Psych 1000 Test 1

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All of the following statements are true about correlations except one. Which statement is FALSE?

***a. Correlations not only allow for general predictions to be made but they also prove cause and effect. Correct b. Correlations are statistical descriptions of how closely 2 variables are related. c. The relationship between smoking and life expectancy is an example of a negative correlation. d. There may be a third variable, hidden and unaccounted for, that changes either or both of the 2 variables in the correlation.

All of the following statements are true about a graded potential except one. Which statement is FALSE?

***a. Graded potentials are found in axons. Correct b. Messages are combined and cancelled. If enough un-cancelled messages are left over to reach threshold, then the all-or-none action potential is triggered in the axon. c. More neurons fire at a faster rate with a strong stimulus. d. Dendrites of one neuron may receive contrasting chemical messages from thousands of other neurons, some commanding excitation and others commanding inhibition.

All of the following statements are true about functionalism except one. Which statement is FALSE?

***a. Introspection was as important as direct observation. Correct b. Consciousness and mental processes were not rigid and fixed. c. Consciousness was fluid and continuous like an ever-changing stream. d. Mental processes operated to allow adaptation and survival.

All of the following statements are true about an action potential except one. Which statement is FALSE?

***a. Potassium ions enter the neuron explosively resulting in an energy spike known as an action potential. Correct b. An action potential either takes place or it does not, and all at the same magnitude or intensity. c. The action potential travels through the myelinated axon, not jumps from node of Ranvier to node of Ranvier. d. An action potential is electrical conduction.

All of the following statements are true about brain structures except one. Which statement is FALSE?

***a. The occipital lobe is the brain area in back of the brain most responsible for hearing. Correct b. The cerebellum allows walking in a straight line or touching the tip of the nose without even thinking about all the steps involved. c. The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher mental processes of language, memory and thinking. d. The medulla controls autonomic functions like breathing, heart rate, digestion, blood pressure, and vital reflexes like swallowing, coughing, vomiting, sneezing.

All of the following statements are true about sympathetic nervous system except one. Which statement is FALSE?

***a. The sympathetic nervous system is a subdivision of the central nervous system. b. It mobilizes the organism for fight or flight reactions in emergencies. c. Goosebumps when frightened and the Halloween cat are examples of sympathetic nervous system activity. Incorrect d. It activates internal organs for vigorous activity like stepping up cardiac and respiration rate.

All of the following statements are true about the Sam Stone study except one. Which statement is FALSE?

***a. This study is a good example of descriptive research. Correct b. Accuracy depends on the absence of added information and suggestive, leading questions. c. Even young children can accurately report an event. d. Children's memories can be influenced by the suggestions of an adult.

All of the following are true statements about psychology except one. Which statement does NOT belong with the others?

a. Animals share some of the same receptor sites and can tell us a lot about humans. ***b.Psychology is just common sense. Correct c. If psychologists wish to know something about someone, they have to ask the person, just like anyone else. d. Experimenting on people is ethical if dignity, safety and confidentiality are maintained.

All of the following statements are true about structuralism except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Animals, young children and the insane could not introspect. b. The human mind had a blueprint and lost its uniqueness. ****c. There was little variability among trained people or within the same person to the same stimulus. Correct d. The very act of introspection changes the experience.

All of the following statements are true about the history of psychology except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Behaviorism focuses on observable activities that can be measured with no room for thoughts, feelings and intentions. ***b. Gestalt psychology stresses the perception of component parts of conscious experiences rather than the overall total experience. Correct c. Humanistic psychology emphasizes self-determination, free will, and human potential. d. Psychoanalysis emphasizes the role of unconscious conflicts in determining behavior and personality.

All of the following statements are true about the major perspectives of modern psychology except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Biological psychologists believe that human and animal behaviors are the result of internal physical, chemical, and biological processes. b. The 6 major views are behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic, biological, cognitive and cross-cultural. c. Cross-cultural psychology stresses how culture influences behavior and our sense of personal identity. ***d. Cognitive psychology stresses the passive, involuntary mental processes involved in developing language, solving problems and thinking.

All of the following statements are true about the goal of control except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Conditions are changed to influence behavior in predictable ways. b. Personal freedom is not lost. ***c. Control means being able to manipulate people. Correct d. Control introduces behavioral changes to better the quality of life.

All of the following statements are true about descriptive research except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Descriptive research collects detailed information using observation, case studies, surveys, interviews, and recordings. b. Descriptive research manipulates phenomena and records the changes found. Correct c. Phineas Gage's tragic railroad accident provided an excellent case study. d. The famous Kinsey Report sex survey was flawed because the poor and the elderly were underrepresented, and male interviewers were used with female subjects

All of the following statements are true about brain imaging except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. For a CAT scan the patient is placed inside a large, donut-shaped structure where an X-ray tube encircles the whole head. b. An MRI allows doctors to look into the living brain almost as if it were transparent. ***c. An EEG measures the electrical activity of the brain and is painful. Correct d. The PET scan is less available, more expensive and gives less sharp images than the functional MRI.

All of the following statements are true about neurotransmitters except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Glutamate is the most common excitatory messenger and is released by 40% of brain neurons. b. The most common neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, glutamate and GABA. ***c. GABA is the most common excitatory neurotransmitter and controls anxiety. Correct d. They travel across the synapse until they reach special receptor sites meant for them in the membrane of the next cell.

All of the following statements are true about neurons except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Neurons specialize in communication via electrical and chemical forms. b. Neurons have 3 main components: soma, dendrites and axon. c. The distinctive feature that separates neurons from other cells is their shape. ***d. Glial cells are types of neurons.

All of the following statements are true about neuropeptides except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Neuropeptides regulate the activity of other neurons. b. Enkephalin suppresses the activity normally carried on by neurons which pass along pain messages. c. Opiate-like neuropeptide endorphin is involved in positive emotions as well as pain perception. ***d. They are limited to affecting a neighboring synapse. Correct

All of the following statements are true about bystander apathy except one, Which statement is FALSE?

a. People feel less responsible if other possible saviors are near. b. It is far more likely if there are many others around. Incorrect ***c. It happens because people care less. d. There is a diffusion of responsibility.

All of the following statements are true about experimental research except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Randomization assures that each subject has an equal chance to be in any group and that the groups are thus comparable. b. Some variables are held constant while others are manipulated. ***c. Once a study is found to be statistically significant, it is accepted as credible. Correct d. The double blind study eliminates the placebo effect and power of suggestion.

All of the following statements are true about the frontal lobes of the brain except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. The frontal lobe is a brain area associated with the control of movement and higher mental functions. ***b. The motor strip is at the front of each frontal lobe and controls involuntary movement. Correct c. Broca's area is found in the left frontal lobe and controls the production of speech sounds. d. There is a frontal lobe in each hemisphere.

All of the following statements are true about the endocrine system except one. Which statement is FALSE?

a. The main link between the endocrine system and the nervous system is the hypothalamus. ***b. It is faster than the communication of the nervous system. Correct c. It depends on the circulation of the blood. d. It uses chemical messengers called hormones to transmit information.

All of the following phrases describe the bonuses of studying psychology except one. Which phrase does NOT belong with the others?

a. To define an issue or problem clearly. b. To develop critical thinking skills. c. To avoid over-simplification and over-generalization. ***d. To prevent becoming a skeptic. Correct

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