Psyc Reading Checks

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Which of the following is a drug that can be used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?


Who developed social-cognitive theory?

Albert Bandura

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when ________.

An individual's airway becomes blocked during sleep.

The ________ effect focuses on the influence of the group majority on an individual's judgment.


What was the primary conclusion of Stanley Milgram's obedience research?

Average people will harm others if told to do so by an authority figure.

Why is psychology considered a social science?

Behavior is biological, and our behavior is influenced by our interactions with others.

What is the main idea of operant conditioning?

Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments.

Which of the following is an example of a secondary appraisal of a stressor?

Berkley believes she can end an argument with her wife by apologizing or buying her wife a gift. She decides apologizing is more effective.

To maximize learning, a ________ should be presented on a(n) ________ schedule.

CS + UCS; continuous

The ________ Concerning Blacks Test is a projective test designed to be culturally relevant to African-Americans, using images that relate to African-American culture


Which classification system is used by most mental health professionals in the United States of America?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Which of the following exemplifies the empirical method?

Dr. Sarkeesian observes and records how watching cartoons influences heart rates.

What does research show regarding race and ethnic differences in those who receive mental health services?

Ethnic minorities tend to utilize mental health services less frequently than White, middle-class Americans.

How is an explicit memory different from an implicit memory?

Explicit memories are memories we consciously try to remember and recall, while implicit memories are those that are not part of our consciousness.

Which of the following statements about eyewitness testimony is correct?

Eyewitness testimony is vulnerable to the power of suggestion.

William James was the ________.

First American psychologist

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of autism spectrum disorder?

Gemma exhibits deficits in social interaction by not initiating conversations with other children, and she turns her head away when spoken to.

Who defined stress as, "the response of the body to any demand, whether it is caused by, or results in, pleasant or unpleasant conditions"?

Hans Selye

Which statement about B. F. Skinner is correct?

He is famous for demonstrating the principles of operant conditioning: The motivation for a behavior happens after the behavior is demonstrated.

Which principle underlies cognitive therapy?

How you think determines how you feel.

Which of the following is an example of a primary appraisal of a stressor?

Humphrey judges the man with the gun to be a moderate threat.

Nawaz and his boyfriend break up. Nawaz makes an internal attribution for this outcome. Complete the sentence to show an internal attribution that Nawaz could make. My boyfriend broke up with me because ________.

I am unlovable.

Which of the following exemplifies a personality trait?

Ida is charming.

What was the primary finding of the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart?

Identical twins, whether raised together or apart, have very similar personalities.

What is the main point of the textbook discussion of Milgram's obedience study?

Individuals will obey authority to the point of potentially causing serious harm to another person.

Which of the following is a benefit of group therapy?

It can decrease a client's shame and isolation about a problem.

What is a common criticism of Kinsey's sex research?

It is riddled with sampling and statistical errors.

Who developed the psychosocial theory of development?

Jean Piaget

Which of the following is an example of wakefulness?

Jemma, competing in a marathon

Which of the following is an example of vicarious punishment?

Jeong observes Bronwyn getting spanked for spitting out her carrots. Because he saw his friend punished, he does not spit out his carrots.

Which of the following psychologists was a behaviorist?

John Watson

________ is known for using Little Albert in his studies on human emotion.

John Watson

Who proposed the locus of control concept?

Julian Rotter

People often report that they have not been asleep if they are awoken during stage ________ sleep.


According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in 2008, ________ of adults received treatment for a mental health issue.


Antipsychotic medicines were first introduced in ________.


Which of the following statements about drive theory is incorrect?

According to drive theory, we are driven to develop new physiological needs in order to motivate our own behavior.

Which of the following is a way that the James-Lange theory of emotion differs from the Schachter-Singer theory of emotion?

According to the James-Lange theory, emotions arise from physiological arousal; according to the Schachter-Singer theory, emotions include a cognitive factor and a physiological factor.

According to Albert Bandura, ________.

Learning can occur by watching others and modeling what they do or say.

Which of the following is an example of a self-serving bias?

Leonard attributes earning a good grade in his psychology class to the fact that he is an exceptionally hard working student who is also incredibly smart. He blames the poor grade he received in his sociology class on having a bad teacher who gave hard exams.

What is a major problem with the original Milgram study?

Milgram lied to his respondents, making his study borderline unethical.

Apollonia was diagnosed with major depressive disorder five years ago. She knows her mother took medicine to combat depression and she worries her daughter will experience depression too. Why?

Mood disorders have been shown to have a strong genetic and biological basis.

What is the main idea of social learning theory?

One can learn new behaviors by observing others

What is the main point of the quizmaster study?

People will overlook obvious situational influences on behavior.

How are the principles of reciprocal determinism present in observational learning?

Personal factors determine which behaviors in the environment a person chooses to imitate.

What is the main idea of the behavioral perspective on personality?

Personality is significantly shaped by the reinforcements and consequences outside of the organism.

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of histrionic personality disorder?

Phoebe feels uncomfortable when she is not the center of attention, and she has alienated friends by demanding excessive amounts of their attention.

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of paranoid personality disorder?

Rafe is extremely suspicious of the people around him and mistrusts them for no identifiable reason.

According to the frustration aggression theory, which of the following is likely to occur when Simon gets frustrated with his toilet training?

Simon bites his mother

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of schizotypal personality disorder?

Stella laughed when her dog died and cried while watching a funny movie.

The ________ uses images and storytelling that relate to Hispanic culture.

TEMAS Multicultural Thematic Apperception Test

Which of the following is a reason that Gestalt psychology did not become more popular in the United States?

The rise of behaviorism overshadowed Gestalt psychology.

Why was Sigmund Freud trained as a medical doctor and not a psychologist?

There was no such thing as a degree in psychology when he received his education.

What is one reason that more affluent individuals may experience better health?

They tend to believe they can personally control and manage their reaction to life's stressors.

Which of the following best exemplifies prosocial behavior?

Tyler visits his aunt once a week to bring her groceries.

Noomi seems to live by the "don't sweat the small stuff" concept. She is relaxed, laid-back, and never seems too concerned about meeting deadlines or finishing a to-do list. Noomi has a ________ personality.

Type B

How can we use conversion therapy to change someone's sexual orientation?

We cannot change someone's sexual orientation because it is a relatively stable characteristic of a person that cannot be changed.

What does the normative approach ask regarding the lifespan?

What is normal development?

Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe?

When we are bored we look for excitement; when we are overexcited we wish for more peace.

Identify the obsession in the following sentence. "Keisha is overly concerned about germs, so she spends hours wiping the surfaces of her home and washing her hands."

a concern over germs

Psychoanalytic theory focuses on ________ and early childhood experiences.

a person's unconscious

Which of the following is not a risk factor for SIDS?

above average birth weight

Which concept refers to the persistent difference in grades, test scores, and graduation rates that exist among students of different ethnicities, races, and sexes?

achievement gap

________ encoding is the encoding of sounds.


Tom believes he is unable to stop gambling because his friends all gamble and are a bad influence; however, he believes that Barnaby is unable to stop gambling because Barnaby is addicted to gambling. This is an example of ________.

actor-observer bias

Which of the following factors does not strongly predict the development of posttraumatic stress disorder?

experiencing trauma in isolation

The only way to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables is to conduct a(n) ________.


What type of memories do we consciously try to remember and recall?

explicit memories

I am trying to learn the names of all 50 states. While I am actively remembering and recalling this information, it is considered ________.

explicit memory

If you suggest that smiling can make someone feel happier, then you believe the ________.

facial feedback hypothesis

Roger and Joan have passion in their relationship, and they agree they will support each other. But when it comes to sharing their thoughts, they lack intimacy. Their love is called ________.


Jade hears a rattle. When she turns around she sees a rattlesnake inches from her leg. Her pupils dilate, her heart pounds, and she begins to sweat. This response is called the ________ response.


Frances receives one dollar for every pound of worms she gives her grandfather. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

fixed ratio

________ is a state of intense engagement in an activity; it is usually experienced while participating in creative work and leisure endeavors.


Children in the ________ stage can use abstract thinking to problem solve, look at alternative solutions, and test these solutions.

formal operational

How many of the five stages of sleep are considered NREM sleep?


Kara gets an F on her social psychology exam. Then she goes home and gets into an argument with her roommate, Lee. Lee assumes Kara is yelling at him because she likes to bully him, not because she had a bad day. Lee is making a ________.

fundamental attribution error

Balancing, running, and jumping are all examples of ________ motor skills.


________ is the strengthening of an original group attitude after the discussion of views within a group.

group polarization

Social psychology is a field that studies both interpersonal and intrapersonal behavior. Which of the following is an example of interpersonal behavior?

group processes

Which treatment modality involves 5-10 people with the same issue or concern meeting together with a trained clinician?

group therapy

Peer reviewers ________.

help ensure quality control in reporting scientific findings

Introspection refers to a process by which someone examines ________ as objectively as possible.

her own conscious experience

Sweating and shivering are responses created due to internal temperature fluctuations, and they are designed to bring the body back into ________.


________ refers to prejudice and discrimination against individuals based solely on their same-sex orientation.


Empty stomachs contract, causing both hunger pangs and the secretion of chemical messages that travel to the brain to serve as a signal to initiate feeding behavior. This is an example of ________.

how physiological mechanisms serve as the basis for hunger

Remembering ________ is a good example of procedural memory.

how to use the phone

Research on ________ subjects must always involve ________.

human; obtaining informed consent

The belief that strange behavior is linked to the occurrence of a full moon is an example of a(n) ________.

illusory correlation

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a projective test ________.

in which people are presented with ambiguous images

The ________ is controlled by the experimenter.

independent variable

Which of the following is an example of instinct?

infant rooting for a nipple

Which of the following best defines the Asch effect?

influence of the group majority on an individual's judgment

What is episodic memory?

information about events we have personally experienced

What are innate behaviors that are triggered by a broader range of events, such as aging and the change of seasons?


Nicole wants a cookie. Heather has a cookie. Nicole pushes Heather and takes her cookie. Nicole doesn't intend to hurt Heather, Nicole just wants the cookie. This is an example of ________.

instrumental aggression

The sleep debt is the result of ________.

insufficient sleep on a chronic basis

During the therapist's first meeting with the client, called ________, the therapist gathers specific information to address the client's immediate needs.


What is the developmental task of Erik Erikson's eighth stage of psychosocial development, in which an individual assesses and makes sense of her life and the meaning of her contributions?

integrity vs. despair

________ assesses the consistency of observations by different observers.

inter-rater reliability

Ingrid is energized by being alone, speaks slowly and softly, and avoids attention. Carl Jung would call her a(an) ________.


In Hans Selye's rat study, rats that were exposed to stressors over a long period of time showed signs of ________.

adrenal enlargement, thymus and lymph node shrinkage, and stomach ulceration

According to research, the need for ________ encourages Adam to engage politely with his coworkers.


The ________ wave is characteristic of stage 1 sleep.


If I am looking at a snake and processing the fear caused by the snake, what part of my brain am I using?


________ is an eating disorder characterized by an individual maintaining body weight that is well below average through starvation and/or excessive exercise.

anorexia nervosa

Which of the following is the best example of peripheral route persuasion?

anti-smoking advertisements that rely on celebrity spokespeople advocating for reduction in cigarette use

Which mental disorder is least likely to be treated in children 8-15 years old?

anxiety disorder

Children whose parents have an authoritarian parenting style can be ________.

anxious, withdrawn, and unhappy

Dr. Griffiths diagnosed Manuel with major depressive disorder because he ________.

appears tearful to others and spends weeks at a time feeling sad, empty, and hopeless

Critical thinking is ________.

applying a set of skills to understand and evaluate information

Classical and operant conditioning are forms of ________ learning.


Alma has a serious disease in which the airways of her respiratory system become obstructed, leading to great difficulty expelling air from the lungs. Which disease does Alma have?


Late maturing boys are ________.

at a higher risk of depression

Early maturing girls are ________.

at a higher risk of depression, substance abuse, and eating disorders

________ is a long-standing connection or bond with others.


Which of the following exemplifies intrinsically motivated behavior?

attending a mosque because you believe it is the right thing to do

Encoding information occurs through ________.

automatic processing and effortful processing

Which of the following exemplifies extrinsically motivated behavior?

babysitting your younger brother in order to receive your parents' approval

In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the ________ include food, water, and shelter.

basic survival needs

The ________ complex and the central ________ are both part of the amygdala.

basolateral; nucleus

Which of the following is a common characteristic of all dissociative disorders?

becoming split off, or dissociated, from one's core sense of self

Which of the following is a major risk factor for developing a social anxiety disorder?

behavioral inhibition

Which of the following is a good example of acoustic encoding?

being able to hum the tune to a song even when you can't remember the lyrics

Behavior is a product of both the situation and the person. Which of the following is an example of a situation that might influence behavior?

being in a crowd of bystanders when you witness someone fainting

The concept of perceived control refers to ________.

beliefs about the capacity to influence and shape outcomes in our lives

The possible range for a correlation coefficient is ________.

between -1 and +1

Phyllis cannot be alone. Her moods and behaviors are unstable, as are her relationships with other people. She often displays inappropriate and intense anger. Recently, Phyllis wrote a suicide note and offered to show it to her husband. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for her personality?

borderline personality disorder

Anasophia binges on chocolates, then induces vomiting, and then swallows laxatives. Anasophia probably suffers from ________ nervosa.


The ________ rhythm is the biological rhythm that occurs over approximately 24 hours.


The sleep cycle is an example of a(n) ________ rhythm.


The scientific process is ________, involving both inductive and deductive reasoning.


Humanistic therapy is also called ________ therapy.


Don knows that drinking too much liquor is a costly habit that is bad for his health, but he continues to drink large amounts of liquor. He also thinks he is a smart person that makes good choices. Don feels some psychological discomfort from this contradiction, which is also called ________.

cognitive dissonance

Rhona and Jerome share each other's thoughts and feelings and are prepared to support each other, but they do not feel physical attraction. Their love is called ________.


Motivation describes the wants or needs that direct behavior toward a goal. In the following sentence, what is the motivation? Sheila wants to complete a marathon so she buys new running shoes and spends every day timing how long it takes her to run the high school track.

completing a marathon

Which of the following is an example of stimulus discrimination?

conditioned to drool when a bell rings and being able to tell the difference between the sound of a ringing bell and the sound of a whistle

The Milgram experiment required the participation of a(n) ________ to play the part of the person being shocked because the experiment would be invalidated if the participant realized the electric shock treatment was faked.


Fantasia believes that people with blue eyes are somehow more creative than other people. Whenever Fantasia encounters a person that has blue eyes and is creative, she places greater importance on this evidence supporting her already existing belief. At the same time, Fantasia ignores any evidence that people without blue eyes might display exceptional creativity. This is called a ________.

confirmation bias

________ is the tendency to ignore evidence that disproves ideas or beliefs.

confirmation bias

A(n) ________ is a variable that affects both variables of interest and may falsely give the impression of a cause-and-effect relationship.

confounding variable

________ is a state of being in which our thoughts about our real and ideal selves are very similar.


The ________ group does not get the experimental treatment.


Which term refers to mental or behavioral efforts used to manage problems relating to stress, including the cause and the unpleasant feelings and emotions it produces?


Aversive conditioning is a ________.

counterconditioning technique that pairs an unpleasant stimulant with an undesirable behavior

Melatonin release is stimulated by ________ and inhibited by ________.

darkness; light

A high-stress job, overcrowding, and long commutes to work are examples of the way some psychologists conceptualize stress as a ________.

demanding or threatening event or situation

Doug is an emergency room nurse in a large, underfunded, public hospital. Lately, he finds himself assuming that the patients he sees are just trying to get free drugs to feed an addiction. Just yesterday a little boy was brought in with a broken arm, and Doug found that he was completely indifferent to the boy's pain. What aspect of job burnout does this exemplify?


Alcohol is considered a ________ because it tends to suppress central nervous system activity.


Anti-anxiety agents work by ________.

depressing central nervous system activity

A major advantage of case studies is ________.

detailed information

Which of the following experiments involves the use of social learning theory?

determining how long it takes a person to learn how to knit if she is only allowed to watch YouTube videos of people knitting

Specific normative events are also called ________.

developmental milestones

What is the main idea of drive theory?

deviations from homeostasis create physiological needs

The ________ model suggests that people with a predisposition for a disorder are more likely to develop the disorder when faced with adverse environmental or psychological events.


Suppose you are walking down a street. A woman has fallen down, but because there are so many people around it does not occur to you that you should help. You just assume someone else is about to help her and keep walking. This is an example of ________.

diffusion of responsibility

Body dysmorphia is a ________.

distorted body image

People who reach the ________ level of stress feel burned out; they are fatigued, exhausted, and their performance begins to decline.


In a ________ study, both the researchers and the participants are unaware of the group assignments.


Sigmund Freud believed that personality develops ________.

during early childhood

The ________ personality is anxious, self-conscious, artistic, thoughtful, quiet, and private.


According to the dissociation view of hypnosis, hypnosis is ________.

effectively a dissociated state of consciousness

Oleksiy is an adjunct professor in the Department of Fine Arts. He applied for a full-time job recently, which he did not get. He tries to put this situation in a positive light, reminding himself that he will have more time to produce artwork if he is not working a full-time job. He also reminds himself that some of his friends from grad school can't find work related to art in any way. Which type of coping approach is Oleksiy using?

emotion focused

Mark and Rosa commit to support each other, but they have no real physical passion and do not share their thoughts and feelings. Their love is called ________.


What does nurture refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

environment and culture

Sleep apnea is defined by ________.

episodes during which a sleeper's breathing stops

Self-worth, accomplishment, and confidence represent the ________ level of needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Which of the following is an example of an objective measure used by functionalists?

examination of anatomy and physiology

Behaviorists study ________.

learned behavior

What do psychologists call a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that results from experience?


Madeline is seven months old. Her mother is eating a cookie and Madeline wants some. Her mother hides the cookie under a napkin, but Madeline is not fooled. She knows the cookie is still there. What does this exemplify?

object permanence

Which of the following is a developmental issue children face during the concrete operational stage?

object permanence

The empirical method of study is based on ________.


Learning that occurs while watching others and then imitating, or modeling, what they do or say is called ________ learning.


Alexis experiences the symptoms of major depressive disorder, but only during midwinter. What kind of depression does Alexis have?

seasonal pattern

Which of the following strategies would effectively prevent groupthink from occurring?

seeking outside opinions on group decisions

According to Abraham Maslow, the highest need is ________.


Penny gets an acting job on Friday that she attributes to her good acting. She doesn't get the next acting job; therefore, she blames the casting director for not wanting to hire a woman. This is an example of ________.

self-serving bias

The encoding of words and their meaning is known as ________ encoding.


What are the two components of declarative memory?

semantic and episodic

Ego identity is our ________.

sense of self

During Jean Piaget's ________ stage, the world is experienced through senses and actions.


Scientific knowledge is advanced through a process known as ________.

the scientific method

Electroconvulsive therapy is effective in alleviating symptoms for people with ________.

severe depression who have not responded to traditional drug therapy

Dale thinks that women shouldn't work outside the home and vows never to hire a woman at his bank. Dale's attitudes and planned course of action are ________.


A(n) ________ is a well-developed set of ideas that proposes an explanation for observed phenomena.


Elaborative rehearsal involves ________.

thinking about the meaning of the new information and its relation to knowledge already stored in your memory

What principle underlies cognitive-behavioral therapy?

thoughts affect behavior

A stressor would be appraised as a ________ if someone anticipates that it could lead to some kind of harm, loss, or other negative consequence; however, if someone believes that it carries the potential for gain or personal growth, it would be appraised as a ________.

threat; challenge

Travis is part of a group playing tug-of-war. He knows that his team is stronger, so he doesn't try as hard as he could. Travis is engaged in ________.

social loafing

Who was Stanley Milgram?

social psychology professor at Yale who wanted to test the defense of "I was just following orders" typically used by accused Nazis

Guidance, encouragement, acceptance, emotional comfort, and tangible assistance are all examples of ________.

social support

What is a social role?

socially defined pattern of behavior that is expected of a person in a given setting or grou

Fatima generalizes that all men are irresponsible players, cheaters, and liars. When it comes to men, Fatima may be applying ________: negative beliefs about individuals based solely on their membership in a group.


For Burt, who has claustrophobia, a small dark room creates a small amount of fear, a stairwell creates a bit more fear, and an elevator creates the most fear. Burt's therapist induces deep relaxation and asks him to imagine a small dark room. Gradually, they will work up to having Burt imagine being in an elevator. What aspect of exposure therapy is this?

stimulus hierarchy

Which of the following is a developmental issue children face during the sensorimotor stage?

stranger anxiety

What kind of family therapy involves the therapist guiding the therapy session and developing treatment plans for each family member's specific problem?


Behaviorism focuses on making psychology an objective science by ________.

studying overt behavior and deemphasizing the importance of unobservable mental processes

Which of the following is an example of the self-fulfilling prophecy?

telling someone with dyslexia she cannot learn to read, leading her to become illiterate even though she could learn to read with a bit of extra effort

Which of the following defines hypothesis?

tentative explanation

Peripartum onset depression is a kind of depression ________.

that applies to women who experience an episode of major depression either during pregnancy or in the four weeks following childbirth

Psychology is a social science discipline. Psychologists scientifically study ________.

the mind and behavior

Patients at Manderly Psychiatric Center are rewarded with chips when they engage in positive behaviors such as socializing with other patients. They can later exchange the chips for privileges, like extra TV time. This is an example of ________.

token economy

Stage theories hold that the sequence of development is ________.


Which of the following is an example of a mnemonic device?

using the acronym "HOMES" to remember the names of the five Great Lakes

Individuals undergoing hypnosis ________.

usually have clear memories of the hypnotic experience and are in control of their own behaviors

Gambling at a slot machine is an example of which reinforcement schedule?

variable ratio

A ________ is least likely to be involved in the IRB decision regarding whether a study will be permitted.


________ encoding is the encoding of images.


Remembering ________ is a good example of semantic memory.

what the word chocolate means

Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?

when a dog plays dead she gets a treat in order to encourage her to repeat the behavior

How long does psychoanalysis typically take?


Remembering ________ is a good example of episodic memory.

your first day of school

Exhibiting a personality that ________ is a common characteristic of all personality disorders.

is borderline or narcissistic

People may not intend to distort facts, but ________.

it can happen in the process of retrieving old memories and combining them with new memories

What is semantic memory?

knowledge about words, concepts, and language-based knowledge and facts

The hidden meaning of a dream is called the ________ content.


Which question was central to the marshmallow test?

Would you be able to resist getting a small reward now in order to get a larger reward later?

Angela transfers to a new high school for gifted children and has trouble making friends. She expected this and plans to change it by joining more after school clubs and sitting next to different people at lunch. She believes she has effective options for dealing with the stressor of having no friends; therefore, she experiences ________.

less stress than someone who has no effective options

A theta wave is a type of ________.

low frequency, low amplitude brain wave

Dan avoids applying to college because he doubts he can succeed. He is working a retail job, but he tends to focus on the things he does wrong. In fact, he has almost no confidence in his abilities, and when he experiences a setback at work he is ready to quit. Albert Bandura would say Dan has ________.

low self-efficacy

What hormone does the pineal gland release?


A person's ________ rate is the amount of energy she expends in a given period of time.


Which of the following is an example of a synthetic opioid?


What is the number one occupation employing graduates with a BA in psychology?

mid- and top-level management

What is groupthink?

modification of the opinions of members of a group to align with what they believe is the group consensus

When Imogene feels anxiety, she clings to her mother and father for affection and reassurance. What coping strategy is Imogene using?

moving toward people

What kind of symptoms involves reflecting noticeable decreases and absences in certain behaviors, emotions, or drives?


In operant conditioning, ________ is when something is removed to increase the likelihood of a behavior.

negative reinforcement

In classical conditioning, the association that is learned is between a ________.

neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus

Jeff is an unforgiving perfectionist who would rather deliver work a week late than turn in a project with even minor mistakes. In fact, he spends so much time working that he never has time for anything else. Jeff is known to be rigid, inflexible, and stubborn, and he never compromises. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Jeff's personality?

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

A negative correlation means ________.

one variable decreases as the other increases

A(n) ________ is a description of how the researchers will measure the variables of interest.

operational definition

Morphine is considered a(n) ________ drug because it decreases pain.


Identify the compulsion in the following example. Demarco can't stop thinking about his book collection, which includes hundreds of first editions. He wants it to be in a particular order. He spends hours every day organizing his books alphabetically by author, then by color, then by size.

organizing the books

When children develop theory-of-mind (TOM), they can recognize that ________.

others have false beliefs

Self-efficacy is ________.

our level of confidence in our own abilities

Sleepwalking, night terrors, and restless leg syndrome are all examples of________.


________ are subjects of psychological research.


An archetype is a ________.

pattern that exists in our collective unconscious across cultures and societies

Which type of persuasion involves an indirect route that relies on association of peripheral cues to associate positivity with a message?

peripheral route

Carl Jung referred to the ________ as the mask we adopt.


Behaviorists all focus on ________.

physiological responses that result in action

Simply expecting something to happen can make it happen. This describes ________.

placebo effect

Which of the following is not a risk factor for suicide?

popular music that promotes suicide

________ have over 85% of the l,669 federally designated mental health professional shortage areas.

rural areas

Keegan is a police officer. She was recently placed on administrative leave because she was shot during an armed robbery. Since the shooting, she can't stop thinking about how it felt to be shot, she is often angry with her husband, she jumps when she hears a loud noise, and she takes a 15 minute detour when driving home to avoid the neighborhood where it happened. Keegan probably suffers from ________.

posttraumatic stress disorder

According to Jean Piaget, in what stage do children begin to use language?


________ reinforcers have innate reinforcing qualities.


Deinstitutionalization refers to the ________.

process of closing large asylums

What is Abraham Maslow best known for?

proposing a hierarchy of human needs in motivating behavior

Heather and Mike share the household chores as equally as possible. They take turns with the cooking and driving their son to daycare. Both of them work outside the home, and each of them takes responsibility for child care one night a week to give the other one a break. We can say that their relationship has ________.


Which of the following is a good example of semantic encoding?

remembering the colors of the rainbow with the acronym ROY-G-BIV

Which of the following is an example of latent learning?

remembering where the nearest gas station is when you unexpectedly run out of gas during your morning commute

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