Psych Assessment Chap 1-4

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Two tests were used to test army recruits during WW I: a. Alpha and Beta b. Alpha and Stanford-Binet c. Beta and Stanford-Binet d. Wechsler and Stanford-Binet

a. Alpha and Beta

The famous Strong Vocational Interest Blank has roots that go back to the a. Carnegie Interest Inventory b. Personal Data Sheet c. Thematic Apperception Test d. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

a. Carnegie Interest Inventory

The first applications of testing can be traced to a. Chinese testing of officials for office in 2200 B.C. b. Galton's sensory tests in the late 1800s c. Wissler's 1901 correlation of tests and academic marks d. Binet's 1905 testing of Paris school child

a. Chinese testing of officials for office in 2200 B.C.

The first applications of testing can be traced to a. Chinese testing of officials for office in 2200 B.C. b. Galton's sensory tests in the late 1800s c. Wissler's 1901 correlation of tests and academic marks d. Binet's 1905 testing of Paris school children

a. Chinese testing of officials for office in 2200 B.C.

____________ is a statistical index of how efficiently an item discriminates between persons who obtain high and low scores on the entire test. a. Item-discrimination index b. Item-difficulty index c. Item-validity index d. Item-tension index

a. Item-discrimination index

The test that introduced the use of validity scales to determine fake bad, fake good, and random response patterns was the: a. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory b. Personal Data Sheet c. Bernreuter Personality Inventory d. Allport-V ernon Study of V alues

a. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

____________ has to do with accurate identification of patients with a syndrome. a. Sensitivity b. Specificity c. Reliability d. Loading

a. Sensitivity

This test consists of a series of pictures depicting persons engaged in ambiguous interactions. a. Thematic Apperception Test b. Szondi test c. Draw-A-Person test d. Army Alpha test

a. Thematic Apperception Test

Who is typically credited with founding the first psychological laboratory in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany? a. Willhelm Wundt b. Francis Galton c. Johann Lavater d. Gustave Fecner

a. Willhelm Wundt

Under what circumstances is it considered ethical to ask a client to take a test such as the MMPI-2 home for completion? a. almost never b. only if the tester has an established relationship with the client c. almost always, as MMPI-2 results are unaffected

a. almost never

The term ____________ was invented during World War II to describe a program to select men for secret service assignment in the Office of Strategic Services. a. assessment b. evaluation c. classification d. estimation

a. assessment

The degree to which items on a test are representative of the universe of behavior the test was designed to sample is an index of ____________ validity. a. content b. concurrent c. predictive d. construct

a. content

Traditionally, the different ways of accumulating validity evidence have been grouped into three categories: a. content, criterion-related, and construct validity b. face, criterion-related, and construct validity c. face, content, and construct validity d. content, concurrent, and predictive validity

a. content, criterion-related, and construct validity

When similar or identical questions are found on both a test measure and a criterion ( outcome) measure related to the test, what source of error is likely? a. criterion contamination b. criterion default c. criterion dissolution d. criterion replication

a. criterion contamination

Which kind of test is interpreted in relation to specified standard of mastery? a. criterion-referenced b. norm-referenced c. both of the above d. neither of the above

a. criterion-referenced

Putting forth a variety of answers to a complex or fuzzy problem is an example of _______ _____ thinking. a. divergent b. convergent c. undisciplined d. intelligent

a. divergent Checklists, inventories, and projective techniques are all examples of ____________ tests. a. creativity b. intelligence c. personality d. vocational

The Tarasoff case was the impetus for changes in the concept of a. duty to warn b. best interests of the client c. informed consent d. standard of care

a. duty to warn

If an item such as "I drink a lot of water" was on a depression scale, the test likely employed the ____________ scaling method a. empirical keying b. Likert c. absolute d. rational

a. empirical keying

A statistical technique known as ____________ was needed for the development of sophisticated aptitude tests. a. factor analysis b. multiple regression c. discriminant function analysis d. analysis of variance

a. factor analysis

The difference in underlying raw score points between percentiles of 90 and 99 is ________ ____ that between percentiles of 50 and 59. a. greater than b. less than c. the same as d. of unknown relation to

a. greater than

What is the relationship between test anxiety and school achievement? a. high anxiety correlates with low achievement b. high anxiety correlates with high achievement c. test anxiety and school achievement are unrelated d. the relationship between test anxiety and school achievement is unknown

a. high anxiety correlates with low achievement

At the turn of the century, the following labels were used for diagnostic purposes in intellectual disability: a. idiot, imbecile, feeble-minded b. intellectually disabled, feeble-minded, borderline c. imbecile, feeble-minded, borderline d. severely disabled, mildly disabled, borderline

a. idiot, imbecile, feeble-minded

Of what value was the WW I testing to the Army? a. it is not really clear whether the Army made much use of the test results b. the Army used the test results to dramatically increase its efficiency c. the Army brass accepted the validity of the tests but opted for limited application d. the Army brass doubted the validity of the tests but based important decisions upon them anyway

a. it is not really clear whether the Army made much use of the test results

Another name for latent trait theory is a. item response theory b. projective test theory c. generalization theory d. latent response theory

a. item response theory

The proportion of examinees in a large tryout sample who get a specific item correct is called a. item-difficulty index b. item-reliability index c. item-validity index d. index of item discrimination

a. item-difficulty index

In ____________ scales, the numbers serve only as category names. a. nominal b. ordinal c. interval d. ratio

a. nominal

Percentile ranks, age equivalents, grade equivalents, and standard scores are all examples of a. norms b. non-linear transformations c. normal distributions d. all of the above

a. norms

In light of consent guidelines, what requirement does a psychologist have if they are interested in testing an 18-year-old client with intellectual disability? a. obtain consent from a legal guardian b. obtain consent from the client c. cease testing d. none of the above

a. obtain consent from a legal guardian

What initial problem of sentence completion tests still remains today? a. scoring and interpretation b. linguistic barriers c. complex administration procedure d. poor response rate

a. scoring and interpretation

For individually administered tests, the procedure of choice is the a. short answer objective item b. multiple-choice question c. open-ended question d. essay

a. short answer objective item

In a ____________ scale, all raw scores are converted to a single-digit system of scores ranging from 1 to 9. a. stanine b. sten c. C d. digit

a. stanine

The mean of ____________ scores is always 5, and the standard deviation is approximately 2. a. stanine b. sten c. C d. digit

a. stanine

In general, how do test manuals for group standardized tests handle the issue of guessing? a. they provide explicit instructions to examinees as to the advantages and potential pitfalls of guessing b. they warn examinees that guessing is usually counterproductive c. most commonly, the test manual does not provide any guidance on the pros and cons of guessing d. they explain that guessing seldom improves the score

a. they provide explicit instructions to examinees as to the advantages and potential pitfalls of guessing

In Terrell's study, which group of black subjects showed the lowest IQ test results when tested by a white examiner? a. those with high cultural mistrust b. those with low cultural mistrust c. both groups scored about the same

a. those with high cultural mistrust

The distinction between aptitude tests and achievement tests is based largely upon a. usage b. content c. format d. difficulty

a. usage

The higher the ____________, the more accurate the test is in predicting the criterion. a. validity coefficient b. reliability coefficient c. validity curve d. reliability curve

a. validity coefficient

Binet's tests were heavily loaded toward a. verbal skills b. math skills c. reaction time d. writing competency

a. verbal skills

Suppose that a college freshman earned 125 raw score points on a vocabulary test where the normative sample averaged 100 points (with SD of 15 points). Suppose, in addition, he earned 110 raw score points on a spatial thinking test where the normative sample averaged 90 points (with SD of 20 points). In which skill area does he show greater aptitude, vocabulary or spatial thinking? a. vocabulary b. spatial thinking c. aptitude is equal in the two areas d. insufficient data to answer the question

a. vocabulary

Formula for the hit rate is a. (misses)/(hits + misses) b. (hits)/(hits + misses) c. (hits + misses)/(misses) d. (hits + misses)/(hits)

b. (hits)/(hits + misses)

In general, the optimal level of item difficulty is a. 0 b. .5 c. 1.0 d. 100

b. .5

For true-false items, the optimal level of item difficulty is a. .5 b. .75 c. 1.0 d. 100

b. .75

The value of a reliability coefficient can vary between a. -1.0 and +1.0 b. 0.0 and +1.0 c. 0.0 and 0.9 d. two numbers that depend upon the underlying units of measurement

b. 0.0 and +1.0

Suppose the standard error of the estimate for predicted grade point average (GPA) is 0.2 grade units. Suppose a student has a predicted GPA of 2.90. Approximately what is the probability that the student will achieve a GPA of 3.3 or higher? a. .5 percent b. 2.5 percent c. 10 percent d. cannot be computed

b. 2.5 percent

The concept of "intelligence quotient" was suggested by ____________ in ___________. a. Galton, 1884 b. Binet, 1905 c. Stern, 1912 d. Terman, 1916

b. Binet, 1905

The term "mental test" was first popularized by a. Galton b. Cattell c. Binet d. Terman

b. Cattell

The first form of numerical rating scales can be traced to a. Aristotle in the 4th century B.C. b. Galen in the 2nd century c. Al-kindi in the 15th century d. Galton in the 19th century

b. Galen in the 2nd century

A ____________ scale presents the examinee with five responses ordered on an agree/disa gree or approve/disapprove continuum. a. Thurstone b. Likert c. Guttman d. Binet

b. Likert

____________ may have the long-term effect of pressuring African American students to " protectively disidentify" with achievement in school and related intellectual domains. a. Centripetal cognition b. Stereotype threat c. Standardization d. Cognitive endorsement

b. Stereotype threat

According to APA guidelines, who is qualified to use an individual intelligence test? a. a doctoral-level psychologist only b. an individual with a least a master's degree in psychology or an allied field c. psychologists or a responsible nonpsychologist (e.g., business administrator)

b. an individual with a least a master's degree in psychology or an allied field

A(n) ____________ effect is observed when significant numbers of examinees obtain perfect or near-perfect scores. a. floor b. ceiling c. interval d. absolute

b. ceiling

The mean of the split-half coefficients resulting from all possible splittings of a test is known as a. Pearson r b. coefficient alpha c. mean reliability d. none of the above

b. coefficient alpha

Correlations between a new test and existing tests are often cited as evidence of ________ ____ validity. a. content b. concurrent c. predictive d. construct

b. concurrent

The expression ____________ refers to the practice of using the original regression equation in a new sample to determine if the test predicts the criterion as well as it did in the original sample. a. regression validation b. cross-validation c. regression to the mean d. standardization

b. cross-validation

Suppose a new measure of extraversion possesses a negligible correlation with intelligence. This would indicate support for ____________ validity. a. convergent b. discriminant c. content d. concurrent

b. discriminant

With respect to the confidentiality of test results a. there are no exceptions b. exceptions can be made if law enforcement officials make an official request c. exceptions can be made only if withholding information would present a clear danger to client or others d. exceptions can be made if clergy make an official request

b. exceptions can be made if law enforcement officials make an official request

A test has ____________ validity if it looks valid to test users, examiners, and especially the examinees. a. content b. face c. criterion-related d. construct

b. face

All of the following are common sources of error in group testing EXCEPT: a. lack of clarity in delivering the directions b. failure to provide allotted break time c. noise distractions d. failure to explain when and if examinees should guess

b. failure to provide allotted break time

An individual takes a new test for a medical disease, and the results indicate that she does not have the disease. In fact, it turns out that she did have the disease. This is an example of a a. false positive b. false negative c. true positive d. true negative

b. false negative

In decision theory, persons who are predicted to succeed but who fail are known as a. false positives b. false negatives c. true positives d. true negatives

b. false negatives

The standard error of the estimate is an index of the error of measurement caused by the _ ___________ of a test. a. unreliability b. imperfect validity c. sampling restriction d. standardization sample

b. imperfect validity

According to the principle of ____________, test takers or representatives are made aware, in language that they can understand, of the reasons for testing, the type of tests to be used, the intended use and the range of material consequences of the intended use. a. confidentiality b. informed consent c. best interests of the client d. validity of results

b. informed consent

In recent years, psychometricians have favored an alternative theoretical model to classical test theory called a. individual response theory b. item response theory c. theory of relativity d. operational response theory

b. item response

From a psychometric standpoint, ____________ questions are the weakest. a. multiple-choice b. matching c. true-false d. fill in the blank

b. matching

In a smooth but skewed distribution, the most representative measure of central tendency is the a. mean b. median c. mode d. quartile

b. median

The middlemost score when all the scores have been ranked is called the a. mean b. median c. mode d. second quartile

b. median

Level A of the Test Purchaser Requirements typically involves: a. previous completion of a master's degree in the designated area of study b. minimal training c. administration of aptitude tests d. administration of IQ tests

b. minimal training

In general, aptitude tests measure ____________ than intelligence tests. a. a more global construct b. more specific and delimited abilities c. IQ better d. none of the above

b. more specific and delimited abilities

A form of ranking is found in ____________ scales. a. nominal b. ordinal c. interval d. ratio

b. ordinal

T score scales are especially common for ____________ tests. a. intelligence b. personality c. achievement d. aptitude

b. personality

Franz Joseph Gall is credited with developing this procedure in which bumps on the head explained one's underlying faculties: a. psychophysics b. phrenology c. physiognomy d. psychograph

b. phrenology

If test scores are piled up at the low end of the scale, the distribution is said to be a. negatively skewed b. positively skewed c. leptokurtic d. platykurtic

b. positively skewed

A specialist in psychology or education who develops and evaluates psychological tests: a. clinician b. psychometrician c. psychometrist d. counselor

b. psychometrician

What is the relationship between the reliability and the validity of a psychological test? a. none; these concepts are separate and independent b. reliability is necessary but not sufficient for validity c. reliability is necessary and sufficient for validity d. validity is a necessary precursor to reliability

b. reliability is necessary but not sufficient for validity

Which of the following is NOT true in relation to psychological tests: a. they typically portray an abstraction that is shown useful in prediction b. results represent a thing with physical reality c. every test score will reflect some degree of measure error d. they sum up performance in numbers of classifications

b. results represent a thing with physical reality

Uniformity of administration procedures is the definition of a. criterion-referencing b. standardization c. norm-referencing d. reliability

b. standardization

The norm group is referred to as the a. criterion sample b. standardization sample c. reference group d. all of the above

b. standardization sample

It is appropriate to characterize the first Stanford-Binet as a ____________ of the Binet- Simon scales. a. total revision b. substantial revision c. slight revision d. faithful, literal translation

b. substantial revision

The Greek symbol "sigma" stands for a. mean b. sum of c. correlation d. difference

b. sum of

The essential objective of ____________ is to determine the distribution of raw scores in the norm group so that the test developer can publish derived scores known as norms. a. statistical regression b. test standardization c. data correlation d. obtaining a standard score

b. test standardization

What was the catalyst for the development of Binet and Simon's test? a. the call to expose criminal treatment of intellectually impaired orphans b. the call for an instrument to identify cognitively impaired school children needing special instruction c. the call for an instrument to help the court system determine intellectual impairment d. the call for an instrument to identify gifted school children needing special instruction

b. the call for an instrument to identify cognitively impaired school children needing special instruction

The most common method for obtaining split halves of a test is to compare scores on a. the first and second half of the test b. the odd and even items of the test c. randomly divided halves of the test d. none of the above

b. the odd and even items of the test

Suppose a subject scored at the 94th percentile on a psychological test? What does that mean? a. the subject answered 94 percent of the questions correctly b. the subject's score exceeded 94 percent of the standardization sample c. the subject's score exceeded 6 percent of the standardization sample d. none of the above

b. the subject's score exceeded 94 percent of the standardization sample

If you are a therapist and your client makes repeated death threats against a specific individual, what is your ethical responsibility? a. notify law enforcement that your client is making death threats against a specific individual and allow them to handle the situation b. warn the individual who your client is making threats against and notify law enforcement c. protect the confidentiality of your client and keep the information to yourself d. first attempt to have your client sign a "no harm" contract; if he does not comply, then inform law enforcement

b. warn the individual who your client is making threats against and notify law enforcement

Currently, ethnic minorities constitute about ____________ of the U.S. population. a. 1/5 b. 1/4 c. 1/3 d. 1/2

c. 1/3

Suppose a group of scores has a mean of 40 and a standard deviation of 10. A score of 80 would equate to a standard score of a. 1.0 b. 2.0 c. 4.0 d. 8.0

c. 4.0

In a normal distribution, approximately ____________ percent of the scores will fall within one standard deviation of the mean in either direction. a. 28 b. 48 c. 68 d. 88

c. 68

Full Scale IQ is ____________ percent certain to be accurate within plus or minus 5 IQ points. a. 80 b. 90 c. 95 d. 100

c. 95

The _________ test is a multivariate assessment of heart rate, respiration, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color in newborns. a. Reflex b. Newborn c. Apgar d. Alpha

c. Apgar

____________ tests are often used to predict success in an occupation, training course, or educational endeavor. a. Intelligence b. Personality c. Aptitude d. Achievement

c. Aptitude

Individual tests of intelligence, projective personality tests, and neuropsychological test batteries are examples of Level ____________ tests. a. A b. B c. C d. D

c. C

Currently, most college admissions tests are directed by the a. College Entrance Examination Board b. Graduate Record Examination Board c. Educational Testing Service d. College Admissions Board

c. Educational Testing Service

On a ____________ scale, respondents who endorse one statement also agree with milder statements pertinent to the same underlying continuum. a. Thurstone b. Likert c. Guttman d. Binet

c. Guttman

In developing his test, Rorschach was most heavily influenced by a. Freud b. Adler c. Jung d. Galton

c. Jung

_____________ is concept dating back to the 4th century B.C, that suggests we can judge the inner character of people from their outward appearance, especially the face. a. Psychophysics b. Phrenology c. Physiognomy d. Psychograph

c. Physiognomy

The WW I effort to test army recruits was headed up by a. Goddard b. Terman c. Yerkes d. Cattell

c. Yerkes

Regarding a test manual, ethical guidelines indicate that test publishers a. are not required to publish a manual b. are encouraged to publish a manual c. are required to publish a manual

c. are required to publish a manual

The single most important principle in the ethics of testing is a. confidentiality b. informed consent c. best interests of the client d. validity of results

c. best interests of the client

The theoretical upper limit of the validity coefficient is constrained by the reliability of a. the test b. the criterion c. both the test and the criterion d. neither the test nor the criterion

c. both the test and the criterion

A(n) ____________ is any outcome measure against which a test is validated. a. response b. behavior c. criterion d. index variable

c. criterion

In a(n) ___________ test, the objective is to determine where the examinee stands with respect to very tightly defined educational objectives. a. norm-referenced b. ability c. criterion-referenced d. aptitude

c. criterion-referenced

Why were group tests originally slow to catch on? a. complicated and lengthy administration b. early versions lacked validity c. early versions had to be laboriously scored by hand d. all the above

c. early versions had to be laboriously scored by hand

What was Goddard's position with respect to restrictions upon immigration? a. he led the movement to restrict immigration b. he proposed different quotas for different countries c. he did not join the popular call for immigration restriction d. he favored a complete ban upon immigration

c. he did not join the popular call for immigration restriction

A small x is used to designate a. the mean b. correlation c. individual scores d. deviation scores

c. individual scores

The more powerful and useful statistics should only be used with ____________ levels of measurement. a. nominal and ordinal b. ordinal and interval c. interval and ratio d. ordinal and ratio

c. interval and ratio

The 1908 revision of the Binet and Simon scale included the following innovation(s): a. introduction of the IQ concept b. classification of levels of intelligence c. introduction of the concept of mental level d. all of the above

c. introduction of the concept of mental level

A graphical display of the relationship between the probability of a correct response and the examinee's position on the underlying trait measured by the test is called a. item-difficulty index b. item-reliability index c. item-characteristic curve d. cumulative difficulty curve

c. item-characteristic curve

The point-biserial correlation between the item score and the score on the criterion variable is needed to compute the a. item-difficulty index b. item-reliability index c. item-validity index d. index of item discrimination

c. item-validity index

To know how well each preliminary test item contributes to accurate prediction of the criterion, we would use a. item-difficulty index b. item-reliability index c. item-validity index d. index of item discrimination

c. item-validity index

The most frequently occurring score is the a. mean b. median c. mode d. all of the above

c. mode

For group-administered tests of intellect or achievement, the technique of choice is the a. short-answer essay b. true-false question c. multiple choice question d. method of matching

c. multiple choice question

A sample of examinees who are representative of the population for whom the test is intended is called a ____________ group. a. reference b. criterion c. norm d. stratified

c. norm

Checklists, inventories, and projective techniques are all examples of ____________ tests. a. creativity b. intelligence c. personality d. vocational

c. personality

In ____________ validity, test scores are used to estimate outcome measures obtained at a later date. a. content b. concurrent c. predictive d. construct

c. predictive

Correlations based upon a homogeneous subset of subjects tend to be lower than for the entire group. This is known as a. correlation shrinkage b. power testing c. restriction of range d. none of the above

c. restriction of range

For which kind of reliability is the Spearman-Brown formula relevant? a. test-retest b. alternate forms c. split-half d. none of the above

c. split-half

Which of the below is an index of the internal consistency of a test or scale? a. test-retest b. alternate forms c. split-half d. none of the above

c. split-half

The most commonly used statistical index of variability in a group of scores is the a. range b. variance c. standard deviation d. none of the above

c. standard deviation

A ____________ uses the standard deviation of the total distribution of raw scores as the fundamental unit of measurement. a. percentile b. percentile rank c. standard score d. T-score

c. standard score

A z-score is the same thing as a a. percentile b. percentile rank c. standard score d. T-score

c. standard score

Suppose subjects are matched on overall IQ. On timed subtests from an intelligence scale such as the WAIS, the performance of low-anxious subjects ___________ that of high- anxious subjects. a. drops below b. equals c. surpasses d. is twice as fast as

c. surpasses

The common factor between all methods estimating the reliability of a test is that they are always an attempt to gauge a. the predictive power of test scores b. the validity of test scores c. the accuracy or repeatability of test scores d. none of the above

c. the accuracy or repeatability of test scores

When testing a person with a mild motor handicap, examiners may wish to omit a. multiple choice spatial items b. untimed spatial items c. timed performance subtests d. all of the above

c. timed performance subtests

The first true intelligence tests were developed for what purpose? a. to identify persons with superior intellect b. to test a complex theory on the growth and change of intellect in early childhood c. to identify children who were unlikely to profit from ordinary instruction d. to solve a personal dispute between two of the most famous psychologists in history

c. to identify children who were unlikely to profit from ordinary instruction

For criterion-referenced tests, norms are a. essential b. common but not essential c. uncommon and not essential d. common and essential

c. uncommon and not essential

The Pearson r between two halves of a test will usually ____________ the reliability of the full instrument. a. overestimate b. approximate c. underestimate d. none of the above

c. underestimate

Many authors suggest that reliability should be at least ____________ for decisions about individuals. a. .60 b. .70 c. .80 d. .90

d. .90

The first modern intelligence test was invented in ____________ by ____________. a. 1805, Cattell b. 1905, Cattell c. 1805, Binet d. 1905, Binet

d. 1905, Binet

The latest revision of the Stanford-Binet was completed in a. 1916 b. 1960 c. 1986 d. 2003

d. 2003

In testing small samples of immigrants, Goddard concluded that about ____________ percent of them were "feebleminded." a. 20 b. 40 c. 60 d. 80

d. 80

____________ tests are often used to measure a person's degree of learning, success or accomplishment in a subject matter. a. Intelligence b. Personality c. Aptitude d. Achievement

d. Achievement

____________ share a common assumption that behavior is best understood in terms of clearly defined characteristics such as frequency, duration, antecedents, and consequences. a. Intelligence tests b. Personality inventories c. Creativity tests d. Behavioral procedures

d. Behavioral procedures

The first person to propose a classification system for intellectual disability was a. Seguin b. Binet c. Freud d. Esquirol

d. Esquirol

Who is generally credited with developing the first battery of psychological tests? a. J. McKeen Cattell b. Alfred Binet c. Henry Goddard d. Francis Galton

d. Francis Galton

The level of Test Purchaser Requirements in which a master's degree is typically required is: a. Level 1 b. Level 2 c. Level B d. Level C

d. Level C

What subspecialty of psychology uses specialized tests on people to make inferences about the locus, extent, and consequences of brain damage? a. Neurology b. Cognitive Psychology c. Physiological Psychology d. Neuropsychology

d. Neuropsychology

____________ are the most common type of raw score transformation encountered in psychological testing. a. Standard scores b. Normalized scores c. T-scores d. Percentiles

d. Percentiles

Which of the following necessarily has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10? a. standard score b. normalized standard score c. z-score d. T-score

d. T-score

Who was the first individual to both suggest multiplying the intelligence quotient by 100 to remove fractions and to use the abbreviation IQ? a. Binet b. Stanford c. Stern d. Terman

d. Terman

Which test was originally developed to investigate the need for achievement? a. Rorschach test b. Personal Data Sheet c. Szondi test d. Thematic Apperception Test

d. Thematic Apperception Test

Which test was originally developed to investigate the personality functioning of normal individuals? a. Rorschach test b. Personal Data Sheet c. Bernreuter Personality Inventory d. Thematic Apperception Test

d. Thematic Apperception Test

A WAIS-III IQ of 115 could also be reported as a a. standard score of +1.00 b. T score of 60 c. percentile rank of 84 d. all of the above

d. all of the above

A multi-trait multi-method matrix provides information about a. reliability b. convergent validity c. discriminant validity d. all of the above

d. all of the above

In general, Head Start children show immediate gains in a. IQ b. school readiness c. academic achievement d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which test(s) have roots that trace back to Yerkes and the mass testing of Army recruits during WW I? a. the Wechsler scales b. the Scholastic Aptitude Test c. the Graduate Record Exams d. all the above

d. all the above

Many psychometric theorists regard ____________ validity as the unifying concept for all types of validity evidence. a. content b. concurrent c. predictive d. construct

d. construct

If a test measures a single construct, then its component items (or subtests) likely will be _ ___________. a. divergent b. internally valid c. heterogeneous d. homogeneous

d. homogeneous

Undoubtedly the single greatest source of error in group test administration is: a. reading the wrong instructions b. giving the wrong form of the test c. giving a test to the wrong age group d. incorrect timing of tests

d. incorrect timing of tests

Sir Francis Galton attempted to measure all of the following EXCEPT a. personality b. boringness of lectures c. the efficacy of prayer d. infant intelligence

d. infant intelligence

Which type of reliability method is best for a test that involves subjectivity of scoring? a. split-half b. test retest c. coefficient alpha d. interscorer

d. interscorer

Goddard considered children who were ____________ to be feeble-minded. a. below an IQ of 70 b. incapable of self-care c. trainable but not educable d. mentally four or more years behind

d. mentally four or more years behind

Which is the correct order for levels of measurement? a. ordinal, nominal, interval, ratio b. ordinal, nominal, ratio, interval c. nominal, ordinal, ratio, interval d. nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio

d. nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio

Which of the examiner characteristics listed below has been found to make a consistent and significant difference in the outcome of individual test results? a. sex b. experience c. race d. none of the above

d. none of the above

Tests that use a well-defined population of persons for their interpretive framework are referred to as: a. criterion-referenced b. population-referenced c. standard-referenced d. norm-referenced

d. norm-referenced

A(n) ____________ scale has a conceptually meaningful zero point. a. nominal b. ordinal c. interval d. ratio

d. ratio

The standard deviation of an examinee's hypothetical obtained scores on a large number of equivalent tests is known as the a. standard error of the difference b. deviation score c. standard error of the mean d. standard error of measurement

d. standard error of measurement

When is the Kuder-Richardson formula useful? a. for split-half estimates b. when coefficient alpha cannot be used c. for alternate forms of a test d. when test items are scored 0 or 1

d. when test items are scored 0 or 1

Test-anxious students have study habits that are ____________ those of other students. a. far superior to b. slightly superior to c. about equally effective as d. worse than

d. worse than

Why did the Wechsler scales become a popular alternative to Stanford-Binet? a. stronger validity results b. provides subtest scores and a verbal and performance IQ score c. easier to administer d. all the above

provides subtest scores and a verbal and performance IQ score

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