Psych Chapt. 12

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an unlearned instinct

The fact that human aggression varies widely from culture to culture most strongly suggests that it is NOT

act of kindness to a compassionate personality

The fundamental attribution error is likely to lead observers to attribute a stranger's

bad behavior performed by a person we have never met before

The fundamental attribution error is most likely to occur when we explain an instance of


The ill-fated decision of President John F. Kennedy and his advisors to invade Cuba illustrates the dangers of

cultural influence

The invention and transmission of dating and courtship customs best illustrate

Stanley Milgram

The social psychologist who is best known for his controversial studies investigating destructive obedience to an authority is

need help

The social-responsibility norm refers to the expectations that people should help those who


The transmission of a capitalistic economic system form one generation to the next best illustrates the impact of

memorable cases

The violent crimes of some group members inflate people's judgement of the crime rate within the entire group because the instances of violent crimes are

personal control

Those who assert their freedom by refusing to yield to conformity pressures best illustrate

mirror-image perceptions

Two conflicting groups who share the same negative views of one another demonstrate

social facilitation

Tyree is a skilled cyclist. When practicing on a stationary bike, his coach finds that when the women's cycling team enters the gm, his speed seems to increase significantly. Tyree's increase in speed illustrates

more pressure than they had just experienced

University College London volunteers used a mechanical device to press on another volunteer's finger, after feeling pressure on their own finger. They typically responded to the pressure on their finger with

Bill, his assigned roommate who is majoring in computer science

Vince, an extraverted university freshman, has just moved into a dormitory. He is most likely to become friends with

Physical attractiveness

What determined whether college freshmen who had been randomly paired for a Welcome Week dance liked each other

The tendency to believe that people get what they deserve and deserve what they get

What is the just-world phenomenon

Leader's brain-implanted electrode

When a leader of a caged monkey colony became threatening, one small monkey learned to push the control button, which reduced this behavior by activating the

developed more aggressive tendencies

When a mild-mannered woman had an electrode implanted in her amygdala, she

social facilitation

When a task is relatively simple or well-learned, the presence of other people tends to enhance individual performance, a pattern called

a mutually beneficial resolution

When conflicts between parties become intense, a third-party mediator will try to help these parties reach


Whether Alicia exercises regularly is best predicted by her attitude about

"We all seem to be in basic agreement, so there's no sense in continuing our discussion of this issue"

Which of the following comments is most likely to be made in a group characterized by groupthink

Jwa, a Korean man, and Michelle, a Chinese woman, who recently started dating

Which of the following interracial couples is the LEAST likely to experience frequent cases of racism and discrimination?

attending a football game in the winter

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a factor in producing aggressive behaviors?

social loafing

Which of the following is NOT a factor related to groupthink?

Rebecca, who is 16, thinks her mother is less intelligent than her father

Which of the following is an example of gender prejudice?

Gita's mother, who is excited about the unexpected bonus she just received from her employer

Which of the following people would be most likely to help Gita study for her history exam

"Make a point of rewarding and praising your son whenever he is socially cooperative and altruistic."

Which of the following would be the best advice to give parents who are concerned about the frequent aggressive outbursts of their 6-year-old son?

passionate love reaches its peak quickly

Which statement about passionate love is true

scapegoat theory

Which theory most clearly suggests that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by someone to blame when things go wrong

James, who is African-American

Who is most likely to experience criticism and accusations of immoral behavior?

Men; less educated

Worldwide, anti-gay attitudes are most comon among ___ and those who are ___

a waiter failed to smile when serving you

You would most likely commit fundamental attribution error in explaining why

Selectively attend to

Although President Obama is of mixed race, White Americans typically perceive and label him as Black. Researchers believe this happens because White observers ___ the distinctive physical features of the less-familiar Black minority

The just-world phenomenon

An eagerness to believe that victims of a natural disaster are being punished by God for their sins is best explained in terms of

be self-confident and consistent in expressing his viewpoint

Anton is the only juror to favor acquittal of the defendant in a murder trial. To influence the majority he should


As you are reading through Yahoo news article comments, you see that many of them are quite negative and cruel. These may be related to the fact that the commenters feel

A compassionate identity

Brandon is a 16 year old and volunteers in his community each week. What is this behavior likely to promote

a dispositional attribution

Ksana insists that her boyfriend's car accident resulted from his carelessness. Her explanation for the accident provides an example of

companionate love

The affectionate attachment that keeps a relationship going after passionate feelings cool is known as

group polarization

The enhancement of a group's prevailing inclinations through group discussion is called

reciprocity norm

The expectation that people should return help, not harm, to those who have helped them is called the

self-fulfilling prophecy

A belief that leads to its own fulfillment is called a


A culture that promotes individualism is most likely to encourage

drug trafficking

A shortage of women has been attributed to an increase in all of the following EXCEPT

The pursuit of self-interest leads to collective harm

A social trap is a situation in which

even ordinary people, who are not usually hostile, can become agents of destruction

According to Milgram, the most fundamental lesson to be learned from his study of obedience is that

social exchange theory

According to ___, altruistic behavior is guided by calculations of costs and benefits

The frustration-aggression principle

After Manny's father refused to let him use the family car on Friday night, Manny let all the air out of the tires. His action is best explained in terms of

social traps

After a year-long drought, the city of Pine Bluffs has banned all lawn sprinkling. Many residents believe, however, that continued watering of their own lawn will have little effect on total water reserves. Consequently, there is a disastrous drain on city water reserves caused by widespread illegal sprinkling. This incident best illustrates the dynamics of

informational social influence

After hearing respected medical authorities lecture about the value of regular exercise, Raul, who has rarely exercised, begins to jog regularly. The change in Raul's behavior best illustrates the impact of

report higher levels of aggression and be more willing to administer laboratory noise blasts to partners

After watching pornography, Ollie will probably


Alexandra is well liked by her friends, most likely because she mimics their gestures and seems to match their moods. Researchers would suggest that their natural mimicry is a component of

Completed a series of aerobic exercises

Casandra who is attractive and likeable, has just helped telephoned Mike and asked him for a date. According to the two-factor theory of emotion, Mike is likely to experience the most intense romantic feelings for Casandra during their phone conversation if he has just


Compared with randomly paired people, friends are more likely to share the same attitudes and beliefs. This best illustrates the association between ___ and attraction

Central route persuasion

Darcy is in the market to buy a new car. The salesperson shows her the features of each car she is considering, explaining the pros and cons of purchasing each. The salesperson's strategy illustrates


Dr. Alvarez spent his whole working life selflessly helping the sick and poor in some of the poorest countries in the world. This example illustrates


Ellie is unusually attractive and intelligent, and she works hard to please her husband. He displays little affection for her, however, and spends most of the family's resources on his own interests. Ellie's relationship with her husband is best characterized as

racial attitudes have changed dramatically in the last half-century

Eugene and Sally are an interracial couple who have been together for nearly 50 years. During this time, they have experienced numerous instances of racism and discrimination. Dwayne and Rebecca are an interracial couple who have been together for the past 5 years. While they have experienced some racism, overall, they believe that their experience will be different from that of Eugene and Sally. Why is this the case?

seeing your own face in a mirror heightens self-awareness, counteracting deindividuation that can lead to irresponsible behavior

Every Halloween, Mrs. Augustin puts a bowl of candy on her porch with a sign that says, "Take one." This year the bowl was empty after just a few minutes, leading Mrs. Augustin to believe that one group of children took more than their fair share. To discourage such dishonest actions, Mrs. Augustin positioned a mirror above the candy bowl, which should work because

the interaction of biology and experience

Following the consumption of alcohol, Steven is increasingly likely to respond to minor frustrations with violent outbursts. This best illustrates

he is unmotivated to do well in school

Freire did very poorly on his last arithmetic test. The tendency to make the fundamental attribution error might lead his sixth-grade teacher to conclude that Freire did poorly because

dispositions or their situations

Fritz Heider's attribution theory suggests that we attribute others' behavior to either their


George is a store owner who charges Black customers more than Hispanic customers for the very same merchandise. George is most clearly engaging in

Individuals share a similar opinion

Group polarization is most likely to occur in a group in which

informational social influence

Halo was an avid believer in astrology until she saw a documentary demonstrating that it is a pseudoscience and heard her psychology professor refute the claims made by astrologers. This evidence persuaded her to adopt the views of her professor and the documentary. This change of views demonstrates the impact of

passionate love

Hannah and Deshaun are both pediatric surgeons and have just performed a particularly difficult operation on a young child. Afterward, they both feel a high level of physical arousal, which they interpret as physical attraction and romantic feelings for each other. Hannah and Deshaun are experiencing

Conformity tends to be higher in collectivist cultures than in individualist cultures

If a cross-cultural researcher investigates conformity in both collectivist cultures and individualist cultures, she is generally likely to find

the mere exposure effect

If participants in a voter preference study favored the presidential candidate whose face blended some of their own facial features with those of the candidate, this would illustrate the impact of

higher air temperatures

In Major League Baseball games, the probability of batters being hit by a pitched ball increases with

The "learner" was placed in a different room from the "teacher"

In Milgram's obedience experiments, "teachers" were most likely to deliver high levels shock when

Role-playing aggression

In contrast to watching violence on television, participating in violent video games involves

ingroup bias

In the United States, during the late 1980's, most Democrats wrongly believed that inflation had risen under Republican president Ronald Reagan. In 2010, most Republicans wrongly believed that taxed had increased under Democratic president Barack Obama. These incorrect beliefs best illustrate the impact of

Carla's car won't start and partially blocks the exit drive as her fellow employees are walking to their own cars

In which of the following scenarios is the person most likely to be helped by other people

influence resulting from the acceptance of others' opinions about reality

Informational social influence is defined as


John is a secret White supremacist. Although he would never make a racial slur to someone's face for fear of repercussions, he has no problem making such comments on the internet. This demonstrates

role playing on attitudes

Johnathan, as a new police officer, believed that his job was to help people in the community. His partner, who is an experienced officer, told Johnathan that being a good officer involved looking for any reason to arrest and detain others. Johnathan now spends his day trying to arrest as many people as possible. Based on research on attitude change, Johnathan's change in attitude about his job illustrates the impact of

The availability heuristic

Judith tends to become uneasy when she learns someone is a Muslim. She fears that the person is a terrorist and that a terrorist attack may soon happen. Her fear may be related to the daily news reports of terrorist attacks. This illustrates

normative social influence

Luella publicly agrees with her seventh-grade classmates that parents should allow 12-year-olds to date. Later that day, she writes in her diary that she actually believes parents should prohibit kids from dating until they are at least 15 years old. Luella's public conformity to her classmates' opinion best illustrates the power of

Have difficulty making favorable impression on potential employers

Makato, a 21-year-old college junior, is physically unattractive. Compared with good-looking students, Makato is more likely to

a conflict

Malik wants to put up a fence between his yard and his neighbor's. But, the two disagree about the boundary separating their two yards. This disagreement illustrates

speed dating

Manny attended a matchmaking gathering in which he met several women one at a time for 3 to 8 minutes. Manny was participating in

an online dating service

Melissa is almost 25 years old and is single. If she is like many her age, she may try ________ to find a romantic partner.

an attitude

Mia feels that fast-food restaurants are an unhealthy source of food and has protested against the building of a new restaurant in her neighborhood. Mia's feeling about fast-food restaurants is an example of

Scapegoat theory

Montel, a White university student, is on academic probation for poor grades. Ever since he received notice of his probation, Montel has become increasingly hostile toward racial minority students and staff on campus. His increasing hostility can best be explained in terms of

Personality traits

Observing yourself on a video replay is most likely to increase your tendency to attribute your behavior to

Make poor decisions in order to achieve consensus

One of the dangers of groupthink is the group's tendency to

be assigned to their minority identity

Our selective attention is drawn to distinctive features of a less-familiar minority. Therefore, a person who does not fit easily into our racial categories will

a win-win solution

Pablo and Sabina argued bitterly about which of them should have use of the family car that night. Neither realized, however, that Sabina needed the car only in the early evening and that Pablo needed it only in the late evening. Pablo and Sabina's failure to resolve their argument for their mutual benefit illustrates a failure to develop


People are most inclined to like those who are nearby. This most clearly illustrates the association between ___ and interpersonal attraction

cultural diversity

People are most likely to notice the impact of environmental influences on behavior when confronted by

social loafing

People sometimes feel less personally accountable and less concerned about what others think of them when acting as part of a group. This most clearly contributes to

similar to; different from

People tend to perceive the members of an outgroup as ________ one another and the members of an ingroup as ________ one another.

the just-world phenomenon

People who blame victims of cancer for their medical misfortune best illustrate

engage in aggression

People who have low MAOA gene expression have been identified as those who are most likely to

the mere exposure effect

People's preference for mirror-image photographs of themselves illustrates the impact of

political conservatives; political liberals

Poverty and unemployment are likely to be explained in terms of personal dispositions by ________ and in terms of situational influences by ________.

social inequalities

Prejudice is most likely to develop as a way of justifying

increase self-awareness

Professor Janis was hired to help the campus police avoid riots after football game losses. He knows these riots are caused by situations that foster deindividuation. To help counteract deindividuation, the authorities should


Professor Szumski conducts research designed to identify persuasion strategies that promote lasting changes in attitudes. Professor Szumski is most likely a ________ psychologist.

increase men's readiness to behave aggressively toward women and to be more accepting of short prison sentences for convicted rapists

Repeated exposure to sexually explicit films causes viewers to

better appreciated the situation

Researchers filmed two people as they interacted. Then they showed each person a replay of their interaction--filmed from the other person's perspective. This reversed the participant's attributions of the behaviors. Seeing the world from the actor's perspective, the observers

Jim, who has a good job, exercises frequently, and is attractive

Samantha has met several men through speed dating. She is most likely to accept requests for dates from


Sean believes that all college athletes are egotistical and self-centered, and have an entitlement mentality. These negative feelings are reflected in his refusal to support or watch any college athletic events. Sean's attitude toward college athletes illustrates

A dispositional attribution

Shawna, who notices that her sister volunteers in many charitable organizations, believes that her sister is a very caring, giving person. Shawna's explanation of her sister's behavior is an example of

the human gene pool

Since 1960, most Western cultures have changed with remarkable speed. The LEAST likely explanation for these variations involves changes in

be perceived as more socially skilled

Svetlana, a 20-year-old undergraduate, is beautiful. Research suggests that she is likely to ___ than less-attractive women

Positively; negatively

Testosterone levels are ___ correlated with aggression and ___ correlated with tolerance for frustration

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