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In aversive conditioning experiments to treat alcohol addiction, every time a person drinks an alcoholic beverage, he or she also consumes a mixture that induces nausea. In classical conditioning terminology, the nausea-inducing agent is the:

unconditioned stimulus.

Jill decides to study harder in class after seeing her teacher praise her classmate, Ricky, for doing well on a test. In the context of observational learning, this scenario best exemplifies learning through:

vicarious reinforcement.

_______ in classical conditioning means that the conditioned stimulus must not only precede the unconditioned stimulus closely in time, but it must also serve as a reliable indicator that the unconditioned stimulus is on its way.


Cory is diagnosed with bone tumor and experiences excruciating pain all through the day. Which of the following can help him in coping with the agony?

Cory should enroll in a meditation program.

_____ refers to detection of information below the level of conscious awareness.

Subliminal perception

Jesse dreamed that he failed his science test. He is exhibiting:

subconscious awareness.

A worker at a handicraft store is paid $25 for every 20 wind chimes she makes. Which of the following schedules of reinforcement in operant conditioning is her payment based on?

the fixed-ratio schedule

Observational learning occurs:

through the process of watching and imitating another's behavior.

_____ refers to the subconscious processing that leads to a solution to a problem after a break from conscious thought about the problem.


In the visual system, _____ is the bringing together and integration of what is processed by different neural pathways or cells.


In the context of depth perception, _____ cues are ones that depend on the combination of the images in the left and right eyes.


In the auditory system, _____ is the perception of a sound wave's amplitude.


Which of the following sensory processes is most activated when a person is listening to a song?


Caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine are:


Which of the following scenarios exemplifies a fixed mindset in the context of psychological constraints in learning?

Alan does not think he has academic abilities, so he abandons the idea of going to college.

_____ is the type of learning that occurs when an organism makes a connection between two events.

Associative learning

Which of the following is true of acquisition in classical conditioning?

During acquisition, the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are presented very close together in time.

Gary turned to his wife when he woke up and said, "You won't believe what I dreamed. I was being chased by men in suits; they were riding horses. They had long narrow briefcases and they were trying to run me down!" If Gary related his dream to a psychodynamic therapist, he would tell him that what he had dreamed was about not being able to pay his bills. Which element in this scenario represents the manifest content of the dream?

Gary running for his life

_______ in classical conditioning is the tendency of a new stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus to elicit a response that is similar to the conditioned response.


Boris uses classical conditioning to teach his goldfish to swim to the surface of its tank to eat whenever Boris turns on the aquarium light. He drops food into the tank and then turns on the light. After several such trials, the fish shows no more inclination to swim to the surface when the light is turned on than it did on the first trial. In the context of classical conditioning, which of the following should Boris do to improve his training technique?

He should turn on the light before he drops the food into the tank.

Which of the following statements is true of sleep?

It involves the reversible loss of consciousness.

Which of the following is true of classical conditioning?

It occurs without awareness or effort, based on the presentation of two stimuli together.

Which of the following is true of a fixed-ratio schedule in operant conditioning?

It reinforces a behavior after a set number of behaviors.

Which of the following is true of a fixed-interval schedule in the context of operant conditioning?

It reinforces the first behavior after a set amount of time has passed.

_____ involves attaining a peaceful state of mind in which thoughts are not occupied by worry.


_____ in operant conditioning occurs when the frequency of a behavior increases because it is followed by the removal of something undesirable.

Negative reinforcement

Which of the following statements is true of unconditioned responses?

They are involuntary.

Which of the following statements is true of tranquilizers?

They are used to calm anxious individuals.

In the auditory system, what is the major function of the hammer, anvil, and stirrup?

They transmit sound waves to the fluid-filled inner ear.

Craig likes to add two spoons of sugar to his coffee. When he adds three spoons of sugar to his coffee, he does not notice a difference. Craig also likes to add two spoons of sugar to his milk. In this case, however, he notices a difference when he adds three spoons of sugar. This phenomenon is best explained by:

Weber's law.

A person's predisposition or readiness to perceive something in a particular way is known as:

a perceptual set.

Gary lives near an intersection. In his hall, he can hear cars honking. However, in his bedroom, he cannot hear any cars honking. In this scenario, the volume of car honks in Gary's bedroom fall below his:

absolute threshold.

Sleep deprivation has been shown to:

all of these.

Brett takes a drug that decreased his feeling of fatigue, created an elevated mood, and decreased his appetite. Which of the following drugs did he most likely take?


Mary requests her neighbor to turn down the volume of his television so that Mary does not hear it. The volume at which Mary cannot hear the television most of the time is:

below her absolute threshold.

Which of the following is an overdose effect of MDMA (Ecstasy)?

brain damage

People who are easily hypnotized usually:

can become deeply immersed in an imaginative activity.

When a person reads a book, the black ink of the words on the white pages looks the same, regardless of the place, time, and lighting in the room. This best demonstrates the phenomenon of:

color constancy

Just as it does in classical conditioning, _____ plays a key role in operant conditioning.


In the visual system, the clear membrane just in front of the eye is the:


Circadian rhythm refers to the:

daily behavioral or physiological cycles.

The stage when bedwetting (in children) and sleep talking occur is:

delta sleep.

Which of the following slows down inhibition and judgment?


Psychoactive drugs that slow down mental and physical activity are called:


The ability to perceive objects three-dimensionally is called:

depth perception.

Brenda goes to check on her sleeping daughter and observes that the child's eyes are moving up and down and from left to right under her eyelids. It is likely that she is:


In the auditory system, the _____ or tympanic membrane separates the outer ear from the middle ear and vibrates in response to sound.


In observational learning, retention is the process in which a learner must:

encode the information to reproduce a model's actions.

Tyler's grandmother, Rose, has been receiving e-mails from Tyler every day for many years. In anticipation of his e-mails, she checks her inbox more than once in a day. However, since Tyler has started college, the e-mails have stopped. As a result, Rose checks her e-mail only every few days. If this pattern continues, Rose will completely stop checking her e-mail. In classical conditioning, this is known as:


Kevin suffers from sleep apnea. With this condition, he awakens as often as 50 times during the night due to:

failure in the opening of the windpipe.

A sound wave's _____ is the number of cycles or full wavelengths that pass through a point in a given time interval.


Wendell always gets anxious before taking a math test because he is not good with numbers and formulae. When his science teacher announces a physics test that requires him to apply numerical formulae, Wendell begins to feel anxious, even though he enjoys physics. Which of the following is Wendell most likely demonstrating in this scenario?

generalization in classical conditioning

In the context of classical conditioning, _____ refers to the decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentations.


As a part of a research, Natasha initially had difficulty falling asleep in the sleep lab, but finally drifted into sleep and was not awakened when a student researcher knocked a can of soda off the desk. The electroencephalograph (EEG) is displaying theta waves with occasional sleep spindles. The researchers feel confident that Natasha is:

in stage N2 of the sleep cycle.

Positive reinforcement in operant conditioning:

increases the frequency of a behavior.

Rose is in an abusive relationship with Dan, who is physically violent with her and has injured her seriously more than once. Despite this, Rose has never been able to stop him or leave him. Rose was also abused by her step-father as a child. Rose's inability to put up a fight with Dan is most likely the result of _____ in operant conditioning.

learned helplessness

Stimuli in the left field are registered in the right half of the retina in both eyes because:

light travels in a straight line.

Josh has been experiencing excruciating pain ever since his bike accident. Though he had been successfully operated, he often complains of agonizing pain in his right shoulder. Karen, his girlfriend, tells him that he can harness the power of his mind to overcome pain by concentrating his thoughts on the pain—not by trying to avoid it. Karen is referring to:


Kenny ate too many hotdogs at a baseball game. Several hours later, he felt nauseated and spent most of the night being sick. In the context of taste aversion learning, it is likely that Kenny will _____ as a result of this experience.

not be able to eat a hotdog at the next baseball game

Rebecca lives in Boston. Her friend, Serena, just flew in from Denver. To help Serena adjust to the new time zone, Rebecca should:

offer her a dose of melatonin.

In the context of the chemical senses, the _____ is the lining of the roof of the nasal cavity which contains a sheet of receptor cells for smell.

olfactory epithelium

The crossover point in the eye, where the visual information originating in the right halves of the two retinas is transmitted to the right side of the occipital lobe is called the:

optic chiasm.

Ron had to undergo a painful procedure in a hospital when he was a child. Now, every time Ron walks past a hospital, he gets anxious and nauseated. In this scenario, in the context of classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus is the:

painful procedure.

The recognition that objects are unvarying and unchanging even though sensory input about them is changing is known as:

perceptual constancy.

Thomas, a war veteran, still experiences occasional aches in the arm that was amputated when he was injured in a war. In the context of sensory receptors and the brain, Thomas's condition best illustrates the phenomenon of:

phantom limb pain.

Ronald was the subject of an experiment for alcoholics. Every time Ronald had a drink, it was mixed with a nausea-inducing agent, which made him sick. After experiencing this pattern for several weeks, Ronald started to dislike alcohol immensely. He did not drink for seven months. However, one day as he was walking past a new bar, Ronald experienced an overwhelming desire to drink. In this scenario, Ronald's sudden desire to drink best illustrates the concept of _____ in classical conditioning.


In the visual system, _____ are the receptors in the retina of the eye that are sensitive to light but are not very useful for color vision.


Nick is studying for his science test that has been scheduled to be held the next day. He is unaware that his cellphone has been ringing loudly for the past five minutes. In this case, Nick is exhibiting:

selective attention.

In the context of the opponent-process theory of color vision, afterimages refer to:

sensations that remain once a stimulus is removed.

Derek is watching an airplane fly by. The plane seems to get smaller as it goes farther away. Which of the following aspects of perceptual constancy allows Derek to understand that the airplane is not getting smaller?

size constancy

Derek checks on his new car parked on the street before he goes up to his 19th-floor apartment. From his apartment, he looks down and makes sure the car is still there. Even though the image of the car on his retina is smaller from where he is looking, Derek knows that the car is still as big as it was downstairs. This scenario best illustrates the phenomenon of:

size constancy.

Controlled processes differ from automatic processes in that controlled processes are:

slower than automatic processes.

Sleepwalking occurs during _____ of the sleep cycle.

stages N2 and N3

The factor that differentiates top-down processing from bottom-up processing is that top-down processing:

starts with cognitive processing in the brain.

In terms of states of consciousness, hypnosis involves a(n):

state of altered attention and expectations.

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