psych ch. 12

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Compared with monkeys left in stable groups, those that were housed with three of four new roommates each month were more likely to experience what?

Suppressed production of lymphocytes

Where are B lymphocytes formed in?

bone marrow

What does the activation of the sympathetic nervous system do to the body?

decreases salivation and increases blood pressure

Which part of the brain results in increased activity when a person is in a positive mood?

left frontal lobe

What is the second phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) characterized by?


According to the Schacter-Singer two-factor theory of emotion, which of the following is the correct sequence of events when a car drivers directly toward us and we experience emotion?

see an oncoming car; heart pounds and, at the same time, the arousal is cognitively labeled; experience fear.

Mandisa is under an extreme amount of stress. She is battling with her exhusband about money and their children. In this time of stress, Mandisa turns to her friends for support and spends as much time with her children as possible. Taylor and colleagues would say that she is responding to stress according to which of the following models?

"Tend or Befriend"

Americans are more likely than Japanese to do what?

Allow their facial expressions to openly display their feelings

Your friend's father has just past away. You dont just say you are sorry for the loss, but rather you tell your friend that you truly feel the pain that she is going through. You really understand her grief and both of you are crying together. This is an example of what?


Dr. Harper is studying the effects of HIV awareness campaigns and the reduction of new HIV cases within the Latino population of a major city. He is examining what is working and what is not working to stem the tide of this high-risk area of the city. He is also looking at medication compliance and wellness examinations. What kind of psychologist is he?


A month ago, Jason lost his job due to circumstances beyond his control and he is very concerned about his financial situation. Since then, he has learned that his wife will not be able to return to Canada because she cannot get her "permanent residency" authorization, and that his comfortable apartment is being sold, and that he must find another place to live. Given what happens when people feel unable to control their environment, which of the following do you think is likely to be true of Jason?

His immune response is dropping.

What does activation of parasympathetic nervous system do?

Increases salivation and decreases blood pressure

What does the James-Lange theory of emotion suggest is the most important aspect of emotions?

Our awareness of our physiological responses to emotion-arousing stimuli

Highly emotional people are intense partly because of their interpretations. They may ____ events as being somehow directed at them, and they may ______ their experiences by blowing single incidents out of proportion.

Personalize; generalize

In a senior writing seminar, students were asked to write a brief autobiography. Sixty years later, if a researcher were to analyze these autobiographies, what would be the most likely outcome in terms of their longevity (i.e., which group is likely to live an average of 7 years longer?)

Those who had expressed happiness, love, and other positive feelings in their autobiographies.

You look down while sitting at the top of the Ferris wheel. You immediately feel your heart start to pound. You are confused by this response until you remember your last experience on a Ferris wheel. During that experience, the wind started to blow, the seats began to rock, and you thought you were going to die. You realize your heart is pounding because you are afraid. Which of the following theories best explains this sequence of events?

Two-factor theory

People tend to use emotion-focused, rather than problem-focused, coping strategies in which situation?

When they believe they cannot change a stressful situation

The feel-good, do-good phenomenon refers to the impact of ___ on ___ ?

happiness on helpfulness

Aerobic exercise ______ the body's production of serotonin and _____ its production of the endorphins.

increases; increases

Perceived loss of control is associated with ___ epinephrine levels and ___ lymphocyte levels.

raised; lowered

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