PSYCH 343 Final
Which of the following substance use prevention strategies has been shown to be ineffective? life skills training DARE parent training Social environment modification
Which of the following statements regarding disinhibited social engagement disorder (DSED) and reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is correct? DSED is more persistent then RAD RAD is associated with ADHD while DSED is not RAD is more prevalent than DSED DSED is not associated with neglect while RAD is
DSED is more persistent than RAD
What disorders are treated by exposure therapy?
GAD, OCD, arfid, traumatic stress disorder
Ritual behavior is unique to ___, but not GAD
______ are highly effective for generalized anxiety disorder
Sam, a 12 year old girl, recently moved to a new school and she has frequent sadness and problems making new friends. She had no psychological concerns prior to moving to her new house. Which disorder is most consistent with her symptoms?
adjustment disorder
excessive negative reactions to stress or change (ex. moving to a new place, acne, puberty)
adjustment disorder
John drinks alcohol heavily every weekend and has recently begun missing school and staying away from home overnight. Which DSM diagnosis best characterizes his symptoms?
alcohol use disorder
Which of the following brain structures has been shown to be overactive in children with anxiety disorders? amygdala dorsolateral prefrontal cortex cerebellum caudate nucleus
Sarah has been consuming large amounts of food several times per week over the past several years and she exercises excessively and vomits to control her weight. She is significantly underweight although she perceives herself as overweight. Which diagnosis most closely matches her symptoms?
anorexia nervosa
high behavioral inhibition; commonly comorbid with OCD, but not ADHD; subcategorized based on methods used to limit caloric intake; disturbance in perception of body size/shape; can eat a lot but keep low body weight; dissatisfaction of body shape/size
anorexia nervosa
Anorexia has a disturbance in perception of body size/shape, ___ does not
Which of the following is more likely to be observed in young children with PTSD relative to adolescents or adults with PTSD? rexperiencing disassociation avoidance depersonalization
Children with anxiety disorders may present more _____ symptoms of anxiety when compared to adults with anxiety disorders
eating disturbance stemming from lack of interest in eating food; failure to gain weight
avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (arfid)
_____ is the most effective treatment for enuresis
behavioral therapy
low inhibition; eating abnormally large amounts of food in a single sitting; loss of control eating
binge eating disorder
obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance (excessive mirror checking); thinking you're disfigured
body dysmorphia
poor impulse control; within 10% of normal weight; fear of weight gain; behavioral disinhibition; excessive compensatory behaviors
bulimia nervosa
In what way does night terror disorder differ from nightmare disorder? children with nightmare disorder do not remember their dreams the next day while those with night terrors do children with nightmare disorder have nightmares during the early stages of sleep while those with night terrors experience them later in sleep children with night terrors have dreams with survival threats while those with nightmares do not children with night terrors are difficult to arouse during a dream while those with nightmares are not
children with night terrors are difficult to arouse during a dream while those with nightmares are not
Sarah, a 12 year old girl, has a history of difficulty falling asleep, generally staying awake until early morning. She has frequent daytime sleepiness and has recently been staying awake throughout the night and sleeping for much of the day. Which of the following diagnoses best characterizes her symptoms?
circadian rhythm disorder
problems with your internal clock; also known as day/night reversal
circadian rhythm disorder
model for diagnosis that states it must meet specific criteria
Trauma focused cbt focuses on ___
cognitive restructuring
What symptom is consistent bulimia nervosa but not binge eating disorder? out of control eating eating large quantities compensatory behavior distress regarding binge eating
compensatory behavior
Measurement error is accounted for through _____
confidence intervals
______ predicts performance on another metric (ex. grades at school)
construct validity
psychological distress manifest as physical symptoms
conversion disorder
Which of the following symptoms of PTSD refers to feeling detached from one's body or self, as though one is observing things happening to them rather than experiencing them directly? demystification depersonalization numbing deidentification
model for diagnosis that lies on a spectrum
being too open with strangers; often comorbid with conduct disorders
disinhibited social engagement disorder
described as experiencing the world as dreamlike or distorted
Which of the following is characteristic of reactive attachment disorder but not disinhibited social engagement disorder?. does not check with adults after venturing away does not perceive strangers as dangerous does not seek comfort when distressed does not obey parental rules
does not seek comfort when distressed
Which of the following best describes substance tolerance? physiological habituation to a substance intense psychological craving dose required for the same effect increases physiological syndrome associated with substance use
dose required for the same effect increases
Which of the following groups is at greatest risk for developing anorexia or bulimia? early maturing females early maturing males late maturing females late maturing males
early maturing females
Which of the following strategies is most likely to reduce child maltreatment on a population level? trauma-focused CBT educating parents at primary care medical visits individual parent training interventions to teach adaptive coping skills placing more children in foster care
educating parents at primary care medical visits
______ is the magnitude of the effect of the intervention
effect size
Attachment theory considers crying in an infant to be a behavior that ____ relationships with the caregiver
Which of the following treatment strategies is common to both post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorder treatment? behavioral activation exposure to feared stimuli hyonosis response prevention
exposure to feared stimuli
externalizing disorders (aggression, outward)
Which of the following symptoms is characteristic of social anxiety disorder but not separation anxiety disorder? fear of parents dying lack of desire for social interaction fear of negative evaluation from others refusal to speak to strangers
fear of negative evaluation from others
Jessie's therapy for anxiety involved creating a hierarchy of fears and performing exposures beginning with the least feared situation first. This exposure strategy is described as ______________.
graded exposure
_____ is the most likely way to change a child's behavior
In what way does obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) differ from other anxiety disorders? Individuals with OCD don't realize that their worries are unreasonable Individuals with OCD have anxiety that prevents them from functioning in society Individuals with OCD perform rituals to reduce their anxious distress Individuals with OCD cannot be treated with exposure therapy
individuals with OCD perform rituals to reduce their anxious distress
Which type of parent-infant attachment is most common in infants who have been maltreated? secure attachment insecure-avoidant attachment insecure-disorganized attachment reactive attachment
insecure disorganized attachment
A test with high ____ measures what it purports to measure
internal validity
internalizing disorders (anxiety)
Bulimia has ___ behavioral inhibition
Intermittent explosive disorder has ___ behavioral inhibition
______ best distinguish major depressive disorder with hallucinations from schizophrenia in children (____ is in depression but not schizophrenia)
mood disturbance
How can one reduce the effect of under reporting ptsd symptoms in children?
multiple informants
Bipolar disorder is highly _____ in its etiology
Who is hard to arouse during night episodes? nightmare disorder or night terror disorder?
night terror disorder
Which of the following disorders is most likely to be treated effectively with selective serotonin repute inhibitor medications? hair pulling disorder social anxiety disorder obsessive compulsive disorder generalized anxiety disorder
obsessive compulsive disorder
Which of the following disorders is most likely to be comorbid with an anorexia nervosa? ADHD oppositional defiant disorder obsessive compulsive disorder bipolar disorder
Anorexia is commonly comorbid with ---- but not ----
ocd, adhd
Which of the following responses accurately characterizes findings of brain research for children with anxiety disorders? underactive behavioral inhibition and activation systems overactive behavioral activation systems overactive behavioral inhibition and activation systems overactive behavioral inhibition systems
overactive behavioral inhibition system
ADHD is characterized by an ____ behavioral activation system and an ____ behavioral inhibition system
overactive, underactive
Which of the following parenting behaviors is most likely to contribute to development of anxiety in children? criticism neglect demandingness overprotection
rest and digest response
What treatment approach for avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder is most likely to be successful? interpersonal psychotherapy parent-child interaction therapy cognitive therapy psychodynamic psychotherapy
parent child interaction therapy
Which of the following symptoms is consistent with body dysmorphic disorder but not anorexia? distorted perceptions of body weight or shape frequent comparison to other's bodies perceived physical deformity fear of gaining weight
perceived physical deformity
model for diagnosis that states there should be at least 2/6 symptoms
What are the DSM's 3 models for diagnosis?
prototypical, dimensional, classical
learning that a traumatic event occurred to a close family member or close friend (ex. learning a parent has a life threatening injury due to an accident); children may under report symptoms of distress; dissociation
Which of the following is not consistent with sympathetic nervous system activation which produces the fight or flight response? adrenaline release decreased digestion pupil constriction quicker respiration rate
pupil constriction
The best way to test any treatment is through _____
randomized controlled trial
One of the distinctive features of autism is ____ (not w schizophrenia)
repetitive and restrictive interests
The finding that most people bounce back from traumatic experiences and go on to have minimal long-term psychological problems is referred to as __________________.
Which of the following treatment approaches is included in treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder but not for social anxiety disorder? cognitive modification response prevention imaginary exposure in vivo exposure
response prevention
While exposure therapy is used to treat both OCD and GAD, ____ is unique to OCD
response prevention
The most effective treatment for night terror disorder is _____
scheduled wakings
What treatment is most effective for night terror disorder in young children? hypnotic sleep medications tonsillectomy scheduled wakings melatonin
scheduled wakings
child refuses to speak to teachers or strangers, but otherwise has no trouble with verbal communication or general intelligence
selective mutism
Which of the following characteristics is consistent with Anorexia but not Bulimia? significantly low body weight need for approval obsessiveness body image disturbance
significantly low body weight
What differentiates binge-eating/purging type anorexia from bulimia? fear of weight gain significantly low weight disturbed body image rigidity in thinking
significantly low weight
Which of the following interventions is most likely to improve insomnia in adolescents? sleep-related behavior change hypnotic medication scheduled wakings advancing the sleep phase
sleep related behavior change
fear of negative evaluation from peers (not present in agoraphobia or separation anxiety); highly sociocultural (rather than neurobiological)
social anxiety
_____ is the most consistent intervention strategy with a behavioral approach to psychotherapy for child psychological problems
social engagement
Of the following choices, which is the largest contributor to the etiology of eating disorders? Neurobiology Sociocultural influences Genetics Psychodynamics
sociocultural influences
fight or flight response
______ is the best treatment for breathing related sleep disorders in children and adolescents
tonsil and adenoid removal
Which treatment has the most evidence for effectiveness in treating nighttime enuresis? antidiuretic medication toilet training urine alarm watchful waiting
urine alarm
Infants and toddlers have more night ____ problems
Which of the following experiences would meet DSM 5 criteria for exposure to a traumatic event consistent with PTSD? watching a close relative sustain a life-threatening injury in an accident seeing photos of a dead body on Instagram being the first to find a terminally ill grandparent dead in his sleep experiencing homelessness for two consecutive months
watching a close relative sustain a life threatening injury in an accident
Which of the following is a hallmark of physical dependence on a substance? psychomotor retardation hallucinations craving withdrawal