and essential oil at a given time is due to which of the following?

when the olfactory receptor is constantly stimulated, it will begin to fatigue in accommodate to the odor

Leonard and Sheldon were working on a physics problem from different points of view, but came to a common solution. This is an example of which kind of thinking?


A ___________ ___________ expresses the strength and direction (positive or negative) of the relationship between two variables.

correlation coefficient

During a severe panic attack, the amount of this specific stress hormone found in saliva will increase.


The loudness of a sound is expressed in

decibels (dB)

The electroencephalograph is a method of

detecting brain waves by means of measuring the current between electrodes placed on the scalp

Which model of psychological disorders accounts for biological differences in individuals and explains why some people develop certain types of psychological disorders under stress while others do not?

diathesis-stress model

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