PSYC Final Ch.5

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A) True

After leaving academia, John Watson worked for an advertising agency and used classical conditioning principles in developing advertisements for such products as Maxwell House coffee and Camel cigarettes. A) True B) False

B) False

Although John Watson and Rosalie Rayner (1920) were able to classically condition an emotional reaction in an infant by using extreme measures, such conditioned emotional reactions rarely occur in daily life. A) True B) False

B) False

Once acquired, learned helplessness cannot be overcome. A) True B) False

B) False

Phobias and other irrational fears are always the result of a prior conditioning experience with the specific feared object or situation. A) True B) False

A) True

The National Television Violence Study found that in 80 percent of the violent shows the violence did not result in any long-term consequences. A) True B) False

B) False

The law of effect helps to explain how classically conditioned responses develop from pairing a biologically significant UCS with a neutral stimulus. A) True B) False

A) True

The phenomenon called learned helplessness was discovered by two young graduate students, Steven Maier and Martin Seligman. A) True B) False

A) True

The results of several longitudinal studies have shown that men who watched the most television violence as children were three times more likely to have been convicted of a crime. A) True B) False

B) fixed ratio

Christina is making some extra money as a phone solicitor for her university's fund-raising drive. She is paid $5 for every twenty calls she makes, regardless of whether the person donates. Christina is on a _____ schedule of reinforcement. A) fixed-interval B) fixed-ratio C) variable-ratio D) variable-interval

A) reflexive, involuntary responses; non reflexive, voluntary responses

Classical conditioning is to operant conditioning as _____ are to _____. A) reflexive, involuntary responses; nonreflexive, voluntary responses B) reflexive, involuntary responses; automatic responses C) nonreflexive, voluntary responses; reflexive, involuntary responses D) reflexive, voluntary responses; nonreflexive, involuntary responses

A) True

In John Watson and Rosalie Rayner's Little Albert study the unconditioned stimulus was a loud clang, and the conditioned stimulus was a tame white rat. A) True B) False

B) False

Edward C. Tolman is credited with discovering the phenomenon called learned helplessness, which led him to claim that all learning involves cognitive expectations of success or failure. A) True B) False

B) extinction

Every Friday, Dr. Cruz would give a quiz in his psychology class. Students quickly learned to be nervous on Friday mornings, just before each quiz. Halfway through the semester, Dr. Cruz stopped giving quizzes on Fridays and the students' anxiety began to diminish with each passing week in which there was no quiz. The decrease in the students' anxiety may be attributed to the process of: A) spontaneous recovery. B) extinction. C) stimulus generalization. D) latent learning.

C) Watson was a pioneer in using classical conditioning in advertising campaigns so that the consumers would associate emotional responses with particular consumer products

John Watson had a major impact not only on psychology but also on American business. Which statement best describes Watson's influence on American business? A) Watson demonstrated the effectiveness of conditioned reinforcers and behavior modification techniques in improving worker productivity. B) Watson's research on conditioned responses in animals was used to improve veterinary practice and to develop new products for pets and livestock. C) Watson was a pioneer in using classical conditioning in advertising campaigns so that consumers would associate emotional responses with particular consumer products. D) Watson's classical conditioning techniques demonstrated the importance of having employees wear uniforms with the company's logo.

D) learned helplessness

Roy is having trouble passing his calculus course. No matter how hard he studies, he cannot seem to pass a calculus test. Eventually, Roy gives up and stops studying or even coming to calculus class. Roy's behavior can be explained as an example of: A) the partial reinforcement effect. B) classical conditioning. C) biological preparedness. D) learned helplessness.

D) It was a principles formulated by Edward Thorndike that described how voluntary behaviors can be modified by their consequences

What is the "law of effect"? A) It was a notion suggested by Marion and Keller Breland that described how wild animals are affected by their instinctual behaviors when trying to learn new behaviors. B) It was the theoretical model suggested by John B. Watson to describe the effect of fear on infants. C) It was the basic rule that Albert Bandura used to explain how imitation occurs in a wide variety of social situations. D) It was a principle formulated by Edward Thorndike that described how voluntary behaviors can be modified by their consequences.

A) Conditioned response

When Rani was having problems at school, she often talked things over with her grandfather. Her grandfather, who always smoked a pipe, was warm, reassuring, and always supportive. Years later, Rani still finds the smell of pipe tobacco soothing. In classical conditioning terms, Rani's fondness for the smell of pipe tobacco may be described as a(n): A) conditioned response. B) unconditioned response. C) example of latent learning. D) example of higher order conditioning.

D) Skinner believed that human behavior is determined by environmental consequences, not by individual choice or free will

Which of the following statements about B. F. Skinner is TRUE? A) Skinner believed that "the scientific analysis of behavior" would lead to a totalitarian society based on punishment. B) Skinner advocated greater use of punishment to control behavior. C) Skinner strongly advocated the study of mental processes to understand behavior. D) Skinner believed that human behavior is determined by environmental consequences, not by individual choice or free will.

C) It is not possible to predict which response will lead to the delivery of a reinforcer

Why do variable-ratio schedules produce steady rates of responding? A) Reinforcers are delivered on a regular basis. B) Aversive consequences are less likely to occur with this schedule of reinforcement. C) It is not possible to predict which response will lead to the delivery of a reinforcer. D) The timing between reinforcers is predictable although the number of responses may vary.

C) Precommitment

You want to make sure that you will get to work on time. You call a co-worker who is always punctual and ask her to meet you for coffee before work the next morning, because you know you'll be more likely to be on time if someone is waiting to meet you. You are using a strategy called: A) self-reinforcement. B) stimulus control. C) precommitment. D) focus on the delayed reinforcer.

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