Psyc 312 Exam 3

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According to research on adolescent "reward sensitivity," who would be most likely to settle for $750 tomorrow rather than receive $1,000 a year from now?

10- to 11-year-olds

Roughly what percentage of dating teenagers report that within the last year they were the victim of dating abuse via technology and social media?


During the second phase of romance (age 14-16) relationships last approximately

6 months

Which of the following behaviors is characteristic of increased emotional autonomy among adolescents?

Adolescents are able to see their parents as people.

Which of the following statements about sex differences in partner preferences is true?

Although girls may believe that they place more weight on interpersonal qualities (such as support and intimacy) than physical attractiveness, controlled experiments indicate that girls are more influenced by physical attractiveness than they think.

Within the United States and in Canada, adolescents of which racial/ethnic group are the least likely to date?


According to a recent analysis of data from a sample of nationally representative high school seniors, which of the following statements regarding adolescents' civic engagement and political participation is true?

Between 1976 and 1990, there was a decrease in the proportion of young people participating in conventional civic activities (e.g., voting, contacting elected officials).

Which of the following statements about emotional autonomy is true?

Emotional autonomy involves a transformation in family relationships, rather than detachment.

Which of the following statements concerning volunteerism is true?

Engaging in community service leads to increased commitment to tolerance, equal opportunity, and cultural diversity.

Which of the following adolescents is most likely to be more rigid and authoritarian in his or her political thinking?

Ginny, a 12-year-old girl from the United States

Which of the following statements about self-esteem in children is true?

High achievement in school boosts self-esteem.

What did Erikson say was the crisis that occurs during adolescence

Identity versus identity diffusion

Why is it considered a paradox that young people who have recently immigrated to the United States tend to do better academically than young people of the same ethnic group whose parents were born in the United States?

Immigration is usually stressful socially, academically, and psychologically.

Alice has high academic self-esteem, whereas Loriann has high physical appearance self-esteem. According to researchers, who will probably have higher overall self-esteem?


Which adolescent's global self-esteem is most likely to be affected by his or her academic success?

Mary, an Asian American adolescent

Which adolescent would be expected to have the greatest difficulty establishing a sense of identity?

Michael, who has many alternatives available to him in many different arenas

The family of which of the following adolescent girls is most likely to have earlier expectations for their child's autonomy?

Olivia, a White adolescent

Which statement about intimacy is true?

One of the central issues in the study of intimacy during adolescence is the onset of dating.

What does it mean to say that "we grow more like ourselves every day"?

People are drawn to situations and settings that reward them for the traits they already have.

Which one of the adolescents below will be most vulnerable to the potential negative consequences of a break-up?

Richard, an adolescent who is a binge drinker and engages in delinquency

Which of the following statements about moral reasoning and moral behavior is true?

Situational factors influence moral choices.

Which theorist presented one of the most important theoretical perspectives on the development of adolescent intimacy?


Who presented an important theoretical perspectives on the development of intimacy


Generalizing from research on identity states, which of these individuals is most likely to show authoritarian traits and have the highest need for social approval?

Tara, identity foreclosed

For which of the following questions is an adolescent most likely to turn to outside experts for advice?

What steps do I need to take to get admitted to college?

Which of the following examples reflects the development of emotional autonomy in an adolescent-parent relationship?

When Ogechi is upset about an argument with her best friend, she asks other friends for their opinions instead of rushing to her mother for advice.

Individuals are more likely to engage in risky behavior when they see the behavior as

a personal choice rather than an ethical dilemma

Individuals are more likely to engage in risky behavior when they see the behavior as

a personal choice rather than an ethical dilemma.

A nonsexual, nonromantic friendship is called

a platonic relationship

According to Erikson, a necessary "time out" for adolescents is called

a psychosocial moratorium

According to Erikson, a necessary "time-out" for adolescents is called

a psychosocial moratorium.

One study that used brain-imaging techniques to investigate adolescents' neural responses to rejection while playing an online game called "Cyberball" found that

adolescents high in rejection sensitivity show a different pattern of brain activity in response to exclusion and are more likely to develop symptoms of depression.

Adolescents who have less positive relationships with their parents than typical adolescents are more likely than others in their age groups to do which of the following?

affiliate with antisocial peers

The sense that one has an impact on their own world is their sense of


Which of these is one of the "big five" personality dimensions that many researchers use?


According to research from Clardy and King, which adolescent is most likely to say that God is important to him or her?

an adolescent from Mexico

Dr. Diamond plans to conduct an interview with a patient to assess the patient's history of attachment relationships. What method would Dr. Diamond most likely use?

an adult attachment interview

It appears that Daniel is uninfluenced by his childhood relationship with his mother. For example, even though his mother wasn't around much during his childhood, instead of being upset, Daniel says, "No big deal, I didn't need her anyway." An attachment theorist would most likely describe Daniel as having

an anxious-avoidant attachment.

It is important to keep in mind that an individual's relationships with parents, siblings, peers, and romantic partners

are correlated

Researchers have found that Black individuals who believe that the public has low regard for their ethnic group typically

are more sensitive to racial cues.

The psychosocial domain concerning the development and expression of independence is called


The psychosocial domain concerning the development and expression of independence is called


Compared to minority adolescents with families that have been in the United States for a long time, foreign-born ethnic minority adolescents tend to perform

better in school, and are less likely to be involved in delinquent behavior.

Most researchers today believe that adolescents evaluate themselves

both globally and along several distinct dimensions.

Prosocial behavior that entails involvement in political and community affairs is called

civic engagement

Which of the following increases closeness, while also increasing depression and anxiousness?


With respect to internet use and social networking sites, adolescents are likely to

communicate with people they have offline relationships with

With respect to Internet use and social networking sites, adolescents are likely to

communicate with people they have offline relationships with.

Adolescents spend more time ________ than anything else.

communicating with their friends

Adolescents spend more time __________ than anything else

communicating with their friends

According to researchers, which of the following might make a young adolescent especially vulnerable to the effects of stress?

constantly changing self-image

Malkhaz believes that there is nothing wrong with drinking a little beer because, "Everyone my age does it once in a while and I'll be a social outcast if I don't have a drink." Malkhaz's level of moral development would be described as

conventional stage

Adolescents are most likely to exhibit false self behavior with their


Adolescents are most likely to exhibit false-self behavior with their


During late adolescence, the susceptibility to peer pressure


With regard to adolescent identity development, psychologists are much better at ________ than at ________.

describing the various stages that adolescents move through; explaining why or how individuals' sense of identity changes when it does

As adolescents develop, their self-conceptions become more


Chloe, who is seventeen years old, says, "My mom keeps bugging me to apply to colleges, but I really don't want to think about it. I probably won't apply to any until the last minute." Which of these terms best describes Chloe?


Which of the following types of autonomy refers to that aspect of independence related to changes in an individual's close relationships?

emotional autonomy

According to Sullivan, if the interpersonal tasks of adolescence are negotiated successfully, the young adolescent enters late adolescence able to

experience intimacy and sex in the same relationship.

Stephanie, an adolescent who has witnessed a great deal of conflict between her parents, will most likely

express high levels of verbal aggression with her romantic partners.

For adolescent girls, dating often provides a context for the ________, while for adolescent boys it is more often a context for the ________.

expression of intimacy; development of intimacy

In general, which of the following relationships tends to be the least intimate?

father-daughter relationship

Sixteen-year-old Geneva believes that the death penalty is wrong because her parents, friends, and church say so. She has never really thought about the issue, but she has accepted this view as her own. This pattern of following what her parents and peers say and do is pervasive throughout most of her beliefs and behaviors. Which identity state do you think Geneva is in?


One's sense of oneself as male, female, or transgender is called

gender identity

The idea that pressure to behave in sex-appropriate ways temporarily increases during middle adolescence, especially for girls, is called the ________ hypothesis.

gender intensification

In the multidimensional model of racial identity, public regard is

how individuals think others feel about their race

Which of the following is NOT a state of identity

identity completion

A sense of identity is typically crystallized

in late adolescence to the early 20s

A sense of identity is typically crystallized

in late adolescence to the early 20s.

Researchers say that one of the pathways by which adolescents who feel discriminated against experience negative mental health outcomes is that adolescents who feel discriminated against

in school may feel less control over their academic achievement, which may lead to feelings of depression.

Tau's parents comment that his first year in college has been very good for him because he has become more responsible for his actions and choices and less dependent on them. Tau's parents are describing


When Ramesh gets frustrated or upset, he turns to his peers rather than his parents for support. As a matter of fact, Ramesh relies on his peers more than his parents for most things. Ramesh is probably from an

indulgent home.

In one study, girls believed that other girls who had highly sexualized Facebook photos were ________ than other girls whose Facebook photos were not as highly sexualized.

less competent

Which of the following is NOT a level of moral reasoning


During ________ concerns about loyalty and anxieties over rejection become more pronounced and may temporarily overshadow concerns about intimate self-disclosure, particularly among girls.

middle adolescence

Individuals who reason at lower levels of moral thought are thought to be

more accepting of others' misbehavior.

In general, which of the following relationships tends to be the closest?

mother-daughter relationship

Rejection sensitivity is a term that psychologists use to describe

oversensitivity to romantic rejection

Rejection sensitivity is a term that psychologists use to describe

oversensitivity to romantic rejection that is related to an insecure attachment in infancy and early childhood.

Which of the following is a classification commonly used when coding responses to an adult attachment interview?


Researchers would most likely say that the statement "Adolescence is a time of storm and stress" is

probably inaccurate

Which of the following events have researchers suggested is one of the most important triggers of the individuation process?


Dating among adolescents today is largely a

recreational activity

Issues of autonomy

recur throughout the life span.

There are two components of religious development: (1) ________, which refers to the religious practices one engages in; and (2) ________, which refers to one's personal quest for answers to questions about God and the meaning of life.

religiosity; spirituality

Religiosity and spirituality are the two components of

religious development

Researchers believe that some adolescents forge a sense of self-definition in a difficult environment by

selecting a negative identity.

Maria describes herself as an only child, as a person who likes art and music, who is shy, and who likes to read. Maria's description fits best with the idea of

self conception

How much a person worried about their self image is called

self consciousness

Which of these is NOT one of the "big five" personality dimensions that many researchers use

self esteem

Gwen has recently been preoccupied with trying to understand what kind of person she is. As an exercise, she writes out a list of 20 traits that she thinks best describe her. According to researchers, Gwen is focusing on her


A person's romantic or sexual attraction to other people is their

sexual orientation

Sophia and Emma believe that being attractive to boys and men is an important part of a teenage girl's identity. Which of these terms would a researcher most likely use to describe Sophia and Emma?


The extent to which an individual receives emotional or instructional assistance from his or her friends, family, and acquaintances is called _____ support.


Peers usually have more influence than parents over adolescents decisions regarding

social matters

Peers usually have more influence than parents over adolescents' decisions regarding

social matters

With age, adolescents become more likely to consider both the risks and benefits associated with the decisions they make and more likely to weigh the long-term consequences of their choices, and not just the immediate ones. These improvements seem to be due to which of the following?

the decline in the extent to which decisions are influenced by their potential immediate rewards

Many young people find it frustrating that

they feel emotionally independent but must abide by their parents' rules as long as they are being supported economically.

Having an intimate relationship with peers leads to less closeness with parents


The shifting focus from same-sex to opposite-sex friends during adolescence

varies widely among individuals.

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