PSYC 313 Chapter 3 (UL)

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From birth up to about 6 months, infants are _____________: They can tell when sounds change most of the tie no matter what language the syllabus come from.

"Citizens of the World"

According to research, breast feeding benefits children in which of the following ways?

1. Breast - fed infants have fewer gastrointestinal infections. 2. Breast - fed infants have fewer respiratory tract infections. 3. Brest - fed infants are less likely to become overweight.

The neuroconstructivist view states that which of the following factors influence brain development?

1. Cognitive Development 2. Biological Processes 3. Plasticity and contect

Order the sequence of babies' sounds during the first year of life, beginning with the earliest form.

1. Crying 2. Cooing 3. Babbling 4. Use of holophrases 5. Use of telegraphic speech

Order the following stimuli from most time watched to least time watched as identified in research by Fantz.

1. Faces 2. Black and white patterns 3. High - contrast color such as red 4. Low - contrast color such as yellow 5. The color white

Which of the following research methods are used to assess an infant's attention to sound?

1. High Amplitude sucking. 2. Orienting response and tracking.

Which of the following promote motor activities during the second year of life?

1. Independence 2. Extensive environmental exploration 3. Self - initiated interaction with others.

Which of the following statements regarding the risk factors for SIDS are true?

1. Infants who co-sleep are at higher risk. 2. Infants who sleep on their stomachs are at greater risk.

Order the motor development milestones beginning with the earliest motor skill according to the standard sequence of accomplishments...

1. Lysing on the stomach and lifting the head. 2. Rolling Over 3. Supporting some weight with legs. 4. Sitting without support. 5. Standing with support. 6. Standing alone easily.

Which of the following are purposes of the sucking reflex?

1. The sucking reflex serves as a self - soothing or self - regulating mechanism. 2. The sucking reflex enables newborns to get nourishment before they associate a nipple with food.

Match the language sounds or words with the ages at which the children begin using the sounds or words...

1. Two - word utterances -> 18-24 months 2. Cooing -> 2 - 4 months 3. Crying -> birth 4. Babbling -> 6 months 5. First word spoken -> 13 months

Scientists are using which of the following technology to study infant perception?

1. Video - Recording Equipment 2. Respiration and heart rate equipment. 3. Eye - tracking equipment 4. High speed computer equipment.

The infant's first spoken word, a milestone eagerly anticipated by every parent, usually doesn't occur until _____________ months of age.

10 - 15

The typical newborn sleeps about ____________ hours a day, but there is considerable individual variation in how much infants sleep.

16 - 17

Risk of SIDS is highest at ___________ months.

2 - 4

At birth, the brain weight about _____ percent of its adult weight.


The average North American newborn is 20 inches long and weights about ____ pounds.

7 1/2

This term is used to describe the tendency of infants to reach were an object was located earlier rather than where the object was last hidden.

A - not - B error

____________ occurs when children use their existing schemes to deal with new information or experiences.


The focusing of mental resources on select information.


Generally in a neuron, the _____ carries signals away from the cell body.


What is the term for the production of strings of consonant - vowel combinations?


Research has shown that _________ has multiple benefits for infants, such as lower risk of respiratory tract infections and gastrointestinal infections.

Breast - Feeding

Benefits of breast feeding for the mother include a lower incidence of ______________.

Breast Cancer

The sequence in which the earliest growth always occurs at the top - the head - with physical growth in size, weight, and feature differentiation gradually working from top to bottom.

Cephalocaudal Pattern

The sounds that infants make to express pleasure during interactions with a caregiver are called .....


States that infants are born with domain specific innate knowledge systems.

Core knowledge approach

Which type of activity do infants demonstrate first in order to get their needs met?


Generally in a neuron, the _______ carries signals toward the cell body.


According to Piaget, cognitive conflict is also known as __________.


The recovery of a habituated response after a change in stimulation is called ...


Recovery of a habituated response after a change in stimulation.


The view that perception functions to bring organisms in contact with the environment and to increase adaptation.

Ecological View

_____________ memory refers to the conscious memory of facts and experiences.


Skills that involve finely tuned movements that require finger dexterity are called...

Fine Motor Skills

By 15 months, ___________ was the most common vegetables that children ate.

French Fries

An infant waving bye - bye is an example of ....


___________ are skills that involve large - muscle activities, such as moving one's arms and walking,

Gross Motor Skills

Decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentations of the stimulus.


Researchers examined infants' understanding of causality using what method?

Impossible Events

The ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules.

Infinite Generativity

The integration of information from two or more sensory modalities is called __________ perception.


___________ is the ability to coordinate information from two or more sensory modalities, such as vision and hearing.

Intermodal Perception

The strategy known as ____________ involves identifying the names of objects.


A from of communication, whether spoken, written, or signed, that is based on a system of symbols. Language consists of words used by a community and the rules for varying and combining them.


Specialization of function in one hemisphere of cerebral cortex or the other.


Reflect that occurs in response to a sudden intense noise or movement.

Moro Reflex

The process of encasing axons with fat cells, begins prenatally and continues throughout childhood.


___________ is the process by which nerve cells are coated with insulation that enhances the speed and efficiency of the information traveling through the nervous system.


The _________ view states that environmental conditions and biological processes influence development.


Developmental perspective in which biological processes and environmental conditions influence the brain's development; the brain has plasticity and is context dependent; and cognitive development is closely linked with brain development.

Neuroconstructivist View

A nerve cell that handles information processing.


The Piagetian term for understanding that objects and events continue to exist, even when they cannot directly be seen, heard, or touched.

Object Permanence

Understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched.

Object Permanence

A baby learns how to use a spoon. He later learns how to use a form and knife. He related these behaviors together into a higher - order system. What Piagetian concept does this example describe?


Which of the following statements regarding child - directed speech is NOT true?

Parents purposefully speak in child - directed speech since it is difficult to do when talking to infants.

The interpretation of what is sensed. (When to duck, and when to turn their bodies as they move.)


__________ categorization is the type of categorization that is based on similar features of objects, such as size, color, and movement.


Which of the following is NOT a component of language?

Perceptual Categorization (part of cognitive development)

___________ are the basic sounds of language, from languages all over the world are piped through a speaker for infants to heat.


Being able to control your head in order to look at an object is an example of the dynamic nature of:


Area of the brain where higher - level thinking and self - regulation occur.

Prefrontal Cortex

Sequence in which growth starts at the center of the body and moves toward the extremities.

Proximodistal Pattern

The sequence in which growth starts at the center of the body and moves toward the extremities.

Proximodistal Pattern

A much greater amount of time is taken up by _______ sleep in infancy than at any other point in the life span.

REM (Rapid Eye Movement)

A child says, "Me want food." His mother responds, "what kind of food do you want?" This is an example of which of the following?


_____________ behaviors are built - in reactions to stimuli that govern the newborn's movements in an involuntary and automatic way.


The __________ reflex occurs when the infant's cheek is stroked or the side of the mouth is touched and the infant then turns its head toward the side that was touched.


The product of the interaction between information and the sensory receptors - the eyes, ears, tongue, nostrils, and skin.


In Piaget's first stage of cognitive development, which is called the ____________ stage, infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical actions.


The first of Piaget's stages, which lasts from birth to about 2 years of age; during this stage, infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with motoric actions.

Sensorimotor stage

___________ vocabulary refers to words a child uses.


A condition that occurs when an infant stops breathing usually during the night, and suddenly dies without an apparent cause.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

What is the highest cause of infant death in the united states?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

A newborn infant can habituate to which of the following repeated sensory stimuli?

Touch, sounds, and sights.

Receptive vocabulary refers to the words a child can:


A method developed by Fantz to determine whether infants can distinguish one stimulus from another by measuring the length of time they attend to different stimuli.

Visual Preference Method

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