PSYC 265 Final

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Which of the following people would you expect to feel the need to maintain "face"?

"I prefer to avoid negative outcomes from happening"

Which of the following depicts an evoked culture?

A culture promotes harmony with the environment to appease the gods.

During a professional ice hockey game, fans from around the world saw Tony Bertram, a professional hockey player, punch an unsuspecting player in the face and throw him onto the ice. Based on what you know about motivation, which of the following do you think is most likely to happen?

East Asians will blame Tony's family problems, and Westerners will blame Tony's nasty personality.

Which statement about "I am____" can reflect cultural level of analysis (not the superficial level of analysis)?

I am smart

Why do motivations for self-consistency appear weaker among East Asians than among Westerners?

In the West, self-consistency correlates more strongly with subjective well-being and with being liked by others than it does in East Asia.

Which of the following statements about self-esteem is most accurate?

Independence is positively related to self-esteem

Which factor is the unique factor in Chinese Personality Assessment in addition to the BIG FIVE?

Interpersonal relatedness

How does one find an animal's encephalization quotient (EQ)?

It is the ratio of an animal's brain weight to the brain weight predicted for a comparable animal with the same body size.

Which of the following is considered immoral by the standards of the ethic of community?

Jack disobeys his father's commands

Japanese and American emotional experiences have been shown to differ in that

Japanese feel better than Americans when they are experiencing interpersonally engaged emotions.

When Americans and Japanese evaluate themselves in front of the professor,

Japanese have more negative views of themselves than they normally do

According to Dunbar, why would larger social groups be associated with the evolution of larger brains?

Larger groups had greater social complexity, driving the evolution of larger brains to handle such complexity.

A few townsfolk begin a movement promoting social harmony. Over time, they expand the movement by interacting with other townsfolk. Soon, they've influenced the whole town to join in the movement. This best illustrates which of the following?

Latané's dynamic social impact theory

Which of the following is TRUE about cultural change in the United States?

None of the above because Americans today don't score higher on the SAT than they did a generation ago, not all IQ tests reveal trends that Americans have higher IQs today than they did a generation ago, and "Culture-bound" IQ tests have not shown increases in American intelligence over the past generation, but "culture-free" IQ tests have not shown any changes.

People who are especially field dependent tend to be

None of these answers are correct- they're not from Western cultures, they're not hunters or herders, and they're not introverted

The relation between money and happiness is that

None of these statements are true- there is a relation between money and happiness, people who are richer than their neighbors are happier but absolute levels of money do predict happiness, and money does not predict happiness consistently across all levels of income

According to the study done by Ma & Schoeneman (1997), which cultural group has the most self-descriptions about roles and membership?


Who did NOT contribute to any incarnation of cultural psychology?

Solomon Asch

After measuring the neocortex ratio of two species, it was determined that Species A has a ratio of .25, whereas Species B has a ratio of .20. Based on the evidence discussed in the textbook, which of the following can one most likely conclude about these two species?

Species B lives in a smaller social group than Species A

Why isn't there much cumulative culture among chimpanzees?

Chimpanzees aren't very good at imitative learning.

What theory is best supported for why primates evolved such large brains?

They tend to live in large social groups, which requires intelligence to function effectively.

A 2.5-year-old human child, a chimpanzee, and an orangutan are presented with the same problem-solving task—they must figure out how to use a tool to reach up to the top of a cabinet and nudge a wooden block that will knock over a banana. Based on Hermann and colleagues' findings, which of the three participants will outperform the others?

They'll all perform equally well

Which of the following would be the best example of primary control?

You return a computer game to the local computer store because it didn't excite you as much as you wanted it to.

After examining surveys you handed out in a given culture, you find that many people in the culture tend to agree with both the positively worded item "I strongly support the prime minister's policies," and the negatively worded item "I disagree with the prime minister's policies." What is this an example of?

acquiescence biases

What can the basic emotions best be characterized as?

at least functional universals

Which moral ethics is "avoiding harm, and protecting fairness"?


When looking at a picture, Americans focus more on the ____ than do Japanese, especially after the first second has passed.

center figure

Raquel habitually engages in self-enhancement. She recently did badly on a sociology exam. Which of the following would you NOT expect her to do?

compare herself with how the best student in her class did

If you wanted to do a study using a within-groups manipulation to examine whether European Canadians can be made to think like Canadians and East Asians, which of the following would be the MOST relevant and appropriate methodology?

cultural priming

A key difference between "cultural" psychologists and "general" psychologists is that

cultural psychologists believe that the mind is interdependent with context and content, whereas general psychologists believe that the mind is independent from context and content.

According to Atran and Norenzayan's idea about minimally counterintuitive ideas persisting, which of the following phrases would be the most likely to persist in the reader's memory?

blinking newspaper

Emulative and imitative learning can be contrasted in that

emulative learning does not require imitating a model's behavioral strategies.

Takeshi witnesses a murder, and tells his mother. She understands the gist of the story, and then conveys that to the police. Which model of cultural evolution does this best illustrate?

epidemiology of ideas

Which of the following is not part of Shweder's model of moral reasoning?

ethic of justice

While chatting over coffee with your friend, you overhear someone say, "I don't understand how those Hindus let cattle wander around their cities and not eat them. Where I come from, cattle are raised, branded, and then turned into steak and burgers. What the Hindus do just isn't normal." Which of the following does this situation best demonstrate?


Your research team found evidence that people in multiple cultures walk with their shoes on their heads; but this "shoe-on-head" way of walking is activated for different reasons across cultures. This would be evidence of a(n)

existential universal.

What is saccades according to the eye tracking study?

extremely quick eye movements that shift people's gaze from on to another.

According to rod and frame task the rod and the surrounding frame are rotated independently, people who are high on ____ can do this task well.

field independence

Xing, a Chinese stock broker, and Joe, a Canadian stock broker, are being asked to predict the trend of a stock that has been gaining value for the past 3 years. Xing likely thinks the stock will ______, and Joe likely thinks the stock will ______.

go down; continue to go up

Your sister just got a new job. Her role is to be a surrogate sister for a teenage boy who has not unlocked himself from his room for a year. Ultimately, her job is to try to get the boy to get out of the house. What condition does this boy have?


Cheung et al, 2011 investigated the existence of a sensitive period for acquiring culture. What did they find?

immigrants who are immigrated before age 15 are greater identified with Canadian culture as ones spend more time in Canada

Cross-cultural tests of Kohlberg's model of moral reasoning reveal that

in all cultures people reason in preconventional terms before they reason in conventional terms.

Jaden has a strong sense of his own identity, and does not see any sort of divide between strangers he's just met and his family members. What is this characteristic of?

independent theory of self

Which theory in language development indicates "The brain of human beings is genetically predisposed for language"


Wendy, an American patient with depression, reports feeling suicidal, with depressed mood and trouble sleeping. She is prescribed antidepressants. Weiwei, a Chinese patient with depression, is

less likely to report depressed mood

After examining surveys you collected from Culture X, you find that people's responses tend to gather toward the center of your scale. What is this phenomenon known as?

moderacy bias

People holding a pen between their teeth tend to find cartoons ______ than people holding a pen between their lips.

more amusing

Incremental theories of the self are

more common among East Asians than Westerners

Which is not an example of a culture-bound syndrome?


A culture-bound syndrome is, by definition a


An expression that is considered a ritualized display is best categorized as a


The Russian cultural-historical school emphasized that

people interact with their environments via culturally acquired tools.

What are the basic components in language development

phoneme, morpheme, syntax

Which level of moral reasoning does the following statement belong to "Heinz should not steal the medicine, because others may need the medicine just as badly, and their lives are equally significant."


Which level of moral reasoning does the following statement belong to "Heinz should steal the medicine because he will be much happier if he saves his wife, even if he will have to serve a prison sentence."


Homer sharpens a rock and uses it to shave. Schick adds a handle to the rock for better grip. Gillette then changes the rock to a titanium blade for durability. The progression of improvements made to the shaving utensil is an example of

ratchet effect

Jeeyoung is an East Asian student who is going through a tough time. Given her emotional situation, which of the following is she most likely to do to make herself feel better?

remind herself of her connections with others

Which of the following levels of psychological universals was NOT proposed by Norenzayan and Heine?

statistical universal

Delilah was just in a graveyard and was extremely frightened by the fact that she felt she saw the ghost of her mother. She was so frightened that she felt like her soul was dislodged from her body. What is her experience an example of?


Davina was walking on the street when she happened to glance into a flower store. When she saw a particular flower through the window, she noticed that her heart rate sped up. She decided that her increased heart rate meant that she liked the flower, so she bought the flower. A two-factor theorist would ______ with her conclusion because ______.

disagree; emotions cannot be determined from interpreting psychological reactions

Analytic thinking is argued to be associated with

dispositional attributions

Given Bosterup's thesis about agricultural methods centuries ago affecting gender attitudes now, what is this type of relationship between agricultural methods and gender attitudes an example of?

distal cause

East Asia is at a similar latitude to a region with many easily domesticated plants and animals. These early conditions benefit East Asian cultures such that they propel these cultures to prosperity in the future, What is this scenario an example of?

distal causes

Which moral ethics is "attending temple to pray"?


In one experiment investigating anger responses, European-Canadians and Chinese-Canadians differed in

the rate at which their physiological response returned to baseline.

One difference between Western terminology of "Authoritarian" parenting and Chinese ideology about "Authoritarian" parenting style is

training (jiao xun)

Jason gets excited every time he walks into his physics class. However, Jason has never really liked science, so he does not think that his excitement is due to the class. Instead, he decides that he must be attracted to his lab partner. Jason's misattribution of his arousal in an attempt to explain the excitement he feels is consistent with which theory of emotion?


American magazine ads contain more themes valuing ____ than ____ comparing to Korean ads.

uniqueness; fitting in

Based on the results from Schacter and Singer's experiment on the two-factor theory of emotion, under which of the following situations would Darryl feel the most euphoria?

when he ingests some stimulant that he was told would make him feel less aroused

In research by Murphy-Berman and colleagues on reward allocation among Indians and Americans, the researchers did NOT find that

All of these statements are true-Indians are equally likely as Americans to use the principle of equality, Indians are more likely than Americans to make decisions based on seniority, and Indians consider people's needs more than do Americans in allocating rewards.

According to Keller (2007), which culture spends most of the time for bodily contact with infant?


An infant of Species X sees a model use a new tool to achieve a goal. Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates that the infant is engaging in emulative learning?

When given the tool, the infant figures out on her own how to use the tool to achieve the same goal.

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