PSYC1000: Final Exam

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the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it

"Stress" is defined as _______.

Id; superego; ego

. "I'm going to take this candy because I want it NOW!" said the _____. "But, stealing is wrong," said the _____. "Let's ask mom if she'll advance our allowance so we can buy it today," said the _____.


. A child who can adapt effectively in the face of threats is demonstrating _____.

More stress than they can handle

. According to the diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia, someone with an inherited predisposition for schizophrenia will experience a schizophrenic episode when they encounter _____.

Latent; manifest

. In dream analysis, a psychoanalyst will look for the ______ meaning that underlies the _____ content.

Stop eating, and must be force-fed

. When the lateral hypothalamus is destroyed, animals will _____.

Bulimia nervosa

. _____ involves consuming large quantities of food followed by self-induced vomiting, the use of laxatives, or extreme exercise.

a trigger that prompts a stressful reaction

A "stressor" is defined as _______.


A 6-year-old who responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency typical of an average 8-year-old was said to have an IQ of

chamber containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a reward.

A Skinner box is a(n)

personality traits

A behavior geneticist would be most interested in studying hereditary influences on


A college administrator is trying to assess whether an admissions test accurately predicts how well applicants will perform at this school. This administrator is most obviously concerned that the test is

Dissociative identity disorder (DID)

A condition in which two or more distinct personalities are present, at different times, in the same person is called _____.

certain events have a particularly strong impact on development

A critical period is a phase during which


A cultural rule of behavior that prescribes what is acceptable or acceptable in a given situation is called a _____.


A disorder that is characterized by severely disturbed perception, language, thought, emotion, and behavior is _____.

specified number of responses have been made.

A fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement is one in which a response is reinforced only after a(n)

Vivid images are associated with a surprising or strongly emotional event

A flashbulb memory is one in which _________.

very persistent and difficult to change.

A homosexual orientation is:

23 chromosomes

A human sperm cell contains

specific prediction about how one variable is related to another

A hypothesis is a _____.

operant conditioning.

A learned association between a response and a consequence is central to

An attitude

A learned predisposition to respond cognitively, affectively, and behaviorally to a particular object is known as _____.

Unconscious forces have an enormous impact on our behavior, such as feelings, thoughts & actions

A major premise underlying psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theories of personality is that _____.

insecure attachment

A mother who is slow in responding to her infant's cries of distress is most likely to encourage

A range of personality traits

A multiphasic personality test measures _____.

a physiological state that usually triggers motivational arousal

A need refers to

a physiological state that usually triggers motivational arousal.

A need refers to:

Biopsychosocial model

A new, integrative model that proposes that physiological and genetic, cognitive and emotional, and environmental factors all affect and are affected by one another is called the ____________.

Informed consent

A participant's agreement to take part in a study after being told what to expect is known as _________.


A person who believes that genetics, chemical imbalances in the brain, and hormonal imbalances are responsible for explaining behavior takes the side of _________________.

coping strategy used available resources

A person's ability to cope effectively depends on the stressor and the ______.

An inactive substance or "fake" treatment used as a control technique

A placebo is defined in your text as _________.

a sexual disorder.

A problem that consistently interferes with one's ability to complete the sexual response cycle is called:

Alzheimer's disease

A progressive mental deterioration by severe memory loss that occurs most commonly in the elderly is called _________.


A relatively stable and consistent characteristic that can be used to describe someone is known as a(n) _____.

The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

A retrieval failure that involves a sensation of knowing something, but being temporarily unable to retrieve it is called ___________.

basic research

A scientist who seeks knowledge for his/her own sake is conducting _____________.


A segment of DNA capable of synthesizing a specific protein is called a

Tardive dyskinesia

A serious movement disorder associated with prolonged use of antipsychotic drugs is called _____.


A set of beliefs about the characteristics of people in a group that is generalized to all group members is called a _____.

The foot-in-the-door technique

A social influence technique in which a first, small request is used as a set-up for later requests is known as _____.

lateral hypothalamus

A starving rat will lose all interest in food if its ________ is destroyed.


A stimulus that acquires reinforcing power by association with a primary reinforcer is called a ________ reinforcer.

The fundamental attribution error

A stranger walking in front of you trips. You assume this is because he is clumsy, rather than considering the fact that the sidewalk might be uneven. You have just committed _____.

Companionate love

A strong and lasting attraction characterized by trust, caring, tolerance, and friendship is called _____.


A systematic, interrelated set of concepts explains a body data is called a(n) ___________.


A test of your capacity to learn to be an automobile mechanic would be considered a(n) ______ test

Believe in the facial feedback hypothesis regarding emotions

A therapist advises his depressed client to make himself smile for at least a few seconds every hour. This therapist may _____.

threatens to hurt others or is abusing a child or elder adult

A therapist may be required to break client confidentiality if the client _____.

threatens to hurt himself; threatens to hurt others; is abusing a child or an elder adult

A therapist may be required to break client confidentiality if the client _________.

insecure attachment

Aaron cried when his mother left him in the infant nursery at church, and he was not reassured or comforted by her return a short while later. Aaron showed signs of

anorexia nervosa

About eight months ago, 14-year-old Shelley went on a drastic weight-loss diet that caused her to drop from 110 to 80 pounds. Although she is now dangerously underweight and under-nourished, she continues to think she looks fat. Her frustrated father recently forced her to eat a peanut butter sandwich, but Shelley immediately went to the bathroom and threw it all up. Shelley most clearly suffers from


According to Bandura, _____involves a person's belief about whether he or she can successfully engage in behaviors related to personal goals.

Expanding one's concern beyond the immediate family group to the next generation

According to Erickson, generativity in middle adulthood involves _____.

Establishing an identity

According to Erikson's theory, the dominant crisis of adolescence concerns _____.

the id

According to Freud's theory, the behavior of a newborn is controlled by


According to Freud, children develop unconscious sexual desires for the parent of the opposite sex during the ______ stage

Social demands; fixated

According to Freud, each stage of development is characterized by a conflict between the id and the _____. If unresolved, Freud believed a person would become _____.

Overindulged or not met

According to Freud, if an individual's needs were _____ during a particular stage of development, that person would remain stuck at that stage.


According to Freud, the most important erogenous zone during earliest infancy consists of the


According to Freud, the thoughts and information that you are currently aware of, or remembering, is called your _____.

Id, ego, and superego

According to Freud, the three mental structures that form personality are the _______.

motivational conflict

According to Freud, understanding how the id, ego, and superego, interact is essential to grasping the nature of

Inherited archetypes

According to Jung, our collective unconscious consists of _____.

Universal ethics

According to Kohlberg, an officer in the military is LEAST likely to obey orders to rape and pillage a village in a vanquished town if he has achieved the _________ orientation of moral reasoning.

Physiological needs

According to Maslow's view of motivation, if you haven't eaten all day, your thoughts will be MOST focused on your _____.


According to Maslow, belonging and self-actualization are _____ needs, and will be satisfied after physiological and safety needs.

Adequate clothing; self-esteem

According to Maslow, our need for ___ must be met before we are preoccupied with satisfying our need for ___.

love must be met before our need for food.

According to Maslow, our sequence of needs would be that our need for

They were all fully self-actualized

According to Maslow, what did Albert Einstein, Mahatma Ghandi, and Eleanor Roosevelt have in common?

the resolution phase.

According to Masters and Johnson, the sexual response of males is most likely to differ from that of females during:


According to Piaget, a child can represent things with words and images but cannot reason with logic during the ________ stage

concrete operational

According to Piaget, a person first comprehends that division is the reverse of multiplication during the ________ stage

adjusting current schemas in order to make sense of new experiences

According to Piaget, accommodation refers to

concrete operational

According to Piaget, children come to understand that the volume of a substance remains constant despite changes in its shape during the ________ stage

reason abstractly.

According to Piaget, during the formal operational stage people begin to

preoperational; concrete operational

According to Piaget, egocentrism is to conservation as the ________ stage is to the ________ stage.

the difficulty perceiving things from another person's point of view

According to Piaget, egocentrism refers to

people's conceptual frameworks for understanding their experiences

According to Piaget, schemas are

concrete operational

According to Piaget, the ability to think logically about events first develops during the ________ stage


According to Selye, pleasant, desirable stress is called _____.

an individual does something that is personally disagreeable

According to cognitive dissonance theory, dissonance is most likely to occur when:

the Oedipus complex

According to psychoanalytic theory, boys' fear of castration is most closely associated with

Do better without tension and fighting in the home; have a poor self-concept; and experience more social, psychological, and academic difficulties

According to research, after a divorce, children may _____.

Channeling aggressive impulses into harmless activities

According to research, which of the following does NOT reduce aggression?


According to terror-management theory, anxiety about our own mortality motivates our pursuit of

sympathetic nervous system; cortex

According to the Cannon-Bard theory, body arousal is related to the subjective awareness of emotion in the same way as the ________ is related to the ________

Martino believes he can bring his "C" up to an "A" or "B" next time.

According to the cognitive theory of motivation, which of the following students is MOST likely to study hard for their next psychology exam?

a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.

According to the text, learning involves

Sensory, short-term, and long-term

According to the three-stage memory model, information must first enter _________ memory, and transfer to _____ memory, and then to _______ memory to be retained in our memory systems.

Peer review

According to your test, when a scientist submits a study for publication to a journal where other scientists will read it and decide whether or not it will be published, the article is undergoing __________.

The concept of the unconscious and its influence on behavior; the notion that people experience conflict between three personality structures; and the source and consequences of the defense mechanisms

According to your text, Freud's contribution to psychology was _____.

Explaining the purpose of the study, anticipated results, and deceptions used when the study is over

According to your text, debriefing is _______.

How we interpret our motivation for engaging in that task

According to your text, the critical factor in our future enjoyment of a task is _____.

Assist in the diagnosis of psychological disorders

According to your text, the major objective of the MMPI-2 is to _____.

Energizes; is the feeling response

According to your textbook, motivation _____ behavior and emotion _____.

Advance preparation and hard work

According to your textbook, the MOST important cure for test anxiety is _____.

Describe, explain, predict, and change behavior

According to your textbook, the goals of psychology are to?


Actions that are designed to help others with no obvious benefit to the helper are collectively known as ___________.

Feelings of inferiority

Adler believed the primary motivation in life is to overcome _____.

an impossible rather than a possible version of the cube

After 4-month-olds habituated to an image of a cube, they stared longer when shown

the accident; your physical reaction

After a minor car accident, you experience sweaty palms, rapid breathing, and a racing heart. In this situation, _____ is the stressor, and _____ is the stress.

when a person diets, metabolism decreases.

After an initial rapid weight loss, a person on a diet loses weight much more slowly. This slowdown occurs because:

Two-factor theory

After being physically aroused by his daily three-mile run, Martin finds that he experiences stronger resentment if his wife asks for an unexpected favor and more intense romantic feelings if she kisses him. Martin's experience can best be explained by the


After getting a slight burn from the spark of a flickering campfire, Julie became afraid of getting close to lighted gas stoves. This best illustrates the adaptive value of

observational learning

After one chimpanzee sees a second chimp open a box that contains a food reward, the first animal opens a similar box with great speed. This best illustrates


After retirement, Effie continued her gardening, volunteered for an agency that mentors young businesswomen, and traveled to new locations every summer. Effie exemplifies the _____ theory of aging.

Devalues the elderly

Ageism ______.


Alex learned how to make 3-point basketball shots by successfully making very short shots before shooting from increasingly longer distances from the hoop. This learning strategy best illustrates the process of

He will display a preference for sweet tastes.

Ali's parents have tried hard to minimize their son's exposure to sweet, fattening foods. If Ali has the occasion to taste sweet foods in the future, which of the following is likely:

basic trust

Already at 15 months of age, Justin strongly senses that he can rely on his father to comfort and protect him. This most clearly contributes to

fat tissue can be maintained by fewer calories than can other body tissues.

Although John has been obese for as long as he can remember, he is determined to lose excess weight with a special low-calorie diet. John is likely to have difficulty losing weight while dieting because:

any two strangers are likely to share a string of coincidental similarities

Although identical twins have been shown to have some amazing psychological similarities, one should be cautious about attributing these similarities to genetic factors because

How a reference group influences conformity

Amorita agrees to party with friends she admires rather than staying home to study even though she'd rather stay home to study. This is an example of _____.


An essay requires the use of __________ because you must use very general retrieval cues to search the contents of your LTM.


An event that increases the frequency of the behavior that it follows is a(n)

the nature vs untrue controversy

An example of ______________ would be if you argue that most behaviors are a product of your environment and your friend argues that behaviors are a result of heredity.


An impaired theory of mind is most closely associated with

strong ego

An individual who perceives an internal locus of control would most likely show signs of a


An individual's relatively stable and enduring pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions is known as his or her _____.

increase in blood sugar levels

An inexperienced pilot prepares for an emergency landing after her single engine plane loses power. Her emotional arousal is likely to be accompanied by

emotional excitability

An infant's temperament refers most directly to its

classical conditioning.

An organism learns associations between events it does not control during the process of

reciprocal determinism

Analena's refusal to purchase fattening snacks at the grocery store is both a cause and a consequence of her superior dietary self-control. This best illustrates the importance of

lost interest in sex and social activities.

Ancel Keys and his colleagues observed that men on a semistarvation diet:

Aversion therapy

Antabuse works to decrease alcohol consumption because the nausea it induces when alcohol is ingested becomes associated with the alcohol. This is an example of _____.

Depression; bulimia; and some anxiety disorders

Antidepressant drugs are used to treat _____.

Characterized by unrealistic, irrational fear

Anxiety disorders are _____.

negative reinforcer

Any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response is called a(n)

practical problems outside the laboratory in real-world settings.

Applied research is BEST defined as research that explores:

facial expressions

As a member of the diplomatic corps, Alex was given special training in the customs, language, and religions of the Third World country where he would be living. However, Alex probably needed little training to correctly interpret his hosts' expressions of emotion as revealed by their

Random assignment

As you walk into your Introductory Psychology class, your teacher flips a coin to determine whether you should be in Group A or Group B for her in-class experiment. This procedure is called _________.

higher order conditioning

Associating a conditioned stimulus with a new neutral stimulus can create a second (often weaker) conditioned stimulus. This best illustrates

stranger anxiety.

At about 8 months, children become increasingly likely to react to newcomers with tears and distress. This best illustrates

fear; similar

At about eight months of age, people across the world start to ________ strangers; as adults, they prefer the company of those whose attributes are ________ to their own.

personal freedom.

B. F. Skinner's critics have claimed that he neglected the importance of the individual's

the law of effect

B. F. Skinner's work elaborated what E. L. Thorndike had called

energy expenditure.

Basal metabolic rate is the body's resting rate of:

they saw another subject disobey instructions

Based on findings from Milgram's obedience studies, participants would be less likely to follow the experimenter's orders when:

advances scientific knowledge

Basic research is BEST defined as research that _____.

explaining behavior

Because Timothy's second-grade peers laughed at him, he was reluctant to speak out in class. This is a demonstration of which goal of psychology?

Autism; delinquency; and eating disorders

Behavior therapy has been effective in dealing with _____.

the relative effects of heredity and environment on behavior and mental processes

Behavioral genetics is the study of _______________.

Overt behavior problems

Behaviorists are MOST successful in treating __________.

have a lower resting metabolic rate.

By dramatically reducing her daily caloric intake, Marilyn plans to reduce her normal body weight by 10 to 15 percent. Research suggests that after three or four weeks of sustained dieting, Marilyn will:

maintain homeostasis.

By motivating us to satisfy our physical needs, hunger and thirst serve to:

structured interviews

By scripting specific job-relevant questions to be asked of all those applying for a particular work position, a personnel psychologist is most clearly developing a framework for


Calvin would like to wear baggy, torn jeans and a nose ring, but he is concerned that others will disapprove. Calvin is at Kohlberg's ______ level of morality.

unconditional positive regard

Carl Jung emphasized the importance of ______ in personality functioning

A replication of studies

Carlos and Bonita were intrigued by the results of a study about the biases people display toward work done by males, compared to work done by females. They decided to perform the same study, following the same procedures, to see if they would get the same results. This is an example of _________.

human infants do not have well-defined critical periods for the formation of a mother-infant attachment

Carol is distressed because post-childbirth complications prevented her from being in close physical contact with her child during its first few hours of life. Carol should be told that

the law of effect.

Cats received a fish reward whenever they maneuvered themselves out of an enclosed puzzle box. With successive trials, the cats escaped from the box with increasing speed. This illustrates

Factor analysis

Cattell and Eysenck both used the statistical technique called _____ to determine a cluster of personality traits they believe are universally shared.


Cause-and-effect conclusions can be drawn from _____ studies.

observational learning

Children of abusive parents often learn to be aggressive by imitating their parents. This illustrates the importance of

operant conditioning.

Children often learn to associate pushing a vending machine button with the delivery of a candy bar. This best illustrates the process underlying

Rise ; fall

Children's intelligence test scores tend to _____ during the school year and _____ during the summer

secure attachment

Children's sense that their parents are trustworthy and dependable is most indicative of

theory of mind

Chloe can clearly sense when her sister's teasing is intended to be friendly fun or a hostile put-down. This best illustrates that Chloe has developed a(n)

Autonomy versus shame and doubt

Christie is a toddler who has authoritarian parents. Her parents do not allow her to make any decisions on her own. As a result, Chelsea may have difficulty resolving ______ developmental stage.

all these types of cells

Chromosomes are contained within

The presence of two or more disorders in the same person at the same time

Co-morbidity is the term used to indicate _____.

the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating

Cognition refers to

Faulty thought processes and beliefs

Cognitive therapists assume that problem behaviors and emotions are caused by _____.

Provide outpatient services

Community Mental Health Centers (CMH):

lower; higher

Compared to European teens, American teens have ________ rates of sexual intercourse and ________ rates of abortion.

all of these characteristics

Compared with fraternal twins, identical twins are much more similar in

less; less

Compared with identical twins, fraternal twins are ________ similar in neuroticism and ________ similar in risk of divorcing

learning associations.

Conditioning is the process of

an external locus of control

Corbett refuses to take reasonable precautions to protect his health because he believes good health is just a matter of luck anyway. Corbett's attitude best illustrates

Massed practice

Cramming is another term for _________, which is an inefficient form of studying.

Resources and support systems available;involvement with noncustodial parent; and individual child attributes

Critical factors in adjustment of children after parental divorce include, but are not limited to _____.


DNA is a complex

the interviewer illusion

Danielle, an applicant for a position in corporate financial accounting, was so animated and enthusiastic in her conversations with company officials that they decided to hire her without carefully checking her resumé and past work accomplishments. The company officials should most clearly be informed about

prenatal environment

Dante is healthier than his twin brother because he developed with a better placental barrier against viruses. This best illustrates the impact of ________ on development

explaining the purpose of the study, anticipated results, and deceptions used when the study is over

Debriefing is _____.

create a realistic situation with genuine reactions

Deception is sometimes used in psychological research in order to _____.


Defense mechanisms are strategies employed by the to reduce anxiety and avoid conflict.

Socioemotional selectivity

Deliberately choosing to reduce the number of social contacts in favor of familiar people who provide meaningful interactions is an example of _____ theory of aging.


Della believes she earned an "A" in chemistry because the test was easy and she made a lot of lucky guesses. It is likely that Della has a(n) _____ locus of control.

active or inactive

Depending on environmental conditions, specific genes can be either

cause the rat to become extremely fat

Destruction of the ventromedial hypothalamus of a rat is most likely to

cause the rat to become extremely fat.

Destruction of the ventromedial hypothalamus of a rat is most likely to:


Diane is keeping an in-depth record of her conscious awareness including basic sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts that she is aware of experiencing. Diane is practicing what Wundt would call __________.

irritable and unpredictable

Difficult babies with an intense and highly reactive temperament tend to be

redirect aggressive or sexual impulses toward less threatening targets

Displacement refers to the process by which people


Dogs conditioned to salivate when rubbed on their front paws also began to salivate when other parts of their bodies were rubbed. This best illustrates

pseudopsychology; psychology

Dr. Krostom responds to radio listeners by using mostly her own common sense, beliefs, and values rather than scientific research. This practice is more like _____ than _____.

cause the rat to begin eating.

Dr. Milosz electrically stimulates the lateral hypothalamus of a well-fed laboratory rat. This procedure is likely to:


Dr. Watson, from the ________ school of psychology, focused on objective, observable behavior rather than on the unconscious.


During _____, a person who feels anonymous within a group experiences an increase in arousal and a decrease in self-consciousness, inhibitions, and personal responsibility.

Trust vs. mistrust; industry vs. inderiority

During the ______ stage of psychosocial development, individuals decide whether the world is good and satisfying, or painful and unrewarding. During the ______ stage, individuals develop a sense of competency or insecurity.

Erogenous zones

During the early psychosexual stages, the ids psychic energy is focused on

they have just experienced orgasm.

During the resolution phase of the sexual response cycle, people are most likely to experience a rapid decrease in physiological arousal if:


During which of Piaget's stages does a person develop an awareness that things continue to exist even when they are not perceived?

the resolution phase

During which phase of the sexual response cycle does the refractory period begin?


ECT is used primarily to treat _____.

an early and secure attachment to her own parents

Edith abuses both her 3-year-old and 1-year-old daughters. Her behavior is most likely related to a lack of

An antisocial personality disorder

Egocentrism, lack of a conscience, impulsive behavior, and manipulation of others, disregard for the rights of others, lack of remorse/guilt, and charisma are MOST characteristic of someone with _____.

Limbic system

Electrical stimulation of parts of the _____ can produce a "sham rage" in cats.

begin eating.

Electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus will cause an animal to:

Rational-emotive behavior

Ellis' approach to cognitive therapy attempts to eliminate self-defeating beliefs through rational examination. He named his approach REBT, or _____ therapy.

Ego integrity vs. despair

Emily is looking back at the last few decades of her life. She feels deep regret at the opportunities she passed up, knowing she does not have enough time left to start over. Emily is likely to be in Erikson's _____ stage of development.

A subjective feeling that includes arousal, cognitions, and behavioral expressions

Emotion is BEST defined as _____.

Deciding the information wasn't important enough to transfer to LTM

Encoding failure is likely due to ________.

identical twins raised together with identical twins raised apart

Environmental influences on personality traits are most clearly highlighted by comparing

The inner conflict related to serious soul-searching

Erikson's identity crisis refers to _____.

the belief that a typical behavior in one's culture is typical of all cultures

Ethnocentrism in research refers to _____.


Every nongenetic influence, from prenatal nutrition to the people and things around us, in an aspect of our

originate at about the time of birth.

Evidence that brain differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals influence sexual orientation is provided by the fact that these differences:


Evidence that easy, relaxed infants develop secure attachments more readily than difficult, emotionally intense babies would illustrate the importance of

obesity is more common today than it was 40 years ago.

Evidence that obesity is influenced by factors in addition to genetics includes the fact that:

how natural selection and adaptation can explain behavior and mental processes

Evolutionary psychology studies:

experimenters who unintentionally let their beliefs and expectations influence the results of a study

Experimenter bias refers to _____.

spatial abilities

Exposure to high levels of male sex hormones during prenatal development is most likely to facilitate the subsequent development of


Extinction occurs when a ________ is no longer paired with a ________.

The desire for rewards or threats of punishment

Extrinsic motivation is based on _____.

identity clusters of closely related test items

Factor analysis is a statistical procedure that can be used to


Five-year-old Trevor is emotionally disturbed and refuses to communicate with anyone. To get him to speak, his teacher initially gives him candy for any utterance, then only for a clearly spoken word, and finally only for a complete sentence. The teacher is using the method of


Five-year-old Tyler believes "bad things are what you get punished for." Tyler is at Kohlberg's ________ level or morality.

theory of mind

Five-year-olds who were surprised to discover that a Band-Aids box contained pencils were able to anticipate their friend's false belief about the contents of the box. This best illustrates that the children had developed a


Fixation at this psychosexual stage of development would, according to Freud, lead to either a very neat person or one who is messy and disorderly.

need; drive

Food deprivation is to ________ as hunger is to ________.


Foolish conformity to peer pressure is most likely to be motivated by ______ needs


Four-year-old Jennifer mistakenly believes that her mother would like to receive a toy doll as a Christmas present. This best illustrates Piaget's concept of

she lacked language skills for organizing her early life experiences

Four-year-old Karen can't remember anything of the first few months of her life. This is best explained by the fact that

continuity of cognitive development.

Four-year-olds are not completely egocentric and 5-year-olds can exhibit some understanding of conservation. This indicates that Piaget may have underestimated the

Personal dysfunction or distress

Frances was diagnosed with a mental illness because she lost her job when she tested positive for marijuana use at a company that requires frequent random drug testing. From the criteria of identifying abnormal behavior this is an example of _____.


Frederico's doctor has recently told him that he has a terminal illness. Frederico is now very terse with and critical of her. He frequently remarks that life is unfair. According to Kubler-Ross, Frederico is MOST likely to be in the _____ stage of coping with his impending death.


Freud suggested that a man's inability to remember his childhood Oedipus complex illustrates

360-degree feedback

Full and clear communication regarding Kelsey's effectiveness as a customer service manager is enhanced by the performance appraisals she periodically receives from fellow managers, subordinates, customers, and her supervisor. This best illustrates the value of

specified precisely the scope of psychology as dealing with mental processes.

Functionalism made an important contribution to the science of psychology because it ____________________.

biological predispositions.

Garcia and Koelling's studies of taste aversion in rats demonstrated that classical conditioning is constrained by

Emphasized male values over female values

Gilligan's major criticism of Kohlberg's stages of moral development is that they _________.

increased; increased

Given an obese parent, boys are at an ________ risk for obesity and girls are at a ________ risk for obesity.

Young people today have no sense of responsibility."

Given the tendency of people to categorize information according to preformed schemas, which of the following stereotypes would Juan, a 65-year-old political liberal and fitness enthusiast, be most likely to have?

Numbness; resolution

Grieving people generally begin with the _____ stage, and end with the _____ stage.

Relative deprivation

Haley's parents bought her a used bicycle for her birthday. She was thrilled until she learned that her best friend received a brand new bicycle for her birthday. Haley's declining satisfaction illustrates

were incapable of mating upon reaching sexual maturity

Harlow observed that most monkeys raised in total isolation

A Freudian slip

Harmony just learned that her brother is gay, and wants him to know that she cares about him. She compliments him before he leaves for school by saying, "I really like your skirt...I mean shirt." This could be an example of _____.

smaller; slower

Having lost weight, formerly obese individuals have ________ fat cells and ________ metabolic rates.

birds of a feather flock together

Having read the chapter, which of the following is best borne out by research on attraction?

the tendency to maintain a steady internal state.

Homeostasis refers to:

the body's tendency to maintain a constant internal state.

Homeostasis, which is the goal of drive reduction, is defined as

the body's tendency to maintain a constant internal state.

Homeostasis, which is the goal of drive reduction, is defined as:


Horace, the youngest child of a high school athletic director, was able to roll over at 3 months, crawl at 6 months, and walk at 12 months. This ordered sequence of motor development was largely due to

Relationship with his or her parents

Horney believed that the strongest influence on an individual's personality was that person's _____.

social influence

Humanistic psychologists would most likely be criticized for underestimating the value of

predominance of "nature"

Identical twin boys raised in different households demonstrated great similarity in their personalities when reunited 20 years later. This is evidence for the __________________.


Identical twins are most likely to share a similar prenatal environment if they share the same

a single egg cell by a single sperm cell

Identical twins originate from the fertilization of

conditioned stimulus.

If a tone causes a dog to salivate because it has regularly been associated with the presentation of food, the tone is called a(n)

is not valid

If both depressed and nondepressed individuals receive similar scores on a diagnostic test for depression, it suggests that the test

recognize that the quantity of a substance remains the same despite changes in its shape

If children cannot grasp the principle of conservation, they are unable to

interviewers' preconceptions

If interviewers instantly like a job applicant because of his or her good looks, they may judge the person's complimentary remarks as indicating "polite manners" rather than "manipulative flattery." This best illustrates the impact of ________ on the interpretation of interviewees' responses

Social contract

If you follow the traffic laws and rules because you believe they are legitimate and good for public welfare, you are demonstrating the _________ stage of moral development.


If you prepared a study to determine which areas of the brain are used for working memory, you would be conducting ________ research.

Activating event, Belief system, emotional Consequence

In Ellis's REBT, the letters ABC represent _____.

Identity vs. role confusion

In Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, the establishment of a sense of self and a role in society is dependent upon successfully resolving which of the following challenges?

the presentation of food in the dog's mouth.

In Pavlov's experiments on the salivary conditioning of dogs, the US was

conditioned response.

In Pavlov's experiments, the dog's salivation triggered by the sound of the tone was a(n)

Provide an accepting environment for a client's free exploration of important thoughts and feelings

In Rogerian therapy, the role of the therapist is to _____.

Incongruence between self-concept and life experiences

In Rogers theory of personality, maladjustment is the result of _____.

Prisoners and guards

In Zimbardo's classic prison study, the _____ took their roles so seriously that the experiment had to be discontinued prior to completion.

Group therapy

In _____, multiple people meet together to work toward therapeutic goals.


In ______ research, a researcher observes or measures (without manipulating) two or more variables to find relationships between them, without inferring a casual relationship.

Duchenne smile

In a _____, the cheek muscles are pulled back, and the muscles around the eyes also contract.

use any of these options, which describe different types of case studies

In a case study, a researcher is most likely to _____.

The method of loci mnemonic device

In a class activity, you learned a list of eight animals. This is an example of _________.

decrease in their metabolic rate.

In a classic experiment, obese patients whose daily caloric intake was dramatically reduced lost only 6 percent of their weight. This limited weight loss was due, at least in part, to the fact that their dietary restriction led to a(n):

Encoding, retrieval, storage

In a computer model of memory, _______ would happen at the keyboard, ________ on the monitor, and _______ on the hard drive.

use their mothers as a base from which to explore the new surroundings

In a pleasant but unfamiliar setting, infants with a secure maternal attachment are most likely to

20%; 8%

In a study of eyewitness testimony, _______ of the participants who observed a "crime in progress" identified innocent people from a group of mugshots an hour later, and _________ identified innocent people from a lineup a week later.


In an _____ conflict, a person must choose between two or more alternatives that each have both desirable and undesirable results.

an undesirable result

In an avoidance-avoidance conflict, a person must choose between two or more goals that will lead to _____.

control group

In an experiment studying the effects of alcohol on memory, the group of participants not given alcohol is referred to as the ____________.

the amount of recycling done by students and faculty on campus

In an experiment to determine if rewards will increase recycling efforts on campus, the dependent variable is _____.

loss of hunger; overeating

In animals, destruction of the lateral hypothalamus results in ________, whereas destruction of the ventromedial hypothalamus results in ________.

Ideal self and actual self

In assessing a client's personal growth, Carl Rogers measured the correspondence between

neutral stimulus.

In classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning is called a(n)


In classical conditioning, the NS becomes a ________ after it reliably signals the impending occurrence of the ________.

Trephining; exorcism

In early therapy of abnormal behavior, _____ was used to allow evil spirits to escape, while _____ was designed to make the body so uncomfortable it would be uninhabitable to the devil.

Diffusion of responsibility

In groups of two or more people, this is the tendency to assume that someone else will take action.

greater discrimination against overweight women than against overweight men.

In one experiment, professional actors played the role of either normal-weight or overweight job applicants. Research participants' willingness to hire the applicants revealed:

their own hard work.

In order to encourage achievement motivation in the classroom, students should be taught to attribute their good grades to:

Reporting whatever comes to mind without monitoring its contents

In psychoanalysis, free association refers to _____.

Drive-reduction theory

In the _____ theory of motivation a lack or a deficiency of something creates a state of tension

Egoistic model

In the _____, helping behavior is motivated by some anticipated gain.

More than one-third

In the classic Asch study of conformity, _____ of the subjects conformed and agreed with obviously incorrect choices made by other group members.

The group that was paid $1

In the classic dissonance experiment, which group had more attitude change?

Neither promised nor given Good Player certificates for previous drawings

In the classic motivation study by Lepper, Greene, and Nisbett, children who were _____ continued to show more of an interest in drawing than children in the other groups.

Scientific study of behavior and mental processes

In your text, psychology is defined as the?

assimilation; accommodation

Incorporating new information into existing theories is to ________ as modifying existing theories in light of new information is to ________

disgust; joy

Increased activity in the right prefrontal cortex is to ________ as increased activity in the left frontal lobe is to ________

lower blood sugar and trigger hunger.

Increases in insulin will:

decreasing blood glucose levels.

Increases in the hormone insulin lead to:

the age-related timing but not the sequence

Infant motor development is typically characterized by individual differences in ________ of the major developmental milestones

underestimated the cognitive capacities of infant

Infants accustomed to a puppet jumping three times on stage show surprise if the puppet jumps only twice. This suggests that Piaget


Infants develop a fear of strangers at about 8 months of age because they can't assimilate unfamiliar faces into their

insecure attachment

Instead of happily exploring the attractive toys located in the pediatrician's waiting room, little Sandra tenaciously clings to her mother's skirt. Sandra most clearly shows signs of

need; incentive

Internal push is to external pull as ______ is to ______


Interpreting new experiences in terms of existing schemas is called

Personal enjoyment

Intrinsic motivation comes from _____.


Ishaya was startled awake by a major earthquake. He immediately felt frightened, broke out in a cold sweat, and jumped out of bed to run for cover-all in the same instant. This description of Ishaya's experience BEST fits the ______ theory of emotion.

biological predispositions

It's easier to train a pigeon to peck a disk for a food reward than to flap its wings for a food reward. This illustrates the importance of ________ in learning.


Jacqueline is sexually aroused by the sight of her handsome boyfriend but not by the sight of her equally handsome brother. This best illustrates the value of

group polarization

Jane and Sandy were best friends as freshmen. Jane joined a sorority; Sandy didn't. By the end of their senior year, they found that they had less in common with each other than with the other members of their respective circles of friends. Which of the following phenomena most likely explains their feelings?

Borderline personality

Janese cuts her arms when overwhelmed by emotion, abruptly changes from laughter to anger, and needs constant reassurance from others to feel any sense of self-worth. She is MOST likely to be diagnosed with _____ disorder.

achievement motivation

Jeff, who is 14, engages in rigorous tennis drills or competitive play at least four hours every day because he wants to master the sport and play on one of the best university teams in the country. His goal and behavior best illustrate the concept of

academic achievement is influenced by a positive self-concept.

John B. Watson would have expressed the greatest disapproval of attempts to scientifically study whether

distress; a stressor

John was planning to ask Marc to marry him. When he saw Marc kissing another man at a party, he was quite upset. In this situation, John's seeing Marc kissing another man is _____, and it illustrates _____.

Predicting behavior

Joseph was sent to the school psychologist to be tested. Based on his IQ score, he was placed in a program for gifted children. This is an example of which goal of psychology?

Adaptation-level phenomenon

Juan and Berta were millionaires until they lost everything due to a bad investment decision. Which of the following best explains why after three years Juan and Berta seem to have suffered no permanent loss of contentment?

Feminine and masculine components of personality

Jung believed that the anima and animus represent _____.

learning ways to control his urge to ejaculate

Kamil, a 33-year-old lawyer, experiences premature ejaculation. Through behaviorally oriented therapy, he would most likely learn to minimize his problem by

learning ways to control his urge to ejaculate.

Kamil, a 33-year-old lawyer, experiences premature ejaculation. Through behaviorally oriented therapy, he would most likely learn to minimize his problem by:

have weak superegos

Karen Horney, a prominent neo-Freudian, disputed Freud's assumption that women


Kelsey suffers from _________ amnesia because he cannot remember the events that led up to the motorcycle accident that injured his brain.

Intrinsically motivated

Kevin was not enrolled in school, nor did he have a job that required mathematical skills or reasoning, yet he spent several nights a week reading and solving problems in an old calculus textbook. How would you BEST explain this behavior? Kevin is _____.

Emotional intelligence

Knowing and managing one's emotions, empathizing with others, and maintaining satisfying relationships are the key factors in _____.


Kohlberg's second level of moral development, in which moral judgments are based on compliance with the rules and values of society is called the:

need; incentive

Lack of body fluids is to cold water as ________ is to ________.

fat cells.

Leptin, a hunger-dampening protein, is secreted by:

25; 65

Less than _____ percent of the public thought they would shock a learner beyond 300 volts; in reality, _____ percent of the actual participants did so.

developed a sense of object permanence

Lilianne is beginning to develop a fear of strangers and will reach for her mother when she sees someone who is unfamiliar. It is likely that Lilianne has also just

Informational social influence

Lincoln thought he smelled smoke for a second. He looked at others in the classroom and at the teacher. No one seemed concerned, so Lincoln continued taking his test along with his other classmates. This is MOST likely an example of _____.


Little Karen will approach and play with unfamiliar animals only if her mother first reassures her that it is safe to do so. This best illustrates the adaptive value of

imagine what his life might be like if he were suffering from a fatal disease

Logan is an unsuccessful businessman who feels little satisfaction with life. To increase his subjective well-being, Logan should


Loss of memory as a result of a brain injury or traum is called _______.


Loss of memory for events before an injury is called __________ amnesia.


Many people who have a mental disorder use _____ to self-medicate, or reduce their symptoms.


Many researchers believe that adult styles of romantic love correspond with childhood patterns of

form a lifelong attitude of basic trust toward the world

Marlys is a sensitive, responsive parent who consistently satisfies the needs of Sara, her infant daughter. According to Erikson, Sara is likely to

drive-reduction theory.

Mary loves hang-gliding. It would be most difficult to explain Mary's behavior according to:


Matt is a college sophomore who often becomes so fully absorbed in his course studies that he completely loses his awareness of how long he has been working. Matt's experience best illustrates

nature; nurture

Maturation is to education as ________ is to ________

a social trap

Max fails to recycle his glass, metal, and plastic garbage because he thinks it's personally inconvenient and likely to have minimal impact on the city's already overflowing landfills. His reaction best illustrates the dynamics of:


Melissa is unconsciously fearful that her husband is a better cook than she. Recently, she refused his offer to prepare dinner because, said she, "You could better spend the time playing with the kids." Melissa's comment best illustrates

Localized, and distributed throughout the brain

Memory tends to be __________.

"I'm really angry that I had to wait so long for you to get here."

Milan is upset with his wife because she was over an hour late in picking him up at the airport. He is likely to deal most effectively with his feelings of irritation toward her by telling her

Punishment on learning

Milgram's participants thought they were participating in an experiment to study the effects of _____.

observational learning

Mirror neurons provide a biological basis for

Critical thinking

Modern day psychology emphasizes:

Major depression

Morris is having trouble sleeping, has lost his appetite, is too tired to go to work, and cannot concentrate on simple television shows. It is MOST likely that Morris is experiencing a _____.

The set of factors that activate, direct, and maintain behavior toward a goal

Motivation is BEST defined as _____.

He is prejudiced, but does not discriminate against women.

Mr. Bundy believes that women make poor shoe salespersons, but hires a woman to sell his shoes anyway. Based on this information, which of the following is TRUE regarding Mr. Bundy?

Unconditional positive regard

Mr. Polanski listens without judgment to his daughter's reasons for being late, then informs her that he disapproves of her behavior, and provides consequences. This is an example of _____.


Mr. and Mrs. Batson can't wait to begin toilet training their year-old daughter. The Batsons most clearly need to be informed about the importance of

will have difficulty adapting to the normal demands of independent adult life

Mr. and Mrs. Linkletter are parents of a mental retarded child. It is most likely that their child

their levels of sexual arousal.

Mr. and mrs. kohl plan to spend their evenings watching X-rated sex movies. Watching these films is most likely to increase


Mrs. Pearson cut Judy's hot dog into eight pieces and Sylvia's into six pieces. Sylvia cried because she felt she wasn't getting as much hot dog as Judy. Piaget would say that Sylvia doesn't understand the principle of


Ms. Giovanni's test results suggest that she is dying of ovarian cancer. She tells her family that the lab must have mixed up her results with someone else's. According to Kubler-Ross, Ms. Giovanni is MOST likely to be in the _____ stage of coping with the suggestion that she is dying.


Nageeb thought all nurses were young females until a middle-aged male nurse took care of him. Nageeb's altered conception of a "nurse" illustrates the process of

He processed the terms at a deeper level than Nannette did

Nanette highlights the margin-definition of terms in her psychology textbook; Nathan thinks about how each term applies to his own life or to other concepts in the chapter. Nathan is more likely to recall and use the terms better on an essay because _________.

temperament; responsive parenting

Nature is to nurture as ________ is to ________

food deprivation; hunger

Need is to ________ as drive is to ________.


Negative behavior directed at members of a group is known as _____.

Larger cerebral ventricles

Neuroimaging studies of people with schizophrenia have found that they have _____, compared to people without schizophrenia.

Alzheimer's disease.

New research has linked women's obesity to their risk of late-life:

It will enhance his running and will interfere with his putting

Nikolaus, a high school junior, is on both the track and golf teams. How will a high level of physiological arousal affect his running the 100-meter dash and his accuracy in making long putts in a golf game?

A direct command or order

Obedience is BEST defined as following _____.

Western Europe.

Of the following parts of the world, teen intercourse rates are highest in:


Olivia understands her world primarily by grasping and sucking easily available objects. Olivia is clearly in Piaget's ________ stage


On _____ personality tests, people are asked to describe themselves on paper-and-pencil tasks that have a limited number of response options and a standardized scoring system.


On some college football teams, players are rewarded for outstanding performance with a gold star on their helmets. This practice best illustrates the use of:

Tell a story about what has, is, and will happen in the scene

On the Thematic Apperception Test, people are asked to look at an ambiguous scene and ______.

Human processes occur simultaneously whereas computer processes occur sequentially

One difference identified between human processes and computer memory processes is ____________.


One of the clearest identifiers of abuse potential is _____.

Barnum Effect

One reason people tend to believe in pseudo personality tests is because they have "something for everyone." This is called the _____.

Asperger syndrome

One variation in the autism spectrum is characterized by normal intelligence, often accompanied by exceptional skill in a particular area, but deficient social and communication skills. This disorder is called

secure attachment

One-year-old Eunice is not overly fearful of strangers but she clearly prefers being held by her mother than by anyone else. Her behavior best illustrates

sexual orientation

Our sexual attraction toward members of either the same sex or the opposite sex is called our


Pat is normally very restless and fidgety, whereas Shelley is usually quiet and easygoing. The two children most

so many different species of animals, including humans, can be classically conditioned.

Pavlov's research on classical conditioning was important because


Pedro was just diagnosed with testicular cancer. Rather than deal with his feelings about this, he searches the Internet for information, academically discusses the disorder with his family and friends, and endlessly debates the pros and cons of treatment with his doctor. This is an example of the defense mechanism called _____.

moderately difficult; very easy or very difficult

People who are high in achievement motivation prefer ________ tasks; people who are low in achievement motivation prefer ________ tasks.

they tend to justify the social inequalities between themselves and others

People with power and status may become prejudiced because:

frequency of dating

People's physical attractiveness is a good predictor of their:


Performance is BEST for most tasks when you are experiencing _____ levels of arousal.

develops through a series of stages

Piaget was convinced that the mind of a child

Decreasing the diffusion of responsibility

Pointing to someone in a crowd to call the police increases helping by _____.


Positive and negative environmental stimuli that motivate behavior are called:

aversive; pleasant

Positive punishment is the introduction of a(n) ________ stimulus following a behavior and negative punishment is the withdrawal of a(n) ________ stimulus following a behavior.

An attitude; a behavior

Prejudice is _____; discrimination is _____.


Preschoolers' acquisition of a theory of mind suggests that Piaget overestimated young children's

if a stressor is harmful, threatening, or challenging

Primary appraisal refers to the idea of deciding ______________.

The amount of recycling done on campus

Professor Matsos wants to determine if rewards will increase recycling efforts on campus. The dependent variable in this example is ___________.

cognitive dissonance

Professor Stewart wrote a very positive letter of recommendation for a student despite his having doubts about her competence. Which theory best explains why he subsequently began to develop more favorable attitudes about the student's abilities?

secure attachment

Providing children with a safe haven in times of stress contributes most directly to

24 to 72 hours

Psychiatric professionals may authorize temporary commitment for assessment and treatment of a dangerous or incompetent individual for up to _____.

achievement motivation.

Psychologist Henry Murray asked research participants to invent stories about ambiguous pictures. The stories were then scored for content related to acts of heroism, pride, and other signs of:

male systemizing tendency

Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen has proposed that autism is indicative of an inborn

a theory of mind

Psychologists David Premack and Guy Woodruff described chimpanzees' seeming ability to read intentions as indicative of


Psychologists measure the correlation between aptitude test scores and school grades in order to assess the ______ of the aptitude test

scientific study of behavior and mental processes

Psychology is defined as the _____.


Purchasing state lottery tickets is reinforced with monetary winnings on a ________ schedule.

The extra sugar tends to lower blood insulin level, which promotes relaxation.

Randy, who has been under a lot of stress lately, has intense cravings for sugary junk foods, which tend to make him feel more relaxed. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for his craving?

higher; higher

Rates of operant responding are ________ for fixed-ratio than for fixed-interval schedules; they are ________ for variable-ratio than for variable-interval schedules.

novel tastes.

Rats easily learn to associate nausea-producing radiation treatments with

Intimacy vs. isolation

Rebecca finds it difficult to establish close bonds with others. As a result, she avoids anything other than superficial relationships. According to Erikson, it is likely that Rebecca had difficulty with the developmental challenge of _____.

positive reinforcer; negative reinforcer

Receiving delicious food is to escaping electric shock as ________ is to ________.

facial feedback effect

Repeatedly saying the word me puts people in a better mood than repeatedly saying you. This best illustrates the

Misattribution of arousal

Research has shown that men in a state of fear may be more attracted to women than men in a relaxed state. This is primarily due to:

genes than by home environment

Research most clearly suggests that personality traits are more strongly influenced by

Epinephrine and cortisol; the amygdala

Research on humans and lab animals suggests that injections of _______ or stimulation of _________ increases the encoding and storage of new information.

no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells.

Research on obesity and weight control indicates that:

no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells.

Research on obesity and weight control indicates that: Student Response

the average mathematics achievement test scores of Asian children are notably higher than those of North American children

Research on racial and ethnic differences in intelligence indicates that

women's sexual interests are only loosely linked to the phases of their menstrual cycles.

Research on sex hormones and human sexual behavior indicates that:

the reported backgrounds of homosexuals and heterosexuals are similar.

Research on the environmental conditions that influence sexual orientation indicates that:

hunger continues in humans whose cancerous stomachs have been removed.

Research on the physiological basis of hunger has indicated that:

enough sperm may be released prior to male orgasm to enable conception.

Research on the sexual response cycle indicates that:

Teenage mothers

Research shows that depression and poverty are among the consequences suffered by _____.

Depression, anxiety, bulimia, and addiction disorders

Research suggests that Beck's and Ellis's cognitive therapies work for _____.


Research suggests that _____ percent of people who receive psychotherapy are better off than people who do not.

Act more aggressively; imitate the violence; and seek out violent programs

Research suggests that children who are exposed to more TV or video game violence may _____.


Research suggests that one of the best ways to decrease prejudice is to encourage _____.


Researchers assess the correlation between scores obtained on two halves of a single test in order to measure the ______ of a test

7 to 10

Researchers believe all our feelings can be condensed to _____ culturally universal emotions.


Researchers condition a flatworm to contract its body to a light by repeatedly pairing the light with electric shock. The stage in which the flatworm's contraction response to light is established and gradually strengthened is called

Increased aggression

Researchers have found a link between high self-esteem and _______.

have a satisfying marriage or close friendship

Researchers have found that certain factors are related to happiness. One of these is that happy people tend to

TV viewing habits.

Researchers have observed that the incidence of obesity and diabetes among 50,000 nurses was predicted by their:

mass media standards of appearance.

Researchers use biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels of analysis to understand hunger motivation. The social-cultural level of analysis is especially likely to emphasize that eating disorders are influenced by:

Relatively easy

Reserchers have demonstrated that it is _________ to create false memories.


Resolution of the critical conflict of young adulthood will, according to Erikson, lead to a sense of _____.

Identity versus role confusion

Robert is an adolescent who is sullen and withdrawn. He doesn't seem to know where he fits in society. As a result, Robert may have difficulty resolving the _____ developmental stage.

Unconditional positive regard

Rogers thought that _____ is necessary for a child's uniqueness and positive self-concept to unfold naturally.

"It annoys me that you leave your dirty clothes for me to pick up."

Rosaria is upset with her husband for not putting his dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Anger experts would suggest that she deal with her frustration by saying to him

Cognitive expectancies

Rotter believed that personality or behavior is determined by your _____.

positively, negatively

Salary and years of education are _____ correlated, and grade point average and the number of hours of television watched per day are _____ correlated.


Samantha specializes in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating mental and behavioral disorders. Samantha is a _____ psychologist.

the sample of participants in a research study are not representative of the larger population

Sample bias occurs when _____.

The experience of emotion comes from awareness of bodily arousal.; Emotions are physiologically similar.; and we look to environmental cues to decide what emotion is being felt.

Schachter would agree with which of the following statements?

a person's enduring sexual attraction toward members of a particular gender.

Sexual orientation refers to

operant conditioning

Shaping is a(n) ________ procedure.


Sheila is more fearful of loneliness than of remaining in a physically abusive relationship with her boyfriend. This best illustrates the potentially harmful impact of ______ needs

bulimia nervosa

Sixteen-year-old Jill loves ice cream and other rich foods, but she has become increasingly anxious about gaining too much weight. Jill frequently overeats and then intentionally vomits in an attempt to control her weight. Jill most clearly suffers from


Skinner is to shaping as Bandura is to

We process and store information new memories

Sleep is important for memory because __________.

Aggression and competition

Sociobiologist, Edward O. Wilson believed that humans also had instincts like _________, are genetically transmitted from one generation to the next.

Her theory might lead to a stereotype of those who are grieving or dying.

Some critics of Kubler-Ross's theory of dying claim _____.


Some mothers feed their infants when they show signs of hunger, whereas others fail to respond predictably to their infants' demands for food. These different maternal feeding practices are most likely to contribute to differences in infant

delayed reinforcers

Some students study hard beginning with the first couple of weeks of a semester because they subsequently receive very good final course grades. This best illustrates that human behavior is influenced by


Some students work hard in school in order to attain high grades. This best illustrates the importance of:

Law and order; social contract

Someone who burns his country's flag just because the law says he can is reasoning at the _____ stage of moral development; whereas someone who burns his country's flag because he believes that his country has lost its legitimacy is reasoning at the _____ stage.

Bipolar disorder

Someone who experiences episodes of mania, or cycles between mania and depression, has a _____.

Reference group

Sometimes people conform because they like and admire a group, and want to be like them. This is the _____ explanation for conformity.

A preference for feedback on her efforts toward goals; an attraction to competitive careers and tasks; and the desire to assume responsibility for projects

Sonja has a high need for achievement. This means that she has _____.

the g factor

Spearman referred to the general capacity that may underlie all of a person's specific mental abilities as

reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response.

Spontaneous recovery refers to the

Obedience to authority

Stanley Milgram was investigating _____ in his classic teacher-learner shock study.

established a model for the scientific study of mental processes.

Structuralism made an important contribution to the science of psychology because it ________________.

an ingroup bias

Students at State University are convinced that their school is better than any other; this most directly illustrates:

body contact

Studies of monkeys raised with artificial mothers suggest that mother-infant emotional bonds result primarily from mothers providing infants with

Is an effective strategy called overlearning

Studying information even after you think you already know it ___________.

Correlates positively with the extent to which love is valued and negatively with the extent to which money is valued.

Subjective well-being among university and college students

normative social influence

Subjects in Asch's line-judgment experiment conformed to the group standard when their judgments were observed by others but not when they were made in private. This tendency to conform in public demonstrates:


Surveys can be used to ______ behavior.


Survivors of traumatic events, such as rape or attempted murder, are often haunted by persistent and vivid memories of this experience. This most clearly serves to challenge Freud's concept of

moderately difficult.

Ted is an amateur golfer who has a high need for achievement. Research suggests that Ted most likely prefers playing golf on courses that for him are:

reduced self-awareness and are less likely to use condoms.

Teens who use alcohol prior to sexual intercourse experience:


Tests designed to assess what a person has learned are called ________ tests

Motivated forgetting

Tests make you anxious. You forgot there was a test today. Freud might suggest that his theory of __________ applies in this situation.

measurable behavior that is affected by the independent variable

The BEST definition of a dependent variable is a _____.

A carefully controlled scientific procedure that determines whether the variables manipulated by the experimenter have a casual effect on other variables.

The BEST definition of an experiment is?


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator labels a person who is sympathetic, appreciative, and tactful as a(n) ________ type.

Projective personality

The Rorschach inkblot test and the Thematic Apperception Test are examples of _____ tests.

inner speech

The Russian psychologist Vygotsky suggested that children's ability to solve problems is enhanced by

verbal and performance

The WAIS consists of separate ______ subtests


The _____ approach represents a blending of several theories of personality.

Medical model

The _____ assumes that abnormal behavior is due to physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and possibly cured.

Lateral; ventromedial

The _____ hypothalamus signals an animal to start eating, whereas the _____ hypothalamus signals the animal to stop eating.


The _____ is concerned with immediate gratification and the avoidance of discomfort.


The _____ theory says people are "pulled" by external stimuli to act a certain way.


The ability to empathize with others and distinguish between right and wrong is called __________.


The awareness of one's true inner thoughts and feelings, and the ability to share them authentically with others, is called _____ in Rogerian therapy.


The belief that humans have personal freedom to make choices and that they are responsible for the choices they make characterizes the _____ approach to therapy.

Erikson's psychosocial stages of development

The belief that the adult personality reflects how an individual has met or resolved the challenges and crises that occur in eight stages of development is the definition of _________.

Variable that is manipulated by the experimenter to determine its casual effect on the dependent variable.

The best definition of an independent variable is a __________.

attributional style

The best indicator of a person's level of optimism is his or her

tendency to quickly shift their gaze from a familiar to a novel picture

The best predictor that infants will develop high levels of intellectual aptitude is their


The biochemical units of heredity that make up the chromosomes are called

ventromedial hypothalamus.

The brain area that when stimulated suppresses eating is the:

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

The classification system produced by the American Psychiatric Association and used to describe abnormal behaviors is called the DSM-IV-TR. DSM is an abbreviation for _____.


The concept of a set point is relevant to understanding the experience of:

bladder control among 2-year-olds

The concept of maturation is most relevant to understanding the absence of

reduce tension and anxiety

The consumption of carbohydrates is most likely to

receive no treatment

The control group in an experiment is the group in which participants _____.

Receive no treatment

The control group in an experiment is the group in which participants __________.

excitement; plateau; orgasm; resolution

The correct order of the stages of Masters and Johnson's sexual response cycle is:


The critical factor in deindividuation is _____.

Interpersonal attitudes

The degree of positive feelings you have toward others is called _____.

similar; similar

The descriptions of orgasm written by men and women are ________, and the subcortical brain regions active in men and women during orgasm are ________:


The displacement of thoughts, feelings, fears, wishes, and conflicts from past relationships onto new relationships is called _____.

Piaget's cognitive development theory

The egocentrism of preschoolers was most strongly emphasized by

hormone secretions and finger temperatures

The emotion of fear is sometimes accompanied by ____ that differ from those that accompany rage

receive the IV or treatment

The experimental group in an experiment is the group in which the participants _____.

Receive the independent variable

The experimental group in an experiment is the group in which the participants __________.

human genetic similarities

The fact that people from widely different cultures display and interpret facial expressions of emotion in a similar manner best illustrates the impact of


The first and most basic defense mechanism, which blocks unacceptable impulses from coming into awareness, is called _____.

Reviewing the literature of existing theories

The first step in the scientific method is ___________.


The first time that 4-year-old Sarah saw her older brother play a flute, she thought it was simply a large whistle. Sarah's initial understanding of the flute best illustrates the process of

If a desired goal is blocked, you may aggress

The frustration-aggression hypothesis predicts that _____.

underestimating situational constraints on another's behavior.

The fundamental attribution error involves:

set of genetic material in an organism's chromosomes

The genome is the complete


The greatest challenge for the elderly in the U.S. is


The health risks associated with obesity are generally the greatest for those who carry their excess weight around their:

religious beliefs; personality traits

The home environment most clearly has a greater influence on children's ________ than on their ________

superordinate goals.

The hostilities between two racial subgroups of a riverfront community were dramatically reduced when the threat of their river flooding its banks required that they work together to save their town. This best illustrates the impact of:

Cannon-Bard theory

The idea that an emotion-arousing stimulus is simultaneously routed to the cortex and to the sympathetic nervous system is central to the


The idea that depression is influenced by genetics and neurotransmitters, learned responses and thinking patterns, and socioeconomic status and culture represents the __________ model of psychology.


The immediate goal of elaborative rehearsal is to __________ new information.

the environemnt

The impact of our cultural backgrounds on the development of our personal values best illustrates the influence of


The innate tendency toward growth that motivates all human behavior and results in the full realization of a person's highest potential is called _____.

reinforcement; punishment

The introduction of a pleasant stimulus is to ________ as the withdrawal of a pleasant stimulus is to ________.


The labels "easy," "difficult," and "slow-to-warm-up" are used to refer to differences in an infant's

clinical psychology

The largest specialty area in the field of psychology is ____________.

Which needs and goals are emphasized

The major detrimental difference between individualistic and collectivist cultures is _____.


The memory subsytem that stores unconscious procedural skills, simple classically conditioned responses, and priming is called _________ memory.


The memory system that stores sensory information while it "decides"whether to send it on to LTM is called _________ memory in the traditional memory model.

familiarity breeds fondness

The mere exposure effect demonstrates that:

Mnemonic devices

The method of loci, peg-word system, and substitute word system are all examples of __________.

facial muscles

The most unambiguous nonverbal clue to our specific emotional state is provided by our

Unconditional positive regard

The nonjudgmental attitude and genuine caring that a therapist expresses toward a client is called _____.

all of the alternatives.

The number of fat cells a person has is influenced by:

are not very similar to the personalities of their adoptive parents

The personalities of adopted children

hormone secretions

The polygraph measures the changes in ______ that accompany emotion


The polygraph, or "lie detector," measures primarily the _____ component of emotions.


The powerful survival impulse that leads infants to seek closeness to their caregivers is called


The principles people follow in making judgments about the causes of events, others' behavior, and their own behavior are known as _____.


The process of imprinting involves the formation of a(n)

Maintainence rehearsal

The process of repeating information over and over to maintain it in short-term memory is called ________.


The process of translating information into neural language that will be retained in memory is called _______.


The psychoanalytic/psychodynamic perspective is associated with _______.


The psychological perspective that emerged in the 1950's that stressed free will, self-actualization, and human nature as naturally positive and growth seeking was the __________ perspective.


The psychological perspective that studies how we gather, encode, and store information is __________ perspective.

Descriptions of disorders

The purpose of the DSM-5 is to provide ____.


The rational part of the psyche that deals with reality and tries to meet the needs of the other two mental structures is called the _____.

time span after orgasm during which a male cannot be aroused to another orgasm.

The refractory period is the:

others' attainments

The relative deprivation principle refers to the tendency for our personal happiness to be heavily influenced by

infantile amnesia

The relative lack of neural interconnections in the association areas at the time of birth is most likely to contribute to

overweight men.

The relative risk of death among healthy nonsmokers is highest for:

testosterone; lowered

The removal of a woman's ovaries may contribute to decreasing sexual interest because her natural ________ level is _______.

A majority of "normal" people

The results of Milgram's research suggest that _____ will follow orders to hurt someone.


The role of learning in motivation is most obvious from the influence of:

Leipzig, Wundt

The science of psychology began in 1879 in __________, Germany with Wilhelm _________.

Positive psychology

The scientific study of optimal human function is known as ________.

Beginning and end; middle

The serial position effect suggests that people will remember _______ items better than _______ items on a list.

the specific body weight maintained automatically by most adults over long periods of time.

The set point is:


The study of death and dying is known as _____.

Social psychology

The study of how other people influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions is called _____.

behavior genetics

The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior and personality


The system of psychotherapy developed by Freud that seeks to bring unconscious conflicts into conscious awareness is known as _____.

emerged in our prehistoric ancestors as an adaptive response to alternating periods of feast and famine.

The tendency to overeat when food is plentiful:

looking inward

The term "introspection" means ________.

Is designed to solve practical problems.

The term applied research, is BEST defined as research that ________.

protected our ancestors from potentially toxic substances.

The text suggests that a neophobia for unfamiliar tastes:

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

The theory that some motives have to be satisfied before a person can advance to fulfilling higher motives is based on _____.


The thoughts and motives that lie beyond a person's normal awareness are found in what Freud calls the _____.

Cognitive, physiological, and behavioral

The three components of emotion are _____.

Encoding, storage, and retrieval

The three steps in memory processing are _________.

Five-Factor model

The trait theory that explains personality in terms of openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism is called the _____.

Conformity and obedience

The two MAJOR kinds of social influence are _____.

Major depression and bipolar disorder

The two main types of mood disorders are _____.

The fundamental attribution error and self-serving bias

The two major attribution mistakes people make are _____.

Explicit and implicit

The two major systems of long-term memory are ________.

Biomedical therapy

The use of physiological interventions such as drugs, ECT, or psychosurgery to reduce the symptoms of a psychological disorder is called _____.


The widely used American revision of Binet's original intelligence test.


The written exam for a driver's license would most likely be considered a(n) ______ test

Psychodynamic and cognitive

Therapies defined as "insight therapies" include ___________.

Echoic memory

This explains why you can recall what someone said several seconds ago, even if you were absorbed in another task when they first said it.


This is a person's innate behavioral style and characteristic emotional response.


This is an approach to psychotherapy in which the therapist combines techniques from various theories to find the most appropriate treatment for the client.

The event leading up to your high school graduation

This is an example of episodic memory or (personally experienced events).


This is an internal record or representation of some prior event or experience.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

This is characterized by diffuse anxiety caused by intrusive thoughts and urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors.


This is statistical procedure for combining and analyzing data from many studies.


This is the current term for serious mental disorders characterized by a loss of contact with reality and extreme mental disruptions.

Behavioral genetics

This is the study of the extent to which behavioral differences are due to genetics rather than the environment.

Explicit/declarative memory

This is the subsytem within long-term memory that consciously stores facts, information, and personal life experiences.


This memory stage stores an almost limitless amount of information for a nearly permanent duration of time.


This theory says that emotions are physiologically similar and are due to simultaneous arousal, cognitive, and behavioral expressions.

Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory

This theory says that people are motivated to make attitudinal changes when they experience tension after becoming aware of inconsistencies between their attitudes or between their attitudes and their behaviors.

Gardner's concept of multiple intelligences

Those who define intelligence as academic aptitude are most likely to criticize

Adler, Jung, and Horney

Three of the most influential neo-Freudians were _____.

Explaining behavior

Timothy has been reluctant to ask or answer questions in the classroom because when he spoke in his second-grade class, his peers laughed at him. This is a demonstration of which goal of psychology?

reasoning skills

To assess mental age, Binet and Simon measured children's

Collected cross-sectional data by asking subjects of various ages to respond to stories that depicted moral dilemmas

To study moral development, Kohlberg ___________.


To study the cognitive component of emotions, psychologists are MOST likely to use _____ techniques.

Bulimia nervosa

Twenty-two-year-old Tawana is slightly overweight and loves to eat, particularly snack foods and rich desserts. Fearful of gaining more weight, she frequently takes laxatives and vomits following episodes of binge eating. Tawana most clearly suffers from


Twin studies suggest that Alzheimer's disease is influenced by

the fundamental attribution error

Two neighboring nations are each stockpiling weapons. Each sees its neighbor's actions as an act of aggression and its own actions as self-defense. Evidently, these nations are victims of:

Limbic system and cerebral cortex

Two parts of the brain that play an important role in emotion are the _____.

ventromedial hypothalamus; lateral hypothalamus

Two rats have escaped from their cages in the neurophysiology lab. The technician needs your help in returning them to their proper cages. One rat is grossly overweight; the other is severely underweight. You confidently state that the overweight rat goes in the "________-destruction" cage, while the underweight rat goes in the "________-destruction" cage.

Rogers and Maslow

Two theorists associated with the humanistic perspective of personality development are _____.

insecure attachment

Two-year-old Anna perceives her parents as cold and rejecting. This is most indicative of

Panic disorder

Udo is frequently and suddenly overcome by intense fear, heart palpitations, dizziness, and difficult breathing. Udo is MOST likely suffering from _____.

Positive behavior toward a person without attaching any contingencies

Unconditional positive regard is a Rogerian term for _____.

mere exposure

Unlike ducklings, children do not imprint. Their fondness for certain people, however, is fostered by


Using therapeutic techniques to improve psychological functioning and promote adjustment to life is known as _____.

drive-reduction theory.

Victims of a famine will often eat unappetizing and nutritionally poor foods simply to relieve their constant hunger. Their behavior is best explained in terms of:

Serotonin and GABA

Violent behavior has been linked to low levels of _____.

operant behaviors.

Voluntary behaviors that produce rewarding or punishing consequences are called


Watching the night sky for shooting stars is likely to be reinforced on a ________ schedule.

may be produced through classical conditioning.

Watson and Rayner's study of Little Albert demonstrated how specific fears

followed by reinforcement

We are most likely to imitate the behavior of models if we observe that their actions are

James-Lange theory

We see a bear in the woods, our hearts race as we begin to run, and then we experience fear. This is BEST explained by the _____.

different from one another; similar to one another

We tend to perceive the members of an ingroup as ________ and the members of an outgroup as ________.

to describe, explain, predict, and change behavior

What are the goals of psychology?


What is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion attributable to long-term involvement in emotionally demanding situations?

Intimacy versus isolation

What is the crisis of young adults defined by Erikson's psychosocial stages?

To store information for long periods of time

What is the purpose stated in your text of long-term memory?


When Tommy's mother hides his favorite toy under a blanket, he acts as though it no longer exists and makes no attempt to retrieve it. Tommy is clearly near the beginning of Piaget's ______ stage


When a child learns the rules and values of parents and society, and incorporates them into his own psyche, that child has developed his _____.

group polarization

When a group of racially prejudiced high school students discussed racial issues, their attitudes became even more prejudiced. This best illustrates:


When a person's test performance can be compared with that of a representative and pretested sample of people, the test is said to be

Research design

When a scientist chooses between using natural observation, case studies, surveys, or experimental method, (s)he is choosing the best _________ for her study.

increase in hunger and a decrease in its metabolic rate.

When an organism's weight falls below its set point, the organism is likely to experience a(n):

continue shopping while ignoring Hakim's tantrums.

When grocery shopping with his mother, 4-year-old Hakim sometimes throws temper tantrums if his mother refuses his requests for a particular snack food. Parent-training experts would suggest that his mother should

high self-esteem

When people compare themselves with others, they are most likely to experience

mirror neuron activity

When people with autism watch another person's hand movements, they display less ________ than most others

insecure attachment

When placed in strange situations without their artificial mothers, the Harlows' infant monkeys demonstrated signs of

stared longer at the outcome

When researcher Karen Wynn showed 5-month-old infants a numerically impossible outcome, the infants


When someone has a need for approval and acceptance by a group, they often conform to the norms set by that group. This is called _____ social influence.

The self-serving bias

When you attempt to maintain a positive self-image by taking credit for your successes and emphasizing external causes for your failures, you are engaged in _____.


Which brain structure has been found to be especially important in learning to fear specific objects?

They are the same.

Which is the stronger correlation, -1.00 or +1.00?

mirror neurons

Which of the following are most clearly activated both by picking up a spoon and by simply watching another person pick up a spoon?

Expand on information; question the new information; and find meaning in the information

Which of the following are ways that people can improve their elaborative rehearsal skills?

Five year old Brian tried to climb the tree in the backyard, and fell down three times.

Which of the following children is working on the challenge of initiative vs. guilt in Erikson's psychosocial model of development?


Which of the following correlation coefficients indicates the strongest relation?

Japan and China; Most Native-American tribes; and African-American

Which of the following cultures revere the elderly?

Edwina obtained the highest output during the present fiscal year and was given a surprise bonus to acknowledge her accomplishment.

Which of the following extrinsic rewards is LEAST likely to REDUCE enjoyment or productivity related to the stated task?

responsive parenting

Which of the following factors contributes most positively to the development of secure attachment between human infants and their mothers?

Genetic, hormonal, neurotransmitter, or hypothalamus abnormalities; A desire for perfection or control, or a distorted body image; and A dysfunctional family, and/or sexual abuse

Which of the following has been linked to the origin of eating disorders?

"Thank God, it's you!"

Which of the following is LEAST characteristic of Kubler-Ross's stages of dying?

self-serving bias

Which of the following is MOST likely to be associated with high self-esteem?


Which of the following is NOT a mental process?

It tends to be consistent throughout early childhood and into adulthood.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding basic temperament?

A family history of suicide increases a person's risk for suicide.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding suicide?

Its use was severely restricted in the courts, government, and private industry.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the U.S. Congressional bill regarding the use of polygraph tests?

thinking; feeling

Which of the following is a mental process?

The safety and health of research animals; protecting client confidentiality; deception of research

Which of the following is an ethical concern of psychologists?

the relationship between your adult height and intelligence

Which of the following is an example of a zero correlation?

A duckling demonstrates attachment to a bouncing ball

Which of the following is an example of imprinting?

sweating in hot weather

Which of the following is an unconditioned response?

a low blood glucose level

Which of the following is clearly not an example of an incentive?

Most people judge others more harshly than they judge themselves.

Which of the following is most often TRUE regarding social behavior?

Obese people tend to lack willpower.

Which of the following is not necessarily a reason that obese people have trouble losing weight?

With the help of a therapist, most people find it easy to change their sexual orientation

Which of the following is not true with respect to sexual orientation?

Exploring the function of cutting behavior in a teenager's life so the teenager can understand her/his options and make choices regarding the behavior.

Which of the following is the BEST example of psychology's goal of changing behavior?

Openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism (OCEAN)

Which of the following is the CORRECT list of traits in the Five-Factor model?

Denial ---> anger ---> bargaining ---> depression ---> acceptance

Which of the following is the correct sequence for Kubler-Ross's stage theory of dying?

It varies too much to be instinctive in humans.

Which of the following is true about aggression

Fraternal twins are more similar in their intelligence scores than are ordinary siblings

Which of the following observations provides the best evidence that intelligence test scores are influenced by environment?

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

Which of the following represents the correct order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

New research indicates that sexual orientation may be at least partly physiological.

Which of the following statements concerning homosexuality is true?

Have the groups work on a superordinate goal.

Which of the following strategies would be most likely to foster positive feelings between two conflicting groups?

"Avoid eating during the day so you can enjoy a big meal in the evening."

Which of the following suggestions would be the worst advice for a dieter?

Structuralism: Observing behavior

Which of the following terms do NOT belong together?


Which of the following was not identified as a contributing factor in the high rate of unprotected sex among adolescents?

people's tendency to assume that exceptional, or especially memorable, individuals are unlike the majority of members of a group

Which of the following was not mentioned in the text discussion of the roots of prejudice?

Jean Piaget

Which psychologist was most influential in shaping our understanding of cognitive development?


Which type of twins share the greatest genetic overlap?

Experimenter bias

While conducting research, you unintentionally provide subtle cues to the study's participants about the purpose of the research, which influences your results in the direction you expected. This is a demonstration of __________.


Who would have been most enthusiastic about the value of a single intelligence test score as an index of an individual's mental capacities?


With regard to memory, the process of retaining neurally coded information over time is known as __________.

Procedural memory

With regard to memory, tying shoes requires the use of your _______.

Validity; reliability

With regard to personality testing, _____ refers to the ability of a test to measure the trait it says it will, rather than some other trait; whereas _____ refers to the extent to which the same person receives the same score on a personality test when it is administered more than once.


Work activities that are specifically suited to your strengths are most likely to be those associated with the experience of

Situational; dispositional

You and a friend are watching a ballgame. The batter misses. You believe this is because the sun is setting and probably cast a glare in his eyes. Your friend believes this is because the batter lacks talent. You made a _____ attribution and your friend made a(n) _____ attribution.

The nature-nurture controversy

You believe that most behaviors are a product of your environment; your best friend argues that behaviors are a result of heredity. This is an example of?

Incentive theory

You just stuffed yourself with a hot dog, a large tub of popcorn, and a box of Milk Duds while watching a movie. When you come out of the theater, you smell the cinnamon buns across the mall and decide to get one even though you are full. This can BEST be explained by _____.


You would rather have fun with your new dating partner than study for your math exam. You know you will do poorly on the exam if you don't study, but tell yourself that having fun will help you relax for the exam. This is an example of the defense mechanism called _____.

Locus of control

Your beliefs about who or what is in charge of the outcomes in your life are called your _____.


Your psychology professor has announced that the next test will assess your understanding of sensation and perception. When you receive the test, however, you find that very few questions actually relate to these topics. In this instance, you would be most concerned about the ______ of the test

Attempts to change maladaptive interaction patterns among family members

Your text defines family therapy as a psychological treatment that _____.

Emply massed practice

Your textbook author summarizes specific study tips complied from memory research. These tips include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A flashbulb memory

Your vivid memory of what you were doing when you learned about the attack of the World Trade Center is an example of _________.

Thrill seeking, experience seeking, disinhibition, and susceptibility to boredom

Zuckerman's test for sensation seeking measures which of the following characteristics?


____ is a legal term for people with a mental disorder that implies a lack of responsibility for their behavior and an inability to manage their affairs.


_____ appear(s) to have the largest influence (40% to 50%) on personality.

Extraneous variables

_____ are factors that are not being directly manipulated or measured, which could affect research results if they are not held constant.

independent; dependent

_____ are manipulated; _____ are measured.

Realistic expectations

_____ has consistently been found to be a key factor in successful marriages.

Anorexia nervosa

_____ involves extreme weight loss due to an obsessive fear of obesity and self-imposed starvation.


_____ is a learned, generally negative, attitude toward members of a group.

Cultural conditioning

_____ is one of the MOST important external factors related to when, what, where, and why we eat.


_____ is the body's tendency to maintain a relatively stable state for internal processes.


_____ is the field that studies the effects of psychological factors on the immune system.


_____ is the specialized branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders.


_____ plays a critical role in the long-term effects of stress, and is the most common measure of stress.


_____ research is used to study the brain and other parts of the nervous system.

Optimal arousal

_____ theory suggests that organisms are motivated to achieve and maintain an ideal or optimal level of stimulation that maximizes their performance.


_____ therapy uses techniques based on learning principles to change maladaptive behavior.

independent variables; dependent variables

_______ are manipulated; _________ are measured.


_______ research observes and records behaviors without manipulating variables or producing cause and effect explanations.


________ memories are related to anxiety-provoking thoughts or events that are prevented from reaching consciouness.

Sensory memory

_________ refers to the stage of memory in which a relatively exact image of a sensory experience is held briefly until it can be further processed.

Retrieval failure

_________ theory suggests that forgetting is due to momentary inability to recall permanently stored information due to interference, faulty cues, or emotional states.


_________ theory suggests that memory is like any other biological process that deteriates over time.


_________ theory suggests that we forget things because other information is blocking storage or retrieval.


__________ is used to analyze the findings of a research study?

feel-good, do-good phenomenon

fter receiving an unexpected A on his psychology test, Jordan was easily persuaded to baby-sit his little sister while his parents went out for dinner. This best illustrates the

projective tests

henry murray found that children's perceptions of photographs were biased by their previous participation in a frightening game. their perceptual reactions most clearly highlighted the potential value of

spillover effect

in anger-provoking situations, sexually aroused people experience more intense hostility than those who are not sexually aroused. this best illustrates the

the Barnum effect

in convincing people that they can accurately assess their personalities, astrologers, palm readers, and graphologists take advantage of


in describing the two dimensions of emotion, fear is to terror as anger is to

In order to treat yourself to one 'normal' meal each day, eat very little until the evening meal."

increase in hunger and a decrease in its metabolic rate.


is defined as a person's overall evaluation of his or her self-worth.

an instinct

it is a characteristic of robins to build nests. this is an example of

A hierarchy of motives

professor sanford explains that the need for physical safety must be met before city dwellers will be motivated to form close relationships with fellow citizens. he is providing an example of

unrealistic optimism

sexually active undergraduate women perceive themselves as much less likely to experience an unwanted pregnancy than other women at their university. this best illlustrates

expertise and a venturesome personality

the components of creativity include

cognitive activity

the two factor theory of emotion places more emphasis on the importance of ______ than do other theories of emotion

Reduce your weight gradually over a period of several months."

According to health psychologists, which of the following would be the best advice or encouragement to offer someone who wants to lose excess weight?

a cost-benefit analysis of any action.

According to social exchange theory, a person's tendency toward altruistic behavior is based on:


After extensive exposure to X-rated sexual films, men are subsequently ________ accepting of women's sexual submission to men and _______ likely to perceive a woman's friendliness as sexual interest.

is intended to hurt another person

Aggression is defined as behavior that

their physical attractiveness

Ahmed and Monique are on a blind date. Which of the following will probably be most influential in determining whether they like each other?

ventromedial hypothalamus is destroyed.

An animal's stomach and intestines will process food more rapidly and the animal will become extremely fat if its:


An aroused or activated state that is often triggered by a physiological need is called a(n):

set point.

An explanation of motivation in terms of homeostasis is best illustrated by the concept of:

the scapegoat theory

Evidence that people exhibit heightened levels of prejudice when they are economically frustrated offers support for:

maintain homeostasis.

For a hungry person, the consumption of food serves to:

a drive.

For a thirsty person, drinking water serves to reduce:

cause the rat to begin eating.

Hunger is increased by ________ but it is decreased by ________.

stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus; stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus

Hunger is increased by ________ but it is decreased by ________.

Her prediet weight was near her body's set point.

Lucille has been sticking to a strict diet but can't seem to lose weight. What is the most likely explanation for her difficulty?

they have mistaken ideas about effective birth control methods.

Many sexually active American adolescents fail to avoid pregnancy because:

the fundamental attribution error

Marilyn judges her professor's strict class attendance policy to be an indication of his overcontrolling personality rather than a necessity dictated by the limited number of class sessions in a course that meets only once a week. Her judgment best illustrates

because some motivated behaviors do not seem to be based on physiological needs, they cannot be explained in terms of drive reduction.

One problem with the idea of motivation as drive reduction is that:

the mere exposure effect

When asked how much they like various letters of the alphabet, people tend to prefer those that happen to be found in their own names. This best illustrates the impact of:

her personal disposition

When male students in an experiment were told that a woman to whom they would be speaking had been instructed to act in a friendly or unfriendly way, most of them subsequently attributed her behavior to:

The two sides engage in a series of reciprocated conciliatory acts.

Which of the following best describes how GRIT works?

Even ordinary people, without any particular hostility, can become agents in a destructive process.

Which of the following conclusions did Milgram derive from his studies of obedience?

physical proximity

Which of the following factors is the most powerful predictor of friendship?

Jake, who is white, gives higher evaluations to essays he believes to be written by black students than to white-authored essays.

Which of the following is an example of implicit prejudice?

Monkeys will work puzzles even if not given a food reward.

Which of the following is inconsistent with the drive-reduction theory of motivation?

feeling hungry at the sight of an appetizing food

Which of the following is not an example of homeostasis?

running quickly around a track

Which of the following would most likely be subject to social facilitation?

the two-factor theory

Which theory best explains why the excitement that lingers after a frightening event can facilitate passionate love?

attribution theory

Which theory describes how we explain others' behavior as being due to internal dispositions or external situations?

Moderately difficult tasks present an attainable goal in which success is attributable to their own skill.

Why do people with a high need for achievement prefer moderately difficult tasks?

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