Psych 314 exam study

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Patients with _____ agnosia are generally believed to have problems with ______ processing of information in visual system.

Apperceptive; early

The earliest research in STM was conducted in what field?

Audiology and speech pathology

If I give you a particular word and ask you to tell me everything about that word from the standpoint of your life, it would be a test of:

Autobiographical memory

The reminiscence bump pertains to:

Autobiographical memory

For approximately how many years did Luria study S's cognitive capabililities?


Catherine has a memory span of 8. On a reading test, it is reasonable that assume that she will be able to read _____ number of words per second


I take an hour to learn something new the first time, and a few months later, when relearning that same material, if I have a savings of 75%, how much time did the relearning take?

45 minutes

In an experiment that was conducted to study how well people in the United Kingdom remembered the details of an extremely important event such as Margaret Thatcher's resignation as prime minister, the researchers found that:

60% of the participants from the United Kingdom showed perfect memory for the events surrounding the resignation

For individuals with grapheme- color synthesis, their reaction times are______ compared to that of those without synesthesia, so visual search tasks.

A lot faster

______ plays an important role in visual imagery:

Left parietal cortex

_______ plays an important role in visual imagery.

Left parietal cortex

Suppose a participant is given the following string to memorize and recall: L, T, Z, C, V, X, K. What is the name of this test?

Letter span test

What is the scientifically acceptable explanation that is given for the typical Ebbinghaus Retention Function?

Low need probability

What was the main point if the study about geographical knowledge?

Memory retrieval can often involve on drawing inferences

The left hemisphere of the brain plays an important role in which one of these?

Memory span

In her feature integration theory, proposed that people:

Must focus attention on a stimulus before they can synthesize its features into a pattern

When Bahrik tested how well teachers remembered undergraduate students who had taken one class with them, he found that memory was best for:

Name recognition

Many eminent researchers in language (e.g., Chomsky) hold the view that our ability to learn languages, is hardwired in us (i.e., innate). This would be consistent with which one of these views?


The cognitive revolution occurred due to advances in all of the following fields EXCEPT:


In ____________ both hands are used for signing:


Response probability is a concept that is most closely associated with:


______________ was a pioneer in studies of attention:


In the algebra equation solving experiment I describe in class (solve for x; eg., 7x+1= 29), how did the participants give their response for each program?

By typing their answers on a keyboard

When most people see this image, they see a zebra even though it is just a collection of black shapes. Our perception of this object as a zebra is based on which on of these Gestalt principles?


The case study S can be considered as a good example of research in:

Cognitive Neuroscience

Suppose there is a conference in which there are professionals form many different disciplines (such as psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, AI, philosophy, and so on) who are presenting their research work on cognition. Most of them use logical analysis and computer simulations, to understand cognitive process. It is very likely that it is a conference in:

Cognitive Science

Amanda is conducting research on human subjects, to understand how visual perception works. She is collaborating with Theo of her colleagues; one form the philosophy department in her university and another from the neuroscience department....

Cognitive science

There are CAPTCHAS that humans can read but computers cannot. So for these CAPTCHAS, it would be accurate to say that:

Computers have not passed the Turing test

I explained in class that_______ is sometimes impossible to get, when a person is learning something:

Concurrent verbal reports

If I ask you to think out loud while you are solving a problem so that I can get insight into how you solved it, it would be an example of:

Concurrent verbal reports

Rebecca is studying for an exam. She turns off her phone and her TV and also shuts her office door to avoid distractions. This is an example of:

Controlled attention

The right hemisphere of the brain plays an important role in which one of these?

Corsi Span

Annie can remember the correct sequence of squares in which a random dot moves around rapidly. It is therefore likely that she has a good:

Corsi span

Which one of the following is TRUE?

Experts and less skilled individuals in any field have different problem spaces for solving problems in that particular field

A slight tremor in the eye (known a psychological nystagmus) is evidence in support of _____ in visual pattern.

Feature analysis

If you are asked to recall as many names of the presidents of the United States but in no particular order, this would be a:

Free recall task

A mnemonist is any person who:

Has an extraordinary memory

All of the following are true regarding Luria's case study S, EXCEPT:

He could never figure out a way to help him forget things he did not wish to remember

Short-Term memory is also known as:

Immediate memory

A driver on cell phone while driving, fails to notice a Stop sign. This would be an example of:

Inattentional blindness

Developments in which field did NOT influence the emergence of cognitive psychology?

Internet technology

In one particular method of studying cognition, is given a word- such as coat, dot, book, bowl and has to come up with an association for that word. This method has been used by early psychologists who were interested in:


The most common kind of synesthesia involves:

Only one sensory system (vision)

A hemineglect patient who wishes to shave is likely to shave

Only the right side of face

At the sound of thunderstorm, you look up at the sky. This would be an example of:

Orienting reflex

In one class period, I recited the first several digits of pi at the extremely rapid rate of 6 digits per second. I did this to illustrate which one of these?

Over learning

Categorical perception refers to the:

Perception theta stimuli belongs in distinct categories

When participants were asked to listen to a sentence in which a letter was replaced by a tone, every few subjects even knew that the letter was missing. This phenomenon is called the______ effect.

Phoneme- restoration

The United States military uses the NATO alphabet code when spelling out words over the phone (A for Alpha, B for Bravo, C for Charlie, and so on). This type of code is used so that the listener will not get confused due to:

Phonological similarity

What species has the largest prefrontal cortex?.

Pilot whales

You remember the first day of classes better than the 12th day of classes. This an example of the:

Primacy Effect

Danny is replicating the attention theory in the laboratory. If this theory is to be proven correct, what part of the brain should show an enhancement in processing after stimulus onset?

Primary auditory cortex

Knowing how to back a cake would be an example of:

Procedural memory

Knowing how to do something is an example of:

Procedural memory

Understanding cultural differences in cognition is most closely associated with which one of these?

Process models

A common error in strop task is reading the word itself instead of saying the color in which word is printed. This is probably because:

Reading is a highly automated process

Patients with damage to the left temporal lobe lose their ability to:

Recognize speech, but they can still speak

In the PQ4R method, which one of the following would be an example of elaborative processing?


I explained that in ____________,, "blindness" is unlikely to be observed if the stimulus is of emotional significance to the person

Repetition blindness

If you want to do your grocery shopping tomorrow and wish to memorize list of items you would like to purchase, what mnemonic technique will be most helpful to you?

The Method of Loci

What Brain region plays an important role in attention?

The Reticular Activating system

_____ refer(s) to a mnemonic technique that relies on spatial relationships.

The method of Loci

A person's home is right next to the railroad tracks. Even if she is very busy working at home, she still hears the sound of a train passing by. This is an example of:

The orienting reflex

Amanda turns off her phone so she can study for an exam. This strategy will prevent which one of the following, if someone tries to call her?

The orienting reflex

On the lexical decision task I described in class, what was the main behavioral measure of interest?

The speed of decision making

When you purchase items in a grocery store, the barcode for each item is scanned at the checkout counter. There is an exact match between a barcode and what is stored in the grocery store computer's memory. This would be an example of:

The template matching model

The word superiority effect is an example of:

Top-down processing

In ______________, there are typically a lot more information about sensory details (what they saw, heard, etc):

True memories

Which one of the following is true of the lexical decision task I explained in class?

We cannot collect any kind of verbal reports

Julie gets to work at 10 a.m. If she requires 30 minutes to drive to work and, after she wakes up, needs an hour to get ready before leaving for work, at what time did she wake up? This problem is best solved by:

Working backwards

Damage to the ____ results in amnesia.


Hemispheric specialization of the brain:

occurs only in humans.

Compared with template matching, the feature-analysis model:

reduces the number of patterns required for recognition.

In one study of map distortions, participants were presented congruent, incongruent, or homogenous maps to people and asked them to make judgments about the location of cities (City X is in Apha County and City Y is in Beta County) they found that:

subjects tend to use larger areas to locate smaller units like cities.

Research on mental rotation and scanning seems to suggest that:

the mental processes people go through in such tasks seem to be analogous to the physical process of rotating or scanning.

The Corsi span test, what is required for the participant?

Serial recall

The_____ lobe is involved in object recognition

Temporal lobe

The Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle believe that the mind was contained in the? A. Heart B. Lungs C. Brains D. Stomach

A. Heart

The reason why auto manufacturers never switch around the positions of the break and gas pedal in any vehicle is associated with which one of these?

Action slip

Based on Ebbinghaus's research, what is the likely outcome if you review your lecture notes the same day as a lecture? A. It will improve our ability to pay attention in class B. We are likely to forget a lot less information compared to what Ebbinghaus found his classic studies of memory C. There is no advantage of reviewing the notes during the hours after a lecture gets over

B. We are likely to forget a lot less information compared to what Ebbinghaus found his classic studies of memory

If a researcher believes that whatever knowledge we have of the world is only due to our life experiences, he or she would be supporting which one of these? A. Nativism B. Empiricism C. Cognitive Psychology D. Gestalt Psychology

C. Empiricism

I take two hours to learn something new the first time, and a few months later, when relearning that same material, if it took me only 30 minutes, what is the percentage of savings? A. 75% B. 60% C. 100% D. 25%

D. 25%

I take an hour to learn something new the first time, and a few months later, when relearning the same material, if I have a savings of 50%, how much time did the relearning take me? A. 50 minutes B. 1 hour C. 2 hour D. 30 minutes

D. 30 minutes

______ records the electrical potentials that are presented on the scalp


Which statement is evidence for propositional representations in complex sentences?

Each separate element of a propositional representation need not correspond to a unit of the meaning of the sentence.

_____ conducted the first scientific studies of memory.


According to ____, all knowledge comes from experience.


An eyewitness recollecting what he saw at a crime scene would be an example of:

Episodic memory

In a proposition network, we can think of these nodes as ____ and the links between nodes are____

Ideas; association

A Starbucks barista can only take orders for in person at any time. This would be an example of:

Selective attention

If several students ask questions within a short time, a professor can answers one student's question at on time. This is an example of:

Selective attention

If several students ask questions within a short time, a professor can answers one students' question at a time. This is an example of:

Selective attention

To accurately recall what function a chair typically serves, an individual has to retrieve information from:

Semantic memory

Suzanne is extremely knowledgeable about softball but she cannot play the game well. That means (where softball is concerned) she has a good ____________memory but a poor_____________memory:

Semantic; procedural

The orienting reflex plays an important role in all of these EXCEPT:

Stimuli that are familiar and expected

Bransford and Franks showed subjects sentences such as "The rock rolled down the mountain and crushed the tiny hut" and "The rock crushed the tiny hut by the woods." Later, their subjects thought they had heard "The rock rolled down the mountain and crushed the hut beside the woods." What does this experiment show?

Subjects remembered the propositional units, but not their combination.

In an experiment where participants were asked to point, tap, or verbalize responses to diagrams or sentences. What statement BEST explains the outcome?

Subjects took longest to classify diagrams in the pointing condition than in any other condition.

More research in psychology is aimed at trying to understand:

The function of a particular brain structure

Little Tommy Jones tries to give Mr. Smith directions to the grocery store over the phone. Mr. Smith is not able to understand the directions because Tommy explained how to get to the store from his house instead of from Mr. Smith's house. This is an example of:

egocentric representation

In a study on memory for meaningful interpretation of events, Wanner warned some subjects, but not others, that they would have to recall a set of instructions. He was interested in finding out the circumstances under which people remember the exact wording of verbal information. The results of the study showed that:

memory is better for changes in wording that affect meaning than for changes that affect style.

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