PSY310 E3 CH.12 BST Procedures

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BST procedure: instructions do what?

#1 in procedure describe the appropriate behavior for the learner

BST procedures: modeling what happens? in order for modeling to be effective, the ___ must ___. how can modeling be done?

#2 in BST procedures the correct bx is demonstrated for the learner the learner must have an imitative repertoire (the learner must be able to pay attention to the model and perform the bx that is demonstrated) modeling may be live, or may be symbolic (demonstrated on videotape, audiotape, or possibly in cartoon/movie

BST procedures, rehearsal; what is it?

#3 in BST procedures - the opportunity for the learner to practice the bx after watching the model and receiving the instructions

BST procedure: feedback. define. involves what? when?

#4 in BST procedure - the delivery of praise for correct performance and further instruction after incorrect performance - involves praise and other reinforcers, or can involve correction of errors, or further instruction to improve performance (feedback is like differentially reinforcing some aspects of the bx, while correcting other aspects) - feedback is provided immediately after the learner's rehearsal of the bx

BST strategies to promote generalization after: provide assignments for learner to practice

- give the learner assignments to practice outside of the BST session in the real world - after practicing outside of training, the learner can discuss the experience at the next training, and receive feedback on their performance --> if possible, the practice outside of training session can be supervised by a parent or teacher to provide immediate feedback and reinforcement

BST strategies to promote generalization after: variety of role plays

- provide a variety of role-playing situations that simulate the actual situation they are going to encounter in real life - the closer the training is to real-life, the more likely they are to generalize the skills to real situations

rehearsal is an important aspect of the BST procedure because ___ (3)

- teacher will know the learner has learned the bx when they see them engage in it correctly - provides an opportunity for reinforcement when the learner engages in the correct bx - provides an opportunity to assess or correct errors that occur when the learner engages in the bx

BST strategies to promote generalization after: incorporate real life situations

- try and make it possible for the learner to rehearse the skills with real peers or in real situations - ex. at school with real classmates

there are several strategies of BST that can be used when promoting generalization of the new skills to those appropriate contexts, such as:

- variety of role plays - incorporate real life situations - provide assignments for learner to practice - arrange for reinforcement of skills outside of training

factors influencing effectiveness of rehearsal (5)

1) bx should be rehearsed in proper context --> either in the situation that it is appropriate or with role-playing that simulates the situation --> rehearsing the bx in the proper context helps to facilitate generalization 2) rehearsals should be programmed for success --> learners should practice easy bx first so they don't get discouraged/frustrated and are successful --> after success with simple bxs, more complex bxs can be introduced (this way, engaging in the rehearsal becomes reinforcing and the learners continue to participate) 3) rehearsal of correct bx must be immediately reinforced 4) rehearsals that are partly correct, or incorrect, should be followed by corrective feedback 5) bxs should be rehearsed until it is done correctly at least a few times (at least about 3)

disadvantages of group BST

1) each individual does not have the teacher's undivided attention 2) some members may not participate actively or may dominate the session and not allow others time to participate - as a trainer, you can prevent this by taking an active role and promoting participation by all members

advantages of group BST (5)

1) efficiency - can be more efficient that an individual BST bc instructions and modeling is presented once to several people 2) each group member learns by watching other members rehearse the skill and receive feedback 3) group members learn by evaluating other member's performance and providing feedback 4) generalization may be enhanced due to the variety of group members participating 5) magnitude of reinforcement is increased when praise comes from other group members in addition to the teacher

factors influencing the effectiveness of feedback (6)

1) feedback should be given immediately after the bx 2) feedback should always involve praise or reinforcement for some aspect of the bx (if the bx was not correct, praise learner for at least trying - the point is to make the rehearsal a reinforcing experience) 3) praise should be descriptive --> describe what the learner did and what was correct --> focus on all aspects of the bx (can be verbal and non-verbal (ex: what they said/did, and how they said it)) 4) when providing corrective feedback, don't be negative --> don't describe the bx as "bad" or "wrong" (ex: lifeguard says to walk instead of to stop running) --> instead, provide instructions that show the learner what they could do better, or how they can improve next time (maybe use compliment sandwich) 5) always praise some aspect of the performance before providing the corrective feedback 6) provide corrective feedback on one aspect at a time --> if the learner did more than one thing incorrectly, focus on one first so they don't feel overwhelmed/discouraged --> build the performance in steps, so the learner is more and more successful each time

factors influencing effectiveness of instructions (6)

1) instructions must be presented at a level which the learner can understand (if too complex- learner may not grasp concept; if too simple- learner may disregard) 2) instructions should be delivered by someone with credibility to the learner (teacher, parent, employer, etc) 3) learner should have the opportunity to rehearse the bx as soon as they receive the instructions 4) instructions should be paired with modeling (this will enhance the learning potential for the learner) 5) instructions should be given when the learner is paying attention 6) learner should repeat the instructions back so the teacher knows the learner heard them correctly (also increases the likelihood that the learner will be able to repeat the instructions in the future)

factors influencing the effectiveness of modeling (8)

1) when model exhibits correct bx, it should result in successful outcome for the model (model should receive reinforcement, which will be faded out to a more natural/normal schedule of reinforcement, variable ratio) 2) the model should resemble the people observing the model (ex. same age) or have high status (teacher, celebrities in commercials, etc. - the hope is that ppl will imitate the model) 3) the complexity of the model's bx should be appropriate to the developmental level of the learner 4) learner has to pay attention to the model (use attention getter "watch a I ..." 5) the modeled bx must be in the proper context (modeled in real situation, or in role-play of real situation - helps learner to be able to generalize) 6) modeled bx should be repeated as often as needed for learner to imitate correctly (no limit, but if a lot go back and ask self if learner has that imitative repertoire, if yes, then maybe change reinforcement) 7) bx should be modeled in variety of ways and situations to gain generalization 8) learner should have opportunity to rehearse (imitate) bx as soon as observing the model is over (reinforce correct modeling of bx immediately)

what are the components of the BST procedure in order?

1. instructions 2. modeling 3. rehearsal 4. feedback

___ components are generally used together in training sessions to help people acquire useful skills (___ skills, ___ skills, etc.) what are they?

4 social skills job-related skills 1. instructions 2. modeling 3. rehearsal 4. feedback

___ can be implemented to further promote generalization

In Situ training

BST can be used in groups of people who ___; ___ training can be implemented with a group of ___ who ___

all need to learn similar skills; parent training can be implemented with a group of parents who are all having similar difficulty with their children

corrective feedback can function as ___ that ___

an antecedent that evokes the correct bx in the next rehearsal so it can be reinforced

what does the three-term contingency include?

antecedents behaviors consequences

how is BST often taught? how can that cause problems?

because BST is often taught using simulations, it can be difficult for some people to carry skills over into real world situations

what does BST stand for?

behavioral skills training

BST has been extensively studied to teach ___, but can applied to just about anyone learning a new skill

children safety skills

because most ppl have successfully followed instructions or imitated models in the past, these become ___ for ___

effective discriminative stimuli for correct bx

behavioral skills training procedures have been used in many different situations to teach learners a variety of skills including:

firearm safety abduction prevention sexual abuse prevention skills fire emergency skills (stop, drop, and roll) assertiveness social skills

in group BST, ___ are presented for the entire group. what about the other components?

instructions and modeling are presented for the entire group; each individual rehearses the skill, and receives individual feedback

BST procedures: instructions; for a chain of bx: - instructions should ___ - components should ___

instructions should specify each component of the chain components should be in correct sequence

the ultimate goal of BST is to ___

learn a new skill, and to use the use skills in the appropriate context

BST procedures: instructions can be combined with ___


BST procedures: instructions should ___

should be specific should describe exactly the behaviors that are expected should specify the circumstances in which the learner is expected to engage in the bx

BST in groups: group training is most effective with ___

small groups where all members have the opportunity to participate

BST strategies to promote generalization after: arrange for reinforcement of skills outside of training

talk to parents and teachers about reinforcing the learner when they exhibit the correct skill in the real world situations

BST procedures are typically used to ___

teach skills that can be simulated in a role-playing context

BST and the Three-Term Contingency

when you combine the 4 aspects of BST, you use all 3 aspects of the three-term contingency (antecedents, behaviors, consequences) - modeling and instruction are antecedent strategies to evoke the correct bx --> b/c most people have successfully followed instructions or imitated models in the past, these become effective discriminative stimuli for correct bx - rehearsal involves successfully engaging in the correct bx - feedback involves a reinforcing consequence that strengthens the correct bx --> corrective feedback can function as an antecedent that evokes the correct bx in the next rehearsal so it can be reinforced

what is In Situ training?

where the trainer sets up a scenario in the natural environment without the learner knowing, the learner is tested on their knowledge and generalization of the skills taught in the training (this is called an in situ assessment); if the learner does not perform the skills during the assessment, a trainer enters and turns the assessment into a training session (In Situ training)

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