Psy313 Exam 2

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3 Hallmarks of Depression

(1) Hopeless (2) Helpless (3) Worthless

4 medications for anxiety

(1) SSRIs (2) Buspirone (Buspar) anxiolytic (3) SNRIs (4) Benzodiazepines (BZ)

What 3 areas of the midbrain are more active in anxiety disorders?

(1) amygdala (2) hippocampus (3) limbic system

four main brain regions implicated in depression

(1) amygdala (2) orbitofrontal cortex (3) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (4) anterior cingulate cortex

four main brain regions implicated in bipolar disorder

(1) amygdala (2) prefrontal cortex (3) anterior cingulate cortex (4) hippocampus

primary bipolar and related disorders

(1) bipolar I (2) bipolar II (3) cyclothymic disorder

categories of bipolar and depressive disorders

(1) bipolar and related disorders (2) depressive disorders

3 psychological treatments for depression

(1) cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) (2) interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) (3) behavioral activation

4 forms of psychotherapy for bipolar disorder

(1) cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) (2) psychoeducation (3) family therapy (4) interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT)

primary depressive disorders

(1) disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (2) major depressive disorder (3) persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) (3) premenstrual dysphoric disorder

alternative biological treatments of clinical depression (other than drug therapies)

(1) electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) (2) light therapy (3) transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) (4) deep brain stimulation (DMS)

4 interpersonal problem areas

(1) loss (2) drastic changes (3) conflict (4) deficits

neurotransmitters involved in depression

(1) norepinephrine (2) serotonin (3) dopamine

3 components of anxiety

(1) physical symptoms (2) negative cognitions/subjective distress (3) escape or avoidance behavior

2 parts of brain specifically implicated in OCD

(1) prefrontal cortex (2) caudate nucleus

3 psychological treatment options for anxiety

(1) psychodynamic (2) behavioral therapy (BT) (3) cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

5 situations related to agoraphobia

(1) public transportation (2) open spaces (3) enclosed places (4) standing in line or being in a crowd (5) being outside the home alone

A manic episode lasts at least _____ and is present for _____ of the day, nearly _____.

1 week; most; every day

When a symptom-free period occurs for people with panic disorder, many people relapse within _____.

1 year

About _____% of those over the age of 60 suffer from persistent depressive disorder/dysthymia.


About _____% of those over the age of 60 suffer from depression.


The genetic correlation between major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder is _____%.


Blacks have a _____% prevalence rate of major depression.


Specific phobia affects _____% of adults and _____% of children in the United States.

12.5; 3.5

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) uses _____ to _____ sessions and focuses on an _____ that guides treatment.

12; 16; interpersonal problem area

Hispanics have a _____% prevalence rate of major depression.


Among children, the prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) may be as high as _____% of the general population.


Approximately _____% of people over the age of 18 report major depressive disorder at some point in their lifetime, which equates to _____ to _____ million U.S. adults.

16.2; 33; 35

Whites have a _____% prevalence rate of major depression.


The primary age-band risk for depression is between _____ and _____ with the median age of onset around _____ years.

18; 43; 30

Women are almost _____x more likely than men to suffer from major depressive disorder.


A single episode of major depressive disorder lasts at least _____, but often episodes can persist for _____ months.

2 weeks; several

Behavioral therapy (BT) allows for relief from anxiety symptoms for up to _____.

2 years

Dysthymia affects approximately _____% of the general population.


_____% of FB profiles met the criteria for a MDE.


An estimated _____% of children and _____% of adolescents in the US report suffering from depression.

2.5; 8.3

_____% of FB profiles disclosed one or more depressive symptoms on status updates.


_____% of adults have had a panic attack during their lifetime, but only _____% have panic disorder.

28.3; 4.7

First-degree relatives of people with depression are _____ to _____x more likely to suffer from depression than are first-degree relatives of people without depression.

2; 3

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for depression is recommended _____ to _____ times per week for _____ to _____ weeks.

2; 3; 4; 5

Agoraphobia is a marked or intense fear or anxiety that occurs upon exposure to, or in anticipation of, at least _____ out of _____ situations.

2; 5

Cyclothymia persists for at least _____ years and causes _____.

2; impairment

Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) lasts _____ or more _____, and the individual is never without symptoms for more than _____.

2; years; 2 months

College juniors reported more than _____x more depression than sophomores.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) uses _____ Record.

3-Column Thought

The median age of onset of major depressive disorder is _____ years.


_____% of college students report that in the last 12 months they have felt so depressed that it was difficult to function, but only _____% of college students report having sought care and been diagnosed with depression.

30; 10

In the United States, _____% of adults suffer from an anxiety disorder.


The heritability of major depressive disorder is around _____%.


People with rapid cycling bipolar disorder have _____ or more severe mood disturbances within a single year.


About _____% of people with major depressive disorder have atypical depression.


Benzodiazepines are effective for only _____% of patients and _____% report moderate improvement in symptoms.

40; 30

_____% of FB profiles displayed references to sleep concerns.


Second-generation antidepressants take _____ to _____ weeks to work.

4; 6

Depression ranks _____ in terms of the global burden of disease.


Rates of college students reporting depression have increased _____% in the last 6 years.


About _____% of people who are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder are comorbid for another anxiety disorder or depression.


The heritability of bipolar disorder range from _____ to _____%.

59; 87

Prevalence estimates range from _____ to _____% for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

5; 10

First-generation antidepressants may take _____ to _____ weeks to work.

6; 8

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) produces _____-_____% improvement rates for patients with anxiety.

70; 80

_____% of anxiety patients improve from behavioral therapy (BT), with remission rates of _____% after 2 years and _____% after 10 years.

70; 93; 62

Five years after pharmacological or psychosocial treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) begins, _____% of people with GAD still suffer from the disorder.


Nearly _____% of people with lifetime major depressive disorder had at least one additional disorder, including _____, _____, and _____.

72.1; anxiety disorders; substance use disorder; impulse control disorder

_____% of people with body dysmorphic disorder consider suicide.


Approximately _____ to _____% of the United States population experiences at least one episode of major depressive disorder by age _____.

7; 18; 40

The prevalence of anxiety disorders among youth ranges from _____ to _____%.

8.6; 15.7

Five years after receiving medication for panic disorder, _____% of people no longer had panic disorder, although _____% still had occasional panic attacks.

85; 62

More than _____% of college students use social networking web sites.


_____ medications (normally used to treat _____) are also used to manage bipolar disorder, sometimes in combination with lithium.

Anticonvulsant; epilepsy

Xanax is a _____.

Benzodiazepine (BZ)

_____ is another biological treatment option for anxiety other than psychopharmacology (medications).


_____ can also be used in treatment of bipolar disorder, particularly for severe depressive episodes, extreme or prolonged mania, or catatonia.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

_____-generation antidepressants have side effects including dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness, and increased heart rate.


_____ differs normal anxiety from abnormal anxiety.

Functional impairment

People with anxiety use Benzodiazepines (BZ) to allow _____ to transmit nerve signals _____ effectively, which _____ anxiety.

GABA; more; reduces

Naurex report that its drug caused no psychotic side effects in a midstage trial involving about 400 patients. The drug is called _____.


_____ and _____ are the most commonly reported symptoms of a panic attack.

Heart palpitations; dizziness

Bipolar _____ is more common than bipolar _____.


_____ is/are the primary treatment for bipolar disorder. _____ alone is insufficient.

Medications; Psychotherapy

_____ areas are more active in anxiety disorders. (brain)


Ketamine is believed to work mainly by blocking receptors in the brain for _____, which interacts with _____.

NDMA; glutamate

_____ adults are more likely to suffer from medical illnesses.


_____ and _____ are the least commonly reported symptoms of a panic attack.

Paresthesias; choking

_____-generation antidepressants have side effects including headaches, nausea, and decreased libido.


Ketamine is also known as _____ in street parlance.

Special K

A panic attack is a(n) _____ surge of intense _____ or intense _____ that reaches a peak within _____ and is accompanied by _____ or more physical symptoms.

abrupt; fear; discomfort; minutes; 4

Benzodiazepines (BZ) are only used to treat _____ anxiety.


The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is involved with _____, _____, and _____.

affect regulation; planning; decision making

symptoms of a mixed state

agitation, insomnia, changes in appetite, psychosis, and suicidal thoughts

Many people develop _____ after they have developed panic disorder.


common fears at 6-9 years of age

animals, lightning/thunder, being safe, school

common fears at 3-5 years of age

animals, monsters/ghosts, dark, being alone

Common comorbid psychological conditions are _____, _____, and _____.

anxiety disorders; eating disorders; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Exposure therapies include _____ and _____.

behavioral therapy (BT); cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Besides the psychoticlike effects, ketamine can raise _____ and _____.

blood pressure; heart rate

Ketamine can cause a decline in _____ and _____.

brain function; bladder problems

Depression may co-occur with many medical conditions, including _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____.

cardiovascular disease; central nervous system diseases, cancer, migraines, coronary heart disease

Most specific phobias develop during _____, with an average age of onset of _____.

childhood; 7 years

Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) can best be conceptualized as a _____ state of depression.


The orbitofrontal cortex is responsible for _____ and _____.

cognitive processing; decision making

Aaron Beck is the founder of _____.

cognitive therapy

Anxiety is a _____ emotion that is characterized by _____ symptoms and thoughts or worries that something _____ will happen.

common; physical; bad

Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) promotes adherence to regular _____ (including regular _____).

daily routines; sleep patterns

The total number of fears _____ as age increases.


Body dysmorphic disorder can lead to _____ disorder.


The most common type of depression symptom reference on FB statuses was to _____.

depressed mood

In adults, _____ is central to major depressive disorder, but in children, the persistent mood disturbance may take the form of _____ or _____.

depressed mood; irritability; hostility

The second factor that differentiates normal from abnormal anxiety is _____.

developmental age

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) targets interpersonal _____ and _____, interpersonal _____, and complicated _____ reactions for social anxiety and PTSD.

disputes; conflicts; role transitions; grief

Martin Seligman conducted a study with a _____ with _____.

dog; floor-shocks

Persistent depressive disorder is also known as _____.


Panic disorder usually begins in _____.

early adulthood

Most anxiety disorders develop _____ in life, with an average age of onset at _____ years.

early; 11

Depression is the most common comorbid disorder in _____.

eating disorder

In electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), _____ deliver _____, which cause brief _____ in the brain.

electrodes; electrical impulses; seizures

Hypomania is a mood _____ that is clearly _____ but not as extremely _____ as frank mania.

elevation; abnormal; elevated

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) increase _____ enough to _____.

energy; commit suicide

Major depressive disorder is an _____ illness.


Bipolar disorder is when both _____ and _____ are present.

episodic depressed mood; episodic mania

Anxiety disorders occur with _____ frequency across the three largest ethnic groups with the United States.


Throughout childhood, girls are _____ likely to have depression than boys.


The anterior cingulate cortex is involved with _____, _____, and _____ of _____ responses.

error detection; motivation; modulation; emotional

Exposure therapies include _____ your _____ to get _____.

facing; fears; over them

common fears at infancy

falling over, sudden noises, heights

Aaron Beck: "_____"

faulty beliefs

In the general population, anxiety disorders are more common among _____ than _____, sometimes at a ratio of _____ to _____.

females; males; 3; 1

Cyclothymic disorder is characterized by _____ that alternate between _____ and _____ symptoms.

fluctuations; hypomanic; depressive

Psychodynamic uses _____ and _____ as a reflection of the patient's experience in the "_____."

free association; dream interpretation; outside world

Abnormal brain activity in _____, _____, and _____ regions occur in people with bipolar disorder.

frontal; subcortical; limbic

common fears at 13 years and older

getting injured, social interaction/peers, world events

A neurotransmitter called _____ was key to lithium's efficacy for treating bipolar disorder.


Lithium moderates _____ levels in the brain.


Too much _____ in the synapse causes mania, whereas too little causes depression.


With behavioral activation treatment for depression (BATD), the therapist and patient develop a comprehensive list of _____ in _____ life areas.

goals; major

Trichotillomania is repetitive _____ that results in noticeable _____, which individuals feel _____ to stop the _____.

hair pulling; hair loss; powerless; pulling

More than _____ of people with OCD also have comorbid diseases such as _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____.

half; depression; social anxiety disorder; specific phobia; GAD; panic disorder

Ketamine is a _____.


Mania is mood that is abnormally _____.


For women, most common worries for body dysmorphic disorder are _____ and _____.

hips; weight

In bipolar II, _____ alternates with episodes of _____.

hypomania; major depression

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) results in a(n) _____ in neurotransmitters, including _____, _____, and _____.

increase; norepinephrine; serotonin; dopamine

Around age 13, rates of depression begin to _____ for girls but _____ for boys.

increase; remain constant or decrease

Psychodynamic (is/is not) recommended for treatment for anxiety.

is not

OCD usually begins between _____ and _____.

late adolescence; early adulthood

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) most commonly starts in the _____ through the _____.

late teens; late twenties

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is based on the premise than an individual can _____ to _____ and _____ differently, which can lead to _____.

learn; think; behave; improved mood

Martin Seligman is famous for _____.

learned helplessness

Light therapy uses a _____ to help with _____ disorder.

light box; seasonal affective

The most commonly used medication for bipolar disorder is _____.


Anhedonia is _____ of _____ in life.

loss; pleasure

Depression is mood that is abnormally _____.


SSRIs have a _____ remission rate of _____% for anxiety.

low; 36

SNRIs have a _____ remission rate of _____% for anxiety.

low; 37

The symptoms of persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) are the same as those of _____, but they are _____ severe.

major depression; less

_____ is the most common psychiatric disorder in the United States.

major depressive disorder

Aaron Beck believes that people have _____ thoughts that automatically interpret an _____ situation as _____.

maladaptive; ambiguous; negative

People who have symptoms of _____ and _____ at the same time suffer from a mixed state.

mania; depression

In bipolar I, full-blown _____ alternates with episodes of _____. It also includes _____ manic episode with or without periods of _____.

mania; major depression; a single; depression

Bipolar disorder was formally known as _____ disorder.


There are _____ side effects to first-generation anti-depressants.


Agoraphobia literally means "fear of the _____."


Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used primarily when _____ and _____ are not effective, when a person is at high risk for _____, or when use of _____ is contraindicated, such as during _____.

medications; psychotherapy; suicide; medications; pregnancy

The amygdala is associated with _____ and _____ responses to stimuli.

memory; emotional

Hypomania is "_____ mania" and lasts for at least _____ days.

mild; 4

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is efficacious for _____ to _____ depression and is also used to treat _____, _____ and _____ depression, _____, and _____ disorders.

mild; moderate; dysthymia; adolescent; late-life; anxiety; eating

Biological treatments are efficacious in reducing symptoms of _____ to _____ depression, especially when combined with _____ treatment.

moderate; severe; psychological

Lithium moderates _____ from _____ to _____ episodes.

mood swings; manic; depressive

Adults have _____ generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) than children.


Atypical depression is when people with major depressive disorder sleep and eat _____ than usual.


Girls and women report _____ fears than do men and boys.


Women are _____ likely to experience panic attacks and panic disorder than men.


Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is excessive anxiety and worry occurring _____ days than not and lasting at least _____.

more; 6 months

When a comorbid disorder is present, the symptoms of OCD usually are _____ prominent and troubling.


For men, most common worries for body dysmorphic disorder are _____ and _____.

muscle; genitals

Lithium is a _____ metallic element.

naturally occurring

In cyclothymia, the episodes are (not as/more) severe as with mania or major depression.

not as

In panic disorder, a person has had at least _____ panic attack and worries about _____.

one; having more attacks

Bipolar II disorder is defined by having at least _____ episode of major depression and at least _____ _____ event.

one; one hypomanic

A manic episode is a distinct _____ of _____ and _____ elevated, expansive, or _____ mood and _____ and _____ increased goal-directed activity or energy.

period; abnormally; persistently; irritable; abnormally; persistently

Dysthymia is also known as _____.

persistent depressive disorder

Double depression is when people with _____ also have _____ episodes.

persistent depressive disorder; major depressive

The core symptom of major depressive disorder is a _____ sad or _____ mood that is severe enough to impair a person's _____ in or _____ to engage in _____.

persistent; low; interest; ability; normally enjoyable activities

Double depression has _____ long-term outcome and _____ relapse risk than dysthymia or major depressive disorder alone.

poorer; higher

Increased _____ helps reduce depressive symptoms.

positive reinforcement

Behavioral activation treatment for depression (BATD) emphasizes increased contact with _____ for _____ behaviors, thereby increasing _____ mood.

positive reinforcement; healthy; positive

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a _____ with perceived defects or flaws in one's _____.

preoccupation; physical appearance

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) consists of obsessions (_____, _____, _____ thoughts) often combined with compulsions (_____) that are _____, _____ consuming, and _____.

recurrent; persistent; intrusive; repetitive behaviors; extensive; time; distressful

Repetitive pulling behavior for people with trichotillomania usually occurs in the _____, _____, _____, and _____.

scalp; eyelashes; eyebrows; pubic area

We are not fully sure how _____-generation antidepressants work.


Prozac is a _____.

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)

Second-generation antidepressants include _____ and _____.

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs); serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)

During their lifetime, some people with major depressive disorder have only one episode (_____), but others suffer from multiple episodes separated by periods of normal mood (_____).

single episode; recurrent

Women are more likely than men to have _____, _____ and _____ phobias.

situational; animal; natural environment

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for bipolar disorder develops _____ to change _____ or _____ _____ and _____.

skills; inappropriate; negative; thought patterns; behaviors

Excoriation is recurrent _____ resulting in _____.

skin-picking; skin lesions

Most common worries for body dysmorphic disorder are _____, _____, and _____.

skin; nose; face

The third most common psychiatric disorder in the United States is _____.

social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety disorder is also known as _____.

social phobia

Social anxiety disorder is a marked fear of _____ situations which may involve _____ by others.

social; scrutiny

Major depressive disorder must affect the person's ability to function in _____ or _____ settings.

social; work

The third factor that differentiates normal from abnormal anxiety is _____.

sociodemographic factors

Specific phobia is a marked fear or anxiety about a _____ object or situation that leads to significant _____ in _____.

specific; disruption; daily functioning

common fears at 1-2 years of age

strangers, toilet, getting injured

Psychoeducation for bipolar disorder _____ the patient about _____, its _____, and how to recognize _____ or _____ of mood shifts.

teaches; bipolar disorder; treatment; warning signs; precursors

common fears at 9-12 years of age

tests, health

People with bipolar disorder are at increased risk for _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____.

thyroid disease; migraine headaches; heart disease; diabetes; obesity; substance abuse

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a focused _____ therapy that's core principle is that _____ can trigger depression and depression itself can influence _____.

time-limited; interpersonal problems; interpersonal functioning

First-generation antidepressants are also known as _____ and _____.

tricyclic antidepressants (TCA); monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

In the United States, _____ experience higher rates of major depressive disorder than _____ and _____ populations.

whites; black; hispanic

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